Victory Voice The The Victory Academy Newsletter · Edition 1 • Spring 2016 The Victory Voice •...


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We are proud to announce the closing of our Dream, Build, Thrive Capital Campaign!

Because of your generosity, we reached our goal of raising over $6 million and opened the new, larger Victory Academy campus in September 2015.

Our beautiful new building is facilitating an increased level of learning for all of our students. The campus allows us to ��Ài�V��«�iÌi�Þ�vÕ�w����ÕÀ���ÃÃ�����v��i�«��}�iÛiÀÞ�Victory student reach their fullest academic, social, and life potential.

We thank you so much for your support and for giving the gift of a Victory education to so many more families affected by Autism here in Oregon.

This year, with the opening of the new building, we:

• . Added 25 new families – including some who moved from as far away as California, New York, and Nebraska to allow their children to attend

• . Expanded our preschool program and added a high school curriculum to fully serve our youngest and oldest students

• . Launched our first After School Program, offering a variety of activities and therapies including soccer and basketball teams, rock climbing, art, and social groups. For many of our students, this is their first chance to be on a team or pursue extra-curricular interests!

• . Continued our innovative programs that focus on academics, language, social and life skills to ensure our students are as independent as possible in adulthood

• . Will grow to serve 100 students in the next two years as we reach full capacity!

In addition to recognizing our many donors, included in these pages is our inaugural newsletter — The Victory Voice — bringing you stories and highlights of our >�>â��}�wÀÃÌ�ÃV�����Þi>À�>Ì�Ì�i��iÜ�6�VÌ�ÀÞ�>�«Õð

Your generosity in supporting our Capital Campaign is changing the lives of our students, their families, and other families affected by Autism throughout the Northwest and beyond. On behalf of everyone at Victory, thank you very much!

Tricia Hasbrook JB Handley Director of School & Capital Campaign Capital Campaign Co-Chair Co-Chair

Oregon’s only year-round, accredited school for children affected by Autism Edition 1 • Spring 2016

The Victory Academy Newsletter


Something I’ve learned about myself this year is... I can read. – Aidan, 12

Victory Voice

Dear Victory Academy Supporters—

The Victory Voice • Page 2 Edition 1 • Spring 2016

Transition Program in Full “Bloom”

From left, Transition Specialist Molly Smith, Nathan (age 16), Davis (age 16), Lily (age 14), and Transition Support Teacher Kiely Corti are ready to take your order at the student-run Bloom Coffee Shop

Jamie (age 13) assembles boxes that will hold new pocketknives at Columbia River Knife & Tool.

Joe (age 14) learns administrative responsibilities ���i�«��Ì�V�«Þ��}]��À}>��â>Ì���]�>�`�w���}�>Ì�Columbia River Knife & Tool.

What adulthood will look like is a huge concern for parents of a child with Autism.

One of Victory Academy’s primary goals is to give our ÃÌÕ`i�ÌÃ�Ì�i�Ã����Ã�v�À�>�vÕ�w����}�>�`�«À�`ÕVÌ�Ûi�>`Õ�Ì���vi°�We begin this preparation early, starting at age 13, by working with each family to create a transition plan individualized to each student’s unique strengths and interests.

This year, we added two exciting components to our Transition Program: the student-run Bloom Coffee Shop at Victory and the Work Experience (WE) Program that partners with local businesses to give our students real job experience.

Bloom Coffee Shop, open each Wednesday morning at Victory, is run by 15 students who do everything from budgeting and inventory to purchasing supplies, baking, marketing, customer service, and clean-up. By providing an intermediate step between school and the real world, Bloom has introduced our students to new concepts and Àië��Ã�L���Ì�iÃ�>�`���VÀi>Ãi`�Ì�i�À�V��w`i�Vi�>�`�Ãi�Ãi�of what they might want to achieve in the future. It has also delighted our customers – Victory parents, teachers, and visitors!

