Version 1.0.1 Created by Victor Klepikov - Smart Assets...


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Introduction........................................................................2First steps............................................................................3Player..................................................................................4Weapon................................................................................5Weapon sway......................................................................6Inventory.............................................................................7Bullet hit effects..................................................................7Projectile.............................................................................8Pickup.................................................................................9Destroyable & Explosive object......................................10Health................................................................................10HUD..................................................................................10Contacs..............................................................................11

Created byVictor Klepikov

Version 1.0.1

Thanks for your purchase!Your support is greatly appreciated!

IntroductionProject Advanced Shooter Kit is a powerful, flexible and simple system for creating a shooter game. Create any action game you could imagine, from an simple horror to an total warfare, and have them working in minutes! And many, many other features!

These features should cover the most requirements for a shooting games. How-ever, please note that a this project can’t suit all game cases. You likely want to modify it to fit your needs and implement your own unique game and user in-terface mechanics. In the following chapters, this manual explains all com-ponents involved in this kit, so you can see where you might want to start.

Included features are:

All asset files, for free or commercial use (re-selling prohibited).

Smart first person controller.

Firearms & Launchers inside.

Seven complete weapons included.

Realistic weapon characteristics.

Multiple shooting modes

Smart bullet decal system.

Ironsight, animation & sway systems.

Switching projectile types for launchers.

Smart inventory system.

Flexible pickup types.

Powerful HUD based on Unity UI.

Intuitive and easy to modify source code for any of your needs.

Asset: Advanced Shooter Kit.Creator: Victor Klepikov. 2

First StepsWARNING: If you are new to Unity, please take a quick break and get dirty with its main functionalities first, because this documentation will assume you have some basic knowledge regarding the interface and its editor tools.

NOTE: For input customization see “InputRegister.cs“ script.

Import the “Advanced Shooter Kit” unitypackage into an empty project.

Once the import has finished, you'll see all project files listed in the Project panel.

This asset contains

one demo scene:

This scene - Demonstrated a first person controller,

inventory, hud, firearm and launcher weapons

and ammunition for it.

So, you probably have already seen how it works and you already want to understand the principles of operation, as well as set up all by your project. Well, let’s start, the following pages are devoted to this.

Asset: Advanced Shooter Kit.Creator: Victor Klepikov. 3

PlayerAsset: Advanced Shooter Kit.Creator: Victor Klepikov. 4

This script is responsible for player moving on scene. Sets the movement speed and anoth-er parameters foe all states. Also play sounds for currrent surface.

This script is responsible for main camera look controlling.

This script will need to calculate the shaking ef-fect of the head and weap-ons when player movement.

This script contains and play all sounds of player movement,

it`s a specific footsteps, jumping and landing sounds.

WeaponAsset: Advanced Shooter Kit.Creator: Victor Klepikov. 5

This script needs to setup fire-arms it`s a pistols, machine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles and more based on raycating.

Specific properties:Projectiles - Number of bullets in the shell, userful for shotguns.Effective range - Maximum hitting the target distance.Muzzle velocity and Bullet mass - used to damage calculation.Shell - The shell object(rigidbody) dropped after shot.Shellout Force - Force energy is ejected shell.Shootable Mask - Layers which interact with this weapon.

This script needs to setup launch-er weapons it`s a grenade and rocket launchers, hand grenades, crossbows, and more based on throwing rigidbody projectile.

Specific properties:Ammo id - Special id of this projectile for invettory.

Current Ammo - Amount projectiles by id.

Projectile - array contains all the projectiles data of used this weapon.

Projectile Force - Force energy is ejected projectile.

Weapon sway

Asset: Advanced Shooter Kit.Creator: Victor Klepikov. 6

Projectile outer - position of projectile shoot out, or raycast direction, must be named only “projectileOuter“.MuzzleFlash - muzzle effect object, constains Light & Particle components.Shell outer - position shell spawning, firearms only, must be named only “shellOuter“.

• Sway

• Animation

• Ironsighting

• Pivot


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Sway - turn on the area of influence of first person hands responsive to the play-er, and this drift when player rotation and vibration when movement relative pivot position.

Animation - Is responsible for weap-on animation (Dropout rotation sets transfort(“Pistol“ in pict.1).rotation for weapon outing).

Ironsighting - turn on sighting (Disper-

sion is new weapon dispersion in sight-ing mode, FOV is new cameras FOV in sighting mode, Position is a transform.parent(“Pistol1“ in pict.1).position in sighting mode relative pivot position, recomended turned off use sway and run play in editor to setup it and copy values in play than past in edit mode).

Pivot - this is transfort(“Pistol“ in pict.1).position in play mode, need to Sway and Ironsighting position setup.

Asset: Advanced Shooter Kit.Creator: Victor Klepikov. 7

This script needs to instanti-ate bullet holes and impact ef-fects (texture, sound, particle).

This script is essentially a ammo bag for player.

Ammo id - Special ID number, sets here and weapon.Max Ammo - Max ammo amount.Current ammo - Current ammo amount.Hud Icon - Special icon for HUD.

This script is fully player weapons controlling, and is a part of inventory.

MaxWeapons - Sets a weapons number limit.Have - Checks whether this weapon the player, if it is true, it can be selected.Weapon - Sets the primary weapon in this slot.Sub Weapon - Sets additional weapon attached to the main.Dropout - sets the pickup that will spawn in at drop weapons.====================================Standart - Standard weapon, you can picket and dropped it. It`s amount limited of MaxWeapons variable.Keep - This weapons cant be dropped, it puckup only. It`s amount unlimited.Thrown - Set to throwing ammunition. It`s amount unlimited.

Bullet hit effects


Asset: Advanced Shooter Kit.Creator: Victor Klepikov. 8


Asset: Advanced Shooter Kit.Creator: Victor Klepikov. 9


The pickup items you can pickup or use in place.

Pickup type:

Health - Used in place to increment player health level.

Weapon - Activates the weapon in “WeaponsManager” in “Ammunition” slot (have = true). “WeaponIndex” is “Ammunition” array element index (in this example: index 0 is pistol, 4 is Rocket Launcher). “AmmoAmount”

is really ammo in clip = “CurrentAmmo” after pickup and “AmmoAmount” = “Cur-rentAmmo” after drop.

Ammo - Incremented the player ammo by id, there “AmmoId” is “AmmoId” in “Play-erInventory”.

Thrown - Activates and Incremented the thrown projectile in “WeaponsManager” in “Ammunition” slot (have = true). “Wea-ponIndex” is “Ammunition” array element index (in this example: index 3 is hand gre-nade). “AmmoAmount” = “CurrentAmmo” after pickup.

Destroyableand explosive objects

Health HUD

Asset: Advanced Shooter Kit.Creator: Victor Klepikov. 10

Regular destroyable object can drop items.

Regular health script responsible for health and can interact with the types of “Player”, “NPC”, “Destoyable”, “Explo-

sive”. Interaction occurs automatically.




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Regular explosive object can thrown fragments (optional).

Explosion mask - a layer mask so the raycast only hits things on the hit layer.

Upwards Modifer - added upwards ve-locity in hitted objects.

ContactsAll the source code is made so that it is easy to understand,

feel free to take a look at the scripts and to modify them to fit your needs.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or find errors in this documentation, don`t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for choosing Touch Controls Kit!

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Support: |

11Asset: Advanced Shooter Kit.Creator: Victor Klepikov.

Again, thanks for your support, and good luck with your projects!

Kindest regards, Victor Klepikov

myAssets: http://vkdemos.ucoz.orgmyTwitter: