Unto The Furtherance Of The Gospel Bro. Preston Cronan · My name is Bro. Preston Cronan. I thank...


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Dear Pastor and church,

My name is Bro. Preston Cronan. I thank God for loving me enough to save me and my family and for Him using us in various ways over the years despite our faults and failures. It is a joy to be His servant.

After God called me to preach I said I’d never be a pastor. God had other plans and called us to pastor for a short time. We always loved and respected missionaries, but we said we would never want to do that type of work. God again had a different plan and early in 2015, the Lord began to burden me over the people of the United Kingdom. I didn’t realize the need in the UK, but as I researched the area my heart started to break for the people there. The United Kingdom was once a great God fearing nation. Many great men of God were sent out to evangelize the world and most of the great writers that we read after today came from the United Kingdom, but now those men and the God they served have been forgotten. Sadly now the great light that once shinned for Christ in this place has all but gone out. Churches are closing weekly due to the lack of attendance and leadership. A majority of those that claim to be Christian do not show any fruit or practice what they claim to believe. Only around 3% of the population attend any type of church. Islam is rapidly growing and predicted to become the dominate belief by 2021. Over 55% of the people do not believe that God exists and there has even been an atheist church started in England. A majority of the people believe the Bible is just a collection of fictional stories that holds no real truth. Throughout the United Kingdom there are only around 40 good Bible preaching churches at this time. There is a great need to restore the Blessed Hope in the UK.

We want to see God use us to reach the people with the Gospel and He has opened the door for us to begin our ministry in the country of Wales. There are only estimated to be around 10 fundamental Baptist Bible preaching churches for the three million people in Wales. Most of the population claim there is no God or see no need for Him in their life. A majority of them know nothing about Jesus Christ and are very closed off to Christianity. They are headed to Hell and do not even know it. Someone must go and tell them about a Savior that loves them and wants to save them from their sin and from Hell. I am thankful that God has chosen our family to go to these people.

Our desire is to plant churches throughout the valleys of Wales. We will be preaching the Gospel, passing out literature through the letter box ministry, personally passing out Gospel tracts, going into the care homes as God opens doors, working to get into the school systems, starting Sunday school classes, working with the youth, holding Vacation Bible Schools and Bible studies, and taking advantage of every opportunity the Lord gives us to share the Gospel. We also plan to disciple and train those that the Lord saves so that they are prepared to go out and win others. As God calls men to preach we want to train them in God’s Word and the workings of the church so they are equipped to take over works and plant more churches.

Our family is broken over the people in the United Kingdom. While visiting there God confirmed that South Wales is the place He wants us to begin. We had the opportunity to meet a number of people and to spend some time spreading the Gospel during our visit. My wife and I were both in tears when we had to pack our bags and leave to come back to the states so that we could continue raising our support. We long to get back and get busy in the work God has called us to do. The harvest in the United Kingdom is plenteous and there is much to do, we hope that you will partner with our family in seeing the light restored in the UK.

We are being sent out of Calvary Baptist Church in Tunnel Hill, GA where Bro.Tony Hyatt is our pastor. Our missions agency is The Gospel Preachers Association, which is a ministry of Galilean Baptist Church in Lawrenceville, GA. I am thankful for our church and the missions agency that the Lord has allowed us to be part of.

