Vocabulary Practice My grandma looked at her wedding pictures ______. a) logicallogical b)...


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Vocabulary Practice

My grandma looked at her wedding pictures ______.

a) logical

b) wistfully

c) eavesdropping

d) jumble

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wistfully – adverb – in a sadly longing way, yearningly

______ is not a polite thing to do.

a) eavesdropping

b) wistfully

c) jumble

d) scuffling

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eavesdropping – noun – listening to other people talking without letting them know you are listening

My room is a _____ of toys and books, so I have to clean it.

a) jumble

b) scuffling

c) scornfully

d) acquaintance

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jumble – noun – a confused mixture or condition, mess

When we heard ______ from upstairs, we knew Grandpa had finished his nap.

a) scuffling

b) scornfully

c) acquaintance

d) logical

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scuffling – noun – the sound of feet shuffling

The critic was unhappy with the new artist’s painting so he spoke ______ about them.

a) eavesdropping

b) jumble

c) scuffling

d) scornfully

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scornfully – adverb – in a way that shows that something or someone is looked down upon and considered bad or worthless

Carole is an _______ from camp.

a) scornfully

b) acquaintance

c) logical

d) wistfully

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acquaintance – noun – a person one knows, but who is not a close friend

When it rains, I do the _______ thing and put my bicycle in the garage.

a) acquaintance

b) logical

c) wistfully

d) eavesdropping

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logical – adjective – sensible, being the action or result one expects

News stand - noun - An open booth or stand at which newspapers and periodicals are sold

Subway - noun - An underground urban railroad, usually operated by electricity.

Neon Signs – noun - signs that are crafted by the of bending tubing into shapes, filled with neon gas.

Cement – noun - A building material which can be mixed with water and poured

to set as a solid mass or used as an ingredient in making mortar or concrete

Formerly Long acre Square, Times Square entered the nation's consciousness in 1904, when it was renamed after the New York Times building that became the cornerstone of the new district at the crossroads of Broadway and 7th Avenue

Times Square is now most famous for its New Year’s Eve Celebration, which started in 1904 with the dropping of a lighted globe at Midnight

Times Square is also central to the Broadway Theater also known at the

“Great White Way”

Other sights - a Nedick’s Lunch Counter

Susan Ging Lent Production