Unit 14 The Coming Age of Talking Computers By Elton John


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Unit 14Unit 14

The Coming Age of Talking The Coming Age of Talking ComputersComputers

By Elton John By Elton John

1.Voice-in/ voice-out -- the talking computer, we can talk to and 1.Voice-in/ voice-out -- the talking computer, we can talk to and

also can talk back also can talk back

2.perspective– pointview2.perspective– pointview

3.self- destruct– destroy oneself3.self- destruct– destroy oneself

4.line12 “that written language has hit its limits and is4.line12 “that written language has hit its limits and is failing us”– written language has reached its destinationfailing us”– written language has reached its destination and can not meet our needs any moreand can not meet our needs any more

5.literate—can write and read5.literate—can write and read illiterate – can’t write and read illiterate – can’t write and read

6.retriving information– searching information6.retriving information– searching information

7.line23 “the growing feelings of…… and evolutionary 7.line23 “the growing feelings of…… and evolutionary change” ------- As time goes on, school children and change” ------- As time goes on, school children and people of all ages show a strong desire to be free from people of all ages show a strong desire to be free from writing and reading. We can sense these feelings from writing and reading. We can sense these feelings from people’s everyday actions. These feelings are results people’s everyday actions. These feelings are results of a deep change in terms of history, society, of a deep change in terms of history, society, technology and evolution. technology and evolution.

8. nothing less than --- just the same as/ exactly 8. nothing less than --- just the same as/ exactly

9. line45“ With written language about …… a transitory 9. line45“ With written language about …… a transitory technology.” --- As written language is going to be technology.” --- As written language is going to be dead, its “replacement” spoken language will soon be dead, its “replacement” spoken language will soon be made wider use, it is important for us to have a clear made wider use, it is important for us to have a clear idea that written language is just a technology which idea that written language is just a technology which only exists for some time.only exists for some time.

AnswersAnswersⅠ. ADBAC

Ⅲ. A. access abandoned hit their limits instinctive transcends

undertake witness evolution nothing less than replaced

B. Remarkable transitory tedious universal alienated eternal

vital are symptomatic of efficient evolutionary

C. 1.by 2.in 3.to 4.on 5.as 6.up with 7.as 8.to/back 9.for 10.at

Ⅳ. Translation

C. 1.Internet now helps people have an easier access to all kinds

of information.

2. Once the talking computers appear, written language will

face the risk of being replaced by it.

3. It is nothing less than nonsense.

4. We should have completed that project at the end of last


5. Humans should always transcend their limits.

6. In the terrible age of famine, I lacked for bread but never

for time.

7. It is useful occasionally to look at the past to gain a

perspective on the present.

8.The lawyer undertook the case without a fee.

9. This old auditorium has witness many ceremonies.

10. You should always perform what you promise.

Unit 15Unit 15

Mind GamesMind Games

1.Chariot:1.Chariot: 战车战车2.neuroecnomics:2.neuroecnomics: 神经经济学神经经济学3.functional magnetic-resonance imaging –3.functional magnetic-resonance imaging – 核磁共振成像技核磁共振成像技

术术4.compute;v,4.compute;v, 计算计算5.line17-Whether people will invest in shares……in each 5.line17-Whether people will invest in shares……in each

case.– When people decide whether to invest in shares case.– When people decide whether to invest in shares or buy insurance, they will try to know as much as or buy insurance, they will try to know as much as possible about how probably the future events will occur possible about how probably the future events will occur by measuring the gains and losses in each case.by measuring the gains and losses in each case.

6.well-being6.well-being : 福利: 福利

7.discount rates7.discount rates :贴现率:贴现率 8.prefrontal cortex-8.prefrontal cortex- 大脑前额叶皮层大脑前额叶皮层 9.limbic system-9.limbic system- 大脑边缘系统大脑边缘系统



Ⅲ Ⅲ. A. triggered anticipate indifferent identify compensate . A. triggered anticipate indifferent identify compensate

performed plunged assume invest estimateperformed plunged assume invest estimate

B. Obsession Investment insightful function collaborateB. Obsession Investment insightful function collaborate

probable consume indifference identification strategyprobable consume indifference identification strategy

C. 1.to 2.on 3.in 4.in 5.on 6.to 7.to 8.in 9.with 10.againstC. 1.to 2.on 3.in 4.in 5.on 6.to 7.to 8.in 9.with 10.against

ⅣⅣ. Translation . Translation

B. 1.They assumed that prices would rise .B. 1.They assumed that prices would rise .

2. The shopping-centre sells a variety of goods. .2. The shopping-centre sells a variety of goods. .

3. They could roughly estimate the size of the crowd. 3. They could roughly estimate the size of the crowd.

4. There’s not much prospect of Mr. Smith’s being elected as 4. There’s not much prospect of Mr. Smith’s being elected as

Congressman . Congressman .

5. Nothing can compensate for the loss of one’s health.5. Nothing can compensate for the loss of one’s health.

6. I identified the jacket at once; it was my brother’s. 6. I identified the jacket at once; it was my brother’s.

7. The petrol consumption of the big car is very high. 7. The petrol consumption of the big car is very high.

8. The official carried out the mission successfully. 8. The official carried out the mission successfully.

9. We anticipate hearing from you again.9. We anticipate hearing from you again.

10. The students were allowed up to two hours to finish the test.10. The students were allowed up to two hours to finish the test.

TranslationTranslation (( Chinese to Chinese to English)English)

中山大厦由一幢中山大厦由一幢 2828 层楼,两幢层楼,两幢 1212 层楼和层楼和地下停车场组成。高层远眺海景,帆影,地下停车场组成。高层远眺海景,帆影,大桥尽收眼底;大厦配有电梯,适合现代大桥尽收眼底;大厦配有电梯,适合现代人对居住环境高绿化,低密度的要求,楼人对居住环境高绿化,低密度的要求,楼层高低错落有致,间距合理,空旷舒展,层高低错落有致,间距合理,空旷舒展,绿化面积达绿化面积达 50%50% ,内设露天儿童活动中心,,内设露天儿童活动中心,室内住户俱乐部和游泳池。室内住户俱乐部和游泳池。

Zhongshan mansion/tower/building consists Zhongshan mansion/tower/building consists of one 28-story-building, two 12-buildings of one 28-story-building, two 12-buildings and an underground parking lot. Residents and an underground parking lot. Residents on the higher floors can enjoy the sea, sails on the higher floors can enjoy the sea, sails and bridges. The building are all equipped and bridges. The building are all equipped with elevators and meet the modern needs of with elevators and meet the modern needs of living in a environment with high greening living in a environment with high greening and low density. The buildings are designed and low density. The buildings are designed with various heights and at a reasonable with various heights and at a reasonable distance between each other. The spacious distance between each other. The spacious estate is 50% greened with an outdoor estate is 50% greened with an outdoor children activity centre, an indoor resident children activity centre, an indoor resident club and a swimming pool. club and a swimming pool.
