VIKAS BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL PRACTICE ... won the match.” (Convert into indirect speech) where do...


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Do as directed :-

_____________ your wishes be fulfilled. (Fill up with modal)

The girl is sitting on the bench. (Mark the clause in the given sentence)

She sung a song. (Rewrite as a negative sentence)

Wherever Danish went, a ____________ of puppies followed him. (Fill in with collective noun)

My nephew will come to meet me on Sunday. (Rewrite after changing the gender of the noun)

The mountaineer ___________ to climb the mountain since last year. (Fill in the blank with Past

Perfect Continuous Tense - try)

He was going to school. (Change it into future continuous tense)

The girl said, “Hurrah! We won the match.” (Convert into indirect speech)

where do you live asked the teacher(Punctuate the given sentence)

He said to her, “What is your name?” (Identify the speech)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns :-

We ____________ will manage the situation. (Emphatic Pronoun)

The boys helped____________. (Reciprocal Pronoun)

She did the work _________________________________. (Reflexive pronoun)

In the following sentences mark the verb, direct object and indirect object :-

He wrote a letter to me.

Rohit bought a new purse for Reena.

She gifted me a car.

My mother boiled some potatoes for me.

The nurse gave some pills to the old lady.

Correct the given sentences :-

What are the latest news about the match?

A lot of milk have turned sour.

He is resembling his father.

Plenty of water are wasted.

A bouquet of roses were presented to the chief guest.

Replace the word given in bold with its synonym :-

The students were eager to know the result.

He is a reliable person.

She is very beautiful.

You should admit your fault.

He is a reliable person.

Fill in the blank with the antonym of the words which are underlined :-

Buy the genuine CDs. Beware of the _________ ones.

He is always busy. I have never seen him sitting ______________.

We will follow the legal path. The ______________ ones will land us in trouble.

I believe what you say. There is no question of any _________ .

It was a cheerful day but my friend was feeling ______________.

Q7. Your school is organizing an Inter School Speech Competition on the topic ‘Shining

India’. As the Secretary of the school Literary Club, draft a notice for the students of classes

VI to VIII to participate in the competition.

Q8. Draft a newspaper report on a tragic road accident. Invent the necessary details with the help of

following points :-

Place and time of the accident

Details of the accident as per eyewitness

Details of the dead and the injured

Vehicles involved

Police inquiry and its outcome




Q1. Do as directed

a) Father_________ (leave) office soon. (Convert the given verb into future continuous


b) Sohan said, “I went there last week.” (Rewrite in the reported speech)

c) Mother says, “Honesty is the best policy.” ( Rewrite in the reported speech)

d) the river/ you pushed/ in the middle of/ of the boat/ her out. ( Rearrange words to frame

meaningful sentence)

e) Jia broke the glass. (Change into the negative form)

f) The horse ___________________ . (Fill the Past Continuous Tense Form - neigh)

Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns

a) She did her homework _________________ . (Reflexive pronoun)

b) _______________ knocked my door. (Indefinite pronoun)

c) _______________ an obedient boy he is! (Interrogative pronoun)

Q3. Circle the verbs and state whether they are Transitive or Intransitive

a) The mouse stole food.

b) She runs a boutique.

c) He writes neatly.

Q4. Correct the following sentences

a) Neither of them work there.

b) A hundred kilometer are a long distance.

c) I am take outing my book from the bag.

Q5. Read the given sentences carefully. Each one contains an error. Write the incorrect and correct

words in the answer-sheet.

Incorrect word Correct word

(a) We should also developed nice ____________ ___________

(b) table manner. Some people ____________ ___________

(c) talk two much while they eat. ____________ ___________

(d) This is a unhealthy practice. ____________ ___________

(e) Some people also makes too ____________ ___________

(f) much sound though they take ____________ ___________

(g) their food. It amount to bad ____________ ___________

(h) manners. The food may be ____________ __________

(i) chewed without make too much ___________ ___________

(j) noise. Remember to rinse our mouth ____________ ___________

Well after the meal.

Q6. Kunal had worked very hard for his examination and was hopeful of standing first in the class.

