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.~ , - -:--:. -~ - -- -- -. - " -- - '

Old I ndlon

Vo ! 3 - !Vo·/~

VOL. 3.

u. S. D"5J:' ARTI.n1'T OF TJ!":: P'T1RI01 NATIOl-'AL?L'U'. S:.;:qVIC'-':

GRA ND C:.~'YO~T !'.\ T IO~!AL ? 'lK

G'lA~'!) CAl"lOY ~'ATlJln }'01"':G --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

1m. 5. December I, 192~.

This bulletin is issued monthly for the Furpose of giving information to those interested in the nature·.l histor'] and scientific feE:tures of the Grr,nd Canyon ,.Tr tional pprk. Additional copies of t~ese bulletins may be obtained free of charge by those who can r.ltke use of them, b:r S4(ress ing the Superintendent, Gra nd Ccnyon r~ t ional Pc rk, Grand C,~ n"on, ). rizona. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --~ . . R. Tillotson, Sunerintcmdent. By - G. '!J. Sturdevant, ·Park r'atur[ _ 1st. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

Since the Grand Can70n was created a national park in 1919, the extreme northeastern portion has re~Ained an unkno"~ quantity to the ~ational Park Service. Althoubh nrospectors visite3 the region in search of precious met~ls in the early d&ys and e~ch year secs thous~nds of v isi tors peering over t he eastern rim c.t the be(lutiful red s t rat.ified roclrs before tho riv"r enters the Gr2.nite Gorge, no one h2s penetrated the region, cOM1?rising a k :lf-score of side canyons, to determine a nd r eport on tl:le exect nr- turc of tht' terrcin. ~"hether there are strecms suite. ble for trout, unusual IndLn ruins , whether deor drift into the r egion to wintQr, or if be::.v· r a r e presont in the permanent str0::>ms, whether trrcos of life me:" b :. fouyd in the ·old . . 1goMir.n rocks, or Co dozen oth'"r questions, could be nnslY r 8!r.iSy c. pc.trol into the region. Covering approxirnctely forty-five miles by auto, ono hundred anQ thirty-five mil -:: s on foot, f ive milos by e[. nvc. s blJ<.t, and Bonsu,ming sixt,1 .:n tl:!ys of time, Chief Rc.nger J ames P. Brooks, Runger Arthur·: L. Brown, und the park naturalist tr::.vcrsed this hitherto little known portion of the p'- rk •

. 7e left Grand Ca r·yon by Couto Thursday morning llov,:mb, r 15th for !~ava­ho])i Junotion R:.nger St.:: t i on. The ro:~ d took us throu/>h a portion of the beautiful Tus~yan ~: .. tion:-: l For" st of m:.j ()stic yellow pines, and through the pinons, junipors, and or:ks. Snow had f c ll en t.ho pr .. vious dr.y a nd as the sun rose hieh-: r t'le ro-d bec!'.me softer. By lcr.v jng on exllrc~ely croo!',:.d 7· ~th in the' slippory ro, d wc .. -t l est pullod up in front of tho rc.ng0r ~t, tion.

The following morning tho suppl i 0s w·, r e ·loed:]':. on the mule ;lack tr:. in and we st~rted for the ha ~. d of tho old Ey T. nner tr:o il. 1:" 1J:.:nner w: .s p rob::bly the first pionc':) r into this r ag ion. H· hed built c. tr::. il into thO) Canyon and curried on mining opor :, tions previous to the, :.: rly eighties. :;:;'0 tr~ .. il is about onc c.nd one- h.:. lf miles from tho st~. tion. Tho chicf r:mgor and t Il:: ptrk nc. turc list preoeded the pack train wi th [,n ex to ohop out wh.:: t . .lv?r branches ovorhung tho trc.ll whilo Rc. ngcr Brown r e!llC. ined behind to ass 1st Jack 7~y, the Govornment packer, with the supplios. On tho \'I<.y VlO ~ L H ~ ~.:Jot" run across the rond end disappec,r among the junipers and pinons. 'i'll( tr,nl

. is sadly in neod of r cp::. irs. It v/C.s neoessary to do cons id;, ~:)ble ~:OD': ,i::g for tho first two mil os to permit the p,:ek trc.in to pJ. Ss. A .• ter tll~t . · · Iv

troes gruduo. lly droT,lp -:d out - wo wero below tho snow line :·.nd ontenr. . ='

- 2 -0'

y.'armor lifo zona •. ,~j;M.Cl':~ ~oro ' lIIr!I;Iro'U:T · ::.nd \':.(; Y/er" fortull.').to 1n o ')eing two l:·. rg~ bucko in r, draw. Th07 (\'PIJ~rC'd undinturbcd b" our intruolon for after ro.ising their hneds to g::!zo ~.t Ul'l th"lY r r, oUl:lod fc ::,ding.

