Unit Two. Teaching Objectives 1.Enlarge vocabulary 2.Talk about communication between parents and...


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Unit Two

Teaching Objectives

1. Enlarge vocabulary

2. Talk about communication between parents and children

3. Learn to read for Narration

4. Learn to write a paragraph of Time Sequence

Section A A Busy Weekday Morning

Section B Parent Talk

Section C Teenage Talk


Section A

A Busy Weekday Morning

Table of contents

Background Information

Warming-up Activities

Text Analysis

Vocabulary and Structure

Vocabulary Testing


Background Information (1)The Generation Gap is a common social

problem. As children approach adulthood, they often find that they feel differently from their parents on a number of issues. This difference is called the generation gap.

Some parents may worry about their children not following traditional ways; others may find that this difference is made even greater by a cultural gap. Children are learning new ways of doing things, and are growing up with new culture. They may find it even more difficult to accept their parents' views.

Background Information (2)

Generation gap refers to differences between two generations in their views on the world.

Some of the differences are as follows:1)The older generation emphasizes

devotion to society while the younger one thinks more about the realization of personal value.

Background Information (3)

2)The older generation sticks to its experience-based beliefs while the younger one clings to radical ideas.

3)The older generation believes young people are too young to see through things whereas the younger one thinks the elders’ ideas are too old to keep up with the flow of the times.

Background Information (4)

The ideal way of filling up the gap between your parents and you is to show enough respect for your parents when you exchange your feelings with them, and, meanwhile, to reason them into adjusting their fixed beliefs to more workable ideas on the topic concerned. To achieve this, however, you have a long way to cover. Anyway, cling to your struggle; I am sure you will find your home, full of both harmony and freedom, a place that your feet may leave but your heart will never.

Warming-up Activities(1)

Group discussion

Common complaints of families with teenagers

Warming-up Activities(2)

Parents about teens:My Kids…

Don’t help around the house.Don’t listen to my advice.have strange friend.dress badly and have ugly hairstyles.watch too much TV.don’t study enough.

Warming-up Activities (3)

Teens about parents:Nag about chores and homework.don’t like my friends.criticize my appearance.don’t respect my privacy.always tell me what to do.don’t listen to my opinions.

Warming-up Activities(4)

Talk about these questions.

Q: Have you ever heard parents or children make these complaints? Which ones?

Q: Have you ever had any complaints like these about family members?

Warming-up Activities(5)

Talk about these questions.

Q: What are some of the things you think the daughter and her parents might have different ideas about?

Q: How can the older and the younger generation have real communication with and understand each other?

Warming-up Activities(6)

Q: Have you ever had difficulty talking to your parents?

Q: What ideas do you have that are different from your parents?

Q: How can the older and the younger generations have real communication with and understand each other?

Warming-up Activities(7)

Q: What are some of the things you think the daughter and her parents might have different ideas about?

Q: How can the older and the younger generation have real communication with and understand each other?

Warming-up Activities(8)

Read the passage carefully and then try to answer the following questions.

Q: What woke up Sandy?

Q: What did the dialogue between Sandy and her father indicate?

A: Rock music from the alarm radio woke her up.

A: Different taste about the music.

Warming-up Activities(9)

Q: How did Sandy’s Dad describe the kind of music she was listening to?

Q: What did the daughter think of the music she was listening to?

A: It was horrible stuff. It was weird. It hurt both ears and brain. The musicians used offensive language.

A: She liked the music. It was her favorite group. It had powerful message.

Warming-up Activities(10)

Q: What did the dialogue between Sandy and her Mom indicate? Is the dialogue familiar to you? Did Sandy understand her mother? Could you give some examples to illustrate it?

A: Like all the other Moms in the world, Sandy’s mom cared a lot about her daughter’s life and schoolwork. But it seemed to us that Sandy couldn’t understand her mother. She thought her mother was bugging her.

Warming-up Activities(11)

Q: Why did Sandy’s mom ask Sandy to wash off the makeup? Do you think her mom did the right thing? Why?

