Vision of Hope He Runs Towards Us Too · 2017-05-17 · Zamboanga and the Pork Barrel Scam, which...


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parishworks! 1Vol. 09 No. 34 January 11, 2014 and

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Vision of Hope- Glo V. Pineda, Education Ministry Chair, 2005-2011

The New Year is a time and a season for thanksgiving, for resolutions, for wishes, dreams, and hopes of the coming 365 days. As we welcome year 2014, a new beginning, a reflection on the events of the year that was, 2013, that had put the Philippines on the global scene, and the lessons learned from the experiences we had gone through, be our best guide in our moving on in our journey through the years.

2013 was a year of both heartwarming and heartbreaking events.

Inspiring and uplifting events worth mentioning were: our four global beauty crowns and a runner-up place in the International Beauty Pageant, proving to the world that Filipina means beauty and brain; our two World Boxing Champion Titles; the growth of our economy touted by international economic bodies as the “New Miracle of Asia”; our winning slowly of our battle against graft and corruption through the Daang

He Runs Towards Us Too-Rhoni Christel R. Trillana

Last January 9, the feast of the Black Nazarene was celebrated by all Filipinos. I honestly have never attended the said feast in Quiapo. All my life, I was either at school or probably at home, watching the news, as the devotees struggle through the waves of people, with all their might, they make their ways towards the Holy Nazarene. At first, I have always considered this a wrong way of expressing our love and devotion to The Black Nazarene. I was one who considered this feast as a violent and aggressive expression of one’s faith. Yes, I have been one of those who judged the devotees and their thinking towards the Black Nazarene, along with this, I started to lose faith on the miracles that the black Nazarene could bring, if it would take one to risk his/her safety in order for the plea to be heard and granted. As a kid, I interpreted it as a way of

Jesus is Still With the Youth-Rhoni Christel R. Trillana

EXHIBIT A. A fourteen-year old girl wakes up, immediately tries to look for her phone, checking what happened in the world while she was asleep. She tweets, she takes a selfie and captions it “Good morning.”, sends it to Instagram, Facebook and twitter. She waits for people to like it before she gets up and start her daily routine. She showers, she puts on makeup, she skips breakfast, and goes off to school. Exhibit B. A sixteen-year old boy goes to school with only one notebook, and one wallet on his small bag. He didn’t even notice he has no pen since he has


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Jesus is still with the youth... from page 1

showing us how much we have to struggle to get to Him. It shows us how you must have to suffer and endure a lot of pain in order to be worthy of receiving Him and His glory and love. I saw how distant the Lord can be from us, I saw the gap. But five years ago, the naive kid in me turned into shame and remorse as a miracle happened. And I have every bit of credit offered unto the Glory of The Black Nazarene.

I come from a blessed family brought up by the greatest parents. We are poor, but out of the hardwork and passion of my parents to give us the brightest future, they were able to give us the best education we could have. I graduated elementary in an exclusive catholic school. But there had been a point where the family’s income just wasn’t enough for me to continue being in that school. My parents were frightened on where to put us, on what school would fit our income yet good enough to motivate us to pursue the biggest dream we could ever have. And so we prayed. We prayed very hard despite how much doors were already closing for us. We felt like the world tries to grind every bit of our hopes, yet, we never thought of letting go of our faith, we still tried to grasp for optimism no matter how bad things could get. One day, we heard that the Black Nazarene would be borrowed by one of the churches in my city. For the longest time, without thinking twice, I decided to strip off my pride and past perception on the Black Nazarene. From my inmost despair and humility, I went straight to Him, I Kissed His foot as I whispered my deepest prayer. After that, I felt like the strongest person in existence. The lightness and positivity I felt were both

indescribable. Everything that happened after that seemed to be fast-forwarded. We saw how the closed doors suddenly triggered a million more windows to open for us. To cut the story short, I was enrolled in a prestigious High School that gave underprivileged students the opportunity of a higher and advanced education. For four years in High School, the tuition fee was free, and it was definitely a grand opportunity to be studying in it.

Lo and Behold, there is more to that scholarship that had become a miracle. For the first time in my life, I never found my faith stronger after all those had happened; it showed me one of the biggest realizations of my life. I realized how sometimes, we are the barriers that we think we have between us and the Lord- Sometimes; we are the ones creating the gap. We think it is impossible to talk to Him and actually be understood. We believe that we are not worthy of being near Him and be called His children. You know what our loving Father does when we think that way? He’s the one who comes near to us. Like how He did when I needed Him most, He gave me the great chance to be closer to Him, He taught me to humbly lift all my burdens to Him, and hold on- He simply crushed down the barrier and filled the gap in between.

