Web viewat St Augustine’s and a feast of Beatles music played by two guys on drums and guitar....


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Volunteer Newsletter December 2017

Hello Everyone! Hope you all enjoyed such festivities as Halloween, Bonfire Night, the opening night of Darlington Hippodrome and the Switching on of the Christmas Lights? And now are you fully in the mind set for the countdown to Christmas with your Advent Calendar started? Not so many sleeps to go before the Big Man comes. Have you written to him to ask for that designer outfit? Well we can dream. Hoping now for the newsletter to be bi-monthly – yes I know that has two definitions but of course I mean the ‘every other month’ one not the ‘twice a month’ one. Heather Carter, Volunteer Co-ordinator

1. Volunteer Update

There are now 57 registered volunteers. We had a Volunteer Induction on Saturday 4 th

November with six new volunteers so welcome to Pat, Debbie, Chris, Jean, Mandy and Hannah. Our next Volunteer Interview Days are Wednesday 6th December and Friday 15th

December when we are seeing eight new volunteers. Our next Volunteer Induction is planned for Saturday 20th January 2018. This will be the first to be held in the Hippodrome. The Collaboration Board of Darlington for Culture and the Hippodrome, which together run the volunteer service, will now meet four times a year with the next meeting on Friday 19 th

January 2018. There are three representatives from each organisation on the Board.

The Darlington Culture Volunteer website darlingtonculturevolunteers.co.uk is running well so check it out for the latest information. If you can, please register on the Forum on the website as this is a special place for volunteer information. Here you will find the latest Forward Programme and Volunteer Newsletters. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the website please let me know. If you wouldn’t mind volunteering to appear in the ‘meet the volunteer’ section I’d love to hear from you, just send us a photo and a paragraph about yourself and volunteering.

2. What have we been doing?

Sunday 15th October a BigLittleGigs film event - Princess Bride. The theme was Pirates and Princesses and Erica my great niece and I went to this event. As always we thoroughly enjoyed doing some Art and Face Painting with our volunteer Debi Weston and listening to Sarah Wilson’s pirate jokes AAGH! The film was going OK until a rather large furry creature came on at which point Erica decided that the ‘Big Mouse’ was a bit too scary and we should return to Debi and do some more Art. The best Princess Prize was carried off by Erica much to her great glee.

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Volunteer Newsletter December 2017

Helen volunteered for a couple of hours at Micro Shakespeare in Crown Street Gallery during the last week of October. Helen tells us:

‘It was quite an unusual theatre set-up, so it was tricky at first for visitors to visualise what was happening when they were asked to be either a ‘puppeteer’ or ‘audience’. I like to think I helped by having a go at both, just to demonstrate! I was the puppeteer for ‘The Tempest’ and audience for ‘Macbeth’ and ‘Hamlet’ and all three were fun to perform or watch. Visitors I spoke to enjoyed it, once they'd figured out what to do. The eight-minute plays captured the stories’ main elements in a compact, entertaining and interactive way. All that, plus free popcorn.’

Hugh recently had the experience of volunteering at the Take Off Festival (for children and young people in Durham. The Festival ran from 18th-20th October and was in its 30th year. It was produced by Theatre Hullabaloo in Darlington. Hugh says:

‘I helped in various roles at different venues across Durham. It was a pleasure to work with such a friendly, dedicated group of people. The range and quality of the shows was outstanding, from Comedy and Magic to a sensory treat in the 'The Nest'. I worked with the Micro-Shakespeare team from Spain who brought their show to Darlington the following week, and was well attended. I would recommend anyone to have a go and volunteer for the event in the future’.

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Volunteer Newsletter December 2017

Peter and Emmanuel tell us about their experience of the Roundabout Theatre ‘The highlight of the weekend was the Plains Plough pop-up Roundabout theatre. The domed construction landed as if from outer space in the Market Square. In fact the company transports the theatre packed flat on the back of a lorry and it can be erected in locations all around the country. Like a space ship, audiences entered the arena and were whisked away to another world.

