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Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo, 1 - 20126, Milan

Tel. +39 02 6448 1

Certified email address:


On a proposal from the Training and Student Services Area Manager

HAVING REGARD TO the Decree by the Ministry of Education, University and Research of 22nd October 2004 n° 270

containing “Amendments to regulations containing standards concerning the didactic autonomy of

universities, approved by Decree from the Minister of University and Scientific and Technological

Research n° 509 of 3rd November 1999”;

HAVING REGARD TO the Statutes of the University of Milano-Bicocca issued by Rectoral Decree n° 0010332 on 3rd

March 2015;

HAVING REGARD TO the Statutes of the University of Milano-Bicocca issued by Rectoral Decree n° 0040884/17 on 4th

July 2017;

HAVING REGARD TO the “Regulations for University Postgraduate Programmes and Graduate Training”, issued by

Rectoral Decree n° 3487/2021 on 3rd May 2021;

HAVING REGARD TO the approval of the Postgraduate Programmes by the relevant structures for the first semester of

the academic year 2021/2022;

HAVING REGARD TO the favourable opinion expressed by the Academic Senate on 03rd May 2021;

HAVING REGARD TO the resolution of approval by the Board of Directors dated 18 May 2021;

GIVEN THAT the proposing Manager attests to the legality and legitimacy of this measure;


For the reasons set out in the preamble, which are deemed to be reproduced here in full:

Item 1

Running the Postgraduate Programmes

The following Postgraduate Programmes shall be run at the University of Milano-Bicocca for the Academic year 2021-



● First level Postgraduate Programme in “Business Administration” ● First level Postgraduate Programme in “Data Management for Clinical Research” ● First level Postgraduate Programme in “Management of Public Services, Utilities and Mobility” ● First level Postgraduate Programme in “M3 - Marketing Management” ● First level Postgraduate Programme in “Management and Digital Transformation. Soft and Digital Skills for New

Business Models” ● First level Postgraduate Programme in “Management for the Development of Human Capital. Innovative

Mindset for Leading People”



● First level Postgraduate Programme in “MTSM - Tourism Strategy & Management” ● First level Postgraduate Programme in “Nudge and Public Policy: Behavioural Economics and Cognitive Sciences

in Organization, Communications and Public and Private Regulations” ● First Level Postgraduate Programme in “Sustainability in Law, Finance and Management SiLFiM” ● Second level Postgraduate Programme in “Executive Programme in Accounting and Tax Corporate Law” ● Second level Postgraduate Programme in “Epidemiological and Bio-statistical Methods for Clinical Research”


● First level Postgraduate Programme in “Implanting and Managing Central and Peripheral Vascular Access” ● First level Postgraduate Programme in “Management for Coordination Functions for Health Professionals” ● First level Postgraduate Programme in “Nursing Sciences for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care” ● Second level Postgraduate Programme in “Nutrition and Applied Dietetics - ADA” ● Second level Postgraduate Programme in “Laser-assisted Decontamination and Photo-bio-modulation in

Dentistry” ● Second level Postgraduate Programme in “Methods and Data Analysis in Biomedical Research (MEDAL in

Biomedical Research)” ● Second level Postgraduate Programme in “Research and Preclinical and Clinical Development of Drugs” ● Second level Postgraduate Programme in “Endovascular Techniques - MET”


● First level Postgraduate Programme in “Deviance, the Justice System and Social Services” ● First level Postgraduate Programme in “Good Educational Practices in Residential Care Centres for Children” ● First level Postgraduate Programme in “MaCSIS - Communication of Science and Sustainable Innovation” ● First level Postgraduate Programme in “Clinical Sexology”

Information regarding the number of places available, requirements for access, the dates and methods of admission

and enrolment, the fees to be paid and any subsidies, the period in which the courses are held and any other specific

indications for each individual postgraduate programme are contained in the forms attached to this decree

(hereinafter referred to as “attached forms” or “individual form”), of which they form an integral part.

All the information related to the educational objectives, the teaching organization, venues and didactic plans of

postgraduate programmes are available in the individual regulations, which can be found on the University website at

the following link

Item 2

General Admission Requirements

The admission requirements for each course are indicated in the attached forms.

Simultaneous enrolment in a Postgraduate Programme and in another course of study held at this or other

Universities is not permitted. In addition, holders of research grants awarded by this University are not allowed to

enrol in a Postgraduate Programme.

Applications for admission to Postgraduate Programmes (with the exception of those specifically aimed at graduates in

Medicine and Surgery or Dentistry or in the qualifying Health Professions) can be submitted also by undergraduates

who, in Italy, obtain a qualification required for access by the first graduation session following the start of teaching

activities and who, on the date of the selection procedures for admission, are only lacking the activities required for the

final examination.



In case of admission, such students will be able to register on condition of meeting the deadlines stated, and undertaking

to convey the award of the qualification that grants access in a timely manner through self-certification (notary deed)

to be sent to this address

If they do not obtain the qualification required for access to the postgraduate programme by the deadline stated above,

they will lose their student status and, therefore, will not be able to continue attending or obtain certification. There

will also be no refund of enrolment fees paid.

Undergraduates who are admitted on a conditional basis will be able to compete for any economic benefits, but they

will be able to take advantage of them only after they have completed their postgraduate programmes. Therefore, any

facilities to cover the partial or total first or second instalment will not constitute exemption from payment of the same,

but will be paid at the end of the course, after obtaining the qualification.

For postgraduate programmes aimed specifically for graduates in Medicine and Surgery or Dentistry or in the

qualifying Health Professions, the deadline for obtaining the required qualification shall be the date of the admission

application stated for each postgraduate programme on the attached forms (see Item 4).

Only for courses in the medical or health sector, which include clinical, diagnostic and/or instrumental activities on

patients in the training programme, only those who are in possession of a professional qualification may be admitted.

Item 3

Financial Benefits for Candidates with Disabilities under Art. 3 par. 1 of Law n° 104/92 or With Disabilities Equal to

or Greater than 66%

A total exemption from payment of enrolment fees is provided (except for a selection contribution of € 100.00 and the

reimbursement of stamp duty) for one or more candidates with disabilities, whose disability is recognised under Art. 3,

paragraph 1, of the Law of 5th February 1992, n. 104, or with a disability equal to or greater than 66%, who have passed

the selection procedures provided by the chosen postgraduate programme and are usefully placed in the admission list,

provided that the minimum number of students regularly paying the registration fee to the Postgraduate Programme is


Item 4

Submission of Applications for Admission

Applications for admission must be submitted starting from the day after the date of this Decree and mandatorily by

the deadline for applications for admission stated for each postgraduate programme on the attached forms.

Candidates must submit their application on-line at by selecting “log in to...Online Student


Candidates not yet registered in the system must first register their personal data and then access the system (login)

with their personal credentials.

Candidates who are already registered will have to log in directly using their personal credentials.

Candidates, after logging in, will have to select “admission” and choose the Postgraduate Programme that is of interest.



Where applicable, the approach (Students or Listeners) should be chosen.


It is compulsory to include a copy of an identity document and a passport photo in bitmap or jpeg digital format with

a resolution of at least 300x400 pixels. The passport photo must show only the face in the foreground and must be on

a light and/or uniform background; the face must be in a frontal view and not covered by hair or clothing such as dark

glasses or scarves; it will not be possible to accept panoramic photos taken from a distance, nor group photos or photos

in which other people are present, cut-outs, drawings, caricatures or passport photos that are too dark.


In the on-line procedure only the admission qualification required by the postgraduate programme of interest should

be entered, even if higher qualifications are held.


To complete the process, candidates with a qualification obtained in Italy must upload:

● A signed curriculum vitae and details of studies; ● any other qualifications (see also the attached forms).

At the end of the procedure candidates must print and pay the pre-filled PagoPA payment slip for the amount of €

100.00, by the deadline for admission applications indicated for each postgraduate programme in the attached forms,

on pain of exclusion from the selection process.

The pre-filled PagoPA slip can be printed directly from the Payments page in the Reserved Area of the Online Student

Registry. The procedure is entirely on-line, and no forms will be sent to your home.

Payments with PagoPA can be made using 3 methods:

1. By printing the payment slip, which can be paid at any payment service provider belonging to the PagoPA circuit (e.g. banks, newsagents, etc. N.B. not at the post office);

2. By paying on-line: using the appropriate link on your Online Student Registry profile you can access the on-line payment function that will show all the payment service providers in the PagoPA system (possible methods include debiting current accounts and paying by credit card);

3. For banks using the CBILL system, the interbank code or SIA code is: 1G192.

N.B.: payments made using the University Badge and the internet banking service linked to your Badge (Scrigno)

will be exempt from payment fees.