A: Because she thought her daughter was still too young to wear that much make up.

Warming-up Activities(12)

Read the following statements. Are they true (T) or false (F) according to the text, Correct the false statements

1.Sandy was a little fond of rock music.

2. Steve Finch thought rock music had no message.

3. Even if Sandy stayed in the shower long, her dad or mom would not disturb her.

4. Sandy drank milk and ate a piece of toast while standing by the window.





Warming-up Activities(13)

5. Sandy's mother didn't want her to wear a nice blouse rather than an old T-shirt.

6. Sandy's mother felt somewhat annoyed to see her wear eye-liner.

7. Sandy had found that some girls at school wore make up.

8.Sandy seldom argued with her mother.





Warming-up Activities(14)

Fill in the following blanks with the correct information based on the text.

1. The radio clicked on and ____________ blasted forth.

2. Sandy sang along with the ___________ as she lay listening to her favorite music.

3. Sandy believes that rock music has a really powerful ________.

4. Sandy walked into the bathroom and turned on the __________.

rock music




Warming-up Activities(15)

5. Sandy didn't want her parents to ___________ her when she was taking a shower.

6. Sandy ate her breakfast while standing by the ___________.

7. While eating breakfast, Sandy asked her mother not to _____________ her.

8. Sandy liked to communicate with her ____________ who was at college.




older brother

Text Analysis (1)

The story “A Busy Weekday Morning” was centered upon the conflicts between Sandy and her parents over her favorite music, dresses, make-up and other minor things.

Text Analysis (2)

Narration through Dialogue (对话法 )

The narration of the busy weekday morning is done mainly in dialogue between Sandy and her parents, thus revealing vivid and direct conflicts between the parents and their daughter over music, ways of eating and dressing, teeth-brushing, makeup, and other minor things.

Refer to Parts I and III for details.

Text Analysis (3)

Paras. 1-4: The talk between Sandy and her father.

Paras. 5-7: Morning washing.

Paras. 8-25: The conversation between Sandy and her mother.

Para.26: The uncomfortable feeling of Sandy.

Vocabulary and Structure

You should memorize the following core vocabulary and useful structure.

stuff 东西;装满搭配: stuff…with../ 用…装;给…灌输

stuff…into 把…装入现在很多年轻人已养成这样的生活习惯:靠

垃圾食品裹腹,把脏衣物扔进洗衣机中。Many young people have developed such

living habits as stuffing themselves with junk food and stuffing the laundry into the washing machine, etc.

definitely 当然,无疑地 (1)

扩展: definite a.


The reason why he cannot definitely promise to help you is that he is not sure whether he is available at the very moment.

definitely 当然,无疑地 (2)


In some cases, there are no definite yes-or-no answers to some questions in class discussion, that is, the answers are open.

offensive 攻击性的;冒犯的 (1)

扩展: offend v. offence n.搭配: be offensive to sb. 冒犯某人 take offence 生气,不高兴

要牢记一点:如果想让别人理解你, 攻击性的语言和举止是不起作用的。

Keep it in your mind: offensive language and manner don’t work if you want to be understood better.

offensive 攻击性的;冒犯的 (2)

妇女不如男子这一观点大大触犯了妇女们。The belief that women are inferior to men

is highly offensive to women.


The fans took great offence at the rude way the football player behaved during the match, whom they admired so much.

disturb 打扰;使…烦恼 (1)

扩展: disturbance n. disturbed a. disturbing a.


It is good manners not to disturb others when they are occupied with their work.

disturb 打扰;使…烦恼 (2)


Flood, one of the most terrible disasters resulting from disturbing the balance of nature, has caused uncountable heavy losses.

disgust 厌恶 ; 使厌恶 (1)

扩展: disgusting a.搭配: be/feel disgusted at/ by/ with 对…厌恶的,讨厌… show/arouse/cause disgust at 对…厌恶


On the one hand, people tend to feel disgusted at the way marketers promote their products; on the other hand, they are on the lookout for bargains.

disgust 厌恶 ; 使厌恶 (2)


The audience showed their disgust at the unnatural performance of the actors by leaving the theatre.