We would estimate that the theatre could seat around one hundred audience members and all pieces were performed in the round. Shows included children’s theatre, stand-up comedy performances and dramas.

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Hilary Midgley and Mary Griss represented all our volunteers at the Mayors 150 year Festival of Ingenuity Celebration event in Central Hall on Thursday October 5th. They have both been volunteers since the inception of Darlington for Culture in 2010. They were welcomed to the event by the Chief Executive of the Council Ada Burns who was acting as a very efficient cloakroom attendant. Sitting on tables for ten with nearly 100 people there, they were entertained with music from Carmel College students. At their table was Colin Firth the CEO of Darlington Building Society who sponsored the event, including the framing of the certificates which they were presented with. The Mayor, Councillor Jan Taylor, welcomed them to the event and Councillor Nick Wallis talked about the history and background to the celebrations and Colin Firth thanked all the volunteers for their vital contributions. The tea was delicious and certainly worth going for. Other volunteers at their table included representatives from the British Legion and the Hospital. Here are the certificates that Hilary and Mary were given. Well done to them.

Volunteer Newsletter December 2017We managed to catch the Theatre Clwyd and Orange Tree Theatre’s productions of ‘Black Mountain’; a psychological thriller about betrayal and forgiveness, and ‘Out of Love’; a tale of friendship, love and rivalry over thirty years.

Both plays featured the actors Katie Elin-Salt, Sally Messham and Hasan Dixon. The design of the theatre meant that only the most simple of props served as a set and for most of the time the actors were performing in an empty space. The proximity of the audience encouraged such close scrutiny of the actors that raw emotions were laid bare and the fact that they were being observed from all angles, an additional vulnerability was added to their performances.

Should the pop-up theatre make a return visit, we cannot recommend it highly enough. Its theatre stripped back to basics, relying only on actors to convey the emotion of the unfolding drama, and all the better for that.’

Saturday 18th November BigLittleGigs at St Augustine’s and a feast of Beatles music played by two guys on drums and guitar. We thoroughly enjoyed the Beatles themed colouring sheets and the shakers to beat in time to the music. Debbie volunteered at this event and said: ‘I enjoyed the afternoon and the music was great. Really nice to see people across the generations enjoying family fun singing along to such iconic music. Sarah does a fab job for the community’. Glenda thought the volunteers all worked well together on the day. She said ‘everyone was happy to get involved in whatever needed doing. The music was good and there was an excellent turnout’. And Jan tells us ‘BigLittleGigs was really good and it was great to see mums, dads, grandparents and guardians joining in for a song and dance with all the little ones. How wonderful that this experience brings everyone together in one big room and the aim solely to have lots of fun and exercise our wee vocal chords along with a jig (or in my case a rather creaky out of balance jig!!) I am now still singing ‘yellow submarine’ all around the house (to the annoyance of my families and the neighbours too!!) Well done to all the other volunteers for helping out and to Sarah for being talented as an organiser!.

Thank you to Arabella and Jonathan for helping sell tickets for the Children in Need raffle at BigLittleGigs.

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Volunteer Newsletter December 2017

On Sunday 29th October the Manic Mums Arts Day for children ran from 10 – 4pm in Central Hall. Six volunteers came forward, Pam, Madeleine, Mary, Carol, Jan and Debbie to help out at the event either for half a day or all day. Manic Mums had been awarded a Darlington for Culture small Arts Grant to put on this event so we were all keen to get behind the organiser Cassie Cooper and offer our support. Jan tells us ‘It was fun at Manic Mums and nice to meet the other volunteers. It seemed like a great hit with all the budding artists. Loved volunteering with Cassie and the crew’. Cassie Cooper, the organiser says ‘I wanted to thank you again for all the great help you gave me on the Arts Day. The volunteers were wonderful, please thank them for giving up their time’.