He was shocked to know that he has secured second position. Sakshi, who everyone knew, had

cheated in the examinations, had secured the first position. Assuming yourself as Kunal, write a diary

entry in not more than 100 words.

Q7. ‘Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy and fat.’ The advent of

junk food, modern gadgets and sedentary lifestyle has led to poor health of the generation next, who

are the future of the nation. Write an article on value of good health in about 180 to 200 words.




Q1 Do as directed.

1. Ms Rina Dayal has a taste _______ good music. (Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition)

2. India is the largest democracy, ___________ (Fill in the blank with the question tag)

3. We hope that the weather _________ (clear) by the time we set out on our journey. (Convert the

given verb into future perfect tense)

4. I saw the notice ________ I entered the room. (Fill in the blank with appropriate conjunction)

5. Singing is her hobby. (Identify the gerund/participle)

Q2. Complete the paragraph given below using appropriate words.

Regular laughter sessions can have important effects _____ our health _______ well-being. For

instance, laughter is considered to be a stress buster and researchers found a direct link __________

laughter and healthy function of blood vessels. Laughter increases blood flow. It has also _________

shown to lead to reduction in stress hormones such ______ cortisol and epinephrine. Since laughter

does effect the body, mind and spirit, the only thing you have to do to lead a _______ life is

LAUGH, as simple as that.

Q3. Rewrite the following sentences in the reported speech.

1. He said to her, “You are an understanding person.”

2. Father says, “Dogs are faithful to their masters.”

3. He said, “Tie your shoe laces Rina.”

Q4. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice.

1. He has written many novels in the past.

2. Throw the garbage in the dustbin.

Q5. Rearrange the following words to frame meaningful sentences.

1. animals/ birds/ man/ are/ dependent/ and/ ecological/ each other/ on/ to/ maintain/ balance/ the

2. Except that/ for the post/ he is/ fit/ short sighted/ he is

Q6. Complete the passage.

Yesterday the weather was bad. The sky was full _________ dark clouds It was raining heavily

__________ the morning. Lily stayed _________ home. She listened __________ the music.

_____________ one o’ clock, Lily was hungry. She went _________to buy some food.

Q7. Convert the sentence given below into passive voice.

1. Somebody killed the snake with a stick.

2. We advise passengers to book their tickets early

Q8. ‘Humans get immense pleasure by imprisoning and ill-treating the animals either in a zoo or a circus.’ In

the light of this statement, write an article on – Kindness towards animals.

Q9. You are Anupam/ Anuradha, Editor of the school Magazine of Modern Public School, want to

hold an Inter-class competition to collect poems for the school magazine. Draft a notice for the

students’ notice-board inviting entries. Mention all the details required, like entry dates, prize




Q1. Read the given sentences carefully. Each line contains error. Write the incorrect and the

correct words in the answer-sheet.

Incorrect word Correct word

a) Most children these days insist in buying ___________ ___________

b) potato chips at a particular brand because it ___________ ___________

c) contains a Pokemon’s tazo. The one which has ___________ ___________

d) the maximum number for tazos is envied. ___________ ___________

e) Weary mothers try wean them to healthier ___________ ___________

f) food and perhaps snacks companies know ___________ ___________

g) there game better. ___________ ___________

h) According eith city-based psychologist ___________ ___________

i) growing addiction of cartoon ___________ ___________

j) channels between kids is a cause of worry. ___________ ___________

Q2. Do as directed.

1. Mr Khan ______________(drive) to work when he___________ (realise) that he did not bring his

office keys with him. (Convert the given verb into past tense)

2. ___________you lend me your mobile phone? Mine is not working. (Fill in the blank with


3. Write down the synonym of the word ‘allow’ and frame a sentence.

4. ___________ he was late, he went by taxi. (Fill in the blank with appropriate conjunction.)

5. Reema said to Sheena,”You will lend me your book, ___________” (Fill in the blank with the

question tag)

Q3. Complete the passage using prepositions.

