U.N.M. Weekly, Volume 015, No 8, 11/4/1912


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U.N.M. Weekly, Volume 015, No 8, 11/4/1912University of New Mexico

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Recommended CitationUniversity of New Mexico. "U.N.M. Weekly, Volume 015, No 8, 11/4/1912." 15, 8 (1912). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/unm_weekly_1912/29

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Items of Local Interest A A A ..... AA --~ :::-~--

~~-·-:A.· A.· .I ·Ti;~:~a~-;o;~;u-;:B): e e • • • 411 • • • • · · 't "'" • • • • • e "Are you fron1 the Var;;1 Y • . ,

• OR e Nlnhol;;; "I think so. I hadn t ALI, SUBSClllPTIONS F ·~

e THT!.<.'. U.N.M. WEE. !{L y SHOULD • ben expelled the last time I was '\lP • 'CE AS IT • , tl1er. e." e BE PAID FOR AT ON '·• ·.. . · • WILL BE DISCON'l'INUED BE- • It i& hlgh time that the lava~ory in • ING SENT TO TliOSE w~oc~~ : the boys' dormitorY be rushed to co;ID· • NO'L' DO sO. NO pERSO. . '.. • pletloll- The weather is . becommg • BE UP-TO-DATE IN THE AF- too. cold to maH:e these. outdoor ablu· • F ~IRS OF TJIE . U:NIVERSIT;: • • OF NEW MEXICO WITHOUT • tions so ver~· co~able. • THIS PAPER. WE DON'T • 1 durlng • '\VANT TO DUN, BUT THIS IS • Dr. Mitchell has been msY • RENDERED A B s o L U T,E:LY • the past week arranging his ~ew

• ;TIE;:\, ·wHICH WILL PERr-11~ • said to 1\e reallY and truly at nOllW·


GROCERIES Phone 60. 205 South First St.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: ++++++++++++++++++++ . . . . .·. d . +

:t Headquarters for University. Stu ents i i Full Line of l3ooliS, Supplies, Pennants, am1 SIWI'ting Goo(lS * i 0. A~ MATSON & CO. i : 202 \Vest Central Avenue 1 + . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~+++++++++++++++++++++




Also CJ,OVIS, N. :u.

• NECESSARY BY A: NEW RUL- e home, for whiCh the turniture arr1ved Cl ING OF THE POSTAL AUTHOR- •1 on Tuesday last. .Be m~W now br-

• N''O MO. RE FREE OR S?--MPL • - . • •COPIES · BEING SENT AT t1 'rile work of clearing away the rums -----~-------------------;_---------

8 • of Hadley Ball 'vas actually begun • NEWSPAPER RATE>.:. • last weelt .. Mr. Prltckett states that I s· k : ••• 0 •••.••••••••• in two weekS time he hoPeS to hav<> F.. •• rs.·. ·t· N .... · ·· .. ati 0 n a .. ·. a n .

the site of the old· building le.vele<1 ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Prohlem-If the tariff !S lowered, doWn.

can we get more c'lltS?

:\Ir. Hal'olU J. Hill who haS been •. iro the hospital for several weeks with typhoid is able to be about again.

ti l. is a. Louis H('sselden cer a n Y plucl•Y• brilliant football player. We'll have J,outs on our campus one of

these days.

Little jokeS and jibes m!l,ke excellent reading for the local page. lia;t· iner<:Y on the local reporters and shp

'em a few.

Will all those who haven't a c?lc1 ple~se acquire one at once We WISh to h.ave unamitY to the highest degree in the University.

Fall styles of Drapery Goods now on display a.t Albert Faber's, 308-310 W. Central.

wow! heap big inju_n, hang big u.~W wooden sign on great big Univers1t~· football squad. It will be Lo-poor-Lo for the Indian's when we practice with 'em agaln next week, though.

l31anl{ets, Comforters ~nd Pillows. Largest variety, lowest prlces.-Al­bert l!'aber, 308a310 W. Central,

One of the features of last Satur­day's game was an . exhi1Jitlon l>Y Frank Gouin. With Policeman Rodg­ers taking the part of the pursuint, taclde, Mr. Gouin ran .the length of the field for a touchdown.

Fireless Cook Stoves in all slMs at -Albert Faber's, 308-310 w. Central. · It would be a good stunt if the stu-

- 'ents would get together and hold 1t is possible that the Western Col· , moe!< cantpalgn rallY either. on . thtl

1 . ~t Artesia, which closed lts doors hill or down town one of these nights

1:;; year, may be re-opened as a :rhere ought to be a good deal of fun Methodist institution. 'n the affair.

Those literary clubs seem to be gtlttlng a rather slOW start.. Come on, ~rls, show 'em that you'll do the right thing, anyway.

For prompt and accurate service, Bryant's Parcel Delivery, phone 502•

We sincerelY hoPe that Ed Doran's recent bereavement will not prev;nt his ultimate return to the untvcrsity. We need studenttJ of his calibre.

What our pollticlans say: ""cho'~-· u'n)';l· "'m will certainl).• be _l. .. .l .1 AU ""' •·..,.

elected." Pease-''Taft Is the only man

president." cook-··-"J\'ltl for noosevelt." Doran-"Dehs alone can sotve




"The Round-Up" for last week con­tained a -very interesting writeup of Dr. Boyd, ~n conectlort with his J.nau~ r;uration on November 9th .. ·We a~e pleas(>d to :feel that other schOols 1h the state ate ta!dng an interest In the

Capita'l and Surplus,$ 400,000 Deposits - - - 4,600,000


~---~----------~~~~---·--~ CRtSCtNT HARDWARt CO.

. . . I I l Goodil Cutlery and Tools, Iroo Pipe, Stoves .• Ranges, llouse Furn !I I nc . . • . . 0 >er \Vork

Vah·es and Fittings, riumblug, Heating, Tin and C. PI .• PHONE 315.



JlEU't, Sebartner & JUan Olot.hlng. w. L. Douglas Shoe•


nanan & Son's Shoes Knox & stetso11 Hate.

•.f.++++++~+++++++++++-1<+++++-l<<t•++++++++++++++++++++++++~ + llttttons Rcplaccll + + Sucks JJ:t••ned :

l Hubbs laundry Company ~ ~ FJ,.\NNET.S WASffi•11) llY IIAND " ~+· + "0Ull WORU: IS BES'J:" .;i: . Wblle Wagons Albtt(}ucrlttte f + I'hone 1.77 ++ ~+++++++++++' ~+++++++++.fl+++•++.:C.++•t-++++++++ft++++++o!o+ •.

students of the u: N. ::M:., we solicit your trade.-Bryant's Parcel Delivery, phone 502.

