Update Table of Contents (new unit: Age of Jackson & Reform) Update Homework Take out a sheet of...


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Update Table of Contents (new unit: Age of Jackson & Reform)

Update Homework

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By 1824 the Era of Good Feelings was over, and sectional disputes brought the nation upon a

lengthy Era of Hard Feelings

Henry Clay John Q. Adams William H. Crawford

With no candidate receiving a majority in electoral votes, the House of Representatives had to select a President from the top three candidates (Jackson, Adams, and Crawford)

Adams advocated strong nationalist policies similar to Clay’s American System, so Clay threw his support to Adams

The House chose Adams as President and Adams appointed Clay as Secretary of State

Jackson’s supporters denounced the two as politicians engaged in a “corrupt bargain”

March 1825 to March 1829

Vice President: John C. Calhoun Secretary of State: Henry Clay Secretary of Treasury: Richard Rush Secretary of the Navy: Samuel


The Monroe Doctrine John Quincy Adams wrote this doctrine

while James Monroe was President John Quincy Adams supported this notion

of keeping European countries out the Americas

Proposed ambitious program of national development by federal government

Roads, canals, national university, national astronomical observatory, and tariffs

No success, because it was seen as too ambitious by a President who got only 33% of the popular vote
