Vocabulary Roots English II Semester 2. dys- Definition: bad, difficult Sample word: dystopia Sample...


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Vocabulary RootsEnglish II

Semester 2

dys-Definition: bad, difficult

Sample word: dystopia

Sample word definition: an imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives

Sentence: The Matrix takes place in a dystopian society.

ex-Definition: out

Sample word: exploit

Sample word definition: (v) to employ to the greatest possible advantage; (n) an act or deed, especially a notable or heroic one

Sentence: The media exploits the lives of movie stars and musicians in order to improve ratings.


Definition: over, above

Sample word: hypersensitive

Sample word definition: excessively or abnormally sensitive; over-sensitive

Sentence: The sappy commercial made the hypersensitive pregnant woman cry.

super-, sur-Definition: over

Sample word: superfluous

Sample word definition: exceeding what is sufficient or necessary

Sentence: The two hundred and fifty video games he owned seemed superfluous to his mother.

vit, viv

Definition: life

Sample word: vital

Sample word definition: full of life and vigor

Sentence: Clarisse’s vital personality confused and inspired Montag.


Definition: without, not

Sample word: amoral

Sample word definition: being neither moral nor immoral; without morality

Sentence: Many argue that unlike humans animals are amoral.

contra-Definition: against

Sample word: contraband

Sample word definition: goods or merchandise whose importation, exportation, or possession is forbidden

Sentence: In Fahrenheit 451, books were contraband.

counter-Definition: against

Sample word: counterfeit

Sample word definition: made in imitation of something else with intent to deceive

Sentence: Annie purchased a counterfeit designer watch on the streets of New York city.

hypo-Definition: under, less than

Sample words: hypocrite

Sample word definitions: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue; a person who is less than the virtuous personality they project to others

Sentence: The hypocritical trainer went out back to smoke a cigarette and eat a doughnut between sessions.

luc, lumDefinition: light, clear

Sample words: lucid, hallucinate, illuminate, pellucid

Sample word’s definition: extremely clear in style and meaning

Sample sentence: Her pellucid writing made it easy for me to understand the novel.

magnDefinition: great

Sample words: magnitude, magnanimous

Sample word definition: Very generous or forgiving, esp. toward a rival or someone less powerful than oneself; high-minded or noble

Sample sentence: The magnanimous king allowed his enemy to leave the kingdom without harm.

mis-Definition: bad, wrong

Sample words: mistake, mistook, misfire, misanthrope

Sample word definition: a person who hates or distrusts humankind

Sample sentence: Ebenezer Scrooge is the perfect example of a misanthrope.

pathDefinition: feeling, illness

Sample words: empathy, sympathy, apathy, antipathy

Sample word definition: lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting; absence of passion

Sample sentence: Mildred’s apathy frustrated and angered Montag.

perDefinition: through

Sample words: persuasion, impervious, pervasive

Sample word definition: Not allowing something to pass through; unable to be affected by

Sentence: In the summer, I am impervious to the heat; I play outside all day.

reg Definition: guide, rule, king

Sample words: regal, regicide

Sample word definition: the killing of a king

Sentence: In the Lion King, Scar plots regicide when he works to kill Mufasa.