To complete the process, candidates with foreign qualifications will have to upload:

● A signed curriculum vitae and details of studies;



● A copy of the qualification (with relevant translation in Italian or English if the qualification is issued in a different language)1;

● Any other qualifications (DDV, DS, Cimea certificates, ToR, etc. - see also the attached forms). At the end of the procedure candidates must print and pay, according to the procedures explained in the previous

paragraph, a pre-filled PagoPA payment slip in the amount of € 100.00, by the deadline for applications for admission

stated for each postgraduate programme in the attached forms, on pain of exclusion from the selection process.

Only and exclusively payments from foreign current accounts can be made in one of the following ways:

- by Credit Card by accessing the site

Select the following fields:

Organisation UNIV. STUDI MILANO - BICOCCA Payment Reason Code: see indication on individual form Please complete the following fields:

Reason: Name, Surname, Admission to selection “Postgraduate Programme Title”

Amount: € 100.00

- by bank transfer to a bank account made out to: Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca – Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo, 1 – 20126 Milan, at:

Banca Popolare di Sondrio - Agency n° 29 Bicocca - Piazza della Trivulziana, 6 - 20126 Milan

IBAN IT87 K056 9601 6280 0000 0200 X71

SWIFT CODE (for transfers from abroad) POSOIT22XXX

Reason for Payment: Reason Code: 65; First and Last Name; Postgraduate Programme Title

In all cases of payment other than PagoPA, a receipt must be sent to the following email address

PLEASE NOTE: Non-European candidates, resident abroad, who must take part in admission tests for which physical

presence in Italy is required, must apply to the diplomatic-consular Representation for a short-stay visa for study

purposes; subsequently, upon presentation of documentation transmitted to the Representation by this University,

certifying that they have passed the selection tests, the Representation itself will issue the candidate with a new entry

visa for study/university purposes with validity related to that of the course, after taking the aforementioned tests and

returning to their own country.


After regularization by payment, candidates will be able to view and print the application form.

Listeners are not required to pay the amount of € 100.00 for admission to selection tests.

If necessary, it will be possible to print the pre-filled PagoPA slip again by reconnecting to the Online Student Registry.

The receipt for payment must be kept by the person concerned. The University Administration reserves the right to ask

for their presentation as proof of payment.

1 European students can present a self-certification document in Italian or English instead of copy diplomas.



PagoPA slips are personal and must be made out to the candidate.

If payment is to be made by third parties (e.g. companies, institutions, etc.) other than the applicant, they may request

the issue of a debit note by sending an e-mail to specifying their company name and VAT

number, in order to enable the issue of a PagoPA payment slip with the correct addressee, or they can directly provide

for a bank transfer to the bank account in the name of:

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca – Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo, 1 – 20126 Milan, at:

Banca Popolare di Sondrio - Agency n° 29 Bicocca - Piazza della Trivulziana, 6 - 20126 Milan

IBAN IT87 K056 9601 6280 0000 0200 X71

SWIFT CODE (for transfers from abroad) POSOIT22XXX

Reason for Payment: Reason Code: 65; Participant’s Name and Surname; Postgraduate Programme Title

In all cases of payment other than PagoPA, a receipt must be sent to the following email address

Failure to participate in the selection tests does not entitle anyone to a refund of fees paid.

In case of admission to the Postgraduate Programme, the amount paid will form an advance on the first instalment of

the enrolment fee.

In case of exclusion (failure to appear at the selection, non-admission or eligibility without repêchage), or failure to

complete registration, the fee paid will not be refunded.

Item 5

Support Services for Candidates with Disabilities (DIS) or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)

Candidates with disabilities (DIS) or with Specific Learning Disorders (DSA) may request the specific support defined by

current regulations, in order to take the selection tests, if any.

To this end, interested parties are required to formulate their request during the admission procedure and to attach

documentation attesting to their disability (civil invalidity or certificate of disability) or specific learning disorder to allow

the University to evaluate the request and organise the service accordingly.

The certificate of disability must be:

● either issued by INPS, under Law n° 118 of 30th March 1971 (civil invalidity)

● or issued by the territorial public health authority, under Law n° 104/92 as amended(disability certificate)

The diagnosis of DSA must:

● meet the criteria of the Consensus Conference (2011); ● report the condition codes, the explicit description of the DSA in question, and contain the information

necessary to understand its individual characteristics with indications of areas of strength and weakness; ● it must also have been issued by national health facilities or institutions or professionals accredited by the

Regions and not more than 3 years old if performed before the age of majority of the candidate (Art. 3 Law n° 170/2010 and subsequent State-Regions Agreement of 24/07/2012).



Failure to submit documentation on-line by the deadline specified in this call (see the attached forms) will not entitle

an applicant to use the requested media.

No later than the day before the examination date, candidates will receive an email from the University Service for

Students with Disabilities and DSA at the email address provided when registering for the selection, with confirmation

of the services run and all logistical and organizational information.

In the case of accompaniment and/or tutoring, the communication will also contain an indication of the place where to

meet with personnel in charge.

Users are required to communicate any cancellation of service(s) of accompaniment and/or tutoring by sending written

notice to this address

In case of admission to the course, in order to benefit from the services provided by the specific University Regulations,

it will be necessary (during the enrolment process) to make an appointment with the University Service for Students

with disabilities and DSA in order to assess any types of support available on the basis of possibilities and availability of

logistics / timing (these services are available from Monday to Friday, from 08.00 to 19:00).

Item 6

Selection for Admission

The publication of the selection date on the attached forms shall constitute notice for all purposes. No communication

shall be sent to any individual candidates.

In order to participate in the selection, where the evaluation of qualifications alone is not provided, candidates must

present a valid identity document, preferably the same one stated on the application form.

The selection committee shall be appointed by the Scientific Committee of the Postgraduate Programme.

For the evaluation of qualifications obtained abroad, the Selection Committee will declare their equivalence for the sole

purpose of admission to the Postgraduate Programme.

Item 7

Admission Ranking

Candidates shall be admitted to Postgraduate Programmes according to the order in the ranking list that will be

published on the dates stated on the attached forms, up to the number of available places.

In the event of a tie, younger persons shall be preferred.

Admission rankings will be available on the University website, on the page related to each postgraduate programme,

at the link

ATTENTION: the publication of the ranking list on the website shall be the only communication tool used.

No communication shall be sent to any individual candidates.



Item 8

Registration Procedures and Payment of Fees

Admitted candidates, both Students and Listeners, must register starting from the day of publication of the ranking list

and strictly within the deadline for registration indicated in the attached forms, as specified below.

a) Access the Online Student Registry and submit the on-line enrolment application by selecting “enrolment in courses with planned access”;

b) Make payment of the first instalment of the enrolment fee (or any reimbursement of expenses), the amount of which is stated on the individual form, using the pre-filled PagoPA slip which must be downloaded from the Online Student Registry attached to the enrolment receipt.

For methods of payment in Italy (PagoPA payment slip) or from abroad, and for cases of payment by third parties,

see Item 4.

c) Only in case of payment from abroad (by bank transfer or credit card), please send a copy or scan of the payment receipt to the following e-mail address;

d) For non-EU applicants only, please send a copy or scan of the copy of the valid visa/residence permit for registration to the following address

N.B.: Foreign candidates are invited to read the information available on the dedicated pages of the University

website (

N.B.B.: Any certification of disability under art. 3 par. 1 of Law 104/92/ or disability equal to or greater than 66% must

be uploaded when submitting the application form.


Candidates who have not completed their enrolment by the above deadline will lose their rights.

In this case another candidate will take over, according to the order of the ranking, who will be contacted by e-mail, at

the e-mail address communicated at the time of application.

Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

The enrolment fee includes the cost of issuing the original postgraduate programme diploma, stamp duty and insurance


In the case where the course is not held, any contributions already paid will be refunded, except for bank charges, in

accordance with the regulations in force at the University.

In case of withdrawal of a participant before the completion of 25% of the training activity, the next excluded participant can take over. Withdrawal does not entitle anyone to a refund of fees paid.

The due date for the second instalment for students is 28th February 2022.

Item 9




The attached forms indicate the possible availability of listener places. Deadlines for submitting the application form

and for the subsequent enrolment are stated on the individual forms and apply to all types of candidates (Students and

Listeners). The procedures are described in Items 4 and 8 of this call.

For listeners, no fee is required to register for the selection.

If the enrolment as listener does not provide for the payment of a specific fee, the reimbursement of stamp duty and

insurance costs will have to be paid using a special pre-filled PagoPA slip.

Listeners are not given any CFU (University Educational Credits) and, those who attend at least 75% of the activities

planned, have a certificate of attendance issued. Internship activities are not provided for listeners.

Listeners will be notified by e-mail on how to collect their certificate (by appointment) or by registered mail with return

receipt and will be required to collect the certificate within ninety days of receipt of the e-mail.

Item 10

Individual Modules

The attached forms state the possible availability of places for enrolment in individual courses, with the same

requirements necessary for access to the Postgraduate Programme.

Simultaneous enrolment in single courses and courses of study at this or another University is not permitted.

It is possible to enrol in individual courses for a maximum of 30 CFU in total.