UniversitY and its presirlent, and that whila we havec a natural and healthy ONE :MOlll:: CAlt PEt\(,'fiES lH1E

. - L. t'n 1· " have competition, there is no longer enmity. B. RUPPE Two new oooks for a 1 u . . .

been received bY the. library. They mJty. are ''Roman Public .L .. if·e. " .. by G.reen-ridge, and "Roman political Institu- Bruno Dieckmann and Jame~> tions" by Abbot. Wroth, former students . ol! the. 11ni·

.- versity, were on the hill TuesdaY in

Announcement have been recelvdeltl ~:~~~~~ ;!:e ~~! ~::~l~~~:t;a;t~ of the marrHtge of Miss Lucy E,d e and Wroth have been on the Univtlr· snd Mr. Charles A. Nelson In Los An- s!ty h!J1, and bOth Wl:!re warmly we1-ge1es on October 23. ;Mrs. Nelson Wal'l comed bY theh' old friends and fel· forme'rl:v a student of the U. N. M. . 'The WeeklY joins with their friends in tow students, of whom but few re-congratulationf'l and best wishes. main. ,

•+++~~ ..... ~+++++++++++++++t!<++++++++++++++++++++++++++~

! See the New Rough .Neck Sweater i + + + + f lN AI;r, COIAJRS l t o·o LD EN RULE MEWS sECTioN * + +


We 1\Inl~:e the l't•ice. DRUGGIST

WARD'S STORE rhotle ss 203 w. Ccntl•lll

. .,., ........ .-""' ....... -""' ........ ,.,. ........ ,.,. ............ ,...,.~ ........ ,.,......, ...... ,...,..,. • ...,..,..,. ~~· _. .... " - .... ,i<.J\

Journal The Albuquerque Morning ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO

Jrtttter.a uuh fubli.al}tt.a . our Job Dctmrtrncr.t ls complete ·1· 'I'M Albuquerque 1\lornlng Jo:·

. .···· .... . . . . . . . nnl 19 1m bUshed ..,very day in . e tn every respect. and we tum out .. Ycll.r, Is tlte only pa[icl' in . NeVI o.nlY First Class W rl~o.. Let us cs• • ~tc:dco using the . run Assoclntcd ttmute on your ne:oc:t order. Prcs!l News Scrdce.

+ .•. +++++ ++++++++·· ~+++++++~++++++++++++++++++++++++++++T+ ~ ~

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":u •.. 8. M. •. ~. '~ . --· . - . ~ .. . .. ''- - . EEKLY . ....

. • I . •

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Published by the Students of the University of New Mexico





Cnlversity Illstructors \Vill H;we a.

P1•omincnt Pat•t iu the Conven­tion.-· No Classes Thni•s(hty

nnd li'ridny.-· Dr. Boyd's

Innuguratlon Satut•!lay,

Snrs D1•, Boyd in .Assembly; Oth(•t• In· UNJYEHSI'l'Y J,OSES TO UOSW)aJJJ IN WllJLl~-PL.A')."ED GA~fE HY tei·cstiug" Talk!-> of tb(' 1Vcek

SCORI;J. OJ!' 20 'I'O 0. G:\i\lE WJ\S CLlilAN AN]) N, JU. 1\f, I. PRINCES

AS HOS'l'S. ·OPEN .G,\J\[1!.; WINS :I!'Olt ROS\VELL.

, The UniversitY football team waf. that they could be "goo<J. losers."

Wednesday will be the op<ming da)' defeated last Saturday at Roswell IJ) One of the amusing features of the of the annual meeting of the teaehers the score of 20 to 0, The Cadet:- game happened at the !tick-of)'. Tile of New Mexico, which will tfL!(e place were much heavier than last yt>ar a~d Institute ldcked and Just al:l Calkins In Albuquerque this year. It is ex· outwelg'hed the '(,'!'. N'. :1\1. team 19 !:'aUght the ball it exploded and wjlted

At the MondaY morning assemblY Dr. Boyd delivered a tal]{ of especial value to his hearers, on training th!: memory, He called attention to th~o

fact that nowadays very few Jl('Opl<!. 11 Pounds to the lnan I n other word" '.n. his a1'1TI. o, Aftel' he in. g· do.wned w.ith pected that the meeting, Which wi · • • · · · · · " have a well-trained memory, us iR evi.

last Untl.1 Saturday, will I) rove to be the N. M, M. I. average was heavier his pigskin rag- a new l1rtll was pro-. v ·t d d tl t ·th uonced from the fact that flO few can the most successful in the history of than the heaviest ars1 Y man. cure .an · 1e game wen on W! .

~he organization. '£here will be an Although outweighed 11nd awa~ I '"ery little interruption, rememl1t'r even the most familiar songs_ when ealled upon to hing them at banquets, and other occasions.

ahundance of Interesting features, from home the Varsity made their . Only at one time did the University chief of which wiJI perhaps he the ad- doWns time· ·and o,gain · tluough the have a chance to score. During the dress of Dr. David Starr Jordan, prrsi- Soldiers' line, full haC'l~ and halves go- first quarter a drop kick was attempt- "'l'ry to commit to memory a good dent of Leland Stanford University, ing through the line for large. gain~ at ed, but failed. Thus the Varsity wst many gems like 'America,' 'Star Span-a.nd the foremost advocate of H1ter- almost eve1'Y attempt. their only chance to score. gled Banner' and other familiar songs national peace, His address, which The N. M. lVL I. tactics wm·e mostly The Gam~~ Jn ])etnil. thoroughly," said President Boyd. will be given at the Elks' Opera open work with a great many trlclt 1st Quarter.-The lnstitute kicked "We are not training our memories House on W'ednesday evening, will be plays. Trick quarter baCk end runs b~· off and Calkins received the hall. He enoUgh; everyone ought to try to entitled, "The Fight Again War." 'Williamson netted many yards for thG made a good return. '£he Varsity memorize something each day, es­Unlv~;>rsity students Will temember Cadets. The forward pass was exe• tried line plunges for small g·ains and pecially during youth when your minds that Dr. Jordml was the chief speaker cuted ver~' well by them and two of were compelled to punt. Carlisle re~ are clem·, active and fresh. Thing~ at the commencement Of 1911., and all their touchdowns were made from for- f covered the punt on Institute's 30- that you remember now will mu.I{e a those who heard him wl11 be anxious war·ll.passes by '\Villiamson to Clo~so.n. \yard llne. By .end runs and line final Jinpression. Our present s~·stem to do so again, For the rnstltute, Williamson, quar- plunges, the VarsttY advanced to In- of education, with its lalloratory anrl

On Thursday evening will lle helo ler baclt, was easily the star. He Is a I st!tute's 20-yard line. Varsity held research work in obtaining knowledge the annual State Oratorical Contest whirlwind when started and time af-1 for downs. Institute punts, A long prevents mem.or~· training. It is a It is to be regretted that the Ulnver· ter time he made long end tuns ror forward pass, the first successful one part of training that ought to be done sity has no representati\'e in this om- large gains. In J)unting and passing in the game, from Calkins to Carlisle in the lower grades. You ought all to torical contest this year, J)Ut as the he ·was good and accurate. made .35 yards for the University. have stored ill your minds a number circumstances were ltnavoldable,. WE. For the Varsity-well, thei·e were Here Armijo was eal)ed in to take of famlllar quotations. 'V\'henever eall only try to make it certain tha1 no stars. Every mtUJ on the team right end and. drop kic-k. The .kick. YO\t read a newspaper or boolt or It University representative Will c-arr:s Jllayed first class football and on the failed and hall was put into scrim- other periodical and see a short lint' or off the first honors next yeal·. real football they outclassed. their mage on Roswell's 20-Yard line .. For· r•aragraph that strikes yoH as being

An. atb·actl"c program booldet ha:; heavier opponents. But they were '~~.rd passes w:re tried . and failed. worth keeping, memorize it thorough. been issued, which contains much use·, unable to fathom the open .field world 'I 1me called. w1th ball in about tlu. Iy. Nothing is of so great v.a!U(' to a t:ul Information tor the teachers, rela· · a·nd the great variety of trlcJc and fake] center of field. Score-Varsity 0, N. public speaker as to be able to quote tlve to the hotels, etc., of AlbtHJUer·, plays which were used by the lnstt-l""I.. M. r., 0. at wlll beautiful sayings, such as pro-que. We observed . in this program tute. . . . . 1 2nd Quarter.-Lacke~:agaln goes in verbs, short p.oetrts, etc."

