UV-VIS-NIR Varian Cary 4000,5000 and 6000i … of the Varian Cary 4000, 5000 and 6000i instruments....


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Varian Cary 4000, 5000 and 6000i Spectrophotometers



Varian Cary—At the leading edge

The Cary range has become the standard for researchers wanting to extend the boundaries of spectrophotometricmeasurement techniques.

The range is equally at home in routinelaboratories where reliability and ease-of-use are vital. In fact, no matter what your measurement challenge, Varian’s Caryproduct range has a solution for you.

The new generation Cary seriesNow, Varian introduces the latestbreakthrough in UV-Vis-NIR: the newgeneration Cary series. Comprising the Cary 4000, 5000 and 6000i instruments, this research grade series sets newstandards for UV-Vis-NIR performance. With unsurpassed photometric accuracy and a wide range of flexible accessories, the new Cary series satisfies all yourmeasurement needs and is the only choicefor researchers who need to stay at theforefront of their field.

Cary 4000Offering the ultimate in UV-Vis photometricperformance from 175-900 nm, the Cary4000 sets the industry standard for researchand reference spectrophotometers.

Cary 5000With innovative PbSmart™ technology, the Cary 5000 extends the unparalleled Cary performance into the NIR to 3300 nm.

Cary 6000iHaving provided the world’s first UV-Vis NIRspectrophotometer with InGaAs detection,the Cary 6000i represents the secondgeneration of this technology. No otherinstrument can match the NIR performanceof the Cary 6000i.

Varian’s Cary® range of UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometers has been synonymouswith excellence and high performance for over 50 years.

The wavelength ranges of the Varian Cary 4000, 5000 and6000i instruments.

The new generation Cary series features the Optical Isolation System, which providesall the optical stability of an independentlymounted, research grade optical bench.Vibrational noise is reduced, as the opticscasting is mounted on an isolated systemwhich floats independently of thespectrophotometer cover and samplecompartment. The system has also beeninsulated from vibrational effects, so you can be sure that your laboratoryenvironment won’t affect your instrument’s performance.

The Cary 4000/5000/6000i instruments alsofeature the unique LockDown™ mechanismthat ensures you can mount accessories in the sample compartment quickly, easilyand reproducibly. With the Cary LockDownmechanism, you’ll spend less time on setup and more time on analysis.


What’s inside?

With ‘Plug-and-Go’™lamp management,lamps are now easily replaced andpre-aligned, requiringno adjustment. The lamp managementelectronics ensures that a wider range of lamp designs can be accommodated.

A large samplecompartment, with aremovable floor plate,gives you maximumflexibility whenmounting samples.

The unique precisionLockDown mechanismallows you to positionyour accessories quicklyand reproducibly inthe sample compartment.

Schwarzchild couplingoptics ensure themaximum level of lightthroughput. This producesmore accuratemeasurements at lowtransmission levels.

The slits can be fixed in the NIR as well asthe UV-Vis.


Cary’s out-of-planedouble Littrowmonochromator design minimizesphotometric noise andstray light, providingexcellent resolution. The Optical Isolation

System incorporates a ‘floating’ solidaluminium casting that isolates the optics from external disturbances.

The monochromatorand samplecompartments haveseparate nitrogenpurging capabilities,allowing the samplecompartment to bepurged at a higher ratethan the instrument.

The extended dynamicrange of the Caryinstruments is a result of its advancedelectronics design. With reference beam attenuation, the instruments cantypically measureabsorbances beyond 8.

The optics are silicaovercoated, so thatthey can be cleanedwithout damage to the reflective surface.

A choice of PbS orInGaAs detectorsprovides flexibility in the NIR.

Unparalleled performance


PbSmart optimizes the performance of the PbS NIR detector in real time,providing noise and linearity performancenever before achieved using this detector technology.

The Cary 5000 can be used to achievesignificant performance breakthroughsacross a range of applications—fromquantifying out-of-band blockingcharacteristics of band pass filters ormeasuring the high transmission of nextgeneration fibre optic materials to QCapplications for testing of raw materials or finished pharmaceutical products.

