Unit 8 Our clothes Topic 1 What a nice coat! Section A 广东肇庆中学 初二年级 梁贤波


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Unit 8Our clothes

Topic 1What a nice coat!

Section A

广东肇庆中学 初二年级 梁贤波

fashion 时装,时尚

It is like the end of the world.

GUESSING GAME guess what the picture is

hat 帽子


cotton n. 棉花、棉布








dress 连衣裙



scarf 围巾

The scarf is

So beautiful that I want to buy one.

shirt 衬衫

shorts 短裤



overcoat 长大衣



blouse (女式)短上衣,宽罩衫



skirt 短裙

cap 便帽



Chinese Tang costume 唐装

silk n. 丝、丝绸It feels soft and smooth

Read the new words and expressions

1 costume n. 服装,戏服

2 cotton n. 棉布制的,棉花,棉布

3 silk n. (蚕)丝,丝织品

4 fashion n. 时装,时尚,流行样式

5 blouse n. (女式)短上衣,宽罩衫

6 scarf n. 围巾,领巾

7 jeans n. 牛仔裤

8 overcoat n. 长大衣

9 handbag n. 女用皮包,手提包

10 sportswear n. 运动服装,便服

11 hat n. 帽子(一般指有边的);礼帽

12 saleswoman n. (商店的)女售货员,女店员

13 sock n. 短袜

14.so… that… 太 / 如此……以至于……

1. When will they have a class fashion show?

2.What will they do after talking?

Listen to 1a and answer the questions

1. When will they have a class fashion show?

2.What will they do after talking?

Listen to 1a and answer the questions

They will go shopping.

They will have a fashion show next Monday.

1. Who bought the Chinese Tang costume for Maria?

2.Is it a cotton one?

3.What does Jane want to buy?

4. Why does Jane want to buy some new coats?

Her father.Her father.

No, it’s a silk one.No, it’s a silk one.

Some new coats.Some new coats.Because her old coats are so short.

Because her old coats are so short.

Read it aloud and answer

Jane: Hi, Maria. You look great today. What a nice coat!

Maria: Thank you. My father says that it’s a Chinese Tang costume.

It feels quite soft and smooth. I liked it so much that my father

bought it for me.

Jane: Is it a cotton one ?Maria: No, it’s a silk one.

Jane: My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.

And you know we will have a class fashion show next Monday.

Maria: Well, do you have time tomorrow? Let’s go shopping together.

Jane: Good idea! Could we meet at the school gate at 8 a.m?

Maria: All right. See you tomorrow.

How nice the coat is!


有时间、有空 =be free=Will you be free tomor

row?=are you free tomorrow?

语言点 :

1. My old coats are so short that I want

to buy some new ones.

我的旧外套太小了,我想买些新的。 so…that… 意为:“如此……以至

于……”。 that 引导的是结果状语从句,其结构是“ so+ 形容词 / 副词 +t

hat 从句”。

1.so+ 形容词 / 副词原级 +that + 句子 表示如此…以致于… (that 引导句子中常用 can/could)

Eg : 这本书如此便宜以致于我能买它。



The book is so cheap that I can buy it.

The questions are so easy that they can answer them.

Last term she studied so hard that she could pass the exam.

语言点 :• 他跑得太快了,我们跟不上。• He ran so fast that we couldn’t follow


2. “so…that… ” 可以用 “ too…to… ” 结构来替换.如:

The rain is so heavy that we can’t see anything clearly Outside.

=The rain is too heavy( for us) to see anything clearly Outside.

雨太大了,我们看不清外面的任何东西.3.“so…that… ” 可以用 “… enough to… ” 结构来

替换.如:The little boy runs so fast that he can catch the

early bus.=The little boy runs fast enough to catch the ear

ly bus.那个小男孩跑得如此快以至于他能赶上早班公交车。

• The box is so heavy that the boy can’t carry it.

• =The box is too heavy for the boy to carry.

• =The box is not light enough for the boy to carry.

• The car The car is so expensive that I can’t buy it.

• =The car is too expensive for me to buy.

• =The car is not cheap enough for me to buy.

1b. Work alone P77Fill in the blanks according to the pictures with “so … that”.

1. Maria’s coat is __ ____ ____ she likes it very much.

so that



2. The cotton blouse is ___ ________ ____ the girl can’t afford it.


¥ 5000

¥ 5000


3. The boy is __ _____ ____ he can’t reach the apples.

so short that

1. Maria’s coat is so nice that she likes it very much.

2. The cotton blouse is so expensive that the girl can’t afford it.

3. The boy is so short that he can’t reach the apples.

Brain storm Make sentences with the sentence

pattern “so…that…”.

Make sentences with “so…that…”



Make sentences with “so…that…”



Make sentences with “so…that…”





Make sentences with “so…that…”

2 work alone listen and number the pictures.


3 pair work Father’s Day is coming. What would you

like to buy for him? Look at the pictures and make conversations after the example.

People Clothes Which


father shirt ?

mother shoes ?

sister handbag


You: Excuse me, could you tell me where to buy …?

Saleswoman: Sure! You can go to the … floor.

You: Thanks. And what about…

Saleswoman: They’re in the … on the … floor.You : Thank you.

Saleswoman: That’s all right.

1. Learn the names of clothes.

2. Learn the structure “so… that…”

Sum up

把下面的两个简单句合并成一个复合句。1.The foreigner spoke very fast. I couldn’t follow him. 2.He is very old. He can’t ride a horse.

3.The tea is hot. You can’t drink it now.

4.The box is heavy. I can’t carry it.

5. He was very frightened. He couldn’t say a word.

6.You got up late. You couldn’t see the sunrise.

The foreigner spoke so fast that I couldn’t follow him.

He is so old that he can’t ride a horse.

The tea is so hot that you can’t drink it now.

The box is so heavy that I can’t carry it.

He was so frightened that he couldn’t say a word.

You got up so late that you couldn’t see the sunrise.

1.____nice the coat is!

A How B What C What a D How a

2.The silk feels _____.

A hard B soft C softly D sweet

3.The cotton jacket is _____long for me to wear. A so B such C too D very

4.Could you tell me how I can get to the railway station. (同义句) Could you tell me ____ ____get to the railway station.

5.The book is very difficult. The boy can’t read it.( 用 so.. that.. 合并成一句 )




how to

The book is so difficult that the boy can’t read it.


1.Work book U8T1SA.

2.Dictation the new words in U8T1SA.
