Viator Newsletter 2003 Fall-Winter



Vol. 8, No. 4

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Patty Bailey assumes role as youth minister

Kankakee Country Club honors community's top volunteers. Allison Saathoff, Emily Saathoff, Patrick Bailey and Patty Bailey.

Three years ago, Br. Dan Belanger, CSV, became the youth minister at Maternity BVM in Bourbonnais, Ill. Br. Dan knew the

laity had to assume a larger role in the youth

ministry program because he would not be around in a few years; he was leaving to begin studies to become a priest. He searched for a strong successor who would have the energy, knowledge and charisma to work with the kids.

Patty Bailey never realized that a simple lunch with Br. Dan would lead to a career move toward youth ministry. "I had been teaching religion

at Bishop McNamara High School in Kankakee,

Ill. and decided I didn't want to work full time.

I planned on being a substitute teacher," said Patty, who at one time ran her own daycare center.

Patty was invited to prepare to become a youth minister. She enrolled at Loyola University to become a certified youth minister.

Her first year as a volunteer, Patty worked closely with the junior high students. By year two, she was committed to the program as a

part-time staff member. The mother of five teenagers finally assumed the role of the full

time youth minister on July 1, 2003.

"The Maternity BVM youth ministry runs like a well-oiled machine," laughed Patty. "We

have nine parents on the board, along with 12 students representing the kids. There is also a peer ministry of 40 students who plan the retreats, work with confirmation classes, and are involved in the liturgy and planning social events."

Br. Dan believed that if the ideal situation

could be created, the ministry would grow by

Once upon a time ...

word of mouth, and it did. When activities weren't met with success, the programs were

refined to meet the needs of the students.

The youth ministry offers four or five trips per year for the students that may include a Qyest Retreat, Confrontation Point, One Bread One Cup and Nazareth Farm in West Virginia. Some tentative trips include participation at

the National Catholic Youth Conference in Texas and a mission trip to either South Dakota or Appalachia to build a home.

There is a core group of five parishes in the

Joliet/Kankakee area that work together to build unity and a greater sense of community. They are known as the RAT PAC, Radically Active Teens Positioned to Acclaim Christ. Collectively, the students raised more food for the food pantry than the pantry accumulated in a whole year.

According to Patty, of the 330-plus active students involved in youth ministry, about five

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Fr. Charles G. Bolser, CSV, Provincial

.. . not too long ago, the Church was identified as the Pope, Bishops, Priests, and Religious. The laity was not included. The laity was seen as the sheep or those in need of salvation that came through the actions of the ordained. A famous Cardinal in Rome once said that the Church needs the laity, while the famous saying, the

role of the laity is to pray, pay and obey was seen to have more than an ounce of truth to it.

In more recent times, due to many factors, not the least of which is the declining numbers of priests and seminarians, the laity are assuming many of the various ministries formerly restricted to the clergy such as hospital visitations, sacramental

preparation, leaders of prayer, parish administration, catechists for both youth and adults, Diocesan officials,

and others much too numerous to mention. In other times and places, the priests were perhaps the most

educated and trusted persons within the parish. Today, the clergy are in some places not as well educated as many of the laity that they serve, and the trust factor has been eroded considerably due to decisions and actions of

both priests and bishops. The clergy in the past, while

well schooled in Latin and Greek, philosophy and theology, were placed in positions of authority which demanded skill and knowledge of finance, management, construction and

maintenance, fund raising, and strong people skills. They were also placed in positions of authority where

they did not depend or in many cases, even want processes of consultation or collaboration. They were in

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Once upon a time ... continued from page 1

charge and therefore the first and last voice in any

decision that was to be made. They were the boss.

While their education moved in one direction, for the

most part, their success was judged on their success as

builder and manager. They could, therefore, get by with

less than adequate preaching, liturgical or spiritual

leadership. The institutional model was that of the

military with designated officers and enlisted troops,

and it was the role of the officers to command and the

role of the enlisted to obey without question.