Arriving tl t t,,·') foot of T' nnl)r 'Ilreil 5hortly :~ ft<:'r nocn '7(> Mt-:bliohr:d ,. b".SG c~.Tr.p t,ni lunc!1t::d. Thn po.cl':C'r ho-:: d-::i his mul ·- n up tho: tr.- il .",n1 tV chicf rnng'r, ~~~,:, r Broy'll • . ":ni t'v., p"' rlr n" tur-li~t journ!J'T .': ~ do:'.'ll t )l·) river to sec thc· l~.y of th " l ".nd. Th-:: chi ,f thin", of int ··· r · ot \'i'S t!1 .~ di,covcl"! of t..-IO lndi- n ruins ' nd :. !ll.-,t- to ston~,.

nthough it ... r 0 cold .;nou[;h to form ico in cur c ~ nt 'C ':no ' i C' olcpt V0r'! oomfort~,bly on th .; S~ nd '''i th !lrr0'.7 vl(:od for ('. = ttr':,ns ::-.nd !l bL,nlwt end n quilt cacho Nothing disturbc.d our olumbors but ',".J found num~rou3 3l!l!l.1l tI-c.cks =, round our bncio ['.nd diocovored tll'l. t some nocturllliJl visi tt'.nt )lC.d eaten on th .. bcil r;d ho.m nnd ro:.st beofl

With light packs end provi3ions for '" d~.'T " "; fo.llo·,7e-d dl1 old trr. il down the river. Seve- reI ducltG occurring in groups ' up to four ':lOr ' . obscrvod on thc Colore.do. iild burro Dnd door trc.ck3 woro nume r 0us and in [:11 ''Ie counted thirteoti wild burr03 - ,rob', bly tho onl:r livin~ r nlics of prospoctors dc-ys. Grrss wDo, sc::rcc ne1'.r t!1r. riv "r 'md tho bUrros hD.d mtie =:lrOU3 tr:-ils contro ining innu;'!lor:'ble z ig-Z:1ti3 up t~c cnn"o!:l s ide t o r e .: c1': "l~ t vcget '" tion existed et th;; hieher l evels.

Thc.t night ':m c ".mpo'.1 no:r the mouth of C - J;'d~nn~ Crce1{ but liko m:1ny of the sO-CC lI ed s tr0=~ of the southw':!3t - it 11: .s c, nc:mc but no v{:'. t Dr except <:ft er D st ,)r!ll. l!o"quito '\nd C1'.ts clew t~1('.t gr ':!w no:- r tho river b:·.nks proved to be, superior w'.:od f or our o .... oning c-:ompf i r o, yet we genorally ~.v ". iled oursolv'13 of the l c. rgc pil.:;n of drift l odgr.· =-:mg t ;, .' rockS \';hon t 'l.J l::st , igh ViCto r r -::c i,dQu. Among ct :lc r v:: rious :: !:I1l ~unJ.ry '"cods c ouli be f e_ 'i !'

ruilroc.d tics, t e lephcne polo~, p~, rto of c. f once with thr> ~l irn 3till ~t.; .:: chcd, an end ga.to to. 11 ";"g'lO 'box, fenc o g('tes, and bcc,'''or-gIl'''-'7ed cottonviood cnd birch. .

J.ftcr c.n c!>-rly brc[' kf:1st \'10 roturnQd to the b:'s Q c~mp. ',"Ii th R~.nt;~r BrO\'m ca rr:Tir-f5' n. rifle to diG poSI') of ~: n~l prod'" tOl"'."'f "':.ni!:lf.13 cncount ·,~r ~ d, the afternoon \~!:; sp0nt in tr:'_vc11in6 a c ouple of mi1 0s up th·) river's cours e . llt.ngor Brmm, \'/n? vr s 31 i ghtl', in the I Ce d , ... ··s s on t o r :} is e his gun end aim ot semo s ingulr..r objoct. To our 3uryris,':! -.nd y rob ':bly to tho sur1,Jrisc of the anim..-l, '/10 8::>X' him fir" two shots -t :1 l ~ rg" pl-to2.u ':i ild c~t. The C?t's hurried strides cccrri c- e him over ~ ridge !lnd up 1'. sitI!) c:.nyon out of d".nger.