Also new this year, 17 of our students work once a week at local businesses to gain valuable job skills. Our community partners include Ace Hardware, Columbia River Knife & Tool (CRKT), Critter Cabana, McDonald’s, Our Table, and Oregon Dog Rescue. Student work duties range from copying and assembling boxes to walking dogs and restocking shelves. Students remain at the same job site for 12 weeks and then rotate based on preferences and strengths. The excitement and pride our students feel in these challenging roles has Lii��iÛ�`i�Ì�vÀ���Ì�i�wÀÃÌ�Üii�t�

Molly Smith, Victory teacher and director of our Transition Program, says “It’s amazing to watch the students’ faces light up when they walk into their job sites. You can tell they are proud of their role in the business and the community. In addition to teaching the students how to perform the job, they are able to make informed decisions about whether the job is for them or not. Understanding preferences and strengths is a crucial part of advocating for oneself, and we hope to build both our students’ skills and self-knowledge. ”

Edition 1 • Spring 2016 The Victory Voice • Page 3

Victory’s Work Experience program has been valuable for our partners, too. Mark Schreiber of CRKT says, “We are honored to partner with Victory. Our employees look forward to seeing the students every week, and it has been amazing to see the progress and the growth in V��w`i�Vi����Ì�i�ÃÌÕ`i�Ìð�/�i�Ü�À��«iÀv�À�i`�LÞ�Ì�iÃi�ÃÌÕ`i�ÌÃ�Li�iwÌÃ�,�/]�Ã���̽Ã�>�Ü���Ü���v�À�iÛiÀÞ��i�involved. It has been everything we thought it would be and more!”

Randi Ray of Wilsonville McDonald’s put it this way, “One of our core tenants is providing young workers the opportunity to enter the workforce and succeed. Additionally, we feel strongly about giving back to the communities we serve. Victory Academy is part of our community, and this is a fantastic opportunity for our family to help these students transition into V��w`i�Ì]���`i«i�`i�Ì�>`Õ�Ìð�Partnering with the Victory has been an amazing journey. It’s opened our eyes and reminded

ÕÃ��ÕÃÌ���Ü��iÀÛ�ÕÃ�>�`�ÃV>ÀÞ�>�wÀÃÌ���L�V>��Li°�/�i�students are fearless! They are good listeners, eager to learn, and our McDonald’s Team has enjoyed teaching them. Best of all, the students have given their best effort to make every customer happy. “

As one of our students said after learning to take orders at the McDonald’s drive-thru, “I LOVE THIS JOB! I could do this forever!”

At Victory, we want each student to feel the sense of accomplishment that comes from working with others toward a common goal. We are always considering their futures, and want every student to acquire the skills and self-advocacy that will increase their independence and joy in life after Victory.

Something I’ve learned about myself this year is... I have autism. – Nathan, 16

Prashant (age 13) and Teaching Assistant Jordan Weinstein restocking shelves at Wilsonville Ace Hardware.

Supporters of Victory Academy together purchased more than 790 tickets to attend the Portland Auto Show’s Sneak Peek �>À�ÌÞ� �}�Ì]�>�vÕ��w��i`�iÛi���}��v�friends, food, and cars. In exchange for bringing so many Victory supporters to the show, the Metro Portland New Car Dealers Association presented Victory with a donation of $190,000!

Thank you to those who attended Sneak Peek on behalf of Victory and made this possible! >V��>�`�iÛiÀÞ�Ì�V�iÌ�«ÕÀV�>Ãi�counted, and we are grateful. The funds will go towards supporting Victory’s ����Û>Ì�Ûi�«À�}À>�ð�7i����Ü�Ì�>Ì����Ì�i�À�}�Ì�i`ÕV>Ì���>��i�Û�À���i�Ì�ÃÌÕ`i�ÌÃ�Ü�Ì��čÕÌ�Ã����Ì����Þ��i>À�]�LÕÌ�Ì�À�Ûi°�7i�thank you so much for helping our ÃÌÕ`i�ÌÃ�Ì�À�Ûit

Sneak Peek Charity Night

A Big Head Start

Victory Prep is home to Victory’s youngest students. Based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), it is designed for children age three to six. Working one-�����i��À����«>�ÀÃ�Ü�Ì��ÌÀ>��i`�ÃÌ>vv�>�`��>À`�iÀÌ�wi`�Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), Victory Prep students work to build language and school readiness skills that will allow them to move onto Victory Academy.

