Values – Care – Achievement School NEWSLETTER 365 · 8c1 124 10 Ben Riley 8c2 15 - - 8c3 21 2...


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Values – Care – Achievement

Thursday 12 December 2019

Food for ThoughtThis week during Form Tutor Collective Worship students have been inspired by material produced by @ABYyouthtrust, ‘Voices of Advent - The Visiting Shepherds Story’. One of the quotes we have spent some time thinking about is:“When you are kind to others, it not only changes you, it changes the world.”Harold Samuel Kushner, American Rabbi – Jewish LeaderTo receive the daily Thought for the Day straight to your phone or other electronic device sign up to @AHSChaplaincy on Twitter.

Head’s Introduction

Upcoming Events

16-19 DecWed 18 DecThu 19 DecThu 19 DecFri 20 DecMon 6 JanTue 7 Jan

Sixth Form RAG WeekChristmas LunchNon-Uniform Day (in aid of Fikelela)Y8-13 Meadowhall TripSchool finishes at 1.10pmStaff Training Day (school closed to students)Students Return

Social Media Please follow us on Twitter @AHSYork orFacebook to keep up to date with the latest news and events!

We welcome all feedback and thank all parents for their valuable contributions. If you have a query or simply an observation about the school please complete the form online.

AHS Feedback

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our annual Carol Service in York Minster yesterday evening, it is one of the highlights of the school year. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who participated in the service - singers, actors, musicians, technical

crew, the primary schools from across York and East Riding, the Staff & Community Choir and the Student Leaders who acted as guides.

We are very pleased this week to have received our annual report on the performance of our Sixth Form in relation to all other schools nationally. For a third consecutive year Archbishop Holgate’s is in the top 2% in the country, this is an excellent reflection of the efforts of both students and staff. Well done!

We look forward to our Christmas services next week and the ice skating rewards trip for Year 11. A reminder that school will finish at 1.10pm on Friday 20 December.

Christmas Carols at Monks CrossMembers of the Academy Choir were singing at John Lewis last Sunday in recognition of the generous donation from John Lewis to the AHS Christmas Fayre fund. It was a lovely occasion, the choir sounded great and got all the shoppers in a Christmassy mood!

Christmas LunchChristmas Lunch will be served in school on Wednesday 18 December, cost of the meal will be £2.55 (menu below). This is always a great event and one students really enjoy.

Traditional Roast Turkey Dinner served with roast potatoes, pigs in blankets,

stuffing, seasonal vegetables & gravyor

Quorn Filletserved with roast potatoes, seasonal vegetables & gravy


Chocolate Yule Logor

Christmas Biscuit

@AHSYork Tel: 01904 411341

This Week’s Main School News

Science RevisionScience Period 6 revision continues in preparation for the Pre-public Exams. We would like as many students as possible to attend. Lessons will be bespoke to each pupils’ tier of entry and will address the key concepts to be examined in the paper, please encourage your child to attend. Students should check the rooming notice in Science for their course (Trilogy/Triple) and their tier of entry (Foundation/Higher) as well as the notices each Wednesday morning. The schedule is as follows:

VACANCIESArchbishop Holgate’s School

Casual Exam InvigilatorDuring internal/external exams throughout the school year

The post is paid £10 per hour(Applications close: 17 January at midnight)

School CleanerPermanent, Part Time (20 hpw), Full Year

The post is paid £9 per hour(Applications close: 19 December at midnight)

For more information

Pathfinder Multi Academy Trust is an equal opportunities employer, committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare

of children. Enhanced DBS check will be required

Kindness Advent CalendarsWe have been handing out Kindness Advent Calendars in the Library. Those taking up the challenge are trying to perform at least one good deed or act of kindness each day throughout December. We are marking their achievement by recording what they have done on a bauble. This not only decorates the Library, but gives everyone an idea of what they can do to help others in December.

MFL Stars of the WeekStudents were nominated by Language staff to receive an Effort merit, a postcard home and appear on the ‘Stars Wall’ for all their

hard work:

KS3 Russell Broadbent, 7Cm KS3 German - Cindy Xia, 7Mr KS4 French - Harry Connolly, 9By and Nicola Nicholson, 10ZDa KS4 German - Hannah Kirkman, 10Ap KS4 Spanish - Leah Alderson, 9SRo

Lost Property Any items found around school that are unnamed will be placed in our black lost property boxes in the main reception area. Students are able to come to reception during break and lunchtime to check the boxes.At the end of term, anything not claimed will either be recycled or donated to charity. Please ensure all items of clothing are named and we will endeavour to return them to their owner.