Admission to individual courses does not require a selection procedure, except for checking the admission requirements

are held.

An application form for enrolment in individual courses (downloadable from the site must be sent to the email address starting from the day after the date of this Decree and strictly within the deadline stated

on the attached forms.

The application form must be accompanied by a copy of an identity document and a passport photo in jpeg or bitmap

format with a resolution of at least 300X400 pixels (the passport photo must show only the face in the foreground and

must be on a light and/or uniform background, the face must be in a frontal view and not covered by hair or clothing

such as dark glasses or scarves; it will not be possible to accept panoramic photos taken from a distance, nor group

photos or photos in which other people are present, cut-outs, drawings, caricatures or passport photos that are too


Applications for enrolment in individual courses will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis until all available

places have been filled.

Subsequently, a pre-filled PagoPA slip will be issued for payment of enrolment fees, including stamp duty and insurance

costs. Interested students will be notified so that they can print the payment slip directly from their personal page at

the Online Student Registry.

Applications for enrolment in individual courses will be considered regularised only after payment of the pre-filled

PagoPA slip, which must be made by the day before the start of the Postgraduate Programme.



Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Item 11

Compulsory Attendance, Internship and Award of the Degree

Attendance at the Postgraduate Programme classes is compulsory.

Internship activities provided under the Postgraduate Programme’s course plan are organised under the responsibility

of the Scientific Committee, by agreement with the host institutions and taking into account the interests of the


For students who are already employed, there is a possibility to perform Project Work within their employment context,

in order to actively experience the contents learned during the course. This activity shall be defined by agreement

between the Scientific Committee, the employer and the student.

With proof of attendance equal to or greater than 75% of the hours of activity for the postgraduate programme and

passing all the tests and the final examination, a minimum of 60 CFU (University Educational Credits) will be awarded,

corresponding to 1500 hours of total commitment (training activities provided by the curriculum for each course,

integrated with a commitment to be reserved for study and personal preparation) and the First- or Second-Level

Postgraduate Programme degree will be awarded.

Unless otherwise provided for in the case of a specific postgraduate programme, the diploma is normally sent to the

address of residence indicated by the student by the Training and Student Services Area within approximately 6 months

of obtaining the degree.

Item 12

University Web-mail, Multi-service Card, Diploma Request and Customer Satisfaction

At the end of enrolment procedures, each student shall be assigned, together with his/her registration number, an e-

mail address (University web-mail) which can be accessed with the same user name

and password used to access the on-line student registry. The University web-mail is the official communication tool

between students and the University.

Students who are not already in possession of one will be issued with a Banca Popolare di Sondrio Multi-service Card

(badge): information can be found at the following link


The University provides each student with a number of IT services (e.g. access to the WiFi network, eLearning platforms,

Online Student Registry, etc.): the relevant information can be found at the following link

Enrolled students, in order to access the final examination, will have to perform the application procedure for “Award

of Diploma” through the Online Student Registry. This procedure will require the mandatory completion of a

satisfaction questionnaire on the postgraduate programme attended. The AlmaLaurea Questionnaire is designed to

collect an evaluation of postgraduate programmes and allows you to take advantage of the services of the Job

Placement-AlmaLaurea Portal (insertion of CV with visibility for institutions / companies, consulting job offers and

extracurricular internships, and participation in events, etc..).



Item 13

Forfeiture of Benefits and Grounds for Exclusion

Under Art. 75 of Legislative Decree 445/2000, if the Administration discovers, based on appropriate checks, that

statements made by the candidate are untrue, he/she shall forfeit any benefits deriving from any measure issued based

on them.

The University Administration accepts no responsibility for the case of loss of communications, due to inaccurate

statements of residence and address on the part of the candidate, to lack of or late communication of the changes of

the same, nor for any postal or telegraphic misunderstandings not attributable to the fault of the Administration itself.

Item 14

Processing of Personal Data

The University undertakes to keep information provided by candidates confidential: all data will be processed in

accordance with Legislative Decree no. 196 of 2003 (Personal Data Protection Code) as amended and extended, in

addition to EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation or, more briefly, GDPR).

Detailed information can be found on the relevant page of the University website

Item 15

Person in Charge of Proceedings

In accordance with law no. 241 of 7th August 1990 as amended, the person responsible for the procedure is Mara

Bonaldo - Head of the Postgraduate Programme and Graduate Training Sector, Training and Student Services Area.

For information, interested parties can contact the Postgraduate Programme Office (e-



Prof. Giovanna Iannantuoni

Digitally signed in accordance with Art. 24 of Legislative

Decree 82/05

U.O.R.: Training and Student Services Area

Person in Charge of proceedings: Mara Bonaldo

File dealt with by the Postgraduate Programme and Graduate Training Sector

Instructional Contact: Davide Invernizzi

Decree reg. no. 4813/2021

Registered on 09/06/2021

File N° 0071127/21








Course Type First Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Proposing Body School of Economics and Statistics

Department of Business and Law Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Paola Saracino

The Scientific Committee Alessandro Capocchi - Department of Business and Law Silvio Modina - Department of Business and Law Roberta Provasi - Department of Business and Law Claudio Mariani - KPMG Maurizio Lonati - PWC

Organising Secretariat: Department of Business and Law - Prof. Paola Saracino - Building U7 3rd floor room 3037 Tel: 0264483162 Email for information Website:

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode Teaching activities, whilst taking place in the classroom, thanks to available technologies can also be accessed remotely in a synchronous and interactive way

Language of delivery English

Start date and Duration 26th November 2021 - duration 17 months Available places maximum number: 33 - minimum number: 10 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree

509/99 or University Diploma or single-cycle Masters Degree or equivalent. Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 5,500.00 (five thousand five hundred euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1. € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission; 2. € 2,650.00 upon registration; 3. € 2,750.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 15th October 2021 Selection Date: 26th October 2021, 2:30 pm

Location: School of Economics and Statistics - Building U7 - Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8 Terms: assessment of curriculum vitae and studies and motivational interview

Publication of Ranking List From 5th November 2021 Closing Date for Registration 12th November 2021 Listeners Available places: 2

Admission Requirements: Non-graduate workers with High School Diploma Selection: curriculum vitae and interview Registration fee: € 4,500.00

Individual Modules Available places: 5 Admission Requirements: the same as for the postgraduate programmes Registration fee: € 120.00 for each CFU envisaged for the course Application Deadline: 5th November 2021 (applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis)

Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)



Course Type First Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title DATA MANAGEMENT FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH Proposing Body School of Economics and Statistics

Department of Statistics & Quantitative Methods; Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Vincenzo Bagnardi

The Scientific Committee Giovanni Corrao - Department of Statistics & Quantitative Methods; Giorgio Vittadini - Department of Statistics & Quantitative Methods; Antonella Zambon - Department of Statistics & Quantitative Methods; Bianca Maria Francucci - Freelancer Luisa Merlini - Freelancer Miriam Mazzoleni - Exom group srl

Organising Secretariat: Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods - Building U7 - 2nd floor room 2069 Tel. 02/64485853 Email for information Website:

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 12th November 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 30 - minimum number: 10 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree

509/99 or three-year University Diploma or single-cycle Master’s Degree Preferred Requirements: - Knowledge of Microsoft Office; - Work experience in the field of clinical research; - Knowledge of the English language.

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 3,100.00 (three thousand one hundred euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1- € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2- € 1,450.00 upon registration; 3- € 1,550.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 1st October 2021 Selection Date: 12th October 2021, 09:00 am

Location: Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods - Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8 - Milan - Building U7 - second floor - Room 2062 Terms: motivational interview, evaluation of curriculum vitae and qualifications, knowledge of English language

Publication of Ranking List From 22nd October 2021 Closing Date for Registration 29th October 2021 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Not planned Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)



Course Type First Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES, UTILITIES AND MOBILITY Proposing Body School of Economics and Statistics

Department of Business and Law Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Auretta Benedetti

The Scientific Committee Ugo Arrigo – Department of Business and Law; Massimo Beccarello – Department of Business and Law; Cinzia Vallone - Department of Business and Law; Federico Bordogna - Former Deputy Director of the Municipality of Milan Giacomo di Foggia – researcher Department of Business and Law Cesare Vaciago - former CEO of Ferrovie dello Stato

Organising Secretariat: CESISP Centre Email for information Website:

Teaching methods blend/mixed mode

Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 8th November 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 16 - minimum number: 8 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree

509/99 or three-year University Diploma or single-cycle Master’s Degree Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 5,000.00 (five thousand euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1- € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2- € 2,400.00 upon registration; 3- € 2,500.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Economic Subsidies Possible partial scholarships, up to 16, are being defined based on the availability of funding from external entities. The criteria of assignment and the methods of disbursement will be decided by the Scientific Committee of the Postgraduate Programme.

