Users Manual - Configurator


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Users Manual


June 2013


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Configurator Users Manual

Copyright 1999-2011 Previse Inc. All Rights Reserved. ii

Table of Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................1

2 Configurator Overview ......................................................................................2

2.1 How it Works ................................................................................................................. 2 2.2 Startup Sequence............................................................................................................. 3 2.3 Starting the Configurator................................................................................................. 4 2.4 Stop and Exit the Configurator ........................................................................................ 5 2.5 Configurator User Interface Overview............................................................................. 6 2.6 System Tree.................................................................................................................... 7 2.7 Configurator Menu Bar ................................................................................................... 9 2.8 Configurator Tool Bar................................................................................................... 12 2.9 Synchronizing Redundant Servers ................................................................................. 13 2.10 Export to TagStatistics.RPT File ................................................................................... 13 2.11 Root DCS Object .......................................................................................................... 14

3 Add, Edit or Delete a CIU.................................................................................15

3.1 CIU Types Supported.................................................................................................... 15 3.2 Adding a New CIU ....................................................................................................... 15 3.3 Edit an Existing CIU..................................................................................................... 15 3.4 Delete an Existing CIU ................................................................................................. 16 3.5 CIU Properties .............................................................................................................. 16 3.6 CIU Communication Statistics ...................................................................................... 19 3.7 Time Synchronization ................................................................................................... 20 3.8 Bailey DCS Simulator................................................................................................... 22 3.9 Alarm ACK in Mixed Console Systems ........................................................................ 22

4 Add, Edit or Delete a Module ..............................................................................23

4.1 Module Types Supported .............................................................................................. 23 4.2 Adding a New Module .................................................................................................. 23 4.3 Edit an Existing Module................................................................................................ 23 4.4 Delete an Existing Module ............................................................................................ 24 4.5 Redundant Controller Modules...................................................................................... 24 4.6 Module Properties......................................................................................................... 25 4.7 Module Communication Statistics ................................................................................. 27

5 Add, Edit or Delete a Tag.................................................................................28

5.1 Tag Types Supported .................................................................................................... 28 5.2 Adding a New Tag........................................................................................................ 28 5.3 Edit an Existing Tag...................................................................................................... 29 5.4 Delete an Existing Tag.................................................................................................. 29 5.5 Preventing Write to DCS............................................................................................... 29 5.6 Inhibiting Alarms at iFIX.............................................................................................. 29 5.7 Inhibiting Alarms at OPC Alarm & Event Interface....................................................... 30 5.8 Tag Properties............................................................................................................... 31 5.9 Tag Communication Statistics....................................................................................... 33

Appe8dix A – Glossary of Terms ..........................................................................34

Appendix B - Troubleshooting ..............................................................................37

B.1 Tools for Troubleshooting............................................................................................. 37

Configurator Users Manual

Copyright 1999-2011 Previse Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1

1 Introduction

This Users Manual is for the Previse driver and/or OPC Server to connect your HMI to the Bailey Net 90 or Infi 90 Distributed Control System. This driver and/or OPC Server is used with various HMI (human Machine Interface) products. This manual is general in nature, and does not include details specific to your HMI.

This manual provides:

• User instructions on how to use the Configurator

• Troubleshooting Guide


Configurator features include:

• Primary HMI used to configure the OPC Server/Driver tag database

• Supports specifying CIU, module and tag data

• Supports definition of default path information

• Supports connection to local or remote OPC Server/Driver

• Supports tree view of all objects

• Provides communication statistics for all objects


Product installation is described in other manuals, all of which are included on your CD-ROM. If you are using this product from within the OPsCon product for iFIX, please refer to the OPsCon Administrators Manual for installation instructions. If you are using this product as an OPC Server only, please refer to Installation Manual – OPC Server.


This is a licensed software product. Your license is limited. You may determine what your license limits are at the appropriate Configurator dialogue box (refer to Configurator Menu Bar options). Details may vary by product version. Contact your supplier if this is an issue.

License information may be found at the Configurator Options | Serial Number dialogue box.

Software Version

Version information may be found at the Configurator Help | About Configurator dialogue box. Provide this information whenever you request product support.

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2 Configurator Overview

2.1 How it Works

The accompanying diagram illustrates the way that the Configurator connects to the rest of the system.

The Configurator connects to the OPC Server/Driver, and provides the means to configure the OPC Server/Driver. This connection is an OLE Automation connection, which may be performed locally, on the same computer, or remotely over a network.

The OPC Server/Driver uses an internal tag database to manage communications with the DCS via the DCS connection. The OPC Server/Driver also provides all process data communications to the HMI or OPC Client which is connected.

The OPC Server/Driver supports File Open/File Save operations, under control of the Configurator, for two file types:

• CSV File – This is a comma delimited ASCII text file containing the entire tag database for use inside the OPC Server/Driver

• CIU File – This is a binary file, containing the same information as the CSV File. However, the OPC Server/Driver can open the CIU file much quicker than the CSV file, so the CIU file is usually set to auto-open at startup.

What You See In Task Manager

Start Task Manager and look at the process view. When the OPC Server/Driver and the Configurator are running, you will see:

• CIUDRV.EXE is the OPC Server/Driver

• CIUDIDW.EXE is the Configurator..

OPC Server Driver

HMI or OPC Client Configurator

CIU File

CSV File

Tag Database

DCS Connection

Configurator Users Manual

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2.2 Startup Sequence

Startup sequence has an impact on behavior of both the driver and the Configurator.

Startup the OPC Server/Driver First

The normal startup sequence is to start the OPC Server/Driver first, and then start up the Configurator to connect to the OPC Server/Driver.

If you are using iFIX, then you should normally let iFIX start the Driver at iFIX Startup. Do not start the driver manually, and do not start the Configurator until iFIX startup is complete.

If you are using the OPC Server only version, you must ensure that the OPC Server is started as a service under the Microsoft operating system before you start the Configurator. Consult the OPC Server installation instructions.

What Happens if the Configurator is started First?

If the Configurator is started first, then the Configurator will automatically start the OPC Server/Driver. This is useful for situations where you may ONLY want the OPC Server/Driver and Configurator to be executing.

However, when/if you later start your HMI, the HMI may also try to start the OPC Server/Driver, and may result in two instances of CIUDRV.EXE in execution.

This will not work.

If you encounter this situation, with two instances of CIUDRV.EXE (the driver) running, you must (1) kill both instances (with Task manager), (2) execute a system restart and (3) start up the system following the correct sequence.

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2.3 Starting the Configurator

� NOTE: It is assumed that the OPC Server/Driver is started and already running when the Configurator is started.

Locate and select the Configurator on the Start Menu. At startup the following Server Connection dialogue appears:

Select either Local Server (on your machine) or Remote Server (on some other machine on the network) and press Connect.

The Configurator then attempts to connect to the OPC Server. You will see a message box to tell you if connection is successful or not.

Once the connection is complete you will see the Configurator GUI.

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2.4 Stop and Exit the Configurator

Select File | Exit on the Configurator menu to stop and exit the Configurator.

When you exit you will frequently see the following dialogue, requesting you to save the tag database before you exit.

The Tag database is resident in the OPC Server/Driver and not in the Configurator. The OPC Server/Driver will continue to execute after you close the Configurator. As a result, if you choose not to save changes, and changes that you have made to the tag database will not immediately be lost.

However, it is recommended that you use File | Save or File |Save As function to save any tag database changes that you do not wish to lose to a CIU or CSV format file.

� NOTE: It is recommended to save BOTH CIU and CSV format files after any tag database edit session. The OPC Server should be set to auto-start with the CIU file. However, when performing a software version upgrade of the OPC Server, the tag database from the old version must be imported into the new version using the CSV file.

Both CIU and CSV file types should be maintained.

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2.5 Configurator User Interface Overview

As shown in the accompanying diagram, the main elements of the Configurator Window are:

• Menu provides access to all functions

• Toolbar provides access to the most frequently used functions

• System Tree provides a tree view of all objects configured into the OPC Server/Driver

• Property Window provides a detailed property view for the selected object in the system tree.




Tool Bar

Property Window

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2.6 System Tree

The Configurator System Tree displays a hierarchical list of all objects configured into the driver or OPC Server. This list is separated into a hierarchy as follows:

• Level 1 – OPC Server Root - The Root object is always present and can not be edited.

• Level 2 – CIU (Channel) - The Configurator supports definition of multiple CIU objects..

• Level 3 – Module (Device) - Each CIU can support multiple Modules.

• Level 4 – Tag (Data Block) - Each controller module can support multiple tags.

Navigating the Tree

Connection lines show the relationship between CIUs, Modules and Tags. The +/- buttons show whether items are expanded or collapsed.

Collapse or expand the tree by double clicking the item or by pressing the RIGHT or LEFT ARROW key.

You can navigate through the tree by clicking on its items or by using the keyboard. Use the UP and DOWN or LEFT and RIGHT ARROW keys to cycle through all expanded items. Note that pressing the RIGHT ARROW key expands items that are collapsed and pressing the LEFT ARROW key collapses items that are expanded. You can also press a letter key to jump to the nearest item that begins with that letter.

When you click on an item in the Tree Browser, its properties display in the Properties Viewer. From the View menu, you can choose to view the item's configuration or statistics properties.

