VOLUME XXXV. MATAWAN, N. J. THURSDAY · PDF file11 lg,,tlielr ikiwcmIuii auil waif uut...


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V OLU M E XXXV . M A T A W A N , N. J. T H U R S D A Y A F T E R N O O N , J U L Y 3 3 . 1003. N U M B E R 3.:


To fo lf Mila ami CoiiKty Srliool Tm- nrreeU to IwTikrn 0«r*ur,

Tbe r ego Ur mooting uf the Borough Ooouoil w m beld Friday evcuiog with Mqyor V ia Wickle end Ooaneilioen W^rde)), Haley, Hebook aud Devliu

prtfeeot, The miunlee of Ibt) previoue meeting wero apptoved »« lead, Iu

•d lition io Ibe members above meu* Hoped, there wera * tiumhtc ofoitiiceue

preeeul wbo bad expected to bear dune report relative to Ibe water worka aod

tfctir MoepUooe, ta t io tb ii tbej were dieeppojiited aa noue of tbe membera preaeot knew anything to report.; j , O. Conover preeented a bill for

$3,40 for leaning tbu aliaa tax warrant for taxea of 1902 aod oo motion it waa

ordered paid.A UU of $18.20 from TenEjok Con*

O v a r tB r o . , for gtavol luruUtied to

tba yeara 1001*’2*'9, waa laid over un*III Ibo next meeting aa Ibe bill bad not

beio atleated by Ibe SlrcolCotamlHee.Treasurer Fountaiu reported that Ue

| p i received a oheok from tbe Bllddle* te* A Moumouth Eleetrio Light, Heal • q I Fowor Oompauy fur ftOU.ill), the

toM>nnt of tbe Iraooblee tax fer 1002. AcfoBQpeojioR tbe report waa a letter from Ibe company lo tba effect Ibat

f t j b i l l waa paid uuder proteat, a i tbe

tasetitutiouality of auob a tax r/aa now befeg teated iu Ibe ouurla.

The matter of the balance of Stato lo 4 County Hchool Tax dne from tbo

feoiougb to tbe 0011 uiy* but wblob, Ih ivtifb au eiror of tbe County Hoard

• I fanaaora wai charged to tbe lowu-

4t)ito,{oave in foroouildorable dUtma* glop Bed waa Anally dlapoaid nt by •uttio iialug Ibe fluency oouaiiMce to tMeaitgate the county’* ulalu and eetfcle If fimud correul, I I elated tli4l llio Hoard of Xrcehiildiiri bed or- llateil mi It begun agaiiiet tbo lown.liip10 tewivor Ilia amuuul due, aud aa Ihu lowuablp would eventually ouniti bank On [tbo borough lot tlio amount II wa.

Uidtigbl beet lo |>nreu* Ibo come* •bove mentioned.

Tbe tvaolnllou pa.aed al Iho ptevlnua Miietlug enlbnrlr.lug Klro auil Waltir

Ooiaiulttoa lu leaea a loom liuiu M l. Cloao for Iba ID. li. Ilalojr Uoae Uuui- pany . a i recoiieldnroil aud matle tn

(ta il for a liiriu u l flvo ;« r > , Inaluail ut t lm jear, aa Ur. Glunuimiild uol afford

to III nil Ibo rooui aa dcalrod for ouly

W l P r ■ . ■ ! ,A H■ A nu tlou wa« luailo Ibat Ibo [irili-

Im p * governing tbu l''lru Dop»ilmeut,

w blrtL**' lalil uvcr Itn two w«»lii at ibeprevlona moelliiK, lio taken up on Meant t letdlug. Tbla wai render**!

{ fi|o ilb l« (; bow ew , for Hi* iM M tf I M « t cnniaitl** having II In o h a r i i

fill Iba tiiirpoa* of amendment •llli bad11 lg,,tlielr ikiwcmIuii auil waif uut l>r*eent lo report.

Tba ti.lauuu of Ibo awilluK wai takau ii|i principally In ounalilorlug lmpiOT*ni«uti| to aiimo of ii|ir atuelr, whloli, j diilis'g tbo iireaabrn ol iWlior

bualueai of la ic ,; I i h [been a i l l f ucalvollit, Tire niuat liofiut»ai|t,Wmk ordered waa llia l uf gravelling Hlued Htie*l1 from M ltlo lo Cllalou alrenl., anil it wai loft lu llio Major In aoo Ibat It waa iloQo |iiti|iorlr, anil llial a« nioii

H |ioaallilo, Tlie Majoi1 waa alao cm- powarail lo look aflor aoiuo HMiltil in-

M in ,| o Ortbaril » lr««t aui» , l > r| I t wai l i f t lo U l, Uavilu' iS

■A ibat Ib t dltohat I t U » •lila'' M' ih i load liadlno to lha W hlls DiIiIro weio lookad altar, anil alao UJ La .t ttia

load and gullor ou M ltlo Hlrcol, In iio n t o l H, A, l lo jd ’a, |iniferl,r,. la-

I p lM i •! ■ ' ’ K f: f ; l J*; ! t h a toail trailing frnni A llm lio A»a-

OIMi't* Main Hlrcol, back of tb* lait- rokil at al I o ii i war alao rtpbrtod In' bo

In vary bail ahape and aa Ihla roatl ia nnahiUM d bjr tlioao o « ttn * from Ibo

. fielgbt alatlon It waa tticiigbt eumij-

‘ thing ougbt lo be dona witb It. Tlio member! were nf the o|i(nlou Ibal tlila

road w u on railroad |»o|iart; anil All. ‘fla liy W*a lualrnoleil 10 ctiflfiT With

tbo railroad odlolala lo ieo wkal jiorllnu ol tb« eipooae of repalrlug Ibojr wyulil •land.' > ■ •

Tbore being uo further bmluraa Oonqoll tiljotirnutl to tUo 1 itoru 1)1

OoWollraau Bobook, whore olgara wirn

naaaed b j tbe lattor ou tlio atroiigtU uf uia hating attained tbo llllo ol "grahil-

» i" ;____ ______

:i; Catarrh i f tbs Sloanoh. •,

When llio atomaoh ia o.orloailoil;

wbon.fond la taken loto I I I I nl fnllu ly Jlgaai. II deoaja ami luJabiea ^ i f tuncoin moinbrauo, a ipm lug thu oarroa, anil oaunoa tlio gluuila tu xoorol

niidlBi iuiload of Ibo uatnriil JiiloV 'uf dlgeallou. 'l'bla l» oallod ontnrrli ol tbo'atouiiob. For joara I anlforo.l

wlt()'i)tt*TiU ol llw atomanli, aa»*eil It; iudlgoillon, Doolora mid liioiil'oluoa

failed to buuolU mo uutll I imwl Kuilul pyiuouala Ouro.—J . 11. Ulioa, (Jop*

|ioli| Toi. 8ulil by i ’ruuk' i i i Slator.

Hal Air Plimn •Dd Dougliifl pump fur anlo. ' Atan two tanka— ono 1DU0 ntul llio ollior I!,OUU gal*

lotia oapaollj. Thono woro moil In m j alroel aprlukllng tualuunn, lint will not uood tliom liuroaltnr bouanai) ol tbo In.

Iioiluollou of tonu walor.. < ai«)U(ll! LlSHHAYIHt, Jtl,

t l lU R i l l ITKMB.

f Pmilrra are tnvltcil to aand un. not later tU&n ^txliifHdfiyoroach we«lr, for imlillcHtiflii oo* (igr(h!«btinillnjt«ii)’ notici-H mUlnlnir tare* llffinu* i»*ivlcon und Uiey ulil Le puplluhed tnthoutetmrvo.] 1

rirtt Il«|itut Cliurcli. - * -

nev. II. A. Joerin of Newark filled tbe pulpit laat Hapday, . ‘ :

Htv. J . K, Humphrey of Marlboro!

to whom waa t xtt'uded a eall to booomtf

pastor of ibisobnroh a short time agn, baa deolined to accept Ibe aaaae. i •

CritbyterUii Clmroli.

Tbe Sabbatb-eobool will go.to Proi*

peet Grote next Toeiday for tbelr aonual piooic. .

. . Seooiul llaiiiiBtChurch*,

Snnday at 11 a; m ., preaobiug.2:80 p. m.| Babbalb aobool.'7:15 p. m., B, Y, I*. U. mealiag.

Uiee L . V. Wioker, leader. Oouqueat

iq^tiag . Topic, "H im o o 'a £ x * perieuue/' Luke, 2: 25 32.

fi p. n . , preaobiug, All are weloi>tne«

Tlie Liwreuco Homo Horned.

Wbtrii a Uro lUrteit Snuday night lu

Ibe Lawreuoe ilouae* Ooeau Grove, 8.00(1 people wbo w«re iu the Auditu

rion imbed from tbe bulldiug without wailiug for Ibe beuediolioo. The

Mata! Blraei gat«« were awuug npeu for tbo llrat time iu many yeara, uud

ike Aabnry Park Are eogliiea were ad' ■itled to b lip ttgbl Ibe blase.

Tboae wbo iooumm) on tbo Uml floor

of tbe hotel aaved tbelr truuka and vlluablea, but nevetal iHktrona o» tlm

tfcird floor loat everything. | Tk* roof waa hurttd aud tbo houae cotuplotoly galled. Tte iMiIldiug la a fr«aje»Huo

tare aud one of Ibo Inudiuarka iu Ofuau flrovu. I t w»e owuod t»y tbo belia of

Ibe late Hew, II. V. Lawrence and bad b««u matiegud for nuiiy yuara by Miaa Magglo Wbiti-, foniiuily of Knyporl.


Knw In rr.i|r... Offiir. tt fcpHr. i.r KilM anllnarr llargalaa.

Maujr niauiifaotiirvia' lula olnauil oul uuilor rogiilar prloi'a anil onr lu un prlou onllliiga on rugular alnoka maka llila a

nouaf-airlM nppoltuult/ wbioh jo ii aliuuld ba ijulok lo *i'U*. A fuw lilula for HaltirdaV, .Inlw i!R;

A Int nl Uhlna Mittlnga, aomo allgbl- I f aniliul, at, per yard, A oenla.

(loud -Twilled Tawidliig, Jwr jard , U| mnta.

Vina ahrei wblla India Llueu, ragn- lar wcrth lll| nanta, per yard <!| ounla.

Towula.— Hnlra liuavjr Mnuii ilmik Tuwiila, rogulai prion ati ooiiln, oauh

lii) ClOUtl.1*1110 U n til Daiuaak Table Mimn,

alauilard (llo lo lido qua lllj, |ior jraid

871 eanta,Ku»TwiiAii,~-ToiinlaO>forilafornion,

Ito.a aud a lii., pur pair 'ill iwuta.W»iii«n ia ljl|«li initniil leatkur Ot-

fonla, aim r t . acb Kl l l lm , lda|ln up lo

aell from t i In VI, all alaoa lu tlio lut,

per iiaii UN oanta.'Viiukn 'h W n tnm m —A luaiiiifiiii-

tlia lfa lol ijf nm Camtirln auil L « * t w r » p r » , ||na ii |uo l a id f ill, ulikd/

ijlM io ilt Ifatjeniiira, wiitlll (l.'ifi l«* M eaeh)86'e*#ta, ; j . • f

. Wcmeu'l'Hlilit Walata nr fine wblt* Lawn, batnatltolieil, ciulirtibUrjr auil laoo trimmed, worth II.fill lo f i , each

711 aud VH oanta. ,UmtKKWiUii.— WoKeti'a■ Uio \Hwlaa

Itllibufl yoal., *aob 7 oaula. >' Cambrlo jOunet U«tura, omhrolilurjr

Irluiiicil,' itgiilar prloo U5 ;eatila,' oarli1& oanta. '•■■■ . ..... i V . ;

Mnalo Salnrda; b j Ibo Hjuphnujr

({nartet ol New York,


; , f Plnno lor Solo ■ > ' ' ’

Uaiolton Bi]iinru l ’limu, In oioollont aondllloUt olioup, Iiuporlml oqvor, banlwood atool nud onrlago froc, • Iu; gulio at Jotnitaii oDloo. . . .. i,, • j I<-

. / 11 ii jo lk tr rioneer Uun«, ■, , ,

Ur. laaaa N‘. Iloeglr, a pliinoor mil- dent of Ooeau Orotr, anil ono nf tliii nldeel prafltltiounra of Ibo twill ciitlea, illnd al lila liurne Mnudajf inoruing nflor a loug illiio.0. Death wna duo tu

diopa;, linm wlituli tho ileooaaud bail Iwou a anlTuror fur Iwo J e m . Tlie dnolor wail borli ait Oloniullolil, N.[ J i, Jun^Qlj, IbA7.' Ho' liogan jiraolloltig al Ttirkor, near Kiculiuld, auil aftiir

romaliHiig thoro fur oloren ycaia ro- moved lo Oouau Orovo In 18BI,

^ » m ' -■■■Tbe Foufldallan of Health.

Nnurlabinont ia tlio fonnilntlon ot licultli—llfu—atroiiglh, Kmlol D^apop-

aiu Onto la Iho ouo groat ouro Hint on- ablun tbnaloiuneli nnd dlgeattTO orgnua

lo illgoal, aaaliullnto anil Iranaforni all fooda liilu tliu kind of bloud ibat

uditrliliei llio urivoa anil fooda tho llaauea. Kuilul la;a llio fuiinilalliin fur IiimIIIi, Nature doea llio real, III-

dlgnallon, djapopaln, anil all dlaordora nf tlio aloniaob auil illgrall.o orKnua •ro oiiroil bv Ibo nao of Kuilul. Hulil

hy Frauk II, Hlalor. '

Hound sh Lower Main Utreil

for roul—nix roouiai garilou; alio liume

on I'ark Amiinio, II rnomi, gardoti jiliiuttnl, Apply lo Ocorgi) Lluetnajror,

' ; for Sat* t IWBealod Uiioktionrdwagoni In

gquil (jUiiiHUuu, ’ Apply at ttit* onioo. ,

' ifolamlly sltb olilldrou abould iin wlllioiit n notllo of Kluiiioulh'a Huro Tbrdnt SjiooIHo Iu Ibo bouio, ' '

Iho il r a r tm iih i of lit* Wlt.rv.bouU ol 1 Iona* □rourP.outa-VI.Itar, In Town,

Miaa Ida E. Blaier la wlaliing at Nor1 wiob, Com , . , .

.T. Dull Moticnn of Tintou Falli waa Id lown tbla inoruing.

Miaa' Jennie Rue vlalted filcuila at

Perth Atnboy laat week.

Miaa Ju lia Arrowamilh {a apeuiltiig two wooka at Aabnry Park.

, Otto Zlnnaerman of'Treuton js at

borne here for a abort itay. . ;

Auittant Foatiuu.ter A.. M. Link la

spending a week at Atlantic Oily.!

. Ura; ElliabatU Ollpbant ia the gueat of Mra. Fred. Lnptou to-day at'Aabury Park.' •' ■ ■

Iteginald McDonald of Brooklyn la vlaltiug hla graudinotber, lira. D. 0Ilyer. ........................

Mr.. Brown add Mra. Doran of Long

Urauob wuru guoila of Mra., J . I'. Llnyil ycalerday,

‘ Van Allen Clark of Ilrooklju ievlalt

Ing Uia grandniolbur, on th* Hbtilff Clark fa iu .

It, 0, UaoGlratb of .Toraey City waa

In towu jM l.rday rauvwtne old *o< qnalataocea, - ■ ,

Peter DoUntl uf Ilrooklyn la ap.nil' ing hla Taoatlou wilb Mr. *ud Mra, lleua. Oaitau.