In more recent years, we have begun to develop a

different self image of ourselves as Church. The

Second Vatican Council called us to understand that

the Church is larger than the Pope, Bishops and

Priests. This new understanding demanded that we

begin to see that the Church is fully and completely

inclusive of all of the Baptized and it is the whole

Church that is called to mission - to proclaim the

Kingdom in Word and action. This reality calls us to

understand that those of us who sit in the pews on a

given Sunday are not simply the lost sheep waiting for

Father to save us, but that together, we are called to be

a people of life and Light, feeding and

nourishing not just one another, but those in the world

without hope, without faith, and most importantly,

without love. We together are called to be the incarnate

presence of the Christ in the world today. St. Paul

reminds us that each of us has different gifts and

talents, given to us not for our own aggrandizement,

but for the good of the world. St. John reminds us

that we as Church are called to actively participate in

the ongoing creation. Life and death are constant and

signs of God's presence in the world.

Today, therefore, how do we discern the gifts of those

called to priesthood? In order to engage in this process

of discernment, we also need to discern those gifts

which are given naturally to the laity and which are

held in common by all. It seems to me that celibacy, for

instance, is not a gift restricted to the role of priesthood

or laity by its very nature, but is instead a gift that is

given to individuals for the sake of the Kingdom. In

our tradition, the role of the priest is to preside at the

community liturgical celebrations that are the center

point of our reality as Church. It is obvious that many

Contemplative prayer methods practiced Today's Church is calling the laity as well as priests and

religious to contemplative prayer and to personal

holiness in order that the world may be transformed by

their presence in it.

"Contemplative prayers bring a new energy; we renew ourselves in jesus."

Fr. Charles Bolser; CSV

Contemplation comes from the Latin word

contemplate, meaning "in the temple." Contemplation

is a way of spending time "in the temple" of silence

with God. It is a prayer of reception; an act of

listening silence.

"The idea of developing a sense of contemplative

prayer came from the General Council in Rome in

2002," said Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV, Provincial, who

sees contemplation as a deeper prayer that acts as a

spiritual foundation to all his ministry.

On July 8, 9, and 10, 2003, Sister Jean Lavin, OSB,

from Stillpoint Contemplative Prayer Ministries in

Erie, PA, led a retreat and explained to many

Viatorians, the power of contemplative prayer.

"Meditation and contemplation have always been

basic elements of Benedictine spirituality," said

Sr. Jean. "We provides opportunities for individuals to

develop or further develop a practice of meditation

and contemplation in a manner that continues our

long-time Benedictine tradition. We hope to quiet the

self and the noise of everyday life enough to hear God.


Silence does the work of the Spirit when words

are stilled."

Sister Jean explained that when you practice

contemplative prayer, you leave the active intellect and

go into the passive intellect. This inner silence activates

the spiritual self and, according to Abbott Thomas

Keating, you "begin to see as God sees."

She explained that this transformation takes place

through a spirituality based on an Apophatic

(imageless) contemplation along with the renewal of

the traditional Christian prayers leading to Cataphatic

(through images) contemplation.

Contemplation, although the highest form of prayer, is

not an elite, lofty endeavor for special, holy people.

It is for ordinary, happy, uncomplicated people who

enjoy being with God. St. Augustine says that through

contemplation we are dealing in the sacred sanctuary

of the core of our being. In other words, it is a

personal experience with God.

Viatorian Associate Donna Schwarz participated in the

three-day session and was amazed at how energized

she felt after just one ten-minute contemplative prayer

session. "However, it's very easy for distractions to

keep popping up in your mind when you know you

have many things to take care of," said Donna who is

trying to practice contemplative prayer on a daily basis."