Refreshing the Tree

When you add or modify channels, devices, or datablocks in the Configurator, changes are made immediately to the Tree1.

1 NOTE: It is not recommended that multiple copies of the Configurator be used to edit a tag database at the same time. However, if this is done, edits made at one Configurator will not update automatically on the other. Use the F5 function key to force a Configurator refresh in this circumstance.

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Adding Objects

Use the Configurator to add CIU, Module or Tag objects to the driver.

• To add a CIU you must stop communications then click Add CIU.

• To add a Module you must stop communications. Then select a CIU and click Add Module.

• To add a Tag there is no need to stop communications. Just select a Module and click Add Tag.

Editing and Deleting Objects

To edit or delete an object you must:

• If you wish to edit or delete a CIU or Module you must first stop communications. If you wish to edit or delete a Tag then there is no need to stop communications

• Select the object in the System Tree that you wish to edit or delete.

• Select the Edit or Delete function.

Finding Tags

To find a tag within the System Tree you may:

• (Optionally) Select the CIU or Module within which you know the tag exists and look for the tag.

• Click one of the search Buttons to search by tag name, or by address.

Add Tag

Add Module




Search by Tag Name

Search by L:P:M:B Address

Search by Point Index

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2.7 Configurator Menu Bar

File Menu

File menu options include:

• New and empty tag database

• Open CIU or CSV tag database. Note that CSV file will take much longer than CIU file to open.

NOTE: For large CSB files you may encounter a Microsoft error dialogue box reading “Server Busy….”. This is caused by delays in driver response to the Configurator as it processes the CSV file. Just wait 10 seconds and click the retry button.

• Save current tag database will save the currently opened file (i.e. CSV or CIU file).

• Save As new CIU or CSV format file

• Export will save file TagStatistics.RPT. Refer to section below entitled Export to TagStatistics.RPT File.

Note that data communications must be stopped before you will be able to open a new file or make a new empty tag database.

Edit Menu

Edit menu options include:

• Add Channel (CIU) to OPC server. The new CIU will be connected to the root system tree object. The OPC Server/Driver can support multiple CIU at the same time. You must stop data communications first.

• Add Device (Module) to selected CIU. You must select the CIU that you wish to use for this module first. You must stop data communications first.

• Add Data Block (Tag) to selected module. You must select the Module that you wish to use for this tag first. This must be the controller module that contains the block that this tag will connect to.

• Edit selected object. You must select the object that you wish to edit first. If you wish to edit a CIU or module object you must stop data communications first. Tag objects can be edited on line.

• Delete selected object. You must select the object that you wish to delete first. If you wish to delete a CIU or module object you must stop data communications first. Tag objects can be deleted on line.

• Find Tag by Name search function. Type the tag name into the search field that appears. The search will narrow as you type characters.

• Find Tag by Address search function. Type the Loop:PCU:Module:block address into the search window. The search will narrow as you type.

• Find Tag by Point Index search function. Type the point index into the search window that appears. The search will narrow as you type.

• Bulk Enable/Disable function. This function will enable or disable Modules or Tags in bulk, for all module or tags within a CIU, or within a Module. This is useful for turning on and off large sets of tags. iFIX users may also use this function will to bulk enable or disable alarms.

� NOTE: Alarm Enable/Disable function will enable/disable alarms at iFIX but not at the OPC Server/Driver where all alarms are always enabled.

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View Menu

View options include:

• Configuration View to select the Properties View in the Properties Window. Review or change configuration for the selected object.

• Statistics View to select the Property View communication statistics Window so that you may review statistics for the selected object.

Communications Menu

Communications options include:

• Start Communications to DCS. Communications will restart immediately, However, depending on the tag database size it may take several minutes for complete console initialization.

• Stop Communications to DCS.

Options Menu

Selections at the Options menu include:

• Reset Counters. This will reset all communication statistics in the Communications Statistics Property Window.

• Setup this OPC server. Refer to the following section for details

• OLE Server to connect to another server. This will allow you to disconnect from the OPC Server/Driver that you are currently connected to, and to reconnect to a different OPC Server/Driver.

• Serial Number to review/change serial number.


Help options include:

• Help Topics for on line help. This will point you to this manual. On Line help has been removed.

• About Configurator for version information and the date upon which this version was built. This information will be required to when you contact your support provider. Record this information before you call.

Serial Number Dialogue

The serial number dialogue box will vary, depending on which version of the product you are using.

This product requires a serial number to activate features. Without this “activation” serial number, the features your “free demo” product has may vary depending on which version of the product you are using.

The serial number dialogue box contains (depending on version):

• A display showing the current serial number installed and the means to change the serial number

• Duration of demo version license (if applicable)

• Tag size limitation and SCSI protocol enabled or not

• Console (read/write) or Data acquisition (some write disabled) version

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Options | Setup Dialogue

When you select Options | Setup a dialogue box with two tabs appears. The settings for the various options in this dialogue are described in the following table.

Settings for Options | Setup Dialogue Box

Property Description Hints

Default Path Tab Default

Configuration File Name

This is the filename of the tag database

that will be auto-opened at system startup. The file is opened when the driver starts up, and data communications will start automatically. This should always be

a CIU type file.

Type <filename>.CIU

Default Path for Configuration File

This is the file system path to the above CIU file that you wish to auto-open at startup.

e.g. c:\path\

Default Path for Module Configuration File

This is the default directory path containing all CFG and LST type files. These files relate to the program configuration of controller modules within the DCS.

This setting is of value only if you intend to use the CLU (Configuration and Loading Utility) application, described elsewhere..

Redundant Configuration

CHECK this function if you wish the Configurator to update TWO OPC Servers at the same time.

Some restrictions apply. Refer to section 2.9 for more information.

Slave Server


The computer on which the secondary

or slave OPC Server resides.

Network Path Network path tool to find the slave computer.

Display Setup \ Synchronization Tab

Statistics Refresh rate

Refresh (i.e. zero) the communication statistics in the current property window

Set to 1 (second)

Synchronization For iFIX only: This controls the mode

of Synchronization Agent (SA). In OFF LINE mode, SA adds tags from the driver to iFIX only when manually requested. in ON LINE mode, tags are added as soon as you edit them into the driver via the Configurator..

Use OFF LINE mode when

initially integrating the system.

Use ON LINE mode for on going system maintenance.

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2.8 Configurator Tool Bar

This section describes the buttons on the Configurator Toolbar.

File Functions

Provide File Open, File Save and File Save As… functions to open and save CIU and CSV files. The CIU file is a binary file suitable for quick auto-start. The CSV file is an ASCII delimited text file suitable for import and export.

Tag Database Editing

These functions support adding, editing and deleting objects.

Add CIU (Channel) - Initiate addition of new CIU.

Add Module (Device) - Initiate addition of new Module.

Add Tag (Datablock) - Initiate addition of new Tag.

Edit Object - Initiate edit of currently selected object.

Delete Object - Deletes the CIU, Module or Tag currently selected in the System Tree.

Start and Stop

Start — Starts communications with the DCS. The initialization process may take several minutes, depending on database size.

Stop — Stops communications with the DCS.


Configuration - Display the configuration for the selected item. The display is read-only unless editing is selected.

Statistics - Display statistics for the selected item. The display is read-only.

Reset - Resets the statistics for the displayed item.

Tag Search Functions

Use these buttons to help search for tags by tag name, by point index, or by address.

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2.9 Synchronizing Redundant Servers

You may configure your installation so that the Configurator can update TWO OPC Server/Drivers at once. To do this, you must observe the following limitations:

• Complete all initial installation and system configuration WITHOUT setting up the redundant server update feature.

• Install the SAME CSV file to both servers. You will need to change CIU address parameters in the redundant servers. The tag database must be the same with this one exception.

• You must ensure that ANY change to the two servers is synchronized so that the two servers always contain the same tag database.

2.10 Export to TagStatistics.RPT File

You may use the Configurator | File | Export function to export a file entitled TagStatistics.RPT. This file, which may be imported into Notepad or Excel, is a comma delimited file that contains communications statistics (receives/transmits) for all tags.

� The TagStatistics.RPT file does NOT include all tag information, and is not a suitable means to backup the tag database. No matching Import function is provided.

The primary purpose of this file is to provide a simple means to observe the rate of exceptions received at each tag. You would use this if you suspect that the rate of exceptions being received is sufficiently high that the communications channel is overloaded.

To obtain communication statistics you should:

1. Select the CIU object in the System Tree.

2. RESET communications statistics for this object (which also resets statistics for all child objects.

3. Wait an appropriate time, to collect new communication statistics (recommend at least one hour).

4. Use Configurator | File | Export function to export TagStatistics.RPT file. This file will be stored to the default location for the CIU file as specified at Configurator | Options | Setup.

5. Open this file into EXCEL. The file is comma delimited and EXCEL will open with a wizard to help you parse the file to columns. You will see the summary of exception traffic in EXCEL

6. The most common values in the Quality Field are (0 = bad, 192 = Good, 193/194/195 = Good value but in alarm)

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2.11 Root DCS Object

The Root DCS object can not be edited or deleted and simply acts as a holder for CIU objects. Select the root object to see properties and communication statistics.