Hia. O, T. Unuuf.r m d child of

Ilronklyn are gitoala uf U i, aud Mra, J , 0 , Oouovar,

Miaa Hlnjiaoii jiilna a eauplng parly again Ibia year and' will rnelioato at Indian Lake, N. V,

Ur, and Mra. J j 0 , Oamplioll of New

Vnrk 'are' tfaltlug llie fuiiuii'a alaler, Mra, J . II. Iluruar, i ’

Mra. R, A. Hmltli ami daughter Mntiol urn tlalllng Mra. 0. \V. Koiiimdy at ltiittledgi', I'oiiii. '

Mia, U. 0, Norwood and daiillilnr liavo iiuun In I(0ii# llranoli lu vlut ber biolhor, II. II. Tilth ill,

Mr. mid Mra, (loorgn Oaaay of Naw

York worn llm giinala uf Mr, ami Mia, Baiuuul Tblalle ou Mnuilay,

Prof, J , llnward llulaarl aud daii|li. ler Kather nt Dover, N, J ,, Im TO lit) II

gneala nf 0 . 0 , llulaait tlm punt wook,

Ur. aud tlia. Harry Tliuiupaou ol Now Vnrk wurn giliala ol tlm fiirlillll'a

fathur, (lomgo Tlioinpaoti! on Hn|id»j,

Mia, I), J, Karry liaa goua lo I'Juo lluali, N. Y ., fm in imtlug, Hbt la aomiinpanliiil by Mra, Unlyer of llruok1

lyn. ,

Mra, .tfunlo Oiirlrlyim of No» Kolii la tlaltliig Iter graniliuollinr, Mia.

tViuiilmrd. On Ttluaday tb<r alatar— Natlle—and father Wer* alallura liore,

M il. J . A, Quniiier and oblldreu of I'liitb Atnliny roltirn Imnm yeatnrdar alter apdiilllig anmiial day*,wllli the furniur'a iniilliiir, Mra, M, I1!. II ay ward

Mra, 11, (I, Haywood and ebllil or Hiooklyn are «lalil ng tb* former', parmila, Mr, and Mra, (J, H, Ularkl

Mr, Haywood will apauil Huuilay bara,

Mr, auil Mra. Johu Tarim un ami

daughter Katliryu anil Mra, IV. II, Duueau and aou hare gone III tlie

Mountain llniiar, Uatakllla, loapenda

noutb. Mia, Hurrowea and wn ot Maimai|iiaii aoonnipaulod them,

Mia, P, A, Coltroll ol Midway (Irren

baa had the 'billowing aa lior gneala; Mra, Ida Vauilur.tiel anil dangtiter of

Newark, Mr, Itolierte nf Kllaalielli, Mr, Itulierla of Philadelphia, and Mr.

and Mra, Denman anil family,formally of tbla plae*.

II. II, dialling, who ooetiplea the Ulrkliultn farm aud ta all ompluye In

Ibe aiUerllllng department of Ihe New York '/WAtoit!, la nnjnylug Itwoweek'i Taoallon. Ho baa Ihla wook • • hli gneala Miaa Maud Olmy and Miaa Mary MoHnW.i nf Albany, K. Y., llio former

boing a alalor ul Mia, Stalling.

Ne Plly Bhiwa.

For yeara fato wla after mo onu< llnnoiialy," wrllea P. A. Oulloilgo, Vvrbona, Ala, " I Imd a terrible oaao

ol pltoa oatlllug Iwonly.foiir lumora, Wlieu oil fulled Iluoblun'a ArnicaHalre onrml mo, Equally good lor linrna aud all aohoa anil palua, Only 30o at

11. 0 , ,Walllng’a drug atoro,

From Sklurdny, luly 25, to Silurdiy,

Augml lat,

SO,OOD rolla ol tlno Wllli Paper tn In anld al from nno-qiuirlor lo otic-half tliiilr fiirmrr luw prlooa, Tlila will; bu ouo of tlie gronleHl aaloa of papor’ wo

haro o*ur bad,I'npor worth from (lOo to.OOo, lo go

al III) rioula. ’ l ’apor wot Ih from TiOo lo 70o, lo go

al U'i oo uia,

l ’apur worlb from UDo to 10c, lo go nl IB colli), ' ■ :

Pnpor wnrtli from 19o Id tlllo, lo go

at Ho uud iuo.I’npor wortli from Bo lo l!lc, to go

• t io, Oonml Oo.V It, WJ3HT k 0 0 .,

, ■ ; , Koyporti N, J .

Fnrm Wngou for Bile.

OnmUnrm' wogun for ialo n U ronion* •bln prloo. Apply lo A, W . '1’ylor on

Ihu P, Y, JQoyor fartu. : ; ; ■

Two million totlloa of Klnuiuutli'l Bore Tbront Bpeolllo aold laat year,

Kopt'by nil t lrugg lilir •.? f • ■%.


Tht JotMAV «l»4l j pnbiuu etidir tbla bMd» (Bf lo iLrir rMt»oUT» ^^j«««ii| llftm nl foroMbtd by Iba iM rilir lft of Iba dl0 er«ot aoolaUM b«r>, qc olUviutnitwra.

Jr, O, V. A.M.Tho net profila of the recent fair aod

picnic held by £ag!e Council, No, H8 ol Spotawood amouuted to o.er 813H.

Tlie eionraion of Joel Parker Conn oil, No, 69, ot South Amboy to Book'

•way Baaok laat Thnrailay waa largely patronizeil and proved tba moat protit-' able ever m n by Ibat Oonooil, Aboul 1,400,people eujoyttd tlie trip.

.litd .iia iiil.iit Oril.rufllil.1 Vollowa.

. Abont i year ago ei-Mayor Packer ol 8oa Uright ofTored a gold Odd I ’t l Iowa' pin to tbe member of So* Bright

Lodge bringing in Ibe largeat number ol uow cauiliilatee, Tbero waa a aplrit- ed oouleat between aeveral of tho luebi- beta tinil Janie. Miller, Hnauoiai auoro- lary of Ibe lodge, captured Ibo prim by bringing lu twolvo uow mumbeia. Laal week tliu lodge bail publio iu.lal-

latiou of oflloera auil tbu prlzu waa

•warded at Ibat lime.

^ 1m|trov»A llrtl.r Itetl M.n,

Dlatriol Deputy Giaml Raoliem Chatlea A, Hoiiaer of Atlantlo Hlgh-

landa and atalT luktalled tbe foltnwlng nlloera of Ma(|tiaaa T iib t ol llila plaoo lu t Tburaday night: >

Siii;lieui—Jubu Devlin,1.Sr, Suginnoro—Hlnooil McKlvnliii!. 'Jr.......... —TliiiiiinaSennell,Vrnpliel—llarry Cliiircliniwi, 1

l'liu .ppolullvo otHoore were not

proat'ul aud Ihuif lualallatlon na) ilo-

hired. ' ‘ ..........'

i Murat A m m u lia , ,

Th. aelnl aiiunal vlallatlon of Deputy G ianditfgent 0 , P, IjauetuOliuiwnoil Oniiiioll1 will lie luailu lie il Tiiniday

oretiiliK-' 1 .

' J, Hlrjker—Celllua. '

A vary pretty .wedding look pko* at

|ha himie uf lliu bride'a parent., Hr, aatl Mra. Joliu A. (Jnlluii nt Matawau, laal Monday i ariarnoiiii at tl n'ulonk,

when Iliuir daughter, Auule I!, (Julllua waa married to Mr, (larriil Hlryker ut llulmilel. The eereuiutiy waa performed

eu il.i au aiob, prultlly Irliuiuod wltli lim a auil olminu llnwura, liy Her, .1. Y.

Iiw ln uf Hnutti Amliiiy, Tlm tiriilea- maid wai Mlae (Jlirlalliia Malliinaa ul

Jtiilig llraueli and tbe Iwat mail waa

nbu JO, Oulllui, a bnitber or tlm bride, Tlm wrildli.g uiareli waa playuil li; ilite, I1’ , Vaiillranhle, Tlm lirlilo waa giiwueit

ill wlille tiroe.ilad allk, Irliuuiml with Oriental laee, anil Ibe lirlda.uiald waa dreafod iu light blue allk.

Alter tlm oarmuiniy tlm giinala par- luuk of • nodding itpaat auil lliu yniing liu rrlid ipitiplo were leuiiilnut ol

bitaftleil nougraluUlloiia, Tbo pr«a- eula were tuauy aud bulb navlul mid (iruaiumital,

Uldtuar; Kulfi,

Tba Infant win of Mr. and Mre. J> .1, Olavelaud died al the lininu (if. lila pareula In Ilrooklyn on Tueedny of laa) walk. Fnnaral aervleea wern held laal

Tburaday iien ing anil t in remain, were brought her* Friday morning lor In- Inrmanl In llo .* Mill Oonialery. Mr., Oleralanil le tb* daughter of J , 0 , but- eon, ;

lleei Uomjiaiijr’e frallval.

lleoiMDliiir Ihat tha Midway Ilona (lonpaay will bave a leallval on IVed* neaday and Tlmiaday nlilila of n o t

week, oa III* Itwu tirar V, 0 . llodiuV The Matawau Uaud will lie tbero both

■lgbta. A gond iupper *111 bo aorreil both nlgbta, aa well aa other refreab- maulai Tlia pioteida will b* naail In

ai|iilpplug Ibo nieiobara wilb new

mile, e ll. ..............

- Hotter tb ia Kver.

Kfrnitrl Rhterprlaot....... .The .Matawau JoimHlit’ liaa.atnrted

npou ila, Ihlrly-lfth year of inihllon. tiou., I t oau bo luatly aald that tbe JovitNAti la a tnuob bolter pnpur uuder (ta preieul njauageineul Iban ever liu f«re,; aud li, la worthy of all tlio anp- poll thu peuplo of Malawau bave lu

bellow, .

h Surgloal Oparallon

la nlwnya dniiguruiia—do lint niiliiiilt In

tlm anrgeoti'a kuile until ynn linve trlmt DeWllt'a Witnli ifdKiil HhIv.i, Jt will ouru when im iijtb lnu elae lalla—It Ima

dune tlila ill lliuuiaiuia of naaea. lle/u

la otin of them: 1 aullorud frum lilrnnl- iug •nd iirolriidliig nlloa fur liiunty yeara, W ai Ireuiml by illlTurout apoulnllala auil uaud inntiy romedlea, bill nlilalueil im riillof until I ilaml Du-

W ltt'i Wiloli liar,nl Halve. Two limea

ol tlila aalvu onreil iiiii iilgliliioii iiiimiIIm

uo and 1 hnvo nut Imd • lonoli nl tliu plliia nlmiii,—If. A, Tliiailaln, Miiiumoi*

nu, H. 0, For lilliid, blooding, {loll­ing nud priilrudliiu pllen uu ri'iimily oqunin DoWllt'a Wltoli Hotel Hulvo, Mold by l prnnk l l . filaler.

? b :-

Who l i Ha?

Wlio If Ib Uml uiako* tlio foiror gnl- lonij,wo>rn.loiigor p iln tv

Tbs bo il rotnody for nil formi of noro lliront Ii Klninonlli'n Horn 'I'hroui

Hlloolllii.! Kept by nil iWtigglaU, ' '

' Bubtorlbo (or IbVaouiiitAt,, QI.SP,

A TIE DAUB, 2-2.

Btovpwl tn B«T«ath limtna When K iny- tulnff PuvurcU Hlatewaa. ■ ' , ■

Tbo game at Atlantic Highland a yealerday oniled In o very nmaliaf^c-

lory manner, but tbe fault oaonol be j a l ly aald to llo with Matawan—we

held onl only fur tba right. ’ \Ybcu' play waa .topped each'aide b ld two runa. Uatanau wai ut the bal with tbe baaea fnll, and bud play conlinoeil1 ahe would bare givou ber opponenta a 'tronnolog. ..........

Tbe oanie of tlie game being itoppei)

wa. au argumeiit .tailed by Atlantis1 Hlghlaudi over oue uf UmpireFoiter’a deolaiona, and a legal ileoieion al that. Kuuuedy, Van Nuetrnnd anil Tbotap- aon were hit by n plteboil ball, eikob'in turn. Kennetly uod Yun Nuatraml

were given llrat buee, wlilob waa ebr- reot, Wheu Tbnmpaon waa hit tbe

umpire gave Iiim llrat baae, whlob w » alao correct. Atlantic Highland* lm*

mediately began tu kick, tint no one> aeema to kuow eiuctly wby, Tbe m lo

oovering tlio play aaya that a bat.nan beoomea a liaae runner, if, while in bin

poaltion at the bill, without attempting' to make a atrilie, euy pari uf hla plr-

eon or clothing i* till by • pitched U ll , unleae, In lliu opinion or tlio umpire.'

he plainly avolda trying lo gel ont o ! the way of Hit Imil. Now, fborapiou jumped lu order to avoid being h it,

and everybody kuowe II, but he '* » » bit jtiat tbe aame. Wu ein aui||n t i i

oilier rraauu fur the dlapulu tliau that

Tliotupiun'e roai’ blug Aral foreod 10 a mn, tlelng lliu amire, 1 1 11 "

Tliu giiiuo prouilaeil lo ho a oloan ulio until tiil. ill.putu arote, and ilea|rfta

the very iuelciiiunt weather, tbe erowil ol lialtura werocnlbiiilialic, Nolwitb- alalldluil the hard iiamoa, upiirlibloui

and, piiglliktle iiialiinatlnua Matawan mt'olvoil,' alio fei la |iurfeol!y jualllt*d la

tliu ooutao alio took, aud tlio ipeetalot* neoiiieil 111 fuel au, Inn, many of li liin i'i|ireialug llii’au aouliuieuta lo Ilia-

leant on llio way mil,We ciiuuut help feeling llial onr op-

pnilunla uiluht lievn aoleil III a kiorn apurliintiilliio in it imer, and uilghl batia •Iiiiwii a llttlu nitiru ooiilleay, If fur ’ |n>.

oilier loaauii llmn became llm g*ni* «m uu limit nwli iituiinda, Tbo Oln- pirn gave lila ili'iil.liin, wllluli waa a Jllnfc illle, aiillillng Tliuiup.1111 lu lltal, mul; uveii tulil annul nf ilm apentalora aflar

tlio gaum lliat Im Inld Tliuiupeon hit alay al llrat. Ilvna wrong tn ei|i(olt lliu deoliluii In lio nliangeil, ami If llm’

itiiiplrii did nliniiitii It liu waa wrong,, Ae Atlmitlii Higlllalidatlarlnil tli* tlla- plite, and nilnainl In nuiitliiiin llmglihft' and aliiilu liy llm liniplm'a ilaolalun

leaving 'riiuui|nuii at tlrkl, Matawm, Iilalina llio gainii. ’ ’

fliilaliln nr tlila (iflmittouee, wu k itu had llin |ilanaauliiil of rnlitlnna with Allnnlln llljililiiinla, anil wa oau obly;'1 ik j lliat III llin riilurn gamu wlilcli la Iti Im played In Mnluwan, wo Mill try | t

aeuuril tlieig tlm beat treiilnionl piia allile, Wn liavnn team of guiitlatnoii

and alwa)a take II for granted l i ll l llimn wim vlait II" nro III tiila I'laad,

Y*«letil4j'a gmna waa il pllebit'lk hatllr, rnoli plleliar doing eicelleul wnrk, 'l'liu ant aealb .i ia«tle the ba ll

allpiiery ami haril tu uiiungr, aed.lw o

wild pltvlier, wbleb were nut uf Hobuek'a riaoli, anil a wild throw aoru** Ibu

tllauiuiid gnve Allautlo U igliliuda bet only twu runa nf Ibe game. ,

Nnllhnr elile aeurml In tlm tlrif . l iT nlug. In Allautlo Iligblauila' Inru la

I la acooud Aoker lill • lwo ba|g«r.ilo dooii ooulie, atid atole Ib liit. liager IIloil mil lo Plpiir, and Ii, Kennedyr awlpoil uut anutlior Iwo-baimur, mukliig- onr oppoiieula' atouud and laat nafa b it uf the geme. Noit tnan fanned. Aokar

oamu homo nnd Konuedy wont la Ib lid ou a naaiod ball, Werntir ri'aohed llrat uu a bail llirow and Kipgeily orua**il,

thn rubber. Next niau faunml, , , Neither aide anireil, again uutll ||i ,y

aeveulli, Jlitrklmrin wuut lu llio br,t lot Matawau, paaieil to llrat ituil il'jlo

aeeoinl, Heliuck aeut •; Ivug ouo to contra Ibat acurud Hark and latulud tlio luiller nnfo, N i jt man went onl lo abort ktup. Hehouk atnlo aeound. Ivju- uoily waa lilt by lliu linil anil went to llrat, lie going tu aoonud and Hcliuok lu third un l'ipet'a laurlllae, Vuu Noa- trand look llrat fnr being liii, lllllng tlio linaca, Tliumiiioti rei'elvmi Ibo niiluo iloao mill Hi'liouk iiuiiiu Iiuiiiu wllhllio tlolug m u, atlll leaving llm bairn full, Tlion oanio tliu argiiinuiil ami tlio giiiuo wna uvur,

Hohook nml liullinm madu llm only Inn liilu of llio giimu lor Mulniraii, a, Hiiiijiaiiv.-IIiiiiiiiiI runa, (Illinium li ii IjIi»m Wli-Ai'ktT.Ifi'iinwli'i IIiimmiiii J.iill»-oir Minute,li I II li/i>lliOi»tlIhiIIn- I i)'Mtiuiiii,»iHI iii"k.,n r -In- Mlniii,) i i, iv Iiiiii lull v m hiifuilta’*.iliilniviiii i, Aliiiiitfiilljuliliiii'I.li Hli'lll*(ou, ill«r He ini'k, I ' ..... biti'Hiiiim'i- iUlim-Mil llitniliiiiiM i.Miiliiiyiin I,

limiilni—All'. [AmlinTlio averngea llila wonk follow i - f

1 iivmNiiivniituMi,Keiiiiinlr..............mi tv'liwl* ■

iii imn............. »>i[lllii;™............. (til


lulu™ .I ; ? *m... VtMI,|»INllVal nu.... . i.inhi\niiNcf»(uiml.... iii""1['oilUVf'l1.............MilI'iiiiImi'u.......... nnlltllNllomi ..........NTfl

iuMiui nifiyiir..,,.,

iiiiNijnI iiiihIi i n f l 1 i'.... mii.