How do we prepare to contemplate? We stop, listen

and be still. We find a quiet place and still our hands

and feet then close our eyes and ears. We let go. We

of the laity are interested in and trained to be

financial managers, responsible for ongoing

needs of buildings and grounds, fund raisers,

interpreters of the law, and even preachers of

the Word, as well as catechists and community

leaders. It is at least one role of the priest to

listen carefully to the whole community- to

listen to their hopes and aspirations, as well as

their fears and their pain. It seems that in

listening carefully to the community, it might

be possible to hear the whisper of God

speaking quietly but powerfully. In this,

listening, healing and nourishing of the spirit

is possible. Rather than being the boss, it

might then be possible to become the servant,

and in becoming the servant, God might become

visible in the world. It is not that the Church

needs the laity; the Church is the laity as it is

the clergy and bishops - working and praying

together, equally sharing the life of Jesus the

Christ in compassion and love for the world

in which we live.

at assembly collect ourselves; we must relax and be still. Consider

the fact that in the word silence is the word listen.

We must be silent to listen. Sister calls it a "process of

interior puriftcation." She says to take deep breaths

and repeat a single word like love. If you become

aware of thoughts, return to the sacred word.

Abbott Thomas Keating writes that contemplative

prayer is the "opening of mind and heart, our whole

being to God, who is the Ultimate Mystery beyond

thoughts, words and emotions."

Fr. Bolser believes contemplation is a spiritual

dimension. "Often times prayer is just words, babbling.

If we stay at that level it becomes superficial," he

continued. "I believe that every one of the participants

gained different experiences from the contemplative

prayer assembly. So many times we are wrapped up in

being busy and we don't have time to really understand

what we're doing. We need to take time to listen; we

need a few minutes to center and ask ourselves

"what's the foundation of my focus?"

"Contemplative prayers bring a new energy; we

renew ourselves in Jesus," Fr. Bolser explained.

"We center in on the essence of our life, Jesus Christ.

We are then able to share this spiritual dimension

with the community and with the parishioners."

Contemplation leads to action. It's an understanding

that there is God's presence in every atom, every

molecule and every living thing on earth."

Campus ministry builds a stronger laity through faith action The campus ministry at St. Viator High

School in Arlington Heights, Ill. allows

the students to integrate their faith into

their daily lives. Brother Rob Robertson,

CSV, along with Betsy Fons build a

faith-based foundation for the students

on three levels: worship, service and

retreat. "By keeping their faith life alive,

the students really are trained to run

campus ministry for themselves,"

said Br. Rob. 'Students celebrate mass as Eucharistic ministers.

Involvement starts at the beginning of the school year when the call goes out to students

to train for the Eucharistic ministry. "It's not unusual for 80 to 100 students to answer the

call to be trained," continued Br.Rob. "Many students then get involved at their parishes in

·Eucharistic ministry."

This training increases the students' participation in the monthly Mass on campus. Along

with the priest's at Mass, the students are 100 percent involved in the planning of the liturgy,

being the lectors, the Eucharistic ministers, performing the liturgical dances and songs.

Campus ministry is about actively worshipping the Lord.

There but for the grace of God go I. Catholicism is about service and twice a month campus

ministry takes the responsibility to bring groups of students to work in the soup kitchens in

Chicago. Many students are amazed that when they interact with the homeless, their perception

of life changes dramatically. One student couldn't understand how a college graduate could

end up homeless and in a soup kitchen. The ministry also plans trips to the HIV coalition

once a month. Three times a month, St. Viator students have the opportunity to perform

service. Participation in the campus ministry is voluntary, yet many times students will be so

taken by the service that when they go off to college, they pursue a career in social work or in

the pastoral studies.

Br. Rob Robertson, CSV poses with students.

Campus ministry introduces students to Special

Olympics, food drives, blood drives and other

charities throughout the community.

"But it's the retreat program where it all

happens. When God touches a heart on retreat,

it lasts forever," said Br. Rob. Student retreats

begin in freshman year and are held on a

Saturday at the school. This retreat is a

requirement for all freshmen. At this level,

the goal is to build awareness among the students, that service is what it means to witness

their Catholic faith. At one point, parents speak to the students about parental concerns and

expectations as a parent of a teenager. The parents also ask the students what they expect

from their parents. Teachers and upperclassmen are also invited to share their faith with

the group.