that ·1\.Iis. s .. ·· :arso .. ns. Is to ad. dres.s tl\1!·.'·.. car.lisl.e sh. owed great. spe.M '?.n end .1 at l'lg.ht. end .. r .T.he ;.nsh·t· ute .ad:a .. nc.ed.. On Tuesday morning Dr, Boyd made

teachers tw1ce during the meeting. It· and was able to recover two varsity the hall to \ arslty s 15-yard !me by a talk on the clutles of the Unlv('rsity ill a foregone conclusion that her talks: punts. 'l'he punting of Ba!Pomb was 1 brilliant quarte:r back end runs by student to his state by being a good

• Will be c. oncise. and .. to .. the P. oint, ttnd: far .SUP ... erlor to the ldeking o:f the In-j' Wil .. Iiamson... C. los.so.n. mak.es. touch- citizen, speaking in part as follow!l: that her remarks wHl make a lasting stitute. . · down on forward pass from William• We are accustomed to take for

\ impression. upon. her auditors. . . . The game was very clean and very, son ... Wmi~mson kicked goal. T?E: ;;ranted that our country .is a great Fc~·l ln order that the University instl•ue- few penalties wert\ imposed on either4lnst,tut(' .. ltlC!red off . and the VarsJty success and that all others are not in I · tors may have an opportunity to at- team. The .only grtlat offense was a made good return. Both teams make any \vay to he compared with it. ·we l tend the meeting, ·no. classes wm . be fifteen yard peanlty on the Institute small gains and kick. Balcomb and do not realize that this govel'nment o.r \ held . at the UniverSity Thurs(la,y ano team for slugging. ?~lkln~ m.alre g?od gains through In- ours is an experiment. rt is the .first , Friday. The students, will, oJ; course, Atlhough many forward passes were stltute s nght side. Varsity was 1.1n- time In history that this e:xp.eriment i1

' • be expected to devott\ there two days attempted bY the Varsity only ontl a hie to make gains on. end runs. has been tried with any indication of to strictly Intellectual pursuits, and ~as successfuL The lnstitute always. Score-University 0, N. M. M. I. 7. success. We have great reason to

\ not to spend them in pure levity .and succeeded in breaking them up and j 3rd Quarter.-_-Tile University kick- .feel proud of this great country of ours idleness. once or twice intercepted them. I ed off and Instttute was unable to re- with its one hundred and twenty-fi.ve

T() University. students, ... an !;I per- Sunday night when the team re- turn the . ball" far. Williamson made or so mlllions of inhabitants, and halls to the state nt large, the mo::f tttrned there were quite a few stu- large gains on quarttlr baclt end runs, strive to do our part in helping it to important feature. of the . entire con- dents at the train . to gfve them the . Ball advanced to varsity's 20-yard retain Its great part in the world'S' vent! on will be the formal lnaugura- glad hand.· Several ;yells were given line. By triclt end tuns and fake line progress.'' tion Saturday evening of Dr. :Boyd as for the team. 'L'here should have lllunges Jone, full b.ac}( made the sec- After delivering this talk Dr. Boyd the President of the University. In been twice . the 'number of students ond touchd.ow.n fur ~e Institute. W11~ went on and discussed the value to·

,h!s Inauguration speech Dr. Boyd will there that thctc were. Why not be Hamson again kicked goal .. The Uni- the Universlt~· of the student bodY, outline the pollcicsof the University,' to~ral'to the team and the school VeJ·sltY again.kicked ()l'f, Bj.' end runs <iecl~irlng that the students there were and mal(e a plea for the support o.f whether we win or lose. The men did for large gams and forward pass t.he a 'Selected nttmber from the inhabi­the University by the people of the well fn holding such a heavy team to Institute made .t;rO\Jd gains. Whe.never tants .of the State, and he asked them state.. As the program for the lnau- the score the~ did a.nd every stt~dent the Varsity men played wide for tlnd all to do their part in helping the gutatlon was printed in the Weeki~· of the University should be proud of .run a fake lineplung~ would make a ttnl:versity to attain a prominent part some weeks ago, aU students should them. good gai.n for N' •. M. M. I, .. By pretty in the state. B:e caHed attention to

, have a clear idea . or the exact time 'L'he team left Albuql!erque Thurs- passing and end rUn!! bY Williamson the fact that the State Teachers' .As-and program of the eventful occur~ day night and were given a· rousing the ball , was advanced to U. N. M.'s soclatlon was going to be held thP. next-


'~' l'ence. After next Saturday night the send-off by the student body. They l-yard lm~. Jones f.umbled th': ba~l week, and that as a consequenctl the­students Will have the Pleasure and landed In noswel! . Friday night an.d anrl Lapratlt, recov.ermg It came« It students would have two holidayS<

, honor of ·gretltlng< Dr, Boyd as the were met by the Xnstltute representa• b~cl( twenty-live yards. Varslty c~r- ~vh!ch he requested . them to use t() l fllnctlonatlng persident of the Unl- tives, 'l'hey were immediately talcen ried the ball to center of 1leld bY lme the best of their ability ln advertls:-\l Vers!ty. . out to the school an.d were given the' bucking through th.e left side. For- 'ing the University to the various v!s1t.

Newspapers . ovet; the ::enUre. state ver.V best of treatment. · 'I'M fellows wa~d ~asses were trted fr(l(fuen;!y, but ors in the City. · ·j' have p'dnted the J)rogram an!l the an- have nbthing but J)raise for the N. :M. \Vel e mcomplete. $core-U. ;N. M. ·0·• Wednesday morning Dr. Boyd made

. nouMement (l'f thj;j lnauguratitll'1;1 M. I. as hosts. Saturday nlght after N. M. M. I. 14· a. plea for efficiency and the conserva-

! · Sho~vJn~ wliat art interest thtl peopl!l th(J game the Varsity team was given Hh Quarter-Prohert rtlUeve$ Bal· Uon of energy, declaring that thl!l ot New Mexico are now taking in the. a. datice a.t which the m<m .at both comb at full back and AHott goes .In was an age in which tlfl'lciency would

·' t.tnlverslty. The pollcies of 'Dr. I3oyd, t€ams buried the war hatcnet u.ntfl· at right halt. U. N, M.:s ba,U Jn .ceti- count ,tor more tban anything' else. " as outlln.ei) ~n hls s.Peech wlll be l:lext ,year. ·'I'h:e University was' fall'li ter of. fltlld. Varsi,ty held fo.r downs. li:lff4clency WithOut waste !s thtl pr.eat

<Continued 'On th'tlld pa.g~)' . 'beaten and iJt . .their. (]'dt-l!a't ShQWed' <(Continued .on thit'd page) . cry Of the ume.






u. N. IV l. vV E E KLY J ~il~~~e ~~~~!s1\:e~0r:~::.:t t~yn;~~~ , .. · bonfire!l of respectable citizens' si,qe-

4\lbuquet"que, New )Iexlco. walks, anil to be the bugaboo of tne Published every 1\{onday througn- police in the town where this effu!live

out the College Year by the Students spirit wa~;. at large. ObViously, college of the t:niversity of New Mexico.. spirit rnust ha\'e some means of man:l"'

Subscr·iption Price $1,00 a Year In Ad,ance.

Single Copies, 5 cents,

Entered at the Post Office in Albu­querque>, :-<ew Mexico, Fel>ruary 11, 1904 as second-class matter.


resting itself, some escape-valve, as it were, lest it become too strong and e;x­plode. No.w, we don't want to be too radical, We do not covet the librar~· clock, nor are w\'l desirous of trans­planting the bandstand in Bobinroon Par){, But there mu!lt be so~e outlet for this college spirit, this satisfaction with things in general. The easiest

Address all busines::; communication.'! and best way to reduce the pressure is to Business :Manager,•U. N. ~1. Weekly. through the medium of our college

EDITORIAL STAFF~ songs and yells.