Researching/Archiving. Twenty one volunteers attended an introduction to theatre archiving on 31st October, led by Cait Barratt from the Hippodrome. Glenda says it was wonderful to see so many volunteers interested in doing this. The sessions are being held in the Centre for Local Studies at Crown Street Library as a large proportion of the archive material is stored in the Library. Six is the maximum number who can attend each session. To give everyone an equal opportunity it was agreed that every Tuesday for six weeks two groups of six would meet at 10am and at 1pm for two hours, followed six weeks later by another two groups of six. The groups will then rotate on a six weekly cycle. The first two sessions took place on 7th November and the second group starts on Tuesday 9 th January 2018. Glenda tells us ‘Another good session archiving today, Helen found her sister’s name in the programme of a Mowden Junior School production and I found my grandma’s name in a production put on by the Darlington and District Townswomen’s Guild in 1974. I took photos of the programme and my son is going to see if he can put something together so that I can put it into a frame for my Dad to include in his Christmas present. Wow!

First Wednesday of the Month –1st November 2017. We continue to meet on an informal basis on the first Wednesday of the month in the Forum Music Centre between 6 and 8pm. You can stay for a few minutes or the full two hours. Chat about volunteering or find out about events in and around the town. Catch up with other volunteers. Drink coffee, wine or beer. The Open Mic Music Night is on from 7pm onwards and you are welcome to join that at any time for no cost. Come along we’d love to see you. Six volunteers came to this one and Kath Mathews, Director of the Forum. First Wednesday of the month for December is Wednesday 6th December. Will you be there?

Grand Opening of the Hippodrome and Glenda and I were lucky enough to have been invited to attend on Friday 17th December. What a great day it was with Sir Peter Luff from the Heritage Lottery Fund cutting the ribbon and me as always making straight for the cake. Well actually there was a lovely buffet but sadly no cake. However the unveiling of the green Darlington Hippodrome plaque, which has been placed on the side of one of the Virgin Trains, was great (which is more than can be said about my photography below!). Watch out for it when you’re travelling.

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Volunteer Newsletter December 2017

First Night at the Hippodrome was on Monday 20th November. This was the dress rehearsal for Darlington Operatic Society which I know a lot of you go to anyway. This production was Strictly Musicals Two and believe me Strictly Musicals One was brilliant. At this event they were not only having their dress rehearsal but also trying out the ‘workings’ of the theatre before it officially opens. All volunteers were invited to have two free tickets for the event and many attended with friends and family. It turned out to be a fantastic show and not at all like a dress rehearsal. Our seats were all over the theatre in what turned out to be a packed house. Then of course just after the interval we were suddenly told to evacuate the theatre as the fire alarm was sounding (though it was thankfully just a test). It turned out to be a fairly orderly evacuation and we all marshalled in Melland Street. Fortunately not for too long as although it wasn’t raining it was rather cold. The show must go on and it certainly did to a magnificent finale.

Choral Society Evening Saturday 25th November. Many thanks to the eight volunteers who gave up their time to support the Society on the night and thanks to all of you who took hundreds of leaflets for it around the town. It was certainly appreciated. Jo Potter who as well as being Chair of Darlington for Culture is also Chair of the Choral Society tells us: ‘ I want to thank all who distributed leaflets promoting Saturday’s Verdi Requiem and in particular those volunteers who came in support of the concert management team. The concert was a huge success attracting an almost full capacity audience of 400. I know that Darlington Choral Society had only budgeted for an audience of 250. There is little doubt in my mind that the leaflet promotion greatly helped to swell those numbers beyond their expectation. A fantastic achievement! Well done all!

David Hall the Concert Manager said: ‘Everything went well on Saturday evening for the Verdi Requiem. In the crush at the end I did not get the opportunity to say a personal thank you to each of the volunteers so please can you pass on my thanks for a job well done.’