People from one culture often think certain foods from some other cultures are disgusting.

annoy 使生气,使恼怒 (1)

扩展: annoyance n. annoyed a. annoying a.

搭配:annoy sb. by doing 做…使某人烦 be/feel annoyed at/ by sth. 生某事的气 be/feel annoyed with sb. 生某人的气

annoy 使生气,使恼怒 (2)

建筑工地的噪音一直打扰着楼里的居民。The constant noise from the

construction site keeps annoying the residents in the building.

守时者生迟到者的气是很正常的。It is quite normal for those who are

always punctual to feel annoyed with the late comers.

annoy 使生气,使恼怒 (3)

be annoyed 与 angry 的搭配形式相同,当表示“对某人感到生气”时,词组侯接 with sb. ,当表示“对某事感到烦恼或气愤”时,词组后接 “ at/about sth.”

c.f. bother: cause trouble to, worry disturb: break the quietness, calmness,

peace, or order of

annoy 使生气,使恼怒 (4)

她为自己竟忘记他的手机号码而感到气恼。She was annoyed with herself for forgetting

his mobile phone number.

那人总来闹着让我借钱给他。That person is always bothering me to lend

him money.

午睡时间,请勿打扰。Nap time. Please do not disturb.

pierce 穿洞;刺穿


Nowadays, it is trendy for girls as well as boys to have tattoos, pierced ears, noses and tongues.


Since her husband died, her heart has been pierced with grief.

feel 摸起来 (1)

felt: 在此是系动词,意为 seem, produce a certain sensation(摸起来,感觉)。此时, feel 后可接形容词或副词来修饰主语(句中主语为物而非人)。

这丝绸摸起来很光滑,手感很好。 The silk feels smooth and nice.这衣服质地很好,摸起来很柔软。 The clothes are of good quality and

feel quite soft.

feel 摸起来 (2)

英语中有类似用法的词还有:come, fall, grow, prove, go, turn, run


These methods have proved effective in English teaching.

feel 摸起来 (3)

因为担心母亲的病,父亲的头发一夜之间灰白了。 (turn)

Father’s hair turned gray overnight since he worried about mother’s illness.

听到女儿突然去世的消息,可怜的老太太疯了。 (go)

When she heard of her daughter’s sudden death, the poor old woman went mad.

along with 一道,一起 (L.2)

大宅,私车被看作是财富和地位的象征。 A big house, along with a private car is

considered to be the symbol of wealth and position.

turn off 关 (L.4)

外出度假时,别忘了关上水和煤气。 Don’t forget to turn off the water and gas

when you are out on vacation.

burst into匆匆进入;突然爆发 (L.4)

他得知他们没有按时完成任务时,勃然大怒。He burst into anger when he heard they

failed to accomplish their task on time. 

turn up 增大;出现 (L.10)

尽管生病,他还是出席了会议。He turned up at the meeting in spite of his



With a remote control at hand, we can turn on, turn off TV or turn down, turn up TV at will.

turn down 减小;拒绝 (L.12)

你能不能关小收音机?你差点吵醒孩子。Would you please turn down the radio?

You almost wake up the baby.

即便你的工作申请被拒绝,也别灰心。Don’t lose heart even if your job

application is turned down.

as well as 和,以及,还有 (L.13)


When it comes to language learning, one needs to develop reading ability as well as writing ability.

turn on 打开;吸引 (L.16)

她一进门就打开了灯。She turned on the light on entering the


有些人很难理解摇滚乐为何能吸引年轻人。Some people find it really difficult to

understand why rock can turn the youth on.

Vocabulary Testing (1)

1. I'm not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can't make a(n) ____ promise to help you.

A. exact B. defined

C. definite D. sure

2. ____ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.

