Unit Ten Festivals and Holidays. 哈尔滨学院 外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁...


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Unit Ten

Festivals and Holidays

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Special Days in China

1.New Year’s Day 2. The Spring Festival

s 3.The Lantern Festival 4. Women’s Day 5. Pure Brightness Day 6. Labor’s Day 7.Dragon Boat Festival

8. Children’s Day 9. Party’s Day 10. Army’s Day 11. Teacher’s Day 12. National Day 13. Double Ninth Festival.

14. Mid-Autumn Day

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Special Days in the West

1. Christmas Day 2. New Year’s Day 3. Valentine’s Day 4. Women’s Day 5. April Fool 6. May Day 7. Mother’s Day

8. Children’s Day 9. Father’s Day 10. Independence Day 11. Veteran’s Day 12. Halloween 13. All Saints’ Day 114. Thanksgiving Day

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Para1 Christmas

Christmas is a Christian festival celebrated in memory of the birth of Jesus Christ---Dec.25th.

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Para2 History

December 25 was not set in the West until about the middle of the 4th century and in the East until about a century later.

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Para3 Christmas—Holy Day& Holiday

For Chris’s birth brought a new spirit of joy into the world, and from the first story about the birth of Jesus Christ, man has added endless variations.

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Christmas Conventions

The English adapted many older folk festivals to their Christmas.

In the Middle Ages, English Christmases were times of great fun and good cheer and big and vast banquet.

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Para5 Yule log

Burning the Yule log was adapted to English custom from the ancient Scandinavian practice of kindling hug bonfires in honor of the winter solstice---the shortest day in the year.

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Yule log cake

Celtic and Teutonic tribes honored these plants as the symbols of eternal life.

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

The evergreen holly was worshipped as a promise of the sun’s return. Some say that Christ’s crown of thorns was made of holly.


哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Christmas wreath

Legend tells that the berries were once white, but when the crown was pressed upon Jesus’s brow, the drops of blood turned the berries bright red.

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Martin Luther

The origin of the Christmas tree was believed that Martin Luther began the custom in Germany.

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Christmas Father

The beloved image of Santa Claus as a fat, jolly, bearded old man derives from St. Nicholas, a fourth century Christmas bishop of Asia Minor, who was noted for his good works

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Washington Irving

American writer presented St. Nicholas as a laughing holiday figure.


哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Thomas Nast

The image of Santa in fur-trimmed dress that ultimately captured the imagination was drawn

By the cartoonist Thomas Nast in 1863.

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

Para8 Resurrection

When the Puritans came to power in England under Oliver Cromwell in 1642, Christmas celebrations were banned as evidences of anti-religious.

哈尔滨学院外语学院重点课程 主讲人:常 雁 徐晓丹

李人侠 郭明辉 孙 婕