Application Deadline 28th September 2021 Selection Date: 8th October 2021, 09.00 am

Location: Room 4066 - Di.SEA.DE - IV floor, Building U7 Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, Milan Terms: interview and evaluation of qualifications and curriculum vitae Assessable qualifications: University degree (up to a maximum of 10 points); certification of language skills (up to a maximum of 10 points)

Publication of Ranking List From 18th October 2021 Closing Date for Registration 25th October 2021 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Not planned Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)



Course Type First Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title M3-MARKETING MANAGEMENT Proposing Body School of Economics and Statistics

Department of Business and Law Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Angelo Di Gregorio

The Scientific Committee Claudio Chiacchierini - Department of Business and Law; Roberto Chierici – Department of Business and Law; Barbara Del Bosco – Department of Business and Law; Alice Mazzucchelli - Department of Business and Law; Cinzia Giglioni - “La Sapienza” University

Organising Secretariat: CRIET - Centre for Inter-university Research in Territorial Economics Email Tel. 0264483261 Course website

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode The mode of teaching will be according to changes in the pandemic crisis.

Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 29th November 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 24 - minimum number: 9 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree

509/99 or three-year university diploma or single-cycle master’s degree Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 6,500.00 (six thousand five hundred euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1. € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2. € 3,150.00 upon registration; 3. € 3,250.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 8th October 2021 Selection Date: 18 October 2021, 09.00 am

Location: Seminar room of the D.SEA.DE (room 3010T) - Building U7 - third floor - Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8 - Milan Terms: - Evaluation of qualifications and curriculum vitae and studies; - Written test aimed at testing basic marketing, Excel and English language skills; - Motivational interview.

Publication of Ranking List From 8th November 2021 Closing Date for Registration 15th November 2021 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Not planned Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)




NEW BUSINESS MODELS Proposing Body School of Economics and Statistics

Department of Business and Law Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Elisabetta Marafioti

The Scientific Committee Dario Cavenago – Department of Business and Law; Mattia Martini – Department of Business and Law;

Organising Secretariat: CRISP - Paolo Savino - building U7 room 2040 Tel: 0264482174 E-mail: Course website

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode The postgraduate programme is designed as a part-time training programme delivered in blended mode: in which periods of face-to-face teaching (off-line) alternate with activities performed on the digital platform (on-line) and devoted to design activities in collaboration with companies related to individual modules of the postgraduate programme. The work performed on the Slack digital platform allows for remote relationships (teachers, students and companies) exploiting the community element as a virtual laboratory.

Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 10th November 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 30 - minimum number: 15 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree

509/99 or three-year university diploma or single-cycle master’s degree. Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 4,900.00 (four thousand nine hundred euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1. € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2. € 2,350.00 upon registration; 3. € 2,450.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 7th July 2021 Selection Date: 15th July 2021, 02.00 pm

Location: University of Milano-Bicocca Building U7, via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, Milano Terms: CV evaluation, presentation video and interview Applicants must submit, together with the documents requested in the application form, a presentation video with a maximum duration of 3 minutes to be sent to

Publication of Ranking List From 23rd July 2021 Closing Date for Registration 2nd August 2021 Listeners Not planned If applications do not reach the maximum number of students expected, by the end of the first window of admissions, admissions to the Postgraduate Programme will be reopened from Thursday, 8th July with the following deadlines. Application Deadline 24th September 2021 Selection Date: 4th October 2021, 02.00 pm



Location: University of Milano-Bicocca Building U7, via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, Milano Terms: CV evaluation, presentation video and interview Applicants must submit, together with the documents requested in the application form, a presentation video with a maximum duration of 3 minutes to be sent to

Publication of Ranking List From 18th October 2021 Closing Date for Registration 27 October 2021 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Available places: 5

Admission Requirements: the same as for the postgraduate programme Registration fee: € 120.00 for each CFU envisaged for the course Application Deadline: 18th October 2021 (applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis)

Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)




LEADING PEOPLE Proposing Body School of Economics and Statistics

Department of Business and Law Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Dario Cavenago

The Scientific Committee Elisabetta Marafioti – Department of Business and Law; Mattia Martini - Department of Business and Law;

Organising Secretariat: CRISP - Paolo Savino - Building U7 room 2040 Tel. 02 64487487 E-mail: Site

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode

Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 3rd November 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 35 - minimum number: 15 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree

509/99 or three-year university diploma or single-cycle master’s degree. Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 4,900.00 (four thousand nine hundred euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1- € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2- € 2,350.00 upon registration; 3- € 2,450.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 6th July 2021 Selection Date: 14h July 2021, 10.00 am

Location: University of Milano-Bicocca Building U7, via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, Milano Terms: CV evaluation, presentation video and interview Applicants must submit, together with the documents requested in the application form, a presentation video with a maximum duration of 3 minutes to be sent to

Publication of Ranking List From 23rd July 2021 Closing Date for Registration 2nd August 2021 Listeners Not planned If applications do not reach the maximum number of students expected, by the end of the first window of admissions, admissions to the Postgraduate Programme will be reopened from Wednesday, 7 July according to the following deadlines. Application Deadline 22nd September 2021 Selection Date: 1st October 2021 10:00 am

Location: University of Milano-Bicocca Building U7, via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, Milan. Terms: CV evaluation, presentation video and interview Applicants must submit, together with the documents requested in the application form, a presentation video with a maximum duration of 3 minutes to be sent to

Publication of Ranking List From 12th October 2021



Closing Date for Registration 20th October 2021 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Available places: 5

Admission Requirements: the same as for the postgraduate programme Registration fee: € 120.00 for each CFU envisaged for the course Application Deadline: 12th October 2021 (applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis)

Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)



Course Type First Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title MTSM-TOURISM STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT Proposing Body School of Economics and Statistics

Department of Business and Law Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Barbara Del Bosco

The Scientific Committee Claudio Chiacchierini –Department of Business and Law; Roberto Chierici - Department of Business and Law; Angelo Di Gregorio – Department of Business and Law; Alice Mazzucchelli - Department of Business and Law; Gabriele Milani - F.T.O. - Organized Tourism Federation Francesco Sottosanti - Professional in the tourism sector

Organising Secretariat: CRIET - Centre for Inter-university Research in Territorial Economics Tel: 0264483261 Email for information Website:

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode The mode of delivery of the teaching activity will be according to changes in the pandemic crisis.

Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 30th November 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 20 - minimum number: 9 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree

509/99 or University Diploma or single-cycle Master’s Degree or equivalent.

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 5,000.00 (five thousand euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 4- € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 5- € 2,400.00 upon registration; 6- € 2,500.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 11th October 2021 Selection Date: 20th October 2021, 09.00 am

Location: Room 3010T - 3rd floor - Building U7, Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8 - Milan Terms: Evaluation of Curriculum Vitae and course of studies, evaluation of qualifications, and motivational interview

Publication of Ranking List From 9th November 2021 Closing Date for Registration 16th November 2021 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Not planned Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)





Department of Economics Management and Statistics Department of Psychology

Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Riccardo Viale - Laura Macchi

The Scientific Committee Luigi Ferrari - Department of Psychology Luca Matteo Stanca - Department of Economics Management and Statistics

Organising Secretariat: Office 3050 Department of Economics and Statistics Tel. 0264487529 - 3487834650 Email for information Website:

Teaching methods blend/mixed mode Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 30th October 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 30 - minimum number: 15 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree

509/99 or three-year university diploma or single-cycle master’s degree. A degree in psychology, economics, law and philosophy is an advantage.

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 3,500.00 (three thousand five hundred euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1. € 100.00 on submission of applications for admission: 2. € 1,650.00 upon registration; 3. € 1,750.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Economic Subsidies If funding is available from external bodies, scholarships may be provided

according to the procedures and criteria that will be decided by the Scientific

Committee of the Postgraduate Programme. Application Deadline 20th September 2021 Selection Date: 29 September 2021

Location: room 4057 Building U6 - Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1 - 20126, Milan. Terms: Evaluation of curriculum vitae and qualifications and interview

Publication of Ranking List From 8th October 2021 Closing Date for Registration 15th October 2021 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Available places: 5

Registration fee: € 100.00 for each CFU envisaged for the course Requirements: the same as for the postgraduate programme Application Deadline: 8th October 2021 (applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis)

Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)



Course Type First Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title SUSTAINABILITY IN LAW FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT - SILFIM Proposing Body School of Economics and Statistics

Department of Business and Law Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Federica Doni - Carla Gulotta

The Scientific Committee Andrea Amaduzzi – Department of Business and Law; Massimo Beccarello – Department of Business and Law; Auretta Benedetti – Department of Business and Law; Giancarlo Forte – Department of Business and Law; Tullio Scovazzi - Department of Law Giovanni Barone - Director AIAF (Italian Association of Financial Analysts) Filippo Bettini - Chief Sustainability and Governance Officer at Pirelli Ruggero Bodo - Sodalitas Foundation Roberto Mannozzi - Chairman, Central Director of Administration, Budget and Tax of the Italian FS Group Federica Russi - Mesa Value Innovations Fiorenza Sarotto - Marangoni Institute

Organising Secretariat: Email for information Website:

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode

Language of delivery Italian and/or English depending on the course Start date and Duration 29th October 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 30 - minimum number: 11 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree

509/99 or University Diploma or single-cycle Masters Degree or equivalent. Other mandatory requirements: - English Language Certification (Level B1)

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 4,000.00 (four thousand euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1. € 100.00 on submission of applications for admission: 2. € 1,900.00 upon registration; 3. € 2,000.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Economic Subsidies The postgraduate programme has obtained accreditation as “INPS EXECUTIVE POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME” The INPS EXECUTIVE Postgraduate Programme offers n. 3 scholarships amounting to € 4,000.00 each, to cover the total cost of enrolment in the programme, to benefit employees of the public administration in service, enrolled in the unitary management of credit and social benefits under Art. 1, par. 245 of Law 662/96 and under Ministerial Decree 45/2007. All indications for applying for the scholarship can be found in the notice published on the INPS website. PLEASE NOTE: Applicants for an INPS scholarship must send to the University, through the Online Student Registry procedure described in the announcement, an application form for admission to the Postgraduate Programme (the PagoPA payment slip automatically generated by the system does not have to be paid).