Student retreats then start to become voluntary with Qyest Retreat being the first overnight

experience for the sophomores and juniors. Student leaders run the retreat; it is there that

students hear other students witness their faith.

By junior and senior year, students lead the four day Kairos Retreat; for most, it is regarded

as the highlight of their high school career. It's four days with no distractions. By this time,

the students are ready for witnessing their faith.

"It is our goal that St. Viator students take ownership of their faith through our campus

ministry," said Br. Rob. "We want to make a conscious effort, enabling faithfilled students to

take leadership roles, because they are the future the Catholic Church."


II Belize: Bishop Osmond Peter Martin of Belize City spent a

week at St. Francis Xavier Parish, Corozal Town. He

confirmed almost 300 young women and men, mostly in seventh grade,

at ten Confirmation liturgies in nine villages in the Corozal district.

II) Canada:

~The Provincial

Council of Canada and the

Provincial Council of the

United States met in

Arlington Heights, Ill., June 16- 19 to explore and

discuss ways of collabora­

tion between Canada -

U.S. and other Viatorian Provinces. A North American Congress

is planned for 2005, at Maternity BVM, Bourbonnais, The Mother Church of the U.S. Viatorians. In 1865, three Canadian Viatorians

came to Bourbonnais Grove, as it was then called, accepted the

parish and began a school, later to become St. Viator High School

and College. The 2005 Congress of Canadian and U.S. Viatorians

will commemorate the past, celebrate the present and plan their

collaborative futures.

The last day of the joint Canadian- U.S. Council Meeting, June 19 was

designated a day of Pilgrimage to U.S. Viatorian parishes originally

founded by Canadian Viatorians. Fr. Alain Ambeault, CSV, Canadian

Provincial presided at a con-celebrated Mass in French for the

parishioners of Maternity BVM. He was assisted by Assistant Provincial

Thomas von Behren, CSV, and John E. Linnan, CSV, Pastor and six

other Canadian and U.S. Viatorians. A parish reception and luncheon

followed the Mass. Visits followed to St. Patrick's Church and Pighini

Gardens, Kankakee; to St. Anne Shrine, St. Anne, Ill. and to "The

Cathedral in the Plaines" (St. Mary's) Beaverville.


- Brother Mario Mansilla Brecher, CSV, was ordained a

Transitional Deacon, May 26, 2003, in Santiago, Chile by

Bishop Sergio Valech Aldunate. Congratulations to the first Viatorian

ordination since the establishment of the Province of Chile.

Colombia: Bogota July 5,

2003, Brother Edgar

Suarez, CSV, was ordained to the

transitional diaconate by Bishop

Jose Luis Serna, Retired Bishop

of Libano. Brother Suarez will

spend his deacon year with

Fr. Luis Eduardo Lopez, CSV at

San Basilo Magno Parish, Bogota.

Family, friends and Colombian

Viatorians participate@ in the

ordination and joined in a

celebration organized at the parish.

Libano On the Feast of

St. Peter Claver, September 9,

2003, Brother Gustavo Lopez,

CSV, pronounced his First

Vows as a Cleric of St. Viator

in a ceremony in Libano.

Fr. Pedro Herrera, CSV, was

his novice master. Provincial

Charles G. Bolser, CSV, received

the vows. Fr. Dan Nolan,

CSV, Province Vocation

Director attended as well as many

Colombian Viatorians.

The St. Vincent de Paul Society

in Libano arranged a 5-year

rent-free, former school building

to serve as a base for the various

ecumenical, humanitarian and

volunteer programs organized by

Fr. Brian Cooper, CSV. The facility

Bishop jose Luis Serna ordains Br. Edgar Suarez, CSV

Brother Gustavo and his novice master Padre Pedro Herrera CSV

has been named the Viatorian Center. A special thanks to The Rotary

Club of Mission Viejo, CA for their gift of $2,900 for Fr. Brian's ongoing

Libano housing project.