Root Object Properties

Property Description Hints

Configuration Tab

Name The Previse internal name of this product

Disregard the version number

Number of Channels (CIU)

The number of CIU objects configured into the tag database

This OPC Server/Driver can support multiple CIU connections simultaneously

Number of

Devices (modules)

This is the number of modules

configured into the tag database.

Modules can include MFP,

MFC and other controller modules, plus PCU, CIU, and other module types.

Number of

Datablocks (tags)

This is the number of tags configured

into the tag database

Your license limits the

number of tags you may add. The CIU type you use also limits the number of tags.

Communication Statistics

Root Object Communication Statistics

Property Description Hints

Transmits Number of packets transmitted CIU level statistics are more useful

Receives Number of packets received CIU level statistics are more useful

Timeouts Number of timeouts CIU level statistics are more useful

Retries Number of retries CIU level statistics are more useful

Errors Number of errors CIU level statistics are more useful

Overruns Number of overruns CIU level statistics are more useful

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3 Add, Edit or Delete a CIU

CIU and Channel mean the same thing. The CIU is the communication channel. Multiple CIU objects are supported at the same time. Communications must be stopped before a CIU object may be edited.

3.1 CIU Types Supported

Refer to the White paper - Bailey DCS Connection support, elsewhere in this product, for a list of the supported CIU types. Some hardware and configuration limitations may apply.

Both serial and SCSI CIU types are supported.

Via TCP/IP Connection

TCP/IP connection to the Previse Inc. Bailey DCS Simulator is supported, as well as both serial and SCSI connection. Further information is presented in this manual.

3.2 Adding a New CIU

DCS data communications must be stopped before you can add a CIU.

Click the Edit | Add CIU button in the main menu or click on the toolbar. A channel icon appears and is highlighted under the root object in the System Tree and the CIU properties page appears.

Enter the properties for the new channel. Refer to section 3.5 for a detailed description of each property.

Properties do not take effect until you Apply the changes. When done, choose Close and click the Enable check box to enable communication to this CIU.

You may now use the start button to start communications.

Press to view communications statistics. Press to return to the properties view. Refer to section 3.6 for a description of the statistics.

3.3 Edit an Existing CIU

To modify a CIU you must use the Stop button to first stop DCS communications.

Select the CIU you wish to modify in the System Tree. The properties for this CIU appear in the Properties Viewer.

Click the Enable checkbox to Disable this CIU.

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Click on the Edit button to initiate edit of the CIU. Make whatever changes you wish to make. Refer to section 3.5 for a detailed description of each CIU property.

The new properties do not take effect until you Apply the changes.

When done, choose Close and click the Enable check box to enable communication to this CIU. You may now start communications.

3.4 Delete an Existing CIU

To delete a CIU you must use the Stop button to first stop DCS communications.

Select the CIU you wish to delete in the System Tree. The properties for this CIU appear in the Properties Viewer.

Click the Enable checkbox to Disable this CIU.

Click on the Delete button to delete the CIU. All modules and tags within this CIU will also be deleted. You may now start communications.

3.5 CIU Properties

CIU Properties

Property Description Hints

Properties Page - Configuration Tab

Name Specifies the name of the CIU. Valid Entries are up to 30 alphanumeric characters, including _ and -. No spaces.

Name must be unique.

Description Describes the selected channel. Valid entries are up to 40 characters including all alphanumeric characters and symbols.

Suggest you identify the CIU name in the DCS configuration.

Enable Box If not checked, all communications to the CIU, and all modules and tags within it, are disabled when the driver is turned on.

A common problem is forgetting to enable an object. Use bulk enable to enable large sets of objects.

CIU Type Enter the CIU type for the CIU you will connect to, or UNKNOWN to auto-identify the CIU type.

The auto-identify feature will only work for some CIU types. Will not work for CIC01/02/03 models. This feature requires that all comm. parameters be correct before it will work.

Reply Timeout Specify how long to wait for response to selected module commands.

Format: <days>:<hours>:<minutes>:

seconds. For Example:

1 = 1 second; 1:00 = 1 minute

1:30:00 = 1 hour and 30 minutes

Set to a time from 5 to 15 seconds.

Start at 15 seconds & decrease until timeouts occur, and then double it.

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CIU Properties

Property Description Hints

Retries Specifies how many times the Data

Server resends failed message to the device before marking module failed.

Valid Entries are 0 to 9 .

Default should not be

changed in most situations.

Delay Time Specifies how long to waits after all

retries have failed. Format same as Reply Timeout field.

Default should not be

changed in most situations.

Communication Channel Settings - Serial Port COM 1, COM2, etc

COMM Port Set to COM<n> for serial RS-232 communications, where <n> is the COM port number used.

Ensure that selected channel is not used by another application .

Baud Rate Specify the baud rate, which must match the selected CIU device.

Most Bailey serial CIU devices communicate at 9,600 or 19,200 baud. Try 19,200 first. High speed

should be used if available.

Data Bits Number of data bits. Must match CIU. Valid entries are 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Must be 8 data bits.

Stop Bits Number of stop bits. Must match the CIU settings. Valid entries are 1 and 2

Use default in 99% of cases.

Parity Specifies device parity. Must match

CIU settings. Valid entries:

� None - No parity used.

� Odd - Odd parity used.

� Even - Even parity used

� Mark - Parity bit always 1

� Space - Parity bit always 0.

The default value should be

suitable in most cases.

Some CIU are set to ODD parity by Bailey. Most are EVEN.

RTS Request To Send Use default in 99% of cases.

CTS Clear to Send Use default in 99% of cases.

DSR Data Set Ready Use default in 99% of cases.

DTR Data Terminal Ready Use default in 99% of cases.

Communication Channel Settings - SCSI Channel

COMM Port Windows will enumerate the available SCSI devices. Select the SCSI device from the list of available devices.

e.g. SCSI2:0:1:0 Bailey

Ignore serial COM port settings that

may be shown. These have no effect.

The SCSI channel used for CIU communications MUST have only ONE SCSI device. If additional SCSI devices are needed in this computer,, you MUST use additional

SCSI adapter cards.

Communication Channel Settings - Telnet Connection to Simulator

COMM Port Set to the following string for TCP/IP connection for Bailey DCS software simulator:

TELNET:<IP address>:23

e.g. TELNET:

The IP address is for the computer containing the emulator. 23 refers to the port number and is fixed.

Bailey simulator supports multiple TCP/IP connection.

Ignore serial COM port

settings that may be shown.

These have no effect.

NOTE: Recommend Reply

Timeout of 15 seconds when

TCP/IP connection used.

When simulator and driver

located on same computer

use TCP/IP address:

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CIU Properties

Property Description Hints

Properties Page – Options Tab

WD Timeout Specifies the time in ¼ seconds

between commands allowed before the CIU will take itself off line.

ALWAYS use default of 0

to disable this function.

Station Control Allowed

Enables or disables control of stations (FC 21, 22, 23, 80).

ENABLE in most cases. DISABLE only if you wish to inhibit STATION control

Exception Screening

Affects CIU03 only to separate command and data exceptions.

Use default value at all times.

DAANG Type Some old systems require DAANG to use the STATION point type for connection.

Use default at first. If DAANG does not receive data then change this setting.



If CHECKED, then protocol checksum

is enabled. ELSE no protocol checksum is performed

MOST installations will use

checksum enabled. EITHER enable checksum on CIU or disable it here.

Time Sync Sets the Time Synchronization mode of

the CIU connected to this channel.

Clock Accuracy

Sets the clock accuracy setting.

Refer to section 3.7 for a

further descriptions. See

also Node Desc property for


Periodic Restart Enabled

If checked, driver will restart at periodic intervals

Restart Time In format hh:mm of 24 hour clock (i.e. 13.34 means restart at 34 minutes after 1:00pm)

Odd Days Restart If checked, then restart on ODD days

Even Days Restart

If checked, then restart on EVEN days

CAUTION: Should NOT be used for ANY console application. Should be used when connecting via

INICI03 with firmware versions F0 and later ONLY, and even then ONLY when application is for data acquisition only.

Receive Alarm


If CHECKED then enables receive of

ALARM ACK from other consoles. Will result in ACK reflected by OPC interface. For iFIX Users: Will not

result in alarm ACK in iFIX

NOTE: Currently supported

for plant loop CIU02/03 only. Refer to Section 3.9 for further detail.

Enable Extended Problem Reports

If NOT checked (i.e. DISABLE) then System Explorer and CLU will NOT be able to obtain extended problem reports

Normally ENABLE. Select DISABLE if extended problem reports not needed.

Tuning Parameter DCS Communications Tuning

Parameter. Recommend Default 500, Min 100, Max 1250.

Increase to reduce comm.

overhead while slowing responsiveness.

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3.6 CIU Communication Statistics

CIU Communication Statistics

Property Description Hints

CIU Section

Type CIU module type from DCS

Mode Should display the same data as Type in most instances.

If does NOT display same information as Type, verify that you have the correct CIU type selected.

SW Rev CIU firmware version (e.g. A0, E3 etc)

Loop Loop number this CIU connected to MUST be positive integer

PCU PCU number this CIU connected to Must be positive integer

Status Driver status is one of: Stopped,

Initializing, Uninitialized, Running.