On the following de.y we won1; up the river to the, rag ion :-.bov C) Cc_rbon C.::nyon. Hore tho C-'nyon ';,:: lls n::.rrov;od in so clos r. to. tho river thD.t it W::.s impossiblo to progress f ::. rther. Op-posito the mouth of Chuc.r Cr eok r.rc D. ..

numbc;, of old mining cl~·. im';. St::.nding fr~.meG of t ~n~ hous c!) e nd cn old bOQt shO"l/cd" th"lt c-.ctiv (~ mining opcrntiono YlC r ;:; onc e c :-' rri (Js. en. T'ile sid.os of ono mine tunncl t ha t "Ie entc r 0d wer o ho=.vily incrustc·. t od ,:ith c:.rbonc to of copper end salt. Ko"r t ho rivor YiC Oil\'{ tlhc r0 a doo r he.d r ocently cro9scd. at the old Tnnncr croen ing. The n~nd \"i!:.S :.till ·\~·~t nl:mg th ... 1 trr clt::J lc::d­ing up from tho rive r " s edgo ''1hero tho deol' :lad'drippod I1.ftor his i.cy plunge. A btc dgcr and!!. grocn-\,!inged t onI ','Ie r o notice d. lying on t he sm:Q. Whore thClY h('.d lodged nfter bqing c:'rriod ['.n unknown dist::nco by tho rlv :)r.

- 3 -

Upen t!,~ return t ? C".J::r-, C~liof ~ ",~o:r Br00k~ ~, . d ,~ :; or.!': oJxC! ~ l1 cnt n'~odlc .~up. W!".on ~nkc:l. !1i~ r ;'ci, ':, :-,0 ropliod , "'.!c,l1 YJU 3t-- rt ':lit!, I:'Uddy riYcr ,tor." Thi3 nt" rt ';,-:1 ~()c ·~3n::-.r;<1 in r:l?ct 0f tho) c00kins. If ::-.110':;;;" ')

octt1C! ff)r t.'::n lv~ ~~0Ur':i t::- . · ~t C' r b"~comi:'!l qui. t l:') e1'1" r.. If onn in t~lll' ~ ,,}]

the scdir.tcnt i~ n"t b'1 ::.t ~ll, ~ nd it ~ dd:l t') t'10 t".ntc t') kn'Y:: thr..t ho in pr..r~king of t:- e n?lln of '.'/Y?J!lint:;, CoI0r:' ~e, l~m-: "';xico, lJt ".~, r.nd f. rizona.

,"hila sit tinf; ::r')und t'1, cr.mpfirc ;','0 not icc:!. ::;om,}tl1ing l'loTing in tho bUsh:o nc~: rby • . :' t fir:lt ·.7C th<::-ug1-: t i t \';:'. S r. rins-t .... ilc:. c': t lut .;:~ "'/erc not kept l ong in nU3!-' 2nDo for ,:ut ·;ro.lk():! ':\ little spott c; ~, nkunk - c,om;)time::; kIlO',m ~n t" ,: hydrop!lobi" nkunk. Ho nt:-.rtod un:L)r t;IO c nv:.n ';:b~ r,j ~ur T,ro­viaiono \"lOrc kept. d :: ~rcllcd c..t him c.nd ~10 ot :-.rto1 rl'::r::n r:'. r r.'"{ino , 'JOJ!lc ..... !1.'"!. t hr.ctcnci in hi::; dcp- rturc by Co otonc t~3nod. by t ';.c c: ... ic~ r -ngcr • .. ~t l~st the myntcry of t !1.0 nUJ:lorcuo tr:-.cko ::.nd. tl :;:; din!'.ppcc:r::-'ncc o~ h;)!'.lt~,y :r')rti'lnn of our boiled !l~,1:l end ro~ at boef ';r..<3 solved. 'l'llc li ttl;) sp?ttocl okunk app:lr0ntly h::os :'. loc id.cd.ly s!:.'Jrt 'r:lcmory concern ing t:~e f!'.ct t~ .:. t :ur pro­visilJns \7CrQ n'Jt f e r ~1im fer 5('')n nft':)r r o·tiring \";i) ~"jc~.rd. t h'] dishc3 rrcttling unie r t:: o c" nv :.s end. in npi to of our yellD ;:0 r c fu3 01 t·) hud"e. It yr.n nocc~G~r:r to r('M,)V~ t' ~·:,;: c~.n-·,""'s fr~m .C'ur f ':'0d :-;u:;pli~3 b!)f')r ~ h .) f in:-: lly t(':)l,: t'1:: ~:int t ~ IO':".Y'J. ;'1. 3 he 3t .... rtc~1 d ':"Y.Tl t "!-.o r'~ ":i!l~ Br'J\711 fired. ~ is rifl') ':n ':! it evi:lcntly r.l'.:~ c, suc:: ~, f ' " or " ble imT)rr.ss i·)n con '1m t:l'": t he f~iLd. to r0turn ~:, in tJ,"t ni£:ht.