•••IIIII The Province of Spain celebrated the 100th Anniversary • of their establishment as a Province, August 13-15.

Fr. Charles G. Bolser, CSV, arrived early to attend a meeting

August 12-13 for Viatorian provincials. U.S. Province representatives

at the Centennial also included: Fr. Robert Erickson, CSV, Fr. Bob

Bolser, CSV, and Fr. George Auger, CSV (all from Chicago), Fr. Pedro

Herrera, CSV, Fr. Rafael Sanabria, CSV, and Br. Edgar Suarez, CSV,

(all from Colombia). All were also attending an August 16-23 world­

wide meeting ofViatorian Formation Directors in Valladolid. Fr. John

Norbert Peeters, CSV, (Belize) served as English-Spanish-French

translator for the Centennial meetings.

Felicitations are extended from U.S. Viatorians, associates and especially

our Mission and Formation Club Members.

Fr. Dan Nolan, CSV, Vocation Director

"One Bread One Cup was an awesome

experience for me." St. Patrick Parish teen,

Andrea Bourgeois shared. "Getting to meet people from all over the country was neat, especially when we were put into our small groups to share in depth more about

ourselves. During our times of prayer ... I thought a lot about my faith and life."

On Saturday, June 7, 2003, 30 teens and their youth ministers from

Viatorian parishes (St. Viator in Las Vegas, St. Patrick in Kankakee,

Maternity BVM in Bourbonnais, and St. Francis Xavier in Corozal,

Belize) arrived at the Province Center in Arlington Heights for a

two-part, weeklong leadership conference.

Activities beginning Saturday evening through Monday morning

offered the teens time to pray together and opportunities to learn

more about the Viatorian community and its mission as Educators

of Faith. Presentations were given introducing the teens to Fr. Louis

Qyerbes (our founder) and our patron St. Viator, explaining the

Viatorian charism, and inviting them to join the Viatorian mission

as Educators of Faith. An additional highlight was the Sunday

afternoon excursion to Navy Pier in the city. Viatorian priests, brothers

and associates from Arlington Heights and Kankakee were on board

to participate in the activities and to serve several meals.

On onday morning, following a sen ing-forth blessing given by

Provincial Fr. Charlie Bolser, CSV, students began their trip to

St. Meinrad School ofTheology in Indiana for a youth liturgy

leadership training conference.

The rest of the week, these teens (along with 48 other teens)

attended morning and evening prayer services, daily mass, and

classes on Theology of Eucharist and training sessions for

liturgical ministries.

The teens and their adult leaders participated in really fun-filled

icebreaker exercises, a hilarious talent show and an indoor

"Beach Party" dance.

Emily Saathoff from Maternity, BVM Parish said, "This retreat

moved me in a way that I thought nothing could. I have never met

so many kind and open people in my life. We really connected and

our relationship with God grew even bigger! One thing I will

always remember was the reconciliation service. I learned a great

many things and I hope to be able to pass them on to help others."

Mter lunch on Friday, the teens and their youth ministers began the

journey back home. Upon arriving at Maternity BVM Parish, one

of the CSV associates explained how the Viatorians established their

first permanent ministry site in Bourbonnais, Ill. A simple supper

hosted by the parish followed this presentation.

The "One Bread One Cup with the Viatorians" experience was

partially supported financially by the Viatorian Provincial

Leadership Council, while the participants and their parishes also

One Bread, One Cup participants gather at Provincial Center.

helped with expenses. Overall, this experience successfully helped

the formation of young people in liturgical ministry and brought

them to a deeper understanding of how they share in the Viatorian

Mission in their parishes.

Summing it up, Irma Zuniga from St. Francis Xavier Parish in

Belize described her experience at St. Meinrad's stating, "I learned a

lot of different things about our church: why we practice our reli­

gion, songs, and most importantly, how to live happily in our faith

communities. I hope to bring all these things I learned back to St.

Francis Xavier Parish."