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Volunteer Newsletter December 2017Pam one of our volunteers there said: ‘I really enjoyed it on Saturday and I think Adam did too (one of our young volunteers). He was given the option to go home at the interval but chose to stay so it must have been good! It was a real pleasure to volunteer and experience the high quality music we heard’.

3. Events coming up:

BigLittleGigs Saturday 9th December. It’s the Rave at the Forum Music Centre so thanks to Jane, Gwyl, Jo and Hugh for volunteering to help. I’m still looking for an amateur face painter if you fancy it – dots and stripes in a variety of colours are all that’s required.

Santa at the Station – our annual favourite at the Head of Steam. We are there with our Information Stand/Teddy Tombola on four weekend days in December and from what I hear it will be bustling as already the Sunday 17 th Santa is fully booked up! Still need help on Sunday 10th 10 – 1pm and Saturday 16th 10 – 1pm. Can you bail us out?

Darlington Orchestra have their first Concert of the year in Central Hall on Saturday 27th

January. Helen our media lead is a brilliant cello player in the orchestra so if not volunteering it’s worth going to support her. Tickets are on sale at the Dolphin Centre reception or via tinyurl.com/27january where a small booking fee applies.

Keep watching the Forward Programme but I think the most exciting news in it is the return of the Touring Consortium Ambassador Scheme. They will be presenting Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the theatre from Tuesday 15th to Saturday 19th May 2018. Early in the New Year we will be having a meeting with the Touring Consortium and Lyndsey from the Hippodrome who takes a lead on this initiative. All those interested in the Ambassador Scheme are invited to hear all about this production and there will be a ballot for the ten volunteer places for the planned trip to the producing theatre in Nottingham. The trip will be on Saturday 24th March 2018 and will see us in a minibus going down to the Nottingham Theatre Royal for lunch, meeting the cast, touring the set and seeing the play. Then we will be better able to bring news of it back to our local networks to promote reduced price tickets. At each performance we will have the opportunity to engage with the audience to ascertain their views and perspectives on the show itself.

Thank you for your continued patience with the development of Volunteer Roles at the Hippodrome. There is good news now about the Welcome Hosts at the Theatre. This role will start on Thursday 14th December. We plan to have a Welcome Host at the theatre in two hour shifts from 11.30am until 7.30pm. I am looking to fill each two hour slot with two volunteers so you can decide between you who will fill the slot each week. This will enable you to have time off. There will also be some ad hoc volunteer Welcome Hosts who I am able to contact if neither of the pair of volunteers are able to fill the slot that day.

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Volunteer Newsletter December 2017To do this role you need to attend the Introduction to the Hippodrome Training at one of the following sessions. Please ensure you have booked onto a session before your first shift is due.

Monday 4th December 10 – 12pm

Tuesday 5th December 5 – 7pm

Monday 11th December 2 – 4pm

Saturday 20th January 1 – 3pm

Pantomime Dress Rehearsal Friday 8th December 7pm. All volunteers can get two tickets for this for £5 a ticket. Please ring (and collect later) or go to the Box Office in the Hippodrome (not the Cornmill) with your name badge and ask for the tickets. If asked the code word is DCV. Best hurry as tickets going fast. See you there. Oh yes you will!!

Look at that magnificent gold leaf! Isn’t it exciting? The 2018 Arts Festival is starting to get underway with the most progress being made with the Literary Event Day planned for 26th May at the Quaker House and of course don’t forget the end of Festival celebration on 3 rd

June to be held at the Forum Music Centre (a definite date for your diaries). The theme for the Arts Festival is going to be a Celebration of the Centenary of Votes for Women and women’s organisations across the town such as the National Council of Women, who are members of Darlington for Culture, the Darlington West Women’s Institute and the Soroptomists are joining forces to put on a specific Literary Event and Exhibition involving authors who have written biographies of the famous women of the time. Watch this space for further details.

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Volunteer Newsletter December 2017There will be a Volunteer Fair on Thursday 1st February 2018. Following the success of the 2017 event Darlington Partnership are putting on a second fair this year to help organisations across the town to recruit new members. Can you help? Would you be prepared to tell your story to prospective new volunteers for an hour or so in Central Hall that day?