AVfllUOMi J'fioiiiivin

lllllIlH .................. wl|IIHWll)‘ ....... .IliH'lt I......... il <114

I .On tintiiriliiy wo idly lliu KnlfbUAt.

Atlilollo Ollili nlWiiawuii, , ,

900,000 Oabbnfflt fllt tll ■ <

nl I I por 1,000. Vrotii my 6irii ri|jei> aooil uf Hnre llcml, Vint JJiltdli, Unb. lingo, JDIttl Tt CdiiiiiNii,

' l l n UM Huulb ltlrvt, N.iJ j.

J I IE SDKn.ua FUNH.”& ~ ” " " m f ' '

S«in«| IH l^;.0 nt of lb* F«w Oo^nltiigtviijcii suti i u * » r«nd g r ,

TlM|orplf8 ffyd q| tb li couut^jwas

reoe ittf trqn th i uetlouttlguvorajneut'* W io Trwiiltm Jaokaou'itit le , wbep’surplus reveuuea which bid *ooumulaHd Id tbe Uoltcffl titatoa

tr* **V r‘* * ra divided bqjodr Ibaatatoa fa proportion lo tbe Ulable talue of (be frUta. Tbla wa« iu l&ttQ, Tbo following year Iho State of Now Jeraey

passed iu not providing fur ibu diitri* butioo of tbo mouey uiuonif ibe oouu- t iM a f Ibe HUtu. T im (iiitribulioo 'wu bated oo tbu taxable valoaliou of tbecoautiee i t ttiut titue. Tlia law rro*iJt)J thut tboso niuueya were tu be to ld /q trust lo Iba eouutiea aud were io he paid baok io tbe Stalo at auy 4(um Uut demand should be made by t(i9 ]But« for,tbe repayment of tbe o»QBey. It wss Ibe 11 also provided •tint tbs ooualiei sbuald psy to eaob tpwjiiliip iU proportionate share of Ibe aoautl interest. Later it wsa provided iba t ibe interest from tbia fond atiould ty used for school purposes. Tbe origtaal fuud received from Ibe Stats from Noumontb Cuuuty vie about 40SV000. . ,

The income wblob arises from, this

«arplaa /uud goes iuto liie. ooupty treasury, aud each rear, wbeu ftiie

«obool money is distributed among tbe vfrjom dUtriats iu tliu county, tb li iutartfit from the snrplaH fuud is alio distributed aad belp* to evell ibe •uuouut of publio uiouey wbiob each

district receives. . . ..Tbe surplus fa ml of Moamonlb

C ouotyJ* iuvesled iu mortgage! ou real estate. TUe iu ve«tmeuts are made b j tbe lurplui fuud committed of ibe board uf freeholder*, Wbtsu a inort* j p #*■ i* placed ou a property Irom tbe

aarplua fuud, It ia iu tbo nature of a, (tqroiauvpt loau, for a« loug ae tbe io- lerfst and taxes are kept paid tip and tlie property ia kept iu repair,, tbe countj,l* perfectly willtug to bivo tbe

lpattjrsuiiiiu, Tbe loauiug of ib is cuouey it of political biJoetU to tba. freeholder iu wboao towuiblp Ibe loan ifHBad?, aluoe It give* bim a little pull ' villa' Ibu property, on nor. v, <

,jy*uy oi tbv tfomitUa, liy ouo tueaua or auot^r, have gotleu (id of tbla tur* l i l ( u m l , ' oc elan tt bfti dvriudM dowu far Letowita orifliutl uuotiut, Mon* ntoulb, by Uklug ,bt)tior.:Care of Ibe fuud, at ill baa a vory largo amount ia i l l obargu. ..., ... .

- Hail a Hlone Komi,

. A'o?iuiuitU(f of Ibu Hoftrd of Olioicu Fteebufdera luvt ft oommiitMU of lUitu- eatt t'roHrtY MwnerN nt tliu Boaliriglit ilc'soVClub Hutiirdu/ iiHnruoun lo con* •Ujdf.'pliitis for iiuMiiUmUiuK tlio ^euioiia liuiiiaoii Kuml, BUto Koad Cti'mwiailitnvr ljudti uUit Oouuiy Ku>

g ljif lit .P iK jM 'W M «l«> pr«iobt nud ibv UiteV"prvieuiMl )>lnnn ami apcoii\ -catioui for * 00<fooi atuuu road ^htoli i i i i . oatlujtttml will ooM 800,000, tflijnU it be ileohKul tu build mob a fo a ijlio eipouab will f*all largely ou tbe l>r«p«i!r owuori a i IboBtito h<* t»ru> Vidca ouly ft pa;ui«nt of ou^tUicd (or «1 0 (\mt *tv>uyointii'i wt>ilotb»em»uty *ud tonuibip aru oacb aaaetwd a w v'eiuptu Tita aliaro.. At ibo metiDug Saltirdftjr • cummlt-

♦oo of tb i lliimaou AnuuUtluu, «btob lie i luokfil aftoi1 ibu lUituaou Drive lu «Jargu oituu^tor uintiy $««(•, was «p*

U tbo Fru»liobU>it*w'%»v«U,to f'.nUmr eonaUler

ibo Watlvr autVit la anid tbo outlook ia

brJ|bl;fortlie uu* road I7 u u l year.

‘ :mm,» .......... .... * ................ . 1 .. .

i^Trtftla IS»ai|KtftMl tu

' Tbe trial or Ai O. Twmfug, nn)T*e F^KrO^bUud D .O . Coriull, »bteb

w it orlfttualljr oM for July (1, atul % at tlieu ailjaurhtid lo duiv JO, it** eptin li<MU put ott nntll Hi'pUmber 1. tbe «eee mi* m ljonm fl ibo tlrel t lu e bo* 4 H ih the proaMator winbed to trr ibe •dMcUdflUlfl Wfore e elrtick jury, i t waa «dJOtim>d tbe'aoeoud iiuo bceeuae 110* tle«i for ibo iirmik jtity wvro immop* o t l f drawu, abd ii waa avljourtk^d for ffco (btrd time lu'oauso the indlottu(>bt <dt:«b i«b tbe trial ttmt to bave lakoti |*Ue« wfca m> gobrt, amt i iiev ludl^l* eaesl *mr fouud lait Tbtinde/ b,r tbe (read Jury oti tbo alnlemcat iuoludlitg tbo IIO.JOO uoto, wbiob ia tbo ba«U of <bo ioillctuoDl to be tried ou Bep 4eiubu*r l»

t ■ —.......in. 1 1 ♦ I. .1. 1 m»

■ lAk^A llotfl.

I t ia propoacil to Imllit h 9^00,000 ^ io k l at Hpritg Lako aiul at a luvtliug ti«ld for tliu purpose of rafstug tlio

It weadvubi^d tn raiav $17^,000 4»y tbe e<lu o( atock aud inuo $1U3,W0

do Uoud«. Fndoilo A. l>uggau of Treutoo, niter whom tbo uutv si'boouir

uiHungpd b>' Oapl. S. O, Tbbmp*

•eou of Ible plaoe wa* unme<l, oiTored lo -take all Ibe buuda aud 8lvt0v000 in tftock waa aubaoribfd. It ia thought <b«t tbo ImUuoe of tbo fctoak wilt bo (aWvu ttbvu tbo Lew bo«ol Tt ill be


iM ildl Sorlety H lffh UfHc(»ra,

Tbe tbtrly*Udrd auuoal oouvoctiob v>{ tbe Ken Jtm 'j* State Doniwl Hocietjr «lo»«d at tbe Aabury l'ark Auditorium Friday eftoruoon. Dntiug Ibe aeaiiou aditeeu oeir uipuibera wvro ftilulllod, Tbe aoeirly will luott at tbo aamo ptaeo nett duly. The ofilcora ob'oted (or tbe «ueu(ug y«ar waa n» follona: I'rvnideut, tlerberi S. Sutptau, Kowavk; Vice* nrc«id«ut» W, 0 > Olmor, 1‘riucotou; ttocrotary, OharloaA, Mvckor, Noui\rk; U'rtMiiiHt'r, Ho»ry.\. Hull, NtmNruu*

^ iob« _________ __

I 'ln t Jm cy IVacbrn*

3 clm \\ ApptfRato of Nui S^rtjup ItUkod aomf ripe praclioe from ouo of fcia tr«oi nu Monday, Tbla ia nbout it uioDtl) ebfriil of tbo uaual tiwo,

* i l l yon prtut~Am\

the Joms'At. «m do lue prluiiug for


_ Tbe ieotb aDuu||v|eMiou of tbe New Jeraey fiuuday-acbool Aaaoolalioti'a School of Methods for tfacUera, beld at Aabary Farlt^ Jttlyi d to 11, wae par* tloulatly auMoaifui: tbia jvar. Tbe •peciai feeturea wwre » ayuipuaium on t)auilB;>acbool gredlDRi auppleaiental inatruotiuu for tlio lutcriuvdlate de- psrliuetjt, aud tbe it'oturea by Professor k I*. 3\. Jobu aud Vr, WiJilaiu 1J. Furlxikb ou ebiiilatudy eud work witb liuyt. Ou liiu eveuiug of July IT* witb tlio Uimuotuvtur at uluety, a model Obriatmaa euterUlbmeut waa giveo, to allow bow Ibo rbiidreu cau be lutereateJ aud tbe proprr Jt*M00a taogiit wlttioat iotrodiiolug Bauta Olaua. Tbe aebool eurulird li/tt aludeutf eud fourtetu iu- •truotors, aud waa oiauaged t>y Mra. Alouzo Pettit, ^reeidout, aod Miaa J , Ii. Heldwlo,' eeorttary, of tbe State Primary aud Juoior Ooonoll. Tbe State aeeretary, Rev. E. M. Fergnaou, waa lu obarge uf tbe uew lutermedlate eeotioa. •

Bo mo of tbe etadeats enrolled from Mooaontb Couoty werr: Mrs. Alonso While, Jr., Alafawao; Miaa Aouie W> Wfllcb, Ktauabnrgti; Mrs. Vadlo C irtii, M UsJeooieli. Crawford, Mis. A. U . Browa;'Be*. Jamw L. Ooote, Rev. F. Deokev Hud miaa Aunie L.

Uraw/ord, Keyport ' * '■ ■ mt ♦ ■ 1' ■■ ■ '

..... Refused 0&UO Wifi. ’

Tbe membera of St. Luke's M. E. Cboreti, Locg Drauob, beld a jnbilee meetiug Monday ev^uiug of laal week aod et tbat lime preaeuted Bev. Dr. Handipy, tbe pastor, witb a parse of $300 eaa tokou ol tbeir rateem.audep< preoUlion of bta «(Forts io clearing Ibe eburob of debt, Before leaving tbe

oburob Ur. flaudley paid 8100 on Ibe subscriptions, uf &20U made by b la ie lf •ud .tbe uiunjbera of bia family tbe prevlooa day, aud ou Uouday uoroiug Uo.reiurued to Ibe lreaaury of tbe oburob, uot to be applied ou bia aub* soripttoua, tbe otber 9200, wbiob leaves bim still iudebied lo tbo oburob Id tbe sun) o r 8100. no did not retain for bii owu use a single dollar of Ibo eiuouut presorted. .. . . . (

( ............ . ■

’ A 8ii«w«r Pir»(llielSH '! '//,!

New Jereuy ia e pioueer State as a auoiiutr reaort, aud every tinok auil

ooruer bas aoue aedUotive kliraoliou.

Tbe eullro ooaal line is devoted to aiioatuer rcsurta of. um quelled promt* uouoi1, and tbu more noted ,wal«r> iug plauve iuflvidt AtUutio High- Undt. 8e«l>rigbt| Movuioiitb Ueaolu Loug Uranoli, Rlboruij,' rl)ua), Allou* buret, Aaluiry Park, Bpiing Lake, Del* mar and 1’oiut rieaaanl, fieaob lleveo, ltamegat, Atlinllo Olty, Hue late Cily, Ooeeu Cltv aud Oepe May. Tboiu* teiior of j«r«ey mU» baa i»auy obartu* ing veacirl*, ittelmliugLake Hopatooug, Mauob Ubuuk, (.linn Buitiiull, Harveys T^akv and T^elilgb (lap. Tbe atory of

llivio rcaorta la t(»ld iuteiMliugly lu uBea Hboro and Itlomitalua," au Ulus* Iretwl b(Kiklel> Uiuad by C. M. Hurt, fluu'l I’ati. Agent, New Jersey Uoutral, Wtt ItlUorly Htreit, aud la acnt upou tvoelpt of tl eeuta lu ataiupa lo any ad-


How I'M ifivvr TreMr Haa la r m M i

Hupvrint«tid»ui Itlodgalt of thn New York aud Long Dranob lUllroait Com* pauy, laat Thursday said tbal thirty* out .wars ago tbero wore only ebfeu

Imaaetigi'r ooaobci m u bclweeu Port ili'imioutli atul Loug Hraucb, aud of

tlieio vlcvflu, fuur weieordluatU| for otber work, lu tbat year, wbeu tbere waa 10 uVluck ettA 4 o'olook boats froea New Votk, elgbl ooaebee w«relbo woat be bail eeeu na#d lo eoeuniModat* peaaaegfa froie tbo to'oloell boat* Oa oue day thin yrar 000 ooaohia bad paaeud lliroiigb Lotig UraoQb, abowteg• woudsiful growth tn tiafllc,

Hidfiird IVrrlar'a Will l*rubaird.

Tlm will of Ibo iatu Uodfotd IVrdne u l Kuglisbtowu waV 'probaU'd. al tbe

HurrogMv'soflWat Fw bo ld laat week.; Tito will wai made iu May, 1W1, and: JobuH . tttlvera aud Oeorge l i Net* j

•bou. both ol Craubitryt were oatued ae exooidora Mr. IVrriue wae a 1 beobolor and for many yoara wka’aaeo* lion fort'inen ou tbe IVuuayNaula lUilvoad* liy good ImaliK'ta tael aud through aeveral legaoira reoeivod dor* iog bt* lifetime be be>l aooumnUted a fortuue of about 8011,000, Tbe will uatucd mauy beits, priuoipally tbo ohildrcD of bis brothers aud u i'te n

Orders by Phone.From any tummor rosort you

, can Hlephone your ordart io any

(feptrtmont of our itoro and ro-

ee/Ve prompt and intelligent in-

formation to your inqutriat, AH

mail o/1 talephonB ordtrt roceivo

fmmtdiaio attention.