Clifford Nichols ....... Editor-in-Chief w. J. Higgins ... , .... Associate Editor L. · !. Harkness ....• , ••.... Athletics

. lra Bolelt, ......... Alumni and News Frank Gouin .......... , . Exchanges Ollie Hlnds .. , ...••....... , . Society Matt. Higgins ............. Revorter



Noo Noo Xoo

Mex;-i-co, Rah! Rah! l!Ie~-i-co, Rah! Ra,h! Mex-i-co, Rah! Rahl

C. N. M. U~ N. M: lloo-rah! U. N. 1\L


Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Hqo-rah! Rah.! Rah!

(3) Hi~key! lii-){e~·!

U-Rah, Rah! U-Rah, Rah! Hoo-rah! Hoo-rah! varsity, Varsity, R.ah! Rah! Rah! Students of the U. .N. :u., we solicit

YOl.lr trade. Shoes Repaired, Quick Service, Satisfaction Guaranteed. (4)

End and Genter, Tackle and Guard, All together! Hold 'em hard! Hit 'em again! lilt 'em again!

'em again! HARD!!


!'hone 482 107 N. :Fottrtb

Hlt -----------------------------

Louise Lowber ........•••. Revorter Albert Hunt ..•.........•.• Revorter

Particularly, let it lH? repeate<l, thJ·ou~h the medium of the song$. There is nothing more impressive than the students of a school en masse sing­ing, with the inspiration that seems to come when some grand old song of the Alma 1Y[ater is proposed, a glo1·Ja, r.s it were, tor their institution, Out songs display mu spirit; they are at­trat•tive to others; and to an immea­surable extent they advance the fame

Hit 'em agatn! E:it 'em 'em again!


Hit'' I Books and Sporting Goods I HARDER!!!! . I

Bl.'SI~ESS STAFF: of the institution, and give it added Hit 'em hard! STRONG' BOOK STORE Ed. Doran ......• ,. Business ::llanager dignity. The Universit)• halO many fine Another Yard! I

I 1

F th ·the•werene~ NOW!!!!! Ollie Hinds ....• , . Circulation :Manager songs. or . ree years ~ . . .,..


T<J tht• tNlt'h<•rs who aes<•ml•le in Alburttll•l'I(Ue thi::: \\ eek to ·atwnd the <·onn·ntifJn of the Rtate Te::wher's As­sol'i<ttion. the t'nivet·slty extends a most PIJrdlal grt>etlng and a heart~

wr·l!·••nH·. Esp!i'dall)' do W<> invitf thf'm to vi::lt us, and to make th<>m· s!"l\'£•s at home rm our campus. 1Ve ask thoSP who knuw th1• l'nlversit:i• in thE' }';1St t•) ('OIIJJI(lr(• its every feat11re with the l'nh·•·.rsJty of the tJrf'Sent day, and we rr·•IIH'St those teachers who see the T:ni\•prslty for the first time during their prN•Hlt visit in Albuquerque, to comt• up and get acquainted With us. Ever~· possible courtesy shall be t~hnwn r1wm, P\'r•ry attempt shall lw mad•· t·• dve them a d~>tailed knowJ. f l!t.:e of nur plans and our :wcom!lllsb­n-••nts. The rnh:C'r!'lity as a corporate 1 ,.!]y, nncl the students of the- rni.ver­fi!IY. in thPmEH! 1\"rs, desire that every tf·;a·h•·r in Xr>w ::liPxlt·o should be our !1 i<•wl, ;•.nd Wf' lltudf'nts are :iust con~ <"l·ltr·d enouqlt a hout our sc-hool to be­lll•vr· thnt every teacher who is ki.nd rnou~h <n J)f\Y 'Us a visit anrl m!'et IJUr

11rr·sidr•nt will he our friPnd .and nllY., nun(•, r t ~('mpt:>r, in saecula. saeculo­tntn*

ThP l't!Jtlent~l r;f the rnlversity sirt­(>f'r(']~· hope that tht> ennvention will pron• t11 he th!" most henefidat and Jl1£>3$!1rllhlf' that the teachers of New :Mexico ha\·e evc•r attended. We know that the• city of Albuquerque will do its part to assure the latter, and we only wish that we .may have an oppor­tunity to manifest the eagerness we fet'l to assist.

G:EJI' TilE liABlT.

., Last week the 'Veekly stated that

the sPirit or the University was fast a.pproaching !deal college spirit, and that this spirit had come to abide with tts permanently, regardless Of efforts to dislodge it, The truth of this be­lief was demonstrated by the size and enthusiasm of the crowd that assem­bled at the train Thursday night to give the team a demonstration l)f our confid.ent in them. Never did a foot­ball t~>nnt leaving Albuquerque to rep­resent the University In some inter­col1egiate contest receive such a spirit­ed "bon voyage" as our team dld .las1 Thursday evening. surely they de­served it, for we knew that regardless of the outcome of the garne, we would have reason to be proud of our rep· rescmtatives.

The question of Whether or not we llave college spirit, fs, Without doubt, dP[lnitt-Jy .':>ettled, 'rhe next issue to be consfd<>red is What fs to be the distin­guishing mark of this spirit, ''the out~ ward sign of tht! inward seeminlt''?

leded and forgotten: now thel• have c>ome again into thPll' proppr place in the life of the institution, and it is llw dttty of every student to know th~>m as he knows the alphabet. Oncp we l)ecome accustomt>d to htwJngo

(5) ~

Chiea-kerunk-kerunk-J<eroo.! Varsity, Varsity, N. l\:1:, u. Razzle,. dazzle, Sis! Boom! Bah! Varsity,. Varstty, Rah! Rah! Rah!

1ltll nltnn

313* W.Central Ave. Phone 9:Z3

songs and more songs, WE' won't be~·~-------------------------------­able to get along without them. Get th<> hall It!

ElsPwhE're in this Issue are printed the principal yells of the Varsity. No one is asked to learn them, no one is

~ commanded to learn them, but it 1s hoped that every student who is not quite sure of our yells will look them ovt-r, and correct any mista.kPn im· pressions he may haw•. College Yii'lls ar(> unique--thE>re Is nothing else th:h hE'ars the shadow of a res<'mblaneeo to a. college yell. While they may not hE> so vf:'rY benefic-ial to the voice. they snr<>lY shoul<l be of great value in lUnl):

G. RA .. y·. ('ATERS .TO THE. p. IIOTO.GR~\.I'J.UC NHEDS Qli' TUE ' l:". N. ~f. STCI>EN'l'S .• 210 Cli:N'.CRAL ..tH~ENUI!:.



DON'T FOR_GET to go to

Williams Drug · C~mpany For Your

TOILE'!' ART!Cl.ES mue I"ront 117 W. Central

tlc:>Yelopment. We have only one foot-l'nll game in Albuquerque this year. AI buq uerq. ue Lu 01 ber Co. I

By that time. which is, bl' the way, but a. few days distant, we shoUld l)C> LUi'IIBER, PAIN'!' AND GLASS able to demonstrate the manner in which a school should root for it«

42!! N. Ii'lUST STIU~I;;T

team. It's just a matter of getting Buy Fl1!Sh '}fCf.lts, PouJu 1 and Game When YoU Nc<>d Flowc1$ Cnll "Cp ll!!<'d to it. Get the habit! at the


On Thursday evening 1\Usaes E:inds. Ewing and Payton gave a Hallowe'en party at the home of Ollie Binds, 210 West Oenti'al A"l·e.


Phone 732 s. WaltE>r. At 8:30 the guests were __ ,__..._ __ _;_ _______ ..__....._ __________ _.._..._.....,. __ ushered into the parlor which was lighted by candles. The decorations were yellow and white chrysanthe­mums. The color scheme of red was carried out in the dining roorn, "FiVe Hundred" and dancing furnished the amusement for the evening, For­tunes were told in the garret. A two­course luncheon was served. Those present were Misses Caroline Michael, Marie Christian, Laura Colgan, Ruth Payton, :Ruth Ewing, Ollie Hinds; Messrs. GordO'n (}ass, Freel Luthy, Pel­ham, McClellan, Ralph Parker, 1:ratt

PhOne 66

Higgins and Morton Seligman.

