Update muziekbijbelnummers 4 maart 2010  · Web viewUpdate muziek bijbelnummers 29 april 2010....


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Update muziek bijbelnummers 29 april 2010

Alison Krauss:1) A living prayer – “The savior lives inside me there etc” ze wil een

levend gebed voor God zijn. 2) Down to the river to pray – Bidden om de juiste weg naar Gods

koninkrijk en de belonging die daar bij hoort.3) Jacob’s dream – kinderen zijn spoorloos, een Jacob droomt over de

plek waar ze liggen begraven. In de bijbel is er ook een Jacob die droomt en een openbaring krijgt !!??

4) In the palm of your hand - bij Jesaja 40:28-31

America(ex-lid Dan Peek gospelalbum)Song Title Time

  1. All Things Are Possible

  2. Divine Lady

  3. Love Was Just Another World

  4. He's All That's Right

  5. One Way

  6. Ready For Love

  7. Lighthouse

  8. Forgive Me, Forgive You

  9. Hometown

10. You're My Star

11. I Have To Say Goodbye

Amy Grant (30 miljoen cd’s)Breath of heaven (Mary’s song) – gezongen vanuit het perespectief van Maria die een kind verwacht.

Andre Rieu:You’ll never walk alone (cover Johnny cash ?)Nearer my God, to Thee (lied word ook gezongen bij het zinken van de Titanic).

Accept (Peter baltes christen geworden)

A camp(2e band van de cardigans,zangeres Nina perssons)Op cd Colonia(2008)1) Stronger than jesus2) The Crowning (over de kruisiging)

Alice cooper: Op de cd brutal planet staan een aantal christelijke referenties.Cd the last temptation staat vol met geloofsthema’s

Anthrax (dan spitz –christen geworden)Former Anthrax lead guitarist Dan Spitz is now a Messianic Jew.

Daniel Spitz turned his back on music after more than a decade of success with one of the world's fiercest rock bands. But now the former lead guitarist with ANTHRAX, one of the pioneers of "thrash metal," is back with a new song--as a Messianic Jew.

After a hiatus of more than four years, he is recording an album that marries his familiar sound with a newfound faith. He plans to go back on the road to reach young people who connect with the raw power of his style of music but find little to appeal to them in the typical church.

"The new stuff is a testimony to coming from where I was to where I am now," says the 36-year-old musician who helped Anthrax sell more than 12 million albums as they hit the charts and toured the world.

Founded in 1982, the group led the new "thrash metal" scene--which mixes heavy metal and punk in fast, high-energy music--along with the likes of Metallica, Slayer and Megadeth. Anthrax's recordings included "Spreading the Disease" and "Sound of White Noise," with songs like "Deathrider," "Belly of the Beast," "Discharge" and "Parasite." One leading music magazine acclaimed their "remorseless metallic drive without peer."

Avenged Sevenfold

The band has released five studio albums, one live album/compilation, and fifteen singles. The band themselves have received much credit for their worldwide mainstream success and

were most notably proclaimed as one of the leaders and key bands in the New Wave of American Heavy Metal and were featured as second place on Ultimate Guitar's Top Ten Bands of the Decade. Andere bijbel gerelateerde liederen:

The band's name is a reference to the Book of Genesis in the Bible, where Cain is sentenced to live in exile for murdering his brother. God marked him so that none would kill him on account of his sin; the man who dared to kill Cain would suffer "vengeance seven times over" (KJV). The abbreviation for Avenged Sevenfold came from Zacky Vengeance as A7X, which the A stands for 'Avenged', the 7 stands for 'seven', and the X stands for 'fold' because of the X forming a "folding" formation. The title of Avenged Sevenfold's song "Chapter Four" references the fourth chapter of Genesis, in which the story of Cain and Abel takes place. The song's subject also appears to be this story. "Beast and the Harlot", yet another song derived from the Bible, comes from the book of Revelation only it is written in the first person and refers to the punishment of Babylon the Great, world empire and seat of false religion. Another biblical reference occurs in the song "The Wicked End". In this song, several times it is said "dust the apple off, savor each bite, and deep inside you know Adam was right." making reference to Eve eating the forbidden fruit.

Angel City;– after the rainSomebody save me The water's rising - zondvloedSweet Jesus take the blame – jezus draagt de strafWho knows whose star is falling – vallende ster – jezus zegt ergens dat hij de duivel uit de hemel zag vallen.Who throws the winning dice – soldaten die dobbelen aan de voet van het kruis

Bad religion: veel nummers die kritiek geven op het christelijk geloof. Naast ronduit schelden werpen ze soms ook goede vragen op !!

Bette Midler: From a distance –tekst “From a distance there is harmony, and it echoes through the land. And it's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves, it's the heart of every man.

It's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves. This is the song of every man. And God is watching us, God is watching us, God is watching us from a distance. Oh, God is watching us, God is watching. God is watching us from a distance.”

Black eyed peas: where is the love (Father, Father tell me, where is the love ?)

Black sabbath: “after forever” dit lied gaat over het leven na de dood vanuit christelijk perspectief.

Billy Idol: Plastic jesus – dit nummer is gericht tegen mensen die Jezus als poppen verkopen, als kitsch etc.(mooi nummer om te vergelijken met vandaag de dag, kruis om je nek maar hoe gedraag je je ?)Adam in chains: Gaat over een vrouw die het hart breekt van een ander. Misschien een verband met Eva die het hart breekt van Adam door hem de appel te laten eten ?Mark of cain: eenzaamheid en verlangen als vloek. Door bedrog kreeg hij tekens/krassen in zijn geest die resulteerden in krassen in zijn armen.(drugsgebruik).Billy Idol: Prodigal bluesInteressant in de videoclip; eerst vrij op de motor, brug /weg afgebroken, “guess I crossed over the borderline”(kruis in beeld)dan een kruis onder water dan een kruis met een mes en de zinnen “come home to claim a glory prodigal son, prodigal bum). De koppeling met het verhaal van de verloren zoon is overduidelijk !!

Billy idol heeft ook een kerst cd gemaakt ? happy holidays

Bob Marley: We and dem Bob marley lokt een discussie uit over wat heerschappij betekent in relatie tot dier en milieu.Genesis 1;26 en 1:29-30 waarin de mens heerschappij krijgt over de dieren. Dienend leiderschap ??Adam and Eve eigenzinnige interpretatie geschikt voor discussie.

Bob Dylan:Twee cd’s vol met bijbelse nummers:1) Shot of love 2) slow train comingEn nog veel meer….Bv. In the garden Het lied gaat over hoe Jezus door de mensen ontvangen word. Ze zagen wonderen, ze hoorden zijn woorden, geloofden de opstanding. Hoe hebben de mensen Jezus zo verkeerd kunnen begrijpen en waarom verwerpen ze Hem.Bob Dylan:

Interessante info pver Bob Dylan en de bijbel


http://www.crossrhythms.co.uk/articles/music/bob_dylan/7795/p2/ over de spirituele reis van Bob Dylan.

Darren Hirst examines the spiritual journey of the folk rock megastar BOB DYLAN.

When Leon Patillo was converted in the late '70s, the Christian music industry and its press was full of the news of the conversion of "Santana's lead singer". Those who are familiar with the music of Santana will know that the band revolves around and is named for its guitarist and has used a mammoth amount of vocalists over the last 30 years. But the facts don't always get in the way of Christian reporting and a good story when it sees one. Patillo may now only merit a footnote in the history of contemporary Christian music but his launch into the Christian marketplace and its subculture was indicative of something that was going to happen time and time again in the late '70s and early '80s. The Church had come to believe that celebrity converts in some ways added to the validity of the Gospel. Perhaps if it waved the flag and showed that someone famous believed then those who didn't would be persuaded by celebrity testimony.

Perhaps it was symptomatic of the times. It was the opening of an era in church life which was heavily influenced by the Vineyard fellowship, John Wimber and his teachings. The argument went something like this - if people see marvellous works of God then they would be persuaded of the validity of the Gospel and accept Christ. Leaving aside troubling comments of Christ that suggested it was an adulterous generation that looked for a sign and that people would not be persuaded even if someone was raised from the dead, whatever the weaknesses of the theology and the theory of the Church, the Vineyard movement would make a lasting impression on the Church for the next two decades, until the passing of Wimber, its most persuasive advocate.

Which brings us to Bob Dylan. Not only was Dylan the height of the cult of the celebrity convert, his conversion occurred whilst he was under the auspices of the Vineyard movement. After his conversion, Dylan immediately began to record exclusively Gospel songs and began to perform in concert in a way that was out of keeping with the first 20 years of his career. Someone who previously had needed to be encouraged to say "thank you" between songs and who evaded questions presented by the press, now began to preach sermons about Armageddon and give interviews about his new found faith. Sometimes he was booed and heckled whilst on stage whilst others talked about it all being "a phase". In 1982, he reverted to type refusing to talk about much of anything once more. He left Vineyard, began to study Scripture with the Jewish Lubavitch sect and declined to host a gospel music awards show. The Church that had a use for Dylan's celebrity now had no use for him. His 1983 album 'Infidels' was searched by the Christian press for the expected disowning of the Christian faith and though it didn't come the religious press paid less and less attention to each subsequent Dylan album. The Dylan Christian era was over, it seemed.

It's 2003 and people in the Christian press are talking about Bob Dylan and Jesus Christ in the same breath again. Relevant Books have published Restless Pilgrim The Spiritual Journey Of Bob Dylan, an analysis of Dylan and faith by Scott Marshall and Marcia Ford. Meanwhile, Dylan's record label, Sony/ Columbia, have released an album of covers from 'Slow Train Coming' and 'Saved' (Dylan's two most strident Gospel albums) entitled 'Gotta Serve Somebody The Gospel Songs Of Bob Dylan'. Meanwhile, Dylan has had a new film previewed at the Sundance Festival in the US and is continuing to tour in Australia and New Zealand.

So what are they saying? Well, the limits of the Church's discussion are reflected best by Restless Pilgrim, Marshall and Ford's recent book. Dylan's faith, we are told, is alive and well. He studied with the

Lubavitchers as a Christian we are assured and when he does speak publicly his comments are consistent with belief. The book spends nearly 200 pages simply revisiting the "is he/ isn't he" debate which might just about have been relevant (no pun intended) in 1983 but surely not in 2003! There are no surprises and little consideration of Dylan's music unless it is to prove that he is one of us.

In 1980, the Church's contact with celebrity converts was in its infancy and this shallow analysis was the best that any of us could do but surely by now we should have a little more depth. As Christians, we have little business judging another's salvation but as Christian musicians, writers and art critics we have a duty to do more than this with any given subject. In 1980, Christian reviewer Tony Jasper said that he had no desire to see Bob Dylan sharing a platform with Billy Graham but that he would like to see Dylan return his attention to "the world, ... social and political events, ... people ... but now obviously permeated (by) learning from the New Testament." Journalist and poet Steve Turner has argued in his book Imagine that Christians in the arts are called "to simply 'be there' where it counts and create something different and challenging by staying faithful and allowing that faith to invade their vision. If we want to see art that challenges the prevailing secularism we need artists who are not only skilful but also theologically well equipped, grounded in a fellowship and living obedient lives. Christianity is not a mere philosophy, it is a spiritual relationship that results in changed thoughts and actions, and it will only rub off on our work if it has first of all permeated our lives."

These seem appropriate grounds for assessment. If we hold up Dylan's art and life to these criteria is he an artist who has anything to say to the Church, to the world from a faith perspective? For me, the question of the continuing existence of Dylan's faith has been settled since one day in 1985 when he began a tour in Australasia with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. In the afternoon, he was obliged to give a press conference. In response to a question whether he regarded himself as a follower of Christ or as a Jew, he humorously responded that he followed Christ "about 50% of the time and (is) a Jew only when I have to be." I doubt that a Messianic Jewish believer could have given a more self-effacing and honest response. That evening he went out and sang a song for the one he described as "his hero" - "In the Garden" from his 'Saved' album. But by that time the Church had stopped listening and there has been little analysis since then of Dylan's art from a Christian perspective.

Trying to assess the whole of the last 20 years of Dylan's career is way beyond the scope of this article but perhaps we can find a few stopping points in his personal life, his recorded albums and his live performances which help us to see whether the work of the Spirit of God can be seen to be influencing his art and life over this period and whether he has significant things to say to us.

Personal Witness

As previously indicated, Bob Dylan, prior to his conversion, was never the media's darling. He is the past master of the humorous, the evasive or the petulant answer. Despite this, he has always addressed, when asked in interviews, issues about God, about his Messiah, about the nature of this fallen world and about his attitude to Scripture. Again the Church's disappointment with him stems from an expectation that he would maintain the kind of witness he had in the first years of his conversion. There are two problems with this. Firstly, Dylan was clearly acting somewhat out of character at this point. Secondly, there are suggestions from those close to Dylan that at times he has struggled to live out his faith and sought purposely to avoid being put on a platform and risk bringing the faith into disrepute. Whilst the Christian press and others were speculating that Dylan was still seeking to re-establish his relationship with his first wife Sara (which ended the year before his conversion), he had quietly married his backing singer, Carolyn, and they had a daughter, Desiree. The period that this relationship ended and came to divorce was a particularly painful one for Bob. One performance from this period was so incoherent that the bootleggers named it Name That Song. However, following the period of the divorce (1992), Dylan's tendency to sing and talk about his faith, albeit obliquely and enigmatically, has returned.

As we consider Dylan's recorded output since 1983, there is obviously too much to cover in an article of this scope. As the image of the train has been a key one since 1965 when he first wrote of the "holy slow train", I thought rather than try to survey his whole output, we would make selected train station stops as we journey through this 20 year period.

Station 1 - 1985 - 'Empire Burlesque'

This overlooked album includes some of Bob's best poetry. The opener "Tight Connection To My Heart" borrows from the language of Song Of Songs as the narrator wanders through the town hoping that someone else has seen the object of his love. The narrative voice is to be disappointed in his search for like-minded individuals. By the end of his album we find that his journey through the world has revealed that few are still seeking his love and all he has found are "Dark Eyes". This last song leans on Jesus' notion that the eyes are the lamp of the body in Matthew 6. The album also has two warnings -one for unbelievers in the apocalyptic-flavoured "When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky" and one for straying believers, "Something's Burning Baby". In interview, Dylan was to comment about this album

where the characters and narrator were not named but identifiable to the listener. "Sometimes it's me, sometimes it's the 'I' that created me".

Station 2 - 1986 - "Brownsville Girl" on 'Knocked Out Loaded'

Conceptually 'Knocked Out Loaded' is much looser than its predecessor. Each song stands alone. "Driftin' Too Far From Shore" is another warning for those who know the truth but no longer live as if they do. His cover of "They Killed Him" finds Bob singing of "the holy son of God Almighty, the holy one called Jesus Christ." If we want poetry and innovative music stylings on this album though we must look to "Brownsville Girl". The song begins with Dylan reflecting on a cowboy film he saw where the hero forgives the villain and justifies his behaviour so that he might go free. By the end of the song he is in another place that he came to after "the stars were torn down". This latter image is a favourite of Dylan's and is based on Revelation 6 13 where "the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind." Dylan shows his mastery of language as the narrator decries people who "don't do what they believe in, they just do what's most convenient, then they repent" whilst characterising himself as one who has "always been the kind of person that doesn't like to trespass but sometimes you just find yourself over the line." Like the villain in the Western movie the narrator has one who has spoken for his justification and forgiveness "You saw my picture in the Corpus Christi Tribune/ Underneath it, it said, 'A man with no alibi'/ You went out on a limb to testify for me, you said I was with you/ Then when I saw you break down in front of the judge and cry real tears/ It was the best acting I saw anybody do." As long as we grasp that the name of the town of Corpus Christi translates to "body of Christ" and appreciate that a limb is part of a tree then this beautiful imagery should not be beyond comprehension.

Station 3 - 1989 - 'Oh Mercy'

On 'Oh Mercy' Dylan looks over the world (on "Political World" and "Everything Is Broken"), its ambitions (on "Disease Of Conceit"), his own life (on "What Good Am I") and even the Church (" Ring Them Bells") and argues that everything is not how it is supposed to be and needs reforming. Ironically, whilst the Church was not listening, the secular Dylan audience understood his mindset and analysed it well as in this quote from the non-religious Dylan fan magazine Isis which interprets "Ring Them Bells" "In this new and major Dylan song, the 'heathen' is at present in 'the city that dreams. ' However, we already know from 'Slow Train Coming' album that 'in order to dream you gotta still be asleep. ' So it would appear that the lyric is in fact asking the 'heathen' to wake up (to God), and in order to both rejoice and summon others he should 'ring them bells'. The next line tells of the sanctuary (Ezekiel 37 28) that is to be found in God's city."

Any music that causes the artists' fan base to search the Scriptures must have merit. The song is not kind to the church. It pictures "the Bride" of Christ "going backwards" whilst "the Shepherds are asleep" in the fields neglecting the flock.

Station 4 - 1997 - 'Time Out Of Mind'

This album was released shortly after Dylan came out of hospital after receiving treatment for a heart complaint. The reviewers thought that this accounted for its "morbid fascination" with the end of life but neglected to note that it was recorded before his hospitalisation. Rather, the album treats life like a journey which climaxes in the transition from this world into the city of God. The writer is very aware that this journey has been treated before and relies heavily on the language of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Like Christian in Doubting Castle, he finds himself "20 miles out of town, in cold irons bound" (" Cold Irons Bound"). The purpose of the journey is to get in to Heaven "before they close the door." His final destination is the "Highlands" which is where he trusts he will "be when I'm called home." As in Vanity Fair, the believer is struggling to keep his mind on eternal things amongst the minutiae of so much that is passing away and temporal.