Unto The Furtherance Of The Gospel

Bro. Preston Cronan& Family

Preston Cronan
My Testimony
Preston Cronan
I grew up in church and at 12 years old went to the altar and made a profession of salvation. The problem was that God was not convicting me at the time and I simply went through the motions of going to the altar like I had saw others do because I knew I needed to be saved. I pretended to be something I was not for 12 long years. I sang in the choir, helped teach VBS, played instruments in church, and even prayed with other people. I knew that I was lost, but kept trying to think my way into salvation. When God would convict me I would not give in because everyone thought I was saved and I thought they would think less of me if they found out. Finally at the age of 24, the Holy Spirit came by my way again. I went to the altar and again tried to bargain with God like I had many times, but as I knelt there talking to the Lord I realized I was headed for Hell. That morning I called out on Jesus. I realized it wasn’t about what I could do, but that I had to put my trust fully in what He had already done. He gloriously saved me by His grace and changed my life. Shortly after I was saved, my wife realized she too had deceived herself and a month later she accepted Christ. I thank God for what He did for us.After some time as I grew in the Lord, He began to deal with me about preaching. For around 4 years I prayed about it, thought about it, and tried to understand why. I guess part of me was running and the other part was trying to make sure. On October 18, 2009 I announced that God had called me to preach.Over the years I look back and see how God was preparing me for the mission field. I have been a Sunday School teacher to kids as well as adults, served as a deacon, church clerk, assistant treasurer, taught VBS to various ages, youth director, singer, instrument player, choir and youth choir leader, been involved in visitation, and pastored a church. I fell in love with the church where God allowed us to pastor and did not want to leave. We had a great time, we saw people saved, the church grew, we started a missions program, and we were seeing people get closer to the Lord. One day God said it was time to go. I didn’t want to leave and prayed for two months about God’s will. He helped me to realize that despite what I wanted, it was His will for me to go and I stood before the church in tears and had to resign. They understood and wanted me to follow the Lord’s direction. We still have a great relationship with the church. – God used all these things over the years to teach me all about how a church works and how to help the people of the church so that I could be used in His future plans for me.On August 10th of 2014, my daughter Riley fell under conviction at 10 years old and cried out for Jesus and trusted in Him to save her. On May 3rd of 2015, my son Cole looked up at me with tears in his eyes and said, “I want to be saved.” He said the Lord was dealing with him and we made our way to the altar where he trusted Christ and was gloriously born again. I prayed God save my children at an early age and He saw fit to answer that prayer.�
Preston Cronan
I thank God for saving my family and calling us to go and serve Him. We feel that we are the least among His children and don’t understand�
Preston Cronan
why He would want to use us, but we just want to be found faithful in doing all we can to see the Gospel message spread across the world and lost souls saved.
Preston Cronan
Unto The Furtherance Of The GospelBro. Preston Cronan & Family�

To Brethren in Christ

Hello. My name is Bro. Tony Hyatt, and I am the pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church in Tunnel Hill, Georgia. I am writing to inform you that, during the Sunday morning service on August 23, 2015, Bro. Preston Cronan announced his call and burden to go to the mission field of the United Kingdom.

After much prayer and sharing his burden with me, he decided to share his burden with the church during the morning service as he felt that this was the right moment and time.

Our church was moved and excited as one of our own was called by God to serve on the mission field. Normally, we are sending others who call or come by and present their burdens, but now we get a chance to support one of our own members.

One of the things that I know will be important for each of you pastors is to know what kind of man, preacher, and servant Bro. Preston Cronan is. These are my concerns as well when viewing candidates for support.

Therefore, I would like to take a moment and share just a little information about Bro. Cronan and his family with you. Bro. Cronan is married to his wife Wendy and has two beautiful children Riley (11 yrs.) and Cole (7 yrs.). Bro.Cronan was saved on September 15, 2002, and announced his call to preach on October 18, 2009.

Bro. Preston and his family have been faithful members of the Calvary Baptist Church since 2004. During these years, Bro. Preston has served in a number of different areas of service. He has been instrumental in working with and teaching our young people, leading our youth choir, and helping to develop the musical skills of some of our young people. Bro. Preston has also assisted with the preaching ministry at the church, worked in a jail ministry, pastored a church in Calhoun, Georgia, helped on visitation teams at the church, and served as a deacon for several years.

If the Lord should lead you to have Bro. Cronan come and present his burden for the mission field, I know that he would be a blessing to your church through his preaching and singing. Over the next several months, Bro. Preston will be making contacts, making calls, and scheduling appointments, as he will be seeking support from local churches to get him to the mission field. I would like to encourage you to take him on for support, as I believe that he would be a blessing on the foreign field serving in the United Kingdom.

If I can be of any assistance, you can call me at 1-423-838-2351.Bro. Tony Hyatt, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church

September 23, 2015