The Society reporter received a long letter from Hazol Cox, "Coxie", last week. Hazel seeuls to be horne­sick for the U. N. M. and says the Weekly is worth more than a dollar to· her. l!er address ls 2139 Univer­sity Ave., San Diego, Calif.

Last ThUrsday evening the Dotrnt­tory girls and a number of town girls celebrated Hallowe'en hy first seeing that th~ football boys had a good send off, aecond enjoyed a shoW at the Pas­time and, third,. ate all the lee cream o.t O'Rielly's had (almost).

The Girl's GlM Club Is becoming very popular. The corning W~>ek they rrH1ke three f>Ublic apf)earances. Onn 'l'hursday :morning and one Friday morning in the Elks' and Friday af­ternoon at the Womans' Club.

Learnard-Lindetnann Co. SEE AND HE~\R oun U;\"E OF l:NTlilltiOR PLAYJ!:lt I•tANOS

Satisfaction Guaranteed. Our prices are lowest. Your Credit Is Good. Pianos I•'or Rent


If Its Good We Have It

New Mexico Cigar Co. Agent!! 1or Whitman's Oandte!l

'''l'he l'ue•y Package tor J]'asUdlous :Jrolks"

Pool Hall Jh Connection


MATTHEWtS Phone 420,

Crystal and Pastime TliEl<\'l'ERS

Best In Lh!cnscd 1\lovlng Pictures

ltlgh Olass Vnudm•tllc

tTp-to-Dutc Bnrbcr Shop and Bntlt



207 West Ccntrlll

J. C .. BALDRIDGE LUMBER CO. Lumber, Sash, Doors, Patnts, Oils

423 South Second St. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M.


(Continued from first Page)

Williamson rnakes large gain$ for In­stitute on :t'lne end runs. N. l\1. M. l. held for dPwns. Balcomb punts . .Car­lisle a.galn rec.ov.ers the punt,. but V::tr-,sily is ·held for downs. Institute made

"'a triple forward pass ending ·with Closson, Who carried the ball over for :a touchdown. Roswell failed to kick goal. University kicked off and In~

!lti:tute made good gains o;n. a series · !Jf trick p)ay:;; and fake end runs. Var­:sity goes through Institute's right sicle tor large distances. Same ends with ball in U, N. 1\:I.'s possession in about

' ~enter of field. Score-U, N. M. 0, N. 1\f. M. I. 20.

Time 15 minute quarters. Lt•te-Up.

N. M, M. l. U. N. lvL liaJistead , ....... G ...... , , . Wa;lk:er Eeanz ......... R,G ..... , . . . . Pease Franklin , , , . , .. L.(}.,, .. ,, ..... Lee Closson ........ R.T., ...•.•. Littrell Clayton , .... , .. L.T ... , .... , Hu-nter Onrst ........•. :a.m., Lackey, Arrnijo 'Smtth .. , , , ... , L.EJ, .. , .•.•. , Carlisle Wll!i~m1son .... , Q.B, .. , ..... Lapraik Jones ......... F.B. Balcomb, Probert ";!;owns end ...... R.H. Bateman-Allot! Lomax .....•.. L.l!. . . . . . . . . Calkins Unh-el'Sit~· arl(l In<lians N l'xt 'SittuJ•dny.

Next Saturday the University eleven Will me.et the .fast bunch from the local Indian School. This game will "be played at the new Association Park for the benefit of the ·Teacher$' ·Convention.


Uta.h, 10; University of Montana, 3. Utah Aggies, 54; Wyoming, o. New Mexico Military Institute, 20;

Sfate "University, 0. Haskell, 13; Denver University, 1 o. Santa Clara University, 19; Univer.

sit~' of Southern Ca!itornia, 3. Stanford University, 19; Olympic

Club, 0. lndiana, 33; Earlham, 7, Wyoming .53; Utah Aggies, 0.


::r-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ...... +++++++++++++++++++·· + . . . + + +

i YOUR CHECK BOOK * ~ + + + ~ A OHEOKING AOCOUN'r \Vill give ;vou a completl;' :1: .t recortl of each month's recelpts and. expenditure$. :J: •Jo You, will have U}>·W·date Imowlcdg·c of yout• financial :J: :J: afi'~trs, Its a. good plan to pay all bills by check. We :f: :J: give sPEleial attention to stludcnts• accounts. :1: + + :1: THIS 134NJ{ OFFERS ++ FOR· ANNUAL ~fEET + + SAFETY-·· SEOURlTY-STJl.ENGTH. + + + + 04PI'l'AL 4ND SURl>LU'S, $300,000. + + +

(Continued from fir::;t page)

I+ + heard by tnose fortuna.te enough to.:J: THE FIRST s. A·. YIN. GS B.· ·A· .NK & * be present, and· read by interested j + :1: persons throughout New Mexico, with :1: TRu· ·sT co + the most intense interest ,and will + . . ·. . · • ~ surely met with the approval or ev- :1" . . . + eryone, Every student of the Univer- :•++++++++++++:J-+++++++++++++++++.Z•+++++++++++++++++++++: sity BE THERE AND TELL ALL . YOUR FlliENDS 'L'O COME ALON(}. 'l'he policies of Dr. Boyd will be o.f the m.ost vital intel'est to us, and every student should be there, and bring a~;~ many· people with him as he can. Everyont> who hears Dr. Boyd that evening will probablY leave the hall a fll'm .fl'iend. of the University, and an. enthusiastic supporter of the scho.ol. That is the most necessary thing for the Unive1·sit~· - that EVERYBODY should be its friend.

The order of exercises for the inau­guration of Dr. Boyd will be as fol· Lows: Overtu1·e, Orchestra. · Invocation, Archdeacon W. E. War-



Stein=Bioch finest .Clothes for Men WALI{"OVER. SHOES $3.50 AND $4.00; Athletic Sweaters and Jerseys


2H W. Central Ave. Phone 521

.ren. •++++++++++++++++oi•++++++++++•I-+++o£•+++++++++++++++++•1•++~

:~::::.::rl:~::A·:·~~ :!:~: .. ~~ 1 sun NATIONAL BANK. Jitououmout N. M. 1 d~nt of tl1e University, Governor :1: UNITED S'l'ATES DEPOSITORY : "\Ym. C. McDonald, represented by :J: + Hon. Summers Burkha1•t. + DEPOSITORY OF THE SANTA FE Jl.. R +

InaUg'Ural Addrt?ss, President David :J: . . . . .. 3: n.oss Bo~·d. + WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS :1:

From the l'Csults, of the garne at Roswell we can see that the u. N. J\!1. team will be able to talte care of th<>mselvr.>s. Now Is the chance to take our revenge out on someone for the dC>feat last SMurday. Let 1t be the Tndiuns. Now is the time for the !ltu­•dent body to show the teachers of New :Mexico that we h.ave some real school •spirit in the University, E.veryont be ',there, hrlug a megaphonc, wear Var­:.!1ltY colors and trtuke a noise. Help the team to win this first game on the home ~trounds, If we have plenty of support from the students toe Varsity will pile up a score that will ·make Roswell's score lool~ Ulte fractions.

Music, Orch!'stra. + t Faculty Greeting, c. E. Hodgin, Dean • :.~~++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ... +•

of University.