During t he: ensuing d:: :r t"\t fJ trips ·r.ror,: m ..... 1.c ·.'it~ 1 sU::9plics up t .. ~!~ rive r to t :1C old Tenner Cros3ing opposito t!:c '~ mout:!: ~f C::u"r Cr,)01{. Our C~.nv~s

b')~t ~·lt. 3 c.s3crnb l o'.:O prcp::. r :-'. tC'ry t ~ ::'. trip int I) t~lL1 Cflu:~r Crook r )g i o:-n t;~:c

f ollT;;ing d.c.y.

With ~, byvy r; r ·)'.: t l: co f mooquitc to our b 'Cl'.3 t ~ br,,::k t :,,-, 'J in:1, :. blczing firo ~f drift ', ::")d t? t': ': frc-nt rmd. ,':i t", ~. g?~i N.", ttr-so ')f '.rr,)~l

ucod, it c.ppor: r r·d t:~ ..... t ' . .f(': . ")ul.::t. be m05t c'Jmfort ·.blc f or tl~~ (' ni[;:lt. .. )'I0ut "lidnig'lt tho p.:~rk mtur' Ibt ,.,::\5 m-::-.konc :' by nOr.lcthbg ~ulling ~·, t :,in ...... ir. ~c r ..... i!3cc. up t l) ':; ·;0 .'- l ittl e npottc ::l 3kun1c sC:r.Ipc ring ":.\".'["1.y . ~ .

couli not bc 1C'torr:1inc-d ,.,·'.o thcr tho sJrunl{ ,;:-.3 c.ft ~r ncsti11b m:t :::ri ' I ,1 f~l)d . Later in t ~\,·, nig'"'.t t ~:c cl"1iof r '"ng ~ r r.~ ~ cx::--..ksnc7. by t '-..c little '~ ':-Gt m lking DV,:'! r ~is bcd~. in5.

Aftor bro--:kf-.st 0ur c:".nv'"'.s b'.)'~ t :: nd ~uY)plics for six d~ys -::'r c c :-: rri , ~. t o t:,e r ivor's edge in r.mticip"ti"n -:- f "ur first b Cl".t c~0rionc <J on t',," tcmpcr~0nt::l Col ")r·· d.~. Al th')ugh o~ch !:1~n \'/f'v3 pr')vid ,:· ·~ i7 i t~:. ;; 1 if'·") !Jr~; s 'Jr:-or no onc c.~r r-; 1 t ~ try t~:C!!l ')ut in t::c icy ';:':. t ·~: r. 'rho c'~ i e r r[':ng·:- r ~nd t:!(' F rk nnturalist tcst .-:: d t ho b J''.t first. ·."/it!l")ut :-.ny b',gg", go t::c ba::,t ' -;., 3 r ,';!-01. ovc.r .".-nd bock ';':i t~:")ut miG ~!-:!.p o It Y.--=:'.O nv( n p0ssibl : t -:: r.r.~.k ·-· 31ig?:..t pr:J6r~s3 cgr.inst th~ curront in midstro::-.m. Aft 0r t !:. :t t :',r; 3upplics, :cnd fin~.lly R:lngcr Br07ln \"l,JrC co.rric::l o.cr O::>S G the rivor.

