Valentina's Disney Adventure



This is a book I created in the Book Creator App for my reading buddy!

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By: Amelia

The Kennedy's Disney Adventure

This book is dedicated to my reading buddy; Valentina.

One day Valentina, her mom, dad, and her little brother, Gustavo, decided to go to Orlando. After their LONG flight, they arrived in Orlando, Florida.

When they arrived at the busy airport, Valentina and Gustavo wanted to go to Disney right away, but their parents told them that they had to go to the hotel first. After unpacking their suitcases, they got into the car to head to Disney.

Valentina said to her parents, "I am SUPER excited to go to Disney!" After a 20 minute car ride, they arrived at Disney.

Valentina saw Cinderella's castle and right away wanted to go watch Cinderella's show. After watching for a few minutes, Valentina asked her mom if she could move closer to the stage. Gustavo followed her!

When they were wandering closer they saw their cousin, Alexa. They ran up to her and shouted, "Hi Alexa!" When Alexa saw them she was SUPER excited. Alexa's parents asked Valentina and Gustavo where their parents were. They pointed to the back of the crowd. Alexa's parents told Valentina, Alexa, and Gustavo to stay put while they went to go say hi to Valentina's parents.

Just then, Gustavo said that he was hungry. Alexa said, "I'm starving too, I feel like I could eat a horse!" They decided to go eat some chicken fingers.

After walking for a couple of minutes, they arrived at a food stand. After they got their delicious chicken fingers, they realized that they didn't know how to get back to their parents. Gustavo started to cry. They didn't know what to do. They realized that they were LOST! All the children were shouting for their parents. After looking for what seemed like hours, they gave up and decided to let their parents find them. At that exact moment, they saw their parents walking towards them. They were SO happy. They weren't lost anymore!

"I think we should celebrate with some cold ice cream!" said Alexa's mom.

Gustavo ran as fast as a cheetah towards his mom. Valentina and Alexa weren't far behind him. They were all hugging. When they told the parents the whole story of what happened, their parents said, "I hope you learned to always listen to adults and follow directions."

Gustavo said, "I think that cold ice cream will save the day!" Everyone laughed.

They all said, "We did!"

Valentina exclaimed, "I love Disney, but only with my parents." This trip was a great learning experience for everyone. The whole family had an amazing time at Disney, and they can't wait to go back!

The End