H a h n e & C o .a s r E i ’W - A . n i c , i s r . j .


“Old Sol” Takes His Hat Off To Us.The Coolest Store in Town.

■ . No'need rib consult your, thermometer when going a-shopping if this be

your destination..\Though it broil and: blister, and'burn, on the pavement, inside,

the store ybuW'firid' it' as cool as a ' nipuntain ^ephy^r. I Everything for your con-;

,vehience^br6ad aisles^high ceilirigWperfect yeritiia.tion--nme elevators to can#

you quickly to every 'floor—cozy resting parlors' onfthe! 9W^nit)q; floors— prompt

service and speedy deliveries, a^^epj^n^ujse^p, hot weather shopping easy. i

We're proud of our store—proud,!!to'o, of'our splendid stock of Summer merchan­

dise/and our price s— jy el 1 r - we i w ish t o , br?igj j jist a’ 1 ittle ,abou t them. We ask you>

to compare our prices w ith those advertised by New Y ork stores, and;

venture to say you w ill always And ours as low, and most times lower,

than theirs. Com e in 'and' look', arouAd^-always .'somethin; of interest .whether;

you buy or not. , , . . . . . -• ' ■

B A N D C O N C E R T S A g a in F rid a y , and D on’t F o rg e t W e C L O S E , : , the Store Pro m p tly a t 6 0 ’Clock F rid a y N ig h t.

Thlnl D toi.

FOURTH WEEKOF THE H . . . ........ ......., t

, The'i\vh!M Ijif nativity'still-continues in this unexcelled department of Fine

Furniture, and wc are equally prepared to serve your every need, wlivther.it be a

simple office chair or the most elaborate pieces for home furnishing. Everything

new, up-to-diitu, pcrfect in construction, finish and materials, and best of all, there's,

a saving of 20, ta.,4<j percent on every piece. The feature for this week will be

a general q leaiuip among the Brass Beds, which have been specially reduced, be*;

cause some of the styles nre to be discontinued.'

F R E E D E L IV E R IE S B Y OUJR O W f f W A G O U a A M D T O A U K , I t .


H A H N E & C O . [ N E W A R K . | H A H N E & C 0 . |iSB2SEHB5aBBSBsa5E5a5ESHBascLsasaHasasasasaBEsasEsa5asasr?SESEsasrasasanH im EaBass

Wlhal Feeders SAY After They KNOW :

“Putvr* Stock Food U (ho B§t( .

Stock Food »o Aar# o w und ,M

Two littna from pmotionl r«e<ltra! u- ■ •• ‘ ' 11 ■ ' • Mar i»‘l. ’tw r

l'Avtutr Rtoi’k |\*o<l Oo.. •: *; , >,.. <.

to vour raW^r H>* wmwittwj aaXjtliat.Jinnvo twtmtfi'of wot»k v ttb <bwiv*Hiittn. I hnralHHit rht«liic,Mltl6 ror .aoMmli;omt rcnott*. bu'inmb«vwelv4p tltea»tta»e» ion tlmt v\uiiw)<»vp, f luinnrnviuivd tUuttlw Mature Hfoi«i >od la' aupi*rlof lo im^atwit LHHtoriHiwitoritiPt ilinvituveni0vu> '

v'lw’ n :< h r - '- '

The Olebratluu Herj4ai, •

Tbe ootaruiHou on tbooclcbrfetiOD oil lh« 1901b flOBirersiry of the flat!)# ot Munmoutb, after settling all bilUi found iUiTO was stilt a aurplui Iq baud of W70. They repaid to ibe Free* bold Town ComnUastouera IboSTS ix- peudvd in orroituR tbo graud Itaud,' aud are uow iu a'ljtuuriary na to what to do wittfthe remainder; I l haa boeu inggvatisl tbat pertuauent liiarkora be

plaoed ou various spots uf iutereat ou tbe battieground, ■ ,

IrUnrn, Ua,

Kew* t»o<tfi>hV' Olilo, wl IW'S.' lM at«wW wVft^Uk4 -.!> i'.-v •••;, .DfiirHln: 1 miU (orn sammeiHMknie tvml htfnme.'burtheaihiS'iwAiortf dlii imumtlfy nw\ am) t otitu't kmw It till you nOUllwt inc.- •

^a\ lnuM iW i i fp i S 'K 'Wlm^nm<miHHitoahtHJlija tmtr« iw l\rwqm* iih' ikIviI l l tu t*' i\KOCv,tikXKt j)UrHU^, i 6

< \ i

l^orAirther infonuatiou mldreaa \ •

R . V . C R I N E / G c i Ag».,.1 • -in . f Monfnnvllte, is. J.'it,

r . H . S L A T E R .* »> "it b ■ • I '' r 1 i

' I *ua< '^o«;c8tabluh«4 i n 1; 1

• ' quarters

t . ' lu the -0<.(d Ftiiows' Httt 1 '

Building (formerly! W nali-'1 •>, iugtdu H a ll) with, a good nssortuicut o f,.! ( '


aad wilt be glml to s e rv e •••»

' my" old’ friends' nnd cua- • , ,

tomors,' . > i

A»Uury I'nVk.if h » j» Kd(fin«n>. i

Tlio Ml a ol loti t i E JJftuV t^acM Alleutiumt, whloli w»* ctiujuetoil l i j Ih‘|iHly Sliurifl d tiio gti' T im l i / n l lot ».'ek, w»« IttgcW nUnithil, Eil•«««>! WoilMitn ot AiW y l'ittk buiiglttnluclj-nloo lot* (iir $ll,0(lD »ti{l wlil — ‘U C I ' ' A *1* C ' n tike pCMPttloB «ml liooiu tlio •Inioat1 f " . f l . S I A l l " |\» (orgoitru ff.url K, poau as Iho court ’ - ; . ...ootilUuu Iho Imld Umlfr k (urc- oliiiurc Uf inoitgngo, '

. ^ ----- - ■■■.■. ■ ■ .

C«niM|itl«n, (lit SntKt.

Oou>mu|iltou ia tliu B^rju'Ut of ilia- c«io—tt eri'i'|n ii|>uu l l , vlotlma i>mt

faitoua i l . fmi^s willirut w«tn- ■tug, "O u lf • coW" ia Im c fjlug ' uilltfuiii. to tlui gruvo t6.di(jr; Uon't

oi'Klot’t llMlenhluljruMk., Olotolauii’a Luuk Ilv«t«r will oimi it wttlwul. h i t . ;I t it dorau't you mivIihvo ju iir tuouojr | haute. I t la tbu nuul luuouMtiil rotuotly i lu tho worn to-ilnr auil no will g lru ) ft lilu i liolllo frvf, MHtRc bottle, 113 ctiila. Tor Mle liv It, 0 , W illing. I


............... - . * f ' ‘ O i lVr.ttuil'i n

•>dt t*.i «ii.v Un#--, 701V) dfcfjO 1*«J.i ihtt

O B 1 ii < 1 1‘.V 1 r f U\ t !' 1/ » pf-j { f uw h it ii tl f t »’Mil' . »c< • *• »{<•>.

M::fl.fHlTE..1 : V Ji Wffl.'il1 1 it |i I In

fU3tW» te it JMnj ”5 I I U * )\ 1 \* it i-vf- vi -U "»'■«

1 ) l l V M > •!>>1 I ' ! ' ) ' , m ll I . it * < V

}*!» xnnV ‘tt nt ) j i, , . 1 iV. •

H o r s e O w n e r s ,

a t t e n t i o n :

T now lmvo ou iiaudVfliU line of

s u / n M e R c o o D s

lor Horsfs, which w ill ko sold at low prices, s ; .1 .

"CitH uVui ice tlicm1. ' ,


j o m C. H O PLA ,


Wnll I’npcr In (irenl vntidv. Send lilm n |h» IiiI nml lie ivlll onlloml slioV'muni>!t» nml prlco, .

CARTAN & DEVLIN" ' ' ■ ' . -ul t- ■

h ive t large supply o l ':

the very best

which they w ill sell >t >‘i■' -'I- ■■ ’ ■■ •

•• prices as • “ >• ■ »" ..................1 „

<! is very large and we are 1

1, ■( selling it at . ’ i i;

B O T T O M J H 1 C E SW e carry a large stock'^jf5’

Lu m b e r, l a t h , Lim ti, Cem ent, N a ils , & c .,

which wc arc selling at

Prices that Can’t be Beat.O A E T A N & D E V L IN ,

N O T I C E... —t o —

T R U G K E R S lI f you wnnt the old-fnsliloncd

Peruvian Gumioenll nml ace Maniple »mt price, ,< • .: Mnrliic Qnatio Atul i ’olnlo tfertlU liier on linnd. ! 1 .

W . D . B A I L E Y :T A K E N O T I C E !AllporaonaitroforhlditiiiniiltigMfnM

on or around my |irumiiua nud«r'|)on*altyofvroaooulloui ....... 1 h;;|i

«f. n, DAHK1SSON.

t)p Ibe Woiilpi.

: Cb»r)e» Jeuuiugt, a olvJJ euqlueer ot Janm barg , eroaled ijuiti* a aensatlou by issulug about flfteeu sumniouaes to M n m y piumlueut married womeu uf tfc t place lu appear at bis bumo. It e#tms H it for sumo weeke past * atory bed l^otn ia olrpuUtltifl, to the uffoat |bAt t|W liMit been uulrue tu lila marriage yoviXkud Ibat tl« wife bad created * bicdo at (lio bone of lb* woman iu Ihe UM . IMehnlngs set io work qulokly asd |)pa))y eocauedrd lu learulug lie Dames of ail conoer&ed in Ibe gossip. Mayor Sbnltft ami Marshal Lane ouu- dooted (he bearing ami Jobu EtbaH acted m couueel for Jcouiogs. Tb® first votanit summoned denied tbat abo l)fte oireulated lie repurl aud said ao- ftOd'SO bad told ber. Upon leurniug lll^ parL/ti nnrnu she wna broiigbt_f*cc to'fece ^ jlb bei occuaer, I t waa kepi np io tbiamauuer until all present bad

bean accused and all in tnrn bad de*

flled lbeir gqilV and for'» time it looked aa ihougl tbe women would en­gage iu a pitched tattle, Tlio guilt;

party was at last located among tbow preseot, however, aud it ia Mr. Jon* Ding's ioieotioo, if a publio apojogy ia riot mado, to proseoute her to Iba full

M ltn t of Ihe lav. .:; ; ' ’ ’$ ---------

f Clnb House lobe Sold.

/IJndertlieN 'b’ammer i’goes tbo auoe famous JF«nDBylvbbla; : 01ubboo«e ; » l Loog llraoob unless tbe Delya effect a ■atllduoQt beforo August 9. Tbuolub*, bouae together witb tho Gbelsea Are* one homestead of Pbllip Daly, is ad* iertiaed to bo sold at Sheriff's *ulo in tb f auii of William II, nalluwoll nud M il, Mary Marks, Tho ltvtter'a hue* band waa at ouo tiiuo r u t owner in tbe

PaooejlfaoV Club. . IU died suddenly, laat summer.^Tbe Pumwylvatiia Club baa beeu owbed by tbn Dalya fur woro tlinu a (iaartsr uf a ooulury, • I t ,vim built Uy

Uia )ato Jubu Uoeyand mhiagu’d' by Jofen Ohaiubcrllu, Philip Daly pur* cbaeed tbe property early iu tbo anven* tiee, . Tbe club, with four other*, waa

qlqaod duting tbo raid |a«t tumrnor.!a-”';i- lluftbta to Ublutu IUII,

V ilham llllsir* Andrew Kelly aod Mra, llUey, nil colored, wlm ran, uie» Miaa Jennie Ouvurt at KatontAwn brt

tha Fourth of July at|d \*H. be* .lylnff, ••eoueoioua iu (bit roadway, wuro ar* reiguett bofore Judgu floialoy at Long

Brauoh Tuoaday morning for a prtillm* iiary cianiination tu dceldo whether

ikay aboidd bu admltUd tu bail ur uol. Miss O o m t ’a life Is not now Iu IIuvmI lb bo It) danger mid tbo turtbo^ nvoaa- aitt uf bidding tbo prlxinors wltbuut tm l ooouuivd tbo attontiou of tbo nnnrt.

Jfldgo NidftUy dooldud Hint KII07 abould furuiab <1,20(1 tmti, Kidly M l , atid l|tal!Mrs, H ilo; bt\ rahaatid^n hui 0*0 reoouiiiranod. JInII wmn not au* flared aud Ibu men woro takuu bank to

H I ., - r _ ----------- — — ------^

‘ Contrailiik l ’»;Miml of lild.imii.

KlrkpnlrlDk <ll«il >u urilor lu III* United Htntoa Unurl .1 Truulou lU l Tbiltmlii; lo (iiini|iul lliu M«jor Hilt Ommnll ol l)o»l, to ntiiiw u .i i i i

•n tntnaallnu •IwnlA nul bo li* M d l K iln lu llix withDtH a l Sttoj & Oo„ ul Now Yuiki IU il.IWtVitiK k»U)Ih III lu «|iltii <itM vtillii.nnu |iiiIIIiik ii llnoiimi nf (WU da lni»liio»» ««kiiiih, Tlm (iiimi'HD)' ol.lrai llial llmlr w»kiiu llmmnii lu Nu« York I . (II lh«l I i riNiuli.d, auil lliii

i . lu llie iitlm e o l • leal c««o, nlliar ouBMrna either Ha,ln( paid lha 11-

Houao ti ml ur mutual ur wllhlivld |mj- a eu l allogolUr until llio lonatltj nl llccuio IotIoiI (tnu liu ilulormliioil lu

f ' t __________

I:' i I'alallf Hurt «« lllrlhdtr, ,

IjiAKrad IluUr, llie H-year-nlil ami n| Hr. aud M>a. Proilairlo llolir (if I'liwU-

wajlowu, illoil Tiuailajr of laal w «k Irotn Injiuliia rowltad lu • uooullai oauncr llio ilar picrlnua, whloli w u

h i. Otlti klitlidajr. Tba bojr'a olilar Vifutltor lank him lor a lid* In a buna- aailo two-mliooloil dark wlillo bo woul tORel a quart ul milk. On Ib* return home tbo joungor bo; aat in tbe oatt « llb Ihe bultlo «( milk umler hla aim, Tbo oldor liu; waa riiuulng and iu turulng a oortior abarply Alfred wa.

thrown out. Ilo atrnok ou llio bottle ol milk and 11 liruko, a pleoo ol Ibo glaw penolralliitt bia luu|>

Horse Mhurr Hoxet H*M at Ant Him,

’ Tbe anmml aale ot boiea for Ibo Honmonlb Untinly llnrao Him*, lo lio held ik llolljrwooil J«ly 90 ami ill anil

Auguat 1, win hold Halurilajr lilKlit al Long Drauoli nud atliaetod a large number of NUtumor rcaldont* from all ■lung.tbo ooail. Sereuly-olgbl frout row uoiea woro aold auil ovor #1,000 M l reallrod, Tlio amount In aitlil lu lie a roaord lirmkor nud nponka woll fur Iho popularity of tho annual (unntluu. Xbe falghunt prloo waa paid b j Dmilel O 'B a j of Deal, wbo Rato J I US for llio oboloa,

■ ---------------- ----- - .

_ F ill Prow* Fnlut to Agwl IiWljr.