At the same time, they must apply for the scholarship by accessing the INPS institutional portal and following the instructions provided in the INPS notice. The two procedures (University and INPS) are independent of each other and failure to complete either will preclude the possibility of competing for the scholarship.

Application Deadline 20th September 2021 Selection Date: 27th September 2021, 11.00 am

Location: Department of Business and Law, Building U7, Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, Milan Terms: Evaluation of curriculum vitae and course of studies and interview including an assessment of knowledge of the English language (equivalent to level B1).

Publication of Ranking List From 8th October 2021 Closing Date for Registration 15th October 2021 Listeners Available places: 4

Admission Requirements: same requirements as for students Selection: CV evaluation and individual interview Registration fee: € 1,500.00

Individual Modules Available places: 6 Admission Requirements: same requirements as for students Registration fee: € 100.00 for each CFU envisaged for the course Application Deadline: 8th October 2021 (applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis)

Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)



Course Type Second Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title EXECUTIVE PROGRAMME IN ACCOUNTING AND TAX CORPORATE LAW Proposing Body School of Economics and Statistics

Department of Business and Law Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Andrea Amaduzzi

The Scientific Committee Alberto Gaffuri – Department of Business and Law; Alberto Nobolo – Department of Business and Law; Paola Saracino - Department of Business and Law; Stefano Grilli - Freelancer Matteo Ogliari - Freelancer

Organising Secretariat: Business Study Centre of the University of Milano-Bicocca Email for information Website:

Teaching methods blend/mixed mode

Language of delivery Italian and/or English depending on the course Start date and Duration 1st October 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 21 - minimum number: 2 Admission Requirements Masters Degree, Specialist Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to

Ministerial Decree 509/99. Mandatory Requirements: ● Knowledge of English level B2; Preferred Requirements: ● Work in medium/large-sized companies, professional firms, the Inland Revenue Agency and the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 10,000.00 (ten thousand euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1. € 100.00 on submission of applications for admission: 2. € 4,900.00 upon registration; 3. € 5,000.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): SECOND LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Economic Subsidies The Postgraduate Programme provides a total of 6 free places for employees of the Inland Revenue Agency, which will be identified directly by the institutions to which they belong, against at least 2 members paying full fee. It also provides for a discount of 20% on the registration fee, equal to € 2,000.00, to be allowed at the time of paying the balance of the second instalment, reserved to members of Assirevi (Italian Association of Auditors), up to n° 10 places, who are members for the year 2021; should requests exceed available places, the discount will be granted to candidates according to the terms and criteria that will be passed by the Scientific Committee of the Postgraduate Programme. During the admissions phase, the candidate must upload to the Online Student Registry the certificate of registration to Assirevi for the year 2021. There will be a 10% discount on the registration fee, equal to € 1,000.00, to be allowed at the time of the balance of the second instalment, reserved for members of the Association BicoccAlumni, up to n° 5 persons, who are members for the year 2021; if requests exceed the available places, the discount will be granted to candidates



according to the terms and criteria that will be decided by the Scientific Committee of the Postgraduate Programme. At the time of admission, the candidate must upload to the On-line Student Registry a certificate of registration to the Alumni Association for the year 2021.

Application Deadline 27th August 2021 Selection Date: 3rd September 2021, 10.00 am

Location: seminar room 3035 Diseade -III floor Building U7; Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8 - Milan Terms: interview and evaluation of qualifications and curriculum vitae

Publication of Ranking List From 10th September 2021 Closing Date for Registration 23rd September 2021 Listeners Available places: 6

Admission Requirements: Masters Degree and work experience Selection: curriculum vitae, qualifications and interview Registration fee: € 1,500.00

Individual Modules Available places: 8 Admission Requirements: Masters Degree and work experience Registration fee: € 150.00 for each CFU envisaged for the course Application Deadline: 10th September 2021 (applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis).

Diploma Awarded (CFU) Second Level Postgraduate Programme (67 CFU)



Course Type Second Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND BIO-STATISTICAL METHODS FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH Proposing Body School of Economics and Statistics

Department of Statistics & Quantitative Methods Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Antonella Zambon

The Scientific Committee Vincenzo Bagnardi - Department of Statistics & Quantitative Methods; Rino Bellocco - Department of Statistics & Quantitative Methods; Giovanni Corrao - Department of Statistics & Quantitative Methods; Lorenza Scotti - University of Eastern Piedmont Ettore Beghi - “Mario Negri” Institute for Pharmacological Research Carlo Scirè - Study Centre of the Italian Society of Rheumatology (SIR) Valter Torri - “Mario Negri” Institute for Pharmacological Research

Organising Secretariat: Department of Statistics & Quantitative Methods, Office 2071 Tel: 0264485814 E-mail: Website:

Teaching methods Teaching provided entirely in e-learning Language of delivery Italian (some lessons may be given in English)

Start date and Duration 2nd November 2021 - 18 months Available places maximum number: 25 + 2 free places - minimum number: 11 Admission Requirements Specialist/Masters Degree or Degree under regulations prior to Ministerial Decree.

509/99. Other mandatory requirements: university knowledge in the field of statistics and epidemiology or documented work experience in the field of statistics and epidemiology assessed during the interview. Preferred Requirements: Knowledge of English and Office package or equivalent.

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 3,200.00 (three thousand two hundred euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1. € 100.00 on submission of applications for admission: 2. € 1,500.00 at the time of registration; 3. € 1,600.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): SECOND LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Economic Subsidies N° 1 Free place for a person identified by IRCCS Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research N° 1 Free place for a person identified by the Study Centre of the Italian Society of Rheumatology (SIR)

Application Deadline 21st September 2021 Selection Date: 1st October 2021 10.30 am

Location: Room 2062, II floor, Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods, Building U7, Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, Milan Terms: Evaluation of Curriculum Vitae and qualifications and interview

Publication of Ranking List From 12th October 2021 Closing Date for Registration 19th October 2021 Listeners Available places: 5



Admission Requirements: the same as for the postgraduate programme Selection: curriculum vitae, qualifications and interview Registration fee: € 2,000.00

Individual Modules Available places: 5 Admission Requirements: the same as for the Postgraduate Programme Registration fee: € 150.00 for each CFU foreseen for the chosen course Application Deadline: 12th October 2021 (Applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis)

Diploma Awarded (CFU) Second Level Postgraduate Programme (65 CFU)








ACCESSES Proposing Body School of Medicine and Surgery Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Joseph Foti

The Scientific Committee Giacomo Bellani - School of Medicine and Surgery Roberto Fumagalli - School of Medicine and Surgery Alberto Lucchini - ASST Monza, PO S.Gerardo Stefano Elli - ASST Monza, PO S.Gerardo Luciano Giannini - ASST Monza, PO S.Gerardo

Organising Secretariat: Stefano Elli E-mail: Tel: 3493451165 Course website

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 8th November 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 22 - minimum number: 14 Admission Requirements Possession of one of the following qualifications:

- Bachelor’s degree in Nursing (L/SNT1) - University Diploma in Nursing - Equivalent qualifications (L.1/2002): Diploma of Professional Nurse. Applicants must be licensed to practice and/or registered with the professional association. A corresponding foreign qualification must already have been declared equivalent to the Italian qualification required for access to the course or have been recognised by the relevant Ministry for the purposes of the practice of the profession in Italy.