Yesterday the weather was bad. The sky was full _________ dark clouds. It was raining heavily

__________ the morning. Lily stayed _________ home. She listened __________ the music.

_____________ 1o’ clock, Lily was hungry. She went _________to buy some food.

Q4. Rewrite the following sentence into reported speech.

1. She said, “I was waiting for the bus when he arrived.”

2. Ram said to Kanha, “ How often do you go to the cinema?”

Q5. Rearrange the words to form meaningful sentence.

1. morning/ wake me up/ she /use to/ in/ the

2. left me/ my parents/ with her/ they/ in the city/ when /went to live

3. friend/ I/ my/ were/ grandmother/ and/ good

Q6. Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow

The Green Cornfield

The earth was green, the sky was blue;

I saw and heard on sunny morn

A skylark hang between the two

A singing speak above the corn;

A stage below, in happy accord,

White butterflies danced on the wing,

And still the singing skylark soared,

And silent sank, and soared to sing.

The cornfield stretched a tender green

To right and left beside my walks;

I knew he had a nest unseen

Somewhere among the million stalks.

And as I paused to hear his song,

While swift the sunny moment slid,

Perhaps his mate sat listening long,

And listened longer than I did.

-Christina Rossetti

1. Why is the skylark happy in the cornfield?

2. Where did the skylark have its nest?

3. Who are the two listening to the song of the skylark?

4. Explain the line ‘The cornfield stretched a tender green

To the right and left beside my walks’

5. Find the word from the poem that means the same: ‘fast’

6. What is the rhyming scheme of the poem?

Q7. As the Librarian of your school draft a notice for your school notice board informing the students to

return their library books at the earliest.




Q1. Animals like the tiger and rhinoceros are facing extinction due to indiscriminate poaching. Write

an article expressing the need to protect wildlife.

Q2. Use the hints given below to write a short bio-sketch on Ratan Tata.

1. A scion of the famous Tata family

2. Born in 1937 in Mumbai

3. Degree in Structural Engineering from Cornell University, USA

4. Joined the Tata group in 1962

5. In 1981 took over as group chairman from the legendary J.R.D. Tata.

6. Tata Motors acquired Jaguar, Land Rover U.K. automobiles brands.

7. Launched Tata Nano

Q3. Read the passage give below and answer the following questions.

When he was born on February 12, 1809, his parents probably never considered that their newborn

would one day become the 16th President of the United States, nor that his birthday would help

inspire a national holiday. Unlike many of his predecessors, Abraham Lincoln came from humble

beginnings. He was born to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln who lived in a log cabin in Hardin County,


Lincoln's parents had also come from humble beginnings. His grandfather had been killed by Native

Americans and his father was an uneducated laborer who had to work hard to find steady work and

take care of his family. After finally earning enough to purchase three farms in Kentucky, his family

was forced off of the land and moved to Indiana. From his father, Lincoln learned to pick up and

move on in the face of trouble. In fact, Thomas Lincoln had to pick up and move on multiple times

in his life. The family lost a son when he was just an infant and Abraham Lincoln's mother, died in

1818 after becoming ill.

Even though she died when he was only nine-years-old, Lincoln's mother also had lessons to teach

the young Abraham Lincoln about resilience. She was born an illegitimate child, the daughter of

Lucy Hanks and a wealthy farmer. Her mother eventually married and her stepfather raised her as

his own. Through working on the farm and as a seamstress, Nancy (Hanks) Lincoln developed her

knowledge and skills. Before marrying her husband, she successfully worked as a seamstress. After

marrying her husband, many historical documents note that she became the backbone of the family.

The death of his mother hit nine-year-old Abraham Lincoln hard. She had been the one to teach him

his letters and develop many of the character traits for which he would become best-known. When

she died, Lincoln helped his father build his mother's coffin, something no nine-year-old should ever

have to do. At the time of his mother's death, the family was squatting on land in Indiana and his

father was having a hard time supporting his family. Much of the household responsibilities fell on

Lincoln and his sister, Sarah.

While Abraham Lincoln penned the quote "I walk slowly, but I never walk backward" later in his

life, the same principle no doubt inspired the younger Lincoln after his mother's death. His father

made him work on the farm and put a lot of responsibilities on the young man's shoulders. Instead of

getting an education, he spent his days working and resenting his father.