Mra, Bllr.n VnnDnno tiled ou Mou> d a jr o l la a t week at tbo home other adti'lti'lnw, \Vllllum 13. Qapou u( Uoil ll»blr,1,\vllknli(im she tnmlu li nr. Iiiiuiu, SJvoral Weoka nga Mra< VrtliUnuo.i wbo w u W yuuri of aai', nun orurooiuii by ail allnolt of i1l»>iiioiia In tmr riiuiu »Jil foil lionvlly lii tin) llaur, alrllilug oil bor riglit aldo nhil breaking tlm lilp bftno. Owing to hor ettrnmo noo tlio

Iraoluio would uot knit nml ilontli ro<>UltO<1. .I'-'i'i"

J . AiuuMiueiit (lomimuy UUmilivil. ,

7 CI10 Noplmio AmtVahinoiif danpn jr ' ifbtobi m n tlnok o»in|mny, until 'tu

d to rn to ii eliullla lioitnl uml iiliiitttuni o ir parlor lu Iho tiullillug ndjuliilug tu tuo lollor lolioggnu nt Aulwry I ’nrlii l l i i lidott dlsnulfod, Mllnn lloMi ’ tliu rthl cilnto ngout, la now In ptiHaaalon of All lliii alooli nml duolilod nuuie lliuu

1 «go lo giro up llio iimuiiuu'iii bualiicii,

2 ,

The 4!oniU(ulJo'ial Ainrndni(iil««

Oviuiii fJrovu Tltuorf: id leis tbau Ibrea moutbi a apaolal

uleotlou will bu bold fur tbo adoption or r«juotioB of tbo ooD^titutloiial aioeodmuuti wbioli bave bvou.paasud by two ouuseoutivu avMiuua uf Ibo leglsliltiri} aod wbiob If io runi^pi of a Wujurity of Ibe fotu* ou t will buooinu• pari of Ibo ooDsliluliun and gu fotu effect um l year. Tbo ubaugoB sfTcot ob lj ibo oonrls, and bavonot btoo a inbjoot of publio iutorcMt «Ujou tbo atneudmeuta wero 11 rat oiTurod io tbo logialalnru. Tbo olijvut euiiubt Is tbu etpcditing of bticiueaa.in tbe courta aad Ibe efiai/aafiua of tbat aouoy/ag delay whiob baa been prouyuucud jau-

avoidable uuder Ibe preaeut ay’sletu. Au indepeudeut court uf nppuals is proposed audtbeobnuge would operate must'aatiafiiotorily, Hsadroeatps oUlm.

Oppoiiliop lo tbe plan is eild to Vc

At the Iffiw York Yhettrei.

OoDMrnliii I'rMtor'f TliHlrut

At tbls tlmo of tbu yoar it is almost impoiiibli) iu tumpt ibu publio at large to yuk j uu iuduor lliuatrt*, uu matter bow good ibo purfurtnauoo may be.

You oau go to Ibe roof garden and iwflter lu tlie raja bnltbe tnoderuJoriourlheatr^ paiiioulaf- ly tbnie norter tbo raupagemeol of Mr,

Prootor, aro so oouftrucied tbat Ibe uatural coolness of ibe eartb ie borue

iuto tbe epaoioiiH niiditorioma by. bolb meobftiiioid nud natural opplfauaee. Mr, L'ro<jtor’» T«reuiy*tbird Street Theatre, ’uotwitbsUudiug tbo terrlflo weatber, remains coal, aud ibe abow

— auy patrou of Mr. Prootor'a kuovs ibat tbis important factor is al ways up to tbe stnudnrd of merit.

Trootnr'a Fifth Arenue^Tb|atre ia

npv ia ibe wid?t ofjbe.raost^ucoeaa'

erptalizibg, and Ibe ameodmeutiare ^ ‘1 enomer aeaiou. il bas ever bid.‘ Tbe stoek oompauy is lolly up. to ibe

atttndard tbat wae maiutaiued thero all through tbo past winter aeaaon. Many

uew Vaudeville epeoialticB arc iuter* eperocd bdtwoon tbo aota of ibe oota* ody. and are pioked ouly from tbo flrat oJasa rerfoty field. At Ibis jtlaybonae oue ia aliraya aaaiired of d epleadid ea* tertaiomeot, oourtooua .treatmeot, and erery possible moderu comfort,- ..

Tbo abort summer fltasou of alookf intur))6}ated by Mr. Prootor at bia Fifly«aigbtb dtreot bonep, baa proven most ancoeaaful. ltritliaut oomedy# brilliant aotlug, aud still mnru brilliaut prodnotioua have1 made tbia theatre tbo moat popular p|noo of amtiecmeot ou tbe Eait Bldo. Como aud got one of tbo souvenir epooua given tu every lady patrou at auy daily luatiuio.

At preaent Mr. Prootor’s Oue Dim* d red and Twenty ilftb Bircot Theatre ia tbe ouly plar* of'Himnonioul lo riarlutQf aud, wbllo it ta irnw itn»t Mr. Trootur turned 'em »«ay during tbe winter eeaaup, ho uuw baa to obaau ’« u away, for bia |u>lfc^of proilnolug fltat

olass comedy, lulurpretoil at tbu bands

of ooinpalenl aod popular aotora aod autrvs^s# bas "oaugbt on," Just drop Iti sniiiiTdsy aiid you will bo oonvinofd yoiiretdf tbat Vrp^bir1* ia tbo uuter talmuDui, idtbor suiduut or winter, lo

tbe oity tty itsflf,At tlila tliu« uf tbo your, aa in tbe

wink** Mr. L'ruoiur; antifuaa fti|i ao* Irn! of rofiyod ouii'rtaiiuiumt at No«: ark. Tbu ahiiwa^uf tbo paal lu m a l weukeJiavv douu orodlt tu bia name,

*ivbo uliuws bunked for tin* prcaixit and fuliiro aro *tll) mnru viirlod in novelty

and omueily, liiaUad of a lirunoinf tr in to aniue siiasldn rcNi»rlf wliy uoi

walk to Mtlilary J 'a ik and aork out two atiru tbinga, nnmidy—laugbtDr and outusily ? U olbuU hvm a tg iu ^oDue alwaja al rrootuc'a. r ' ’ ' 5'

■ --** - * I * . - iml.

U w it : Flrii Clan Exourtlon Rale to

Uailfornla 900 3ft.

Via Ibo Now Jom rj Gnuiralkhaakiii waiinn*Nloklo 1‘lato rmito and oouueo*

by noJiueaQB oertaiu to paaa. Udleas publlo iuterefct'qtiickeoa porccptibly tba vote will probably be very light.. .. ' S n ».

To Calibrate Foundlutt of Ocean drove.

j Friday, July S I, ibe tbirij-fumtb AQblvenarv o? ibo fouudiug of Ooeau

Orove will be oolebretod ou tbo spotiii Tbomsoo Park where, iu tbo tout of M^a, Joseph Tbornluy, at six o’clyok iu tbe eyeuiug, tbe lirai publio ^eriioo waa tbdd upou tbe oamp jueetiog ae- aoblatlou grouuds. At ibo presont time a memorial vase marks tbo spot. Dr. Adam Wallaoe, tbe ouly Burviviug member, with Mrs. Stokt'H, wbo at* tended. tbe tlrst tueiitlug, will tako au

aoUve pari iu tbo eietoieca.At three u'olook in tbo nfternnou tbe

amociitlop lueiubora will gather iu tbo taberoeoftf for $ memorial eervtao. A l tbe annual mottlug of tbe nssooiatloo, oomiuitiooa wero appointod lo prepaiu papara oil tbuae wbu have died aiuoe tbo tbirty*tblrd anniversary, Tbeso

will bu given al ibu uifmorial auivioe, wbiob will bo most impi«ul«e,

... i . -i, ^ ^ i i ■■ i ■ ■»- *-

Will Hun fur f 10,000 IMmagtw,

Nation 8 « a o ,H y tU n a»trol»Mlal at Aabury, V«tk, waaatrvnlud laat Tlmra* day ovpiiinff on h rai'Un Uaued by « Htiprope Court OoMiuilsalouei, at the anil of lilpptuan, Hpelr A Oo. of New York, aud b«l<( iu dafaoltW h«|] on a eiuirgu of fi'aud. Ou Friday uiglit Hasso waa realt'atd by an border' mado by Hupromo Uourl dimlloo ru r l, oti Ihe gromWU tbat ibo proofa nud order of

atrval wvro illegal. H app«>ara tbat tbo Otiu bad . kold Haa»o'a n«aUUiit goods, aud tlin former WMarrtated by mlstako Itt atcuro payumut, Haaau baa rotain«d Hamuol A. rattoraon aa hla

oonuaul and will hogi* " for Gill,000 agalmt Llppman, Bpitlr On., for (alau, nrre it,,. , . , .. \ ,,

_ a. . - M ..I— I •» m ■: ^ Mlrlkers t auai* Triable*

Htieaiiao ouo lalmrnr at thn CMraudcr Firu Dilrk Works al Koaaboy waa till charged by Walter Duuhatn, tbtiaailal. aiit manager at tbn plant, ibe roil of tliu vmplnyva utvtlilod tbo l\rtn unloas

the (eMow waa put back at work by iloiJli Iboy Notltd «dl bo tml led oft by Ibulr delegate!. Tim Onu tufuaud tu reinstate Iho man aud all tlift on [ilo^on, unntberlog Hfl, walked nut ntul tbo plant la ttow tiod up. A ntiiuber uf ilopulbm worn p|aea<l In ebargu nf tlio

plani laat Tlutrsday iiIhIi I nnd !lu>y warn attanknd about thirty slrlki**, Hhnt* wore tired and the latter dliinp* peared.

■i... .*i..i... . ^ » » i i ii

MorH Menu (lardn.

Mra. It. 1), Kramer uf Mow Yurk gavu a dlnuur Wedueadav night uf laat wuuk at oiut of tbo leading botola iu Anbury 1'ark In hoiM»r of the slatb an* ulvoraary bl tlie Wt'ddlug of Mrs. M,

D. Doruatoen, bor friund, H ia aaki Ibe wamt waa printed on Iho bauk uf I'JO gold oertHloaiea and thnt eauli uf tbe gueete reoeived ouo« Tbo oouiur nf Ibe diutaf ball wm ant apart lur Ibo affair, and there were doouratlonn of

flowers, feme* oandioa and ob'oirln llgbte, Tlie gueata anaomtdvd abort ly

before 11 o‘elock( and it la fald tliaro wore about a doieo of ilium pruaeut,

i ^ i-1»i —■

A llra r i liuss,

"The Methodist Ohurob Is lowing 60,000 probationer* a year bieaiiao uf Ita probationary lyatoin," d«olared Ilev. Ur, J , B. Gilbert nt n acsalou of

tbe Spiritual Culture Huolvty last weok, tu b li paper on <(8pltltnal Culture uf Probatlouere," He lidvooatod a sim­pler eyatem, Ke». Qcurg« K, Morrtu, o f Cloveland, 0 .* apoko upon Uio topla "Uuflpeiilng llio Spiritual Idfu«M Ua

said too mauy OhrliliaDabavoforsakeQ Ibo Ulblu for tbo uowspapora,

Mny (le t VS ImImmI of SO I ’or O n l,

Itooolver J , E. LnuuitiR uf tha Mou- mouib Trust nnd SnTo J>op*jnlt Oom- puny, is authority fur thu stHtemout ibnt, by roaaou of sovural vnry gnud

oolleotlooav mado last wcok, lio uow bopoB to obtniu tbo Ohiiuno)lor*H op proval of n 25 por oo»t ilivldiujd hi

atoad of 20 pet oout, wbiob wta thought to bu thu most ibo auditors ooitld bupu for for somo tlmo to oomoi

. — - ■ ■ ■ ■ —

Urniik Ciirluillo Aoiil,

Wlillo ilonpcitKloUlj duo, ll Ih until, lo

iloDitatio Irnublo., Airn. Sllltn Wdrniln of Woat, Long Jlrnniili drank niirtiollii

nolil ouii day lint wrolt null nnw llila In n -iiroi/iirloiii oojiillllon, .Tlm llinuly ’arrltHl1 of h iliJolnr aiiVoif tlio wuniiiii from lmmoillnlo iliwlli, Iml nall^vna alio Uy tittnniiMlom for ninny lidnrn, Hbi» «m luitlly bur lleil rIioiiI tlw fnoo unit muullt ntul aulTiitiid IuIuiihu |mln,

fJ ' ! H iililiilf i f CIliiiMi Ilnlil.

■ Iiaat BliUtlny 811,MU) wna aiilimirlliud itt llotranr tnwnril inlying off it illilit of 410,0110 uu lliu uow Mi li, Oliiiroh )uup- oily, Tltu olmroli pruporty In titluml nl 630,0110;' wliluli liioliidnit lliu piireiiif itgo uiljiilnlug tlm olmroli, 1 ■

, Subwrlbo'fof lb o Jo PHNAii1 i ' ;

tlnua *) t|llloagu with any lino tu III* California mwal, Tloknla nru auld truuululv lllat lu Augual tilth, Innlu- alrr, auil giuul In niturii llll Oulithtr Ifitll, mini. The rnilliia wnal of Olilnago niHy liu illffnriiiil In linlll dlriuilloua,

lillioi«l .lop-off prlrllagnn wiiat nf Uiiloradilllii., Biiilra trip aoarrangfil Iii go through thn mini |i|«iur«*i|o* iiarla til Ilm Ainiirliian ooutluunl, lim ing eaia on all Iralua, nioala a la Oitllt, ' llurtlia, aMOliiiiiuilntlliK |*«

liiirauua, If tlnaltnl, will m>al 8111,Till v ltra tliiougli, lllnerMy o f« trip willlio prcpiiriiil fur any going, A aiiitnlal liarty wlll atari Auguat ltd. Write or

ami fra If, IVIiyli1, Olalrlot I ’nnaniigqr Agilnl, A ilmrr I'nrk, N .V ., for in fur- inalliiii (iMlrini, ■ m '« / 1

llrop|i«il lira* I* (JmdiMi.

William White of Oolla Nuek, wlio waa oinpliiyiitl by a Mr, Weliboral that l>laoo, limpiwil drail wlillo At wurii lu Ilm iattor'. garilmi Tiiiiailaj of laat wcik. Hovurnl poraona aHW lilui fall nnd liaatoliod to lila aldo liut lio waa

tlmul wlioit tlioy tuaebod lilm, lleatli wm due to heart tllaeaao, Tlm ileonaaetl lonraa a wlduw aud ouoolitld, Funeral aorvlova wero hold at tho Oolta Nook lloformuil Olmroli Friday morning and Inlcrmoul wa. lu llio oburob burying ground, '• 1 ■ ' i■ -■ 11 iji ■■.I,.. ., . l,

■............ ..... ...... ............

I,mt llll I'liHl 1'nll, :

: Howard Ooopur of Ifreiiliold aulToreil qiiltu a uorel anil ralhordlatr.aaingoi* porlatioo ouo etmiluit rtimnlly, Ua waa aiding ou Ibo atop at llic.oulratiaolo Iho aeoohil atory uf lliii'po'aMHloo bnllillng whun Ur, ltobluaou,'wbo haa ollloea npalntra, oittno down nml, looked tbo door buliUiil liltn, Ooopor'a coal lull wua onugbt lu llio duur, bnt lie waa hot awaro ot tlila uutil Uu aroao liiirrlctllr to gri.el aomo yiiiing laitloa paaalug by nnd lu doing au left tlio ou- llro oout tall fnet In lliu iloor,

-t' ■; 'vfc : ,h'l.

A llltikory Nul (lurlo,

: l ’olloemau 3, It. llorilon of Aalmry I ’nrk In Ilia mm mot nf u hkkory mil wliloli lm prlzoa rory lilglily na n onrlo, Tliu mil la out) of ii i|iuirt wliluli lio pnrolinaod nl n ntniul In Oninlin, Noli,, In Mny, IB70, nnd wlilnli lio brought enat wllli lilm tn allow Iim frlontln Imw largo lilokury uula itro grown In llio

wual, Ilo inirrloil llio uul un n pm iM plooo for ii Niinilmr nf yourn mul It lliii grown lilnok wllli ngu uml muiinlli nml alilny from froi|iinlit bniiillliig,

T u il limit Kmilmlil.