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 2,800.00 (two thousand eight hundred euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1- € 100.00 on submission of the application for admission: 2- € 1,300.00 at the time of registration; 3- € 1,400.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 28th September 2021 Selection Date: 8th October 2021

Location: General Intensive Care, ASST Monza, S.Gerardo Hospital - Monza Terms: evaluation of curriculum vitae and course of studies and qualifications Evaluation Criteria: - Pass at Professional Nurse diploma (or university diploma or degree) up to a maximum of 14 points calculated as follows: 36-41 (42-48 60-69 66-76) 4 points; 42-47 (49-55 70-79 77-87) 6 points; 48-53 (56-62 80-89 88-98) 8 points; 54-59 (63-69 90-99 99-109) 10 points; 60 (70 100 110) 14 points. - Scientific publications up to a maximum of 6 points; - Professional activity up to a maximum of 10 points as follows: hospital service in the following departments and/or operating units: Intensive areas: 5 points/year; Semi-intensive areas: 4 points/year; Ordinary inpatient areas: 2 points/year; Service in non-hospital facilities (nursing homes, territorial services...): 2 points/year.



- Professional, educational, training and scientific curriculum evaluated globally up to a maximum of 20 points: PICC and Mid-line implantation activities: 1 point/year; postgraduate university training in PICC and Mid-line implantation and management: up to 4 points; non-university training in PICC and Mid-line implantation and management: up to 3 points; postgraduate programme in nursing anaesthesia and intensive care: up to 4 points; postgraduate university training in nursing ultrasound: up to 4 points; non-university training in nursing ultrasound: up to 3 points.

Publication of Ranking List From 18th October 2021 Closing Date for Registration 25th October 2021 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Not planned Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)



Course Type First Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title MANAGEMENT FOR COORDINATION FUNCTIONS IN THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS Proposing Body Department of Medicine and Surgery Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Davide Ausili

The Scientific Committee Stefania Di Mauro – School of Medicine and Surgery Lorenzo Mantovani – School of Medicine and Surgery Maria Grazia Strepparava – School of Medicine and Surgery Matteo Masotto - Freelancer Chiara Coghi - ASST Monza

Organising Secretariat: Building U38, School of Medicine and Surgery, Via Cadore 48, Monza Email for information

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode The e-learning platform will be used on the page already active and accessible to those enrolled in the course for the following functions: transmission of notices, uploading of timetables, distribution of teaching materials, activation of specific forums. The Scientific Committee will evaluate the possibility of delivering part of the teaching activities through e-learning in remote mode.

Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 26th November 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 40 (35 places reserved for graduates in Nursing; 5 places for

classes L/SNT2-3-4 and graduates in Midwifery class L/SNT1) - minimum number: 15 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s degrees related to the Degree Classes:

- Nursing and Midwifery Health Professions L/SNT1; - Rehabilitation Health Professions L/SNT2; - Technical Health Professions L/SNT3; - Health Professions of Prevention L/SNT4. University diplomas under Art. 6, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree no. 502/1992 as later amended, qualifying for the practice of nursing and midwifery, technical and rehabilitation and prevention health professions. Other equivalent qualifications: - Admission to the course is open to holders of a High School Diploma and a qualification to practice one of the health professions included in classes L/SNT1, L/SNT2, L/SNT3 and L/SNT4 as per Law n° 42/1999, art. 4; - Candidates may also participate if they have a foreign qualification declared equivalent to one of the above-mentioned qualifications by an Italian academic authority, provided they are qualified to practice the profession in Italy. Preferred Qualifications: - The Scientific Committee of the Postgraduate Programme, after evaluating the training curriculum and the teaching programmes, may recognise university credits already acquired by a student holding a Masters/Specialist Degree in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, Health Profession Rehabilitation Sciences, Technical Health Profession Sciences or Preventive Health Profession Sciences, obtained at this or another University.



Applicants must be licensed to practice and/or registered with the professional association. A corresponding foreign qualification must already have been declared equivalent to the Italian qualification required for access to the course or have been recognised by the relevant Ministry for the purposes of the practice of the profession in Italy.

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 2,800.00 (two thousand eight hundred euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1- € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2- € 1,300.00 upon registration; 3- € 1,400.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 15th October 2021 Selection Date: 26th October 2021

Location: Classroom of the School of Medicine and Surgery, Via Cadore 48, Monza Terms: evaluation of qualifications and curriculum vitae, written test. Evaluation Criteria: Points will be allocated according to the qualifications submitted: - Grade of Professional School, University Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree up to a maximum of 20 points; - Scientific publications up to a maximum of 10 points; - Professional activity up to a maximum of 10 points; - Professional, didactic, training and scientific curriculum evaluated globally up to a maximum of 20 points.

Publication of Ranking List From 5th November 2021 Closing Date for Registration 12th November 2021 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Not planned Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)



Course Type First Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title NURSING SCIENCES OF ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE Proposing Body School of Medicine and Surgery Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Roberto Fumagalli

The Scientific Committee Giacomo Bellani – School of Medicine and Surgery Giuseppe Foti - School of Medicine and Surgery Stefano Elli - Dept. of Emergency and Urgency, ASST Monza. S.Gerardo Hospital Alberto Lucchini - Dept. of Emergency and Urgency, ASST Monza. S. Gerardo Hospital Roberto Rona - Dept. of Emergency and Urgency, ASST Monza. S. Gerardo Hospital

Organising Secretariat: Alberto Lucchini, General Intensive Care Unit - ASST Monza, S.Gerardo Hospital Tel: 039.2339824 Email for information Website:

Teaching methods Conventional Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 18th November 2021 - duration 16 months Available places maximum number: 38 - minimum number: 18 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s degree in nursing L/SNT1;

University Diploma in Nursing; Diploma of professional nurse equivalent under Law 1/2002 Nurses must be licensed to practice and/or registered with the professional association. A corresponding foreign qualification must already have been declared equivalent to the Italian qualification required for access to the course or have been recognised by the relevant Ministry for the purposes of the practice of the profession in Italy.

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 3,000.00 (three thousand euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1- € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2- € 1,400.00 upon registration; 3- € 1,500.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 8th October 2021 Selection Date: 18 October 2021

Terms: evaluation of qualifications and curriculum vitae and course of studies Evaluation Criteria: - Grade of Professional Nurse diploma (or university diploma or degree) up to a maximum of 14 points calculated as follows: 36-41 (42-48 60-69 66-76) 4 points; 42-47 (49-55 70-79 77-87) 6 points; 48-53 (56-62 80-89 88-98) 8 points; 54-59 (63-69 90-99 99-109) 10 points; 60 (70 100 110) 14 points; - Scientific publications up to a maximum of 6 points - Professional activity up to a maximum of 20 points as follows: hospital service in the following departments and/or operating units: ICU: 5 points/year; Emergency Room, Coronary Care Unit and EMS operative centres: 2 points/year; Surgery or equivalent: 1 points/year; Internal Medicine or equivalent: 1 points/year; Paediatrics: 1 points/year; Obstetrics: 1 points/year; Orthopaedics: 1 points/year; Territorial emergency service (medical and nursing car) 1 points/year; first aid voluntary service: 0.2 points/year;



- Professional, didactic, training and scientific curriculum globally evaluated up to a maximum of 10 points

Publication of Ranking List From 28th October 2021 Closing Date for Registration 4th November 2021 Listeners Available places: 5

Admission Requirements: Degree in nursing or equivalent qualifications Selection: as per application for admission to the postgraduate programme Registration fee: 250.00

Individual Modules Available places: 2 Admission requirements: the same as for the post graduate programme Registration fee: € 100.00 for each CFU envisaged for the course Application Deadline: 28th October 2021 (applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis)

Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (83 CFU)



Course Type Second Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title NUTRITION AND APPLIED DIETETICS - ADA - Proposing Body School of Medicine and Surgery Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Paola Palestini

The Scientific Committee Emanuela Cazzaniga – School of Medicine and Surgery Elisabetta Nigris – Department of Human Sciences for Education “Riccardo Massa” Carla Favaro - Freelance professional Stefania Gerosa - Pellegrini S.p.A. Maria Cristina Rocco - ASST Monza - S.Gerardo

Organising Secretariat: Email - Course website Telephone: 0264488211

Teaching methods Conventional Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 3rd December 2021 - duration 14 months Available places maximum number: 25 - minimum number: 12 Admission Requirements Master’s Degree (MD 270/04) in one of the following subjects:

- Medicine and Surgery LM-41; - Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy LM-13; - Biology LM-6; - Human Nutrition Sciences LM-61; - Food Science and Technology LM-70; - Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology LM-9*; - Sciences of technical health professions LM/SNT3 ** * If in possession of the requirements mentioned in art. 2 of the Inter-ministerial Decree of 28th June 2011 ** Only in conjunction with the Degree in Dietetics (qualifying for the health profession of Dietitian) - class L/SNT3 Specialist Degrees or degrees under the Former Regulations (prior to Min. Decree 509/99) equivalent to the Master’s Degrees listed above in accordance with the Inter-ministerial Decree of 9th July 2009 (published in the Official Gazette of 7 October 2009 n. 233), available on the MIUR website at the following link and subsequent supplementary decrees available on the MIUR website at the following link Candidates must submit their CURRICULUM VITAE, according to the procedures specified in this decree, using the EXCEL TABLE available at the link that will be published on the page of the postgraduate programme.