. Start in now and sell tickets. Boost, «lon't have to he pried up yourself. Every teaehe•· attending the Com•en; tion wants a. ticket. See that they get 1t and have th<mt bring some one else. Let them know that we nre alive, that we hrwe a. :football ten111. And that that team Is the best in the ·stat<> of New Mexico.

Illgh Sehooi·~Ienn,ul. . By clever ptnylng the Albuquerque

Eilgh S<>hool dcfeated the 1\!enat1l ~chool by the score of 14 to 0 last Satnruay,

The clever playing of Hesselden, Farrell. Camp, and McCanna were re­-sponsible for the High School score. But for costly fumbles at a crltical thne l\Ienaul .might have scored In the !Se.cond half, •rwiee :Mena'ui was with­In one yard of the E:Jgh School goal, lltlt lost the ball on a fumble both times. E:esseiden made both tottch­downs tor the HJgh School 111 the first half. ·

On Thanksgiving the High School team goes to Ttoswell to J)lay a cham­plonshlp game With the Roswell High 'School team.

Greetings from the New M¢xlco State CERRILLOS ANTJIRA.OI'l'E Institutions of HighE>t' Learning. - OERRlLLOS AND GALLuP ::.UMP

Music, Orchestra. Audt0ss, Alvan N. White, Supt. Public

Instruction . lilME HAHN COAL <JO. COKE

Short Addrcss<>s, R<.'pre!lentntives of State Universities. Phone 91

Benediction, Rev. A. lVL Mandalarl, S . lUtrJL WOOD . J.

Music, Orchestra.



StU(lents Show Tb<>ir Beller Jn the

::I:eum; '"in or Lose, Squn(l ltnows School is l3nc1c of Them.

Thursday .morning a rousing toot­ball rally was held. to cheer the hearts of the footbnll tenrn which was to play Roswell Military Academy nt Roswell the following ,Saturday. Dr. Boyd made a stll•ring talk in favor of foot­ball, spealdng partl~j as follows:

J the University among Ute citizens of Roswell."

H. A. Carlisle, captain of this y<>ar's team then made a short but enthusi­;:~stic speech in which he declared that the team was in prime condition to give a good account of themselves; that they had been training faithfully nnd Were ready for the struggle,

Coa<.'h Hutchinson then made a talk itt Which he substantiated all that Car­lisle had said, and declared that Ros­well would know they had been in a game after they llad f)layed the U.N. M,

Fred. Calkins also made a short speech, backing all that Carlisle and E:utchlnson had said about the conw dltion and determination of the team.



Armijo Bulldtn&-.

R. w. D. BRYAN Attorney at Law

Sanitary Market 'OthN• l~ootbu.U Games Last Sa ttu•(la.y. ., Penn State, 14; University of Pe.firt• Sl'lVILnla, 0.

"The reason I like football Is that its work ill done· by a team, our clvlltzatlon Is so developed now that the great pa;r't o:f Its wotlt is done by team work, or concerted action. rn a footbaU team eleven men must con• Sitler themselves as one and all 1vork together. As no chain ls stronger than its wea!test 1inlt1 so It is with a :foot­ball team. After 11 few plays the OP• posing team finds out the weak spot on the other Hn.e and hammers It for gains. It is the duty of every !11nm­ber of the team to make himself as offlcient as possible before playing. He ought not go into the game surter­ltig from ltwk ·of sleep and rest, but should be hi prime condition. An• other 111a.tter; :vou are going down t<J Roswell as the r~JpresentatiVes of the University. ':l'he peOPle there w111 judge the University by the way In \vhlch :vou conduct yourselve's, so It wiU be up to :vou to matte a good irn­lWesslon and leave a good opinion for

Miss Helen James, as representative of the co-eds, extend.ed to the team the best wishes of the fair section of the D. N. M. students and promised that a large contingent of girls would be at the station that night to see them off.


Right Pt·Jccs



Harvard, 16: Princeton, 6. Purdue, 21; Northwestern, !i, Wisconsin, 30; Chfcngo, 12. Micsh!gan, 7; South Dakota, 6. Swarthmore, 2,0; Ursin us, 0. Carlisle, 34; r~ehigh, 14. Cornelf, 10; Williams, 2. Bucknell, O; Fa.yette, o. Minnesota, 13: 1lllnols, o. Oklahoma, 6; !{ansas, 5. Mlssfourl, 0; Nebraska, 7. Dartmouth, 6 0: Amherst, 0, Brown, 12; University of Vermont,

\ Washington, n; :Orall:e, 8!1. ; trniverslt:v-· of Colorado, 10; \faclo College, 7.


"""'-·' ' ~ ' -. .. ..

Phorte 256 206 East Central

Professor 1-r. H. Conwell. then made ~---~-~--~------­a splendid address on the quality of and he WM contident they would all the U. N. M. students in general and give a gciod account of themselves. of the team jn parttcuta.r, He called Dr. M. Ji', Angell en1led. the dis~ attention to the stone at the top of courses by one of his m:ual enthusHts· the sun dial which marks the entrance tic addresses in. which be predicted to the campus: this :;;tone bears con- success for the team, ol' glorious de­staerable resemblance to a man's head feat If unsuccessful .. ,a.nd Professor Conwell stated that as At the finish of the talk the Girls' the various signs over the different Glee Club rendered a, rousing :tootball Places of business are indicative of song, and the rally cam.e to a clotle what is made and sold therein, so this with tJ:ie · singing, of Alma lV,Iater by stone ren.resentlng a man's head in- the entire assembly. The loss ot the dtcated that within the University of J;'al)l$ has not In the least dampened New Mexico men were made; every. the spirit shown by the students last .Qne. 9l\ the ~oo.tball team Wq!l, a man1 Thursday,. . • • . , ....

: r~. ......



" ''·

' ! ,,, j


\' i > '

. I

- ·~

' I' I ~

ll d


I :

I " ' J I ' l ,j

;l ll !


·· ·ff~ms of.~ocal..lntere.$t

Fireless Coole Stoves .in all siz.es <tt .Albert Faber's, 308-310 W. Central,

]}ileen Bixler has been .ao§ent for some time on account of her mott:~r·s illness.

Have you noticed .how old Laure<m Asselin looks? She had a birthday l'hursday.

Misses Pratt an.d Everitt were out of school ·tim past week on accou·nt of sickness,

Students of the U. N. M., we solicit your trade .. -Bryant'.s parcel Delivery, IJhone 502.

A number of· Hi'gh School student::. aJ:e subsc;rib.ing for. t11e. Weekly. Now h~she,' students,. send i» the news and mll.ke' the paper a ''newsy" one.

Misses Asselin, Hesselden and Kete­h<>r were not on the h11l Friday, and acc:ordlngly missed some ve1'Y cha.rm· jng .(1$ wen as o.musing discussions in psychology.

----S~veral Uniyersity teaahers wHl

spenk at the meeting of the ]}duca· tiona! 'Association here thl$ week. We are sure. that no better tall~s will bE> h.eard tba,n these glven by ihe '.lllem­bers o~ OtT.R faculty.

J .. ·A •. SKI'NN·E;R ··-·, .. ,

o·R:.OCERIES , . .

Phone. 60 •.. 2o5: South First St.

Headquarters .for University Full Lh~e of BooJcs, Slllll>Ucs, Pennants, n,l)(l Sporting Goods

.o. A. MATSON & CO.· 202 \Vest Ccntt•al Al'ClUlC


u. ,N. M. BOYS The girls' physical culture class is

getting aloi'i.g nicely UU:der the direc­tion of Mt. Hutchinson and Helen JameR wno. nas b.een giving the com-mands for marching. The. girls will

Miss Irene Boldt has been absent 116 CENTRAL AVENUE ALBUQUERQUE, N. K,

soon be at work with Indian clubs. from the University for the past week on account of Illness. Indeed, we do all miss 'Rene.