Association continues growth On July 21, 2003, Fr. Tom Langenfeld, CSV, who coordinates the

associate program in the west, welcomed 15 people as pre-associates

during a prayer service at St. Viator Church in Las Vegas. These lay

men and women are from several parishes including: St. Viator,

St. Thomas More, Guardian Angel Cathedral and Prince of Peace.

This very diverse group of people are students, homemakers, retirees,

professionals, etc., however what they all have in common is a deep

connection to the Viatorian mission and charism.

As association in the Midwest continues to grow, the following men

and women, upon recommendation of the of the Commission on

Association and after a discernment process, have made a two-year

commitment as associates: Arlington Heights: Don Abrahamian, Kay

Allen, Joseph Majkowski, Karen Cutler and Geraldine Roller;

Kankakee: Michael and Susan Bourgeois; and Bourbonnais: Francis

(Foo) Chamnes and Eucharist (Mush) Marcotte.

Three associates, Mary Finks and John Ohlendorf of Bourbonnais,

along with Marilyn Mulcahy of Kankakee, also renewed their

commitment for another two years.

Associates serve their faith communities as parish council members,

Eucharistic ministers, lectors, ushers, homebound ministers, RCIA

catechists, sacristans, choir members and Religious Education catechists.

They also serve in many areas of outreach.

Our best wishes to all those who have joined the Viatorians in their

Mission as Educators of Faith, servants of the H oly Altar, and servants

to the poor.

Viatorians in the News St. Anne, Ill. The 123rd Annual Novena to St. Anne was celebrated July 18-26 at Illinois' oldest shrine of St. Anne. Pastor Fr. James

Fanale, CSV, invited Fr. Richard Pighini, CSV, pastor at St. Patrick's, Kankakee and Sister Therese Galvin, ND, nationally-known spiritual director, to conduct the novena. Over

1,000 persons participated in the novena, attending the Mass of Healing, receiving the Sacrament of Anointing, or participating in the Solemn Festival Mass and the Rosary Pilgrimage of the Relic of St. Anne through the town. This St. Anne novena is reported to

be the longest running in the country.

Minister at Maternity BVM, Bourbonnais

began Theological Studies this fall at Catholic Theological Union. They will reside at

a liturgical commemoration of the life of Laraine Perhats Storm. The Superior General, Very Rev. Mark Francis, CSV, presided at the memorial service for his

mother. Condolences to Father Francis, Laraine's family and friends.

St. Viator Parish at 4170 W. Addison St.,

Chicago, IL 60641.

Arlington Heights Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, President, St. Viator High School announced that 290 young men and women enrolled in the Class of 2007. The new

school year began August 26, 2003. Two hundred twenty-eight graduated in June 2003. Total enrollment at St. Viator for 2003-2004

is 1030 students.

In Memoriam:

Catherine "Kay" Dowling, Viatorian

• Associate, died September 22, 2003. Kay, former Administrative Assistant to Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV, at St. Viator High School and

Associate since October 2000, is survived

Chicago Brothers Corey Brost, CSV, and Douglas Hudson, CSV, both from St. Viator H.S. and Brother Daniel Belanger, CSV, Youth

The chapel at St. Viator High School was

filled July 3 with family, friends, Viatorian religious and associates coming together for

by her husband Dan, six children and 13 grandchildren. She was a lifelong friend to many. Please remember her in your prayers.

Fall Commemorates Founder's Day & Patron Saint's Day

Father Querbes - September 1 In 1830, Father Louis Joseph Marie Qyerbes, of the Diocese of Lyons, established a society of catechists under the patronage of St. Viator. Louis Qyerbes, born in 1793, was reared and educated in the parish of St. Nizier. This church was built on the site of the ancient church of the Holy Apostles, where Just presided as Bishop, and Viator served as lector. After his ordination in 1817, he returned to his home parish where he served as an associate pastor and teacher in

the school. In 1822, he was appointed pastor of the Church of St. Bonnet in Vourles, a nearby village. It was there that his association was established. By the

year 1838, it had become a religious congregation of priests and brothers and was papally approved as the Congregation of the Parochial Clerics or Catechists

of St. Viator. On October 21st, the feast of St. Viator is celebrated in the community and institutions which bear his name.