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 3,000.00 (three thousand euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1- € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2- € 1,400.00 upon registration; 3- € 1,500.00 by 28th February 2022



Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): SECOND LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Economic Subsidies If funding is available from external bodies, scholarships may be provided according to the procedures and criteria that will be decided by the Scientific Committee of the Postgraduate Programme.

Application Deadline 29th October 2021 Selection Written test date: 8th November 2021, 10.00 am

Interviews will be conducted beginning at 2:00 p.m. on 8th November 2021. Location: School of Medicine and Surgery, Building U8/U18 Via Cadore, 8 - Monza Terms: written test, evaluation of qualifications, curriculum vitae and course of studies, oral test of English comprehension and interview. A negative result in the written test will result in exclusion from the subsequent admission phases. The following will be assessed for CV evaluation: - Degree mark (up to 6 points for degrees after 2010, up to 3 points for degrees before 2010); - Pass grade in exams taken in biochemical and nutritional disciplines (up to 2 points); - Professional experience (up to 5 points at the sole discretion of the Committee); - Other experience (internships, courses, participation in congresses, up to 7 points); For the evaluation of qualifications, the following will be assessed: - Scientific publications (with IF up to 2 points; without IF up to 1 point); - State Exam (1 point); - PhD (3 points); - Specialisation schools (3 points).

Publication of Ranking List From 16th November 2021 Closing Date for Registration 23rd November 2021 Listeners Available places: no. 4

Admission Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree Selection: Oral interview Registration fee: € 1,000.00

Individual Modules Available places: no. 5 Admission requirements: the same as for the postgraduate programme Registration fee: € 150.00 for each CFU envisaged by the course in which the student intends to enrol. Application Deadline: 16th November 2021 (applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis)

Diploma Awarded (CFU) Second Level Postgraduate Programme (61 CFU)



Course Type Second Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title LASER-ASSISTED DECONTAMINATION AND PHOTO-BIOMODULATION IN

PERIODONTOLOGY AND IMPLANTOLOGY Proposing Body School of Medicine and Surgery Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Gianluigi Caccianiga Marco Baldoni

The Scientific Committee Fabrizio Carini - School of Medicine and Surgery Saverio Ceraulo - School of Medicine and Surgery Dorina Lauritano - School of Medicine and Surgery Giovanni Lomartire - School of Medicine and Surgery Marcello Maddalone - School of Medicine and Surgery Dario Monai - School of Medicine and Surgery Gianluca Porcaro - School of Medicine and Surgery

Organising Secretariat: Email for information Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode

Face to face teaching methods may be supported by direct observation of clinical procedures in remote conferencing with students present in the classroom who can interact directly with the operator.

Language of delivery Italian and/or English depending on the course Start date and Duration 22nd November 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 25 - minimum number: 10 Admission Requirements Master’s Degree in:

- Dentistry (LM-46) - Medicine and Surgery (LM-41) Specialist Degrees or degrees under the former Regulations (prior to Min. Decree 509/99) equivalent to the Master’s Degrees listed above in accordance with the Inter-ministerial Decree of 9th July 2009 (published in the Official Gazette of 7th October 2009 n. 233), available on the MIUR website at the following link and subsequent supplementary decrees available on the MIUR website at the link:

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 3,000.00 (three thousand euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1- € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2- € 1,400.00 upon registration; 3- € 1,500.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): SECOND LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 26th October 2021 Selection Date: 5th November 2021

Terms: Evaluation of curriculum vitae and qualifications Publication of Ranking List From 10th November 2021 Closing Date for Registration 17th November 2021 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Not planned Diploma Awarded (CFU) Second Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)




RESEARCH) Proposing Body School of Medicine and Surgery Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Maria Grazia Valsecchi

The Scientific Committee Laura Antolini - School of Medicine and Surgery Marco Antonietti - Dept. of Informatics, Systems and Communication Daniela Besozzi - Dept. of Informatics, Systems and Communication Stefania Galimberti - School of Medicine and Surgery Paola Rebora - School of Medicine and Surgery

Organising Secretariat: School of Medicine and Surgery, via Cadore 48, Monza Tel: 0264488165 Email for information

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode The postgraduate programme will be conducted in both virtual and face-to-face modes. The e-learning platform will be used (all recorded lessons are stored in e-learning mode).

Language of delivery English Start date and Duration 1st October 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 30 - minimum number: 12 Admission Requirements Master’s Degree, Specialist Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to

Ministerial Decree 509/99. Mandatory Requirements: - Knowledge or work experience in “Life Science”; Preferred Requirements: - A good knowledge of the English language.

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 4,000.00 (four thousand euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1- € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2- € 1,900.00 upon registration; 3- € 2,000.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): SECOND LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 27th August 2021 Selection Date: 3rd September 2021

Terms: Evaluation of curriculum vitae and course of studies and qualifications, interview, evaluation of English language knowledge

Publication of Ranking List From 13th September 2021 Closing Date for Registration 20th September 2021 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Not planned Diploma Awarded (CFU) Second Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)



Course Type Second Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title PRECLINICAL AND CLINICAL DRUG RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Proposing Body School of Medicine and Surgery Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Antonio Biagio Torsello

The Scientific Committee Giovanni Corrao – Department of Statistics & Quantitative Methods; Barbara Costa - School of Medicine and Surgery Marco Parenti – School of Medicine and Surgery Maria Grazia Valsecchi – School of Medicine and Surgery Vittorio Locatelli - Senior Professor School of Medicine and Surgery Stefano Bonato - Bayer s.p.a. Elena Bresciani - Scientific Technician School of Medicine and Surgery Domenico Criscuolo - Simef Genovax Lucio Rovati - Rottapharm Biotech s.r.l. Elisabetta Riva - President of the Ethics Committee of the S. Raffaele del Monte Tabor Centre Foundation

Organising Secretariat: School of Medicine and Surgery-2nd floor-via Cadore 48-Monza Tel. 02 6448 8225 Email for information Website:

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode The postgraduate programme, in addition to the hours of face to face teaching requires the presence of an e-learning platform, designed to support and facilitate students in individual study (all lessons recorded in the classroom are stored in e-learning mode).

Language of delivery Italian and/or English depending on the course Start date and Duration 7th April 2022 - duration 13 months Available places maximum number: 30 - minimum number: 15 Admission Requirements Master’s Degree in the following subjects:

- Medicine and Surgery LM-41; - Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy LM-13; - Biological Sciences LM-6; - Industrial Biotechnology LM-8; - Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology LM-9; - Veterinary Medicine LM-42; - Statistics for Experimental Research LM-82; - Biomedical Engineering LM-21; Specialist Degrees or degrees under the former Regulations (prior to Min. Decree 509/99) equivalent to the Master’s Degrees listed above in accordance with the Inter-ministerial Decree of 9th July 2009 (published in the Official Gazette of 7th October 2009 n. 233), available on the MIUR website at the following link and subsequent supplementary decrees available on the MIUR website at the link: Candidates must submit their CURRICULUM VITAE, according to the procedures specified in this decree, using the EXCEL TABLE available at the link that will be published on the page of the postgraduate programme.

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros)



Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 4,000.00 (four thousand euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1- € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2- € 1,900.00 upon registration; 3- € 2,000.00 by 30 June 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): SECOND LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 21st January 2022 Selection English Test Date: 1st February 2022 at 10:00 a.m. (possibly in 2 shifts)

Location: School of Medicine and Surgery, Building U18, via Cadore 48, 20900 Monza, Room INFO1. Interview date: 1st February 2022 to 28th February 2022 The dates and times of interviews, and the respective classrooms will be defined and communicated to interested parties in good time. Terms: - Computerised multiple-choice tests of comprehension of the English language: any failed result of the test (failure to reach the minimum score, correct answer to at least 50% of the questions) will result in exclusion from subsequent admission phases. - Qualification Evaluation; - Interview.

Publication of Ranking List From 17th March 2022 Closing Date for Registration 24th March 2022 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Not planned Diploma Awarded (CFU) Second Level Postgraduate Programme (64 CFU)



Course Type Second Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title ENDOVASCULAR TECHNIQUES - MET Proposing Body School of Medicine and Surgery Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Alberto Froio

The Scientific Committee Carlo Ferrarese - School of Medicine and Surgery Cristina Giannattasio - School of Medicine and Surgery Marialuisa Lavitrano - School of Medicine and Surgery Ilaria Rivolta - School of Medicine and Surgery Rocco Corso - ASST Monza Pietro Vandoni - ASST Monza

Organising Secretariat: Tel: 02.6448.8319 E-mail:

Teaching methods Conventional

Language of delivery English

Start date and Duration 26th November 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 10 - minimum number: 1 Admission Requirements Specialist/Masters Degree in Medicine and Surgery (cl. 46/S or LM-41) together with

one of the following Specialisation Diplomas: - Vascular Surgery; - Cardiology; - Radiology; - Cardiac surgery; - General surgery. For foreign students a Medical Degree and a certification of training in Vascular Surgery, Cardiology, Radiology, Cardiac Surgery, General Surgery, Angiology, or Internal Medicine that will be evaluated by the Selection Committee of the Postgraduate Programme.