Station 5 - 2001 - 'Live 1961-2000'

This live album which was intended for the Japanese market has become widely available. Much of the album is made up of songs recorded by Dylan after his conversion. The album opens and closes with new songs which emphasise the two ways in which the artist has chosen to communicate his faith in concert. The album opens with the traditional bluegrass hymn "Somebody Touched Me" "It was on a Sunday/ Somebody touched me/ Must have been the hand of the Lord." This song has more in common with the lyrics of his 'Saved' album than his more recent recordings. The album closes with "Things Have Changed", a song which would win a Grammy and combines a quote from a hymn with the journeying language of his 'Time Out Of Mind' album and the internal struggle of sanctification which would be the central theme on his next record "Don't get up gentleman, I'm only passing through/ I've been walking 40

miles of bad road/ If the Bible is right, this world will explode/ I've been trying to get as far away from myself as I can."

Station 6 - 2001 - 'Love And Theft'

'Love And Theft' is Dylan's most recent studio album. It deals with the struggles and complexity of the idea of the "old man" and "new man" co-existing in the life of the believer in this world and those things which point towards God and away from God. This duality begins in the title (" Love" fulfils the commandments and "Theft" breaks them) and runs through the heart of every song. In "Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Dum" we find two men who look the same who are both capable of good and evil. The other principle characters of the album find themselves struggling through this world of sin trying to identify the hand of God in the dark shadows of a failing light. In "Bye And Bye" the voice of God is heard "I'm gonna baptize you in fire so you can sin no more/ I'm gonna establish my rule through civil war." The "civil war" of the album is internal and not external. The time when the characters will "sin no more" is in the "Bye And Bye" and not in the present. Meanwhile, to live for God is hard.

The album ends with "Love" acting like a sword which divides this world between good and bad but also with an invitation for all to join this struggle of salvation before it is too late "You got a way of tearing a world apart, Love, see what you done/ Just as sure as we're living, just as sure as you're born/ Look up, look up - seek your Maker - 'fore Gabriel blows his horn." As we have seen, most of Dylan's albums are thematic and limited to one or a few chosen subjects. To understand the scope of the way that his faith has touched his art we must consider his live performances. Since his divorce, Dylan has toured almost non-stop and clearly sees this as the centre of his work as a musician.

Writer Markus Prieur, in a fascinating article, Can't Let Go No More in Judas Magazine (another Dylan fan publication!), has pointed out the way that Dylan tends to open with a song of faith and later in his show tends to group his songs together in his performance to develop a particular theme of faith. His opening songs over the last four years have been mostly covers of bluegrass hymns. There has been "I Am The Man, Thomas" (a song about the resurrection appearance to a doubting disciple), or songs of worship and future hope like "A Voice From On High", "Hallelujah, I'm Ready To Go" or the aforementioned "Somebody Touched Me". His principle theme in the grouped songs from the latter part of the show tend to emphasise the transitory nature of life in this world and the security of the salvation he has found. Consequently, he pairs songs like the bluegrass "This World Can't Stand Long" or his own "Down In The Flood" with songs like "Rock Of Ages" or "Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour" (the hymns) or his own "Solid Rock" or "Saving Grace". Ironically, the very reviewers who disparaged "Saving Grace" when it first appeared on 'Saved' argued that it was the best performance in the early shows of his recent Australian tour.

In conclusion, if we take any note of Dylan's music then perhaps we should be not seeking to establish whether he is merely a believer (like the Restless Pilgrim book) but whether his work is correspondent with the mature voice of someone who has been a man of faith for a quarter of a century. In recent years, he has encouraged an artist to turn a song from "Slow Train Coming" into a children's book, used his Gospel songs creatively in concert and his biblical knowledge to create truly poetic visions in his new songs and albums. In 2003, he has written and starred in a film which the reviewers argue turns to the common Dylan themes and pre-occupation of a "broken and decadent world and the need for a Messiah" and worked with gospel singers to develop the songs from 'Slow Train Coming' and 'Saved' into the stylings of the black gospel Church. When we hear Dylan performing his duet with Mavis Staples on "Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking" perhaps we will conclude that he has, with God's help, done so and learn from some of the results. 

Boogie Down Productions(rap 1989): Why is that Sem –zwart ? Mozes identiteit. Wat is er belangrijk aan dat Israelieten een lichte of zwarte huid te laten hebben ? Discriminatie ?

Boudewijn de Groot; Gij zult niet doden (1 van de 10 geboden).

Brand new(alt.rock 2006) “Jesus Christ” Vragen/beweringen die in het lied worden gesteld.

a)wat deed Jezus drie dagen in het graf ?b)Zanger is bang om dood te gaan vanwege de onzekerheid.

c)Jezus komt als een dief in de nacht. Niemand weet de tijd. d)“ We all got wood and nails” doet denken aan Jezus opdracht neem je kruis op en volg mij.

2) Play crack the sky - tekst van jakobus 3:4-5a zit er duidelijk in. your tongue is a rudder.it steers the whole ship, sends your words past your lips, or keeps them safe behind your teeth.but the wrong words will strand you, come off-course while you sleep, sweep your boat out to sea or dashed to bits on the reef.

Bruce Cockburn: cry of a tiny babe hervertelling van mattheus geboorteverhaal.

Bruce springsteen: cd MagicOp deze cd zie je een hart met drie zwaarden erdoor. Samen vormen ze het chi-rho teken.(afkorting van Christus). “Door uw hart zal een zwaard gaan” zei Simeon tegen Maria, toen ze met de pasgeboren Jezus in de tempel kwam. Hoezeer Springsteen een zwaard door zijn hart voelt gaan in de jaren van Bush, brengt hij naar voren in muziek en interviews.

- Adam raised a cain ( kain en abel verhaal)

Bruce Springsteen, Genesis, the Bible, and ReligionWhile going over this past week’s Torah reading, something which was always in my mind was how much Bruce Springsteen has used material from Genesis in his songs. As some of you may know, I am a rabid Springsteen fan, and his songs were in my head maybe more than usual because of both his new album, Magic, and his current tour. His use of material from the first chapters of Genesis is quite varied as shall be seen below.

In one of his less serious songs, Pink Cadillac, Bruce sings that,

Well now way back in the BibleTemptations always come alongThere’s always somebody temptingSomebody into doing something they know is wrongWell they tempt you, man, with silverAnd they tempt you, sir, with goldAnd they tempt you with the pleasuresThat the flesh does surely holdThey say Eve tempted Adam with an appleBut man I ain’t going for thatI know it was her pink Cadillac…

At the other extreme is one of his angst-filled father-son themed songs, Adam Raised a Cain.

In the Bible Cain slew Abeland East of Eden he was castYou’re born into this life payingfor the sins of somebody else’s pastDaddy worked his whole life for nothing but the painNow he walks these empty rooms looking for something to blameYou inherit the sins, you inherit the flamesAdam raised a Cain

Bruce once remarked that it was incredible that he wrote that song before he even payed a penny for therapy. The theme of being punished for someone else’s sins is revisited by Springsteen a number of times. In Long Time Comin’ he sings,

Now down below and pullin’ on my shirtI got some kids of my ownWell if I had one wish in this god forsaken world, kidsIt’d be that your mistakes would be your ownYea your sins would be your own

His post 9/11 Empty Sky is filled with a number of Biblical allusions.

On the plains of JordanI cut my bow from the woodOf this tree of evilOf this tree of goodI want a kiss from your lipsI want an eye for an eyeI woke up this morning to an empty sky

One of the less well-known references to Genesis is from his song Iceman which was only released after sitting in the “vaults” for over twenty years.

We’ll take the midnight road right to the devil’s doorAnd even the white angels of Eden with their flamin’ swordsWon’t be able to stop us from hitting town in this dirty old Ford

There are a number of other Springsteen songs which allude to other Biblical figure and/or images. In Lion’s Den Bruce describes the main character as “I’m Daniel waitin’ in the lion’s denDaniel waitin’for that lion to come”. A more erotic allusion is from Leap of Faith,

Now you were the Red Sea I was MosesI kissed you and slipped into a bed of rosesThe waters parted and love rushed insideI was Jesus’ son sanctified

Bruce’s relationship with Catholicism can probably be described as one of alienation, yet also a strong emotional attachment coupled with a life-long struggle for finding meaning and a place for one’s self within a religious tradition. From his early unreleased song If I was the Priest, to his song from a few years ago, Jesus was an Only Son, to his most recent, I’ll Work for Your Love, one finds Catholic allusions and imagery. See this interesting post at Catholic Sensibility about Bruce and Catholicism and this article from America. Another song Human Touch, contains the following,

Ain’t no mercy on the streets of this townAin’t no bread from heavenly skiesAin’t nobody drawin’ wine from this bloodIt’s just you and me tonight

“I’ll Work for Your Love” includes lyrics such as,

Pour me a drink TheresaIn one of those glasses you dust offAnd I’ll watch the bones in your backLike the stations of the cross‘Round your hair the sun lifts a haloAt your lips a crown of thornsWhatever other deals goin’ downTo this one I’m sworn

Bruce was not hesitant about expressing his searching for the divine in this world. After his first child was born, Bruce wrote Living Proof,

Well now on a summer night in a dusky roomCome a little piece of the Lord’s undying lightCrying like he swallowed the fiery moonIn his mother’s arms it was all the beauty I could takeLike the missing words to some prayer that I could never makeIn a world so hard and dirty so fouled and confusedSearching for a little bit of God’s mercyI found living proof

By far my favorite Springsteen Bible reference is from one of his best songs, IMHO, The Price You Pay, a song about the price that we have to pay for all of our actions.

Little girl down on the strandWith that pretty little baby in your handsDo you remember the story of the promised landHow he crossed the desert sandsAnd could not enter the chosen landOn the banks of the river he stayedTo face the price you pay

Many others before me have discussed this and related issues (see here for a list of lectures given at a conference), and there is more to say about the subject, so I haven’t come to say anything that hasn’t been said by others, just to relate some recent thoughts of mine.

Buddy Miller (seculiere hit gehad met Man on the Moon).Cd Universal United House of prayers vol met geloofsliederen.

Byrds: 1) set you free this time2) fifth dimension

Cliff Richard: 6 kersthits in Engeland.Little town op nr 11 Dec. 1982Mistletoe and Wine op nr 1 Dec. 1988Saviour’s day Dec. 1990The Millennium prayer Dec. 199921 st Century Christmas Dec. 2006

Celine Dion & Andrea Botticelli: The prayer

Cradle of filth(heavy metal): “Doberman Pharaoh” plagen in Egypte -verschrikking

Crash test dummies: God shuffled his feet God vertelt een verhaal over een jongen met blauw haar. God zet een picknick klaar met brood en wijn. Terwijl de mensen eten stellen ze vragen over het leven in de hemel. Eten ? haar knippen ? gehandicapt ? (1 korinthe 15 gaat over de lichamelijke opstanding) kritisch nummer over sommige belachelijke vragen die mensen aan God stellen. De mensen snappen het verhaal niet.Net als Jezus die in parabels vertelt zodat de mensen het niet zullen begrijpen. Markus 4;10-12.

The Congo’s: Heart of the Congo’sHit gehad met la bam bam: Hele cd zit vol met bijbelverwijzingen. (staan op een aparte website reggaebible).

Christina Aguilera:Nr. “Mercy on me” een lied waarin ze God en Jezus om genade smeekt.

Nr. Makes me wanna pray

Nr. Save me from myself.

Creed: My sacrifice

Collin Raye:What if Jesus comes back like that Stel dat Jezus terug komt als dakloze hoe zouden wij voor hem zorgen. Lijkt op de parabel van de bokken en de geiten matheus 25:31-46. verschil met de bijbel is dat Jezus schitterend terugkomt.

Communards: (Richard Coles schrijft in een interview christen te zijn geworden).

The Rev. Richard Coles (born 26 March 1962)[1] is a musician, journalist and Church of England priest. He is known for having been the multi-instrumentalist who partnered Jimmy

Somerville in the 1980s band The Communards, which achieved three Top Ten hits, including the number one record and best-selling single of 1986, a Hi-NRG version of "Don't Leave Me This Way". He also broadcasts frequently on radio and television, as well as having written newspaper articles. (wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Coles

http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/real-life-in-the-end-a-certain-grace-richard-coles-a-pop-musician-decided-that-he-could-be-a-christian-despite-its-untrendiness-then-a-friends-death-tested-his-faith-1427438.html deze website vertelt uitvoerig over zijn geestelijke ontwikkeling.

Zijn carriere als popmuzikant was al tot een einde gekomen dus ik ken geen popliederen die uit christelijke inspiratie zijn voortgekomen.

Wel hebben de communards een aantal liedtitels met bijbelse oorsprong.

- La Dolorosa (De Via Dolorosa gaat over de lijdens weg van Christus)- Judgement day (laatste oordeel)

- When the walls come tumbling down ( de muren van Jericho die instorten)

Dave matthews band: Tr ipping Billies Eat drink,and be merry for tomorrow we die. Prediker 3:19-22 zegt dit in opdracht van God en in relatie tot God Matthews niet.Christmas song: Concentratie op Jezus geboorte en kruisiging. Verhouding liefde en geweld. “Love is all around” en “The blood of our children is all around”.

Delerious: (seculiere Hits gehad in Engeland top 40)1) Historymaker 2010 ( plaats 6) (Met God geschiedenis

maken ,bijbelse helden)2) See the star (plaats 16) 3) It’s ok (plaats 18)

Dmx:flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood ( vlees van mijn vlees, gebeente van mijn gebeente Eva uit Adam Genesis). Associatie avondmaal wijn en brood als lichaam van Jezus ook duidelijk.It’s dark and hell is hot : verhaal van de rijke man en de arme lazarusJesus loves me

Demis Roussos:cd Demis1) Help me: Roussos smeekt God om van zijn ‘golden throne’ af te komen naar “lowly me”. In Openbaringen word gesproken over de gouden troon van God.Hij roept om hulp, om een ‘release’ van ‘the chains of darkness”. Just let me see where I fit in your masterplan. With a humble heart and bended

knee I’m begging you please help me. Bij kettingen van duisternis zijn vele bijbelse verhalen te bedenken bv. (Daniel in de leeuwenkuil) of Paulus en Silas of Simson vastgebonden aan de pilaren van de tempel etc.)

Donna Summer : (130 miljoen albums verkocht !!)

Daarna volgt nog eind 1979 de grote hit "On the Radio", waarna Summer compleet instort. De enorme druk van haar grote successen wordt ondragelijk en ze krijgt psychische klachten en gezondheidsklachten. Ze keert terug tot het geloof (christendom) en krabbelt weer uit haar diepe dal omhoog begin jaren '80.

Ze is na dit herstel begin jaren '80 een geheel andere weg ingeslagen, zowel persoonlijk als artistiek. Dit wellicht omdat ze meer het eigen heft in handen neemt wat haar imago en muzikale richting betreft. Dat is ook duidelijk terug te vinden in haar nummers. Er staan vanaf dan regelmatig nummers op haar albums met invloeden van de gospel. Regelmatig benadrukt ze dat ze haar inspiratie put uit haar geloof en God,

"Supernatural Love" matige hit. Wel krijgt ze een Grammy voor het gospel nummer "Forgive Me". Citaat uit lied:

As you prayed for those who crucified you"forgive they don't know what they do"compassion reached out to a world confusedhelp me learn to bless those who persecute meand pray for my enemiesand show them mercy like you've shown to me

'Cause something happens inside my heartLord when I obeysomething happens inside my heartevery time I pray

Ze zingt over Jezus die zijn vijanden vergeeft aan het kruis.

Don McLean – American Pie (veel gecoverd)(nr 5 invloedrijkste nummer in Amerika).Eigenaardig nummer waarschijnlijk bedoeld als het beschrijven van de popgeschiedenis in godsdienstige terminologie.Nrs. JerusalemMagdalena laneBabylon /over het verlangen naar Sion ( psalm 137)

Dreamtheater (John petrucci is een prakticerend katholiek)

De nummers “surrounded”, “scarred”, en “lines in the sand” laten die achtergrond terugzien.

Edith Piaf(hele leven katholiek gebleven): - Mon dieu – in dit lied bid ze God of ze toch nog dagen, 1,2,3 ? weken

of maanden bij haar geliefde mag blijven ook als de keus niet helemaal goed is.

- Deed mij denken aan het verhaal van Sodom en Gommorra waarin Abraham pleit voor 50,40,30,20,10 rechtvaardigen. Misschien is een vergelijking hiermee interressant.

- Heaven have mercy – De liefde van haar leven is gestorven nu wil ze ook dat God haar laat sterven.

-- Hymne a L’amour – God brengt de mensen die van elkaar houden weer bij elkaar.-

Elvis Costello: Alibi – over schuldvraag en wie je bent ?Tekst “And you don't need anybodyAlibi, alibiBut you are the only one who knows thisAlibi, alibiYou deserve it 'cos you're specialAlibi, alibiMaybe Jesus wants you for a sunbeam Alibi, alibi “

Het Jesus wants you for a sunbeam komt weg bij een zondagsschoollied van Nellie Talbot I’ll be a sunbeam.

Engelbert Humperdinck: I believe

Esther(folk 2001):Eve’s lament het lied stelt de volgende vragen. Hoe had eva het kunnen weten over de boom. God had het alleen aan de man vertelt ? Verantwoordelijkheid God ? genesis 2:16-17

Erik Clapton:Nr. We’ve been told (Jesus coming soon) over de wederkomst van Jezus.

Eric Taylor(folk 2001): bread and wine Jezus laatste toespraak tot de discipelen in een moderne vorm.“You people find yourselves a chair, we’re going to go through this just one more time. And then I’ve got to be somewhere” Jezus is in dit lied moe en uit zijn doen over zijn lot.

Eva cassidy: gospelsHow can I keep from si nging Wade in the water

Elvis presley: “Sound advice” Hoe geef je goed advies aan je zoon. ( Spreuken hfst 1-9)

Foreigner: Lou Gramm (christen geworden) (born Louis Andrew Grammatico; May 2, 1950) is an American rock vocalist and songwriter best known for his role as the lead vocalist and co-writer of many of the songs for the rock band Foreigner. He also had a successful solo career. Gramm was the vocalist for many top-40 hits including "Cold as Ice", "Waiting for a Girl Like You", "I Want to Know What Love Is" and "Midnight Blue". Most recently, the Lou Gramm Band has released a self-titled Christian rock album in 2009.

Voorbeeld; You saved me (bekeringslied) op de cd Lou Gramm band.

In 1997 leende Lou zijn stem het nummer we need Jesus op een cd van petra’s praise 2.

Frans halsema: God was goed voor mij“Toch kwam soms de liefde voor mij voorbij. Daarom van mij geen klacht, God was goed voor mij”.

Frank Black (The Pixies)Jesus was right geen geweld maar op jezelf leven.Monkey gone to heaven vernield door religieOld black dawning verwijzing naar de toren van babelThe creature crawling doet denken aan de slang een dier die door het gras kruipt.Build high doet denken aan toren van babelNimrod’s son Babelse machthebber als symbool voor machtsmisbruik en incest.

Flogging Molly:- seven deadly sins (zeven hoofdzonden in de katholieke kerk).- paddy’s lament

Four tops: reach out I’ll be there

Full devil jacket (hit gehad met stain op mtv)(Josh brown gaat verder als Day of Fire) – 3 cd’s 1) day of fire (nr jacob’s dream) Bijbelboek genesis. (ladder naar de

hemel).2) Cut & Move 3) Losing All Andere interessante nummers: I am the door (Jezus zegt: ik ben de deur) en Cornerstone (Jezus zegt: ik ben de hoeksteen…)Garth Brooks: Against the grain Noach verhaal – andere interpretatie. Noach wordt in de bijbel gered vanwege zijn rechtvaardigheid. In dit lied vanwege zijn moed,individualisme en onafhankelijkheid.

GlassharpWith their latest demos having found the ears of Grammy Award-winning producer Lewis Merenstein, Glass Harp began work on their first album for the Decca label in the fall of 1970. The debut album (as well as the two subsequent studio albums) was recorded in Jimi Hendrix's Electric Lady Studios with Merenstein as producer.

Following the release of their debut album, Glass Harp soon began getting more high-profile opening spots for the biggest bands of the day such as Alice Cooper, Chicago, Yes, Traffic, and Grand Funk Railroad amongst many others.

Phil Keaggy heeft op de cd’s glassharp en Synergy zijn christelijke sporen nagelaten. Net christen geworden na een slechte lsd trip schreef hij de volgende (gospel)liederen:

1) Can You See Me2) Look in the sky3) The Answer

Grand Funk railroad ( mark farner – toerde ook met de all stars van Ringo Starr)

Lied: some kind of wonderful: Now when He holds me in His arms. You know it sets my soul on fire. Oooh when my Savior's lovin' me, my ol' heart becomes filled with desire. When He wraps His lovin' arms around me it 'bout drives me

out of my mind.Yeah when my Saviors liftin' me chills run up and down my spine.

Well my Jesus, He's alright. My Savior is clean outta sight

Grateful dead: “samson and Delilah” bijbelverhaal van simson en Delilah Richteren hfst 16:1-31.

Greenday: East Coast Jesus:

- Kritisch nummer op traditioneel Christendom. Hij vind dat er meer gedaan moet worden en minder gebeden.Bij Jakobusbrief: “geloof zonder de werken is dood”.

Hank Williams:Funeral in het lied staat het volgende “God has the right to take away the child because it was only a loan from God in the first place” Doet denken aan Job; “God heeft gegeven en God heeft genomen geprezen zij de Heer.”Thank God: Psalm van lof over alles. Natuur en waar je bent. (psalm 104?)A House of Gold mensen stelen, bedriegen en liegen maar het zal van geen enkele waarde zijn bij het laatste oordeel. Hij zou liever gered worden dan leven in een huis van goud.

Hooters:Brother don’t you walk away: titel doet denken aan barmhartige samaritaan. “sleeping on a pillow of stone dreaming’ refereert aan jakob’s droom bij Bethel.Blood from a stone: “he’s got the whole world in His hands”. Bekende Gospel.

Ice Cube: When I get to heaven De zanger gebruikt ook geweld want God doet dat ook. Kijk maar naar Noach.

Iron maiden: " Hallowed Be Thy Name " is a song written by Steve Harris for the 1982 Iron Maiden album The Number of The Beast. (lied over beest uit openbaringen 666)

The song describes a man's thoughts just before being sent to the gallows. He begins to feel terror and realizes he really is afraid of dying, despite claims that he's not ("tears flow, but why am I crying?/after all, I'm not afraid of dying/don't I believe that there never is an end?"). At the end of the vocal section, the man gets executed; this is followed by a long instrumental section, culminating in his ambiguous final words, "Hallowed be thy name". When the album "Number of the Beast" was profiled on VH1's Classic Albums, Steve Harris said the song was about "having faith, whether it be in religion or whatever, but could that faith fail you at the last second when you need it most?" Deze zin is een onderdeel van het Onze Vader gebed.

Prodigal son; verwijzing naar het verhaal van de verloren zoon. “I’ve messed around with mystic things and magic for too long. I feel I’m being paid with this nightmare inside me. The devil’s got a hold on my soul and he just won’t let me be.

Sign of the cross; het nummer gaat over een executie tijdens de inquisitie. Het nummer heeft ook te maken met het boek in de naam van de roos van Umberto Eco.

nr “Out of the silent Planet” gebaseerd op C.S. lewis. Adam en Eva verhaal in science fiction.Hoofdpersoon heet Elwin Ransom. Elwin Losprijs.

Iris De Ment (folk 2004)(album lifeline 12 klassieke christelijke hymns).1 nummer van lifeline He reached down barmhartige Samaritaan( Lukas 10:29-37) en overspelige vrouw (Johannes 7:53-8:11)

Iron & Wine – Jesus the mexican boy

Jesus and mary Chain – God help me (van album stoned and dethroned)

Joe walsh: (Ex- Eagles) Look at us now: citaat uit lied

“Please, take care of the planetThat's the way that God planned itPass it along, to your childrenChildren, children.....”

Johnny Cash: Spiritual in het lied gaat het over vergeet mij niet Jezus op mijn doodsbed (psalm 6 en moordenaar aan het kruis ?)

Matthew 24 over het einde der tijden !

Johnny Cash: If jesus ever loved a woman Hij behandelt de vraag van Jezus relatie met Maria Magdalena. Hoe menselijk was Jezus ? Hoe ging Hij om met vrouwen !! The man in Black/The man in White Paulus leven vanaf de dood van Jezus tot zijn verblinding op de weg naar Damascus. (handelingen 9). Hij benadrukt eerst Paulus Joodse achtergrond.

Joan Baez: Isaac and Abraham lied gaat over de relatie Isaac-Abraham en God-Abraham –Engel ? Genesis hfst 22.Joan Baez heeft samen met Bob Dylan gezongen op woodstock (bv shelter from the storm)

Amazing grace: zij heeft het gepresteerd om dit lied midden in sarajevo te zingen voor een bakkerij die nog baadde in het bloed van de granaat die in een rij wachtenden was ontploft. Zij zongen het samen met de verbaasde Bosniers. Dit is de meest ontroerende scene uit haar leven.

God is God: God is groter en verrassender dan wij kunnen bedenken. Wij kunnen God niet voor ons karretje spannen. “God ain’t me” zingt ze.

Jerusalem:” I woke up this mornin' and none of the news was goodAnd death machines were rumblin' 'cross the ground where Jesus stood” en “That I believe that one fine day all the children of AbrahamWill lay down their swords forever in Jerusalem. “ But I believe there'll come a day when the lion and the lambWill lie down in peace together in Jerusalem. Jes   65,25 De wolf en het lam zullen tezamen weiden en de leeuw zal stro eten als het rund, en de slang zal stof tot spijze hebben; zij zullen geen kwaad doen noch verderf stichten op gans mijn heilige berg, zegt de HERE.

Het lied gaat over de spanning tussen moslims, joden en christenen allemaal kinderen van Abraham.


John Coltrane: Psalm: woordeloze lofpsalm

John Denver: Gospel changes –prodigal song prayers,poems and promises.

John Scofield: album Piety street; Gospel cd.

Hoewel hij geen formeel gelovige is bevestigd hij de kracht van gospel nummers. Hij heeft de gospels uitgekozen van o.a. Mahalia Jackson die hem het meest raakten.

Joni Mitchell “The Sire of sorrow”(Job’s sad song) dit lied is gebaseerd op taal en beelden in Job’s toespraken tot zijn vrienden. Dit lied haalt alle belangrijke punten uit Job 29.

In ‘Bad dreams’ zingt ze: vóór de appel van het Paradijs waren we één met alles en hadden we geen besef van zelf en ander.

Jonas Brothers: 1) Dear God2) Appreciate “But I hope she keeps her Faith” over een meisje dat

uitvliegt in de wereld.3) Time for me to fly – tekst Time for me to open up my heart and knock

on heavens door,….. But I feel a callingI will rise, I won't be fallingAnd I'll escape the gravityAnd I'll reach my destinyAnd I'll fly away

(Repeat Chorus)

(Bridge)The gates of heaven will open wideI will beI will riseThere won't be compromiseAs I take to the open skies

I will fly away4) Joy to the world (a Christmas prayer)

Kate Bush:The song of solomon – het bijbelboek gaat over een verlangen naar sexuele intimiteit. Kate Bush wil alleen maar sex op een agressieve toon. Hfst 3:1-5

Kansas: Dust in the wind “same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea”, nothing lasts forever but the earth and the sky. (prediker1:4 en 1;2-11 “generaties gaan en komen alleen de aarde blijft altijd”.(kerry livgren en dave Hope vormen nu samen christelijke band AD)

Kate Perry:(grote hit met I kissed a girl).Eerste cd was een gospel cd met de naam: Katy HudsonIn het nummer “My own Monster” zingt ze over irrationele angsten die overwonnen kunnen worden door naar God te vluchten.

Korn (ex-lid Brian Head Welch)Cd Save me from myself:

1) Love 2) Rebel3) Money


Although, Head has experienced fame, and a successful career, he admits there were earlier times in his life when felt empty, and even close to the edge of death. "When I was in Korn, I would get up, eat and drink beer, and I would start my day like that. Or in my darker days, I would get up, get alone, and do lines of speed to start my day," Welch said. "Now, I get up and I pray, read the Bible and I get with God, and then I start my day. To me, I rock harder now than I have in years. I'm the same person, it's just what I do is different. It's a lot cleaner, healthier, and my life is filled with so much more power."

Head said his daughter said it best, "She says I'm funnier now."

Brian Head Welch (christen geworden ex- Korn)

Cd - “ Save me from myself”

Nr. 1) L.O.V.E. verhaal doet denken aan de het verhaal van de verloren zoon. In het lied wordt gezegd “Ik gaf je alles om je terug te krijgen”. (zoals een vader een zoon toespreekt). Hij(God de Vader) heeft begrip en legt uit dat Hij betrouwbaar is.

2) Flush – dit lied gaat over het gevecht tegen dronkenschap(als jeugdige). Drank maakt meer kapot dan je lief is. Met dit lied zou je een mooie verbinding aan kunnen gaan met het verhaal van Noach waarin Noach te veel gedronken heeft. En een koppeling naar het Nieuwe testament “Drink een weinig wijn” en “wordt vervuld met de Geest in plaats van met wijn” Of David die de man van Bathseba (Uria) dronken probeert te voeren.

3 Loyalty – Hij wil loyaal blijven aan zijn fans als het gaat om de muziekstijl hij gaat alleen de inhoud veranderen. Hij zingt over het geen keus geven om te doden(anti-abortus). Trouw aan jezelf. 1 grote schreeuw !!

4 Rebel –over uiteengevallen gezinnen en misbruik –over het breken van de familievloek – over het redden van misbruikte kinderen die God aan het hart gaan.

5 Home – (lied gericht aan 50 cents om thuis te komen) aan de ene kant uitnodiging(verloren zoon) aan de andere kant de waarschuwing.

6 Save me from myself – Judas figuur – gevecht tegen coke- de demonen roepen. (roept hel sfeer op).

7 Die religion die – “sick of all your rules” “you put yourself above” kritiek op kerken die de vorm/het gebouw en de gewoontes aanbidden in plaats van God.Hij roept op om missionair te zijn i.p.v. te schuilen inde kerk. Kerk is niet in een gebouw –“kijk diep in de ogen van de verlorenen.” Kuriake(kerk) mensen zijn die mensen die de verlorenen redden.

8 Adonai – betekent “Heer”in het hebreeuws(aanspreektitel voor God). “Life is just a test from Adonai” hij zingt ook over Adonai als steunpilaar van de wereld. God valt aan hij vecht om de wereld terug te krijgen.

9 Money – “your god is money” – past bij verschillende Bijbelverhalen – aanbidding gouden kalf- Paulus en de zilveren artemisbeeldjes in handelingen. Verhaal van de rijke jongeling. Uitspraak van Jezus “een rijke komt moeilijker in de hemel dan een kameel door een naald.”

10 Shake – Jezus voorspellingen over het eind van de wereld. God schud het land als Zijn Naam uit de scholen wordt verbannen. Dan neemt God de bescherming weg.

11 Washed by blood – “not a prisoner of your old life –a brand new start- rebuilding heart” doet wat denken aan Petrus die aan het eind van zijn leven door God aan de hand wordt genomen. Jezus zegt dat Petrus het niet meer zelf voor het zeggen zal hebben. Maar dat hij (be)geleid zal worden.

Laurie London;He’s got the whole World in his hands.dit nummer stond in 1958 in de hitlijst en was nr 1 op meest gespeeld lijdt van de discjockeys.

Larry norman; (vriend(geweest)van paul mc cartney) hij heeft cd’s gemaakt met de beatles-producer George Martin.Deze serie heet The trilogie cd serie bestaande uit So along ago the garden, in another land en Only visiting this planet. Hij word ook wel de vader van de christelijke rock genoemd. 300 liedjes van hem zijn gecoverd door o.a. Van Morrison, John mellencamp, Bob Dylan en U2. Zij noemen hem een belangrijke inspiratiebron.

Led Zeppelin:- Stairway to heaven – het lied gaat over een rijke

hebzuchtige dame die zich realiseert dat haar leven leeg is en geld haar net in de hemel kan krijgen.In de bijbel staat een verhaal dat jezus vertelt over een man die schuur aan schuur bouwt en dan ineens overlijdt en dus niks aan zijn rijkdom heeft. Ook de rijke man en de arme lazarus hebben met dit thema te maken.

Lenny Kuhr:“The song of the ladder” loopt van Abraham voorbij jakob.“ De boom” aan je vruchten ken ik je alleen – Jezus zegt dat over valse profeten - aan hun vruchten zul je hen herkennen.“ het meer van galilea” van de lp God laat ons vrij. Het droomt op de vrede die ooit in israel en omstreken zal uitbreken.

Lenny kravitz: Rosemary: in dit lied zingt hij een meisje toe: ‘Because life is for believing/That your heart van turn to gold/all you need is Christ to receive it/ There’s eternal life for every soul’.I Build this garden for us; “We’ll live each day in peace/In hope that we will one day reach/the rest of the world/when they are ready to be teached/The Kingdom will come/Thy will be done/ On earth as it is in heaven. (laatste zinnen komen uit het Onze Vader)

Cd’s baptism( lenny zit in een badkuip vol bloed(van Jezus ?)) en it is time for a love revolution.

Linkin Park: Hit the Floor in relatie tot psalm 59 over wraak nemen ?Live (Ed Kowalczyk) geeft in interviews aan christen te zijn geworden na lange zoektocht. Cd: Alive

1) Drive – lied gaat over het stuur aan God over geven, verlangen op God’s schouders leggen na een worsteling met de whisky verslaving. (mooie koppeling mogelijk met Elia’s hemelvaart verhaal ook daarin stuurt God de wagen).

2) The Great Beyond –“Silence is the loudest sound - I was lost but now I’m found” doet direct denken aan Amazing grace lied en aan de stilte waarin God zich openbaarde aan Elia op de berg Horeb. De grond verlaten doet ook weer denken aan Elia’s hemelvaart.

3) Grace – “Is there any love at all ?” “That there’s no reason left to dream”. Hij zag alles duister in maar vond licht in de ogen van de mensen. “Yeah there was somethin’ in their eyes, every Saint used to be a sinner every man used to be a child ” Verandering is mogelijk er is hoop ! “ Everytime I feel the sunshine, I thank the Lord above, For seein something, I couldn’t see at all”. Genade als licht in de duisternis.

4) Stand – “The rain came down in sheets of razors cuttin’ my face and blocking my way, it was impossible to see the angel that was starin’ at me” Doet denken aan de knecht Gehazi van Elia(of Elisa) die een vijandige troepenmacht ziet en bang word tot zijn ogen worden geopend voor alle ontelbare engelen die op wacht staan. “Someone said you were the one who comes to every man when his back against the wall and his money’s all been spent” Dit doet denken aan het verhaal van de verloren zoon.” and it’s time to fan the flame or never to walk this way again, will I be the one to rise above, Lord am I strong enough ?” Doet denken aan het alles of niets van Simsons laatste verzet (toen de pilaren van de temple instorten).