Each child in Victory Prep has individualized goals. The students work on communication, play skills, following `�ÀiVÌ���Ã]�}À�ÃÃ�>�`�w�i���Ì�À�Ã����Ã�q�>�`�even toileting and feeding if necessary. Depending on their skill level and age, children stay in the program for one to three years. By the end of this year, four students will have ‘graduated’, ready for Victory Academy!

Victory’s founders first conceived of Victory Prep knowing how critical early therapeutic intervention is after a diagnosis of Autism. As a parent of an older Victory student shared, “When I

see those little ones in the building, I am comforted knowing they have a higher chance of rapid improvement because they are getting to Victory so young.”

Headed by Kristina Montgomery, BCBA, the Prep program was piloted last year with three students. The response in terms of applications was overwhelming, and as a result, Victory Prep expanded to nine this year. Over the next few years, we will expand again to serve up to 15 students.

Victory Prep parents also are working alongside their children to maximize the Li�iwÌÃ��v�6�VÌ�ÀÞ�*Ài«°�/��Ã�-«À��}]�Ã�Ý�families are participating in a pilot Parent Training program. Parents spend time at school, and staff do bi-weekly home visits to model ABA principles. Every family has individualized homework so parents can practice the skills they learn with their

child. Together, Victory staff and parents are ensuring that Victory’s smallest students make giant progress!

Something I’ve learned about myself this year is... I’m really good at crossing the street safely. – Cadel, 7

The Victory Voice • Page 4 Edition 1 • Spring 2016

It’s Fun to Stay After School!

Victory families are cheering our new After School Program! Students can sign up for sports, take an art, gardening or cooking class, or join the homework club. After school therapies include physical, occupational, and speech therapies along with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Before and after care is also offered and provides families �ÕV���ii`i`�yiÝ�L���ÌÞ°

After school programs are run by Victory teachers, many of whom have started classes at the request of students and families. The classes have been a smashing success with approximately 75% of Victory students participating. “This has been a powerful community builder,” reports Thea Schreiber, head of after school programs. Students mix across classrooms; parents bond at pick up; and teachers get to know students from different classrooms. With these special offerings, students continue to build critical life, social, and importantly, leisure skills. Many students are getting to play sports or participate in iÝÌÀ>VÕÀÀ�VÕ�>À�>VÌ�Û�Ì�iÃ�v�À�Ì�i�wÀÃÌ�Ì��it�

This program is just one of many ways in which the new building has enhanced the educational experience of all of our students. Next year, Victory plans to open its After School Program to the wider community. No doubt, children and families will continue to cheer!

Edition 1 • Spring 2016 The Victory Voice • Page 5

The Joy of Music!

My goal is success for all, in whatever way that is for each ÃÌÕ`i�Ì]»�Ã>ÞÃ��>}i����}�>�]��>À`�iÀÌ�wi`��ÕÃ�V�Therapist (MT-BC), who along with Emily Ross (MT-BC), continues to expand music therapy at Victory.

Each Victory class has two periods of music a week and several students have one on one sessions where they explore a variety of instruments including guitar, piano, drums, tone bars, and boomwhackers. The more instruments, the more learning and self-expression open up, and improv, movement, and dance are encouraged!

While making music, students work on communication as well as social and cognitive goals that can range from increasing eye contact and practicing turn-taking to learning 1/8 vs 1/4 notes. Everything is secondary, however, to opening the world of music up to each ÃÌÕ`i�Ì�>�`�LÕ��`��}�Ãi�v�V��w`i�Vi°�

As Magen reminds us, “Music can heal. It is a safe place for self-expression. There is no fail, just joy.”