A. Dislike B. Unlike

C. Alike D. Liking



Vocabulary Testing (2)

3. However, at times this balance in nature is ____, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.

A. troubled B. disturbed

C. confused D. puzzled

4. If you ____ yourself to the job in hand, you'll soon finish it.

A. request B. appeal

C. apply D. claim



Vocabulary Testing (3)

5. He was in such a hurry that he ____ some bread and milk and went to work.

A. ate B. drank

C. bit D. swallowed

6. The basic causes are unknown, although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been____.

A. identified B. guaranteed

C. notified D. conveyed



Vocabulary Testing (4)

7. Students often find ____ jobs during their summer vacations.

A. temporary B. permanent

C. lasting D. part

8. If you want to know the train schedule, please ____ at the booking office.

A. acquire B. inquire

C. request D. require



Vocabulary Testing (5)

9. I bought the cooking pot in the shop, and Mr. Steven did ____.

A. same B. likely

C. similar D. likewise

10. There is an urgent need for a ____ reform of our tax system.

A. radical B. moderate

C. nominal D. legitimate



Vocabulary Testing (6)

Complete each of the following sentences with a phrase from the box. Change the form if necessary.

put (….)aside put (...) away put(...)off

get down to get (...) in put(...)out

put up with get across get away

put (...) forward get through

Vocabulary Testing (7)

put (….)aside put (...) away put(...)off

get down to get (...) in put(...)out

put up with get across get away

put (...) forward get through

1. May I ______ your name ________as a possible chairman of the committee?

2. If it rains, the match must be ________.

3. He has a little money __________ and intends to take a holiday.

put forward

put off

put aside

Vocabulary Testing (8)

put (….)aside put (...) away put(...)off get down to get (...) in put(...)out put up with get across get away put (...) forward get through

4. _________ the books _________ neatly in the cupboard.

5. She ________ the light ________ and went to sleep.

6. That women has a lot to _________.

Put away

put out

put up with

Vocabulary Testing (9)

put (….)aside put (...) away put(...)off get down to get (...) in put(...)out put up with get across get away put (...) forward get through

7. The thief___________ with all our money.

8. Let's ____________ our business.

9. Did your speech ___________ to the crowd?

got away

get down to

get across

Vocabulary Testing (10)

put (….)aside put (...) away put(...)off get down to get (...) in put(...)out put up with get across get away put (...) forward get through

10. The farmers are _________ the crops _________.

11. He studied very hard to _______ himself__________ the final exam.

getting in



Development by Time Sequence (1)

In telling a story or recounting an event, the easiest and clearest way is to describe things in order of time: earlier things are mentioned before the later things, the first thing first and the last thing last. This method is also called chronological sequencing.

Development by Time Sequence (2)

Sample paragraph from the passage (para.5)

Sandy walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. At first, the water felt cold. It helped her wake up. Then, as the water got hotter, she thought, “ This shower feels great and in here I can be alone and sing. No one disturbs me in here. ” She grabbed the soap and washed thoroughly, including her hair.

Development by Time Sequence (3)

If she stayed in the shower too long, her mom or dad usually banged on the door to rush her so she grabbed a towel and dried off.

Development by Time Sequence (4)

Sample My heart gave a leap when I heard the

announcement that our train would soon at its destination – Beijing. Like other passengers, I began to collect my things and put my mug, towel, atlas, apples, and other things into my bag. To the tune of a beautiful song the train pulled into the station and gently stopped by a platform. I walked out the train and was carried forward by the stream of people into an underground passage and then into a big hall.

Development by Time Sequence (5)

As I stepped out of the station, I was dazzled by the bright autumn skies of Beijing. Though I had been on the train for more than thirty hours and spent an sleepless night, I didn't feel tried at all, and I believed my days in Beijing would be as sunny as the skies.

----- student

Development by Time Sequence (6)

Time Sequence1) before, prior to, after, when, while, until2) first, then, next, finally3) the first thing, the second thing, …, the

last thing.4) firstly, secondly, thirdly, …, finally

Could you think of some frequently-used time markers?

Development by Time Sequence (7)

Now write one paragraph with a series of actions organized according to the order of the sequence. Use time markers whenever possible.

When a freshman attends college, he or she may find there are a lot of ways to help a first-year student improve English. Here’s a list of the steps in “time order”. Write one paragraph using these steps.

