Unit 3 Words Bell ringer: Pick up a bell ringer off of the chalk desk. You may not use your books!...


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Unit 3 WordsBell ringer:

Pick up a bell ringer off of the chalk desk.

You may not use your books!

It’s a test of what you already know

Ambi – “on both sides” “around” Ambiguous – unclear in meaning

Ambient – existing on all sides

Ambivalent – wavering between choices/options

Ambit – range/limit covered by something (law)

Having the quality of

Epi – “on, over” “attached to” E p i l o g u e – the final section after main part “all was well”


E p i p h y t e – plant, gains nutrients from air/rain, grows on another plant◦ plant

E p i t a p h – grave inscription◦ tomb

E p i t h e t – descriptive word/phrase attached to or about somebody’s name

S t a r C r o s s e d L o v e r s

o r G r e a t a n d M i g h t y Z e u s

Hyp/Hypo – “below, under” Hypo*chondr*iac -- person overly concerned with health

◦ cartilage

Hypo*glyc*emia – abnormal decrease in blood sugar◦ sweet

Hypo*therm*ia – subnormal temperature of body◦ Temperature/warm

Hypo*thet*ical – assumptions made for the sake of argument/further studyFoundation/base

Therm/Thermo – “warm” Therm*al – caused by heat

Thermo*dynam*ics – Physics that deals with mechanical actions/relations to heat◦ Power

Thermo*nuclear – of/relating to changes in nucleus of atoms, require high temps◦ Adj of nucleus

British thermal unit – quantity of heat required to raise temp of one pound of water one degree F

Poly – “many” Poly*p – sea invertebrate OR a growth on a mucous membrane

Poly*glot – one who can speak/write several languages◦ language

Poly*mer – chemical compound formed by a reaction of molecules forming larger ones◦ part

Poly*graph – instrument for recording changes in several bodily functions (lie detector)◦ To write

Prim – “first” Prim*al – basic/primitive

Prim*er – small book for teaching children to read/introductory book

Prim*ate – member of group of animals including humans, apes, monkeys

Prim*ord*ial – first created/developed, exiting from the very beginning◦ order

Hom/Homo – “same, similar”**Note: not meaning person

Homo*nym – words pronounced and/or spelled same, but different meaning

Homo*gene*ous – of same/similar kind; of uniform structure throughout◦ Kind, race

Homo*log*ous – developing from same/similar part of ancestorrelation

Homo*genize – treat milk so fat is mixed; change something so parts are similar/same

◦ Derives from homogeneous, turned to verb form

Dis – “apart” Dis*suade – to convince someone not to do something

Dis*orient – to cause to be confused or lostTo rise

Dis*credit – to cause someone to seem dishonest; to damage reputation


Dis*lodge – to force out of place◦ Place to stay

Latin Borrowings Ad hoc – formed for a particular purpose or immediate needs◦ Latin: “for this”

Ad hominem– marked by an attack on an oppnonent’s character◦ Latin: “to the man” therefore “against the other person”

Alter ego – a trusted friend OR opposite side of personality◦ Latin: “second I” Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde

Latin Borrowings De facto – being such in practice or effect, although not formally recognized

◦ Latin: “from the fact”

Quid pro quo – something given or received for something else◦ Latin: “something for something”

Ex post facto – done, made, or formulated after the fact◦ “from a thing done afterward”

Modus operandi – a usual way of doing something◦ “method of operating”

Modus vivendi – a practical compromise or arrangement that is acceptable; a way of life◦ “manner of living”

Note Cards Don’t forget to dissect the word and provide the meaning for each part + Part of Speech

Definition + example/image on back


Online Etymology Dictionary – for looking up parts

Book Index – other roots in later chapters to look up