SEND Local OfferVisit York’s Local Offer for SEND to find out what is available in York for disabled children, children and young people with special educational needs and their families: New booklets, ‘Where to go if…’ and ‘Making Sense of SEND’ are now also available: Facebook: 721003451730652?sfns=moTwitter:

AHS Green Leaders – Christmas TipsThe Sixth Form Student Environmental Action Group have generated a number of tips on how we can reduce our impact on the planet at Christmastime. Information has been available In Form Notices, please ask your child if they’ve seen anything. Ideas include alternatives to Christmas cards, what to put on the Christmas list and what to look for when buying toiletries. If you’d like to find out more then please email the Green Leaders: and they will forward a copy of their ideas to you. Have a ‘green’ Christmas!

The ScoutsScouts offer a range of outdoor activities, including camps and expeditions away. Students, both boys and girls, are welcome, aged between 10 -14.Heslington, local Scout group, meets on Friday evenings, 7.00-9.00pm during term time. You’re welcome to come along for a trial session to see if you like it.Contact: to find out more information. (Contact scouts if you may need help with termly dues and uniform - groups are set up to support low income families if need is there.)

@AHSYork Tel: 01904 411341

RAG Week - 16-19 December Raising and Giving Week (RAG) is organised by Year 13 Business students as part of their Managing an Event unit. It is a student-driven week where we recruit for, organise, staff and manage events to raise money for student-chosen charities. As well as building excellent skills in organisation, communication, teamwork, problem-solving, time-management and logistical planning, it is a fantastic opportunity to showcase the compassion and enthusiasm of the wider Sixth Form community in raising money for causes that matter to them. The week includes Staff vs Student sports, a Christmas Fair for Year 7, Teacher Discomfort activities and bake sales. It delivers a range of exciting and engaging opportunities to raise valuable funds for our chosen charities: York Mind and MacMillan Cancer Support.

English Period 6 Timetable & GCSE Exams: Lang P1 - 2 Jun Lang P2 - 5 Jun Lit P1 - 13 May Lit P2 - 21 May

The Gold Award - At Archbishop Holgate’s, we truly value hard work and effort. Each week, Heads of Year select two members of their year group to appear on the “Wall of Excellence” reflecting exceptional work and effort where students have done something extra special in lessons or in the wider life of the school. Winners of the Gold Award will receive a weekly prize. The following students have been awarded the Gold Award.

Kiera Gant, 7Gr - Well done to Kiera for always living the school values, being kind and polite and showing lots of confidence in spreading Christmas kindness around school. Well done, keep it up. Miss KincellIndia Illing-Ahmed, 7CAd - Well done to India for her outstanding effort with extracurricular activities and her contribution to the Minster Carol Service. Well done, keep it up. Miss KincellRosaya Phattanavibul, 8Kx - For her commitment and contributions to the allotment and the gardening design competition. Well done! Mrs EdmondsonBen Pomfrett, 8Hu - For his commitment and contribution to the allotment and gardening design competition. Well done!Mrs EdmondsonEsme Sharpe, 9By - For her drama performance and directing. Superb. Well done. Miss DarlingtonFreddie Boardman, 9LBr - For his excellent attitude and maturity during the Liverpool cultural trip. Mr Williams Jayden Cook, 10Hm - Jayden has made tremendous strides in swimming, showing true resilience and determination. Well done. Mrs Avey

Aimee Reed, 10ZDa - Aimee sets and maintains very high standards daily and has made a fantastic contribution to charity work. Well done. Mrs Avey

Jacob Watkinson, 11MHo - For an excellent attitude towards the PPEs in recent weeks. Well done! Mr Arthur

Lucy Austin, 11MHo - For an excellent attitude towards the PPEs in recent weeks. Well done! Mr Arthur

Dylan Bloomfield, 12Db - For outstanding feedback from his new work placement. Well done! Mr Charlton

Amy Birchall, 12Bm - For outstanding effort across all subjects and her thoughtful contributions in Tutor Time – keep it up! Mr Charlton

Alex Callaghan, 13BKi - For her phenomenal fundraising charity work for the Sixth Form rough sleep – a magnificent effort!Mrs De Lashley

Zahraa Douba, 13Gl - She is a consistent hard worker across all her subjects – well done! Mrs De Lashley

Rewards and Recognition

@AHSYork Tel: 01904 411341

Form Group

Total quizzes taken

Quizzes this week Quizzer of the week Top quizzing Form

this week

8a1 110 1 Emma Bettles

8a2 46 - -

8a3 19 - -

8b1 9 1 Jordan Handley

8c1 124 10 Ben Riley

8c2 15 - -

8c3 21 2 Benjamin Boulton

8d1 83 7 Ella Gebbie

8d2 73 - -

8d3 43 11 Amy Holmes Well done!