In addition to music classes, Victory offers Choir, Bell Choir, and newly introduced musical drama. On April ÓÇÌ�]�ÌÜi�Ûi�ÃÌÕ`i�ÌÃ�«iÀv�À�i`����6�VÌ�ÀÞ½Ã�wÀÃÌ��ÕÃ�V>��– “The Very Musical Caterpillar” – to a packed and proud audience! Written by Victory speech pathologist Chris Yensan and woven around the music of Cat Stevens, the musical explored the ideas of adapting to change and accepting differences in others. With characters that included Katie Pillar, Bookworm, and Stinky T. Stinkman, students were introduced to acting, injecting personality into performances, costume and prop design. They embraced every part of these new challenges!

Future music program plans include adding a songwriting class and a drumming circle, especially targeted to our students with communication challenges. Finding a way for all of our students to fully participate in the joy of music is Victory’s goal.

$300,000+ Lisa & JB HandleyM.J. Murdock Charitable TrustArlene Schnitzer Trust

$100,000-$299,999 AnonymousThe DecemberistsMaybelle Clark Macdonald FundMetro Portland New Car Dealers Charitable FoundationAnn & Bill Swindells Charitable Trust

$25,000-$99,999 Peggy & Rod BremerCaruso Produce, Inc.Clark FoundationDemorest Family FoundationNancy & Tom DwyerESCO FoundationBrenda & Frank FotiSue & Arnie FranksElizabeth & Thomas GeweckeGrand + Benedicts�>Ìwi�`��>���Þ��Õ�`HEDCO FoundationHillman Family FoundationsCarson Ellis & Colin MeloyKathy & Roy MooreDesiree Baldocchi & Bill PollockJay ShipleyHerbert J. Solomon Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of San DiegoStorms Family FoundationThe Swigert-Warren FoundationPat & Tony TrunzoSusan & Juan UrzaaVC FundJoseph E. Weston Public Foundation

$10,000-$24,999 Edward & Romell Ackley FoundationAnonymousAspen CapitalBechen Family FoundationChrissy & Sam CarusoJoe CarusoCoit Family FoundationLee Diane Collins

Colson Family FoundationShawn & Wit DavisDMH, IncErin & Bill DwyerMona & Lorenzo FloresLarkin FranksGonzales Boring & Tunneling, IncHarbourton FoundationJanis & Robert HarrisonTricia & Bill HasbrookHedinger Family FoundationSudee & Clayton HeringHeather & Steve HillCindy & Tony KaplanPratibha KhareKirkland & Ellis FoundationJoyce & Larry MendelsohnT & J Meyer Family FoundationVirginia & Eric MulliganNike Employee Grant FundNorthwest Utility Contractors AssociationBettsy & Wallace PrebleReNew Life Formulas, IncThe Reser Family FoundationJennifer & Phil RolandSchnitzer-Novack FoundationThea & Mark SchreiberDolly & Barry SegalHerbert J. and Elene Solomon of the Jewish Community FoundationTanya SteeleJen & Tyler ThessinLeslie Wilson & Akira UenoJenny McCarthy & Donnie WahlbergWalters Family FoundationAngie & Matt WeberWheeler FoundationSue & Pete Worley

$5,000-$9,999 Autism BallFrank and Margaret Bitar FoundationMolly & Matt BordonaroEmily & David BreachKristine & Kurt BruunThe Campbell FoundationCindy & Duncan CampbellMinnie & Mark Cooper

Lauralyn DeringerAllen DobbinsDwyer Charitable Trust Helen & Robert EllisMichelle & Jim Fitzhenry Frank Webster HeatingAmy & David FulmerElaine Galinson Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation Of San DiegoCynthia & Jim GonzalesDarlene & Raymond GoodCandace GrayThe Greenbrier CompaniesJ & W Charitable TrustJuan Young TrustCatherine Bekooy & Sanjay KhareLeadership Capital PartnersThe Madrone FoundationJulie Duke-Martin & Andre MartinMDU Resources FoundationDiana & Gerald MedlockTom Merchant Mobile Technologies IncNita & Foss Morton��`Þ�E�/����Õ�yÕÀPhileo FoundationRed Giant SoftwareSara Behrman & Francis X. RosicaDianne & Eric SchoolerBruce, Steven, Gerald, and Diane Solomon Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of San DiegoTurner ConstructionBB & David Veverka