Changes when driver is

started or stopped.

Messages Section

Transmits Number of messages queued to send to the CIU for all objects in this CIU.

Should be rising steadily in normal operation.

Receives Number of messages received from CIU, whether valid or invalid.

Should be rising steadily in normal operation.

Timeouts Number of timeouts for CIU. Timeouts

result from Reply Timeout setting. If no response is received to sent command within Reply Timeout a timeout occurs.

Most likely problems are

COM port setting and baud rate. Refer to Appendix B for further suggestions.

Retries Number of messages resent to CIU Same as for timeouts

Errors Number of errors received for CIU. For more information see Last Error field

Same as for timeouts

Overruns Number of overruns for CIU. Overrun occurs when server sends new message before response to previous message.

Same as for timeouts

Read Count Max Internal parameter Contact supplier if value greater than 6 observed

Write Count Max Internal parameter Contact supplier if value

greater than 6 observed

# of devices Number of modules in this CIU Device is the same as module in this driver.

# of datablocks Number of tags in this CIU Datablock is the same as tag in this driver

Last Error Last error received from DCS for this

object. Errors are sourced in DCS.

Should always be 0=no

error. Refer to Appendix B.

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3.7 Time Synchronization

Within the standard DCS configuration, the responsibility for maintaining an accurate time clock is a distributed responsibility, with a number of components contributing to maintenance of an accurate time clock throughout the DCS system.

This is accomplished by having a number of DCS components broadcasting a Time Sync signal, combined with a time priority that describes the “quality” of the time signal.

Each console is normally expected to participate in the time synchronization process, either as a Time Master (broadcasts time) or as a Time Slave (receives only).

The OPC Server supports these functions.

Use the Configurator to set all time sync options for each Server. Select the suitable time synchronization setting from the list in the Time Sync and Clock Accuracy box, on the Configurator CIU properties.

Time Synchronization Options

The Configurator supports the following time synchronization options or modes:

• Disabled (no time sync performed),

• Slave (the Server’s clock will be set to match the DCS when higher accuracy DCS time sync is received),

• Master (Server will issue time sync signal, with clock accuracy, every 10 minutes.

• Both (Server acts as both Master and Slave).

• Date Map (Makes the Bailey DCS Y2K compliant by backdating the DCS to ensure that it never reaches December 31, 1999.

Clock Accuracy

The Configurator supports setting the clock accuracy setting. The Clock Accuracy field sets the accuracy of the local clock in a range from 0 to 12. The typical setting would be 3 for a low accuracy battery-backed clock.

Plant Loop Systems

For time synchronization, Plant Loop systems are configured a little differently that Super Loop systems. In order for time synchronization to function properly in a Plant Loop systems, you must:

• Ensure that you have added some modules to the data base configuration via the Configurator. You must add the CIU modules, and the PCU modules themselves.

• Ensure that the Node Desc field in the Configurator must be set properly for these devices. The Node Desc field can be edited by choosing the “Device” or “Module” level in the left-hand tree display in the Configurator.

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Node Description Field

The Node Desc field must contain either a BLANK (for Super Loop or systems without time synch) or one of the keywords selectable by the selector arrow on the Node Desc box of the Configurator. These keywords include:

• CIC01, CIU01, CIU02, CIU03, CIU04, PCU

• e.g. Field MUST contain either a BLANK (for Super Loop systems or when no time synch required in Plant Loop system) or one of the above strings. Enter “CIU02” if this node is a CIU02 node requiring time synch.

The Node Desc field is used (only by the Plant Loop system) for time synchronization by informing the CIU of all other nodes that will be time synchronized.

To accomplish this, all nodes (CIU's and PCU's) that require time synchronization must be configured as modules into the database using the Configurator, and the Node Description (Node Desc) field must be correctly configured for each.

As an example, the accompanying diagram shows the correct module setup for a DCS system with two CIU devices and three PCU devices. The correct address (i.e. loop|pcu|module) must be set for each of these modules and the Node Desc field must also be correctly set for each. Once the system is fully set up, verify that time synchronization messages propagate to all required modules.

Date Mapping

The OPC Server supports a special time synchronization mode known as "date mapping". In this mode, intended to provide a Y2K solution, the OPC Server will set both the time and the date throughout the DCS system, and will ensure that the internal clocks within the DCS never reach December 31, 1999 even as the real date moves onwards.

� CAUTION - Use of this feature requires appropriate verifications. Obtain a copy of the White Paper - Year 2000 Compliance.

Sample from Specific site installation


time sync tab screen)

set time sync to "2 - Master"

set clock accuracy to "12-Satellite".. this is the highest level

available (can always be reduced later)


for PCU5)

Set Node Desc to PCU for Module: LIM/BIM_0-5 at address


Set Node Desc to PCU for Module: LIM/BIM_1-5 at address


This added the PCU cabinets to the database configuration


for CIU that you are connected to)

Set Node Desc to CIU<xx> for Module: MCS1 at address


This added the CIU to the configuration

This SHOULD establish time sync for ALL modules in

PCU5 unless some OTHER device is set for very high time

priority (in which case OPC Server time may still be over-

ridden). Time synch signal is issued about every 10 minutes.

If it works then you still need to set time synch for all other

PCU cabinets. Try just one first. Addresses must be right or

it will not work.

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3.8 Bailey DCS Simulator

A Bailey DCS simulator is available as a separate product from Previse. This simulator executes as a service under Microsoft Windows and supports execution of all Bailey controller binary files (i.e. CFG files) at real time on a PC. The CFG files are executed without change. An API is provided to connect field equipment, or a plant process simulator. This simulator is used to support applications including:

• Integration with plant process simulation

• Operator training aid or Bailey DCS staff training aid

• Support Factory Acceptance Test for operators console

• Control systems development aid

• Live DCS behavior for console graphics development

• Checkout and verification of consoles prior to installation

• All without the cost of putting all the DCS hardware in place

3.9 Alarm ACK in Mixed Console Systems

Some systems will be installed with mixed operators consoles, meaning one or more ABB/Bailey consoles plus one or more third party consoles using this Previse software.

In such systems it is desirable to be able to share Alarm ACK between the two types of consoles. This would permit an ACK on a native Bailey console to be seen (i.e. alarm acknowledged) on the third party console, and would permit an ACK on the third party console.

At present, this feature, called shared alarm acknowledge, is supported but with limitations as follows:

• Supported on CIU03 only (support for other CIU may be added in future)

• Supported for OPC Interface only (no shared alarm ACK for iFIX Users)

Check with your supplier to inquire whether further updates have been made to extend this support.

To shared the alarm ACK you must make the following settings:

• To TRANSMIT an alarm ACK for a given tag you must check the Send Alarm ACK Message checkbox at the Tag Properties Window for that tag. This will enable broadcast of alarm ACK to all other consoles on this Loop of the Bailey DCS.

• To TRANSMIT an alarm ACK for a given module you must check the Send Alarm ACK Message checkbox at the Module Properties Window for that tag. This will enable broadcast of alarm ACK to all other consoles on this Loop of the Bailey DCS.

• To RECEIVE an alarm ACK, you must check the Receive Alarm Acknowledge checkbox at the CIU properties window. This will enable receipt of Alarm ACK for all tags within the CIU.

• iFIX Users: Note that shared Alarm ACK will be reflected at the OPC interface to the driver, but will not be reflected in the Process Database.

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4 Add, Edit or Delete a Module

Module and Device mean the same thing. The term Module is used in this manual. The module is generally an electronic component within the Bailey DCS system. Multiple Modules are supported at the same time. Communications must be stopped before a Module may be edited.

4.1 Module Types Supported

Various module types are supported. This includes Bailey DCS controller modules (e.g. COM, AMM< MFP, MFC etc) and non-controller modules (e.g. CIU, OIS, PCU and others).

4.2 Adding a New Module

DCS data communications must be stopped before a Module is added.

Click the Edit | Add Module in the main menu or click on the toolbar. A module icon appears and is highlighted under the root object in the System Tree and the Module properties page appears.

Enter the properties for the new module. Refer to section 4.6 for a detailed description of each property.

Properties do not take effect until you Apply the changes. When done, choose Close and click the Enable check box to enable communication to this Module.

You may now start communications.

Press to view communications statistics. Press to return to the properties view. Refer to section 4.7 for a description of the statistics.

4.3 Edit an Existing Module

To modify a Module you must use the Stop button to first stop DCS communications.

Select the Module you wish to modify in the System Tree. The properties for this Module appear in the Properties Viewer.

Click the Enable checkbox to Disable this Module.

Click on the Edit button to initiate edit of the Module. Make whatever changes you wish to make.

The new properties do not take effect until you Apply the changes.

When done, choose Close and click the Enable check box to enable communication to this Module.

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You may now start communications.

4.4 Delete an Existing Module

To delete a Module you must use the Stop button to first stop DCS communications.

Select the Module you wish to delete in the System Tree. The properties for this Module appear in the Properties Viewer.

Click the Enable checkbox to Disable this Module.

Click on the Delete button to delete the Module. All tags within this Module will also be deleted.

You may now start communications.