Thankfully, mere months after his mother died, Thomas Lincoln re-married. While a stepmother is

not usually a welcome addition to a child's life, in Abraham Lincoln's case, his stepmother Sarah

Bush Johnson became a blessing. Even though times were hard and there was work to be done, she

stressed the importance of education. Through her instruction and his dedication, Lincoln learned

how to read and became a lover of books. He would travel far to borrow books from neighbors and

libraries, spend time reading the family Bible and devour any books he could find.

Young Abraham Lincoln understood that while he could not change his circumstances, he did have

an ounce of control over them and, when you're already down, there's no place to go but up, even if it

takes time to get there.

Q1. What lesson did the life of Nancy Lincoln teach young Lincoln?

Q2. What is the quote that inspired Lincoln during the hardship of his life?

Q3. Who became of blessing to young Lincoln? How?

Q4. What lesson did young Abraham Lincoln learn from the hardships of life?

Q5. Find the synonym of ‘commitment’ (para 6).

Q6. Find the antonym of the word ‘successor’ from passage. (para 1).




Q.1 Change the following affirmative sentences into negative sentences without changing their


A. She has very few friends.

B. She always arrives on time.

C. She is happy.

D. He is tall.

Q.2 Complete the following sentences.

A. She ---------------- accepted the offer. (happy / happily)

B. You don't look -------------------- to see. (happy / happily)

C. Her performance was very -------------------- (well / good)

D. I don't remember them very ----------------- (good / well)

Q.3 Combine the following sentences using as if / as though.

1. He spends lavishly. But he is not a millionaire.

2. He is not mad. He behaves like a madman.

3. The boys shouted loudly. One might think that they had won a prize.

4. He is not blind. Still he walks with a stick.

5. He sat there smiling. One might think that it was his birthday.

Q.4 Complete the following sentences using appropriate modal auxiliary verbs.

1. I ——————— see you again – who knows? (weak possibility)

a) might

b) may

c) will

2. They knelt in front of the child who —————— rule them one day. (complete certainty)

a) will

b) would

c) could

3. She ——————— be here soon. (possibility)

a) should

b) may

c) Either could be used here

Q.5 Write a letter to your aunt, requesting her to send your cousin to visit you during holidays.

(150-200 words)

Q.6 You lost a library book at the school playground. Write a notice to let everyone know

about it and possibly find it.




Q.1 Each sentence given below contains a noun clause. Complete that noun clause with an

appropriate conjunction or another connecting word

1. ——————- you have come pleases me.

a. That

b. What

c. How

2. I often wonder —————— she is getting on.

a. how

b. why

c. that

3. He said ——————— he would come.

a. that

b. as

c. what

4. I don’t know ——————- she is angry with me.

a. that

b. why

c. how

Q.2 Change the following negative sentences into affirmative sentences without changing their


1. You are not very kind.

2. She was not present.

3. He is never late for meetings.

4. She is not obedient.

5. This is not a big problem.

Q.3 Do as directed.

1. Honey is one of …….. most amazing products found in nature. It was used in

ancient times as ………….. medicine. The Egyptians used it as ……….

embalming material for …………. mummies. (Fill in the blanks with suitable


2. Mr. Birla is a man of great wealth. (Underline the phrase and state its type)

Q.4 Write a short essay on ‘should boys learn to cook?’ (150-200 words)

Q.5 Write an e-mail to your friend congratulating him on his outstanding

performance in the class XII board examination.




Q.1 State whether the following sentences are simple, compound or complex.

1. I know his birthplace.

2. Though he is old, he works hard.

3. She is neither intelligent nor hardworking.

Q.2 Do as directed

1. Don’t try to board a moving train. (Identify the participle and state its type)

2. They started in the morning. They reached their destination before sunset. (Combine these

two sentences using a participle.)

3. He gave up the habit of smoking. (Identify the gerund)

4. He wants to keep the affair secret. (Identify the infinitive)

5. We camped there because it was too dark to go on. (Identify the main clause and the

subordinate clause)

6. What he said is true. (Underline the subordinate clause and state its kind.)

Q.3 Complete the following sentences using an appropriate adverb.