$2,500-$4,999 Cliqk Digital LLCAnn & Mark EdlenNancy & Tom EyerSteven Berning & Doug HansonPam & Mike HatchettMichael HulsmanBrenda & Jon HummeltThe Jackson FoundationJoy & Sidney KaplanJennifer & Mark KatchesSamantha & Michael KimBetsy & Chris Meier

Kathleen & James MeyerTim & Tammy MoscatoSamuel T. & Mary K. Naito FoundationOpsis ArchitectureOtis ConstructionPGE FoundationNancy & Gary SchreiberDiane SolomonCharles J. & Caroline Swindells Charitable FoundationNancy & Rob ThompsonChristina & Joel WellerAmy & Christopher WhiteWieden + KennedyWilsonville McDonald’sSunni & Len YorkCharlene Zidell

$1,000-$2,499 Chie & Mark AllemanAspen Mitzvah Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community FoundationMelissa Buckley & Rajesh AtluruJoan & Bill BaileyLisa & Brian BakerKimberly & Andy BeattieCathy & Bill BechenBing BinghamGwyneth Gamble BoothLinda & Larry BoydLori & Chris BrisbeeBumpers Grill & Bar>«�Ì>��*>V�wV�>��Pamela & Ben CatlettJulia & Arthur ChoateChristina & Larry ClarkeKristine & Josh CollinsWilliam E Connor Foundation, IncAmanda & Casey DavidsonAmy & Tom DelaneyArlene & Mike DellwoTom DeMaioKathi & Dean DordevicCharis & Ryan DrantEastwind Development LLCEmerick ConstructionBrintha & Kristian EnesvedtFleischmann’s Vinegar Company, Inc.T. Frank FloresLaura & Andrew FordVelrie & Jerry FreemanFriesen Foundation, IncThomas Gaines

Nicole & Barclay Grayson �>��i�E������À�vwÌ�Christine Dickey & -Ìi«�i���À�vwÌ�Patricia & Stewart HallKatie HallidayJeffrey HammesKaren & Brad HandleyJill & James HansonPaula & David HarkinSharon Toncray & David HassonJean Healey & Mike HryciwNancy & Dan HeckNancy HendersonCarolyn HotyRonda & Charles HuberAdriane & Eric JettonRobert A. and Rebecca T. Johnson FundMr & Mrs Robert A. JohnsonSarah & Tim JonesHelen & Elliott JooBetsy & David KelleyMarguerite & Gene KimTiffany & Brian KrieselLamb FoundationDebra & Corbin LancasterDebi & Bob LaueTiffany & Min LeeIrene & Brent LeeEsther & Daniel LeeLillian & John LeeLynn & Jack LoackerShannon LucasChelsea & Casey LynchDebbie & Mark MaddenSarah Mensah & Eddie MartinezSusan & Christopher McGowanMary & Jim MeierLora & Jim Meyer Family FundAlicia & Don MorissetteAnjum Mukadam & Sivakumar MudanaiJohn MuranishiMW Equipment LLCThe Doug Nelson & Shila Fisher FundWinnie NieNW Autism FoundationHilary & Sean O’HollaranBrenda & Brian O’ReillyJennifer & Andy OhPamela & Brian OotenStacy & Darin OwensKatie & Matthew PaigePamplin Foundation

Cheyenne Jones & Jacob PerlitzRoger PollockPeter & Josephine Pope Charitable FoundationSarah & Kevin RaymondSarah & Chris RemyJeanne & Brian RiceKenneth RifkinRuth & Kenneth RossJennifer & Greg SalibaJoyce & Jon SandersKay & Richard Schmidt Schoolhouse ElectricSonia & Kevin ShimCarolyn & Nick StanleyJaime & Billy StimpsonShannon & Bob StoddartHelen B Sutherland FoundationMargie & Ken SwiecaDebbie & Travis TaylorChrissy & Darren TreasureCecilia & Richard TsaiLisa & Ken WaltosBrenda & Stan WatsonCatherine & David WillmottMargaret & Joseph WoodGayle WoodruffKricken & James YakerCynthia Diederich & Michael ZacharyFatima & Lance ZennerJay & Diane Zidell Charitable Foundation