Saint Viator - October 21 The patron saint of the Viatorians is St. Viator, who lived in the fourth century. His life is entwined with

that of St. Just, the Bishop of Lyons in Gaul, France.

In ancient Martyrologies, Viator is called "puer" and

"juvenis". Some people have automatically assumed

he was a young boy, but these words were also used to designate someone who is a servant or in a sub­ordinate position. This harmonizes with another word used to describe him a "minister" or "servant".

In 381 AD, Bishop Just attended the Council of Aquileia. Shortly after his return, he confided to Viator his intention to commit himself to ascetic life as a monk in the Egyptian desert of Scete. By the end of that year, Bishop Just secretly left Lyons for Alexandria, Egypt. Viator, knowing the Bishop's intensions, joined him on his journey to Egypt.


In Egypt, they joined a community of monks in the Libyan Desert. Most of the monks lived in cells, either dug in the ground or built of stones, each out of sight of each other. They gathered on Saturdays and Sundays to celebrate the liturgy. They supported themselves by manual labor and ate only the poorest of foods. Fasting, prayers, silence and night vigils characterized their lives.

Several years later, Bishop Just died. Viator died shortly

thereafter. The cause of their deaths is unknown. When news of their deaths reached Lyons, arrangements were made to return the bodies. Monastic life was venerated as a form of martyrdom, and the remains of holy monks were honored as those of martyrs.

On August 29, 1287, eight theologians verified the relics

of Just and Viator. The bodies were found in the same tomb, as well as documents attesting to their holy lives.

Gorman High School graduate cycles against poverty

Fresh off a Kairos retreat at Bishop Gorman High School in 1995, Ryan Hall asked the Viatorian campus ministers for tips on how to better live out all he had learned about Christ. They suggested he join classmates for an evening trip to a local soup kitchen.

He went along. That decision started a justice journey that took him on another trip this summer he never would have imagined. Ryan joined about 20 other cyclists on a cross-country ride to raise awareness about poverty in the U.S.

The "Brake The Cycle" tour was sponsored by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the arm of the Catholic Church which provides grants to agencies that work with low-income people to fight poverty.

Organizers and riders hope the bike tour will

call attention to the fact that 33 million people in the U.S. live in poverty.

The riders began their journey June 1st in San Francisco and ended August 1st in Washington, covering nearly 4,000 miles. They rode 50-90 miles each day and stopped many evenings in local churches to meet the press and dialogue with local Catholics about poverty issues.

Ryan, a 1997 Bishop Gorman graduate, has a long history in service. He helped start a clothing ministry to homeless people while at Bishop Gorman High School. He also worked with Viatorians in Belize, where he helped set up an immersion trip for U.S. college students. Ryan served for a few years as a young adult leader at St. Thomas More Catholic Community, a Viatorian ministry site in the Las Vegas area.

Mter graduating from the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, he joined the local Catholic Worker movement, where he eventually learned about the "Brake the Cycle" tour.

• "Although physically Ryan Hall

taxing at times, the tour was a great experience," Ryan said, which caused him to reflect deeply about his relationship with God and to those trapped in economic poverty. For more on the tour, poverty in the United States and how Catholics can help, visit

Pastoral ministry leads to diaconate ordination During his nearly 40 years as a Viatorian, Br. Dale Barth, CSV has been involved in many ministries. He helped run a retreat house for high school students in McHenry, Ill., he worked as the assistant dean of men at St. Viator High School in Arlington Heights, Ill. and worked in the Provincial Treasurer's office. Mter a three-year position as the business manager for St. Viator Parish in Las Vegas, Nev., the 60-year-old brother wanted a change from the business of business and sought pastoral ministry.

preparation, he was ordained a permanent deacon on September 13, 2003.