1. Tension ran -------------------

a) high

b) highly

2. They treated him ------------------

a) bad

b) badly

3. I am ---------------- sure.

a) dead

b) deadly

4. He is always ------------------ for work.

a) late

b) lately

Q.4 Rewrite the following sentences using so…that.

1. He is too old to walk without support.

2. It is too late to start now.

3. The box is too heavy for me to lift.

4. You are too young to understand this.

5. He is smart enough to solve this puzzle.

Q.5 Write an application to your principal requesting him to arrange for a special coaching

classes in Mathematics. Give reason why they are necessary.

Q.6 Write a paragraph in about 100-150 words on ‘My dreams and Fears.’




Q.1 Change the following sentences into the passive.

1. She ate an apple.

2. The mechanic was repairing the car.

3. He will pay the fee.

4. She will have eaten her lunch.

5. I had paid the fee.

Q.2 Change interrogative sentences into assertive sentences.

1. Was she upset with him?

2. Were they not impressed with her performance?

3. Will they attend the party?

4. Has he finished his work?

5. Has he not returned from work yet?

Q.3 Rewrite the following sentences as directed.

1. I could not sleep last night. (Rewrite using able)

2. I must send the parcel tomorrow. (Rewrite using necessary)

3. Can you arrive at 6.30? (Rewrite using possible)

4. If you feel that it is necessary to edit this article, feel free to do so. (Rewrite using need)

Q.4 Complete the following exercise with gerund or infinitive forms of the indicated verbs.

1. What do you want (do) tonight?

I feel like (go) to a movie.

2. It's not so bad (tell) a white lie, is it?

I don't think (lie) is ever right.

3. It isn't wrong (defend) yourself, is it?

I think (defend) yourself is the right thing to do if you have a

good reason.

Q.5 Prepare a speech in about 120 words to be given in the morning assembly of your school on

the ‘Importance of Extra-curricular Activities in school life’

Q.6 kavita, the cleanliness incharge of English public school, Delhi has to draft a notice for

class monitors to ensure cleanliness in their classes. She has to inform them about the surprise

checking and cleanliness award for the best class. Write her notice in about 50 words.




Q.1 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given verb.

1. If I ---- (be) the president of this company, I ---- (raise) the workers' salaries first instead of

spending so much on building up new facilities.

2. Should you want to be fit, you normally ---- (need) to follow a structured training program

often taking place in specialized facilities such as leisure centers.

3. I am certain that If I ---- (be) in his position, I ---- (worry) about the overall health of the

company instead of wasting its resources.

4. If you ---- (want) to reduce your risk of suffering from coronary heart disease, obesity or

mental health problems, specialists indicate you should be physically active.

Q.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

Since Jennifer was a year younger than her friends, she had a hard time keeping ---- with them.

In most countries, children start the primary school ---- the age of six.

Although he studied hard, he couldn't succeed ---- getting a high score in his test.

There are different sets of language learning sets available ---- all age groups.

All candidates are looking forward ---- the announcement of our test scores.

Since I will be busy ---- my homework and prepare ---- the exam tomorrow, I don't think I will be

able to go out tonight.

Q.3 Use the suitable forms of the verbs

1. If David ____________(get) a good grade from his English presentation, I will take him to

the movie theater.

2. If there _________(be) traffic, we will use the subway.

3. I will go to New York next week if I _______(find) a cheap ticket.

4. If you don't accept the offer, you _________(regret) it later.

5. If Helen apologizes to me, I ___________(forgive) her.

6. If Deren ________(buy) a car, he will drive us to school.

7. We want to see the White House if we _______(visit) Washington.

Q.4 Use the notes given below to write a short bio-sketch in about 80-100 words on the life and

achievements of QUEEN Elizabeth

Birth: April 21, 1926, Mayfair, London, U.K

Place of Birth: Mayfair, London, U.K

Full Name: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary

Father: George v1

Mother: Elizabeth Bowes- Lyon

Education: Private, at home

Daughter-in-law: Diana, Princess of Wales

Q.5 Using the information given below, write a message in about 50 words for your friend

Abhishek, who was absent from school today. Put the message in a box.

