Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding Pics



Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding Pics. NSTM 505-7-1 Color Code Table Part I 2 4APR13. Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding. Foam Discharge plugs (AFFF) (striped red/green). AFFF Solution (striped red/dark green). Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding. AFFF Concentrate (striped light blue/red). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding Pics

NSTM 505-7-1 Color Code Table Part I


Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding• AFFF Solution (striped

red/dark green)• Foam Discharge plugs

(AFFF) (striped red/green)

Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding• AFFF Concentrate (striped

light blue/red)

Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding• Fire Main (including root

valves (red)

• Halon (striped gray/white) • Watermist (Striped Red/Dark Blue)

Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding

Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding• Chilled water (surface

ships) (striped light blue/dark green)

• Demineralized Electronic Cooling Water (surface ships) (striped light blue/dark purple)

Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding• Potable Water (dark blue)

Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding• Seawater (other than FM

and Sprinkling (dark green)• Fresh water, Condensate,

Feed and Distillate (surface ships) (light blue)

Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding• Lube Oil (striped

black/yellow)• Fuel (yellow)

Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding• JP-5 (light purple) • Hydraulic (orange)

Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding• Sewage (gold) • Oil Pollution Abatement

(OPA-surface ships) (black)

Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding• Steam and Steam Drains

(white)• Refrigerant (dark purple)

Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding• LP and Salvage Air (tan)• Deballast Air (stripped


Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding• HP Air (1000psig and up)

(dark gray)• MP Air (>150 but

<1000psig) (stripped dark-gray/tan)


Valve Hand Wheel Color Coding• Bleed Air Masker (striped

green-gray/light yellow) • Bleed Air Anti-Icing

(striped green-gray/light blue) (WRONG COLOR)