V Efte TIMES-PROMOTER - Chronicling America › lccn › sn87065195 › ...Efte TIMES-PROMOTER...


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    'i*LEWISBURG LOCALSA. H. Hurt found a turnip that toped the scales at 11 pounds with the top on it, and after the top was cut off, it weighed over 8 pounds. Who can beat that?

    Mrs. Julia Alger visited her sisters, Mrs. Snell and Davis the first of last week.

    Miss Nannie McElroy visited friends and relatives in the Love community last week.

    Rev. Williams filled his regular appointment at Greenleaf Sunday, bad weather preventing regular services. He will preach for us again the fifth Sunday if nothing prevents. Everybody invited.

    Col. A. T. Moore, who has been teaching the Moor’s school, has resigned on account of his health being bad. Miss Lucy Hudson will finish the school for Mr. Moore.

    S. A. Robinson, of Love, was visiting here some time ago.

    Mrs. Lelsie Harrison visited her aunt, Mrs. Dora Jackson, of Memphis, the latter part of last week.

    HORN LAKE HAPPENINGSpie almost entirely well. Dr. W. T. Wilkins’ family had measles, but not in a malignant form, so are all about well.

    We hear the faint echo of wedding bells, bo may be some of our girls are taking advantage of leap year opportunities and privileges. Hope so.


    OLIVE BRANCH ITEMS.It seems like we were going to have

    some more winter, after so much sunshine. We hope not as we are anxious to begin fanning.

    Owing to so much sickness in the neighborhood, a small crowd heard Bro. Billingsly preach Sunday.

    Mrs. Emma Johnson has eeen quite ill of typhoid fever, but is convales- ing now.

    Mr. J. E. Birmingham returned home Sunday night from Miller, where he has been at the bedside of his sick brother, Mr. Tom Birmingham who died Saturday night and was buried at Byhalia Sunday evening.

    We deeply sympathize with the bereaved ones, especially his wife and sweet little children who feel the loss of a kind husband and a loving father.

    Our Sunday school, under the management of Mrs. Tom Murray, is progressing nicely. Wish every body would attend. We also have preaching by Bro. Bradley of Hernando, every 3rd and 5th Sunday. Lets all try and go every appointment.

    School is suspended on account of Miss Ingram’s father’s sickness. She’ll come back and finish out the

    term in May.

    A very enjoyable entertainment was given at Mr. Fennels last Friday night. Every body that went reported a verry delightful time.

    Misses Roots from Memphis are visiting Mrs. Halburt now.

    Mr. Tom Powers and family visited realitive in Henando last Sunday.

    Mrs. Rufe Wright who has been quite sick for some time is improving

    nowDr. Rodes after a protracted illness,

    is back again. Glad to have him with

    us once more.Mr. Quincy Williams has moved to

    Pleasant Hill where he expects to go into the mercantile business.

    Glad to see Mr. Quince Hobbs up again. Wonder what’s the attraction out west for he and Mr. Sam Herbert? It must be the Miss—issippi river?

    Mrs. W. C. Davis is still quite sick, in the St. Joseph’s hospital in Memphis.

    Mr. and Mrs. L. Hendrix visited Mr. Matlock of Memphis, Sunday.

    Miss Ida Belle Sandidge, teacher of Oak Glen school, visiteed home- folks at Olive Branch last Friday.

    Messrs “Son” and Richard Campbell attended the ball at Hernando, last Friday night and roport a fine old time.

    (Too late for last week.)

    We quote the small boy who had confused his collective nouns and verbs, “news are scarce” this week; practically nothing doing in a social way in our town. But we rest safe and secure from all danger, since a pair of blood-hounds landed in our midst. These dogs attracted quite a crowd and they are being cared for by Mr. Will Harris.

    Rev. Foust, regular pastor of the Methodist church, delivered very interesting sermons to his large congregations both morning and evening.

    Misses Maud and Anine Atkinson spent Sunday with their mother.

    Miss Ittie Haynie and Mr. R. J. Moss came out from Memphis to visit homefolks, Mr. Haynie’s family last week.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Brown returned Thursday from a trip to St. Louis.

    Mr. Milton Blocker was a genial visitor in town Sunday

    Mrs. Annie McNeil, Mesdames A. M. Haraway, Lillie , Brooks, Linnie White and little Lu Neill White, were recent visitors to Memphis.

    Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Norvell spent Monday shopping in the Bluff City.

    Mr. and Mrs. Brown Jones are entertaining their children, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones.

    Mrs. Era Foust returned Thursday from a visit to relatives near Hattiesburg.

    Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haraway were out from Memphis Sunday to enjoy the day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Haraway.

    Miss Ella Smith has returned, after a very delightful visit with Miss Watson Nail at Cub Lake.

    We are glad to report our sick peo-



    Col. H. C Tipton.Col. Henry Clay Tipton died at his

    home at Batesville, Ark., Monday night. He was a Confederate veteran, and prominent citizen, having been state treasurer. Seven of his eleven children are now living, and a sister, Mrs. Emeline Robinson, is living at Nesbit.

    Col. Tipton was an uncle of Mrs. C. S. Robinson, and Hon. Julius Tipton of this place. A large circle of relatives and friends mourn his loss.

    J. T. Birmingham.Mr. J. J. Birmingham died at his

    home at Miller. He was in a delirous condtion about ten days previous to his death. He was highly esteemed and many hearts were made sad by his passing. He leaves a wife and three children who have our sympathy in their loss.

    Mr. and Mrs. Coward have returned home from Byhalia where they visited friends and relatives.

    T. H. Collins attended the funeral of Mr. Tom Birmingham Sunday eyeing.Notice to Lot Owner* in the Baptist

    Cemetery!It is not long till memorial day, and

    it is the wish of the Daughters of the Confederacy that the cemetery present a nice appearance at that time.

    The trustees of the cemetery fund are going to have the cemetery property put in good condition, and they desire the co-operation of the lot own-

    Mr. Lee Jobe of Kelly was in our town Sunday.

    Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCargo visit- at S. F. Dickey’s Sunday.


    Mis3 Essie Eason spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolks at C ock-

    rum.Mrs. Mack Seago has returned

    home after spending a few days here with her son Mr. P. J. Seago and wife.

    The Farmers Union is progressing nicely, they met at the school house Saturday evening and Monday night. Some of the ladies are talking of joining the union and helping the farmer out.

    Non-Resident Notice. *1Mary Reed

    s No. 3236./ vsJohn Reed

    J j* ** (1....... . 1 ."i.! r- . ■■ ,-i u—'=ssmmJ

    Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Plow Gear, Leather Goods, Wagons, Corn, Oats, Hay

    and every thing the planter needs.

    DOCKERY &DONELSONGood Farmers Accounts for 1908 Solicited. Our Terms Are Liberal.COTTON FACTORS and Commission Merchants394 S. Main St. Memphis, Tenn.*»

    m m »Two Blocks North Union Depot.48 SOUTH FRONT MEMPHIS, TENN.j*

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