Voice Training Principle #4 The Element...


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All Rights Reserved. by Christopher von Spitzer

2. Purpose

Once you know the result you’ve committed to, you must know why you want it, and why you’re taking action.

In other words, you should know your P—your purpose. Having a sense of real purpose, like compelling reasons, will provide you with the drive necessary to make your desired result a reality. There is a major difference between simply having a dream, and having

enough reasons to push yourself through the inevitable obstacles that will stand between you and your goals.

There are many ways to achieve a result or outcome, but you must know why you are going after it. This way, if your first plan or attempt fails, you will have the necessary drive to

follow through and keep moving toward your ultimate vision.

Your purpose gives you the emotional reasons why you want to follow through and do whatever it takes to create the outcome you desire. Whereas an outcome (or result)

produces focus, a purpose gives you drive. For example, it’s one thing to say, “I want to become healthy. It’s another thing to say, “I want to become a healthy because I will be

able to help my children as a role model; make a difference in the world with more energy; develop the pride of knowing that I’ve overcome so many challenges; the probability

increased that I will live longer, I will feel better and create many magical, fun moments for myself and those I love in a more energetic, live state!”

When you fully feel why you are doing something, you will create the emotional excitement and “juice” that will give you the drive and momentum to create the result.

Your purpose is the compelling reasons why you want to do something—reasons that will give you the necessary drive to follow through on your plan.


So ask yourself in the context of your voice: What is your ultimate purpose to go with this vision? Why do you want this

vision for your voice? What will it give you to have this voice? Think about it. Feel it. How would you language your purpose?


Reaching the ultimate vision of my future voice will make me grow more and give more, feel more alive, allow me to be even more influential and animate more lives, more joy

and more laughter for myself and others, more opportunities, more choices, more power, feel better, and be a better role model for my family, friends, raving fans, community and

future generations.
