University Physics: Mechanics



University Physics: Mechanics. Ch 4 . TWO- AND THREE-DIMENSIONAL MOTION. Lecture 5. Dr.-Ing. Erwin Sitompul. 2014. Homework 4: The Plane. A plane flies 483 km west from city A to city B in 45 min and then 966 km south from city B to city C in 1.5 h. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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University Physics: Mechanics


Lecture 5

Dr.-Ing. Erwin Sitompul


5/2Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

Homework 4: The PlaneA plane flies 483 km west from city A to city B in 45 min and then 966 km south from city B to city C in 1.5 h.From the total trip of the plane, determine:(a) the magnitude of its displacement;(b) the direction of its displacement;(c) the magnitude of its average velocity;(d) the direction of its average velocity;(e) its average speed.

5/3Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

Solution of Homework 4: The Plane


483 km, 45 min







→ 1ˆ483i kmr

2ˆ966j kmr

1 45 min 0.75 ht

2 1.5 ht

total 1 2r r r ˆ ˆ483i 966j km

(a) the magnitude of its displacement2 2

total ( 483) ( 966)r

1080.021 km

(b) the direction of its displacement1




63.435 243.435 • Quadrant III

• Quadrant I

total 1 2t t t 0.75 1.5 2.25 h





Δr to


5/4Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

(c) the magnitude of its average velocity

Solution of Homework 4: The Plane

(d) the direction of its average velocity

(e) its average speed





ˆ ˆ483i 966j km

2.25 h

ˆ ˆ214.667i 429.333j km h

2 2avg ( 214.667) ( 429.333)v 480 km h



214.667v 243.435 • Quadrant III

avgs total distance traveled

total time

483 km 966 km

2.25 h

644 km h

5/5Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

Projectile Motion Projectile motion: a motion in a vertical plane, where the

acceleration is always the free-fall acceleration g, which is downward.

Many sports involve the projectile motion of a ball. Besides sports, many acts also involve the projectile motion.

5/6Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

Projectile Motion Projectile motion consists of horizontal motion and vertical

motion, which are independent to each other. The horizontal motion has no acceleration (it has a constant

velocity). The vertical motion is a free fall motion with constant

acceleration due to gravitational force.


ya g

29.8m sg

5/7Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

Projectile Motion


ya g0 0 0

ˆ ˆi jx yv v v

0 0 0cosxv v

0 0 0sinyv v

5/8Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

Projectile Motion

Two Golf Balls

• The vertical motions are quasi-identical.

• The horizontal motions are different.

0 0xv

0 0xv

5/9Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

Projectile Motion Analyzed

The Horizontal Motion

0 0xx x v t

0 0 0( cos )x x v t

The Vertical Motion1 2

0 0 2yy y v t gt

1 20 0 0 2

( sin )y y v t gt

0 0sinyv v gt 2 2

0 0 0( sin ) 2 ( )yv v g y y

5/10Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

The Horizontal Range

0x x R

1 20 0 2

0 ( sin )v t gt

0 0( cos )R v t

0 0y y

Eliminating t,20

0 02 sin cosv


• This equation is valid if the landing height is identical with the launch height.

vx = v0x

vy = –v0y

Projectile Motion Analyzed

5/11Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

Further examining the equation,20

0 02 sin cosv


• If the launch height and the landing height are the same, then the maximum horizontal range is achieved if the launch angle is 45°.

0 0 0sin 2 2sin cos , Using the identity

we obtain20

0sin 2v


R is maximum when sin2θ0 = 1 or θ0 =45°.

Projectile Motion Analyzed

5/12Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

v0y = 29.4 m/s• If the initial elevation and final elevation are the same,

the velocity of an object at each elevation will be the same in magnitude , but opposite in direction.

• The object’s height and the speed will be symmetrical around the time when the peak position is reached.

Symmetry of Position and Speed

5/13Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

Projectile Motion Analyzed

• The launch height and the landing height differ.

• The launch angle 45° does not yield the maximum horizontal distance.

5/14Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

Projectile Motion AnalyzedThe Effects of the Air

Path I: Projectile movement if the air resistance is taken into account

Path II: Projectile movement if the air resistance is neglected (as in a vacuum)Our calculation along this chapter is based on this assumption

5/15Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics


A pitcher throws a baseball at speed 40 km/h and at angle θ = 30°.