$500-$999 3D 2018 Oregon Pride Lacrosse Denver Shoot Out ChampionsCynthia AddamsShaun Anderson Ahn & Mark AhnMac BarnettKelly & Robert BlochBarbara & David BoxbergerPaula & James Bryant-TrerisePreston ByrdJillian & Ronald CainJulie & James CannattiCatherine CarusoMaggi & Anthony CassieGregory ChailleMo & Chris CopelandPris & Pat CroninAlice & David DaviesPaula DisneyJulie & Mike DorrKaren & Allen DrescherMolly Edison

Ethelwyne & Tom GoldenMary Lou & Trent GreenLaurie & Gary GriffPeggy & Tige HarrisAnne & Tom Haubenstricker��i��i�«y��}Linda HeringWendy & Blake HeringAmber & Henry HillmanJudith HolmesPatricia & Dave HouckPamela & Fritz HummeltCarol & Bill HutchinsonPinar Pakkan-Ince & Zikri InceJulie & Erik JorgensenKathryn & Jeff JorgensonEileen & Daniel KelleyCarol & Jim KennedyLaura KillenJenn & David KnudsenSally & Jeff KohnstammSophia & Roger KrageJulie KuniLease Crutcher LewisLinda & Rob MaletisJennifer MartelCynthia MorganJudy MurphyKatharine & Ken MurphyJennifer & Craig NovackBradley PaluckSara & Richard PerrinPhiladelphia InsuranceKathryn & Roger QualmanWendy & Kelly ReaBarbara & Burke RicePamela SavareseAnita & Mark ScarlettStacy & Brent SchreiberJennifer & Matthew SclafaniPerry McCoy SmithStewart Sokol & Larkin LLCKate & Chris SwindellSusan & Pat TerrellCarrie & Scott ThomasLisa & Sean WaltersDeborah & Paul WengerLaila & Paul ZaninovichJames Andrew Zurn

$250-$499 Christen & Thomas AbernathyMarjorie & Richard Anderson

Thank You for Your Support

The Victory Voice • Page 6 Edition 1 • Spring 2016

Audrey & William AndersonLinda & Scott AndrewsAlix & Steve ApfelbergDianne & Sven AspenRoberta BanegasPatricia & George BeallSusan & Peter BishopKimberly & Daniel BissellEmily & Phil BridgeKarin & Darius BrooksLisa & Carl BurnhamJean CampbellIulia & Wes ColeJoseph ComellaAnn & Paul CoughlinChris & Mike CusickShannon Dailey & Steve DrahotaRichard DreyerAnne & David DurfeeJohn EricksonMary McKinney & Flay Ezell FundDeborah & Jim FedonSarah & David FeiockLisa & Andrew FergusonAmy FieldsFreeman Motor CompanyGina & John GladstoneKarolyn & Barry GordonNancy & Michael GrahamKelly GrallLisa & John GreenleafHeidi & Gary GrenleyLeslie Goss & Sam GrunerVeronica & Clyde HamstreetDonna & Thomas HedfordJanice HoffmanCatarina & Shawn HunterBonnie & Robert HustonChrys & Brent HutchingsJanelle InkensAnn & Chris JohnsonKrissy & Jeff JohnsonDorothy & Mark JohnsonTheresa & Donald KelleyCarey & Lance KillianMarjorie & Wayne KollasPamela & Stephen LaFranchiSonhui LamsonRebecca & Edward LangPenelope & C. Hunt Lewis

Erika & Jerry LewisJoe MarkeyMary Jo & John McDermottSandra McDonoughWendy & Gary MeinhardtMetropolitan Land GroupMickey & Robert MeyerCasey & Steve MillerAmy & Marc MorrisKay MorseJudy & John NicholsKristie & Robert NiehausAmy & Art NorthTina Skouras & Yale PopowichMichelle & Scott PoseyJacqueline & William RappFrank RathkeKim RegaladoKathleen & Jerry RenschCarol RobertsonMichael RobinsonLiz & Mike RogersMarianne & Gary RothenbergerLaura & Patrick RussellScrubby’s Car WashCharlie SeversonMolly & George SpencerMary & Cameron SteeleMary & Lance SteinbergDiane StidhamMargaret & Joe TaylorSarah & Joe TennantMarianne & Philip UnderwoodC. Joseph Vanhaverbeke Fund of The Renaissance Charitable FundBen VaughnMichelle & John VranizanCullen & Jeff WarePam & Lincoln WareJoe Wayno & FamilyBeverly & Jerry WesterJamie & Kody Whipple

