Vertebrate Comparison Chart



Vertebrate Comparison Chart. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Vertebrate Comparison ChartBody Temp

Heart chambers

Outer cover

Resp. O2 and CO2

Fert. Site Embryo devel.

Young care

Fish Cold 2 Scales Gills External- in water

In water- soft eggs

None- usually

Amphibian Cold (ectothermic)

3 Moist skin with mucous

Skin and lungs

External in water

In water- soft eggs


Reptile Cold 3 except alligators and crocs 4

Dry skin with scales

Lungs Internal External- leathery egg- hatch

None- usually

Bird Warm (endothermic)

4 Skin with feathers

Lungs Internal External- hard shell hatch


Mammal Warm 4 Skin Lungs Internal Internal- born

Parents- long term