UPDATE Reflective Moments Feb. 2011



Reflective Moments insert featured in the Ursuline Associate UPDATE newsletter

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hen I sat down to write this, my eyes – and my heart – were delighted by a beautiful snowfall. The words that popped into my mind were those of Isaiah: “Though your sins be like scarlet they may become white as snow; though they be crimson red they may become white as wool.” (Isaiah 1:18)

I love the snow. We who live in Kentucky don’t often see a lot of it, so I am always grateful when we are lucky enough to have it. Oh yes, I know it is inconvenient and can be dangerous. Our awareness must be heightened when we walk or drive in the snow. We must take special care not to make any hasty moves that might throw us off balance when we are walking or cause our car to go into a spin when we are driving. If I fall, I may need to call 911. If my car spins out of control, I need my AAA card handy.

What does this have to do with sins being scarlet and made white as snow? I see a connection. If I do not live in awareness and am not mindful of my actions, I can easily speak words that are harmful or behave in ways that hurt others. It is then that I must go with Angela to the feet of Jesus and hear him say, “I can make your sins white as snow.”

The forgiveness and love of Jesus will take away my sins and wrongdoings. When snow stays around too long, it loses its beauty and becomes dirty and ugly. Just as the warmth of the sun will melt the snow and take away the unsightliness, the “scarlet” of my sins will be made “white” by the warmth of Jesus’ love. My sins will disappear and my soul will be “white as snow.” My reflection leads me to exclaim that of all the artists, God is the best and of all the lovers, God is the greatest. Thank you, God, for this morning’s snow.

The purpose of Reflective Moments is to offer you a way to incorporate the spirit of Saint Angela Merici into your own lives. We hope that it enriches you spiritually.

Reflective MomentsReflective Moments

Continued on back

By Sister Marietta Wethington, OSU

Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph February 2011

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Join us as we pray for one another! Send your prayer requests for friends and loved ones to the E-mail Prayer Network.

Write the Ursuline Partnerships office, 8001 Cummings Road, Maple Mount, KY 42356Call 270-229-2006 • E-mail associates.msj@maplemount.org • www.ursulinesmsj.org

Continued from front

For Your Reflection

An Intentional Minute...Stop and focus your attention for one


“When I am in the shelter of my homeI must remember the homeless.

When I eatI must remember the hungry.

When I feel secureI must remember the insecure.

When I see injusticeI must remember that it will not stop unless I stop it.”

– from A Litany of Celebration for Martin Luther King Day by the United Presbyterian Church

TWhat images from nature speak to you of God’s love? Make a list. You may be surprised. Perhaps you can share your list with others as a way of praying.

THow has the grace of God appeared to you in unexpected ways?TWhat will help you to allow God to take away your sins and wrongdoings and make them “white as snow”?

Other Passages for Reflection:TCleanse me of sin with hyssop, that I may be purified; wash me and I shall be whiter than

snow. (Psalm 57:9)TLord, you have given us your word as a light to shine on our path. Inspire us to meditate on

that word, and follow its teaching, so that we may find in it the light that shines more and more until it is perfect day. (Prayer of Saint Jerome)

TThe Lord will give you the bread you need and the water for which you thirst. (Isaiah 30:20)TThere is nothing so secular that it cannot be sacred, and that is one of the deepest messages

of the incarnation. (Madeleine L’Engle)

Closing Prayer:As the rain hides the stars and the clouds veil the blue skies, so the dark happenings of my life hide the shining of your face. Yet, if I may hold your hand in the darkness, it is enough. Since I know that, though I may stumble in my going, you do not fall. Amen. –Traditional Gaelic prayer

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