


Quartely publication for Kaniva Shared Ministry

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Published for the Kaniva & Serviceton Congregations of the Uniting Church & Church of Christ

September-December 2012 Our Shared Ministry Objective:

To foster Christian fellowship and Spiritual growth within our congregations

and Christian witness in the wider community



Chairperson: Diane Eastwood Chairperson: Murray Williams

53922612 53931277 Secretary: Mary Grosser Secretary: Kerryn Dyer 53922207 Treasurer: Alwyn Dyer Minutes Sec: Harvey Champness 53922642 53922910 Ass.Treas: Kerryn Dyer

Treasurer: Ian Champness 53922642


Ass.Treas: Bevan Rogers 53922645


Judith Carter Secretary:

53931223 David Wallis

53931260 Published Quarterly at Baker St., Print Post Approved

Return Address: 12 Baker St., 335476/00002

KANIVA, 3419

Dear Friends in Christ,

We are leaving the chill of winter behind us and heading into that time of the year when our Spirits

are lifted by warmth in the days, blossom on the trees, new life in the nests and a busy-ness that

comes with renewed energy. Sometimes I wonder if I’m not part-lizard and it is at this time that I

come out of hibernation and soak up the warmth of the sun!

Since our last edition of the Vision organisation for the up-and-coming Church Family Camp at Halls

Gap has occurred. It is to be held from the 5th

-7th October (last weekend of School holidays) and is a

wonderful time of fellowship, fun and exploring what it means to be a Christian in a relaxed and

beautiful setting.

We also conducted a Church Forum in June where we focused on questions regarding ministry and

what is important for us do to continue to move forward in our mission to ‘foster Christian fellowship

and Spiritual growth within our congregations and Christian witness in the wider community’ (the

Shared-ministry objectives).

The afternoon was attended by about thirty six participants as well as Michael Vanderee from the

Church of Christ Conference and Jen Pretty from the Uniting Church Presbytery.

The questions covered topics such as:

1. What areas of ministry are important in our community?

2. How do we go about providing/supporting those areas of ministry?

3. Are our Shared Ministry objectives being met/achieved, whilst still acknowledging the two


4. Unity through Diversity. Comment

5. Other issues/concerns that you have?

After ‘round-table’ discussions of each of the questions and reporting back had occurred we finished

our discussion time with asking the groups to write down the FIVE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES

FOR PROGRESS IN SHARED MINISTRY. I have included a summary of these below as I feel it is

important for everyone in our Shared Ministry to think about our continuous progress.

A full-time or part time minister and our overall financial position

Preventing burnout – need a bigger team (training & development)

Look carefully at number/structure of services (& formats)

Continue to foster Christian growth and fellowship – don’t stagnate

Traditions need to be evaluated for relevance, or explained for clarification

Communication with all members of congregation – continued dialogue and respect

Pastoral care coordination and resourcing

Involvement of all ages in life of our congregation

Youth and children’s ministry

Bible teaching/prayer and worship

Putting God first and Faith second

Annual Joint Congregational meeting

I was very pleased with the number of people who attended the forum and for the way in which

people entered into the discussion in a respectful and open manner. The list of important issues are,

and will, continue to be a focus for discussion at Shared Ministry as well as Board and Church council

meetings over the coming months.

My thought to leave you with comes from a book of devotions I am using at the moment by James

Wigglesworth. James 3:8-10 reads “No man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly

poison. With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been

made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should

not be.” But if we allow the Holy Spirit to control us then we reach a point where thoughts and

language are brought to our lives and we can begin to think and say exactly as the Lord would be

delighted for them to be said.

My God Bless You All

Diane Eastwood

Kaniva/Serviceton UC Council Chairperson


A number of matters were noted at a Resources meeting held early in July. The renovation

work at the Manse has now been completed with the Uniting Caterers generously covering

the cost of the builders and the painter, while another generous donation has covered the cost

of the floor covering. We are still awaiting the completion of the historical sign for the

Church block. Graham Carter reported that the Shared Ministry Committee has decided to

purchase new signs without stands for each of the four churches at a cost of $380.00 per sign.

It was also reported that another volunteer has agreed to go on the lawn mowing roster but a

couple more people would be helpful.


The Kaniva Ladies Fellowship has enjoyed another three meetings since our May report. In

June we visited the Museum and were impressed with the renovation work that has been

carried out on the building itself over recent months, as well as enjoying a trip down memory

lane as we looked at the old furniture, crockery and cooking utensils etc. July saw us enjoying

lunch and fellowship together in the Fellowship Room after we decided not to go to

members’ homes this year. Everyone contributed to the meal by providing soup, casseroles or

sweets, and a donation by members of $5.00 helped boost our coffers. With a number of

members not able to attend in August we spent a fun evening playing board games together.


Since our May report we have catered for two 90th

Birthday afternoon teas - one for Gwen

Dyer in June and one for Elva Crouch in July. Thank you to the ladies who helped out by

working or providing food for these caterings – it is much appreciated. We have recently

donated some of our invested funds to help pay for renovations and painting at the U.C.