$100-$249 Hassan AboumengelSally Caplan & Ken AckermanCathryn & Michael AllardJohn M AllardMichael AndersEllen & Robb AndersonJana & David ArchuletaBethel & Scott Aster

Susan & John AustinJohn W BallSusan & Brandon BankowskiAria BarnesKristin BarnettGarr BeckerJamie BecklandNancy & R. William BennettsTeruko & Dave BernelLynda & Mike BettsTerry BigamVineeta BihariBetty & Gene BlackwellJennifer & Bowen BlairJanet BlissJoyce BossRobert BossardJennifer BoszeTamara & Troy BucySarah & Gregory BurpeeMarcus CassarMark ChanSoolynn & Tabon ChangDouglas ChisholmMelanie & Dan ClarkMark ConanSara & Ben ConteAnn & Joe CulhaneDeanna & Jerry CundariLisa CzyszSeble DejeneRebecca & Scott DemorestMarcia & Allen DirectorTiana & Martin DixonBrent DoughertyJarred DumireSuzanne & John DuncanCheryl & Andre DuPreezTanya & Mark EimonJonathan ElliottChris ElsenbachSarah & Stephen ErakerKaren & Larry FeinerLinda & Jerry FerentinosAnne & Jumbo FernandoDouglas FieldhouseMolly & Scott FilesCourtney & Mark Fitzloff Thomas FoleyDiane & Mark FraserMoji FriedhoffSarah & Jonathan FronzaGloria & Norman GardnerKathy Gibbons

Melissa GilleyLeonard GinsbergBill GleasonShirley & Bob GrewGail GrodemRita & Ronald HackettKara & George HaleKaren & Frank HalvorsenJudy HamiltonTamara & Kris HamperHong & Greg HansonRamona & John HarringtonKaren & Jeff HearnHelen & Lloyd HellerRobert HendersonErin & Michael HerrickScott HessNellie & Eric HesterDamon HiserCynthia & Tom HofmannDorinda & Ronald HollowayBarbara & Cameron HooverKristine & Gary HuntAmber HutchisonBrian IngallsCathy & John Innes Gina & Matt InnesDebra IsensteinMichelle & Olaf JankeFelipe JassoGail & Robert JosephJW UndergroundAllison & Marty KehoeRhiana KehrliApril & Timothy KelleyJoann & Gary KelleyShannon & Josiah KelleyJodie & LJ KelleyLisa & Jordan KelloggKelly & Craig KeudellKristina Davis & Kevin LawrenceElizabeth & Jim LundMary Allen MacGregorSandy & Mitchell MackBruce MacKayDR MackenrothAlexandra & Don MazziottiMcCrorie Carpet OneMCK PKG LLCPatsy & Mike McKelligonMasako McIverDimati & Kevin McPhersonJennifer & John MedakMenashe PropertiesSusan & Barry MenasheNicole & Mike MetcalfSuzanne Millis

Georgina & Doug MiltenbergerChristine & Jon MonettMargaret MontagneLuella & Edward MontagneKristina & Aaron MontgomeryKelly & Larry MooreKelly & Buzzy MoralesJennifer & Issac MorenoCarolyn & Terry MurphyTina & Allen NapetianMichael NiadVera NikiforovAndrey NikiforovKathy & Bob NyquistMark OldmanRolf OlsonCarol Timm & Geoff OwenSandy & Chuck PatchinBryan PateJennifer PrattYolanda & Jarrett PriceMeridel PrideauxRandy ReaganCarol RedmondCathy Bennett & John RegaladoJudith RiceJan & Kirk RobertsonShelly Morris & Merton Rockney Jr.Betty RolandCatherine & Charles RoodTraci RoseTiffany & Eric RosenfeldPaul RueschColleen RundleTeri & Fred RustmannAmin SamsavarAlan SanchezKaren & James SandbergParul SaxenaKimberly & Paul SchafbuchWendy & Bernard SchisselAshley & JC SchmeilEcho & Matthew SchmidtRobert SchonbrunnJenny & Robert SchreiberFleta & Albert SchreiberHolley ShepardJulie ShewchukSteve SimpsonChristine & John SlusherMary Ann & Wayne SmithThomas SolomonJay Steele