~hc blJct r!.nd unnccco3 ··.~J 3uppl ies '~70 r0 cc.chod nnd ',iO G t ... rt .""Jd up. t ;1C Chu:.r Crook. Al tilC-Ug;' Chuc.r Creole c.ppo:,rs on t!:. ,1 contour N .p C.S ~.n lnkr­mitt,ent str}!.'m, v:c f~und it cont~. incd. wr\ter t;,rough?ut it3 c ')~rz c: lT~c.r the Ill')uth of t!10 otro::..>:! ';1,: f')und t:;c tr" clco of :. I n. r gc r.l0u~t~ In llon. POSSibly t '1C pr,"scnc ,.", -:- 1' t :10 rn')unt~.in li ')n n ·'.s t 'K r~,' 3')n t )·,o deor :",,:'1 cross­ed t,.,~ river t\-r d.- yo prn'i 'usly. T"lc ';.-'Co t r: r ')1' C:'.u~. r Cr80lt is cl·~' r ~nd.. ~" g?o"-t~sting c.nc. ?no' ·::'ul~. no c:J. "- r:1Uo"l l -:mgor time t 'l g;)t hiz "poclc '1f 11r. than by drinki:1g t':b ri'rr ·;r..t a r.

Cr:r.tp ':r ~ cnt· :bliG~·!f-.':1. und0r S'T~Q c 0tt ~n-;:("')t1s -b~ut t\7,) ~n~ ')nc-:-t::lf rnil ":; !:j up tl\o strc"r.l. Durin" t ".o r.ftnrn ")~n · ... 0 cxpl<Jr:)~\ ~, s:~?rt distc.nc ", c,b')vc ocmp.

- 4 -

Presently we O8r.le .to a smnll branch strell!!l Of t 'le Chuar. Following up the b~nch a short distance we c~e to its source seeping from a le~ge dens.ly covered with maiden hair ferns. As we mounted a ri~e to survey the surround­ing country we glanced back und saw the reme.ins of an old c~r.1p. After noting the main course of the s tream b~, the growth of cottonViood \\'e returned to e~mine the old camp - abandoned as We thought by SOMO prospector.

An old ditch led out from the source of the v~tor and finally a trough ~rriod the v~t0 r .in dLys gono by to the camp. As tho trough v~s V-shaped cnd locked riffles it seemed a yoor sluice box to cctch gold. ~~ong the articles around tho CGr.1p wore sever!:l bottles of. an old type, a ·Dutch even, thirteen lwgs, two ·fifty gallon br. rrels, a large Mcsh baM, a Vlooden paddle, and 0 stone fire 1)l1:'ce. The racy was un-!:'lineralizoc' ani it lookod ::'lore like a distillnrr tMn a yla cer cl.:. i!:'l. Ranger !1rovrn ',·ho had gone on a short dist­anae yelled bnck th.-: t he had solved thG 11'T3 t or',. ·!hen W,' arrived ho painted to a cottonwood tree. There 1'.'0 SaYI an old cof~ '~c zrind:.r spik ~ d· to f. stu.~ of a cottonv:ood tr:!c . The stu':lP h!:d since sprouted c. rou"d the ba ne and the

,branches, one of '.-'hic:. ViCS full.., 3 JVOn inch·1s in 0.1"", t c r, h1:.d grOl-m co:!pleta-' , ly around the grind,)r. It ,'I['.S _ cO!:'lpletc distill ~ry \7hich W[,3 probE-hly used by so~o prospactor to combino bo.tsiness with his poor-paying mining opor~tions.

Wo wero undioturbod during tho night by nocturn"l prowlers and tIl' follow­ing morning wo took tho :':lajor portion of our 3uppli'~s and started up th.:: main florl of Chuar Croole. About two l!l ilc;3 up stroam wo left our packs mlar a dry wash and continued u') C':.uar CrOOk. Old bcav;) r gnav.' in;;s \7Cr C nu::-tarOU3 but no fr,}sh boav·~r signs ';!ero seen. Occns ion!:lly a y,-,:, tor ouz·11 would fly up and minnows would d~. rt to cover a s ,fe nocr e>!. :10DO pool. Banger Brm-m picked up a bleached h()<l.d of a d ',nr conta ining u fr·:e,]' so::t of horns. T';.'o paints and four lonG eye ,3'Uards 1. ~,: r"· pr l':' scnt one 0 (' 0:1 sid ',.