4.5 Redundant Controller Modules

The driver and Configurator supports definition of redundant controller module pairs where installed in the DCS. Such modules are always configured in the DCS at adjacent module addresses, such that one module has a low address and one has a high address.

• e.g. Module 1:2:3 (low address) and module 1:2:4 (high address)

To configure a redundant pair into the tag database:

• Add the controller module with low address. This module must be ENABLED and must have a point index defined > 0. Name this module clearly so identify it as the PRIMARY module having the LOW address. This module will point to the module actually in control, REGARDLESS of module physical address (high or low).

• Add the controller module with high address. This module must be ENABLED with NO point index defined (point index = none = -1). Name this module clearly to identify it as the BACKUP module having the HIGH address. This module will point to the backup module, REGRADLESS of module physical address (high or low).

• Add all tags to the controller module with the LOW ADDRESS.

� NOTE: Both modules must be added for CLU (Configuration Loading Utility) on-line configuration functions to work correctly. Refer to the CLU Users Manual for further information.

You do NOT need to configure both modules into the tag database unless you wish to use some of the module configuration functions in CLU. If you configure the primary controller (i.e. low address) you will be able to obtain overall status of the secondary module through the primary module.

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4.6 Module Properties

Module Properties

Property Description Hints

Properties Page – Configuration Tab

Name Specifies the name of the selected module. Valid Entries may have up to

30 alphanumeric characters, including _ and -. No spaces are allowed.

Name must be unique.


Describes the selected channel. Valid entries are up to 40 characters

including all alphanumeric characters and symbols.

Use Module name from DCS.

Enable Box If not checked, all communications to the tags within the module are disabled when the driver is turned on.

Module status is still collected for this Module when disabled.

Address Specifies address of the module in format L:P:M (colon separators ( : ) where:

� L = Loop number. 0 for Net 90 and from 1 to 250 for Infi 90

� P = PCU address, from 1 to 250

� M = Module address from 0 to 31

Take care to get the address correct.

Point Index Point Index is the assigned index (i.e. a unique key field) in the CIU point table that this exception reporting tag is assigned to. A tag must have a point index to receive data.

Enter “?” to get new number

Node Desc Short description of node type. Used in Plant Loop systems (ONLY) for time synchronization by informing the CIU of all other nodes that will be time synchronized.

Refer to section 3.7 for

description of setup

Reply Timeout Specify how long to wait for response to selected module commands.

Format: <days>:<hours>:<minutes>:

seconds. For Example:

1 = 1 second; 1:00 = 1 minute

1:30:00 = 1 hour and 30 minutes

Default should not be

changed in most


Retries Specifies how many times the Data Server resends failed message to the device before marking module failed.

Valid Entries are 0 to 9 .

Use default in most


Delay Time Specifies how long to wait after all retries have failed. Format same as Reply Timeout field.

Use default in most


Polling Defines period between polls to

obtained extended problem reports information. Does not increase speed of data exceptions.

Minimum 15 seconds.

INCREASE this parameter to increase data exception rate.

Secondary Rate Internal parameter Set to Disabled

Phase Phase offset for polls to obtain extended problem reports for modules in integer seconds

Calculate polling period divided by number of controller modules. Round up to next larger integer

second. Use this value.

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Module Properties

Property Description Hints

Access Time Internal parameter Set to 05:00

Extended Module Status

If NOT CHECKED, the driver will NOT request extended 16 byte module status from this module.

If CHECKED, the driver will request 16 byte module status. Some old Net 90 controller modules such as AMM and COM modules2, can not accept this request and will red light (i.e. fail and require reset) at receipt of request.

Leave UNCHECKED until module type is known.

CHECK for all Infi 90 modules.

CAUTION: May affect

NET 90 DCS operations.

Send Alarm Acknowledge Message

Enables Shared Alarm ACK for this module from console to console.

Affects module but not tags within the module. Refer to section 3.9 for further information.

Properties Page – Alarm Tab

Alarm Section

Enabled ENABLE alarms for this module

object (does not affect alarms on tags within module – just module object)

NOTE 1 Area Alarm Area

NOTE 1 Alarm Priority Alarm Priority INFO, LOLO, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIHI, CRITICAL

Alarm Inhibit Section

NOTE 1 Tag Tag name for source of alarm inhibit

NOTE 1 State Type or mode of alarm inhibit selected from: OPEN, CLOSE, ALARM, ZERO, ONE, TWO, THREE, Floating point number, String

Refer to Process Database Manual for further information.

Alarm Extension Section

NOTE 1 1 and 2 Text field for alarm extension 1 and 2.

NOTE 1 These fields are NOT reflected at OPC interface and are of use for installations with iFIX HMI only

2 UNCHECK extended module status (i.e. disable it) for the following module types: CBC01, IMCOM03, IMQRC01, INPPT01, NMFC01/02/03, CLC01, IMCOM04, INIIT02, INSEM01, NMFC04/05, CLC02, IMLMM02, INIPT01, NAMM01/ 02, NLSM01, CLC03, IMMFC03, INIPT02, NCOM02, IMCOMM02/03/04, CLC04, IMMFC04, INLCM01/02, NGCM01, IMAOM01, CSC01, IMMFC05, INLCM03, NGCM02, NCTM01, IMAMM03, IMMPC01, INGCM01, NLMM01

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4.7 Module Communication Statistics

Module Communication Statistics

Property Description Hints

Module Section

Mode Current MODE of module: CONFIG, EXECUTE, FAIL, ERROR.

If MODE=CONFIGURE then no tag exceptions

received and last received exception should be bad Q.

Type Module type reported from module

e.g. MFC04

INVALID if no module type reported. Read Appendix B.

SW Revision Firmware version for module if supported by this module.

Reported from DCS.

Error Summary Summary flag to indicate if errors present at module.

See System Explore or CLU for full details

Module Status Module status byte string Information only

Problem Reports Decode module status byte string Information only

Messages Section Transmits Number of messages queued to send to

the DCS for this module.

Should be much less than

CIU transmits. Only a few per hour.

Receives Number of messages received from DCS for this module

Should be much less than CIU receives.

Timeouts Number of timeouts for module. Results from Reply Timeout setting. If no response is received to sent command within Reply Timeout a

timeout occurs.

If non-zero refer to Appendix B

Retries Number of messages resent to module Same as for timeouts

Errors Number of errors received for module. For more information see Last Error field

Same as for timeouts

Overruns Number of overruns for module.

Overrun occurs when server sends new message before response to previous message.

Same as for timeouts

# of Tags Number of tags in this module

Last Error Last error received from DCS for this object. Errors are sourced in DCS.

Should always be 0=no error. Refer to Appendix B.

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5 Add, Edit or Delete a Tag

Tag and Datablock mean the same thing. The term Tag is used in this manual. The tag is generally connected to a BLOCK (i.e. Function Code) inside a Controller Module (e.g. MFP, MFC) within the Bailey DCS system.

The number of tags supported is limited to the lesser of (a) 30,000 and (b) the maximum number of tags supported by the CIU you are using.

Communications do not need to be stopped before editing a Tag.

5.1 Tag Types Supported

The OPC Server/Driver supports the following tag types:

Data Type Function Codes Supported

ANALOG FC 30, FC 222, FC 223

DIGITAL FC 45, FC 224, FC 225



STATION FC 80, 21, 22, 23

DD FC 123




TEXTSTR FC 194 (User Defined Data Export)


XAI FC 222 (Harmony Analog Channel/IN)

XAO FC 223 (Harmony Analog Channel/OUT)

XDI FC 224 (Harmony Digital Channel/IN)

XDO FC 225 (Harmony Digital Channel/OUT)

ANALOGO FC 30 to FC 26


5.2 Adding a New Tag

DCS data communications does not need to be stopped before adding a tag. You may add a Tag with DCS communications running or with DCS communications stopped.

Click the Edit | Add Tag button in the main menu or click on the toolbar. A tag icon appears and is highlighted under the root object in the System Tree and the Tag properties page appears.

Enter the properties for the new tag. Properties do not take effect until you Apply the changes. When done, choose Close and click the Enable check box to enable communication to this Tag.

You may now start communications if not already started.

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5.3 Edit an Existing Tag

To modify a Tag you do not need to stop DCS data communications.

Select the Tag you wish to modify in the System Tree. The properties for this Tag appear in the Properties Viewer.

Click the Enable checkbox to Disable this Module.

Click on the Edit button to initiate edit of the Tag. Make whatever changes you wish to make.

The new properties do not take effect until you Apply the changes.

When done, choose Close and click the Enable check box to enable communication to this Tag.

You may now start communications if not already started.

5.4 Delete an Existing Tag

To delete a Tag you do not need to stop DCS communications. Select the Tag you wish to delete in the System Tree. The properties for this Tag appear in the Properties Viewer. Click the Enable checkbox to

Disable this Tag. Click on the Delete button to delete the Tag.

5.5 Preventing Write to DCS

In some circumstances you may wish to set up the tag database, but prevent actual process write commands (i.e. motor on/off, Station SP change) from being sent to the DCS.

You may accomplish this via various means including:

• DISABLE the tag in question or check the Disable Outputs field.