5) Drink (everlasting Love) – Edward kowalczyk als hedendaags mysticus ”You alone you are the secret makes the mona lisa smile”. Begin van het lied doet denken aan openbaringen hfst 22 over de rivier van levend water die uit God voortkomt. Dronken van de liefde van God. “Drink you like the nectar that fall from Eden” – “Borrowed time we’re living on” Je leven in bruikleen hebben van God. “ You alone you are the timeless light that illuminates my way” doet denken aan vuurkolom in de woestijn). “You alone you are the sparkle in my eye everyone can see” – Doet denken aan de uitstraling die Mozes had toen hij op de berg bij God was geweest en de tien geboden had gekregen”. Het lied is een mengeling van de liefde voor zijn vrouw en de liefde van God. Vergelijking met het bijbelboek Hooglied ligt dan ook voor de hand.(ook als je kijkt naar nectar als vergelijking). Hooglied 4:11-5:1 komen veel beelden uit het lied terug.

6) Zion – Sion andere naam voor Jeruzalem. “Take me on up to Zion, where my Lord will comfort me, he will lay me down by still water while my enemies run from me..” psalm 23 vers 2 en 5. “ Take me on up to zion, think I gotta psalm runnin’through my head. Bring me over to king David..” Verwijzing Koning David als dichter van de Psalmen. “ Take me on up to Zion to that secret place in my heart where even Satan don’t dare to stand too long when he sees that temple guard he’s gonna run..” (Openbaringen 15:7 en 8).

7) In Your light – “Sometimes I find myself beholdin all the Gifts some magnificent power gave me in the form of my two kids” psalm 127 “ Zie het erfdeel van de Ene is een huis van zonen, echt loon is de vrucht van de schoot.”“ You are my mountain, my high place to climb, deep in your valleys are plenty of places to hide, there’s plenty of ways to get lost in Your Light.” Bijvoorbeeld Psalm 90 vers 1 “wie zetelt in het geheim van de Hoogste, in de schaduw van de almachtige overnacht” en vers 14 “ …ik zet hem op een steilte omdat hij mijn naam kent”.

8) Just in time – “.. all the bread’s still on the table, and I still wanna break it with you” –verwijzing avondmaal. “to bring the water and the wine” – avondmaal. God geeft de hulp precies op tijd aan een getekend en doorleefd hart. “I’m gonna bring you shelter from the storm” verwijzing naar lied van Bob Dylan Shelter from the storm ??

9) Rome – “O Great city of the veil” en “O Great woman on the veil” deze zinnen verwijzen naar Openbaringen 17:1-6 en 18 gaat over een stad die wordt beschreven al s een vrouw.” We gotta move on to the temple not made with hands” in Openbaringen 21: 22 dit gaat over de nieuwe hemel en aarde waar geen tempel meer is.

10) Soul whispers – doet wat denken aan de ervaring die Samuel had dat hij God hem riep maar hij dacht dat het Eli was. Pas na drie keer drong het door (eerst bij Eli toen bij Samuel).

Lost in Rotation(alt.rock 2004): “Proverbs” hoe functioneert het lichaam in het opdoen van wijsheid. Spreuken 2:2 en 4 en 3:3 en 7

Leonard Cohen: “Story of Isaac” hervertelling Genesis 22. (een aardig idée is misschien om de jongeren zelf een lied te laten schrijven vanuit een van de andere personen – knechten- sara etc.)“The future” I’m the little jew who wrote the bible, i’ve seen the nations rise and fall, I’ve heard their their stories, heard them all but love’s the only engine of survival. Your servant here, he has been told, to say it clear, to say it cold: it’s over, it ain’t going any further and now the wheels of heaven stop you feel the devil’s riding crop get ready for the future:it is murder.” Hij geeft dan voorbeelden van moord. Hiroshima – de moord op Christus en Paulus.?De beelden in het lied doen denken aan Daniel (beeld nebukadnessar, nations rise and fall) en ezechiel (wheels of heaven)

Lionel Richie: Jesus is love: “ Father, help your children And don’t let them fall By the side of the road Teach them to love one another” Jezus zei: heb elkaar lief zoals de vader en ik elkaar en jullie liefhebben. he brought the power, the glory, forever (zinsnede uit het Onze Vader)

Low: 1) That’s how you sing amazing grace2) If you were born today( song for little babay Jesus)3) Lion/lamb 4) I am the lamb

Manic street preachers: cd Holy BibleInteressant citaat van Edwards (de zanger): “In elk hotel in de wereld is het enige constante de Heilige Bijbel”. En ook: Foto van edwards met achterop geschreven: Once, I remember well, my life was a feast where all hearts opened and all wines flowed. Alas the gospel has gone by; suppose damnation were eternal ! Then a man who would mutilate himself is well damned isn’t he ?” Arthur Rimbaud.Cd hoezen – cd 1 Jezus met doornenkroon cd 2 geloof,hoop en liefde (Jezus gekruisigd Maria biddend). Een foto van de zanger met gegeselde borst. Alle bandleden met een aureool. Een spreuk van Solomon Northup “de meester zal op zijn beurt om genade smeken”.Interessante Nummers van de cd Holy Bible1)The intense humming of evil doet denken aan het laatste oordeel The court has come. The court of the nations….“From the ditch of kerch the dead will rise, they will arise from the graves, they will arise from flames…. Now the victims will judge the butchers.Bekend beeld dat de martelaren uiteindelijk de koningen en rechters zullen zijn.Openbaringen etc. 2) Judge Yourself: Dit is een poplied vertolking van een tekst van Nietschze. Namelijk Dionysius tegen de gekruisigde. De gekruisigde is Jezus en Dionysius is de god van de wijn etc. Opvallende is ook het blessed be. Dit idee komt weg bij de rij zaligsprekingen van Jezus.Mattheus 6 (zalig/gezegend zijn de armen van geest etc.).Het grotere idee achter het lied lijkt te zijn zelfredzaamheid. Genees jezelf, doe jezelf pijn, beoordeel jezelf in plaats van Christus !?3) Yes over je bent geen God om te beslissen over leven en dood.

Cd 2 Journal for plague lovers (titel doet al denken aan de plagen van egypte etc.)Interessante nummers:1) Journal for plague lovers: kritiek op hen die alles in “gods hand” leggen. De triomfen en tragedies.2) All is vanity: “Alles is ijdelheid” doet direkt denken aan bijbelboek Prediker met het ijdelheid der ijdelheden als spreekwoord.3) Doors Closing Slowly: Richy als martelaar voor grote kunst ?

Nr “ Sculpture of man” citaat “Jesus descends, Dachau his father” moderne kritiek op de mix van Christendom en oorlogsgeweld gerelateerd aan de Deutsche christen in de Nazitijd.

Nr. There by the grace of God (nr 6 U.K.)

Citaat uit het lied:

“And all the drugs in the worldCan't save us from ourselvesVictims with the saddest heartsPassing by the grace of God

There by the grace of God

With grace we will sufferWith grace we shall recoverThere by the grace of GodThere by the grace of God”

Eerste betekenis God’s redding in plaats van drugs.

2e betekenis: "There by the grace of God" isn't an optimistic phrase, unfortunately. It's a shortened form of "There but by the grace of God go I" which basically means that your life could go to hell at any given time. It's traditionally said in reference to the homeless, etc. In the context of the song, I'm thinking that "God" is the drugs (recreational or psychiatric) and if the drugs stop working, or if they're not available, everything goes to shit. The song is noted for the line "And all the drugs in the world can't save us from ourselves". This is an almost word-for-word quote from Marilyn Manson's song Coma White, which features the line "And all the drugs in this world can't save her from herself".


"Leviathan" is a song by the Welsh rock band Manic Street Preachers. It was recorded for the charity album Help!: A Day In The Life for War Child UK in 2005 [1]. The song is also available as a download on iTunes. It takes its title from the 1651 book about political power, Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil by Thomas Hobbes.

En Thomas hobs heeft Leviathan weer geleend uit het bijbelboek Job waar staat dat God speelt met de Leviathan.


Job   40,20

  Zult gij den Leviathan met den angel trekken, of zijn tong met een koord, dat gij laat nederzinken?


Ps   104,26

  Daar wandelen de schepen, en de Leviathan, dien Gij geformeerd hebt, om daarin te spelen. 3.

Jes   27,1

  Te dien dage zal de HEERE met Zijn hard, en groot, en sterk zwaard bezoeken den Leviathan, de langwemelende slang, ja, den Leviathan, de kromme slomme slang; en Hij zal den draak, die in de zee is, doden.

Het lied zelf gaat erover dat iedereen een Leviathan kind(een dictator-terrorist) wil die snel alles oplost. De prijs die we willen betalen is strikte gehoorzaamheid. Lied is kritisch op dit verlangen.

Metallica: “The Four horsemen” het lied gaat over de vier paarden in het bijbelboek openbaringen.

Mark Chessnut “Broken promise land” (country 1992).Huwelijksbreuk/verbondsbreuk doet denken aan Hosea en de onbetrouwbaarheid van de partner.

MatisyahuThunder: verwijzing naar Jacob’s ladder en doet ook denken aan de donderstem bij Mozes en de tien geboden.Darkness into light: “vision new York city to Jerusalem” – burn down Babylon – the seed you plant is the seed you sow.(doet denken aan de bijbelse tekst wat jezaait zul je oogsten). I’ll be standing on the sun (in openbaring 19:17 staat er een engel op de zon ??).Motivate: Raise the gate ( psalm 24:7) ‘Hef uw hoofden omhoog, jullie poorten, aloude poorten, omhoog: de koning van de glorie komt binnen.’Revelation wake in the morning (droom van jakob ??).For You: I will be there for you to search for you wherever you are. ( N.T. verloren schaap, verloren penning). O.T. ?? Come from mount Zion, stay out of the whirlwind. ( berg Sion).We will walk:patience on top of a mountain pumping blood through the veins of creation. (scheppingsmoment).Silence: hebreeuws eerste twee zinnen: Let it be your will that my words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart come before you God my rock, my redeemer. (psalm 19:15) De tekst gaat ook over een kaars zijn voor God (kandelaar moet je niet onder een mand zetten) N.T. bergrede matt 6.Lucas 12;35 Sta klaar, doe je gordel om en houd de lampen brandend.On Nature: verwijzing dat wij maar gemaakt zijn uit zand (adam gemaakt uit rode aarde) + verwijzing naar 80 jaar oud worden.(psalm 90) Return to the kingdom (koninkrijk van God).

Matisyahu and the crystal method: Drown in the now dit lied gaat over mensen die de laatste boot uit deze samenleving proberen te halen. Doet sterk denken aan een moderne variant van het Noach verhaal.

Mercy me: I can only imagine

Metallica: The Judas kiss

Michael Jackson:- We are the world – tekst van willie Nelson “As God has shown us by

turning stones to bread” duidelijk verwijzing naar de verzoeking in de woestijn van Jezus waarin de duivel Jezus uitdaagt om stenen in brood te veranderen en Jezus zegt dan dat de mens niet leeft bij brood alleen. Verder zijn er de verhalen van de wonderbaarlijke broodvermenigvuldiging van Jezus.

Mike farris; cd Shout!Live (in 2008 uitgekozen tot beste nieuwkomer in het Americana segment). Combinatie van blues en black gospel.1) mary don’t you weep 2) Will the circle be unbroken

Moke(zanger is overtuigd gelovig katholiek):

1) Heart without a home – “Broke our backs for the love of God, slaving me and you. Crossed our fingers and we wiped our brows, hoping we could see it through.” O Lord, we’ve done all that we can do. For God’s sake it’s just to late...( de hele cd shorland ging over de verwerking van de gevechten in ierland tussen Ira etc. en het verlies van zijn broer daarin)

Momus(alt.rock 1986): The lesson of Sodom(according to Lot) Lied bij Genesis 19-30-38.King Solomon’s Song and Mine 1 koningen hfst 3-9 en 1 samuel 8 over machtsmisbruik.Lucky Like St. Sebastian De helft van het lied gaat over Paulus(geen bijbelse paulus). Lied zegt dat hij zich bekeert omdat hij ziet dat de vervolging het christendom laat groeien. Zijn bekering mislukt door bloed aan zijn handen. Hij vraagt of hij mag sterven als martelaar.

Montell Jordan (overtuigd christen)

T-Bone - To Da River Music VideoFighting Temptations

Dit lied heeft allerlei geloofsverwijzingen en Montell Jordan zingt hier ook in mee.

Helps you die, that cocaine, get me trippin', y'allNever been lickin' that, none of my burdensBecause I don't wanna be left and burnin'Flirtin' with deathAnd make promise my last breathDressed in prison bluesHoly Spirit got me under arrest

I used to be a thug, sold drugsMight have stalked youStepped up in the church got converted at the altarAnd I fought 'yaFeel back and he caught youOut tryin' to floss, better live what he taught you

(montell jordan)Goin' down

(t-bone)we goin' down to the riverTake it to the river

Het lied gaat over vergeven worden door gedoopt te worden in de rivier. Johannes de doper doopte bij de rivier de Jordaantot vergeving van de zonden. Naaman de syrische minister werd gereinigd van een ziekte door te baden in de Jordaan etc.

Morrisey(voormalig The Smiths): 1) Dear God please help me – vraagt kracht om om te gaan met sexuele drift (explosive

cake between my legs” Als hij zingt het hart voelt vrij dan laat hij zijn hoofd hangen(deed mij denken aan de symboliek van de gekruisigde die zijn laatste adem uitblaast voor hij in de eeuwige vrijheid komt).

2) I have forgiven Jesus – In de clip ziet hij eruit als een priester – hij zingt dat hij Jezus heeft vergeven om de liefde die hij heeft gekregen. ( waarschijnlijk celibaat als thema ! ?) zware worsteling doet denken aan God en het lijden. Hij zingt over de dagen van de week en op vrijdag “life is killing me” dit heeft natuurlijk de associatie met Goede vrijdag.

3) The Boy with the thorn in his side – associatie met doornen(doornenkroon) Jezus werd in zijn zij gestoken. Apostel paulus heeft het over een doorn in het vlees. Hij moest leren leven met een lichamelijke beperking in zijn leven. Het nummer zelf gaat over waarheid en of ze hen geloven.

4) There is a light that never goes out – verlangen naar de dood samen met een geliefde in een autoongeluk maar uiteindelijk durft hij het God toch niet te vragen om naar de plek te gaan waar een licht is dat nooit uitgaat.

Mumford and Sons;(domineeskinderen)1) Awake my soul – tekst “ awake my soul, you were made to meet

your maker”2) Roll away your stone – kijk in het duister van je hart om hoop de

kans te geven. (om Jezus op te laten staan !!??) tekst “All bridges burned that is how this grace thing Works”.

3) Thistle and weeds – doorns en distels (analogie voor woekerend kwaad – denk aan de gelijkenissen van Jezus over het koninkrijk van God – graankorrel etc.)

4) Dust Bowl – “there will come a time when I will look in your eye/you will pray to the god that you’ve always denied/I’ll go out back and I’ll get my gun/I’ll say you haven’t met me/I am the only son.” Doet meteen denken aan het laatste oordeel over het wel of niet helpen van de armen of de vijf wijze en vijf dwaze maagden en de bijbeltekst van Jezus “wie Mij heeft ontkend hem zal ik ontkennen voor de Vader.”

5) Sigh no more – tekst “serve God, love me and mend” “Love it will not betray you Dismay or enslave you, it will set you free be more like the man you were made to be” Loflied op de liefde 1 korinthe 13.

6) Timshel – tekst “and you have your choices, and these are what make man great, his ladder to the stars” associatie met jakob’s ladder in de bijbel. “But I can’t move mountains for you”. Jezus zegt tegen zijn discipelen dat als ze een geloof als een mosterdzaad hebben dat ze bergen kunnen verzetten. Het algemene thema lijkt te gaan rondom keuzes rondom abortus ja of nee.

7) Winter winds – tekst “Oh the shame that sent me off from the God that I once loved was the same that sent me in your arms”.‘Let love grow’ . Algemene thema : met de dood en ziekte in zicht moeten we liefde als erfenis achterlaten.

8) The Cave (De grot) – eerste associatie is weer met een graf in de rotsen. “so come out of your cave walking on your hands, and see the World hanging upside down, you can understand dependence when you know the makers hand.( Jezus zet de wereld ook op zijn kop – als ik zwak ben ben ik sterk – de minste zal de meeste zijn etc.) Het lied gaat over het laten vullen van de leegte in iemand’s hart die leegte kan gevuld worden door afhankelijkheid van de Maker.

Nicko Mc Brain(drummer Iron maiden) (christen geworden).Hij heeft een nieuwe cd gemaakt met zijn vrouw. The rebecca mc brain band.- lied “For the greater Good of God”Nina hagen: (ex-Herman brood , gedoopt christen)

Cd Personal Jesus – Gospel cd bestaande uit klassiekers.

Tracklist - Disk 11. Afspelen God´s Radar2. Afspelen I'll Live Again3. Afspelen Personal Jesus4. Afspelen Nobody's Fault But Mine5. Afspelen Down At The Cross6. Afspelen Just A Little Talk With Jesus7. Afspelen Mean Old World8. Afspelen Help Me9. Afspelen Take Jesus With You10. Afspelen On The Battlefield11. Afspelen Run On12. Afspelen All You Fascists Bound To Lose13. Afspelen Sometimes I Ring Up Heaven

Nirvana: Jesus don’t want me for a sunbeam. Nirvana wil niet geloven ?? reactie op een beroemd zondagsschoolliedje.