'l'lm Oiinlrnl Jtiillrond Oonipniiy of Now Jimoy In Imrlun mmlniatmt ul l ’lillmlnlpliliii two uioilorn nliiel hnrliur lug liimla uf Inrgo onpnolly, for'uuu of

wliloh tlmy liitvo aelooloil Iho iiaui. “ iiW iiu iii," . ■

■ ^ i i i . .u - . i n ^ • — i i—

, , 'j'i'linro la it Ililo In llio nlfnlrn of uinl), wliloh It tiikiin itt llio llmlil How* on tn furtituii," II you Imvo iinytlilug tn null-liill,tliu puuplo ubfiul |t tliruugji tho ooliiinim of llio'ifAiiiiifAri ain't got

four alinro of liu«luo»J llitil’a fjolug,

i ’;v l : .'.j ;/ • i s v a t . j u i . f


BBN J.F. S, DROWN, „1 ' Matawan, NewJer.e»

Hiioo.aiorto .A ^ i'^ u lit / ta if ii , g.ii.jjigyn*.-ifiKBiNHiiBANdia'.,! !> .r

10 1 It ItBAL W TW E.-r-tll

ilituaoaanil IM a for Rantana Bale, " ’ v 1

idalea ot i>ro|iertr oi^ntpiimli^pjpu aollollai)


Ollloeat JouaaitCfflao, i- m i.j -,,U'

P . P, * Nl C. SI’ROUL,

: 'tfCllTKVJim AN» KttajflBpIlll|p,']i,i1''

, IrQiilUlr.et,nilJolDlii«Uiiiik, ,,i.

j *>1'' !Kari.ort,NtwJondr. ■

fromnl«ttoiillon-ilttli(tit<jtorrwork-lleii or»linili»r«n», . . . ; , ,

Oiiilral II. II, Wlilloliiill Hl«.J ’wn.lV Jl.lu WualtailMla,

■ T A T IO M IN N lW V bR H ,..... . " It, of N. J „ fuel uiieitr mul


ON AND m i t l ! .HIND Mil, H'liil, "

, m iN H I.HAVK MA'J'AWANi! : Ifiir MllmMh, V^warii anil Nw Ynrii-Un

!.w‘ York oalvi. 1 ui, h tu ‘nxtwitlp m v J i n k I..M n , in t i , tl is, it ah h . i i i . , i # J.!et4 F(t‘¥<nvki,( nai.iii.HMt.iis.inftjin

4S. 1 M . IIIon, ( l l l l H u U r(irtW u n U '’ iixdiMil Imvnrliiji. m.’ Hijihlfl^Hjit, H u6 hriiii,

Fbr'lled Ijnak, Itimirli. Aahiiry 1'iuktI Ocoull lllitvti niir) MlJltlnilH ||i| PIiihhi

a u t ~ liW ................... * •'»mi, “:- ii« IHtilunlaifH ytdv), flW. -M'i t»et,

liiUl,(liflil llm l Miillh n n ir h 'T IT iH 19 I’J , unra. ttllA, io IV, 11 Wl ll III, m (I IU, II Kl if, m. .

e r B n n d a r tra in s Mrt n o t utoti a t A a h u r r t'arti O r U w a i iO r u v n . . ," l«envn Nsw York fur llalnwiini

root W\»Ht Ht.-t tK). ft ni. 4m n wn. j no,u tn, s ml. I lit/, A du, A /W, ll llll, ( l l mi VVoilucM. dit/aiiiid Muiiiri iiM im lr) i m i i . . m im layf.

r o o t W lilbdm ll Ml.j IHoulli h'rfy

piiailnjji, sMNi ni., I w>nvn ni, ■ ■ M l WoHtiWdNlwsl-f wai ui„ 19 to, dot, : .tuiutu. HiimmyM w,»aftn,»»., iwi>,-

r<>». . . . - .......... - Mil.

niHl lliiallhiMoa Htt-eBtk-U'tt ■. iiiki I r .....................

oi (Vi|*tlitnrtt‘ ...... ........ .,«,,Um-rawjOulliiUiltHliinjl], iiiki iJtifihi'OMiitt BtrpliLi, vtiWMi.m., li an, imi, «lii. i tw t>, tn, hihj.

.i mI'IM,am,U4SII,nu flw ii.m ,' ;

Volt /urilmr luiriloulnra *»o iiinoW/ibles at sUittuna. LJ . . :


’.J, N.Y,Allf ll.'ll, It

(tm W. Itovn.Oi

l'cn\i,U,“lt. 0,ll!li!i

R ea d in g Syst m

New Jersey Central.Corrrotrrt lo Jimri *», IIMlI, :

. ,j Tralna l.cava Matawao. ' 'Fur Nfiw York, Nmvnrk. KIIMibiilll, An,, via,hll •;rnlt roiib-t ml Thurpiiiu'H, o/iiy), A so. . a aii Mnmln vp, i w. (I ut N, Y.<*utv 1.1«. a w, : i 40, l l l l , 11 aa n, ru.. 19 H. tl IIU.4 AH. T Ul, 7 JP. Hit 41 Hiiluriinyao}tlv)i>. m, unniliOH.'J ii, 1 m m , m., tim.iVKttrnv. in,

ForJrrtihol(l—nan. sea u n n, m„ not, a u .,**», fl as p.m.

Fur Ksrporl aud Atlu«tt« 1((utiliuid«~A')H,: ,T IS, U IUII. Ill,, ‘J IA, ft'JU, p. in, HllllilflM,,1 i f t , i t ) i a n , p . in.

yurFtti'tnlumlnlo, Idikywnpd, Ai'.-rki. tt wa, in., 4M:ja I». ill. Hutiilnvs, JV Jl H, ill, s

Por'JMin* itlvtii auil Xiii'jiKunt-A iii, it nu n, iri,. .9 4:1. a w I', m. Humluvti. w u n. Ill,

\s. a. iiKHiiRib a M .m ntT ,'■ Vluo I'riw. A Clou. Mitr< U m r l ]'nnN, Aitt,


Furnishing - :• Underaker. -AND-

PROFESSIONAL EMBALMERO fflo a a t R a d d t n o i , u r , O h u r o b anil

1 M a in S U . , M a ta w a n , N , I .W l i t t o l l o a r n o f it r n la b m l f n r O lil l i lr t i n

P U B L I ^ C A R T I N C.The mtbuvHlier will d» ngrtnrinl rnrllnii

business III Mutuvvim utid HullulU the nr* ilcrs ur iiiorcliiiuta nml uthcin who reMuit‘« audi Work dune. JJwliverlca will bo tiroimit imd dmtucn reimotiiible, HniuvatM l»y telephone will lio lUteiulcd io,™, , i, - HAHHir H.IHHAAIH\ ,Tfll. CnJI H*III. . Aliilrtrt«l*i-S,Ji '

; 'Jffofioasional Bards.


; - .....HKK8 , W. M IM * ,- ..... ——

p rro itia ta a D m i, . : ; Uata«an,«.


! w&tKRjiH'onjiNbitnt'.'' ". I 4 ..!»■,I,; .. j

n o ta iiv i>q'm.io, „ : i

lirtnwW',)iB",i 1 w t i l ) * * » l« i»

E LU B K tl. OEHAN, IS M ,-t-‘ »;*•#«! i.Vii'/ uiiritf i.-l

; »»ATTOJlNm%AT*l*A\V t< -,,i

(' :;':it®AnY ity.if |f.tH»if^

.' -s* MJnnaat Cm ,

’ „,i,v) dli‘ '


'((illolllifillltl H«ft,r'|p’ flM M *nt <t,

1 i <- ^ i ^ Netary Publlo, ,,t i. >

Ofltoe In l^lunioo Duihlliig,- llroitilws^ liong Hranef)1, f M ** 1 <> ■

> -i > r.

•'A'TTOIINWrAT.MWJ• ” iitfji-.'J i,’.| ■ ytjl t'.» (il.t' i; Boilultor nml Huai.r in ufmnoomL ,10 mJ ...... hi.n ' - f -,'Jr (I lit'J ' ’ ..J:-',1> . ,

^ >'■ ’ i 'Triiiiliolil, N. H •

’ ,.„ 4 , OUVMHICU-OII AT U W . . .

I iti.atijr'iu Olifttuifti')! ? bl I oi * ' ‘ '

: ,ii OJiniulaHlilni lifDoBila.N.lf,,.,! ,11

I),.I* . VAN DUVllN'rUKi Jr .,; , u ( ,

' V . . ' '• A 'l 'i l 'D I I N I I l A C i U U N H U i O II A T I A W , !

,ii Holloltoimiil HaaltHttUliatiwry,' ■>’ n "1 "Notnr, I'liiiHu,' t imH.i i'm ■

,OHwa In HoKlaney IniUQliiw/.i" .• ^

|)ATHICK J , LtOLAN, “ 1

■ Hciuowoii, amii Mahybi| I k"Omnoaiin, NuJfitiV’}'i/fii.ul( jnn K im tt A'oinuaMilt,

;• • r., inum lJliilaiiuo 'Hiuliil 0141. .

**u,f!iiirwuoli1 J lli " l" t Iw i'w l .llfM-

OK . OKWILL VANiWICKLG.• /.fiU -a.-it'.v

UltM'i'AIi HUIiaKON.v* 11 ‘ h 1

' ■! Vi , OiVIMI „,fn i )' ' Oon llioml iiiiiI Olmruli Hlc„

llnUiwnn, HiJ'.

A , J . JACKSON, At; D.J

Unlu Btrciot, lliilnw tL TolonliOno Cnll, ,

IpM o o nt Ida r.alilenuo, i io rW Halil iiiiiI" (Jliuiuli atreata, . , ,

OMonlloitial liaato muiiK. m.| D IN In iuul 7 lu i> i i , u i , , ■

|)K. C , KNI3CHT, ■ J


onlua Jlaiiiat T mo tu 011, 111,, iigu lo tium T to II |l. Ill, , .

oniuo nt ro»|ilii:iuii, two iloora bolcw t t . PruHliytflilnu CJIiuroli, , . , . . , -

„ ■ M11I11 Hlraet, Mnlawnii,Mi.l

|)H. STKAUOIIlC '"' „ .

lIOHtlCOl'ATmUT. -

N11I11 Htniol, <1- . Mnlitwitiiiff.X '

trnino lluiirtj Vnini liioTlWli, nil 11 to maonml 1 In mill.I', 111, ' ;• -■•J11 ■. > •

ftA'I'HAN UKVIN, fl, U„


Mnlti Klrvel. Mntuljrnii, N. 3,

onluniu Jlpal liMnir, araoii'il iluiir iioith.of, Hrll'a lirtig Hlore, 1 '

(mill. Ilmira 1 Iiiiii lo Ii a.' um t tli ms)unn(,>

T lo * |>, III. ' - •> '

|)lV. W IU IA M l l A l i r '

’ VRTlilllNAlIT UUIiailON AMI) UJJN'UI)*,.

Ofllt'ii, upPi lliwil mul flelilii Otni ‘!r 1

lt»*Motiat>nt V'im ll, Dluulii'a,

Xdlfj'li?Bf Cnll, ilnidWf't'iK J .

tatoan $ o r a l .^ VOBUbUCDlVK&T


K iT lW A V , ■GNMOUTU CO., K* J*»

£ BT ' ' '

B E N J A M IN F. S, B R O W N


ItirtlOM iPlTiilLt w ADVAVOK.

R O B ** r« ir* J......r.flBNMOaaaapMawtb....................... J*

; (OB»eopjr«l aoBtfai............»........ ■& ■laglaaapfeMeaall*

441WH*kignlMiyw ippHoitico.CaaMtt**tlc««t«•»*•* Hfi«firitlaMrttoaaafl• <uu aline thirufur. .letieMttiie of M«do\eQe».rftid» of I t u t i u l-- p u — ---------- - 5 (fata* Un*.

TfcaUwitowMehaitibicrtptioa !• P»W *???•!* Ot&tafSror waapM* to n»li«ub»erit»ri. 8ob* ■wWHaii tw ptyafcU In kWidc*, ud « aot •« l l i a l *aWBpi»*JB»a»«bcmld l>» tnada »m w* •«lpl(of aaBMVtlUppearaatbe p»perlMUM a wIk t iw d iK U t atone/.

*mOMtfrt, atelatatntorP. tit.. U*«> tb* rifU to %$rn» Ihe oroiHHi Id vblcb iball iPI*** DOtfc** «a4 »«bi^i(lMaortll klad«M un required undar «ImU» mb*pnbil#bt-a, tod ** firrnOj *od t*-nM follf art <mr friauds tuntttalar «• Is B»l-«*«•( Wtehiod. ■

' ^ votioi to soBAcmfii&a.

(ft Me* mark la dram tLr&ngb tbla notice tt ■Muatbtt roaraalMflriptlooUi^xr^.^ fa t w* MpMtfallr rtf DMicd tn renew at one*.

fftiaTncavttUou aala *> J> T, Otowr** 5*we ^taatf, aad (ba ttnioa K»w> fltintf »t SlaUco, Mala* waa. aad' * E, L Oilne'a, Krjyort.

Sst*«i ettheMauwan poalcBea>aa taoond la*nillaittrr,

THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1908,


D r t t t ' Arrwleit; liiilM * !, C«n»lrt«\ Ami

fl«at lultata I'rlauu vVilhlaa a Wnk,

TliOtuaa Thorns, alias TbatuuDritto, tlio utgru wbo at^iu|'luiV to oorn roll a«tqlM ipOd Oraoo Davii, daughter uf oiflberlfT Davli of IIH Uaul«» waa •unlooed laat Moriilny td UiiiMim

jroata (u 8Ute TrUou ni hard lahor by liri«lt*j a* Freehold. Tbu jar/

m iuiuud « rtirAiofc of ’ ’guilty’* nu both

«<muU of llib ludlotaietiU agaloil lb« u<**ro, far hriaklog nud eutoriug wilb

iiiltttil to nlsai. aud for akeaiOl,U U Utgbty (bat Drum

v i l l baru a Icrui of Ib iilj- lU o jca ra lu

aiorvc, « « thoro la m tiurijdri'd tlmo of

m U U hi y t « « wblob bti m ayb»T « tn

«t<rr«. Ho w u aoutcucijtl lo a loug

ii tot iu lSBi, b ill aouttace « u com*

m uled aud Lu waa )wo!r\1t ‘whil* all*

tw u year* H ill ruua lu td i l i la roouut

w iw « hroftki llio |mrule aud llio uuei>

Ititw l «t*u\vuoo a^aiu Uctmitm opoi* • H t f , It lit aitUI by will Wr?b Ih la out

din* ami (licit IichIu Li# u»tv terui<

Mil* Dnvil took ilut ttim t tirat atilt -tuN of tlio urtfro'tf iniiuiUtijma ber. 8b§ ftUteiF lliAt ibe Iml •waktfb^il m\y Tuvtdii/ mofuiUD lo tflu4 Dfuoi’a baud at bvr Ibroat ntid tu tittir bla toIoo tlircatcolug to hill her It tibu ttjatlo hu oMtCry. Sbu hWulllltii) th<i (irUt>»«r,

Hb«rtir l^atla leatillftl tbal tbo tnan littl Ihvu Id lila eiui»loj,am1 tbal liu It ait rvtiuguUtitl bia at hu tlmlflow (bu bout* I'olire oflloon tt»ll* AdJ lo tb« uapltiro of Uruiu wilb «oiu« <if tb« atolvu RuutU itt ItU iu'aae*»loB

AiiJ Lii htocklng^it fu«t i}0v«reil wilb UlttJ." 4rtd«(tu MoQUtUvi ^bo waa

Ibu baru wliero frntiu waa oipinm t,

iimlllleii tlml bo bnl bcntri Ibo |irlaoiivr tu tb« uittbtaml no oul, return*

I iik ' Iu about mi buur. . .Urutu look Ibo ilHiitl In bU owu lio-

lialt \{t\\\ ft uUthlttj Itnrj •tiout rt'CtlriUR Ilut ototiii I'roicrty frittu an uukuuwi) wbllii tuau uarniil

“ W ill," wbo bad ^rtvlouM/ toU bltu ilin l lio wm« (tuilig to lob tbti Davia* liuuit, Uiwtuaaiil lu- Ibott^bl “ WtH"

wH«|olftDg or bo ArunM bnvo bad bim •rr^Mtfil*'

.Uulpo l!vl«Ujr llicu chared tbo jury mid ^ttbU itbrvrbour* ul Ibo call I u* o f Ibu uan\ Ibu Ircuibliug }>tlaoucr

liuev bia fate. ; ■lie wna luituoiUnlclj pUoint ou a

Itatu for I'touluu iu caru uf Deputy Slmrlrt CJottt of Matawnu aud OtlU-or

Oubuaou of ricrbuM nml iu Iota tliau « w«ik uftvr tbu «uuuuii«luu of tbe rritue. Ual Tiir#dayi Uiuui lim <l Ibu cell iloor daug'bebiuO birn. llo wnl «rr«*tir<l tu l«M tbiu fin buur after Ibe alcoil* ami iuilielevl ou Tbonda.r of laal

1 ' '

1 NI|M W*i Her Terror.

"‘ ' I would ootigb UfBtlj all ulfibt Im ur,*1 wntwi Mra. GbarWi \A|^K'gale •Hit AleiiUtlria, lad.* "audoouldbKtdly

dujr I bnd eouiutuiiliou 10liad tbal If I walked a block 1 would

-«<iugb frlgbtfulljr aud i^ lll blood> bill, wbeo all otber tacdlciuc* failed, Ibreo

*$1 botllpi of Dr. Kit)#1* Sew Diacovcrjr

'Nrbolly cut<kI iuo nud I gatucd OB IhjiiuiU ’' l l ‘a abiolntol.r «uarauUod to ouro oougba, colda, Uprlppc, btou*

'CbitU aud alt tbtoat aud luab trouble®.Price fil) w d H i Trial ootllcb freo

.« l 11. 0 . Wfttliiig'i drug atnrc,

Sffty Funps.