Mary Jane & Tom K SternSusan & James StevensonKathleen & John StewartKeri & Dennis SullivanMichael SummersChristina & Kris SummersHenry SwigertSara & Sudeep TaksaliJill TatumChris TaylorEric ThacherValerie TroyerSusan & John TteeJulie & Ted VigelandSusan Cotter & Mildred VinsonNatalie & Scott VoruzBritany VosKristen & Marty WallCarol WardAllie Smith & Lloyd WeiszElizabeth WeldonJulianna & Jake WengerJess WetselCarol & Kenneth WiedemannLaura & Thomas WileyJodi & Steve WilkinsSuzanne WillisKent WilsonKathy & Pat Wilson DeNeice & Bill WorthingtonMaggie & Matt YunkerMeara Catherine Zabrocki

Gifts $99 and below Alison Reddy & David AbelIlah Rose & W Dale AskrenJudy AstamendiMary & Kenneth BaumelStephen BuckKethervan CellardSue ClarkMelinda & Michael DaileyYonca & Tugrul DaimJamie DohertyJP & PR DonohueMargie & Douglas EkegrenBeth FahertyKaren & Michael FeeDennis FitzTaeko & Walter Floyd Kristine & Richard Hartley

Patricia & Gary HooverAlison & Karl HosethBrian JollyJames JoyceTesslyn KelleyLeonard KelleyKatie Kelley & Matthew KirkPatricia & Nicholas KnappKit KrygerEmil LudyKaren & Jason MangoldLynda & Leonard MartinezThe Mattress LoftTaryn MazzaJohn McCannWilliam O’BrienKevin OpgenorthSandra PainterMarilyn & Richard PrattJulie & John RayTeresa RobinsonGordana SarichChris & Martin Schmidt Judith & Theodore Tosterud

In Kind Donations Countryside NurseryDal-Tile CorporationDerek J. Bliss, CPP Security ConsultantEastbank Contractor AppliancesForbo Flooring SystemsInterfaceLorentz BruunMEI GroupMiller PaintNike, IncOpsis ArchitecturePinta AcousticSherwin WilliamsThe Marble CenterVanillawoodWalker Macy

With special gratitude to J. Clayton Hering for his tireless advocacy during our campaign.

If we have made an error, please let us know.

Your generosity in supporting our Capital Campaign is changing the lives of our students, their families, and other families affected by Autism throughout the Northwest and beyond. Thank you very much!

Edition 1 • Spring 2016 The Victory Voice • Page 7

Victory Art on public display!

Something I’ve learned about myself this year is... I am really good at basketball. – Luke K., 9

Something I’ve learned about myself this year is... I can take a break if I feel upset. – Ace, 15

P.O. Box 428 • Tualatin, OR 97062

Community Room 3

Gym 8

Art & Music Room 9

Playground 14

My Classroom 16

Thank you for supporting Victory Academy!


The work of Victory Academy artists is currently on display at Our Table, a cooperative specialty grocery store featuring organically grown and locally sourced produce, meats, dairy, and dry goods. Our Table is also one of our partners in the Work Experience program, providing Victory students valuable job experience. Thank you Our Table! Please visit Our Table in Sherwood or at

Student ViewsMy favorite place in the new school is…

Important Dates

JUNE 4 Special Olympics Track Meet

SEPTEMBER 6 First Day of New School Year

OCTOBER 8 Victory Academy Auction

DECEMBER TBD Victory Winter Program

JANUARY 25, 2017 Portland Auto Show Sneak Peek Charity Night