Neil Sedaka:Run samson run lied over het gevaar van meisjes

Neill Young;

1)Yonder stands the sinner: in het lied zingt hij over de great pretender die de zondaar aanspreekt. Doet denken aan het idee van de duivel als aanklager in de bijbel.2) Love and only love: Long ago in the book of old,Before the chapter where dreams unfold A battle raged on the open page, Love was a winner there overcoming hate Like a little girl who couldn't wait. De bijbel als liefdesboek dat alles overwint.3) When God made me: Was he thinkin' about my country Or the color of my skin? Was he thinkin' 'bout my religion And the way I worshipped him? Did he create just me in his image Or every living thing? was he planning only for believers Or for those who just have faith? Did he envision all the wars That were fought in his name? Did he say there was only one way To be close to him? Did he give me the gift of love To say who I could choose? Did he give me the gift of voice So some could silence me? Did he give me the gift of vision Not knowing what I might see? Did he give me the gift of compassionTo help my fellow man?4) God’s prophet5) Fallen angel: Fallen angel Who's your saviour tonight. De duivel is in de bijbel een gevallen engel. Ook Jezus zag hem vallen als bliksem.6) falling from above: Sing a song for freedom Sing a song for love Sing a song for depressed angels Falling from above" jezus zag de aartsengel vallen op de aarde.Rollin' through the religious wars Rollin' down the temple walls And the church's exposed sores.Hear that rooster crowin' Down on the double e It's a new morning. Haan van petrus verraad.7) Devil’s sidewalk: It's a simple thing Trying to stay afloat, "The captain said Without his boat. Doet denken aan de mensen buiten de ark van Noach."there's a garden growing Greendale And a million weeds Greendale With no way of knowing Greendale Who has done which deed" Greendale.Deze zinnen doen denken aan de gelijkenis van Jezus waarin het kruid en het onkruid samen opgroeien tot het laatste oordeel. Tussendoor is het verschil bijna niet te zien.8) After the garden: (We live in the garden of Eden, yeah Don't know why we wanna tear the whole thing to the ground We live in the garden of Eden, yeah Don't know why we wanna tear the whole thing down And we've got to get ourselves Back to the garden) 9) Star of bethlehem: Yet still a light is shining from that lamp on down the hall. Maybe the star of Bethlehem wasn’t a star at all. In je eenzaamheid is misschien de lamp van een geode buur een ster van Bethlehem voor jou. Je gids in de duisternis. Je redding.10)spirit road: There's a long highway in your mind The spirit road that you must find To get you home to peace again Where you belong my love lost friend Don't feed that snake That turns on you You starve it out, that's what you do And it makes you lie It makes you cheat It steals your shoes and cuts your feet The snake keeps feeding through the night You lose your soul without a fight There's nothin' right that you can say You keep on talkin' anyway.De slang is natuurlijk de duivel en in de bijbel staat dat zijn kop vermorzelt zal worden maar dat hij in de hiel zal bijten en die vermorzelen. (in het lied steelt hij schoenen en snijdt in de voeten). En dan val je dus in het stof.11) The believer: And like that songbird singin' Whether it's red or blueJust like those church bells ringin' I'm keepin' my faith in you.I remember my mama sayingI want to beOn this windy road For eternityI'm makin' the change I'm keepin' my faith in you12) Ever after: When you hear that rooster crowing In the dawn, in the dawnThere's really no way of knowing What goes on, what goes on. Wereld is vol met petrus verraad.I love the sound of laughter And music in the airAnd in the Ever After I know it's always there. Dit stukje gaat over het eeuwige gezang in de hemel. Bijbelboek Openbaringen heeft het daarover.13) The way; The way, we know the way. We've seen the way We'll show the wayTo get you back home To the peace where you belong. Jezus zegt ik ben de weg, de waarheid en het leven”.

14) No Hidden path:Sometimes when I go walkin' Among the tall trees I feel the light comin' down on meUnder moon, under sun I feel the chosen one Through the mist, come walkin' here with me And the leaves on the ground Make a rustling sound In the wind now blowing in my face It's that cool wind again And I feel my missing friend Whose counsel I can never replace. Doet denken aan het wandelen van God met Adam en Eva in het paradijs.“En zij hoorden de stem van den Heere God,wandelende in den hof, aan de wind des daags”. Ook over henoch wordt gezegd datdat hij wandelde met God.15) God’s perfect plan: But nothing is perfect in God's perfect plan Look in the shadow to see He only gave us the good things so we'd understand What life without them would be. Doet denken aan tel je zegeningen dag aan dag uit een van de psalmen.16) "Guilty Train" Guilty train, don't whistle my way again. Vlucht voor de zonde zoals paulus zegt. 17) "Out Of Control "Once high on a hill, There was a song, Nothing was wrong, That's when time stood still. Doet denken aan de volmaakte liefde van Jezus waar andere liefdes schraal bij afsteken in de rest van het lied. 18) Thank God I’m on the road tonight: I swear that The Devil Came visiting me last nightSurrounded my old stagecoach With his eerie light He was pounding on my windowsRattling my wheels I may not be The Devil But I know just how he feels.Thank God I'm on the road tonight With this old hillbilly band. Jezus werd in de woestijn door de duivel verzocht en lastiggevallen ?19)

Norah Jones: Humble me “you humble me lord, I’m on my knees empty, forgive me”. Lijkt op een psalm van david.

Nick cave:Op de cd The Boatman’s call(1997) zingt cave dat hij niet gelooft in God als bemiddelaar, maar ook: “Just like a bird that sings up in the sun/In a dawn so very dark/Such is my Faith for you/…/ There is kingdom/there is a king/and he lives without and he lives within.God is voor de oudere Cave zelfs een bron van troost. “How have I offended Thee/Wrap your tender arms around me/ Oh My Lord,” verzucht hij op het album No More shall We Part (2001)

NirvanaNr. Heart shaped Box – duidelijk kruisigingstafereel van een kerstman. Etc.Schijnt te gaan over een doosje dat zijn liefde Cortney hem stuurde met het hoofd van een pop ? cd voorkant heet In Uterus – terug naar de plek van de geboorte ? wedergeboorte ?

Ocean:- Put your Hand in the Hand

Dit nummer stond op nr 22 van best verkopend nummer in 1971. Gecoverd door Elvis

presley, anne murray en Joan baez.

Pink Floyd Nr “Sheep” bevat duidelijke scherpe reactie op psalm 23. Verzet zich tegen de rustige overgave van het lied.

“ The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not wantHe makes me down to lieThrough pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by etc…”.

P.J. Harvey: Is this desire ( Maria & Jozef verhaal).

Prince This list is 7 of the top religious songs Prince has recorded since the release of The Rainbow Children in 2001, with an honorable mention of songs from the 80s. These are in no particular order and were compiled from a list made by people on prince.org.

1.Everywhere (The Rainbow Children)- The Rainbow Children" was an album chock-full of spiritual songs. "Everywhere" seemed to be about Prince and him being able to now feel God not just in church, but everywhere. There's a place I want 2 go/Where the milk and honey flow/Without God it wasn't there/Now I feel it Everywhere"

2. The Word (3121) 3121 Boasted a funky title track and a hit dance number with "Black Sweat", but in the middle of it all Prince wanted to ask people if they knew God's message. "The Word" asks people what they are going to do if they don't have God and bad people try to bring them down. They might try to get us crazy/Cuz they don't know what I've heard/ We got this new exaltation/ I'm talking about the word

3.Beautiful, Loved and Blessed (3121) This is also on 3121 and talks about someone who feels like a different and better person after accepting Jesus and God I was 4mless, U gave me a new name/ With the breath of life I now live abundantlyAll I needed was the potter's hand/And the blood on Calvary

4. Cinnamon Girl (Musicology) Although not directly religious in lyrics, Cinnamon Girl tells a story about a girl and her beliefs

being tested somewhere in the Middle East. It seems that Prince is writing about events

 after 9/11 and if you've seen this video, you can see Prince with "Matthew 5:5" written on his face. Tearful words of love 4 people she had never met b4/ Asking God 2 grant them mercy in this face of a holy war

5. Everlasting Now (The Rainbow Children) This dance track, complete with latin flavor, reminds believers to stay strong when challenged because Christ and God promise a better world as long as they believe. Don't let nobody bring U down (Letnobody) /Accurate knowledge of Christ and the Father/ Will bring the everlasting now

6. Last December (The Rainbow Children) Last December questions if you died tomorrow, would you be saved? In the name of the Father In the name of the Son/We need 2 come 2together/Come 2gether as one

7. Lion of Judah (Planet Earth) This track is on Prince's newest release and speaks of having the strength of the Lion of Judah to fight opposing forces in one's life. Like the Lion of Judah/ I Strike my enemies down/ As my God is living/ Surely the trumpet will sound

Honorable mentions. "Lets Go Crazy" and "I Would Die 4 U" from Purple Rain were top pop hits strewn with religious elements in them. How could you forget "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here 2day to get through this thing called life" sang on top of church organs, and "I'm your conscience/I am love/What I really need/ is 2 know that u believe" in "I Would Die 4 U"? My personal favorite is "The Cross" from Sign O' 'The Times. "Black day, stormy night/no love, no hope in sight/ Don't cry, he is coming/ Don't die without knowing the cross."

Owl city: Tidal wave (amazing grace tekstfragment). In psalm 42:8 staat “al uw golven slaan zwaar over mij heen”.

Patrick Watson

Fireweed : Dit nummer lijkt een verbeelding van Jezus woorden over de graankorrel die eerst moet sterven in de aarde voordat ze vrucht kan dragen. Video is te zien op www.patrickwatson.net.

Paul weller ( meest geliefde en invloedrijke artiest van groot brittannie vele nr 1 hits gehad)

1) All Good Books – wat zou Jezus er niet van vinden als hij zag hoe wij zijn woorden verdraaiden. Over gelovigen die geweld gebruiken.

paul kalkbrenner: sky and sand – I found myself alive in the palm of your hand. Johannes 17:6-19 gebed van Jezus voor zijn discipelen. Jesaja 40:28-31

Paddy Kelly (Kelly family)Gelovig geworden in 2000 zingt sindsdien over zijn geloof.nr ?

Paul Simon; Graceland

PinkAve maria: (ave Maria) wees gegroet maria zegt de engel tegen maria als zij te horen krijgt dat jezus uit haar geboren zal worden.Ze zingt alsof ze net als het kind van Maria getroost wil worden en beschermd worden voor de duivel en het kwaad


Ray Charles: Sinner’s prayer –gebed om vergeving.

Ramses Shaffy:Sammy: “kijk omhoog,Sammy, er is Een die van je houdt”Shrine of God: ?Zing, vecht, huil, bid,lach,werk en bewonderPsalm 88 (bijbel vertaling 1773)

Rage against the machine: Killing in the name: over doden in de naam van God ??Inside out: tekst “no spiritual surrender”

Randy Travis: 30 hits gescoord op Billboard hot country songs, daarvan waren er 16 nummer 1 hits)

Bijbelse nr 1 hit was Three wooden crosses.Ook nog een single van het jaar 1987 met forever and ever amen.Verschillende gospelalbums gemaakt nadat hij christen was geworden.

Rigtheous brothers: You’re my soul and inspiration

Ricky Lee Jones(hit met Chuck E’s in love eind jaren zeventig): 1)Evening of my best day (album wat richting de gospel gaat)

1) Cd sermon on exposition boulevard – deze cd loopt het leven van Jezus door. Bijna in elk nummer zit een verhaal.

Disc: 1 1. Nobody Knows My Name Niemand kent Jezus naam ?? Listen

2. Gethsemane gethsemane is de plek waar Jezus zwetend bad en werd opgepakt – de hof van de olijven. Listen

3. Falling Up hemelvaart van Jezus en mensen – Jezus komt in clip voorbij als rabbi tussen farizeeers. Listen

4. Lamp Of My Body Jezus zegt: het oog is de lamp van het lichaam Listen

5. It Hurts Listen

6. Where I Like It Best Listen

7. Tried To Be A Man Listen

8. Circle In The Sand Listen

Jezus komt op een ezel Jeruzalem binnen 9. Donkey Ride Listen

10. 7th Day De zevende dag is de zondag (opstandingsdag van Jezus nieuw begin in de schepping)12. Road To Emmaus Het nr. Emmaus over de emmaus gangers uit de bijbel etc.


13. I Was There “when Jesus walked” zingt ze. Over de voetstappen van Jezus in de wereld. Over de momenten van tot geloof komen van mensen ?

2) Cd Balm in Gilead – titel komt uit jeremia 46:11 “vrouwe Egypte, haast je maar naar Gilead en haal daar balsem. Geen middel baat je nog, je wonden groeien toch niet dicht”

Red hot chili peppers: Shallow be thy game (lijkt op hallowed be thy name ??) Hij protesteert tegen het in zonde geboren: “not created in the likeness of a fraud”.

Ricky Skaggs & kentucky Thunder(bluegrass gospel): Jakob’s vision Genesis 28 – (jakob’s ladder gebruikt als kruis en steen als jezus is de rots/hoeksteen).

Ringo Starr: (Heeft in een interview in 2009 aangegeven dat hij christen is geworden).Walk with you (peace dream) oorspronkelijk bedoelt als gospel

Robbie Williams: Jesus in a camper VanSade: Jezebel dit lied gaat in tegen de bijbelse visie op jezebel(moordenares van naboth). Sade noemt haar een godsdienstig tolerante, hardwerkende, ik weet wat ik wil vrouw, schaamt zich niet voor haar afkomst. (interessant voor een discussie over de persoonlijkheid van Izebel in bijbels licht. Eenzijdig ??)

Sam Cooke (hits met what a wonderful life en a change is gonna come).(Soul stirrers)Jesus gave me water Johannes 4 De samaritaanse vrouw “livin,lovin,lasting water”.Touch the Hem of His garment bijbelverhaal van de bloedvloeiende vrouw.Markus 5;15-34 en Matt 9:20-22 en Lukas 8:42b-48

Santana (Leon Patillo) When Leon Patillo was converted in the late '70s, the Christian music industry and its press

was full of the news of the conversion of "Santana's lead singer".Leon Patillo

Patillo's first musical endeavor was with the group Creation, later called Leon's Creation. Formed in the late 1960s, Creation was a funk group similar in style and composition to Sly & the Family Stone; they were signed to Atlantic Records. Aside from Creation, Patillo worked at times with Funkadelic and Martha & the Vandellas. In 1973, Patillo joined Santana, appearing on the albums Borboletta and Festival. The friend took the tape to Latin rock legend Carlos Santana in an attempt to sell the songs.

"Santana told him he wasn’t interested in the songs but loved the singer," says Patillo. "To make a long story short, we got hooked up and I joined the band Santana in 1973. I recorded three albums including Borboletta (1974), Festival (1976) and Moonflower (1977). Two turned gold and one platinum."

In 1974, life threw Patillo a curve ball when he attended a Bible study with the brother of a girlfriend. That night’s conversation convinced Leon of his need for God. "I became a Christian in 1974, the very night of that Bible study."

By 1978, Patillo’s conflicts with Santana about the spiritual content of his lyrics were too much, and he left the band. In 1979, Leon released his first Christian album, Dance Children Dance. Over the next decade Patillo released nine albums including Don’t Give In (1981), Live Experience (1983), The Sky’s the Limit (1984) and Love

Around the World (1985). Those albums included such hits as "Dance Children Dance," Star of the Morning," "Cornerstone," "The Sky’s the Limit," "J.E.S.U.S." and the popular wedding song "Flesh of M

He remained with Santana until 1981, launching a solo career on Word Records. He released a string of successful albums on the CCM market in the 1980s, and had his own television show on TBN called Leon and Friends.[1]

Patillo founded his own record label, Positive Pop, in the 1990s, and his most recent releases have been on this imprint. Patillo also leads his own ministry on the historic Queen Mary S.S in Long Beach, California but since retired the ministry in late 2009 in favor for traveling and leading seminars across the country.[1]

[edit] Discography Dance Children Dance (1979) Don't Give In (1981) I'll Never Stop Lovin' You (1982) Live Experience (1983) U.S. Top Contemporary Christian albums #10[2]

Sky's the Limit (1984) U.S. Christian #5 Love Around the World (1985) U.S. Christian #7 A Funny Thing Happened (1986) Brand New (1987) U.S. Christian #8 On the Way Up (1989) Christmas with Leon (1992) Hands of Praise (1992) Church Is on the Move (1993) The Classics (1996) I Can (1999) Souly for Him (2002) Breathe on Me (2005) Live Experience 2 (2005)

Sara Evans: Since emerging from the late-90s, Evans has made four No. 1 Country hits and Gold and Platinum-certified albums by the RIAA, like 2003's Restless and 2005's Real Fine Place. Her 2000 album, Born to Fly was certified Double-Platinum.

Dove Awards Special Event Album for Glory Revealed II: The Word of God In Worship

Nr “Bible song” over rouwverwerking bij iemands sterven.

Simon and Garfunkel:mrs. Robinson “Jesus loves you more than you will know”. This song is about the state of the nation in the late 60's. Ms. Robinson is an archetype of the generation that could no longer uphold the "perfectness" of the '50s no matter how good their intentions. (hence why Jesus loves you, there were lots of wrongs committed with the best of intentions) The entire older generation of the 60's was in a sort of institution, desperately trying to maintain an unmaintainable false image. Hide it from the kids, they'll rip off the covers and expose everything. Government is not helping, anyway you lose. Also, an excellent note from the movie:

Notice how after they "succeeded" in toppling the establishment's expectations they sat in the back of the bus looking like they had no clue about what to do next? That was 60's youth, and that conflict with one side wrong and the other side confused and directionless is what this song is about.

Snoop Dog: “Mac Bible Chapter 211 verse 20-21” de 10 geboden van de gangstercultuur. (laten vergelijken met de echte 10 geboden, waar botsen ze ?)