Class test of social science.

Trials for cricket team.

Submission of science homework

Must come tomorrow




Q.1 The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Underline the

incorrect word and write the correct word in the space provided.

When I return home from school, I found that _________________

my mother were in kitchen and my younger __________________

sister is playing with her friends in the verandah. __________________

In my room, all the books was lying scattered __________________

on the floor. I am definitely very annoyed. __________________

I asked my sister, “Ritu, did you entered this room in my absence?” __________________

“I was looking for some colourful pictures for my scrap file. I search _________________

through your books and they fall down one _________________

by one”, she answered sheepishly. _________________

Q.2 In the passages given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing

word along with the word that comes before and after it.The first one is done as an example.

There are several reasons a headache. ------------------------------ E.g. reasons for a

Physical, emotional mental factors, anxiety----------------------a)

and tensions are few. Sometimes----------------------------------b)

Headaches can a signal of an underlying--------------------------c)

disease. More medicines, yoga therapy --------------------------d)

eminently suits any need. Yoga a comprehensive --------------e)

mode of culturing the body the mind. Using an ------------------f)

Integrated Approach of Yoga, the yoga centres have able --------g)

To cure tough headaches. ----------------------------------------------h)

Q.3 Complete the exercise with appropriate tags

1. He never acts like a gentleman,_____?

2. Everybody was very happy,_________?

3. Tom knows that his father is in the hospital,_________?

Q.4 You have got the news that your cousin is going abroad for higher education. Write him a

letter in about 120 words.

Q.5 Your school is organising a debate competition on the topic “Homework should be

abolished”. Prepare a speech in about 120 words against the motion.




Q.1 Complete each sentence using the subordinating conjunction from the parenthesis:

1. I visit the Grand Canyon _________ I go to Arizona. (once, whenever, wherever)

2. This is the place _________ we stayed last time we visited. (where, when, how)

3. _________ you win first place, you will receive a prize. (wherever, if, unless)

4. You won’t pass the test _________ you study. (when, if, unless)

Q2. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.

1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.

2. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.

3. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.

4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.

5. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.

6. Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.

7. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France

Q3. Choose the correct spelling of each word:

1. Which is the correct spelling?



2. Which is the correct spelling?



3. Which is the correct spelling?



4. Which is the correct spelling?



5. Which is the correct spelling?



6. Which is the correct spelling?



7. Which is the correct spelling?



8. Which is the correct spelling?



9. Which is the correct spelling?



10. Which is the correct spelling?






Q.1 Choose the appropriate idiomatic expressions:

1. The teacher asked us to talk about the _________________________ of industrial

development .

2. The police found nothing special in the house of the criminal as he had taken all the

important documents with him, leaving just -


3. Don’t worry about the problems you have in your business. You know there are

always___________________ in business.

4. If you think that doing this maths problem is ______________________ just try it.

Q.2 Fill in the correct pronouns.

1. My sister Jane loves books. This novel is for (she)__________________.

2 My children like Disney films. The video is for (they)________________.

3 My brother Matt collects picture postcards. These postcards are for (he)______________.

4 My parents like Latin music. The CD is for (they)_____________________.

5 I like watches. This nice watch is for (I)__________________.

6 My wife and I love sweets. These sweets are for (we)________________.

7 My nephew likes cars. The toy truck is for (he)____________________.

Q3. Fill in the blanks with the past tense or past participle form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. He has …………………….. his own companion for the journey. (select)

2. He would have ……………………… his speech after the break but the chairperson didn’t permit

him. (resume)

3. Has the problem ……………………….. solved? (be)

4. The accused ………………………. the jury’s verdict with anxiety. (await)

5. My watch was ……………………. by a boy. (steal)

Q4. Write an article on Child Labour in 200-250 words.




Q1. Fill in the blanks with past or past perfect tense.

1. John_______________ (play) with the children after he________________ (have) dinner.

2. The farmer______________ (harvest) the apples before he______________ (take) them to

his neighbour to make cider.