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 8,000.00 (eight thousand euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1. € 100.00 on submission of applications for admission: 2. € 3,900.00 upon registration; 3. € 4,000.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): SECOND LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 30 August 2021 Selection Date: 7th September 2021

Terms: evaluation of qualifications and curriculum vitae and course of studies Publication of Ranking List From 17th September 2021 Closing Date for Registration 12th November 2021 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Not planned Diploma Awarded (CFU) Second Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)







Course Type First Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title COMMUNICATION OF SCIENCE AND SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION (MACSIS) Proposing Body Department of Sociology and Social Research Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Andrea Cerroni

The Scientific Committee Simone Ghezzi, Department of Sociology and Social Research Luisa Buscaglia - MaCSIS Centre

Organising Secretariat: MaCSIS Postgraduate Programme Secretariat room 2121, Building U7, via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, 20126 Milan (MI) Tel: 02-64487477 Email for information Website:

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode

Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 18th November 2021 - 13 months Available places maximum number: 25 - minimum number: 10 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree

509/99 or University Diploma or single-cycle Masters Degree or equivalent. Preferred Qualifications or Requirements: - Knowledge of the English language.

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 3,440.00 (three thousand four hundred and forty euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1- € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2- € 1,620.00 upon registration; 3- € 1,720.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 5th October 2021 Selection Date: 15th October 2021 at 10:00 am

Location: Room 23, 3rd floor, Building U7 via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, Milan (MI) Terms: individual interview and evaluation of qualifications and curriculum vitae

Publication of Ranking List From 28th October 2021 Closing Date for Registration 4th November 2021 Listeners Available places: 5

Admission Requirements: high school diploma with work experience Selection: interview and curriculum vitae evaluation Registration fee: € 3,000.00

Individual Modules Not planned Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (62 CFU)



Course Type First Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title DEVIANCE, THE JUSTICE SYSTEM AND SOCIAL SERVICES Proposing Body Department of Sociology and Social Research Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Marco Terraneo

The Scientific Committee Roberto Cornelli - Department of Law Matteo Colleoni - Department of Sociology and Social Research Lucia Castellano - Ministry of Justice Roberta Ghidelli - Ministry of Justice Mara Tognetti - University of Naples Federico II

Organising Secretariat: Tel. 02 64482147 Email for information

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 22nd October 2021 - duration one year Available places maximum number: 30 - minimum number: 10 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree

509/99 or three-year university diploma or single-cycle master’s degree. Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 3,000.00 (three thousand euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1- € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2- € 1,400.00 upon registration; 3- € 1,500.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Economic Subsidies The postgraduate programme has obtained accreditation as “INPS EXECUTIVE POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME” The INPS EXECUTIVE Postgraduate Programme offers n. 3 scholarships amounting to € 3,000.00 each, to cover the total cost of enrolment in the postgraduate programme, to benefit employees of the public administration in service, enrolled in the unitary management of credit and social benefits under Art. 1, par. 245 of Law 662/96 and under Ministerial Decree 45/2007. All indications for applying for the scholarship can be found in the notice published on the INPS website. PLEASE NOTE: Applicants for an INPS scholarship must send to the University, through the Online Student Registry procedure described in the announcement, an application form for admission to the Postgraduate Programme (the PagoPA slip automatically generated by the system does not have to be paid). At the same time, they must apply for the scholarship by accessing the INPS institutional portal and following the instructions provided in the INPS notice. The two procedures (University and INPS) are independent of each other and failure to complete either will preclude the possibility of competing for the scholarship. Possible economic benefits for Ministry of Justice employees are also being defined.



Application Deadline 10th September 2021. Selection Date: 20th September 2021

Terms: evaluation of qualifications and curriculum vitae Publication of Ranking List From 1st October 2021 Closing Date for Registration 8th October 2021 Listeners Not planned Individual Modules Not planned Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)




CHILDREN Proposing Body Department of Human Sciences for Education “Riccardo Massa” Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Laura Formenti

The Scientific Committee Cristina Palmieri – Department of Human Sciences for Education “Riccardo Massa” Chiara Ronconi - Free Company of Arts and Crafts Paolo Tartaglione - Arimo

Organising Secretariat: Department of Human Sciences for Education “Riccardo Massa” Tel. 0264484961 Email for information mastercomunità

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode

Language of delivery Italian

Start date and Duration 19th November 2021 - 15 months Available places maximum number: 40 - minimum number: 15 Admission Requirements Bachelor’s Degree or Degree under regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree

509/99 or University Diploma or single-cycle Masters Degree or equivalent. Any preferential requirements: - Bachelor Degree in Educational Sciences (L-19); - Masters Degree in Advanced Educational Sciences (LM-85).

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 2,500.00 (two thousand five hundred euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1- € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2- € 1,150.00 upon registration; 3- € 1,250.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Application Deadline 8th October 2021 Selection Date: 19th October 2021, 09.00 am

Location: Department of Human Sciences for Education, IV floor U6, room 4162 Terms: individual interview, evaluation of qualifications and curriculum vitae

Publication of Ranking List From 29th October 2021 Closing Date for Registration 5th November 2021 Listeners Available places: 5

Admission Requirements: Bachelor’s degree Selection: CV and interview Registration fee: € 1,000.00

Individual Modules Available places: 5 Registration fee: € 100 for each CFU envisaged for the course Requirements: the same as for the postgraduate programme Application Deadline: 29th October 2021 (Applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis)

Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (68 CFU)



Course Type First Level Postgraduate Programme Course Title CLINICAL SEXOLOGY Proposing Body Department of Psychology Director / Chair of the Scientific Committee

Antonio Prunas

The Scientific Committee Fabio Landoni – School of Medicine and Surgery Fabio Madeddu - Department of Psychology Annalisa Anzani - Research Associate

Organising Secretariat: Email for information

Teaching methods Blend/mixed mode

Language of delivery Italian and/or English

Start date and Duration 19th November 2021 - duration 23 months Available places maximum number: 70 - minimum number: 25

Admission Requirements Bachelor’s degree in: - Psychological Sciences L-24; - Midwifery L/SNT1 Masters Degree in: - Psychology LM-51; - Medicine and Surgery LM-41; Degree under regulations prior to Ministerial Decree. 509/99: - Psychology; - Medicine and Surgery;

Candidate Fee € 100.00 (one hundred euros) Enrolment Fees (including Candidate Fee)

€ 2,600.00 (two thousand six hundred euros) This amount shall be paid in accordance with the following procedures and deadlines: 1. € 100.00 on submission of an application for admission: 2. € 1,200.00 upon registration; 3. € 1,300.00 by 28th February 2022 Payment Reason Code (foreigners only): FIRST LEVEL POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME

Economic Subsidies It is available n. 1 scholarship of the value of € 2,600.00 (with tax exemption according to L.398/89), to cover the registration fee. The scholarship will be awarded to the candidate admitted to the course with the most disadvantaged economic conditions, identified on the basis of the ISEE certificate (indicator of equivalent economic situation) for subsidised services for the Right to University Study. If the ISEE is the same, the best placement in the ranking will be preferred. Interested parties must present the ISEE certificate for subsidised services for the Right to University Studies by the deadline of this call, together with the other qualifications when submitting the application form (upload on the Online Student Registry as per the procedure described in Item 4 of this Decree) or send it to the following address Specific information on the determination of the ISEE for subsidised services for the Right to University Study and on the documentation to be presented can be found at the following link



There is also a 10% discount on the registration fee of € 260.00, to be discounted at the time of payment of the second instalment, reserved for members of the BicoccAlumni Association who are members for the year 2020. At the time of admission, the candidate must upload to the On-line Student Registry a certificate of registration to the Alumni Association for the year 2021.

Application Deadline 8th October 2021 Selection Date: 19th October 2021

Terms: evaluation of qualifications and curriculum vitae Assessable qualifications: - Evidence of postgraduate training (postgraduate programmes, advanced and specialist courses) (up to 10); - Bachelor’s thesis/specialization thesis on topics related to the course topics (up to 20); - Scientific publications on topics related to the course topics (up to 20).

Publication of Ranking List From 29th October 2021 Closing Date for Registration 5th November 2021 Listeners Available places: 5

Admission Requirements: At least a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline. Selection: CV evaluation. Registration fee: € 1,300.00.

Individual Modules Available places: 20 Admission Requirements: the same as for the postgraduate programme Registration fee: € 100.00 for each CFU envisaged for the course Application Deadline: 29th October 2021 (applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis)

Diploma Awarded (CFU) First Level Postgraduate Programme (60 CFU)