.Seatrain:”Song of Job” hervertelling van Job – lied laat dingen weg zoals het venijn van Job !Job 38-41 wordt niet doordacht. Belangrijke punten worden overgeslagen. (mooi lied voor discussie !!)

Shania Twain: God bless the child: Jezus zegent de kinderen verhaal.

Sheryl crow: Redemption day – een trein die rijdt naar de poort van de hemel. Wachten terwijl er ondertussen veel ongerechtigheid is.

Shiloh:where can we find GodWhere is the peacePrince of peace

System of a down (miljoenen kliks op you tube) !!!

"Chop Suey!" is the first single from System of a Down's second album Toxicity. The single was released in November 2001 and earned the band its first Grammy nomination. The song's working title was "Suicide"; the band members claim the change was not caused by pressure from their record company. The words "We're rolling 'Suicide'" can still be heard faintly in the album versions's opening seconds — though this intro is only on certain pressings of the album. The song is included as a playable track in the music video games Rock Band 2 and Rock Band Unplugged.

In het lied staat een verwijzing naar Lukas 23:46 “Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father ,into your hands I commit my spirit.”When he had said this he breathed his last breath.

In an interview, Daron Malakian explained, "the song is about how we are regarded differently depending on how we pass. Everyone deserves to die. Like, if I were now to die from a drug abuse, they might say I deserved it because I abused dangerous drugs. Hence the line, "I cry when angels deserve to die." The lyric "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit" is a reference to Jesus' death on the cross, as, according to the Gospels, it was one of the seven things Jesus said while dying."

Het lied lijkt een aanklacht op het verlaten van God van de mens die dan als antwoord kiest voor rechtvaardige zelfdoding ?!!

Regina Spektor: samson (eigen liefdesverdriet gereflecteerd tegen de achtergrond van het simson verhaal).Erg mooi !!!

Of Spektor zelf gelovig is, is nergens direct uit op te maken. Ze is Joods, dat is bekend, dus minstens kan ze het mee hebben gekregen. En daar lijkt het op, getuige het liedje ‘Laughing With’, waarin het gaat over de mens in relatie tot God. Op feestjes is ‘God’ vaak een hilarisch onderwerp als er bijvoorbeeld wordt gegrapt dat Hij geld geeft aan wie op de juiste manier bidt, of als een dwaas uitroept dat God ons haat. Er zijn echter ook andere omstandigheden, en dan is er niemand die spot met God. Als, daar heb je het weer, iemand in het ziekenhuis ligt, of in een oorlogssituatie verkeert, als na een routine-onderzoek de dokter je belt, of als het al laat is, maar je kind is nog steeds niet terug van het feestje.

Sinead O’Connor: Take, for example, her 2000 album, Faith and Courage. On "No Man's Woman," she sings:I got a lovin' man but he's a Spirit.He never does me harm never treats me bad.He never takes away all the love he has.And I'm forgiven—oh!—a million times."Kyrie," is a lovely setting of the liturgical Kyrie eleison in Greek and English ("Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy") overlaid with Rastafarian phrases.Christian and Rastafarian themes meet again in "The Lamb's Book of Life," a forerunner of many of the themes in the album Theology : So, in Theology, she sets out to "rescue God from religion." At times, her God sounds awfully tragic, as on "Out of the Depths":You're like a ghost in your own homeNobody hears U crying all aloneOh U are the one true really voiceless oneThey have their backs turned to you for worship of gold and stone … It's sad but true how the old saying goesIf God lived on earth people would break his windows.Then again, the rest of the song is taken straight from Psalm 130:Out of the depths I cry to U, oh LordDon't let my cries for mercy be ignoredIf U keep account of sins oh who would stand?But U have forgiveness in your hands

The rest of the album has selections from Jeremiah, Isaiah, Song of Solomon, Job, 1 Samuel, and Psalms 33, 91, 104, and 137. And Hosanna Filio David (Hossana zoon van God – de intocht van Jezus in Jerusalem).There's no trace of pagan goddesses on Theology, and Sinead's Rastafarianism seems not to the kind that focuses on former Ethiopian king Haile Selassie as God but rather the kind that focuses on the God of the Eastern Orthodox Selassie.What you won't find on Theology is much about Jesus—or anything from the New Testament, for that matter."I wanted it to be on the right side of the line between corny and cool," she told the Associated Press. "When it comes to religious music there is a very fine line between cool and very uncool. … If you start writing songs about the New Testament, you're doomed no matter how you say it; people have such a prejudice about it. If you start writing songs about Jesus you know no one is going to listen to you. Obviously, I do believe in Jesus, but I am not stupid."Still, Jesus does appear on the album, just not by name, in the second of two cover songs. The first is Curtis Mayfield's "We People Who Are Darker than Blue." The second is Jesus Christ Superstar's "I Don't Know How to Love Him." It's a remarkable inclusion, not only because of its implicit confession, but also because its closing line, "He scares me so," provides a counterbalance to "Out of the Depths," where she sings, "I've heard religion say you're to be feared, but I don't buy into everything I hear."Jesus, or at least Christian theology, also appears in Theology's first track, "Something Beautiful" — "You give life through blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, oh blood." The song provides a kind of introduction to the rest of the album:I wanna make somethingSo lovely for U'Cause I promised that's what I'd do for UWith the Bible I stoleI know you U forgave my soulBecause such was my need on a chronic Christmas EveThe song then transitions into several passages from Jeremiah:They dress the wounds of my poor peopleAs though they're nothingSaying 'peace, peace'When there's no peaceNow can a bride forget her jewels?Or a maid her ornaments?Yet my people forgotten meThe double CD is a mix of O'Connor compositions such as "If You Had A Vineyard" based on passages from Isaiah and Jeremiah ("I adore

how the prophet books speak very much about today's world"); "Whomsoever Dwells" (with lyrics from Psalm 91 - Sinead's favourite

Psalm) and a casting of Psalm 33 in "33" ("this Psalm traditionally is the one you say when someone is expecting a baby, which I was at

the time of recording").

"I hope this record would make someone think that perhaps God is not an angry, punishing, warmaking God and is in fact a gentle and compassionate God who actually is upset at the loss of us," Sinead O’Connor said.

Simon and Garfunkel:Sounds of silenceI am a rock

Stealers Wheel; gerry rafferty (grote hit 1972)Adeste fidelis: kerstliedReligieus album; another World 2003

Stef Bos: album in een ander licht hierin bezingt hij bijbelse personen. Lot, God(enige nummer waarvan hij zelf zegt dat hij date r eigenlijk niet op had willen hebben).Ruth, lea, prediker, job, Noach, Maria Magdalena, Christus en de Duivel, Jezus en Judas, moeder van Jezus, Petrus.

Stryper: Grote hit in 1986 met nummer To hell with the devil: In het O.T. staat in Jesaja?? Dat de morgenster op aarde viel. In het N.T. heeft Jezus het erover dat hij de boze naar beneden zag vallen.In openbaringen word de duivel in de poel van het eeuwige onuitblusbare vuur gegooid samen met de valse profeten.De volgende drie nummers warden vaak gedraaid op MTV in 1987.Calling on You, Free Honestly

Smashing pumpkins:“ Bullet with butterfly wings” dit lied haalt inspiratie uit Job hfst 1 en 2

Sixpence none the richer: (hit met kiss me)Meaningless “fear you God, this is all I know” Prediker 3;17 en 5;1-6 en 7;18 en 11;9.

Stevie wonder: 1)Superstition; zin in het lied heeft het over writing on the wall. Dit komt uit het bijbelboek Daniel waar God koning belsazzar veroordeelt met mene mene tekel ufarsin gewogen, gewogen en te licht bevonden.2) Jesus children of america (in het lied gaat het over openheid naar Jezus toe, hij gaf ook alles open en bloot aan het kruis).3) heaven is 10 zillion light years away; “pure of heart will walk there” deze zinsnede doet direct denken aan de bergrede van Jezus. Waarin jezus zegt “zalig zijn de zuiveren van hart want zij zullen God zien”.“rigtheous streets”en ‘fill evil souls”.

3) Spiritual walkers : lied over evangelisten aan de deur die het licht overal brengen. “Judgment day” laatste oordeel (Openbaringen). “They preach and they speak in tongues you have never heard’. Handelingen 2

6) Signed, sealed en delivered – de titel van dit lied komt uit openbaringen (zegel op het voorhoofd) Openbaringen 7;1-17 en Openbaringen 9:4 en 22:3(naam op voorhoofd).7) It’s wrong apartheid – Hij wijst gelovigen(joods-christelijke en hindoeïstische) erop dat satan hen in de greep heeft gekregen als zij apartheid steunen. Dat het verbond met God word gebroken door apartheid.

cd album - Journey through the secret life of plants (instrumenteel)1) Earth’s creation (schepping van de aarde) 2) The first garden(tuin van eden) 3) Ecclesiastes (prediker)

Extra info: Stevie wonder vond zelf zijn cd songs in the key of life de beste.Nieuwste albums – “the gospel inspired by Lula & through the Eyes of Wonder.

Sufjan stevens:1) Cd Seven swans vol met christelijk getinte liederen.2) nummer “Casimir Pulaski day”: associaties met Job (and he takes and he takes and he takes). Job zegt ergens na de rampen “De Heer heeft gegeven en de Heer heeft genomen geprezen zij de Heer.”In het lied worden gebeden niet verhoord en een vriendin sterft.Oh the glory that the Lord has made and the complications when I see his face in the morning in the window.Oh the glory when he took our placeBut he took my shoulders and he shook my faceAnd he takes and he takes and he takes


De derde single Alright wordt, mede dankzij een grappige videoclip, een grote zomerhit.Vandaar dat het tweede album uit 1997 In It For The Money heet. De recensies zijn wederom positief en het levert singles op als Richard III, Sun Hits The Sky en Late In The Day, maar het succes van Alright wordt niet meer geëvenaard, al haalt In It For The Money nog wel platina in Engeland,

Bijbel gerelateerd lied: Jesus came from outer space

Susan BoyleGospel cdI Dreamed A DreamCry Me A RiverHow Great Thou ArtYou’ll SeeDaydream BelieverUp To The MountainAmazing GraceProud

The End Of The WorldWho I Was Born To BeSilent NightWild Horses

The Birthday Party:1)Big Jesus Trash Can – kritische tekst op

“christelijke” oliebaronnen - tekst “Big Jesus oil king down in Texas, drives great holy tanks of gold screams from heaven’s graveyard…. He drives a trash can he’s coming to my town. Jezus komt op een ezel(vredesdier) Jeruzalem binnen. In de bijbel staat ook een verhaal over een liefdeloze rijke in de hel. i.v.m. screams from heaven’s graveyards.

The Guess Who:(Het nummer american woman is een bekende. Ze hebben het ooit samen gezongen met Lenny


bijbels nr Hang on to your life – dit lied eindigt met een citaat uit Psalm 22.

Talking Heads: (David Byrne is christen)- Nineveh - Jezebel spirit (duiveluitdrijving in Jezus naam)- Mea Culpa- The Gates of paradise - A walk in the dark - Speaking in Tongues ( titel komt weg bij het verhaal in handelingen 2 waar de

discipelen spreken in tongen(verschillende talen) bij de uitstorting van de Heilige Geest.

- God’s child- Laatste cd 2009 is een gospel geinspireerde cd samen met Brian Eno ( lid Roxy Music

Everything that happens will happen today (nadruk op overgave vooraf aan de aanbidding zegt David byrne)

T. Texas Tyler: Deck of cards – De inhoud van de bijbel uitgelegd aan de hand van een kaartspel. Elk nummer heeft een betekenis

The band(The hawks)(Robbie robertson) Bob Dylan, voor wie Robertson en Helm al eerder als sessiemuzikant hadden gewerkt, vroeg The Hawks als begeleidingsgroep voor zijn legendarisch geworden tournee van 1965-66. Later namen zij met hem in de kelder van het huis "Big Pink" in Woodstock, de al even legendarische Basement Tapes op.In 1988 een top 10 hit.Shine your lightResurrection: Hij komt terug voor de opstanding van de doden bij Jezus terugkomst.

The Weight – nr bevat verwijzingen naar Nazareth en mrs Moses over geen plek om te verblijven of de last te verlichten. (De band Nazareth heeft haar naam van dit lied).

The BeatlesNr “Rocky Racoon”: In het lied gaat het over een man die iemand wil doodslaan die aan zijn vrouw zit. De Gideon bijbel brengt de goede Rocky terug. “recover when I am Able” misschien ook een woord speling op Kain en Abel ? Kain sloeg de onschuldige Abel dood.

John Lennon;nr “The Word” – “In the beginning I misunderstood but now I’ve got it. The Word is good.” Duidelijke associatie met “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God” Johannes 1:1

And though this is the first time many Beatles fans have heard this particular conversation, Lennon’s interest in Christ was no secret in

the early ‘70s. In his book, The Gospel According to the Beatles, writer Steve Turner said that there was a period in his life when the

world’s most famous songwriter deeply wanted to know who Jesus was. According to the book, in an effort to escape the chaos of public

life, Lennon would often retreat to television and became a regular viewer of the era’s most influential evangelists including Billy Graham,

Oral Roberts and even Pat Robertson.

In 1972, Lennon even took part in a written correspondence with Roberts, in which he apologized and further explained his statement

about being “bigger” than God. The Beatles frontman, who had experimented with a variety of drugs and spiritual ideas wrote this to


“The point is this, I want happiness. I don't want to keep on with drugs. Paul told me once, 'You made fun of me for taking drugs, but you

will regret it in the end.' Explain to me what Christianity can do for me. Is it phoney? Can He love me? I want out of hell."

Oral Roberts sent him a long response, giving him a copy of his book Miracle of Seed Faith and a detailed explanation of God’s love for


Five years later, in 1977, Lennon became deeply moved by NBC’s broadcast of the movie Jesus of Nazareth and told his friends that he

had become a born-again Christian. A week after seeing the film, Lennon returned to church on Easter Sunday with his wife Yoko and

son Sean in tow.

It was during this time that Lennon even penned several Christian songs (“Talking with Jesus” and “Amen”), and according to Turner’s

book, even called The 700 Club prayer line.

The change in his life disturbed his wife Yoko Ono, who pulled her husband away from his new religion, and eventually, after months of

isolation in Tokyo, Lennon found his life going in a dark direction, and ended up abandoning his faith and retreating into New Age

practice and further searching. Before he was murdered in 1980, Lennon embraced a universalistic belief of religion and no longer

seemed interested in his born-again lifestyle.

Although the new interview doesn’t change what we know about John Lennon at the end of his life, it does shed some light on what help

developed his view of Christianity in the first place. It wasn’t confusion about theology or the nature of God. It wasn’t the pull of a

conflicting lifestyle. According to Lennon, it was Christians who made him not want to be a part of the church.

Het lied “Serve yourself” van John Lennon was een reactie op het lied van Bob Dylan “Gotta serve somebody.

You say you found Jesus. Christ!He's the only oneYou say you've found BuddhaSittin' in the sunYou say you found MohammedFacin' to the EastYou say you found KrishnaDancin' in the street

Well there's somethin' missing in this God Almighty stew And it's your mother (your mother, don't forget your mother, la)You got to serve yourself

nobody gonna do for youYou gotta serve yourselfnobody gonna do for youWell you may believe in devils and you may believe in lawsBut if you don't go out and serve yourself, la, ain't no room service hereody”.

Nr. “You saved my soul” gaat over zijn bijna bekering tot het christelijk geloof.Yoko ono bracht hem ervan af (uit: steve turner –gospel according to the Beatles).

“When I was lonely and scaredI nearly fell for a TV preacherIn a hotel room in TokyoOh only you truly saved me from that suicide

Because all the thingsI die along with you”

George Harrison nr. “within you without you” citaat uit lied “We were talkingAbout the love that's gone so coldAnd the people Who gain the world and lose their soul.”1.

Mar   8,36

  Want wat baat het een mens de gehele wereld te winnen en aan zijn ziel schade te lijden?

Ringo Starr: “Oh my Lord” dit lied was een belijdenis van zijn verlangen om geliefd te zijn door God(de christelijke). (na bij Alcoholics Anonymous te zijn geweest).

Citaat uit lied:

“When I'm in darkness and full of fearI know the answer when you are hereNow I believe, it's all become clear

Oh my lordOh my lordI need your love so bad

When my heart is wandering hopeless and sadI look for the answers, the ones that you haveI have to let go to be in your hands”.

The Hives Bijbels nr “try it again” citaat uit het lied “like samson and Delilah” Time to learn a lesson Like Pavlov's dog If same-ing isn't working Why don't you different instead, instead, instead Like Samson and Delilah Attila and the HunsYou're ready for a new round Don't it look like it's gonna be fun, be fun.

The Boy least likely to (in engelse hitparade gestaan 66 en 69)

Nr Every Goliath has its David

The Killers (nr 2 positie in de top 40 2008 met nummer “human”)

Bijbels nr. Tranguilize – citaat lied “and we’re looking for a page/in that lifeless book of hope” ..’”acid rain, when abel looked up at cain”.

The Lou gramm band ( zanger van Foreigner).

1) Baptized by fire – “I saw a light from heaven it shone brighter than the sun” doet denken aan het bekeringsverhaal van Paulus in bijbelboek Handelingen en Openbaringen 1:14 14 Zijn hoofd en zijn haren waren wit als witte wol of als sneeuw, en zijn ogen waren als een vlammend vuur. 15 Zijn voeten gloeiden als brons in een oven. Zijn stem klonk als het geluid van geweldige watermassa’s. 16 In zijn rechterhand had hij zeven sterren en uit zijn mond kwam een scherp, tweesnijdend zwaard. Zijn gezicht schitterde als de felle zon. 17 Toen ik hem zag viel ik als dood voor zijn voeten neer. Maar hij legde zijn rechterhand op me en zei: ‘Wees niet bang. Ik ben de eerste en de laatste. 18 Ik ben degene die leeft; ik was dood, maar ik leef, nu en tot in eeuwigheid. Ik heb de sleutels van de dood en van het dodenrijk.