3. After it_______________ (stop) raining, the tennis match_________________ (can) start.

4. After George_______________ (swallow) his medicine, he____________ (begin) to feel much


5. Before he____________________ (become) president, he____________________ (work) as an


6. The tourists___________________ (jump) into the pool as soon as

they_____________________ (unpack) their suitcases.

Q2. Use appropriate punctuation marks in the following sentences.

1. We had a great time in France the kids really enjoyed it

2. Some people work best in the mornings others do better in the evenings

3. What are you doing next weekend

4. Mother had to go into hospital she had heart problems

5. Did you understand why I was upset

6. It is a fine idea let us hope that it is going to work

7. We will be arriving on Monday morning at least I think so

8. A textbook can be a wall between teacher and class

9. The girls father sat in a corner

10. In the words of Murphys Law Anything that can go wrong will go wrong

Q3. Choose the right articles to complete the following sentences in English. If it isn't necessary

to use any articles, choose letter x.

1. There is______________ fruit tree in his garden.

2. She passed her exam in spite of making______________ few mistakes.

3. How much are______________ apples?

4. The apples cost fifty pence__________________ dozen.

5. Give me_________________ stapler.

6. Tom was________________ carpenter.

7. A dog eats____________ meat.

8. I accept your kind invitation with______________ delight.

9. She is going to be________________ waitress.

10. He’s as blind as__________________ bat.

Q4. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which

there is a blank. Underline each error and write your correction in the space provided.

I entered the manager's office and sat down.

I have just lost five hundred rupees and I felt very upset. a) ______

"I leave the money in my desk," I said, b) ______

"and it is not there now". The manager was very sympathetic

but he can do nothing. "Everyone loses money these days", c) ______

he said, He start to complain about this wicked world, d) ______

but is interrupted by a knock at the door. e) ______

A girl came in and puts an envelope on his desk. f) ______

It contains five hundred rupees. "I found this g) ______

outside this gentleman's room," she said.

"Well! I say to the manager, "there is still some h) ______

honesty in this world !"




Q1. Read the following passage and answer these questions.

Clean water supplies are essential for good health and cleanliness in the home .Often the only

source of drinking water is polluted .More than 70 per cent of rural households have no safe

drinking water .Their supplies are often carried some distance from a river ,pond or well, or a

community pump or tap. Carrying water takes time and energy. For these reasons,

water is often kept in the house for a long time and, of necessity, it is rationed carefully.

Several diseases are spread by polluted water, these include diarrhoea,

cholera and typhoid Families using water from uncovered ponds or wells are likely to suffer

more frequently from all these infections than those whose water comes from protected sites.

An adequate supply of water is also needed for personal cleanliness and general hygiene in the

home. Health workers should encourage the provision of good household water supplies as

much as possible.

If there is no tap, the main water container must be kept clean, covered and free

from debris. Overnight storage in earthen ware vessels reduces the number of bacteria in the

water. Nevertheless, it is important that any water given to infants is first boiled. After boiling

it should be covered in the same container until it is cool enough to drink.

1.Why are villagers lacking in good health and cleanliness generally?

2.Why is water kept for a long time in rural household?

3.What is polluted water? What are its effects?

4.What type of water should be given to infants? Why?

5.Give the synonym of the word’ adequate’.

6.Give the antonym of he word’ frequently’.

Q2.Rearrange the sentences

a) library is not/ a/an old/ just/collection of books

b) seat of culture/ it is /wisdom of/a/and / the ages

c) is a damuseum /here/of /and emotions/ ideas

d) spent in /a y/is very/the library/rewarding

e) daily visit/ a/the reading room/to/compulsory for/should be made/every student


incorrect / correct

Man is a bundle in likes and dislikes. a)

He is almost a slave of his whims b)

and habits. He had preferences for c)

certain vegetables ,some classmate ,some d)

teachers. One’s likes and dislikes is generally e)

instinctive and inexplicable

Q4. Your school has decided to take all the students from classes VI to X on a picnic to

Worlds of Wonder. Write a notice for the same.