“Giving Is The Key To Living”

by Helen Steiner Rice

Every day is a reason for giving

And giving is the key to living.

So let us give ourselves away,

Not just today but every day.

And remember, a kind and thoughtful deed

Or a hand outstretched in a time of need

Is the rarest of gifts, for it is a part

Not of the purse but of a loving heart.

And he who gives of himself will find

True joy of heart and peace of mind.

Church of Christ News

This last month has been hectic attending meetings and visiting churches informally or

formally to speak and to bring a greeting from the Conference. Also visiting my sick mum in

Adelaide with my brother Peter, equating to 17 hours in a car for a 3 hour conversation with

Mum. As I reflected on that visit to Adelaide, I realised how long it had been since my

brother and I had spent so much time together in discussion and conversation over all sorts of

issues including our families. Naturally our discussions turned to mum and her story and her

strong Christian faith and influence in our lives. The experience was a Godsend! May I

remind you to spend quality time with a mum or dad or a brother or sister a grandparent,

aunty or uncle or someone in your family that will add a richness to the ongoing story and

conversation of your life. We share in a vital heritage called Family.

Peter and I recently received an email from a “Burnham” in England asking whether we were

related to a Frank and Pris Burnham who came to Australia in 1950. [Frank and Pris are our

mum and dad]. This lady was doing some serious heraldry on the “Burnham’s from

Berkshire.” It was fascinating reading about family we didn’t know we had! Our family has

grown a little more now!

What about the rich heritage of the Family of God in each of our churches? I attended our

Brighton church recently and Raelene and I felt a spiritual connection with this small group

of people as we worshipped together and sensed being part of their family. The same sense of

family connection occurred also at Wallan as I worshipped and spoke and shared with people

over a coffee and later on at lunch. Family is so important!

I also sensed this same family privilege as I attended the gatherings of Heads of Churches and

a Victorian Council of Churches meeting, listening and sharing the stories of people from

different traditions, most of the time, on the same page, echoing our Lord’s Words from John

17: “Father I pray that they may be one as we are one.” As the Movement called Churches of

Christ may that be our prayer as we continue to be family together in conversation and

practical ministries.


C of CVT President

Dates to Remember

All-Age Church Camp 5th

– 7th

October @ Halls

Gap Baptist Centre.

Contact G & J Carter 53931223 or Di Eastwood


Camp @ Robe 19th

– 21st October for Serviceton

Young Adults (18- 35 year olds)

‘Prov 31’ Group, a new group for High School

aged Girls.

For more details, Contact Millie Carter on


Serviceton News

Spring is nearly upon us. This is the season of growth, the season of new beginnings. We pray that our

church will be entering a season of growth, healing and life. With the new growth in our gardens there

are usually plenty of weeds that need to be dealt with.

We all face weeds in our spiritual life too. As it says in Philippians 4 verse 8 “Finally, brothers and

sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,

whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things”. For us to

grow, we need to focus on things of God, not the things of the world. We need to encourage each

other and trust God in all that we do.

In Sunday School at the moment we are looking at the life of Moses and how he needed to trust God

completely even if it didn’t make sense. Our Memory Verse is Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6 “Trust in the

Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding”. We usually have a game, bible

story, songs and crafts in our lessons. All ages are welcome to come along and we encourage parents

to join in with us.

The Kaniva Youth Group has a regular core of enthusiastic youth attending. We have combined with

Bordertown Fuel Youth for their annual Halls Gap camp, inter church netball, Storm the lantern and

fun at Travis and Millie Carter’s home. The group “Prov31” has also started. This group is aimed at

High school aged girls to encourage them. For more details, contact Millie Carter 0403844548.

Coming up for Kaniva Youth is “Chillax” and Complex Games.

Ladies fellowship has also had a variety of activities in the last quarter including a visit from Rev.

David Buxton (Associate National Director) of Frontier Services, Operation Shoebox/ Sammy Stamp

evening and a mystery night which took us to Wolseley to admire Charlotte Carter’s amazing doll

collection. Coming up in September is our annual Progressive tea. All ladies of all ages are welcome

to come and enjoy a 3 course meal and good company for just $10. All proceeds will go to the various

missions we support.

The young adults continue to meet every Monday night at 8.00pm to study God’s Word and share

with each other. They will be holding a camp 19th to 21st October at Robe for 18 to 35 year olds

which I am sure will be a great time of encouragement.

****Talking about camps, don’t forget our Church Camp in the Grampians October 5th to 7th. This is

for all ages and is bound to be a wonderful time of fellowship. If you would like to know more,

contact Judith Carter 53931223.

A big thank you to all who help with our worship services whether it be speaking, flowers, cleaning,

stewards, musicians or a smiling face. Please continue to pray for our church – not just Sunday

worship but every aspect of it. We all need to encourage each other as much as we can.

Our Tuesday night Bible Study group has been studying “true worship” which has been challenging

us to worship in all we do.

Our prayers continue to be with all who are sick, lonely or going through struggles at the moment. If

you feel the Holy Spirit prompting you to pray for someone, or visit or phone or anything else, do it.

We are His hands and His voice in this troubled world.

God’s Blessings to you all.