Broken pi ecr.- s of pottC!;r nc ,: r tho b ' nks of th:; strcrn indies ted the prC3r.-nCC of a fornor rc.c c . S',£, reh in th~ vic init',' r ')vec. l;)d the:: exis t ~nc ~

of thirteen ruins and on,") ,·/cll-llro3:::rvod food ericne. Tho lcrges t ruin ·. s about t"enty f (:et by thirty f 0ct and contG in,-· d t y:o innor compart!TIent s . roar the hoad of the stroam and abeut a l'1ilo abov'~ occurrJd the bos t ruin3 found. H"r~ ;-.as an Icodisn fort and five dwellings under a cliff. T· :o Ir::!icn fort, Imdc of stone with l::ud !:lortar, was in an oxc •. 110nt st~t .; of pr.;scrv£.tion. 0" one side thero \7~ 3 a s tone door twont'T by t.-;"nty-four inches \":i th an opening ovr:r the top_ 0.:: the s ide rae ing tho !j tr ;.)c:-l \·g: r .~ seven opcni!'.gn thr\,10

by four inches. IL a ·.-)oar ' d tb<.t tho fort Qv1d'l"tl,[ co ; '::anded c one-time Inliian trail froC! th,:· K· ibcb do';m C'-,uar Creek.

In the afternoon '7e returned to our p!lcle an:'. :1 U"l:) 1 ies. J)::ring the evening r.'e heard a riJ'1.,g-tc. iled cct giving his bird-lilte colI. If one -,Yere not familiar \":i t~1 this inter"ls ting anir.l81 he !:1ieht rendily think the call VIas made by a bird.

At bre~kf<'~ t the 1f'tollo'.'l inlr !:lomine- we sax; a Inr: e buck \'.'i th a mngnifi­aent set of antlers starin~ at -·us an he remained. pr<.cticc lly n:otionlens silhouetted f1s-ainst the s~ line. ~1e ret<: ine(' t~1i3 p0~ition for several. ~inutes and fin!:lly di3appes red over the ridGe. -1.fter br~2kfast \7e stud1ed .he contour P.lC.p and pi:lked out ';:hat nppeored to be f. fea~nble route to the X'·/llgUnt, the next large canyon to the ~north.

We broke C2T.1p and follo~7ed up ~: dry strean bed t~ ~ts head. Six deer "ore seeri along the 'iay. They mJre in exoellent condltlon and seeMed curiouo about Our intrusion lipan their domain.

- 5 -

T~o dc~cont i!:to thc V'::ufUnt ~roltl diff'dcult but ... iith a Ion.:; rO)1c ''10 c!'lablcd ourGol"lro"> to :;ot oyor tho kd ·lad[otl. In a dry tribute rv · ... 0 found a sr.all soap in. t ;l.J roa!{s. Fro':h doer tr,;oks an1 c.eVGrc 1 Ylell-'70rn. tra no ir.dicatod that thay ca,-,o to tho plaoa r oc;ul c rl'r for ·:.'2.t : r. .\:: ing la doer r:as soon ir. tho Yioinity. In tho :'ain stroarl bed .;:' ro c.ovcral hol09 in tho sand ,"/here d':cr haQ. been diGSing for Yta t 0r. About four r.:11a5 above tho r.:outh of K'::abllnt Cra (.]~ ".'0 found a Derr..unant flo'.: rlhere ,':c cntablishe1 C::r.T.l.

A nur.:b:;r of ootton':.'001 tre .s had been fallod by b ,)avor ll.:ld unkno';:n to the~­co17as thay proYid0d uo .. ,·itll a bountiful 1':0 01 supply. In t :1C short t1r:10 that r or:aina1 b oforo darlcn.esG ' iC lool~()d o.lon:; tho 3tr ... o,r.: and disco,'or ed s r· -: boa';or dans . ·Tho uppor-r:o::t da~~ o11o\':od boautiful '7orlrr!anahip \';ith a r.:ixtur of cottonnood and ',',' i 11017 branchea, lecvos, stonea an1 r.·.ud.. The ir food supply of cottony/ood bI;anc;les had b00n cut into t'70 foot len::;ths and 3ubnerzod in tha "lUter. A slida and a houso ,":ero also present.