Development by Time Sequence (8)

Write a paragraph based on the following detailed outline:

1) get up; eat breakfast

2) walk to the garden

3) take out English textbook; read the text aloud

4) rehearse some selected sentences or paragraphs

5) go to classroom for morning lectures

Development by Time Sequence (9)

Morning Reading I am used to doing morning reading

every day. After I get up, I will eat breakfast. Then I walk to the garden in the teaching quarters. Arriving there, I take out my English textbook and read the text aloud. After that I rehearse some selected sentences or paragraphs. Ten minutes before the bell rings, I go to my classroom for morning lectures. It’s my firm belief that this kind of morning practice helps me make constant progress.

Section B

Parent Talk

Table of Contents

Reading Comprehension

Vocabulary Study

Vocabulary Test

Reading Comprehension (1)

Q: Why does Jane say “different music appeals to different generations”?

A: Jane wants to help her husband get rid of his knots in the stomach.

Q: How is the generation gap bridged in Sandy’s family?

A: Parents had to keep the lines of communication with their daughter open and give her freedom to find her own identity.

Reading Comprehension (2)

Q: What is the biggest problem with Sandy in the view of her mother? Why?

A: The biggest problem with Sandy is makeup because she is expressing her identity.

Reading Comprehension (3)

Read the following statements. Are they true (T) or false (F) according to the text? Correct the false statements.

___ 1. Jane was actually reading the newspaper when her husband tried to talk to her.

____2. Jane seemed to understand why Sandy liked the so-called "awful music".

____3. Steve thought himself old-fashioned since he could not like the music as Sandy did.




Reading Comprehension (4)

_____4. Sandy wore makeup so carefully as not to be noticed by her mother.

_____5. Steve defied his parents when he grew his hair long.

_____6. Jane almost got expelled from school due to her tattoos.

_____7. Jane believed that each generation seemed to need to be different from others.





Reading Comprehension (5)

______8. What worried Steve most was the music that he believed had a negative influence on Sandy.

______9. Unlike her husband, Jane loves loud, weird music.

______10. Jane often worries Sandy may rebel and go too far.




Vocabulary Study

You should memorize the following core vocabulary and useful structure.

upset 不安的;使苦恼

别吃得太多,否则,你的胃会不舒服的。Don’t eat too much, or your stomach will

feel upset.


Being laid-off doesn’t upset him much . Instead, he decided to start over.

fashion 时尚;方式 (1)

扩展: fashionable a. 搭配:come into fashion 开始流行,时兴 be in fashion 正流行,时髦 be out of fashion过时 in…fashion 以…方式

fashion 时尚;方式 (2)

现在时兴通过手机发短信而非打电话。It is the fashion to send short messages via

mobile phones rather than make a call nowadays.


It is frustrating for those who always like to keep up with fashion but have no idea about what will come into fashion in the coming future.

appeal 吸引;呼吁,恳求 (1)

扩展: appealing a. 搭配:appeal to sb.吸引某人 appeal to sb. for sth./ to do sth.向某人请求某事

appeal to sth.诉诸…

appeal to law 诉诸法律appeal against/from a judgment 不服判决而上诉

appeal for charity 请求施舍

appeal 吸引;呼吁,恳求 (2)


The idea of studying abroad appeals to those who wish to make more achievements.


Scientists appeal to people to take effective measures to reduce the “greenhouse effect” so that the world’s temperature will remain steady.

rid 清除 (1)

搭配:rid sb./ oneself/ sth. of sth 使…摆脱…,

使…解除… get rid of清除;摆脱;驱赶,削除

你认为贫穷和无知可能在世界上绝迹吗?Do you think it is likely to rid the world of

poverty and ignorance?

rid 清除 (2)

一些大公司通过裁减冗员来摆脱财政危机。Some big companies rid themselves of

financial crises by laying off redundant staff.