2) Made to be broken – Lied gaat over de schat die wij hebben in aarden vaten- als olijfolie geperst – kracht door kruis etc.

3) Willing to forgive – “Learn the secrets of my soul, uncertain of my First steps” de onderwerpen doen denken aan baby van God – melk van het geloof(vergeving als hoofdpunt).

4) That’s the way God planned it – Alles onder Zijn zegen (Cover van Billy Preston)

5) I wanna testify – Iedereen ziet hoe hij is veranderd door Gods liefde. In de bijbel staat dat de mensen zagen hoe lief de eerste christenen elkaar hadden en velen sloten zich daardoor aan.

6) So Great – zingt over de grootheid van God in het lied komt ook een kindergebed voor dat door kinderen gezongen wordt.(lijkt op een psalm).

7) Redeemer – Hij zingt “Kom op verlosser”. Hij wil Jezus als het ware de ring in gooien !! Jezus voorop in de geestelijke strijd.

8) Single vision –“one nation under God” ik moest denken aan het moment dat koning Joas de tien geboden terugvindt en Gods wil weer leidend word in Israel.

9) Rattle yer bones – eerste associatie met de liedtitel is met het bijbel verhaal van de dorre doodsbeenderen in Ezechiel deze beenderen(botten) komen tot leven. Rattle heeft natuurlijk met een ratelslang te maken(in de bijbel wordt gezegd dat gelovigen soms listig als een slang en wijs als een duif moeten zijn). In het lied zingt hij “seven times a day” (ik moest denken aan het zeven maal wandelen en op de hoorn blazen bij de stad Jericho).

10) You saved me – Hij leeft niet meer van zijn reputatie maar van God.

11) It’s not too late – “Take up my cross and follow beyond anything I dream, I found my Jericho it seems” spreekt voor zich.

The Neville Brothers:Fire and Brimstone nummer vol met beelden uit openbaringen (maan die rood word,vurige hagel, licht dat op hem schijnt(bijbelboek handelingenPaulus bekering) etc. With God on our side (cover)Tori Amos: God

The The In 1983 brak The The wereldwijd door met hun tweede album, Soul Mining. De groep verkocht sindsdien miljoenen albums, en maakte nog 10 albums.

De bekendste hit van de groep is Uncertain Smile uit 1983, afkomstig van Soul Mining.

- Armageddon days: Over het laatste der dagen , de strijd tussen christendom en islam. Bijbelboek Openbaringen. Aantal citaten:

- “ But if you think that Jesus Christ is comingHoney, you've got another thing comingIf he ever finds out who's hijacked his nameHe'll cut out his heart and turn in his grave”

- If the real Jesus Christ were to stand up todayHe'd be gunned down cold by the C.I.A.

- But God didn't build himself that throneGod doesn't live in Israel or RomeGod doesn't belong to the Yankee dollarGod doesn't plant the bombs for HezbollahGod doesn't even go to churchAnd God won't send us down to Allah to burnGod will remind us what we already knowThat the human race is about to reap what it's sown

Thrice: 1 gouden plaat en een nr 24 en 39 notering in de u.s. in 2003 en 2005.

There are many literary themes and references littered throughout Thrice's lyrics and song titles. Many of these themes can be attributed to the fact that Dustin, the main lyricist, reads heavily. Themes relevant to the Christian faith appear frequently in the subject matter of their songs. Particularly prominent are references to the twentieth-century Christian apologist and philosopher C.S. Lewis, with the songs "As the Ruin Falls," "The Abolition of Man," "That Hideous Strength," and "The Weight of Glory" being named after works by Lewis. The song "The Earth Will Shake" borrows heavily from Lewis's poem "The Prudent Jailor."[23] and the song "Come All You Weary" contains the line "the light's growing bright further up, further in," which is a reference to Lewis' The Last Battle.Thrice's lyrics make frequent reference to Biblical scripture, with many lines being direct quotations of Jesus from Matthew 11:28-30. Noticeable examples are the songs "Moving Mountains," which largely derives from 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, "Of Dust and Nations," which references Matthew 6:19-20, "In Exile", whose concept is from Hebrews 11:13-16, "Image of the Invisible," which comes from Colossians 1:15, and "Child of Dust" which references Genesis 3:19. "Hold Fast Hope" comes from Jonah 1:4-16. The song "Like Moths To Flame" is about Peter's denial of Christ told in Matthew 26:26-35, 69-75. "The Messenger" comes from Isaiah 6:4-10. "Wood and Wire" somewhat derives from the verse 2 Corinthians 4:17

Ook is er het nummer “For Miles”met een citaat van Jezus and there’s no greater love, than that one shed his blood for his friends”. On that dat day the scales…. gaat over het laatste oordeel.

En “Come all you weary” – lied over het rust vinden bij het juk van Jezus. Bijbeltekst “komt allen die vermoeid en belast zijt en Ik geef u rust”

However, Thrice have been quoted as saying they are not a Christian band, and not all members are Christians [52] which leaves the exact meaning behind their lyrics unknown and under heavy debate by fans.

Tom JonesGospel cd Praise and BlameTom Jones in een interview: “Als je zulke teksten zingt, moet het iets betekenen”. En op de vraag of hij bid ? “O ja, ja zeker,zeker. Ik bid elke avond. Ik ga op mijn knieen en dank God in de eerste plaats voor mijn stem, dat Hij mij dit instrument gegeven heeft, waarmee ik mezelf kan zijn en kan doen wat ik al zo lang met liefde doe.”

Tom Waits (and gavin Briar)

Jesus Blood never failed me yet (stond in de Nederlandse top 40 in 1994)Gospel trainHang on St ChristopherIll never let go of your handJesus Gonna Be hereLittle trip to heavenSins of my father

Tommy James and the Shondells

Nr Crystal Blue persuasion: Top 10 hit in 1969 ( staan in hitparade hall of fame –alle platen goud 6 miljoen verkocht)

The title of the song came to James while he was reading The Bible's Book of Revelation, according to James in a 1985 interview in Hitch magazine:

I took the title from the Book of Revelations[sic] in the Bible, reading about the New Jerusalem. The words jumped out at me, and they're not together; they're spread out over three or four verses. But it seemed to go together, it's my favorite of all my songs and one of our most requested.[1]

However, according to James's manager, James was actually inspired by his reading of the Book of Ezekiel where it speaks of the Blue Shekinah Light which represented the presence of the Almighty God and the Books of Isaiah and Revelation where it speaks of a bright future of a brotherhood of mankind living in peace and harmony.[2]

Tupac and Outlawz: Black Jesuz Tupac zoekt naar een ‘zwarte jezus’ die zijn leven in de Getto begrijpt. Een Jezus die niet te perfect is. Een drinkende en rokende Jezus.Only God can Judge me now: Lied kan misschien gebruikt worden in relatie met Jezus uitspraak “wie zonder zonde is werpe de eerste steen” en “haal eerst de balk uit je eigen oog voor je de splinter aanwijst bij een ander”.

Two by two: Musical over de Ark van Noach

The Stanley Brothers(1 van de belangrijkste groepen in traditionele Amerikaanse muziek): Old Daniel prayed Daniel’s voorbeeld in de leeuwenkuil wordt herverteld + lijst van geloofshelden net als in Hebreeën 11.

The Pixies: Nimrod’s son – zoon uit een incestueuze verhouding. Nimrod was de koning van Babel ten tijde van de toren van Babel. Een geweldige jager(mensenjager ?) en koning van de opstand tegen God.

The Who(pete townsend):1) Man in a purple dress : kritiek op geestelijk leiders die zich

verschuilen achter hun kleding en hoogmoedig zijn met een slechte ziel. (Jezus geeft in de bijbel ook kritiek op farizeeërs die zichzelf uiterlijk zo goed vinden (met bidden i.t.t. tollenaar) Jezus noemt sommige geestelijke leiders gewitte graven. Wit van buiten zwart van binnen.

2) Let my love open the door (gospel)3) God speaks4) Two thousand years (gaat over wie Jezus is, vanaf het jaar 0 heeft

pete gewacht) And so I have a chance to loveAs you intendedYou really lived and die for meIs the waiting really ended?

Two thousand yearsTwo thousand long, long yearsTwo thousand yearsTwo thousand long, long yearsHave I waited Then find I can't be perfect

Not even a perfect snake To know that we are hated You suffer for my sake

Tom Waits: 1) God’s away on business – In de clip loopt hij in een soort ark met

dieren. Hij zingt er ook over dat het schip zinkt. Lammen en blinden zijn de lekken in het schip en de kerk(ark) is meer bezig met geld dan de zieken etc. Het lied doet denken aan het wijngaard verhaal van Jezus. De Vader gaat weg/ op zakenreis laat de beheerders(geestelijk leiders) achter. De Vader stuurt profeten om polshoogte te nemen, zij worden gedood. Als laatste stuurt Hij zijn zoon ook hij wordt gedood. Tom zingt over verlatenheid en dat de misdadigers aan de macht zijn. Ook bij een psalm of Job bruikbaar.

2) temptationTori Amos(zij pleit voor een vrouwelijker godsbeeld in veel popnummers, leest het liefst de gnostische evangeliën, dochter van een dominee):

1) God – allemaal geloven door elkaar. Naald door een kaars (uitleg is naald door een fallus symbool. Gebedsriemen worden vergeleken met drugspuiten in de clip

2) Strong black vine – nummer gaat over geloofssystemen en hun intolerantie. In de clip bloed ze zelf ook aan alle kanten.

(in een interview geeft ze aan vroeger ook hele goede christelijke vrouwen te hebben gekend en ze zou willen dat dat ook bekend was, nu komt ze alleen maar negatief over). Jezus zegt “ik ben de wijnrank en jullie zijn de vruchten, zonder Mij kunnen jullie niets doen” dit verklaard de titel denk ik.

U2Album: Boy

"I Will Follow"

"If you walk away walk away I will follow" -- Ruth 1:16: "But Ruth said, "Entreat me not to leave you or to return from following you; for where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God."

Album: October


"In te domine...exultate...miserere" -- The first words in Latin of three Psalms--30 (31): "In Thee O Lord do I put my trust...", 32 (33): "Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous..." and 50 (51): "Have mercy on me, O God." "O Lord, loosen my lips"--Psalm 50 (51): "O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise."

"Only in you I'm complete" -- Colossians 2:10 "For in {Christ} dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And in him you are complete." (submitted by Rev. Beth)


"The sun is burning black ... the moon is running red ... the stars are falling down" -- from Revelation 6, 12-13: "Then I watched while he broke open the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; the sun turned as black as dark sackcloth and the whole moon became like blood. The stars in the sky fell to the earth like unripe figs shaken loose from the tree in a strong wind."


"Who tore the curtain? Who was it for?" -- Matthew 27:51: [The Crucifixion] "At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split."

The door imagery and "open up to the Lamb of God" is from Rev 3:20 when Jesus says: "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will eat with him, and he with me." (submitted by Rev. Beth)


"And kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall" -- this one may be a bit of a stretch, but Psalm 46:6: "Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts."

"With a Shout"

"With a shout" -- Psalm 47:5 "God has gone up with a shout, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet." Also I think there is an overall reference to the Psalms of Ascent, which were chanted by pilgrims on the way up the hill to Jerusalem, e.g. Psalm 122 "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD. Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem." (submitted by Rev. Beth)

LEGALU2 Music and Lyrics published by Blue Mountain Music Ltd (for the UK)/Mother Music Ltd (For the Republic Of Ireland)/PolyGram International Music

Publishing BV (For The Rest Of The World) U2 Recordings owned by Universal International Music B.V. exclusively licensed to Island Records (ROW) and Interscope Records (USA)


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"I Threw a Brick Through a Window"

"No one is blinder than he who will not see" -- John 9:40-41 "And some of the Pharisees who were with Jesus heard these words, and said to him, Are we blind also? Jesus said to them, If you were blind, you would have no sin: but now that you claim to see, your sin remains." (submitted by Rev. Beth)

"Stranger In a Strange Land"

The entire song makes allusion to the Emmaus story from Luke 24, where the risen Jesus appears as a stranger, but miraculously cannot be recognized until he offers bread to the two disciples who have invited him in. The song paraphrases their exclamation when they realize who they have been with -- "They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" ("I watched as he watched us. The way it was when he was with us") Though it is late night, they don't go to sleep but instead walk 9 miles back to Jerusalem to tell the others what they saw. ("They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together and saying, 'It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon.' Then the two told what had happened on the way, and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread.") This parallels: "But I couldn't sleep after what I saw: I wrote this letter to tell you the way I feel. I wish you were here to see what I could see." (submitted by Rev. Beth)

Album: War

"Sunday Bloody Sunday"

"Trenches dug within our hearts, And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart" -- Matthew 10:35: "For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law."

"Wipe the tears from your eyes" -- Revelation 21:4: "He will wipe every tear from their eyes..."

"We eat and drink while tomorrow they die" A brilliant ironic take on I Cor 15:32 "If the dead are not raised, let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die." The "how long" cry is too frequent in the Bible to cover in full, but here are some prominent examples:

Ps 6:3 "My soul is in anguish. How long, O LORD, how long?" (This is the same line Bono says he used in "40," too.)

Ps 94:3 "How long will the wicked, O LORD, how long will the wicked be jubilant?"

Habakkuk 1:2 "How long, O LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, "Violence!" but you do not save?" (submitted by Rev. Beth)


"Like a thief in the night" -- 1 Thessalonians 5:2: "for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night."

"Like a Song"

"A new heart is what I need/Oh God, make it bleed" -- Ezekiel 36:26: "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh."

"Drowning Man"

"Rise up, rise up/With wings like eagles/You'll run, you'll run/You'll run and not grow weary" -- Isaiah 40:31: "but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be

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"Two Hearts Beat As One"

"Say I'm a fool; You say I'm nothing; But if I'm a fool for you, Oh, that's something" I Cor 3:18 If any one among you seems to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. I Cor 4:10 We are fools for Christ's sake. (submitted by Rev. Beth)


"If I wanna live I gotta die to myself someday" -- Luke 9:24-25: "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?"


Psalm 40, though Bono has mentioned in his intro to the book of Psalms that "How long (to sing this song)" was copped from Psalm 6.

Album: The Unforgettable Fire


"One man betrayed with a kiss" -- "Jesus said to him, 'Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?'"

"One man washed on an empty beach" -- Possibly a reference to Jonah 2:10: "Then the LORD ordered the fish to spit up Jonah on the beach, and it did." (Thanks to Brian)

"One man come he to justify" is from Isaiah 53:11, probably the best- known Old Testament prophecy describing the purpose of Jesus' coming: "my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities." "Justify" is a key verb in Christian theology referring to how the grace of Jesus makes believers right with God. (submitted by Rev. Beth)

"The Unforgettable Fire"

"And if the mountains should crumble or disappear into the sea..." Psalm 46:2: "Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea."

"A dry and waterless place" -- Deut 8:15 "He led you through the vast and dreadful desert, that dry and waterless land." (submitted by Rev. Beth)

Album: The Joshua Tree

"Where the Streets Have No Name"

"We're beaten and blown by the wind" -- James 1:6: "But he should ask in faith, not doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed about by the wind."

Although I'm sure there are several layers of meaning to this image, I cannot imagine someone who knows the Bible as well as Bono describing an ideal place in terms of "streets" without thinking of the description of the great street in the kingdom of Heaven -- Revelation 22:1 "Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city." And 22:21 "The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass." (submitted by Rev. Beth)

"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"

"I have spoken with the tongue of angels" -- 1 Corinthians 13:1: "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal."

"With or Without You"

"See the thorn twist in your side" -- 2 Corinthians 12:7: "To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me."

"Bullet the Blue Sky"

"Jacob wrestled the angel/And the angel was overcome" -- Genesis 32:25: "Jacob was left there alone. Then some man wrestled with him until the break of dawn."

"Running To Stand Still"

"Sweet the sin, Bitter the taste in my mouth" -- Rev 10:10 "And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter." (submitted by Rev. Beth)

"In God's Country"

"Hope, faith, her vanity/The greatest gift is gold" -- an ironic take (who says U2 didn't discover irony until Achtung Baby?) on 1 Corinthians 13:13: "So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love." (Thanks to Mateo)

"I stand with the sons of Cain" --In Genesis 4 Cain kills his brother and is marked forever by God and sent away as a murderer, thus experiencing the scary aspect of coming into contact with the divine ("burned by the fire of love.") In exile Cain has sons: one of the sons of Cain, Jubal, is traditionally considered the ancestor of musicians. "He was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ." (submitted by Rev. Beth)

"Trip Through Your Wires"

"I was cold and you clothed me honey..." -- Matthew 25:35-36: "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me..."

"One Tree Hill"

"You know his blood still cries from the ground" -- Genesis 4:10 -- "[The murder of Abel by Cain] The LORD said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground."

"I'll see you again when the stars fall from the sky..." -- see note on "Fire."

"We run like a river to the sea" -- Ecclesiastes 1:7: "All rivers go to the sea, yet never does the sea become full. To the place where they go, the rivers keep on going."


"Saw the hands that build can also pull down" -- Jer 1:10 "See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant." And Jer 31:28 "Just as I watched over them to uproot and tear down, and to overthrow, destroy and bring disaster, so I will watch over them to build and to plant," declares the LORD." (submitted by Rev. Beth)

Album: Rattle and Hum

"Hawkmoon 269"

"Like tongues of flame" -- Acts 2:3: "[The apostles receive the Holy Spirit] Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each of them."