Judith Carter

80 years of Ladies Fellowship at Serviceton

1932 -2012

It was in July 1932 when a group of ladies from the Methodist Church at Serviceton met and

decided to form a Methodist Ladies Guild that would meet each month, for Christian

Fellowship. The first President was Mrs Murial Chancellor, for the first 28 years, (1932 –

1960) except for 1946. Presidents were all wives of the circuit ministers, since 1960 local

members, have held the position.

In 1932 membership was set at 1/- P/A, today it is $10.00.

In the early years meetings were held in the afternoon, then from 1950 it was more suitable

for the ladies to meet in the evening.

The Serviceton Methodist and Presbyterian ladies joined together for a short time from June

1943 to November 1944 with Mrs Peck and Mrs Both, both Ministers wives, as joint

presidents. December 1944 saw the guild revert back to a Methodist guild. In the late 60’s

early 70’s, the church guilds in Serviceton met for social afternoons, taking turns in hosting

these events. From the mid 1960’s we have welcomed ladies from other denominations, and

have continued to have great fellowship together.

In 1977 our name was changed from Methodist ladies Guild, to the U/C Ladies Guild,

another change came in 1993 when we became the Uniting Ladies Fellowship. The agenda

for our meetings have not changed a great deal over the years and on most occasions have

included, a business meeting, devotions and a syllabus programme and always concluding

each meeting with a cuppa and a chat which women are quite good at.

Apart from the many syllabus programmes that have been enjoyed over the years, other

things worthy of a mention include, concerts, stalls, Baby and hat Parades, socials, family

teas, entries in the local shows, Bridal and Fashion Parades, made and sold donuts. Also we

have visited many places of interest, including trips to Melbourne to visit some of the

Missions, which proved very worthwhile. Other highlights have been, celebrating our 27th



and 60th

birthday and now our 80th

, entertaining guilds, Fellowships past and present

senior citizens of Serviceton, taking part in Federation and Mothers Day services, and more

recently leading the Karinya services at the Kaniva Hospital from time to time. We have

supported the Circuit Flower Shows in Kaniva and attended other guilds, fellowships, Church

Rally’s, CWCI gatherings, which have all been enjoyable occasions.

For a number of years we corresponded with an elderly lady, Miss Kenna, and members often

visited her when in Melbourne. In 1965 she donated 10 pounds to the guild and we purchased

a cross which sits on the communion table in the worship centre. After her passing in 1968

we corresponded with a Mrs Needham for a short time. Also in the 1960’s an aboriginal girl,

Brenda Khan from a mission farm in W.A., was sponsored, after she left the mission we

transferred our support to her sister Dianne.

Over the years we have been involved with many caterings including, conferences, clearing

sales, suppers, weddings and other special occasions.

Mission work in Australia and overseas have been supported by many, financial donations, as

well as parcels of used clothing, old clean rags, eggs, food parcels, knitted rugs, patchwork

quilts and Sammy stamps. And we have packed many shoe boxes with suitable articles for

the Operation Christmas Child.

The Bible Society, Wimmera Uniting Care, local hospitals, Ministers Association,

Chaplaincy, are some of the worthy causes also supported.

Many items for the church and the fellowship centre have been purchased, be it Hymn books,

crockery, cutlery, a stove and other sundry items. In 1934 a pulpit chair for 2 pound 12

shillings and 6 pence, and a tank and fittings for 4 pound 17 shillings were purchased along

with other things as needed.

A linen cloth was purchased in 1963 and members embroidered their names on it.

So over the past 80 years, many changes have been made but the warmth of Christian

Fellowship, the fun, the friendships made and the support for Mission work and worthy

causes have not changed.

In closing I thank God for the women of 80 years ago who had the faith and vision to

commence a Ladies Fellowship at Serviceton. I’d also like to mention the many ladies who

have been part of this fellowship group over the years sadly some of them are no longer with

us, while others have moved away from this area, but this Fellowship group has continued

and is still alive today.

My prayer is that it will continue under the banner of the U/C for many years to come.

This article was compiled and read by Valma Merrett at an Ecumenical Service at the Serviceton Community

Clubrooms, on Sunday February 26th

2012, as part of the Serviceton’s 125th

Celebration weekend.

“Faith is a Mighty Fortress”

by Helen Steiner Rice

We stand once more almost at the end of the year

With mixed emotions of hope and fear,

Hope for the Peace we long have sought,

Fear that our hopes will come to naught…

Unwilling to trust in the Father’s Will,

We count on our logic and shallow skill

And, in our arrogance and pride,

Man is no longer satisfied

To place his confidence and love

With Childlike Faith in God above…

But tiny hands and tousled heads

That kneel in prayer by little beds

Are closer to the dear Lord’s heart

And of His Kingdom more a part

Than we who search and never find

The answers to our questioning mind,

For faith in things we cannot see

Requires a child’s simplicity…

Oh, Father, grant once more to men

A simple Childlike Faith again,

Forgetting colour, race and creed

And seeing only the heart’s deep need…

For Faith alone can save a man’s soul

And lead him to a higher goal,

For there’s but one unfailing course-

We win by Faith and not by Force.