During tho evC)nin~ rIC approached t;,o d '1[, and listcmc ,l ·.'!hila thay \70r'~ce. Although it. was too dr.rk to sao th.oir noyer..onto it '::a r. nost intcr no tin.; to hear thasc anho,ls toilinr; - th" sa llonstructivQ anginGar~ ':lhoao forof~thors cauBad Janos O. ?cttic and his fathar to ... iait tho Gr c nd C.:: n,yon in 1826 as the foro runnars of bcaver trappcrs. As th·:>y poun~.cd s:.-.. ay :l t the d ns durin,;; tho stillnesa of the night they soundo:' li"e a 5:'\0.11 amy at work.

Tho following nornill[; \'/0 crossad. tho .ridge 3a~ rc. ting tho K .... ..agunt fran Nankoweap Creck. Once ovor the ridgo tla looka:'. do';m on the tho Nankor.'a:lp Canyon \7hich is tho last large vallay to tho north . Fron our distant vim'l we could reko out c line of cottonl'loods c lon€; the borders of Nankowec.p Crook. It \'1::'.3 ir.1possible to r aec:" the atraaT.': and raturn before night so \-;e decided to turn back . It startod to rein UDon our crriv['.l at K\',-abUnt Craek nonrly a nila bal0\7 cc.rep so Rancor Brown raturned to look c ft rj r our suppl ies whilo the chiaf rnnGar an,'" tho park n.::\ turc.list follQ'.70d dOl'm tho K .... ne;unt to its mouth. Tho ohief things of intares t dOl'in to the river wore tho discoyory of r. [JU!:1Oifiad buck c.oor \'I ith ten point3 on ea ch entl er, nunarous dear trc.oks, sevenl be-e,'or tracks, and:2 via'.'.' of the K'.,'ugunt Rc.pids.

',!lhcn we r eached c~.l:'!p 'q .ngor Brm'm ~lll1ouncod tho disco":ory of ~ "lost city" contc.ini!1g c. t la:: st t';,'anty-five ruins. He discovor ed. soyor,-l pic to­grc.phs undar r. l aige ".nd collected a flint skilmfnG knife, seYer.'ll crro,1 hC::.ds nnd pieces of p(Jltt " ry. Along aC.c'l porr.cncnt s tre[,J:l I'li thin tho pc.rl~ onc \7ill invr.ri~bly "!ni tr:::cas of c bYGone r"!eo. .

Tho next d<'.y ','.'0 brol~o c~.r:p c.nd r e turned. to Chucr Creol: r-,".j'.illf,' th0 gr eataat ain;:;l Q hike of th.:: trip. Innte~·.d ·Jf follol:'ir.,; our .011 tr:'.il b:' c~: ,10 st~.yad. na'.:r rJl' the Color"clo River Mak ing it nec csac.ry to crOBS Hll. I Gasc , Al'latubi, Sixty nila, end Carbon Cc.nyons befe-ra r G".chin;; our first 0::r.1p in Chur!r Creck. ",'0 cn tit1O.tci th~. t r.'e !l:l.d covoros.. sb·:tccn nile::: duril16 t?1c d~y.

Tho . foll o'.'l ing r.o rni!l$ ';/0 st['. rtc :'. b· ·. el~ te our b~sa CCr."<p <'.t the f ea t of Tanner tr!:!il. Ya". r t :l0 ,",cuth of Chur. r :Jroek I'/'. disc a~'crc,l c, cri1)pl .')1 =d hen '7h<!ch ':(.) 3 o:osily cr.:.p turod \7!~en it st~rto " run inta t'1,~ Maoquitc bUSn.03. It wc.~ rclo~a G :J. ~ ft C' r I,o~inC" for c. pictur·:· ':,'ith t~1" fr()~ J{ act of c."". :-ontlcrs.