Parents are expected to get rid of some old-fashioned ideas in order to bridge the generation gap between them and heir teenage children.

identify 认出;使等同于 (1)

扩展:identical a. 相同的,相等的 identification n.身份证明;辨认;认同 identity n.身份;本体

搭配:identify…with… / be identified with 把…


identify 认出;使等同于 (2)


It is easy to identify him in the crowd for his weird hairstyle.

众所周知,财富不等于健康。 It is well-known that wealth cannot be

identified with health.

negative 负面的;否定的 (1)

扩展:反义 positive a. 正面的,积极的,肯定的


One of the negative aspects of computers is that lots of students are addicted to computer games, thus neglecting their normal study.

negative 负面的;否定的 (2)


Just as one coin has two sides, sports may also have negative aspects or even do harm to those who do not plan their activities properly.

influence 影响 (1)

扩展: influential a. 搭配:have/ exert an influence on/ upon 对…有影响

under the influence of 受…的影响

influence 影响 (2)


How a child is educated now will definitely influence what he is going to be in the future.


Hollywood has a big influence on popular fashion styles in that the clothes worn in music videos, movies, and TV shows are seen by millions of people.

concern 关心;担心 (1)

扩展: concerned担心的;关心的 concerning关于

搭配:be concerned with 与…有关 be concerned for/ about担心 as far as… be concerned 就…而言

不要去管别人的事情,跟你无关。Don’t poke your nose into other’s

business; it is none of your concern/ no concern of yours.

concern 关心;担心 (2)


Parents are increasingly concerned about the erotic contents in children’s web sites.

就我而言,我非常赞成实行英语口试。 As far as I am concerned, I strongly

support the adoption of a spoken English test.

appointment 约会;任命 (1)

扩展: appoint v. appointed a. 任命的;指定的

搭配:appoint sb. to do sth.指定某人做某事 appoint sb. (to be/ as)+职位(职位前不加冠词)选某人当…

make an appointment with sb. 和某人约会

appointment 约会;任命 (2)


He is appointed to chairman of student union because he is able and responsible.

她学习中有几个问题,于是,她约了老师。She had several questions on her study,

thus, she made an appointment with the teacher.

mature 成熟的

扩展: maturity n. 经历过这么多艰难和不幸,她心理上成熟了。After experiencing so many hardships and

misfortunes, she matured psychologically.


Lots of fruits become mature earlier when new technology is applied to agriculture.

patience 耐心

扩展: patient a.耐心的;忍耐的 n. 病人搭配: have patience with sb. be patient with sb.如果店员对顾客没有耐心的话,他就不会有回头客。

It was unlikely to have regular customers if a shop assistant has no patience with them.

要求教师对每个学生都有耐心。It is required that teachers be patient with

each student.

knots in one’s stomach 不安 (L.4)

full of knots: full of puzzles 充满困惑,


a hard knot 难题the Gordian knot 难办的事the marriage knot 夫妻婚姻a true-lover’s knot 同心结knots in the mind 思想上的疙瘩to cut the knot 快刀斩乱麻

make one‘s blood boil 使(某人)生气(L.6) (1)


make one’s blood freeze: fill sb. With feelings of fear and horror 使充满害怕,恐怖的感觉

Make one’s blood run cold: fill sb. With fear and horror 使人感到恐惧

make one‘s blood boil 使(某人)生气(L.6) (2)

目睹学生考试作弊,她十分生气。 Seeing students cheating on tests

made her blood boil.


It makes my blood boil the way they experiment on innocent animals.

drop out (of)退出 (L.50) (1)


drop out of college/ drop out of politics/ drop out of competition/ drop out of the organization/drop out of the world(隐居)/ drop behind 落后 /drop by顺路拜访 /drop off 减少 / drop out 退出(比赛、俱乐部或学校等)

drop out (of)退出 (L.50) (2)

有些学生因课堂表现不佳而不得不退学。 Quite a few students have to drop out of

university as a result of poor class performance.


It is not wise of you to drop out even if you have suffered a lot of misfortunes in life.

talk over 商量 (L.53)

在买车之前,你最好能与妻子商量一下。You’d better talk it over with your wife

before you determine to buy a car.