The Black Nazarene first made me realize that as we think that life is a difficult struggle of running towards Him, He is running towards us as well. He tells us to simply have faith and to cast all our burdens to Him alone. If we do, everything will definitely fall into place, because it has been done according to His glorious will.

absolutely no intention of writing anything for the day. He walks down the jeepney, puts on his baseball cap, and pulls out his wallet to spend his last money for a pack of cigarette. He tries to light one stick as he puts the rest on the pocket of his clean uniform. I do not conclude that every teenager in our era today behaves like the ones from exhibit A and B. But sadly, a lot of them captures the essence behind the latter’s behavior. A lot from the youth today are mostly narcissistic and liberated. A lot of them search for that rush, for that wild sensation from pure freedom, partying under the dimmed lights of the dashed lines between right and wrong, of good and bad.

Where is Jesus in their lives? Where does our Great Lord stand in those scenes? While that girl from exhibit A takes a selfie of herself in the morning, Jesus was right beside her, hoping that tomorrow she would finally start her day in prayer. When she was waiting for likes, Jesus

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Matuwid policy; only it’s quite vindictive in some cases as others think, hoping that justice be tempered with mercy. Our God who gave us the breath of life is a God of Mercy. (LM 3:31) May we also be reminded of His Word in Romans 12:19 which says, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.”

Heartbreaking and frustrating evens were the two catastrophic natural calamities: the earthquake of 7.2 magnitude in Bohol and supertyphoon Yolanda in the Visayas.

Some man-made disasters were the Siege in Zamboanga and the Pork Barrel Scam, which exposes corruptions among government leaders.

Despite the calamities (natural and man-made) we had had gone through, the Philippines remain unbowed. We are still holding on and going strong. May thanksgiving be on our lips for a God who never abandons us.

The unprecedented demonstration of compassion of our global brothers and sisters and telling us that we are not alone; and the resilient spirit of our people rebuilding their lives inspite of difficulties, gave me the courage to hope for a better Philippines.

Thus, as I stretched forth my imagination beyond the horizon, a vision of a “transfigured” Philippines flashed before the eyes of my mind – I was affirmed by the Word of God in the Scripture, Book of Proverbs 29:18 which says, “Where there is no Vision, the people perish. People must foresee a better life for themselves.”

These are what unfolded before my imaginative mind – visions of hope for our country:

• An end to fierce typhoons, floods, and storm surges as the international communities had come up with a concrete plan of action to reverse the impact of climate change; as the Philippines, considering its geographical location, is the most affected.

• The Philippines has designed a Disaster Preparedness Program (an endeavor that involves both government and residents).

• Total ban on illegal logging are strictly followed that our denuded forests began to flourish with trees that prevent floods and landslides.

• Proper implementation of the Clean Air Act for the prevention of pollution as well as road accidents.

• A solution to over-population problem through mandated seminars which requires couples’ strict

attendance on natural planning methods guided by the church of the religious sect of the attendees.

• The death of culture of corruptions in government and private offices; an encouragement for investors.

• More business opportunities in the country that Filipinos do not leave anymore to seek jobs in foreign lands.

• Narrowing down the gap between the rich and the poor as the poor becomes self-sufficient with more opportunities for employment. The motto, “Bawal ang tamad” as borrowed from former Olongapo Mayor Richard Gordon’s practice in their city became the rule of thumb in all cities and provinces.

• Strict implementation of the anti-dynasty law (the bill became a law)

• An end to armed struggle between the government and its many enemies

• Improvement of peace and order nationwide

• An end to kidnappings and other violence

Hoping that my vision would not be a “chase after wind,” that my joy may be full.

As Pope Francis said, “Do not let yourselves be robbed of hope.”

Let’s face year 2014 with high hopes enlivened with prayers that life would be better for our country and people.


