Video Research


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  • 1. Support and Guidance Videos

2. What have the four videos got incommon in establishing genre? All of the music videos that I deconstructed have a lot of similarities. Three of the music videos had an element of performance. The performanceelement of the band connotes the idea that rock bands can play musical instruments. Which Supports genre of alternative rock. In the suede, oasis and foo fighters videos support this theory. The Kasabain video did have guitar in it but they did not play them. All videos hade close ups ofthe band member so that they are easilyrecognised. 3. What are the genre Characteristics? The main characteristic of the alternative rock genre is that the band can all play an musicalinstruments. Another key characteristics of the genre is that all of the bands hade fours memberson the video. They hade a lead singer, leadguitarist , one bassists and a drummer. This is something that we must replicate in my music video. 4. What attitude/reputation of the artisthas been expressed in the video? the attitude and reputation of the artist is shownin some of the videos that i deconstructed. This isshown in videos such as The Masterplan by oasis. As they travel around the city they go to some very British landmarks. This is because they have a reputation of a Brit-pop band. Otherattitudes shown in videos that I have deconstructed are that alternative rock bands have a comical side. All videos hade something that was unusual and attracted the viewer. 5. How is the artists brandrepresented? Often the artists brand is shown in the video. Thefoo fighters video contained shots of the bandsnew album and pictures of the bands logo. The oasis video has the artist brand of a Brit- pop band connoted in it. They travel around Manchester visiting various British landmarks. Them being a Brit-pop band is there brand image. All of the videos that I deconstructed also had close up shots of lead singers and other memberof the band. This is so that people easily recognise them. 6. The videosThe Masterplan- Oasis to Fly- Learn to fly Kasabian Beautiful One- Suede 7. Things that I have found3 of the videos contained clipsof the band performing live.Characteristics of the genre 8. All videos haveclose up shotsof the all of theband members.This is so thatthe band areeasy torecognise aspeople knowwho the bandare.