Prof. Mitchell (addressing class in Latin 7)-"You fellows put too much slang l.n your translations. You should

:Mr. l\!onroe o! CI.eveland, Ohio, was be more poetical. That translation a vtsitor in assembly Wednesday should go something lilce this-· -"havf' morning. He was on his way to Los some backbone, and quit trotting Angeles, Calif. I around at the heels of that girl."

The Teacher:>' Association ought to Fali styles of Drapery Goods now meet in Albuquerque every yeo.r. WllY? em display at Albert Faber's, .&0.8-310 Because we get two holidays, Thurs- w. Central. aay and Friday, out of it.

The American history class has been very much excited about the out~ come of the election, and various re­sults have betn predicted.

The "pie counter" Is becoming less and Jess frequented these days, Con-sidering the quantity and quality of the food which Is now handed. out to unof!endlng students there, the fact is

. · not at all surprising. The students Lost, strayed or .stolen: ~ne grain of who are obliged to obtain their lunch

popcorn last Tllursday mght, some-. . ·· . · · ... · . .· . . h b t .. th .. Al d d t.h ·at. t.he l.u.nch cou. nt'C·r.-nre enti.tled to.a,, w ere e ween e vara o an e . ,

. . . , . . . . ' 'Strenuous ''kick•', an.d to. tns1st that·

Also CI.OVIS, .N. l\1, •

First National Bank ALBUQUERQUE~ N. M,.

Capital and Surplus,$ 400,000 Deposits - - 4,600,000


CRtSCfNT t1ARDWAR~ CO. Sto'Yes, Ranges, House F.urJrlehlnc c;;oodo, Cutlery and Tooll, Iron ,Pipe,

V&~.lves and Flttlngs1 Plumbing, Heating, Tin and. Copper Work.

118 WEST CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 311. G.1rls Dormitory.·. Finder return to b th th . . tit d 11 t f' th : . o e ·quan y an qua . y o e, · Helen James •and rece1ve reward. d.l h .. d ·th b -. . d p I !..--------------------------------• s es serve ere e 1mprove • eo-1

Harold J. Hill was a visitor at the University Friday. All attempts to In­duce him to return to school proved frtJitless. Monday he wm return to; his position with the Forestry Service.

ple can't he expected to eat things!==================================== that may be called edible onlY out ofi 'Politeness.

The High School-Menaul game, we' are sorry to say, was not so well :.tt~:

tended as the game last Saturday, bttt; The latest member of the Weekly as the score was fourteen to nothing


staff is Ira v. Boldt, who will handle in favor of the High Sch0'01 eve:ry'bo(lyj I:J' . Scharr & Marx Olot.bln: • alumni and old student news. If his from th.e University <as woeU as from' art, w· .. :~·-t .Sboetl


Hanan & Son'• ~ Jtnox &: ,steteoa Bat.


U.N. M. EEKLY Published by the Students of the University of New Mexico


. .

·~INAUGURATION OF DR~ BOYD A BRILLIANT AFFAIR ·Striking Address and Large Representation Mark Induction Into Office of Noted Educatorr Successful

Development of the University Now Assured. Policies and Scope of Institution Outlined in Scholarly Address.

A brilliant success and a splendid you Will let the wingtJ of the Univm·· "Dr. Boy. d, I brin"' to you the 1 t t "' a co-wo~· te~, We ;pledge you our

finale . o he meeting of the New slty grow, as It were, and that ere the gre. etin.g·s o .. f the Ag.r·1·nultura··l ·c·ol-"' support in Whatsoever you may do Mexico .State Teacners' ,Association l<mg we will N>gln to fly and I trusl lege, The relations between the State fot· the advancement of educution in was the Inauguration ot Dr. David the faculty will he r.eady to fly with College and the State University art' this State." Ro.ss Boyd as pr.esident of the Uni- You into the depths o.f the atmospher(• exceedin.g)v clo"e. Fro1n \"hat I ha\re D F , " ' . r. • rank H. H. Roberts, presi-versity of New Mexico Saturday even· of truth and light." !)eard you say within tlw last two or dent of the New Mexico Normal Uni-ing in the :Elks' opera house. After the: greetings of Professor three days I believe that you will ~·ersity, followed, in part:

Representatives from about eight Bodgin, Honorable R. w. D. Bryan agree with me that our institutions, .. 1. 0 t . h different State universities were on · c me omg t from the Normal the stage and all the higher educa- ______ ..,____ --·-~ 11niversity With greetings, not only tlonal institutions of New Mexico from the faculty of the Normal Uni-were represented, The ceremonies versity, but from the people of Las were opened With an invocation by Vegas. I pledge You our Joyal sup-Archdeacon w. E. Warren, following port for every great interest of the w)lich the ltcys of the University, as Univnrsity. I congratulate the Unl-a symbol of his authority, were pre- versity of New Mexico, the people sen.ted to Dr .• )3oyd by the Honorable of the Stn.te upon this auspicious oc-Summers Burkhal·t, representing Gov. casion, and I congratulate you, Pre.si-'Vm. C. McDonald, who was unable dent Boyd, upon the fact that you are to attend o.n account of Illness. Mr. to serve so great a people as the peo-Burkhart's address of presentation t>le of New Mexico." was in part as foilows: State Superintendent Alvan White,

"Governor McDonald desires to on behalf of the State Department of congratulate the people of New Mex- Education Of New Mexico, delivered leo upon the selection of Dr. Boyd. as a brief talk, as follow::;: the new J)rl'Sldent of the Unlversit)' "I know I can extend the congratu-and to assure Dr. BoYd of the hearty lations of the State Department of co-operation and suppo:rt of his ad- Education and the Public School Sys-miinstration in all the plans that he tem of the State to Dr. Boyd on this may devise for the bette!'ml'nt and auspicious occasion; every one of the upbulldlng of the University, and that more than 1,650 ten.chers h1 New he feels that no better president Mexico feels loyal to tl1ll University could. have been selected and that he and Dr. Boyd, and will give both his feels certain that within the next few earnest and. hearty S\IPPOrt. During years with the• rapidly growing popu~ I the summer months, .at the different latlon of New Mexico and with larget• institutes we had the pleasure of funds, with such a president and fac· meeting the new president of the Uni-ulty tot• the University, that that In· verslty, and I have been assured from sUtutlon wlll become within a very all hands that it wus "Jove at first short time a University .In fact as well sight." I can asstu·e you~ Dr. Boyd, as ln. name, and that It will take its that the veople of the State of New stan(l amongst the growing univer- Mexico, Who are PaYing taxes to sup-slUes of the country. port the Uni.versity will pay the same

name is no.t In the Weelcly staff, it Is the High School were well sati~Sfied.J • u • .uuuC aa because we forg'ilt to PtJt It in, htJI; Ecesselden .and Far:i'tiH ·again od.istin-. ~~~" we hol)e 1t was remembered. guished themselves f<Or their cleveri i

and. aggressive }l1ay!ng. Thene -were, ~+++++++!!o+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++~! An excellent story is known to the fewer from the Varsity present this, ·• · · .. . . +:

Weekly about two young gentlemen tim.· e.. Som. e of those who. ToOte.d.for;··· t. .SockS J>arncd Buttons RepltiCcd ~~ who took too much tor granted, and the High :School were Katherine: fo H bb L d c I were obliged to make a suddtm change Chaves, Laureen . Asselin, Bernice t ' . u . . ·s ' a··. un ry . om·p· a· . n··. y· J

~!a~~~n~e::~:::r::~:: :;~hf:rp~~~~: ~:~,ei~~:m~aR:d~:;d, ~~~0r~ ~~~;.~ ~ .FLANNELS WASnEID BY .IIAND . . . . • ·li pals. and Clifford Nichols. Junior O'RiellY) + "OUR WORn: IS UES'J:'i !

furnis,hed a counter .. attr.action to thei ·~ . . .. .. Wllltc Wagons • . . . . . ·. t: Fred Luthy ·- "A glass. of milk, game. Lillian Kieke was a goodi + Phone 171 Albuqucr(JU(I l

· rootet', too. Fred Luthy and Gordon· ~+++++++++ofl++++t~o++t!t+++++++++++lto+++fo++++++++++++++++r. • plea.se.'' Balcomb-"Full ·or half full?" Lnthy "l:!alf • fun-· · top Gn~s h. elpe~. to w.In tht game with --~~------~--------~------------------------~--~.......-1 half, some of the1r yells. After this game


Blankets, Comforts and Pillows. Largest vari~ty:, lowest J)l'ices. - Al­bert Faber, Z08·310 W. Central.