The new generation Cary range begins with the Cary 4000. This instrument sets the standard for photometric noise, range and linearity, providing excellentresolution across the UV-Visible spectrumfrom 175-900 nm. Featuring Varian’s newOptical Isolation System, the Cary 4000provides advances in noise and stray light reduction, making it ideal for the most challenging research applications or as your own primary reference UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

The Cary 5000 combines unparalleled Cary performance with Varian’s innovativePbSmart technology, extending thewavelength range into the NIR to 3300 nm.


Signal-to-noise (S:N) mode is a uniquescanning mode available only on the Caryinstruments. It allows you to control thelevel of precision you want across the wholescan. This saves time because the systemwill scan quickly in areas of high energythroughput and slow down in areas wherethe energy throughput is less. In addition,S:N mode provides the same precisionthroughout the lifetime of the instrument,no matter what its age. This makes S:Nscanning ideal for standards and referencelaboratories and laboratories conforming to strict regulatory protocols.

Demonstrating signal-to-noise (S:N)scanning mode, this scan shows theexcellent precisionobtained at both highand low transmissionvalues for thisreference filter. Shown here is the same sample measuredwith (bottom) andwithout (top) S:Nscanning mode.

Even at a backgroundabsorbance of over 4.5, small changes inhighly turbid samplessuch as CytochromeP450 can be measured.

Cary Praying MantisDiffuse ReflectanceAccessory

Cary Automated DoubleAperture Accessory

Cary SpecularReflectance Accessory

Cary Rear BeamAttenuators

Cary Variable AngleSpecular ReflectanceAccessory

The widest photometric range


When you need to push the limits ofphotometric measurement, only Varian’snew generation Cary spectrophotometerscan break the performance barriers. The Cary series has the widest photometricrange available, across the broadestwavelength range. The instruments canmeasure absorbances exceeding 6 from the UV-Vis to the NIR. This means you canavoid time consuming sample and standarddilutions, and you can confidently measure the most challenging of samples. Whether you want to collect kinetics data in situ without dilution, or measure turbid,highly scattering biological samples withoutusing integrating spheres, you can with aCary instrument. And Cary’s widephotometric range makes light work of thehighest optical density filters and the lowestreflectance AR lenses.

LinearityThe quality of your results is only as good as the linearity performance of yourspectrophotometer. Whether you’re makingsolution measurements at the limit ofdetection, measuring highly absorbingchemical process streams or discerning the smallest difference in optical thickness,the superb photometric linearity of the Cary range guarantees the validity of your results.

The Diffuse ReflectanceAccessory is ideal for measuring a widerange of solid andliquid samples.


The addition of twoblue filters shows thesuperior photometricrange and linearity ofthe Cary instruments in the UV-Vis. The insert compares the spectral addition of the filters to theircombined measurement,a difference of lessthan 8 x 10-8 %T.

The quantitative analysisof aqueous potassiumpermanganate furtherdemonstrates theexcellent photometricaccuracy and range ofthe Cary instruments.Measurement at 555 nm permits analysisfrom 0.1–500 ppmwithout dilution. The plot of Absorbancevs Concentration (shownbelow) highlights thewide dynamic range andinherent linearity (r2 = 0.999) of the Cary spectrophotometers.

Specialized spectrophotometers for specialized applications


Advanced NIR performance for advanced photonicsWith an operating range from 175-1800 nm,the Cary 6000i is the instrument of choicefor users needing to keep abreast of rapidlydeveloping photonics and communicationstechnologies—both now and in the future.Varian pioneered the world’s first doublebeam UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer withInGaAs detection to take advantage of thedramatically reduced noise and improvedsensitivity the detector provides in the NIR. The Cary 6000i represents the secondgeneration of this technology and is theworld’s most advanced UV-Vis-NIRspectrophotometer with InGaAs detection.