(a) Determine the maximum height h of the baseball above the ground.


0y yv v gt

0 01 2

0 0 2

02 2

0 02 ( )



y y

y y

x x v t

y y v t gt

v v gt

v v g y y

0 5.56 9.8t 5.56

9.8t 0.567 s

1 20 0 2yh y y v t gt

1 2

2(5.56)(0.567) (9.8)(0.567)

0 0 sin(11.11)sin 305.56 m s

yv v

0 0 cos(11.11)cos309.62 m s

xv v

40km h 11.11 m s

1.58 m

Example: Baseball Pitcher

5/16Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics


A pitcher throws a baseball at speed 40 km/h and at angle θ = 30°.


(c) Determine the horizontal distance d it travels.

on air up downt t t 0.567 0.567 1.134 s (b) Determine the duration when the baseball is on the air.

0 01 2

0 0 2

02 2

0 02 ( )



y y

y y

x x v t

y y v t gt

v v gt

v v g y y

0 0xd x x v t (9.62)(1.134)10.91 m

Example: Baseball Pitcher

5/17Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

0 01 2

0 0 2

02 2

0 02 ( )



y y

y y

x x v t

y y v t gt

v v gt

v v g y y

Simulation: How to Fire the Cannon?

A cannon is 1.20 m above the ground. You may adjust the initial speed and the angle of fire of the cannon.

If the target is horizontally 16 m away from the cannon and at 9 m above the ground, how do you set the cannon so that the projectile can hit the target?

16 m

9 m



0 0

0 0




v v

v v


5/18Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

Released horizontallyA rescue plane flies at 198 km/h and constant height h = 500 m toward a point directly over a victim, where a rescue capsule is to land.(a) What should be the angle Φ

of the pilot’s line of sight to the victim when the capsule release is made?

0h y y

1 2

2( 500) (0) (0) (9.8)t t

1 20 0 2yy y v t gt

2 2 500102.041


10.102 st

0d x x

0 0xx x v t (55)(10.102) 555.61 m



1 555.61tan



Example: Rescue Plane

5/19Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

(b) As the capsule reaches the water, what is its velocity v in unit-vector notation and in magnitude-angle notation?

Released horizontallyA rescue plane flies at 198 km/h and constant height h = 500 m toward a point directly over a victim, where a rescue capsule is to land.

0h y y

0d x x 0y yv v gt

(0) (9.8)(10.102)yv 99 m s

0x xv v55 m s

ˆ ˆ55i 99j m sv

Unit-vector notation

113.252 m s 60.945v

Magnitude-angle notation

Example: Rescue Plane

5/20Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

A stuntman plans a spectacular jump from a higher building to a lower one, as can be observed in the next figure. Can he make the jump and safely reach the lower building?

0 01 2

0 0 2

02 2

0 02 ( )



y y

y y

x x v t

y y v t gt

v v gt

v v g y y

1 20 0 2yy y v t gt

1 2

2( 4.8) (0) (0) (9.8)t t

2 2 4.80.98


0.99 st

0 0xx x v t (4.5)(0.99)4.46 m

Time for the stuntman to fall 4.8 m

Horizontal distance jumped by the stuntman in 0.99 s

He cannot make the jump

Example: Clever Stuntman

5/21Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

A basketball player who is 2.00 m tall is standing on the floor 10.0 m from the basket. If he shoots the ball at a 40.0° angle with the horizontal, at what initial speed must he throw so that it goes through the hoop without striking the backboard? The basket height is 3.05 m.

Homework 5A: Three Point Throw

5/22Erwin Sitompul University Physics: Mechanics

Homework 5B: Docking the Ship1. A dart player throws a dart horizontally at

12.4 m/s. The dart hits the board 0.32 m below the height from which it was thrown. How far away is the player from the board?

2. As a ship is approaching the dock at 45.0 cm/s, an important piece of landing equipment needs to be thrown to it before it can dock. This equipment is thrown at 15.0 m/s at 60.0° above the horizontal from the top of a tower at the edge of the water, 8.75 m above the ship’s deck.For this equipment to land at the front of the ship, at what distance D from the dock should the ship be when the equipment is thrown? Air resistance can be neglected.

2 2sec 1 tan