''Co-eds' 'ar.e no more. The term is too undignified. The. new name in­Vented for girls hy the men in an east­ern university Is "campus queens." Will the u. N. M. adopt -it?

a number of Varsity students and j others gathered in Matson's to awa.!t ONE liORE CA.ll: PEACHES DUE B.. .R. ·· .. u· p· p·· ·. E, I the returns from the Roswell gatlle. I

IN TOWN 'XOUA'l-~.. • A "nlght-shitt" p!I.Tade was oorttem-. I

.1·J.lat.ed,·.···.bu .. t. af. t·e·r· .. the r.· ecel·p·t ot the We 1\take the :Price, I seore, the crowd quietly dispersed.· DUUGGIS'.r Miss Eleanor Vaughey was as sorry a~; . . j at)Yone about the outcome of the WARD'S STORE Phone 88 203 w, Centritl game. She 'Is certainly tor the tho University, if not ot it. B:elen .Tames a.nd Mary .Cooper were told that the

"Dr. Boyd, I take great pleasure in I cheertully and give you their loyal presenting to you . .In the name of the support. One of our chief concerns Governor of New Mexico the lceys of om~ht to be to buUd up' our Univer· the University as a symbol of yom· sity, and in this I am sure that hence~ authority vested in you as president forth the people wilt take a great of tl1at institution. and desire to as- interest and that under the guidance-sure you in the Governor's name that of Dr, Boyd the institution win grow he wishes you the hearty co-operation! J).H. n.\Vll) n. BOYI), PRESIDEN'.r OI•' 'rill!> l.'NIVEUSITl~ and become greater in Its influence and support irt all your plans for the and usefUlness than ever before in growth and upbuilding of the lrtstitu· .. . . . . .. the past. I ex~end to you,· now Dr,

· tion, He desires to congratulate the I i~trod.uced Colonel . Jam}~s Wflls?n, j yours and the one I represent, the Boyd, the greetings of our large num­people of New t-.texlco upon your ap•: Superrntendent of the New . 1\IextCo other institutions of higher learning ber of teachers and of our various pointment and feels cel'tain that. the l· Military In~mutc of Hos,~ell, who 1n New Mexico, . the high schools and roards of directors, alld in fact, of all ]{()YS which are presented to you as spol<e a frw words of g1 eating as public schools of the State, form as it the agencies that are connected with symbolical of youl' authority wuld follows: were the spokes of a great wheel, thfll the public school system an.d pledge he placed In no better hands.'' "To be an Atneriean eitizen is thf' slrertgth of which depends upon the I you their loyalty, hearty' co-operation

Following the receiving of the k<JYs. greatest heritage a man enn have. strellglh and development of . each and support in the future.'' Dr. Boyd delivered his inaugural President Borel sllould first of all part and the co-operation of all. Inj Honorable R. w. D. Bryan, presi­speech, which Is giVen In tu11 itt an- be proud of the fact that 'lle has a view of these facts you may rest ItS• ·dent of the Boarc1 of Regents who othet• section ot this paper. Pro· right to live, as one of 98,000,000 or snred that the institution I represent presided over the meeting then' made fessor C. E'. B:odgln then del(verM more of Jleople, undet' the ShLr wishes you the greatest success and a few announcements as: follows: the greetings or the faculty to the Spangled Banner. Thl'ln also, he llrosperJty in your great and hOble "Letters of regret from the Uni-

. new president, speaking as :follows: should be proud of the fact that he worlc." varsities of Texas and Utah, but send-"1 come to bring greetings from is at the head oe the new state's onl~' Dr. And~\rson of the School o:i! lng their best wishes and heartiest

· the faculty associated with ~ou and University, with such possibilities of Mines extended the best wishes of congratUlations. Judge William J .• to assu:re you of our loyalty and con· building up and aiding higher edu.ca· that school as follows: Mills had been appointed by Yale

Varsity ahd been defeated ·five to For prompt and accurate serviCe, nothing, o.nd It is too had that the

Btya.nt•.s Parcel D!lUVety, ·J)horte 502. facts were even worse tha'l:i that. ' The" CAlbuquerqu~ Morning

· fidence In you as one welt fitted. to tio:n not alone In New Mex.lco but in "I believe that Dr. Boyd has the University as its representative, but

.J .. ·.0. ·ur· .nal. ~~"' lead in the growth of this parUctilat• the entire Southwest. :President support of a. loyal faculty, student was unable, at the last moment to trnlverstty. No oM lmows better Bayd anc1 the University of New Mex• boc1y and I also believe that he will attend, Dr. James li. Wroth had than yourself the need of loyal and icb, t bring you greetings from the have the support of every citizen been designated by the Universltt of


Cia'S~Y. . Young ,Men's Suits and . Overcoats

' -

: ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO helpful support from those with New Mexico Military Institute and as- within the confines ol: this great State, Pennsylvania to formally represent ' whom you lo.bor in bUilding up the sure you of our heEirtlest t!o•oPeration Dr. 13oyd, the fact1ltY of the School that institution: Professor Asa· o.

. ; , Uhfvorslty. It Is true that the Unl- and assistQ,nce irt all matters pertain• of Mlnes conveys to you our heartiest Weese, professor of biology, was cles-0 Jdb D · 1 1 l · · · M rn1 Jodi' ) verslty todll.y is small but l ca,rt con~ illg to its work In this state." cortgratula.tions. We extent to YO'! ignated by the University o:f Minne~

tn .. ,e.uv.·r·er.·· .· Y ............ ,., ·e.~RNtl.t .lifi~.·.-.~tw. =.·. ·:m .. ·· mp :~ •.···.· .... ".a:.~ ..... ~: .~ ... ·lb.b'll·J·.~.u ..... er.ed q··u····.~~e.·.·.rr·. 0 .. ·.:da.· .. ;··g·· t·n·.··. :the.· • ; tldently predict that we shall in n Dr. McArthur, of th<J AgrlcultuNtl the hand of good fellowship, we wel- sota as its representative, Honorable ~,., Nett ~;j short time compare favornbly with College, then spoke the greetings of comE> you into our midst n.nd esteem A. B. McMillen represented the Unl~

On. 1 .. --s···t ........... w· . ·r•-. Lnt ns· ...... . ~car, .•s the on. Jy pa. ~ .. !!...· . .. ...... 'I " . . . ~ ""~ ....... .,., "' "" ...... ., n._..,, .. ""' •1: nny State university. I believe that· that inatltution as follows: lt a privilege to have you w1t11 us as versity of Michlgan, and :Professor ttmate on youl' .next order, . lc:tlco ~•stng ~the ran ... '

Press Nmvs 18eft1ce.. .1 ,M~ I :\: ...

~ ............ ...._~,....- .. _..--.., . .......,..,. .. ~ • ......_~...-- .,...JV'I'I ., ; ~:· j .