• DISABLE an entire Module or CIU

5.6 Inhibiting Alarms at iFIX

To inhibit an iFIX alarm, configure the Alarm Inhibit Tag and Alarm Inhibit State properties for each tag for which alarm must be inhibited. This will NOT effect alarms at the OPC A&E interface unless the EnableInhibit property is configured to ON at the BaileyOPCServer.ini file [AlarmOptions] section.

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5.7 Inhibiting Alarms at OPC Alarm & Event Interface

To inhibit an alarm at the OPC Alarm and Event interface you must:

1. Set the EnableInhibit property to ON at the BaileyOPCServer.ini file [AlarmOptions] section in iFIX.

2. Configure the Alarm Inhibit Tag and Alarm Inhibit State properties for each tag for which you wish to inhibit alarms at the OPC A&E interface. Alarms inhibited at the A&E interface are also inhibited in iFIX if installed.

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5.8 Tag Properties

Tag Properties

Property Description Hints

Properties Page – Basic Tab

Name Specifies the name of the tag. Valid Entries may have up to 30

alphanumeric characters, including _ and -. No spaces.

Name must be unique.

Description Describes the selected tag. Valid entries to 40 characters including all

alphanumeric characters and symbols.

Enable Box If not checked, all communications to the tag are disabled.

Address Specifies the block address within the controller module for this tag. The Module address is defined in the Module Object containing this tag.

Take care to get the address correct.


Type maps to controller function block per table in section 5.1. For ANALOGO or DIGITALO blocks, refer to more detailed instructions in OPC interface manual.

Point Index Point Index is the assigned index (i.e. a unique key field) in the CIU point table that this exception reporting tag is assigned to. A tag must have a

point index to receive data.

Latch Data When selected, the OPC server will continue to serve last known good value upon communications error.

Disable Outputs Use to disable output (i.e. control to the DCS) from this tag.

Send Alarm Ack.


Enables Shared Alarm ACK from

console to console.

Refer to section 3.9 for

further information.

Properties Page – Other Tabs

Common Tag Properties – Alarms

Enabled ENABLE alarms for this tag

NOTE 1 Area Alarm Area

NOTE 1 Alarm Priority Alarm Priority INFO, LOLO, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIHI, CRITICAL

Common Tag Properties – Alarm Inhibit

NOTE 1 Tag Tag name for source of alarm inhibit

NOTE 1 State Type or mode of alarm inhibit from: OPEN, CLOSE, ALARM, ZERO,


Refer to Process Database Manual and OPC interface

for further information.

Common Tag Properties – User Comments

NOTE 1 1 and 2 Text field to provide user comments

Common Tag Properties – Alarm Extension

NOTE 1 1 and 2 Text field to provide alarm comments

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Tag Properties

Property Description Hints

Analog Tags – Fields on Alarm, Engineering Units Tabs


Units Engineering Units Descriptor string

Low Limit Low limit of valid values. Often called ZERO

Zero Defines zero value

PV Zero PV zero value

SP Zero SP zero value

Span Span of valid values

High Alarm High Alarm (disregard for DAANG)

Low Alarm Low alarm (disregard for DAANG)

Enter INITIAL values into these fields. Each of these fields will be overwritten by spec data from DCS when available.

R4 Data Type Enable 4 byte IEEE data format for analog values (ANALOG and ANALOGO tags only)

Where supported by module. Else 3 byte representation used.

ANALOGO Tag – Alarm, Engineering Units Tab

Low Limit CV below this value is sent BAD Q

High Limit CV above this value is sent BAD Q

High Alarm High alarm specification

Low Alarm Low alarm specification

Alarm State Logic Defines alarm state for this tag. Write to OPC interface (or via iFIX) will overwrite this value

Enter 0 (NO alarm) or 1 (LO alarm) or 2 (HI alarm)

Digital Tags – Fields on Alarm, Engineering Units & Advanced Tabs


Open Tag Text String for OPEN state

Close Tag Text String for CLOSE state

RCM Tag – Advanced Tab

FB0 & FB1 Tag Text string for each Feedback state

DD Tag – Alarm, Engineering Units and Advanced Tabs

Feedback Fields Text string for each Feedback state

MSDD Tag – Advanced Tab

Feedback Fields Text string for each Feedback state

State Fields Text string for each MSDD state

RMCB Tag - Alarm, Engineering Units and Advanced Tabs

Feedback Fields Text string for each Feedback state

Permissive Fields Text string for each permissive state

DIGITALO Tag – Alarm Tab

Alarm State Logic

NOTE 1 These fields are NOT reflected at OPC interface and are of use for installations with iFIX HMI only

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5.9 Tag Communication Statistics

Tag Communication Statistics

Property Description Hints

Transmits Number of messages queued to send to

this DCS from this tag.

Transmit happens every time

operator command is sent.

Receives Total number of messages received from the DCS for this tag.

Each exception received to this tag increments count.

Timeouts Total number of communications timeouts for the tag. Timeouts are a result of the Reply Timeout setting. If a command is sent with no response within Reply Timeout seconds a

timeout occurs.

MUST resolve communications issue at CIU level before dealing with tag issues. Try increasing the value for

Reply Timeout.

Retries Total number of messages resent to the DCS from this tag.

Same as for timeouts


Total number of errors received for the selected tag. For more information see Last Error field

Same as for timeouts

Overruns Number of overruns for the tag.

Occurs when new message sent before response to previous message

Same as for timeouts

Last Error Last error received from DCS for this

object. Errors are sourced in DCS.

Should always be 0=no

error. Refer to Appendix B.

Last Read Time Time/date of last exception received Should update with each exception to tag.

Last Write Time Time/date of last write to DCS Should update with each operator command from tag.

Last Error Time Time/date of Last Error received See Last Error above.

Current Value Current value is displayed without units, to provide an indication of most recent value received

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Appendix A – Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms

Term Meaning

Block Address A number designating a specific function block within a module.

Cascade Station An analog control station configuration that allows an externally generated signal, such as the output of an upstream controller, to control the set point. One of three station types is available in the normal

operating mode.

CIU File Binary file containing OPC Server/Driver tag database. Opens quickly upon auto-start of driver.

Control Module or Controller

The control module guides field processes through an I/O module. One example of this is the multi-function processor.

Controlway A controlway is a high-speed, redundant, peer-to-peer communications

tie. It is used to carry information between smart modules within a process control unit.

CSV File A comma-separated file opened or saved by the OPC Server/Driver

under Configurator control imports or exports a configuration file. Comma separated files can be edited in any third-party application that supports CSV files, such as Microsoft Excel or a text editor. Comma separated value files, provided they have the right format, can also be created in a third-party application and opened using the Configurator.

CAUTION: Auto-change features within EXCEL may cause changes

to a CSV file that prevent it from being re-opened into the OPC


Data Highway The following is a list of data highways: Please see each of the highway types for a detailed explanation:

� Plant Loop – 500 Kbaud - 63 Nodes on one ring

� Super Loop – 10 Mbaud - 250 Nodes on 250 rings

� Infi Net - 10 Mbaud - 250 Nodes on 250 rings

Exception Report Information update generated when the status or value of a TAG changes by more than a specified amount. This is the primary method for propagating values in the Bailey DCS systems. This method minimizes traffic by only transmitting significant changes while prioritizing alarms.

Firmware Firmware is the EPROM located in each of the intelligent modules of the Bailey system. The firmware contains the module operating system and the program for each of the function codes. The revision of the firmware is generally located on stickers on the firmware chips. The format of the label is (F11) the major revision letter, the relative position of the chip, and the sub-revision number.

Function Code This is a code number that defines the functionality of the blocks contained in the Bailey control modules. The function and parameters of these codes are defined in the Bailey Function Code Application Manual. Certain function codes are designed to produce exception reports for use on the data highway. Operator consoles make use of

these exception generating function codes.

InfiNet InfiNet is a unidirectional ring with two sets of cables for redundancy. Super Loop supports up to 250 nodes on each of up to 250 rings connected to a central ring. Later versions of InfiNet support advanced exception reporting which includes a time stamp from the source

module. The communication rate is 500 Kbaud, 2 Mbaud, or 10 Mbaud with multiple point addressing.

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Glossary of Terms

Term Meaning

MFC / MFP Multi-Function Controller / Multi-Function Processor. The brains of the

Bailey systems reside in these modules. This is where the function blocks are configured that control the plant. The exception reports used for monitoring and control originate here.

Module Address A unique identifier of a specific device or a communication channel.

Refers to Controlway or module bus address.

Module Modes The control modules have several modes of operation. These include:

� Execute - Control logic is being executed normally.

� Configure - Module is stopped and can accept changes.

� Error - Module configuration error (generally) has occurred.

� Fail - Module has experienced a fatal error, may recover after reset

LAN90/PCV Process Control View. Developed by Bailey Canada, this was the first PC-based console offered by Bailey. Prior to version 5, these consoles were based on the text-based version of QNX. After version 5, the windows version of QNX was used. Earlier versions used ARCNET if

they were networked. Later versions used either ARCNET or Ethernet for interconnection.

MCS Management Command System. This is an integrated operator console with data acquisition and reporting capabilities. It provides digital access into the process for control and monitoring. MCS was the

successor to the OIU. The MCS is still a candidate for replacement due to high maintenance costs and lack of availability of plant data external to the console. The MCS was available configured for Plant Loop, InfiNet, or Super Loop.