他们聊起了大学时一起度过的日子。 They talked over the old days they spent

together when they were in college.

Vocabulary Test (1)

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrases.

in peace and quiet make one’s blood boil get rid of go too far drop out of talk over along with turn off reach for burst into bolt out turn on

Vocabulary Test (2)

in peace and quiet make one’s blood boil get rid of go too far drop out of talk over along with turn off reach for burst into bolt out turn on

1. __________ the letters there are answers written by people who are supposed to know how to solve such problems.

2. Remember to _________ the lights of your flat when you leave for work.

Along with

turn off

Vocabulary Test (3)

in peace and quiet make one’s blood boil get rid of go too far drop out of talk over along with turn off reach for burst into bolt out turn on

3. I __________ the room searching for my documents.

4. The boy __________ the ball.

5. The meeting was,________, badly attended

burst into

reached foras usual

Vocabulary Test (4)

in peace and quiet make one’s blood boil get rid of go too far drop out of talk over along with turn off reach for burst into bolt out turn on

6. I couldn’t stand the smell in the room, so I ___________ to the yard.

7. Sometimes we like to exchange the bustle of city life for ________________ of the countryside.

8. The way he treats his children_____________________.

bolted out

the peace and quiet

makes my blood boil

Vocabulary Test (5)

in peace and quiet make one’s blood boil get rid of go too far drop out of talk over along with turn off reach for burst into bolt out turn on

9. If you ___________ this race, you can’t join in the national races.

10. In order to ___________ of his bad habits, he changed his lifestyle.

drop out of

get rid of

Vocabulary Test (6)

Fill in the following blanks with some of the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

fashion anchor radical blouse stuff upset along offensive  luck defy mature rebel rhythm toast expel

Vocabulary Test (7)

fashion anchor radical blouse stuff upset along offensive  luck defy mature rebel rhythm toast expel

1.__________ with the letters there are answers written by people who are supposed to know how to solve such problems.

2. Now that the boy could earn his living, he would __________ his father’s strict rules.



Vocabulary Test (8)

fashion anchor radical blouse stuff upset along offensive  luck defy mature rebel rhythm toast expel

3. Mary said she couldn't dance to music without a good ___________.

4. His pocket was __________ with cards written in English which he used to remember words.



Vocabulary Test (9)

fashion anchor radical blouse stuff upset along offensive  luck defy mature rebel rhythm toast expel

5. There is an urgent need for a(n) ___________ reform of our tax system.

6. Using the perfumes of violet and rose formed _________ of the day.

7. This job calls for a man with a great deal of ____________.




Vocabulary Test (10)

fashion anchor radical blouse stuff upset along offensive  luck defy mature rebel rhythm toast expel

8. ___________ was with us and we won the football match easily.

9. Protesters ____________ the meeting by chanting and shouting.

10. The treasurer was __________ from the club for breaking the rules.




Section CTeenage Talk

Reading Comprehension (1)

Read the following statements carefully, and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.

____ Sandy doesn’t tell her parents that Autumn has to study on Saturdays because she doesn’t not want her parents to learn from this.


Reading Comprehension (2)

_____ Sandy shares many secrets with Autumn, but Autumn enjoys only the topic of her brother Bill.

_____ Bill doesn’t want to continue his study because he has failed one of his classes in the college.



Reading Comprehension (3)

Read the text first and then provide short answers to the following questions.

Q: From your point of view, how should Sandy help Bill?

A: If Bill doesn’t want to talk to his parents, Sandy may suggest that Bill seek for help from his tutors or other associated services provided by the college. Also, Sandy could let their parents know that Bill needs their help. It’s important to tell them what Bill’s real problems in the college are.

Reading Comprehension (4)

Q: Having read the conversation, do you think there is a generation gap between Sandy and her parents? Why?

A: Yes. Sandy’s parents cannot accept her makeup or her music. Sandy thinks her parents are very strict with them and require everything to be perfect; therefore, there isn’t a good communication channel between the two generations. Sandy prefers to share many secrets with her best friend rather than her parents.