Coordinator Matthew Lizares Parish Works Staff Managing Editor: Susan Amoroso Web Editor: Emilio Medina Photographers: Ann Lopez, Irene Gonzales, Noemi Sta Anna, Rio Angeles Graphic Artist: Jessica Samantha Lim Bulletin Board Editor Harley Dave Punzalan Powerpoint Coordinators Mria Rhea Pia Libao, Ging Santos, Ellie Medina, Vince Eduard Reyes, SAAP Facebook Admin Karen Ann Phoa

ContributorsGlo Pineda, Rhoni Christel Trillana

Spiritual AdvisorRev. Msgr. Dennis Odiver

PublisherSt. Andrew the Apostle ParishN. Garcia St. cor. Kalayaan Ave.Bel-Air II, Makati CityPhones: (632) 890-1796 / 890-1743

Parish Works is the official weekly newsletter of Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish.

Puzzle CornerJanuary 12, 2014 - Feast of the Baptism of the Lord; Readings: Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 / Psalm 29 / Acts 10:34-38 / Matthew 3:13-17

1) “Here is my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T R A N S V E whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased, upon whom I have put my spirit.”

2) “He went about doing good and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G A N H I L E all those oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.”

3) “Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D I T E Z P A B by him. John tried to prevent him, saying, ‘I need to be baptized by you, and yet you are coming to me?’.”

4) “After Jesus was baptized, he came up from the _ _ _ _ _ T A W R E and behold, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S H A V E N E were opened for him.”

5) “And he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon him.

And a voice came from the heavens, saying, ‘This is my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D O V E L E B Son, with whom I am well pleased.’”

Answer key: 1) Servant; 2) Healing; 3) Baptized; 4) Water, Heavens;5) Beloved


Coordinator Matthew Lizares Parish Works Staff Managing Editor: Susan Amoroso Web Editor: Emilio Medina Photographers: Ann Lopez, Irene Gonzales, Noemi Sta Anna, Rio Angeles Graphic Artist: Jessica Samantha Lim Bulletin Board Editor Harley Dave Punzalan Powerpoint Coordinators Mria Rhea Pia Libao, Ging Santos, Jorge Gomez Jitomo II, Ellie Medina, Vince Eduard Reyes, SAAP Facebook Admin Karen Ann Phoa

ContributorGene Alberto, Sonya Enriquez, Emma Entao

Spiritual AdvisorRev. Msgr. Dennis Odiver

PublisherSt. Andrew the Apostle ParishN. Garcia St. cor. Kalayaan Ave.Bel-Air II, Makati CityPhones: (632) 890-1796 / 890-1743

Parish Works is the official weekly newsletter of Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish.

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fiesta gasLPG BRAND

Top Performances: Group of Tita Alice Nava

Top Performances: Group of Ate Jamie Luz

• The Candle: A mirror of starlight, reflecting our thanks for the star of Bethlehem.

• The Gift Bow: Tied as we should all be tied together in bonds of goodwill forever.

• The Candy Cane: Represents the shape of the shepherd’s crook, used to bring lost lambs back to the fold.

• The Wreath: A symbol of the never ending eternal value of love… having no end.

Paeskwela ni San Andres Christmas Party

Symbols of Christmas ...from page 2was asking why she still asks for personal approval, flattery and love when He, Himself, infinitely showed how much He loved each one of us. As she was putting on her makeup, Jesus was thinking how beautiful her daughter really is without it, and as she skipped her breakfast and went on with her day, Jesus decided to stay beside her, silently hoping she would take a moment and follow Him, as He unconditionally protects and guides her along the way. For the guy in Exhibit B, while he brings his notebook and wallet, Jesus was there by him, Jesus planned to cancel a test the guy wasn’t ready for the day, because one more failure would aggravate his case for expulsion. While the guy spends his last penny for that pack of cigarette, Jesus looks at His son, thinking and wondering how His child decided to let all decent principles hover away from him. The bottom line here is, while teenagers today try to dance their rowdy days away, daring themselves to be wilder than the rest, Jesus is always right behind them, He would still love them just as much, even though He suffers from deeper pain and sorrow whenever people go their own ill-defined ways.

Jesus is with the youth. No matter how much people force their belief that hopes are lost for young people, Jesus never thought of turning His back away from them- simply because He loves them, and letting them go is never a choice. What the youth today should solely focus on is following and serving Jesus, to love Him and to love His people. Our role now is to simply be good individuals. It is never easy to follow what pleases our Father, we may fall every now and then, but we should never stop trying, for Jesus, our Savior and Confidant, never considered on giving up on us.

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