OIS 10, 11, 12 Operator Interface Station 10, 11, 12. LAN90/PCV consoles made to

look like the other members of the OIS family. See LAN90/PCV for details.

OIS 20 Operator Interface Station 20. The OIS 20 uses an improved hardware platform to the MCS, but many of the cards are the same. The OIS 20

uses the same software as the MCS and a CIU modified to fit in the card cage. Previse driver can connect to the CIU in this console

OIS 40 Series Operator Interface Station 40 Series. These consoles are based on DEC VAX computers with a software driver to interface the operating

system of the MCS to the VMS operating system. These are the high-end consoles of the Bailey line.

OIU Operator Interface Unit. This was the original HMI for Bailey systems. Based on the TI99 processors, no new hardware has been manufactured in 10 years. None of the OIU's are year 2000-compliant and the only

option is replacement. The 1,400 TAG version uses a special interface card called a PIM that is not adaptable to new consoles.

Override A remote switch input to a remote control memory function block that can adjust the block output.

PCI Plant Loop to Computer Interface. See description under CIU.

Plant Loop Plant Loop is the original data highway of the Bailey Network 90

system. This highway is a unidirectional ring with two sets of cables for redundancy. The communication rate on Plant Loop is 500 Kbaud with the capability of 63 nodes on a single ring.

Point Index Point Index is the assigned index (i.e. a unique key field) in the CIU

point table that this exception reporting tag is assigned to. A tag must have a point index to receive data. Point index 0 must be assigned to the CIU to which the OPC Server/Driver is connected. All other point index must be unique integer number from 1 to <maximum number of tags>. Maximum number of tags is the lesser of (a) 30,000 and (b) the number of tags supported by your CIU device.

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Glossary of Terms

Term Meaning

Polling This is the method of requesting information from blocks in the system.

This method would cause excessive traffic if used for a large number of points in the system. This function is used for reading non-exception report blocks in the system. The OPC Server/Driver limits the number of these reads in order to prevent overloading of the data highway.

Problem Report A summary of error conditions provided by Infi 90 modules.

Ratio Index An analog input to a station function block.

RMSC Remote Manual Set Constant; a function code which generates exception reports consisting of a status and an analog value.

Specifications Function block input values that govern function block characteristics.

Super Loop Super Loop is the predecessor to InfiNet and for all practical purposes is the same thing. Super Loop is a unidirectional ring with two sets of cables for redundancy. Super Loop supports up to 250 nodes on each

of up to 250 rings connected to a central ring. Communication rate is 500 Kbaud, 2 Mbaud, or 10 Mbaud with multiple point addressing.

TAG A point in an industrial process where a particular parameter such as temperature is measured. Also, an analog or digital process value determined in the console to be a control or monitor point.

Tag Index Same as point Index

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Appendix B - Troubleshooting

This Appendix is provides troubleshooting support.

Table B-1 provides general troubleshooting assistance.

Table B-2 provides additional troubleshooting to iFIX users, to accompany use of the OPsCon product including this Configurator.

In each table:

• Observation – Describes what you have observed.

• Diagnosis – Describes other observations you may have to make to diagnose the problem.

• Action – Describes the action you should take.

If the problem that you have encountered is NOT addressed in these tables, please forward your issue to the place where you have purchased this software.

B.1 Tools for Troubleshooting

This section overviews some of the tools available to troubleshoot your OPC Server installation.

Configurator – Statistics View

The Configurator displays communication statistics for each CIU, Module and Tag. These statistics are useful to narrow down any communications problems.

OPC Interface - Statistics

Further, and more detailed, statistics are available at the OPC interface to the driver. These statistics are documented in the OPC Interface manual with this product. Please note that an easy to use OPC Client is installed with this product. This OPC Client may be used to view the OPC interface statistics.

Event Log

Some errors are logged to the Microsoft Event Log. The event log should be reviewed for any messages from source CIU.

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Table B-1 - General Troubleshooting Guide

Issue Observation Diagnosis Action

Issues Related to Startup, Connection of Configurator to Driver, and File IO

General 1. Make sure you have entered the correct name or IP address for the

location of the remote server.

2. Make sure you have security permission to access the remote server.

3. Make sure the remote server is started

If you cannot see the remote server from Microsoft Explorer or using the Ping program

You have a networking problem. You may want to speak to your network administrator.

1 Configurator will not connect to a remote server

If you were running the Configurator and you

changed the server location

1. Exit the Configurator and restart it.

General Check the Windows Event Viewer which may provide clues.

iFIX Users: If you have been starting the driver from iFIX

Try starting the driver without FIX running (restart computer and run configurator locally – should start driver automatically. If this works, then you need to figure out why iFIX can’t start driver. Ensure that file CIUVER.DRV in the FIX path.

If you are starting a OPC Server/Driver on a remote machine and it does not load.

Try starting it on your local machine. If it loads correctly on the local machine, you may be experiencing network problems or security issues.

2 The OPC Server/Driver would not load and execute.

If the OPC Server/Driver still does not load

Rename the default CIU file so the driver loads a blank configuration. If

the CIU file is corrupt, it may cause the driver to not load. You can retrieve a corrupted configuration file if you saved it as a .CSV file otherwise, you have to rebuild the Data Server configuration.

Have edited CSV file with EXCEL. It has been frequently reported that the auto-correction

functions in EXCEL have resulted in changes to CSV file format that render the file unreadable by driver. Most likely changes are auto-change of string to numeric.

1. Ensure all auto-correction features in EXCEL turned off before opening CSV file.

2. Review address columns to ensure all address in correct format

3. Revert to backup CSV file

4. Revert to CIU file and save new CSV file

5. Users are urged to save both CIU and CSV formats after tag database changes and to retain backup copies of both files.

Have edited CSV file with NotePad or other program

1. Verify that format of file is correct. File requires correct comma delimiters to work properly.

3 Failure to open CSV file at Configurator File |

Open command.

Have just upgraded Driver version. Driver is designed to be able to open CSV file saved at earlier versions.

1. Contact supplier if problem persists

If you just upgraded the VERSION of the Previse OPC Server or Driver.

May not be able to move CIU file from Version X to Version X + 1. Must more CSV file instead of the CIU file.

4 Failure to open CIU file at Configurator File |

Open command. Error dialogue received “unable to open file”. If you didn’t just upgraded versions 1. Import CSV file instead and save new CIU file.

2. If problem persists contact your supplier

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Table B-1 - General Troubleshooting Guide

Issue Observation Diagnosis Action

Verify that PC power saving option in BIOS is not enabled. Option may

put the hard drive in sleep mode.

5 OPC Server was running, and then stopped

IF INICI03/INICT03 module is used is CIU 1. Verify INICT03 firmware version number.

2. Version E0 and earlier are supported. Version F0, F1 and later are currently supported ONLY with the periodic restart feature enabled for CIU, and are not suitable for console application.


6 Not getting ANY valid data communications with the DCS for multiple CIU

1. Deal with the CIU one at a time as below.

CIU transmit and receive increasing together. Timeout and retry increasing more slowly but consistently.

1. Check the cable for bad connection.

2. Check CIU setup parameters, which must match CIU hardware settings. Most likely problems are baud rate or COM port. Very

few installations require changes to other parameters.

3. Verify PC IRQ not shared with any other device. Using same interrupts for a computer expansion board and COM ports 1 and 2. Most PC assign IRQ4 to COM1 and IRQ3 to COM2. If conflict occurs, change the interrupt of the conflicting expansion board.

4. Try increased Reply Timeout (maximum 15 seconds)

5. IFIX Users: Make sure SAC is running.

6. iFIX Users: Verify that CIU driver installed and started with iFIX

CIU transmit and receive NOT incrementing at all. 1. Verify at Configurator data communications turned on

2. Verify CIU enabled

3. Verify all controller modules enabled.

4. Verify all tags enabled

5. iFIX Users: Make sure that IOCNTRL is started from the SCU. You should have a /a on the IOCNTRL command line to have it automatically start the driver.

7 Not getting ANY valid data exceptions from DCS for ONE CIU.

CIU transmit and received incrementing together

and no timeout, retry, overrun or error. This is the normal state and SHOULD result in data exceptions being received.

1. Verify that CIU is correctly installed and functioning.

2. Verify that modules and tags are in tag database and enabled.

3. Verify module and tag addresses.

8 I am receiving communication Overrun errors,

but NO timeout OR retries.

If you are receiving Timeout and retry, then deal

with these issues first.

This should not occur. Contact supplier.

10 LAST ERROR Field at CIU is NOT 0 1. Look up last error code in accompanying table.


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Table B-1 - General Troubleshooting Guide

Issue Observation Diagnosis Action

10 Module Type Field in Configurator is INVALID 1. Verify module address

2. Verify that module is enabled

3. Verify that module is not defective (is it actually working” Is it red lighted?)

11 Module Status is NOT EXECUTE Module can be in EXECUTE, CONFIGURE ERROR and FAIL mode.

1. Module is not in execute mode. Status should be one of the states shown. Bailey expertise required for further troubleshooting.

The problem is not persistent. Transmits increase

for a time and then stop increasing.