8d4 31 1 Finley Carruthers

Year 8 Top Form: Well done 8D3! Great reading this week.

Form Group

Total quizzes taken

Quizzes this week Quizzer of the week Top quizzing Form

this week

9a1 29 2 Thomas Wilson

9a2 22 3 Zach Hindle

9a3 15 3 Michelle Chae

9c1 28 10 Alice Barratt Well done!

9c2 11 - -

9c3 6 - -

9d1 23 2 Laura Barber

9d2 14 - -

9d3 7 - -

9d4 8 - -

9n1 13 3 Summer Dixon

Year 9 Top Form: Well done 9C1. Top quizzers this week.

Form Group

Total quizzes taken

Quizzes this week Quizzer of the week Top quizzing Form

this week

7Bl 38 1 George Horner

7CAd 51 10 Erin Barratt

7Cm 75 17 Emma Lyons Well done!

7CMp 61 7 Robin Hamilton

7Cy 40 9 George Woodhouse

7Gr 63 4 Alex Beale

7Hf 69 12 Dylan Barratt

7Hv 43 17 Enya-Mai Evans

7Mr 31 2 Cindy Xia

7NTh 80 2 Arien Murray-Kydd

7WNo 77 8 Willem Sadler

Accelerated ReaderTop Quizzers of the WeekYear 7 Top Form: Well done to Miss Chambers’ and Mrs Harvey’s forms this week- joint winners.

PLEASE SHARE: If you would like to share students’ achievements and events in the community, please email It’s always nice to celebrate our school community.

DEAR Time - Christmas Homework: Years 7-10As part of the AHS Reading Ready scheme, all students will be issued with a brand new text to read during DEAR time (Drop Everything and Read) over the next two weeks.Form tutors will introduce the reading material and then students will be bringing a copy home to read over the Christmas holiday. For students in Years 7-10, this will be the only homework they will be issued over the Christmas break. Please strongly encourage students to read and engage with this material as fully as possible. Alongside the reading, we are giving students a set of ‘stretch and challenge’ tasks that they may complete to support their reading. These tasks complement the reading material and are optional, but again, we would strongly encourage students to attempt at least one additional task. All students completing a ‘stretch’ task will receive a personalised certificate and entered into a prize draw at the end of the school year. All reading material is available on the school website: are the texts students have read so far:

Finally, for any student wishing to read the complete text, there are copies available in the school library to borrow. If you have any questions about DEAR, please email Miss Woolerton: If you have any questions about our homework policy, please email Mr Avery:

@AHSYork Tel: 01904 411341


Intermolecular forces: Intermolecular forces are the forces which mediate interaction between molecules, including forces of attraction or repulsion which act between molecules and other types of neighbouring particles. “When large intermolecular forces are present, a liquid will tend to be thick or highly viscous.”

@AHSTextiles: Great work from Year 13 Textiles students @AHSSixth_Form

This Week’s Sixth Form News

Message from Head of Year 12As we head towards the Christmas break, now is a great opportunity to reflect on the progress our Year 12 students have made on their AHS Journey. As I mentioned earlier in the year, Year 12 sees students becoming ‘examples to follow’ as they adapt to sixth form studies. Mrs De Lashley and I had the pleasure of interviewing prospective Student Leaders earlier this term and we were delighted with the quality of applicants. The 38 appointed Student Leaders have already taken the opportunity to support and represent the school at the Year 9 Parents’ Evening and hugely successful at the Minster Christmas Service last night.

Our Year 12 students continue to be ‘examples to follow’, volunteering their time to support other areas of the school community and taking part in weekly enrichment activities. You may have seen two reports in last week’s Newsletter which Year 12 students were instrumental. Firstly, our tree planting event in support of the Woodland Trust’s Big Climate Fightback campaign. This was organised by our Green Leaders, a Year 12 action group, who are keen to see the school community reduce its environmental impact. Secondly, Year 12 students have also donated their time and money to support the ‘Rough Sleep Out’ which raised almost £800 for the charity Carecent – two remarkable achievements and great examples for all to follow.