"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" (Rattle and Hum version)

"He'll be your shelter from the storm" -- Psalm 55:8: "I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm." (another stretch)

"Silver and Gold"

This obviously has a literal meaning in the song, but it is also a very frequently used phrase in the Bible and it has some positive and some negative meanings. Among the ones that fit the song most are: Deut 29:17 You saw among them their detestable images and idols of wood and stone, of silver and gold. Ps 133:15 The idols of the nations are silver and gold, made by the hands of men. Zeph 1:18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them on the day of the LORD's wrath. (submitted by Rev. Beth)

"Love Rescue Me"

"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow/Yet I will fear no evil/I have cursed they rod and staff/They no longer comfort me..." -- Psalm 23 -- "Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side with your rod and your staff that give me courage."

"When Love Comes to Town"

"I was there when they crucified my Lord/I held the scabbard when the soldier drew his sword/I threw the dice when they pierced his side..." -- Matthew 27:35: "After they had crucified him, they divided his garments by casting lots."

Album: Achtung Baby

"The Fly"

"Love we shine like a burning star/We're falling from the sky tonight" -- Luke 10:18: "Jesus said to them, 'I saw Satan fall from the sky like lightning.'" (See also "Slide Away.")

"Until the End of the World"

"We ate the food, we drank the wine...I took the money, I spiked your drink...In the garden I was playing the tart, I kissed your lips and broke your heart" -- see Judas and Jesus in Matthew 14-15, 20-29, 47-49

"Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses"

"Well you left my heart empty as a vacant lot/for any spirit to haunt" -- Luke 11:24-26:"When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and finding none it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.' And when it comes, it finds the house swept and put in order. Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there. And the last state of that person is worse than the first." (submitted by Rev. Beth)

"So Cruel"

"Between the horses of love and lust we are trampled underfoot" -- 2 Kings 9:33 (The death of Jezebel): "' Throw her down!' Jehu said. So they threw her down, and some of her

blood spattered the wall and the horses as they trampled her underfoot."

"Mysterious Ways"

Tarheel Tim's taken care of this one by pointing out elements of the song (the moon, Johnny, living underground, running away from what you don't understand, belly dancing, even the title phrase) that are also in Oscar Wilde's play "Salome." The Biblical story of Salome can be found in Mark 6: 17-29.

"Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around the World"

"He took an open top Beetle/through the eye of a needle" -- Luke 18:24-25 -- "Jesus looked at him now sad and said, 'How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God! For it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God."

Album: Zooropa


"And when you're dry/She draws her water from the stone" -- Numbers 20:8: "[God said to Moses] 'Take this staff and assemble thee community, you and your brother Aaron, and in their presence order the rock to yield its waters. From the rock you shall bring forth water for the community and their livestock to drink.'"

"Stay (Faraway, So Close!)"

"Stay with the demons you drowned" -- Matthew 9:31-32: "The demons pleaded with [Jesus], 'If you drive us out, send us into the herd of swine.' And he said to them, 'Go then!' They came out and entered the swine, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea where they drowned."

"The First Time"

"Gave me the keys to his kingdom coming" -- Matthew 16:19: "[Jesus said to Peter] 'I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.'"

"He said 'I have many mansions/And there are many rooms to see' " -- John 14:2: "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."

"The Wanderer"

"Through streets paved with gold" -- Revelation 21:21: "The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass."

"Who would sit at his Father's right hand" -- Matthew 26:64: "'Yes, it is as you say,' Jesus replied. 'But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.'"

Another possible title for this song, according to an interview with Bono in the book Race of Angels, was "The Preacher." Though no lines correspond exactly, the spirit of the song echoes the entire book of Ecclesiastes (also sometimes called "The Preacher"). For instance: "I went out there in search of experience/to taste and to touch and to feel as much as a man can before he repents" and Ecclesiastes 11:9: "Rejoice, O young man, while you are young, and let your heart be glad in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart, the vision of your eyes; yet understand as regards all this God will bring you to judgment."

Album: Original Soundtrack 1 (Passengers)

"Elvis Ate America"

"reading Corinthians 13" -- That's the "Love is patient, love is kind" chapter that is so popular at weddings.

Album: Pop

"If God Will Send His Angels"

"It's the blind leading the blond" -- Matthew 15:14: "Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit."

"So where is the hope, and where is the faith, and the love?" -- 1 Corinthians 13:13. (Thanks to Mateo)

"The Playboy Mansion"

"Then there will be no time of sorrow, then there will be no time for pain" -- Revelation 21:4: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."


"Your sermon on the mount" -- Matthew 5:1-12 or Luke 6:20-26

"Wake Up Dead Man"

"your Father, He made the world in seven" -- Genesis 1:1-2:4

"Wake up, wake up dead man" -- possibly Ephesians 5:14: "...for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: 'Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.'" (Thanks to Nanette)

Album: All That You Can't Leave Behind

"Beautiful Day"

"The heart is a bloom/shoots up through the stony ground" -- Isaiah 52:3: "He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground." (submitted by Andrew)

"See the bird with the leaf in her mouth" -- Genesis 8:10-11: "[Noah] waited seven days more and again sent the dove out from the ark. In the evening the dove came back to him, and there in its bill was a plucked-off olive leaf! So Noah knew that the waters had lessened on the earth."

"After the flood all the colours came out" -- Genesis 9:12-13: "God added: 'This is the sign that I am giving for all ages to come, of the covenant between me and you and every living creature with you: I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.'"

"Stuck In A Moment..."

"I am not afraid of anything in this world" -- Luke 12:4: "I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body but after that can do no more."

"Walk On"

"A place that has to be believed to be seen" -- John 11:40 Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?" (submitted by Rev. Beth)

"Home - I can't say where it is, but I know I'm going" -- John 14: 4-6 Jesus said, "You know the way to the place where I am going." Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" Jesus answered, "I am the way." (submitted by Rev. Beth)

"In A Little While"

"In a little while, I won't be blown by every breeze..." -- Ephesians 4:14 Then, we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of doctrine. (submitted by Rev. Beth)

"Wild Honey"

"You were my shelter and my shade" -- Isaiah 25:4 "You have been... a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat." (submitted by Rev. Beth)


"She carries a pearl in perfect condition" -- Matt 13:45-46 "The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." (submitted by Rev. Beth)

"What left a mark no longer stains" -- Not a quote, but a pretty clear allusion to Isaiah 1:18 "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." (submitted by Rev. Beth)

Album: How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb


"All of this can be yours/just give me what I want/and no one gets hurt" -- the temptation by Jesus in the desert by Satan, specifically what the Devil tells him in Luke 4:7: "So if you worship me, it will all be yours." (submitted first by Alain and thereafter by many, many others)

"Miracle Drug"

"I was a stranger/you took me in" -- Matthew 25:34-35: "Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in..." ("and ye took me in" in the King James Version) (submitted first by Robin)

"Love and Peace or Else"

"Lay down your treasure" -- Matthew 6:19-21: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (submitted by Robin)

Also would like to point out (per Rev. Beth) that contrary to the lyric booklet, the line is quite likely to be "you don't have time/before a jealous lover," in which case any number of variations on the phrase "The Lord your God is a jealous God" could be linked.

"City of Blinding Lights"

"Blessings are not just for the ones who kneel/luckily" -- Matthew 5:44-45: "But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."

"All Because of You"

"All because of you/I am" -- A few folks have found it interesting that the same album that has a song called "Yahweh" has a song with a close English translation of the Hebrew name of God-see Exodus 3:13-14: "'But,' said Moses to God, 'when I go to the Israelites and say to them, "The God of your fathers has sent me to you," if they ask me, "What is his name?" what am I to tell them?' God replied, 'I am who I am.' Then he added, 'This is what you shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you.'"

"Crumbs From Your Table"

"I would believe if I was able/I'm waiting on the crumbs from your table" -- Matthew 15:21-27: Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession." Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us." He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." The woman came and knelt before him. "Lord, help me!" she said. He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs." "Yes, Lord," she said, "but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table."


The title is the name of God given in the passage quoted for "All Because of You," "I am who I am."

"A city should be shining on a hill" -- Matthew 5:14: "You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid." (submitted by Robin)

"Fast Cars"

"My garden's overgrown/I go out on my belly crawling" -- allusion to the serpent in the story of the Fall and the curse given the serpent in Genesis 3:14: "Then the Lord God said to the serpent: "Because you have done this, you shall be banned from all the animals and from all the wild creatures; on your belly shall you crawl, and dirt shall you eat all the days of your life."

Album: No Line On The Horizon

“Get on your Boots” – satan loves a bombscare – verder gaat het over vrouwenbeelden – Maria de moeder van Jezus komt veelvuldig voor maar ook een non a la moeder Theresa die in conflict zijn met nazi achtige sm vrouwen. De slechtste bekende vrouw in de bijbel is bijvoorbeeld Izebel.


"It was a joyful noise" -- Psalm 100:1: "Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands." (King James; see also Psalm 66:1, Psalm 81:1, Psalm 95:1-2, Psalm 98:4,6)

"Justified till we die" -- the concept of being "justified" shows up all over the place, particularly in Paul's letters, see for instance Romans 8:30: "Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified." (King James)

"You and I will magnify" -- Luke 1:46-55 is the song of Mary known as the Magnificat for

its first line, rendered in King James as "My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour."

"Moment of Surrender"

"It's not if I believe in love/But if love believes in me" -- echoes 1 John 4:10: "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."

"At the altar of the dark star" -- See "Slide Away" (below)

"Unknown Caller"

"3:33 when the numbers fell off the clockface" -- see the cover art for All That You Can't Leave Behind and its reference to Jeremiah 33:3: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Bono, "It's known as 'God's telephone number.'"

"Cease to speak that I may speak" -- may reference Psalm 46:10: "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

"I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight"

"Is it true that perfect love drives out all fear" -- more 1 John 4, this time 18: "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

"Stand Up Comedy"

"I can stand up for hope, faith, love" -- 1 Corinthians 13:13: "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." (See "Elvis Ate America.")

"God is love"-- 1 John 4:16: "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him." (I'm just going to start calling this album 1 John 4 from now on.)

"White As Snow"

"Who can forgive forgiveness where forgiveness is not/Only the lamb as white as snow" -- John 1:29: "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, 'Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!'" (Also see Exodus 12 for a description of the sacrificial lamb of Passover being without blemish.)

"Cedars of Lebanon"

Oh gosh, mentions of the cedars of Lebanon are scattered throughout the Bible. See Song of Solomon 5:15: "His legs are pillars of marble set on bases of pure gold. His appearance is like Lebanon, choice as its cedars."

B-Sides and Miscellaneous Tracks

"A Celebration"

"I believe in the walls of Jericho/I believe they're coming down" -- Joshua 6:20: "When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so every man charged straight in, and they took the city."

"Alex Descends Into Hell..."

"Dies irae, dies illa/Dies irae, dies illa Tuba mirum spargens sonum {on the day of wrath,

that day, the trumpet's wondrous call}" -- in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed."

(From the Requiem Mass) "Dies irae/dies illa/Tuba mirum/Spargens sonum (That day of wrath/That day/The trumpet's wondrous call/Sounding abroad)" --1 Corinthians 15:52: "...in an instant, in the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."

(Note: the last line "Descendit in Inferno" is not part of the Dies Irae, but the Creed: "He descended into Hell")


The song, like Oscar Wilde's play "Salome," is taken from the story of the death of John the Baptist; see Mark 6:17-29.

"Give you half what I got if you untie the knot, it's a promise" -- Mark 6:22-23: "Herodias' own daughter came in and performed a dance that delighted Herod and his guests. The king said to the girl, 'Ask of me whatever you wish and I will grant it to you.' He even swore [many things] to her, 'I will grant you whatever you ask of me, even to half of my kingdom.'" [Note: I just now noticed that the name "Salome" is never mentioned in these accounts, just as it is never mentioned that the dance she performs is the dance of the seven veils. But this account grew into a medieval legend, and perhaps the extra details came into the story then.]

"Baby I feel sick, don't make me stick to a promise" -- Mark 6:25-26: "The girl hurried back to the king's presence and made her request, 'I want you to give me at once on a platter the head of John the Baptist.' The king was deeply distressed, but because of his oaths and the guests he did not wish to break his word to her."

"Slide Away" (by Michael Hutchence)

"But you tore a hole in space like a dark star falls from grace" -- Luke 10:18: "Jesus said, 'I have observed Satan fall like lightning from the sky.'" ('Lucifer' is the name once given to Venus, the morning star; in "At the End of the World" Flanagan mentions Bono wanting to put the line "I was a child to your dark star" into "You Made Me the Thief of Your Heart.")

"Falling At Your Feet"

"Every knee not ready to bend" -- Philippians 2:9-10: "...God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth."

"Not my will, Thy will" --Matthew 26:39: Jesus' prayer in the garden of Gethsemane -- "He advanced a little and fell prostrate in prayer, saying, 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet, not as I will, but as you will.'"


"Put your head over the parapet" -- Matthew 4:5-6: From the temptation of Jesus--"Then the devil took him to the holy city, and made him stand on the parapet of the temple, and said to him, 'If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down. For it is written: "He will command his angels concerning you" and "with their hands they will support you, lest you dash your foot against a stone."'"

(Now this one has an unusual history. The first time I heard Bono talking about "putting one's head over the parapet" was in an interview about the Million Dollar Hotel. He was talking about the necessity for rock musicians to take risks that would leave them vulnerable. It was only because this was in the context of a movie about a man jumping from a roof that it was clear he was referencing this verse -- that and the fact the word "parapet" doesn't show up that often in the Bible.)

"Xanax and Wine"

The references here are the same as in "Fast Cars."


"Spirit come on down" -- stories of the Holy Spirit coming down from heaven can be found in several places: see Luke 3:21-22 and Acts 2:1-4.

"Through the locked doors" -- John 20:19: "On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you!'"


"I was drinking some wine and it turned to blood" -- among other passages, see 1 Corinthians 11:23-25: "For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, 'This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.' In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.'"

"I'm born again and again and again..." -- John 3:3: "In reply Jesus declared, 'I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.'"

"Wave of Sorrow (Birdland)"

"Where now the Emperor Menelik/and the Queen of Sheba's gold" -- the Queen of Sheba's visit to King Solomon is recorded in 1 Kings 10. Ethiopian tradition has it that the Ethiopian Emperor Menelik was the son of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon.

"Oh son of the shepherd boy now king/What wisdom can you bring" -- the shepherd boy is King David, his son is King Solomon; the story of how Solomon attained his great wisdom is found in 1 Kings 3.

"Blessed are the meek who scratch in the dirt/For they shall inherit what's left of the earth" -- this section echoes the wording of the Beatitudes, Matthew 5:3-10 (a sample: "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.")

"They are blessed in this valley of dry bones" – a reference to the vision of Ezekiel recorded in Ezekiel 37:1-3: "The hand of the LORD was upon me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" I said, "O Sovereign LORD, you alone know."

Many thanks to Bible Gateway and Blue Letter Bible for their online biblical concordances.

   All material (c) @U2 unless otherwise noted.

velvet underground( Lou Reed ). In het nummer “Teach the gifted children” geeft hij een hele opsomming van dingen die we de begenadigde kinderen moeten leren. En welke dingen zijn dat: dat ze genadig moeten zijn,

dat ze oog moeten hebben voor de schoonheid van bijvoorbeeld natuurverschijnselen en dat ze moeten leren omgaan met woede.

Geheel persoonlijk wordt hij als hij zingt: ‘En breng me bij de rivier, en doe me in het water’, en dan weer in de derde persoon: ‘zegen ze, en vergeef ze vader, want ze weten gewoon niet beter’, een citaat van Jezus aan het kruis.

Van Morrison (duet met Cliff Richard)Nr

1) “Whenever God shines His light” ,2) “When will I ever learn to live in God” (2 sterk overtuigende gospels kunnen zo in een kerk gezongen worden).

W.A.S.P ( hebben getoured met metallica etc. de naam in shockrock)

the big WASP hits: "L.O.V.E. Machine," "Animal," "Chainsaw Charlie," and our personal favorite, "Wild Child. ... ( frontman Blackie Lawless is christen geworden).

From ink music magazine “Blackie goes on to share more of his spiritual background, and it’s had some interesting turns. “I was ‘born again’ when I was eleven, and I went to church because I wanted to. No one was making me. But then at the end of my teens, I got disenchanted with it, with the institution of the church. I started studying the occult, and eventually I was a full-blown, practicing member of an occult church.  But after some time, I realized that I had just traded in one organized religion for another. Turned out, I wasn’t really mad at God. I was mad at the institutionalization of God. So, I started studying for myself started reading the Scriptures on my own. And that’s what I am now, nondenominational you could say. I was talking to Alice Cooper [also a converted and devout Christian] about this at a show we did, about getting back to the Scriptures themselves. He put it this way: that’s where the rubber hits the road, man! I like that.”

nr. Babylon’s burning : zeven zegels, het nummer 666, merktekens. Het hele lied is opgebouwd uit teksten uit Openbaringen.

Openbaringen 14:8-11 gaat over de val van Babylon en over merktekenen etc. Openbaringen 15:17-21 gaat over het uitgieten van de

zevende schaal en de aardbeving die de stad in drieen splijt. Op het scherm komt Hitler voorbij en een aantal politieke leiders

Ahmedjinidad (iran),arafart, Saddam Hussein, Putin(rusland).

White Stripes:Get behind me satan: titel verwijst naar de terechtwijzing die Petrus krijgt als hij Jezus van zijn lijden en sterven probeert te weerhouden.