Tf you grow fruit or legMabk* .von <54u*tdo w ithoutfi'tajlug. T beE o lim

^ jjr a r Tunii ia Ibe only ouo Ihat -e*ti C* r« ll« l upoo, Yuu oau ico a

i t A. U , I>awbytUou’*,

Com to iho F*tilv»l

mi ltobtrtoU le ou Auguit I Illu K • lo tu jr tivit nigbl. Flito rakf*, oliif&tU' midwlclipa, fruili o*ud;, ice

«to4 mlc.

Mii«lo 8*lurJ,ty

Ify Ha* flytttlia^y Qnarlft of Now York.

U m U ot Urgfttu*.A. 8a u sV Co,

Kt»y|>orl, N. J*

* l‘dr<rtiio lu tb^ Jouriial. ‘ i t payi.

l i r i i i v l l l t I tu i i* ;

Frank L im niajcr U hattog bUfccuBe

painted, _ sy\ ^ > p

Mrs. H ipplefra'iv'dipgbkr,^f Mra. | Alioe Bbaw of Pit^buMf^abd Mra,i Jraae CIIdIou aod tbruo ebililfao, are ?UUIog ber at bar borne Lira. .

, JkJr, Bubb, |bo eottffprlalug Malu* wao baker wbo uuted tbucburob laud, baa been fakiug ]«twoa in Ibo kaa of tbe oullivator ia L fikoortJ, Aik bim bow be like* it,

Walter Hoolt, a LUut«aaut of Ibe New York Oily Fir* Dtparlmtiul, tuvul «lgbt daya witb b li dmigbier, lklrf, Qeoiga Obaaa^taio, He returued to faU duties iaat Tburaday,

Many of tbe people of tbia vicinity are taking advautagu uf Ibe abnadaut crop of bnekeiberriM' Oue l a j j ia reported to bave picked tb/rty*«igbt qn tiU one day, for wblob sbe leoeiTtd 11 ceoU a qnarl.

Io booor of tbo viait of ber^fatber Mra. George CbamplaiDiDvite4anntn ber of frieudi of tbo family '4o tbeir borne oo Wedoeaday eveuio^ Tboae preaeol were Moaca Eueuod*^ a life long frieud of Mr. Scutt, Mr» abd Mr« Eugene Raid, Mr. aod Mra. "Arthur U nbenoD i Miaa Alice Prater, JUiM Floreuoe MoElvaioe, beoiamm Bepber, Cbarlea Ellieou, (be paalor of tbe lio r gaorille M. B. Oborob aod Alfred Ralph. Mr. Ualpb bad broogbl bia grapbophooe witb b in and entertained tbe eompaoy witb aome very floe leotioue, after wbieb Mr. Eom ooi

played boibo very pretty letoftoo i oo bli baujo. All were tben iarited lo a very eutioing luDebeoo. After luoobeon Sir Walter eolvrtaiued,Ibe company witb some origioal aioriei aod eipfrl* ouoeii followed by aovo u\i»io aud a viait from "Saowbal)" aud "D iuab ," wbo piade even Mr. Kumoua laogb.

,Tbe oompauy relurued to tbeir bone* wlablug Mra. Obm pU lu Baoy reluroi of bor fatber'a vaoatiuo., -

i-1 ■ ^ ■

i'llffWMrf Hi m .

Mr. m d Mra. W, H. I le ln u r of

Drooklyu were raaaBt v iiiton bero.

The barveai bomo ot tba OllffvoodM. iS. Oburob will be beld iothogiove Wi'diiixUv eftuiDg, Awgnat 19. '

Mra. Sitnou Ueydt baa bad aa bar glwata'Miaa LUiti* Kddiona and W, T.

Meiuier of 'Brook I yu; ‘Mra. 'Maiwiur ii ipt’uding Iba autfiiuer with Mra. Ueyd).

Tloheli I t tirapa

vU Ibo Amerkfu oi. Nortb .Oeruiaa Lloyd Uuca o»n' ba tuomed al tbia' of*

Hoo.- D iigram i of lUtoroouii oau ba

aeon aud ■ 4 ^ t« ol aftlllina > c*u ba loarued bero alto.


T H E F I R S T A N D L A S T O F T H E S E A S O N .

Oauoraeuppliva, all kluda, a l Lawla iUttouory Onblbwua' Ulnck,

Or**iat aald Ladle*' lla ta it Oarlan'a,


^ e u e p

Is cuiiHlilctcd t joke— when

Home one else Ims it— hill tlie

cnmllllon N In rcnlltyno joke,

Spring Vcvcr In one o f the

tcniM nppHcil tu tlm t g«ucrul

rcliixcil coiiilltluii o f the *;»•

tvm wlilcli i,i m> common at

Ihl.i scaiion. I t iiulicntci, • •

n rule, n loss ul vitality uuil k

(liNorilcrcil cnmUtloii or the

hlnnil. A il eflectlre remedy

stionlil In' promptly im nl, Iw-

cauKe this comHiioii rcuHly

becomes chronic. O nr .

Ptpto Manjanttt of Iron

•n j Strttpirill*

In lithlut fortu is jus t tlip. (c n i'i

Vity iiceileil.' I t niiVt digestion, ’

tO.HW-\XRt h t ? U^tVWVt' f t Sl«IU| im n fiw ^H s l>lw<J uuiUucieiis-

es vttnlItyV", i.we,; are^ so m ire

tlm l it tvlll give satisfaction lu

nil enses tlm t w t sell It under ji

a positive giiRrtiulec. Your

money hack if lt fa ili.

100 Do>««, 5 0 C an ts .

Walling's Pharmacy.i h ^ i n o o o o o a w i w f i t t t c n w r i





W A M S i i i S E S S O FF IC EJ . L. M . DOMINICK, Agt.,


Building adl^CarriagB Factory.Slmcs for outers »t Hen, li,

GrlRpt’ UrcHxry nml W. H, Tice’s llnriicus Shop.

Tw o 500-gal, Hogsheadsl rOR SAT;R. Apply ,

1 Matawan Steel & (ton Co.


Every Short End of Piece Ooods, Odd Sizes i and Broken lines Musi be Cleared!

P rice w ill b e th e g re a t fa c to r o f th is 1 sa le .' 1 W e : h a v e deter- '

m in e d to m a k e .a d e a n sw eep . : A g r a n d o p p o r tu n it y fo r

a ll sh rew d b u ye rs , R e m e m b e r , the d a te — . ,

J u l y l f t t h l o 2 5 t h - - D o n ' t I V I i s s I t !

Sale Will Take Plape on the Second Floor...... •' ' ....... ' .... I ijIS-.I'l .Hi,,.'

Sale—noT h e e n t ir e f lo o r wi)l I p e ^ d l ? ^ ^ , ^p ut ,h j^ ,, B a rg a in

ro o m do w n s ta ir s . Y e s , th e re w ii l be a crow tl-Avc ex pec t irl

v y e sh a ll p re p a re fo r it, and ; ih e ;b a rg a in s ;- w e | sh a ll o ffe r w ill,

s a tis fy .a n y c ro w d y o u can g a th e r to g e th e r in t h i i " t c iw n 1.'1,.j ■ ' •: . . I ' ’ I I- ......... |l.l ! ■ I-,. , . Ml”

Remnanta of 811k, Batins, Cottons,,Ribbons, Ticking., i - Cashmeres, Flannels for Waists, Muslins,

Table Linen, Towelling, Flannelettdsl Cottonad&>iKvtry short end nfPlecc Goods of wlinlcvcr' length’ tttul vvlmtcvcr priw will be ofTereitat TREMENDOUS BAS0 AIN3. iw well »b odiln und u

,, ends from every department, IUokcn vUcsiu ............,,,, ■ . ,"j.

Bblrts, Collars. Reefers. Skirts. Children’s Dresses,Remnants of Table Oilcloth. Curtain Inds, Art Muslin, ,

Laces. Imbrolderlos. Serges. Millinery,1 Wrappers, Itci'l

E N D L E S S V A R I E T I E S T O O N U M E R O U S T O M E N T IO N !

IT W I L L PAY Y O U T O B E H E R E , A N D T O B E H E R E E A R L Y ,]


^ J l li

nfr f,.*, 'T•r

• UliV

■■ .1. -



N O T I C E !

Tbe I'ROriiM diRU . «. WYCKO^K b*» Kill her Irlpa tu New York ou

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3d. 1903.|ki«k freight will be rccctvcd nt I'icr 6,

North KIyct, from 7 v'clwf'k n, m., to 6 p. in., cvsry dny vxccpl Sunday. Rdtirnnl etiiptltfs, however, will‘bot he ivcclvcd after the bonl bai left the dock, '

. All iitfommtion conccndug rales, clc , cum U‘ had by . (|

S. I. Sound Transportatidn. Go iu 6 llromt Street, New Vork.

Or JAMES H<WAftD;' ’ rMnlnwnti, N. J*.! ....^

TIME-TABLE FOR JULY.Leave U dU van t : " (

MVediiMdny......... r,. . . . . . . . 3x10 P. wi•Tlimnduv............ jy o ’1•Friday __ ,v..........4»o MSimduy....... ... 5, . ^ . ; . . . sw> i« *Momti\y................ it, . 4 .6w): .M»,‘I'lioduy................ 7................fvx), “WedneOibty___ . . . 8. . . . . . . . . 7x0 ' "Tlmratlny________ 9,________ 7S00 MKridny.l________ ___________ 7500 11

’ ■___ “................M ....................7^0Q V. .

......... 14*.............7**> *«. . . —. . 15, ..............7»o . ,— . . . 16, .......... 7wo “

..........»7............ .'J iW ' " :. . . . . . . 19, . . . . ,. . .

. . . . . a t

Stttfdny -Monday . . .1‘ufiwlny. . . .WeiUte^lay Thuwdnv. .•JMdnyL.H •Snndny •Monday.-..• T n c a d a y . .•WcdiMMlny —.—.aa,...Yhum lay..............__________ ,Vriduy .................. i i , ............. 7WSumtfty..... ........... *6.............. iwwMouday................n u ............jx n 0Tttpwhty................s8, . . . ........7»o “WMneMav . . . . . . . * 9, 7^0 *'Thuradnyl.«.ta...-Vw - ^-* .— 7iou H

..........31.............. j w "

t'nlllmi Thla mul Uv\t will \tm I'lvtn.Hir.

. . . 4»o

... $wo" 5wo 7W 7*o

LKAVE KBYPORT 11*. mil dally, Satunlnya cxcepltil. . .

Smntny* 5:30 \\ \\\,

E . I . B R O W 1 SW IU n» AT ' 1

R. BECLE 4, SON, HABERDASHERS,Ct|M!i\5rc(»l:lUocl<, Mrtawm,

fuosdnys I to 4 p. m.

B E asasaEasaB a5E5B ffaG H sasasasasB sasasa i.^EaE rasasaB as

A HOT W R V Eii liaUtitt itrikl niM .M / limt,

'.rhJm m m o r m i f f■ . • ■ ; i' >tUAG

Pr,AMU Oil/ STOVE will keep yanr kitchen cool M nntl your temper even, i Ifyou prefer Rns, wc lmve'Hot Pln’teaW thnt we very’cconoinlcnl In conswm'iidou qf gav., , ^

v ' mut Heating. ’ Wciitcs1"V«iwrleiiced'!mlid ;<;nn'/save you trouble nml c;tpcii<ic. Wc1 *:.guarantee snlisfnclloti.' i : . . . . . . j,"'

WHITE & BENNETT,';'.,.^;/,;.

' ' - I . : , ,. ; s a n i t a r y e n o i n e e r s ! ,'<i

sas ’a s H s a ra s a f ia s a s a s a s a s H s a s a s s s a s a s E S E S p ^ f i^

A. A A A A


O X F O R D S A L E .

We now'.commence'. A great closing oiu sale ofnll onr O x fo rik fY . You can wear tlicra fur three month* yet, but our tlmo os to Mil them Is NOW. -


w ill lie sold nt prices so low tlmt It will lie cruelty to your fcet«) •uot lo buy ihctu; Wc me going to make aliort work or tills sali?^ so we hnvo cut the pnccs deep. Buy two or three pnirs’ At'jl Icnst, Come nt once or you'll he too Into.


*i ■■


>s ‘ ;

i t- i

►» >

ri ►,i

f* P i• v i

I l l a t a t o a n J o u r n a l .

Matawan Mail Directory,MAILS CLOAK,

For New York, Newark, end til poinU North,-Hut, South amt the Went, 7.15 * ,t t iM It? l5 a . in,. 4,3o, «nd 7:30]), m,

FofllAslet, Holm del, Colts Neck, Ued fluqk. J.akewtKHl, Z<0!ig Branch. Ashury park and all point* on the N. V. 4 L. Ii.

New Jeraey Southern Railroads: -9110 a. m,, a .15, 4:10, aud 7:30 p. t»,

I’or'I'reehold (Pire?t) 9:10 a, tn., 4:20 p, m. ‘ "■/'.’V.' ':i '■' ( '

Ppr Keyport, Port Mouiuputli, Atlantic Highland*, geabrjfllit and all jwlnts on •the Atlantic Highland Div,, of C, R. K.j ^ , i o i i m,V'4,30 p. m*1 s *

' S a 'v / ir <t •'Frnm/ New ,tYofV«Newftrk, mmI -*tl.

jo in ts North, Eait South and the West: 7:oo/|io:oo'ai m.y 3:00 snd5,30p.'tn.

2frofrin Hflt1et,s Holjnilel, Colt* Neck, M^wpfxi;;Kert Bank. Long llranch, "As* foury Park mul alt points south on the N. V. ifej'L.I Ji.,4qd New Jersey Southern Railroads; 8,0a •. m., aud 5.30 p, m. ,,

l7rom Freehold (Direct) 8:00 a. mu,, ,5:30p .m . ; ; ' „ ■ ..

From Keyport, Fort Monmouth, At* latiHc Higlilandfl. Seabrlglit, and all points on the Atlantic Highlands Dlv„ ofthd C. R. R,: 8x0 a, m .t 5:30 p. m.