We have ten Year 12 students taking part in the Career Ready programme this year and they have already attended the first two masterclasses this programme offers. The first masterclass; ‘Know Yourself’ took place earlier this term at Aviva Offices with the second masterclass titled ‘Effective Networking & Communication’ taking place at Yorkshire Bank last week. Career Ready is a UK-wide charity linking employers with schools and colleges to open up the world of work to young people. They offer a structured programme of study for 16-19 year olds, that sits alongside students’ school or college coursework. It is delivered by employer volunteers who provide masterclasses, mentoring, workplace visits and internships to help students formulate progression plans and develop transferable skills.The final week of term sees our sixth form students plan and run RAG (Raising and Giving) week. Students have decided on two charities to support and have planned a number of activities to raise money for Macmillan and York Mind (see further detail in this Newsletter.)After the Christmas break, students in Year 12 have a crucially important period of assessment. Some vocational subjects have external assessments taking place and all other subjects are holding internal assessments which students need to prepare and revise for during the holiday season. Whilst it is important that students rest, recuperate and spend time with family and friends during the Christmas break, they should also be following a revision timetable to prepare them suitably for these very important assessments. The majority of subjects are offering either lunchtime or after school support sessions to help prepare students for these assessments, but you can also help by: • Ensuring they are in school every day – 100% attendance makes a significant difference to their chance of success • Avoid any routine dental or medical appointments that could be scheduled outside the school day • Ask about their revision and what they have been focusing on each day • Provide a quiet place to work, or contact school and speak to me if this is difficult; it can be arranged for students to complete some of their work in schoolPlease don’t hesitate to be in touch with either myself or Mrs Walton with any questions, concerns or feedback you may have about the upcoming Year 12 assessments.(Mr Charlton)

@AHSYork Tel: 01904 411341

MONDAY LUNCHTIME (1.15-1.45pm) - Y8 Basketball (Gyml) - Y7 Beginners&Advanced Swimming FIXTURES (3.15-6.00pm) tbc

TUESDAY LUNCHTIME (1.15-1.45pm) - Y9/10 Netball (Sports Hall) - Y10/11 Basketball (Gym) - Open Boccia (Studio) AFTER SCHOOL (3.15-4.15pm) - Open Girls’ Football (Sports Hall/Gym) - Y11 GCSE PE P6 (Ma6) FIXTURES (3.15-6.00pm) tbc

WEDNESDAY LUNCHTIME (1.15-1.45pm) - Y7 Football (Sports Hall) - Y8 Boys’ Fitness Club (Fitness Suite) - Y9 Basketball (Gym) - Girls’ Active (Studio) AFTER SCHOOL (3.15-4.15pm) - Y7/8/9 Boys’ Volleyball (Gym) FIXTURES (3.15-6.00pm) tbc

THURSDAY LUNCHTIME (1.15-1.45pm) - Y7/8/9 Girls’ Volleyball (Gym) - Ultimate Frisbee (Sports Hall) AFTER SCHOOL (3.15-4.15) - Dance (Studio) FIXTURES (3.15-6.00pm) tbc

FRIDAY LUNCHTIME (1.15-1.45pm) - Y7&8 Netball (Sports Hall) - U19 Basketball (Gym) - Y9/10/11 Exam PE, Homework & Catch up Session (Ma6) AFTER SCHOOL (3.15-4.15pm) - Rookie Lifeguard (Pool)

RugbyThe first group of Rookie Lifeguards have shown fantastic commitment this term in our Friday after school sessions and are about to finish their course. Those in group 2 will be receiving a text confirming their place and dates for next term. A massive thank you to the School Association for their £120 donation to the club allowing us to purchase throw ropes for use in sessions. This has made a huge difference and the groups rope throwing skills are improving fast.

Polite ReminderStudents will be asked to remove ALL jewellery for PE lessons. This is a health and safety precaution and must be adhered to. Thank you.

School PE KitA reminder that all PE kit should be clearly named. If a student misplaces any PE kit, this makes it easier to return items to their rightful owner.

FootballThe Y7 boys won a 5-a-side football tournament on Wednesday night competing against 13 other schools from the local area. The team played fantastic football throughout and qualified as group winners without conceding a single goal. The tricky game proved to be the semi final with Tadcaster Grammar scoring an equaliser with just three seconds left on the clock. However, with just thirty seconds until the game was going to penalties, Lucas Brannon set up Aidan Fewlass who slotted home to send the boys into the final. The final proved to be a more comfortable game with a 4-0 win, goals coming from Reuben Smith, Brogan Dunne and a brace from Aidan Fewlass.

Special mention to the other players involved who had a great tournament, these were Jimmy Hendon, Harry Glaves, Harry Scott and Finn Greenhouse. The boys move on to represent the area in the North East finals after Christmas.

NetballThe Y10 netballers were triumphant again this week playing their fixture against Manor. Winning their sixth game from six with a score of 19-12.Star player, Sophie Watkins, was chosen by the players. Well done to all the ladies that took part.

@AHSYork Tel: 01904 411341