1. Increase POLL RATE at Configurator (suggest a minimum of 15

seconds and a maximum of 5 minutes). May cause old data to display in System Explorer & CLU screen and related ActiveX control..

Problem may be caused by actual hardware and/or

control program problems within the module.

1. You should verify that this module is in fact OK.

2. ELSE large data reports from module may be CORRECT operation

12 High (greater than 30 per minute) number

transmits from module. Module type is valid and module is in EXECUTE mode.

Problem is persistent and cannot be resolved 1. Contact your supplier.

13 AMM, COM and other old controller modules may “red light” at driver startup.

Some old modules can not accept a request for extended 16 byte module status.

1. UNCHECK the Extended Module Status parameter at the MODULE properties for this module.

14 LAST ERROR Field at Module is NOT 0 1. Look up last error code in accompanying table.


Initial exceptions are received, but it takes too long to receive them.

1. Wait for up to 3 to 5 minutes for driver to fully initialize the CIU for large tag databases.

2. Wait for DCS to have time to report exceptions. Exceptions are only reported (a) upon change or (b) at a background reporting interval which is configurable but normally set to 60 seconds.

14 CIU and Module communications are OK, but a number of tags fail to receive exceptions.

Initial exceptions for a given set of tags are NOT received at all approximately 2 minutes after driver initialization complete (see CIU state).

1. Verify that tags and modules are enabled.

2. Verify that tag and module addresses are correct

3. Verify that point index for affected tags is integer in range 1, 2, 3, …

4. Verify that function block type connected to generates exceptions

5. Verify that function block connected to has changing data.

6. Verify module background exception reporting interval

7. Verify that Module is in EXECUTE mode

8. Verify that module is NOT red lighted.

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Table B-1 - General Troubleshooting Guide

Issue Observation Diagnosis Action

15 CIU and Module communications are OK. Most

tags are reporting exceptions and are correct. However, there is a group of tags that are not reporting exceptions. All of these tags are within one module and have contiguous block addresses within the module, or perhaps multiple modules are involved (but still contiguous block


Verify that the tags that don’t work are a block of

tags with contiguous tag address.

Is this a NET 90 console installation? Some sites have experienced an issue where the point tables

within the PCU modules overflowed, apparently due to the limited memory size of the LIM/BIM modules, and due to the fact that the point table from earlier console installations persist in these tables, consuming space. The new console, when installed, consumes further space, causing an overflow. The result is that a group of tags, and contiguous high address range, fail to receive


1. Solution was to initiate hardware reset of LIM/BIM modules.

Modules were powered down and hardware reset confirmed.

2. This issue seems confined to NET 90 DCS installations, where the point table space available is limited. This problem may also be experienced on systems with greater than average number of CIU connections, as each consumes point table space.

3. Contact supplier for technical paper if encountered.

16 STATION tags (FC80 – BST block) do not control properly. A/M mode changes, and SP or CO changes made at console do not appear to

arrive at DCS.

Specific means to disable these controls exist. 1. At Configurator | Options | Serial number, verify that serial number enables full console mode. If configured as Driver then serial number is incorrect and needs to be changed. Contact supplier.

2. At Configurator configuration display for CIU (Channel) object, verify that STATION control is ENABLED.

17 Digital device will not control, even though all addresses are set correctly.

Some control actions can not be performed because interlocks within DCS prevent the action. You

may verify that a command is sent to the DCS by watching the transmit count for the tag in question. When the command is sent, the transmit count will increment.

Verify state of process interlocks and permissive in DCS.

18 The time in seconds that it takes for an operator

action to pass from the control popup, through the driver to the DCS, and for feedbacks to come back from the DCS to the driver and onwards to the screen (i.e. feedback latency) is too long. This time should normally be under 4 seconds.

Verify that the communications port is not

overloaded with exceptions. For a 19,200 baud serial connection, the maximum number of exceptions per second that can be received is between 150 and 250, and varies by the mix of tag types being received (digitals have the least bytes and stations have the most).

1. Review StatExceptionInPacket at CIU object at OPC Interface

(using OPC Client provided). Monitor this over several minutes. If many values of 200+ are received, then communications may be bandwidth limited.

2. Review StatLastInterval at CIU object at OPC Interface (using OPC Client provided). Monitor this over several minutes. If many values of 800 (milliseconds) are received, then communications may be

bandwidth limited.

3. Use the Configurator | File | Export function to export tag communications statistics to see which tags are generating a very high number of exceptions. You may need to modify the DCS configuration to reduce exception rate for these tags.

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Table B-1 - General Troubleshooting Guide

Issue Observation Diagnosis Action

19 Driver reads values, but will not write values.

Verify that your license supports write operations.

License is available for data acquisition only, with some (but not all) write functions disabled.

4. Verify in Configurator that Disable Output is not set for the tag.

Verify that the process value for the tags you are

looking at is actually changing. Tags with slow moving data will report fewer exceptions.

Review the dead band set for the tag or tags. Ensure that the controller module, and the tag, are

set to report exceptions at the desired rate.

1. Change dead band to increase reporting frequency. Bailey DCS process knowledge is required.

Review the background exception reporting interval, usually set to 60 seconds, for the module in which the tags reside.

1. Change background exception reporting interval to increase reporting frequency. Bailey DCS process knowledge is required.

20 Rate of exceptions from DCS seems too slow for

a given tag, or group of tags.

Check the module address for all modules. If commands are sent to a module that is offline or does not exist, the driver performs a series of timeouts and retries causing a slow message rate

1. Correct the module address

2. Disable module and all tags within it if not required

3. Delete the module from tag database if not required.

Event Log Messages from Source: CIU (Review event log)

21 Event Log Error message appears to indicate problems with FILES. Note keywords (in event

description) such as FILE, CSV, LOG FILE, FILE SERIALIZATION, and others that suggest file problems.

Suggests problem with CIU or CSV file 1. Save new CIU and CSV file

2. Backup CIU and CSV file and do not discard earlier copies

3. Reboot system

4. If problems with CIU file persist, switch to CSV file

5. Follow instructions as above for CSV file

6. If problems with CSV file persist contact supplier.

22 Event Log Error message appears to indicate problems with COMMUNICATIONS. Note

keywords (in event description) such as COM, COMM, PORT, LINE, SERIAL, PARITY, SERIAL, MODEM, TRANSMIT, RECEIVE, CONNECT, DICONNECT, TIMEOUT, IO and others that suggest communications problems.

Suggests problem with communications to CIU Verify that driver communications settings for the CIU being used are correct. Verify CIU communications working correctly as above.

Review communication statistics.

23 Other events 1. Restart computer.

2. If error persists, reinstall software

24 Events persist after all attempted corrective


1. Contact supplier with screen shot of each distinct Event type

observed in LOG.

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Table B-2 – Additional Troubleshooting Guide for iFIX/OPsCon Users

Issue Observation Diagnosis Action

1 Driver messages not received in Alarm History.

You may have started driver before starting FIX. 1. Shut down iFIX and the Configurator.

Start iFIX. The driver automatically initializes and you should see the following alarm history message: CIU – Server Initialized

2 I ran out of memory

You may have overwritten the default configuration file NODENAME. in FIX\PDB. FIX reads the first four bytes of this file to load the Data Server. The first four bytes of NODENAME. define how much memory to allocate for the Data Server. If you

overwrite this file with a normal Data Server configuration file, FIX still reads the first four bytes. This number can be large causing FIX to reserve too large an area of memory for the Data Server.

To retrieve the default FIX configuration file NODENAME., you must reinstall the driver.

3 FIX has not loaded the OPsCon Data Server.

1. Use SCU: make sure the driver is listed in the

SCADA Configuration dialog box.

2. Make sure that the applications section of the SCU is setup to start the IOCNTRL program and that it has a /a in the command line.

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Table B-3 - Error Codes

Error Description Error Description Error Description

0 No error 28 Index already established (by another computer) 100 Undefined message type

1 Waiting for Loop 29 Point type incompatible with command 101 Busy

2 Improper format 30 Watchdog timeout 102 Mode conflict

3 Illegal Command 31 Checksum compare error 103 Illegal data

4 Index already established 32 Destination Node off-line 104 Invalid block number

5 Block already established another point 33 CALLUP Command required 105 Undefined block number

6 Command too long 34 Computer interface error 106 Block not readable

7 Bad reply from Node Interface 35 Computer interface busy 107 Invalid function code

8 Export Used as Import 36 INBTM01 or INNIS01 offline 108 Function code and block number not compatible

9 Repeat RESTART Command 37 Conflict with Monitor Mode 109 Insufficient memory to write block

10 Undefined Index 38 Point Type 110 Module not responding

11 Memory Full 39 Destination Loop Offline

12 Host Communication Error 40 Destination Node Busy

13 INBM01 or INNIS01 not responding 41 Destination Loop Busy

14 Import used as Export 42 Enhanced trend not established

15 Timeout of Plant Loop Response

16 Number out of range 128 Waiting for module reply

17 Illegal Key

18 Need a restart command

19 Module status used as Import 255 CIU not responding

20 Message Active on Loop

21 Import or Export used as Module Status

22 Exception report specifications lost

23 No message Queued/Dequeued Received

24 Reply too large

25 Illegal station mode command

26 Illegal Module number in command

27 Timeout between bytes in command