Announcing an exciting new development there will be a Volunteer Drop In on the Third Wednesday of the Month. Join us in the Hippodrome Café on the third Wednesday of each month 2 – 3pm. The coffee and walnut cake is to die for! We’ll be there for social chat and a catch up with volunteering events and news. We’d like to see you and hear what you have been enjoying and what you would like to do in the months to come. This new event starts in 2018 on Wednesday 17th January. See you there?

4. Snippets Social Media Training – are you a novice with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram? Would you like to find out more in a group of like-minded volunteers? If you would let us know as we are thinking of putting on a training session to support people to make the best use of Social Media.Revised Volunteer Dress Code. The preferred dress by the Hippodrome for volunteers is black and white clothing and our red name badge, so rather than have a two tier system it has been agreed to change the dress code for all events by dropping the option of something red – apart from your name badge. Please try to comply with this if you possibly can so we can present a visible presence and a professional image. Remember it’s black and white.

Who Am I?

Heather is my best friend as she looks after me every time we go out Sometimes other people look after me as well Heather fiercely protects my reputation from all detractors I feel I am very useful I provide a service that few others can do I have lots of furry friends I get to travel around quite a bit I enjoy meeting new people as long as they are nice to me I’m getting on a bit now I’m worried I’ll be replaced I’ve gone on a journey and I don’t know when I’ll be back I hope you’ll all keep in touch I look forward to seeing you all again soon Am I lost? I hope the police don’t get involved

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Volunteer Newsletter December 2017If you can answer this question and you are the first person to e mail the correct answer to darlingtonculturevolunteers@hotmail.com you will win a bottle of wine

Social Media – keep up to date with Darlington Culture Volunteer newsInstagram darlingtonculturevolunteers Molly ForbesTwitter @DtonCultureVols Helen Devonshire

Facebook DarlingtonCultureVolunteers Hannah RobertsWhat a brilliant job Helen, Molly and Hannah are doing to keep the Volunteers in the news.

Assistant to the Treasurer – we are still looking for someone to take on a regular role supporting the work of both the Darlington for Culture Treasurer and Secretary. This role involves basic recording of financial incomings and outgoings and working with Committee Members. This will take about one to two hours maximum of your time each week. You will get lots of support for as long as you need. Want something to add to your CV or keep your skills from going, then this could be for you. You don’t need to be an accountant or book keeper to do this just a willing volunteer who is able to work in an organised way. Want to have a chat with Mary who does this now but is unable to continue due to ill-health? Let me know as she would be happy to tell you all about it.

Contact You - If you have changed your contact details recently please let us know and we’ll amend our records.

Contact Us - If you have any queries, questions, suggestions, amendments or offers of help then e mail darlingtonculturevolunteers@hotmail.com or text or ring Heather on 07775996098

6. Want to Volunteer for an event?

Please read this in conjunction with the latest version of the Volunteer Forward Programme which you will have received via e mail and is available on the website. If you have seen anything you want to know more about and/or are interested in volunteering at an event then please let me know. Even if it appears there are no vacant slots it is often possible to accommodate willing volunteers in addition to or in other roles or for the next similar event. New volunteers can do ‘taster’ sessions. Your enthusiasm is all that is required.

Another picture below to show what enthusiasm looks like! It is with regret that we are shortly saying goodbye to John Dean who has been a magnificent chair of Darlington for Culture and a great supporter of the volunteer service. Without fail you have often been

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Volunteer Newsletter December 2017able to find John on the Information Stand drumming up support for local Arts and Culture. We wish John and his family well on their new venture in Scotland.

And it’s goodbye from her and its goodbye from her!

Thanks for reading the newsletter to the end. If you have any suggestions for improvement or indeed want to be a guest editor for a future edition let me know.

Don’t dream your dreams – live your dreams!HC021217 11