"I feel more satisfied working with the poor, the homeless and the sick," said Br. Dale. "My job is helping people get through tough times. I make time to visit families, to make communion calls to the sick and their families."

There are now three permanent deacons able to preside at weddings and baptisms along with funeral services for nearly

1300 families in the parish.

Brother Dale Barth, CSV Br. Dale now ministers to the parishioners at Maternity BVM in Bourbonnais, Ill. Mter completing his period of

Frequently Asked Questions about Deacons 1. Who is a Deacon?

A deacon is an ordained minister of the Catholic Church. There are three groups, or "orders" of ordained ministers in the Church: bishops, presbyters (priests) and deacons. Deacons are ordained as a sacramental sign to the Church and to the world of Christ, who came "to serve and not to be served." The entire Church is called by Christ to serve, and the deacon, in virtue of his sacramental ordination and through his various ministries, is to be a servant in a servant-Church.

2. What are these ''various ministries" of the Deacon?

All ordained ministers in the Church are called to function as ministers of the Word, Sacrament, and Charity, but bishops, presbyters and deacons exercise these functions in various ways. As ministers of Word, deacons proclaim the Gospel, preach, and teach in the name of the Church. As ministers of Sacrament, deacons baptize, lead the faithful in prayer, witness marriages, and conduct wake and funeral services. As ministers of Charity, deacons are leaders in identifYing the needs of others, then directing the Church's resources to meet those needs. Deacons are also dedicated to eliminating the injustices or inequities


that cause such needs. No matter what specific functions a deacon performs, they flow from his sacramental identity. In other words, it is not only WHAT a deacon does, but WHO a deacon is, that

is important.

3. What is the dijference between a permanent and transitional deacon?

A man who is studying/preparing for ordination to the priesthood is ordained a transitional deacon before he is ordained a priest. One is usually a transitional deacon for six months to a year and is usually assigned to a parish and ministers as described above.

A permanent deacon is a man who is ordained to serve the church by performing the various ministries also described above. A permanent deacon is not preparing for the ordained priesthood and he may marry if he is not a religious brother. Some permanent deacons are employed full time by the Church and can serve in different capacities depending on their training. Many permanent deacons would have non-Church jobs (for example: teachers, lawyers, businessmen, etc.) and volunteer their ministry in their parishes as needed.

Clerics of St. Viator 1212 E. Euclid St. Arlington Heights, IL 60004-5799 847-398-6805




Quarterly Newsletter -Winter 2003 If you are receiving multiple copies of this newsletter and/ or wi sh to

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The Clerics of St. Viator are religious priests and brothers sent by the Catholic Church to teach

the faith and proclaim Jesus Christ as Gospel. In parishes, schools and a variety of ministries,

Viatorians work with Christian communities to live, deepen and celebrate their faith .

Fr. Dan Nolan, CSV, Vocation Director 1212 E. Euclid St., Arlington Hts., IL 60004 • 847-398-6805

Patty Bailey assumes role as youth minister ... continued .from page 1

percent are not Catholic; however, this year three students are

converting to Catholicism because of the strong faith lives

shared by many of the students committed to this enthusiastic

and viable ministry.

At a past Youth Leadership Conference held in Joliet with

approximately a thousand students attending, the conference

leader invited students on stage if they had plans to be

religious or work in pastoral or youth ministry. Many of the

participants came forward. T he leader told them that they are

responsible for their ever-growing role in the future of the

Catholic Church.

Thanksgiving Prayer Dear Lord,

We ask You to give us strength and hope. Give us peace and joy. And

since we do not understand all things we should, we lean on Your Word,

and we obey Your Word by saying right now, thank You dear Lord for

all things.

Christmas Prayer Taken from Christmas Mass at Dawn

Almighty God, a child is born for us and a son is given to us. Your

eternal Word leaped down from heaven in the silent watches of the

night, and now your Church is filled with wonder at the nearest of her

God. Open our hearts to receive his life and increase our vision that our

lives may be filled with his glory and his peace, who lives and reigns for

ever and ever. Amen