The InGaAs detector provides superior signal-to-noise performance compared toconventional lead sulfide detectors. This results in improved detection limits and increased scan rates, giving you cleanerspectra with better resolution in less time.

The unmatched NIR capabilities of the Cary 6000i are further enhanced by the Cary Optical Isolation system and Peltierdetector cooling. Like the Cary 4000 in theUV-Vis region, the 6000i can be used as a primary reference spectrophotometer in the NIR, providing absolute accuracymeasurements without the need forreference to expensive external calibrationstandards.

The addition of threefilters shows thesuperior photometricrange and linearity of the Varian Caryinstruments in the NIR.The actual andpredicted measurementsshow excellentcorrelation across theentire NIR wavelengthrange measured.

Using the Cary 6000i, a high resolution NIRscan of water vaporclearly resolvesabsorption bandsaround 940 nm whichare barely visible onstandardspectrophotometers.The fine resolutiondelivered by the Cary6000i is made possiblethrough the use of adedicated 600 lines/mmNIR diffraction gratingin combination withInGaAs NIR detection.


Varian’s technology advances don’t stop atthe spectrophotometer. The superior InGaAsand PbSmart NIR detection systems alsopower Varian’s comprehensive range ofintegrating sphere accessories. Available intwo diameters (150 mm or 110 mm) and three model types, you can swap from PbS to InGaAs to solve the most challengingdiffuse reflectance measurements.

Varian, Inc. DRAs offer a unique range offeatures , so there’s always a model to suityour needs. (Model number indicates thewavelength limit in nanometers.):

• Internal/External DRA-900 – Offering exceptionally low photometricnoise, a wide photometric range and good linearity.

• Internal/External DRA-1800 – The world’s only PMT/InGaAs DRA, providingsuperior signal to noise performance forimproved detection limits and increased scan rates. Get cleaner spectra with betterresolution more quickly.

• Internal/External DRA-2500 – Extending the Cary 5000’s PbSmart NIRdetector management, the DRA PbS NIRdetector is peltier cooled and optimized inreal time, offering exceptional performance.

The External DRA (150 mm integratingsphere) is ideal for reflectance or transmissionmeasurements of large and physicallychallenging samples.Multiple samplemounting options are available.

Simply smarter software


New Cary WinUV software ensures thatVarian’s widely acclaimed UV-Vis-NIRsoftware is now even more powerful andeasier to use. The modular design of theCary WinUV software means that it can betailored to suit your analyticalrequirements—whether it’s a materialsscience application using basicconcentration measurements or life scienceapplications requiring advanced enzymekinetics or thermal control.

But it doesn’t stop there. Cary WinUV iscompletely customizable using the powerfulbuilt-in Applications Development Language(ADL). ADL gives you the capability tomodify the WinUV software to meet yourmost specific applications ensuring that no matter what analytical challenges thefuture holds, you will have the capability tomeet them.

With standard software packages designed to meet most application needsand the power and flexibility of ADL, the Cary WinUV software is sure to meet all your requirements.

21 CFR Part 11compatibilityOptional 21 CFR Part 11and GLP (GoodLaboratory Practice)compatibility is ideal forusers in thepharmaceutical industryor anyone requiringregulatory compliance.

In addition, the uniqueValidate applicationenables immediatecertification of yourinstrument againstfactory, BP/EP, USP(British/European, U.S. Pharmacopoeia)specifications.


Cary WinUV’s extensiveonline help includesstep-by-step videos of hardware setup androutine maintenanceprocedures ensuring you can get up andrunning quickly.

Enhanced file transferand report exportcapabilities give Cary WinUV greaterconnectivity than any other UV-Vis-NIRsoftware. The AutoConvert function allows you to convertyour data filesautomatically for use in another program.You can also elect tostore your data files informats that can bedirectly imported into a spreadsheet.

The optional ColorCalculation software iscompatible with theinternational colorcommission (CIE) andASTM standards, and isideal for users in thepharmaceutical, textile,automotive, paint orgraphic arts industries.

Choose your operating systemCary WinUV software iscompatible with bothMicrosoft® Windows® XPand Windows 2000.

