Using Nityayoga in Prashna - AIA




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Using Nityayoga in Prashna

Wednesday, 30 November 2011 - Sreenadh OG

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While evaluating qualities of the time, astrologers (especially Kerala astrologers doing Ashta Mangala Prashna)

consider the following approach.

1) They consider the good and bad qualities of Panchanga (5 limbs of time).

2) They consider the numerous malefic qualities of time such as Balanna Varjya Tara, Gandanta, Ushna,

Visha, Ashtami, Vishti, Rikta, Sthira Karana, Tithi-Nakshatra-Rasi Sandhi, Rise of Gulika, Chakkrartha,

Grahana, Sarpa Siras, Ekargala, Mrityu yoga, Dagdha Yoga, Papa drishti, Papayoga, Trayodasi, Pradosha,

Sankranti, Vipat-Pratyara-Vadha, Ashtama Rasi etc.

3) They consider numerous benefic qualities of time such as Amirita Ghatika, Subha Yoga, Subha Drishti,

Subha Muhurta etc as well.

During all the three above considerations Nityayoga is considered with importance. Let us look into this and

understand, how?

1. Nityayoga as a Panchanga item

The ancient texts guide us on how to predict result, using Panchanga. As per them Nityayoga indicate “Cure of

disease” or “possibility for a solution to the existing problem”. They tell us – “Yogat roga nivaranam” [Tell about the

cure of disease by using Nitryyoga] or “Yogastu rogapaha” [Nityayoga cures disease]. Thus it is clear that,

Nityayoga at the time of Prashna indicate whether cure of disease will happen or not; whether the problem will get

solved or not. Here in suggesting the positive or negative possibility, the dependence is on name of the Nityayoga

itself. It is assumed that – the Nityayoga indicate the results as indicated by their name. If it is a benefic sounding

Nityayoga name then positive results and if it is a malefic sounding name then negative results can be expected.

The malefic Nityayogas are – Vishkambha, Atiganda, Soola, Ganda, Vyakhata, Vajra, Vyateepata, Paridhi, Vaidhriti.

These malefic Nityayogas with their corresponding Nakshatra and Ruler is listeed below.

1 Vishkambha


10 Ganda


19 Paridhi



2 Preeti


11 Vriddhi



20 Siva

(Purva Ashadha)


3 Ayushman


12 Dhruva



21 Siddha

(Uttara Ashadha)


4 Soubhagya


13 Vyakhata


22 Sadhya



Using Nityayoga in Prashna

Стр. 1 из 3 05.02.2013 10:54

5 Sobhana


14 Harshana



23 Subha



6 Atiganda


15 Vajra


24 Sukla


7 Sukarma


16 Siddhi


25 Brahma




8 Driti


17 Vyateepata


26 Indra




9 Soola


18 Vareeyan


27Vaidhriti (Revati)


The good Nityayogas indicate cure and bad Nityayogas indicate non-cure.

2. Malefic qualities of time and Nityayoga

The following quote indicate the result to be told –

Vyateepata vishti vaidhriti papagraha lagna sthiteshu

Chauryavaskandanirta samgramaH siddhimayati

(Daivajna Vallabha)

[If the Prashna is at the time of Vyateepata or Vaidhriti Nityayoga or Vishti Karana or when there is malefic

planetary placement in Lagna then cruel malefic acts such as – theft, robbery, fight etc will reap success]

3. Benefic qualities of time and Nityayoga

The following quote indicate the good results to be told –

Yoge siddha prasiddhe sukha suta suhirdarthaptayaH

(Prashna Kautuka)

[If Siddha Nityayoga is present then benefic results such as - gaining of well being, children, friends and relatives,

money etc should be predicted] Similar rule apply to other benefic Nityayogas as well.

This is the way Nityayoga is used in Prashna on day-to-day bases. Now don’t ask to me the following questions –

1) What is the pattern or logic behind considering some Nityayogas as benefic and some as malefic?

2) What is the meaning of the words such as – Vishkambha, Atiganda, Soola, Ganda, Vyakhata, Vajra,

Using Nityayoga in Prashna

Стр. 2 из 3 05.02.2013 10:54

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Vyateepata, Paridhi and Vaidhriti.

3) Why Vyakhata Nityayoga corresponding to Hasta Nakshatra and Vaidhriti Nityayoga corresponding to

Revati Nakshatra are termed malefic? Why and how all the Nityayogas ascribed to Sun and Mars; Dhriti

and Indra ascribed to Saturn are termed benefic?

I don’t have answers to any of the above questions, but only knows that is works in Prashna.

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Last Updated - Saturday, 03 December 2011

Using Nityayoga in Prashna

Стр. 3 из 3 05.02.2013 10:54