Our b').~. t ~. nd surplus sUf.>pl ias \7~r) undi3turb(' ~' [In:! '.-::; h::'~ no c,if~tcul ~y in r..nkins t .. ·o erosa in.:;s af tho rivor. '1".th" r th~n :T.k·.' t .. ·o trl'[)s p~ cl': :'$ t,h' boat c.nd supplies do:·.'ll to tho b::30 c~lr.Ip it soC'r:ad a bott()r propositicm to

- 6 -

10-".1 tho 5upplioo in t~o b'J!1t ~n:l drift d~','.'!l Y.'ith the currcnt. It Y;'::G doc11-d th:.t 'In.nS·Jr BrO'.':n \"-""11~ d.,,':-m ~. nd cl'.rry t',o co.r.1er~.s W!lllC the chiof r ' .nsor ~ ,ld tho park nn.tur~.list r-r.nned tho boat 100.de1 "lith our :;upplies. By ,,~" ,­loadillb t!l.o boo. t and pert~-si!lb it and the supplies ar'Jund tho ~,nger'Jus r.:,pids 17C roo.cho:l. the b~, se c~,r.lp in sl'.fety.

The Unlc':',r rOSiOI1 to the seuth ('.nd on th~ oPPosito sao of the riv0r rer:o.ined to be explorod. It \,ns doc Hed to ",:.ko ~ three-day trip into tho rcgien. The sup:.>lios ';:en 1 Jc.do~ int? the bo,:. t noxt n~rnins n.nc. we driftod. dmm stroDr. a sh0rt distcnce r;hero we crosso! c.n:~ entored t!l.e Unkn.r rcgi ·,n. Fresh door trc.cks ,/oro nur.wr'Jus in spi to (If n l(',ck ()f good browso.. Ono 10tIe y;h1to burre ~/t'.S encountored. This nnir.':'l ' Ik'1.s nc d'Jubt lived. c lones6r.le lifo in the c.rea f()r a nU:".bcr ()f yenrs 5 ince it \-.-::',5 turno1 lc?se by S?r.10 preSpeMOl',. Like the (l ther sHe e:::nyc'Ils, prospect")rs hD.'i vlsit (;C.! this one in t~c o('.1'1y dc.ys as Vi"n·S cyi:lcncc :.'. by the discovery of t:l0ir c::-'t1p 8i tOB; D.nd nur'tor~uS mnu..,cnts pilei up ':,'hore they q.h,d 1-:>c- to'''" t:lOir clo.i1:1s. Whorevor there is D- f::ult in t11e str: t~ -:'r ron ~utcr()p of igne'JUs r0el: ?nc ,,:ill incvit,"bly find. the J:!on=onts pile:! up w:lore t'lOir olc.ir.:s \"lero stnked eut.

After s,eniing two nights ani r..!ljor portion (If threo d~ys in the rogi(ln 1';1 th?ut rokill6 :.ny unusunl find.G \".'0 s tc.rta:l bf'. ck t:- ')ur bo.se (lO.r.lp. Upon

· r.rrival at t~K lr'.ttcr plc,co t,1e b0:>.t \'/~t S :lriecl ~.nrl our supplies p::cltod in kyack bexes t~ bo t~,kon 'Out by the peok trc.in "t a Inter data.

;Ve ''-lore up bcf(lrc dc.ylight the f'Jllo\7in3 m(lrning IOnd wdl on tho wat up the long T~ nnor trc.il befor.:: t:1C shc.tl:0\~"S of the risillb sun OCl!lO oYer tho Cnny':ln rir.'l. T,:; I)nc \"!!10 hf'..s rcrr-:n.inod. tTl') \7001(s in tho Grr':ni C·~nyon. out 'Jf~' from c0ntact \7i th the ~uts i~e ,lOrl:l, ('.n:l ,Ii th st~ne wallG t '-'\7cring on- all st:ies nec.rly ; mile :>.b"ve hin, the hOT,:eVJari trip is tho nos t ploc.surea.blo pnrt ')f the j0urney. He ViC\7S ''-lith t.riUJ:lph (lech f"r:nc.ti"ln ho leD-ves beneath h:lJ:J, he enj (lYs the sn,u t}1('.t greets hir. ('.8 he .?ppr~ ·f'.ches tho C:.ny'Jn rim, t ':1 in fllct he enj ')"s the entire h(lT:ewnrcl trip SUO:l ~.s ,.'0 r.r' de to the rf'.Ilgor s...ati')n and '.'In int·,) the villcsc c.roc..

Although the trip ,'/['.S n7t entirely fruitful, nevertheless, the Mrth­CD-stern porticlU ';1' t~10 0..rc.nd Cc.ny?n is n:l l(ln,;er n r.:ystery - it is ('. ltnCl,m part of the p..~,rk.