Enhanced graphics featuresThe graphics controlmodule has automaticpeak labeling, zoom, free and tracking cursor,multiple ordinate andabscissa formats, smart copy/paste andoverlay modes, makingspectral interpretationand presentation forpublications a breeze.

Advanced spectrum calculatorUse the spectrumcalculator to applymathematical operations,including addition,subtraction, division,multiplication, log andsquare root functions, to spectra. The calculatoralso features mean,normalization, smoothing,up to fourth orderderivatives, integrationand the Kubelka-Munkcorrection algorithm.

Precision engineered for greater flexibility and versatility


The Cary series has been designed forflexibility and versatility. Whether yourapplication is optics, powders, fabrics, gases,liquids, films or coatings, there is a Caryaccessory to meet your needs. Our fibreoptic technologies take measurementsbeyond the sample compartment, ensuring you can perform a full range ofmeasurements from advanced specular anddiffuse reflectance measurements to simplesolution transmittance and absorbance.

If you have the application, we have thesolution. You can count on Varian’s Caryspectrophotometers to meet all your needstoday and tomorrow.

Lock it down and walk awayThrow down your tools! The new generationCary series features the unique precisionLockDown mechanism that allows you toposition your accessories in yourspectrophotometer quickly and reproducibly. With just a flick of the wrist, the CaryLockDown system permits quick mounting,release and changeover of accessories soyou can spend more time on analysis andless time setting up. The Cary LockDownsystem means you can confidently mount any accessory in the instrument, in exactly the same place time-after-time –eliminating tools and time-consumingalignment procedures.

Plug-and-GoThe Cary’s Plug-and-Go lamp managementfeature makes lamp replacement easy, as lamps are pre-aligned and don’t require any adjustments. And, it’s more flexible with the ability to accommodate a widerrange of lamp designs to match yourapplication needs. A mercury lamp modulefor wavelength accuracy validation issupplied with all high-end Caryspectrophotometers, allowing you to verifywavelength accuracy in one simple step.

SafetyAlthough Varian’s products are designed to be safe and to comply with all applicableregulatory requirements, it is important tobe familiar with the hazards associated with these products. For full details, refer towww.varianinc.com

The Cary Series is certified to comply with therequirements of the EMC and

LV directives of the European Union.

1 Insert accessory into the sample compartment

2 Position accessory over mounting holes

3 Flick the switch to lock the accessory down

The new generation Cary series are part of Varian’s range of Cary molecularspectrophotometers, which also includes the Cary 50, 100 and 300 UV-Visspectrophotometers and the Cary Eclipsefluorescence spectrometer.

With xenon flash lamp technology, plug-and-identify electronics and feature-packed, intuitive software, the Cary Eclipseinstrument embodies the Cary name. When combined with the optional solidsample holder, the Cary Eclipse can be usedfor a variety of materials scienceapplications—from measuring opticalcomponents for unwanted fluorescence to measuring specialty chemicals such asoptical brighteners.

For the measurement of large samples such as optical filters, the Cary Eclipse canbe used in conjunction with Varian’s fibreoptic system (as shown above). The CaryEclipse fibre optic system takes the light tothe sample, enabling the fluorescencespectra of large, heavy and oddly shapedobjects such as rocks, gems and otherminerals to be measured.

For further information on Varian’s range of Cary 50, 100, 300 UV-Vis or Cary Eclipsefluorescence spectrophotometers, ask yourVarian sales representative for a brochure, or visit our website at www.varianinc.com.

Varian’s vast array of hardware solutionsensures you can handlethe widest variety of sample sizes–from the smallest etalon touncut sheet glass, from micro-flowcells to long path gas cells.The huge Cary sample compartmentaccommodates most sample sizes,while the removablesample compartmentfloor means even moreflexibility is provided.

A family of solutions

To keep your Caryinstruments runningsmoothly, Varian alsooffers a wide range of the highest qualityconsumable supplies,including cuvettes,reference materials and lamps.




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