Postoffice open daily from 6:30 a. m. toBo'clock p. m. .» i-

BKNJ. F, S,:BROWN» Postmaiter,

M H U B 8DAT. JU L Y 23, 1008.

M a t a w a n a n d V ic in it y .. mill'!'!

is . 1 Tania; It. Sobauok It ImrliiK • •Ion . ; curbing U lil *Iodk tbo outlro liontaga ol lb . property ooouplud by f i t o k 0 , Dtdl*. ■ -

'.''.v.'Gamt Cnrl.il bu boen lerlonily ill 111* vut witek urtli pltnto-piiennio-

U iupiotlBji »ud ll I t do-

toilllyboped llial liu *111 ultimately i.eoter. : ’ ■ 1 y :

’.^"Va b.a.y rftlu (ell tor two Lour* ye.lellla.T afleruouu aud agalu at aluml VillO laat tilKbt. A l)l(|b wind auil abarp IIrIi I iiIuk .eiHiuipauled Ibu laltor, lull Ib.ydld uol laat irtiiy luuf, .

.... At Iliu ra.elian ol AuMior Wluler. wllli Iliu iW ii.lilp Uouiuiitttiu ou<THMilajr uvduIuh lb1! dii|illualii wna (OM iirtr. Nu ou. appnarud lu umk»• oomplalul.iiil no .baugo waa umJo I d auy ul Ibu a.Maaiuout),

. , , , Tbulluur,! uf K.luo.lluU, IUruii||ki it .o oum ltU e , liaa. mImIoiI GarniT.

, Ball lur tbu nan ol tliu .bllitrou Iii tbo Xlttd.tg«tl«u arid*, Ur. Oman will bale .diUllniial radiator. luatallid and inorldu niiru light biilot. Iliu (all Iona ul aoluiul u|wua.

,1 l i lla tt A titla.il look o u t « l«*rty

f ll elabtoeil Tuoad.y lilg lil lo t a ta ll uu

l l i r l l a l i l l a y III Ilia lauuuli. Tlm uia-

olilnorjf liodaiun dUarrmiKud iiii llm

liomijwnnl Imuiiil ir lp am i II t.a i aliuiil

fl o’nluok tlia u i l l in ti r ii 1 i<m w ll oil llm

young fidka ruaobuil houie.

,,., Juliu Q n lrr 'i liurao tiroko (rum blalaul,uliiilu Ibo liable 'fui'.ilay al- lainoou, aud g< l lulo Mr. Torliuuii'a gudtu, Ur. fla.lw'a aim Frml woul tu Caleb Llm ami Ui. burnt atartod ulV, klvMug »P bu butila. ftild waa talbur olgM aud.,r«nl*inl a klu« ou Ilia lull

wLlcb kiiiinkiHl bim tk-wu. 'l'lio lilow laaiml Friiil. but lirulio uu kouw, aml b .il ablu lu hd abuul bit wi'rk.

Lyowmid VVaru. haa nliiruiiil froai Jlaurur, O u l, wlioru lm an iitaiiiiiu uioulba f ago »nil Aliraia I’liuhiinl In

r.0U|i.ralu' hla lltallb. Tbo uliiualo tb.i. Ii.IiiimVIiIiii lur a liiui1, bill olliur oum|illoalloiiaautlliig lu lm tlrolilml tn r.lnru bamo. Upon lila arrival Loro lilt atiougtli waa w j uuatlj ualimiMi'il

attil b« waa' at U til1 tmhcA’ tit Mra.' Q ta u '.a t i Uroad HlrMl and lalor lakuu

l o 'Ib. lomo of lila (atbur, l!lm«r IVarno, wbcro lio nuw l«.

Liul BaUttd.J blgli wludu blew ctiic Ibo ooru ol man; tariucm ami Iliu naouin |>f uf I Dir ruiu wul a griial dmil of

iiiiu oul hut nut Kitlhurori. Faiiu pruiViicc I i going lo umrkotiu

liul |>flovn nrn ouu* eldercilgoud tor ovurjrluiug but npplva. Pqiiitooa ha*c (Jroiijiuil to &V2II n

barrpKiwllb rtpploi « W ii less. To­matoes soil tiouud 82 ft orals »pd pcp< p a r if i . . Uorrlus aru lulHug vrull uud to inauyntru<!^vra' tbls luuutis u gruut

deal tUis foiir, ‘

ivj.i-f/ .m..,i'How*p .Thip.T. , IWoi.uffiitiOui) Huuilrod. Dollnr» ltn-

tranl lprn«uy onao pf j CnUrrli tbnt rnii unt l^ cured blinking Hull's Onliirrb

S i Ji 0 W o j ' It Co, fr o i* ., Toledo, 0,' \yd,lhq'uiiuoriilBtiod, liiivo liuottu P.J. Clidliej for tUo laat‘15 yoiira, mul In* lovo liljfa'jiorfdilly llbiiurnblo In nil InialnoM itrriUDnalldun, iiiid fltinoolully nliln lo oniry . aiili liU V btiHgn tlu n n niado liy'.holr tlrin. Woat * 'i'nim, Wbolaaale UrinjBlmn,

Toledo’, Oi ” ■" '' , ,.Walillugi" Kliiiimi ft Martin, Wlioloanlo

Drugglats, 'lVIuiln, Old".Hull'a U»t»rl)i Ouro Is taken lulorualljr,

<«ollllg dlrtotl.r npiin tba blood nud rail- .oolia mrtaCM ol i l l . ayilom. l'rlco 7So AHjt kDltlii. Bold l>jr all DruggMa. !«»■

illmoulnl* (wu. ,Uall'u Knnilly 1'llla aro tbobnat

A|i|iolulod AnliUnl Kwltor.B. Drg'nnn of Itod Bmikj );«•

ilie.tf appolnliid Ural a*«l»tnut to ltu-

.oolrur Jn ill I'd E .B n il lb of tbo Uuilml

riBliilci Bhlplilllldlng Uumpauj.• ’>( :V Il M iillll.d»'« ...... . •

i n - v im ! About Btillmt i '

i lilm a Lllllu,Earl; lllao r-ll will #»«i.oou»iip»iltttJ. . WlionsueBe nud M»<>r

• tttttthWs. Iljiewiu’s WtUo Km Is K Ihuf« , m o lilnorout Iroiu o tlio u iU k iUojfua l grliw ami br««fc tlowiiUio m m *

i memutnucfl of tliu stomnohi,llior nud i lmwoiBrtbnk. ouro bjr'HOutljr iiroiiiluR

’ tho soflVollous and kIvIuk «Jroii«th tu

1 ihoso oryans* Sold by Fmuk D»

«Blatcr, ^

1 ’ J . Htliit for Ront | ,Ono with sovon rooms nml ouo,«Uu

' four roouw. Al'l'ly to GcOrgu Liuts* .v.muyer, Jr» “

Frfenwt ilrm*.

M in laahal Qoiiuvur ia Tjfcltiog Ulas

Mario Uyer iu Juney Olty.

UlaaHaraL AjijiU-gulu ia riirftiog Uiss Alloo Uilbutu ut iirauubpurt.

John It. MlilB)iaiif(h uf Brooklyn ia thti of MtuUr J. Duu Cuuuv'jr,

M u . Ur. Qrlawold husuturued frutn a tuu ilayh1 visit at MidriluioRn, Cuuu.

Edward liartHUftelo is at lUIHmoro

thla w««k attDudlug u couvuiiilou of . . . , ■

l l r . and Mrs. 0 . W . ttaor of Koirark ara gnesta of Mri uud Mrs. E. Qartuu*

• ... ’ ’ ’Mr. aud Mrs. n, .Tf Xftmb©itw)p of

Brooklyu sptulfiuuday wiUi the Ulter’i parent, JUr. and Mrs. Janes flawkiut,

Miss f lo ra Wilaoa baa ttiturned from

a tiuit to Mrai' Fr^uk ^Varrell at P«rtU Auiboy. bliss Wiiaon is visitiug Ihoru this wtek. . 1 ' , , r ...

: • . '’Chwifrjtiiik®

- Jacob Lo«^h LibB aocfptt'd lbd poei- tiou of dock oittater, 7 ’ ” V ,;

i Beojamin Arose apent Wouday and Tuesday:jn'New'York, ‘ -a'faJr? /i

Harry Canniff la sporlinga very fine baggy bought of Tiilun - A ‘Oheiry of K ejrpoil. . -v„ ^

M d. F. M, EWridge'l«|ienl' (rom Wedueidaj to Friday lu^.w iVurk aud Brooklyu, f ^

Mra. Biabop of Brooklyu apcut from

Saturday lo Tu.ailay wllli lira, Jvrry Farrington. i 1 >

Mailer John Forman of Joraoy City ia apeudiug a f.w we.kt wllh bit uncle, W illiam Forraau,

Mr.. Arthur.nud family qljFlnlbuali, Loug Inlauil, aro npiiuillug two aooki wlth.Ura, Adulla CuuuOr, ’

Hr. atul Mra,; Wllllani Totalor of New Yurk apnut fruui Saturday tu Uouday witb Mri aud U n . William

QlOlt, •/} 1 , •.--•*! |,;i , .'1 /,I *■ « •

Nitrlng V«ll»i iim t*

lira. EiUn Stunt is ap«ndlng a few daya with bcv sou, OlmrlM Btottt,

Bonoa'sHoru at MorgautilU will ba bpeu <»m Saturday, July ‘ifl, to lull all tho Mt ivdimi<! prim**.

Miaa Ulfannr and flAtiuah Htinw were guests uf ihuir auui, Mra, ICaU Oollreil, al Ituhorlsvillu un HutaUy»

Mia. Qeovgtt Ntviaou aiutabildrau spent Iasi Wuiluemlay and Tlmtsdaf wllli her aisttiin, Kleanor aud llauuslt


Mrs. Klls Biuytlj and graudsuw. who have lua'ii spudding a fuw days with iiiir iiiiiuitu, ICIoaiior and JIaiiuiiIj

lloiioe, rultiriivd lo Froebuld Issl Hut* day.

Frrrlioid’s Hnv Mhr«rjr lluildlRf.

FInus fur Ihe Oariifglo JJhrary biiilillUKHl Kroohold liavo Itonu |irsi* pnrud aud subiuilted tu oontratilon, aud Ihu ounlraul will bu awarded as noun ai uomIIiU, H la hniiuri lo hav« tho l^tlldtng ontnpWlod, sarly Ibis wtutur. Th» o^w libratj will Iw 44 f««t (out and ftlj fool w^i iiuhullt uMirltik. Tho front will lio v«ry

hiiiiilKomo nud aiipsoial hriuk will im

uaml for il. ^buru will bo a six foot sloop lu front and' tliu slriioturu will doutaln a main llimnw illi a l(l;fool flt-lllug, n baliinsot wjtli 10;(Out itliil* Irk and an ;*Nle. Tbtt liasamiiui will flonliilti • mi’u'n r^yi-iilloii rooui* l<dlul, fnrnaee and owal romn», whHu tbu main

lluur will otuttaln * mlUiutt>j tijsiu ii* hrary, fttauk tumu, chiliUoii’n room,

lihmriun'a room, ; room'fur truntwisn* nHHititiKN, iollot roou^i vtu« I l will lie boalvd lliroii|flitiiil with ultiaiu.

U*ctirsN i«r Dl«s|f#e ' 1

on ono point—t l» i colory is ufluro's own ronu'dy for nil iM*rv«» if(momhhh. Tlio purest aud lirst coliry pru|iii't»lltin in

tlui world Is GluvoUnd** Ctiiory Oont* pound Tea. I I w m ; alt: uorte trowUrS,: ooi|Htl)ikMuk

llv«r and kidnvy diipwo*»f atiil t it -akin diseases and . eruption*. I t puvUluH

tho bloo<l atid loui* up ‘ tbe wholo syskoi. W e> ili give yob; >fruii'trlwl

psukngo. Imryo psoksgciii 25 ooutH. For salo l»> It. 0 . Wnlllng. '

0. A.1 Quran lias 40,UUO unhbsgo

plants for s»l«. ’ ’’ '

P‘ JTJAKE S T Y L E away from

1 a Shoe, und some men _ would, never buy It: T A , shoe jjjtliat does not Tit and will uot

''•wear well no sensible man ('will buy.V . ■ - . ■ _ ■: Y o n men w lio value linnet [

• bencli work— selected tantnige

’ o f fine lcntliers— »boe« tnnile

; tiver nnntomlcnl foot-slnpeil

ln«ts nml (ll«tlnc(lve H iue & I.ytioh Btylcs— muko n iuoni-

' orniidm ii now— Tlic- H m i i . t

I .v n c h Sttoit at 95.50 0 jitjr

in w lia tyou wnnt. i i 'un!

Any ilenler wltlt ■ miwurped } 'Judgment will.,tell you tliurc nre none better n f the .'price,A cull nt onr store will cun> vlncc yon. ■


G O A L i ! « C R A I N ,Harness , Horao A S tnb io Oooda.

W. *. CLOSE T. & Nl. CO.wIlT deliver to. Kevpnrl. nml Mnlii|miii dealt, dry, belt iplilllly K|(Kr. Hloyoor Nllt Cunl ror $ 6 .0 0 : I'm, $ 4 .2 5 . Ynnl

nrkeH fs-S« “">1 A-75.Pent M in . Ci.ru__ f l .i'J r lu u r . .H .a jW.Oiitn. r.^5 Mx.OiiIh 1.15 Itrntl__ 1.10Oil, I'loiir-.w-Ji-.Vi ,W | d ill ln p .. . . . f ,U J

Price* inlijeel In climlgo. i W lltelinll. Telephone iiidera nl my vxpeiuu;— l'ny

muiekeepcr 50 nml I will deduct lilt- iiuioiinl rwi|i your bill, Ouu pilcv only, nnd Hint nilveillied; ’ ' ' ' 1

‘Prlcnil l.fincr tlinn llio M w a l ,11- '

■ 3 A . M » : « * . .

Steam, Hot Wator ih Hot Air Heating,

nt ptlecs ns low n# Rood workman'

ship nml i i m lc r ln l N w ill wnrrnnt,

Utllmnlcu furtilnhctl w ithout clmrnc

Yonr iiniroimge nollclictl.

W . * . F O U N T A I N .H E L P W A N T E D I. A few mure young men ivnutcd loWiiril

moulder*' I wide.- Hxcullent n|)|iorllilty

la tlluii! U'lililitK (p tlrl vniice .tlieulieiyait.;;


r '-; r - r r r , . ----r

Pairis iti the/BapkA n symptoms of & wenk, torpid or

stagnniit condition of tho kldtiuys or liror, nml uru u warnliig It is o&trumely

Jioturdoiis i j uuuluct, po. important

)s n honlthy action of/tli<W oiioiis,

1 TJiuy uro cohmiortly ntitifjdod by Mas’

of fcncrtfyi luck of courriKo( and punig-

times by (jluoiuy forubotlirlg^ud Ue*

Spondcncy, ,*'I hsd palna tn piy acir, could^t sleep

snd whon I go( up in tliu morning foil worso tbun Uie nt*ht litiforu. I bt'Kan tok* Ing Hood's Barsapurllla and now I can sleep end rot up fcolinir rested snd able to do my work, 1 nttnuute my cure entirely to Hood's Bampurinn.” Mss. J; N. Pubt, cara Jl. 8, Copeland, |>Jkf Jtoad; A la.: .

H o o d ’s S a r s a p a r i l l a

and P illsCure kidney aud liver troubles, relieve tbe back, nnd build up Uie wholosystem.

^ffl5HsasasasaHH5Esa55s a 5^

jj x T H E • i.t , o

IHINE & LYNCH ...S H O E ...

The "Melville" Unt la hdUI exdiwlvely by un.


KEYPORT LINES., ..... ..... ; ... ■ j

R .v lsod 8 ahadu l« i In

JULV J . ? ! t ! ’ I9 0 3 ,

Vlic clrgnul Hlt.lt TwIu-tkrtH’ l'ltnxtiiHor

S t e a m e r “ P o k a n o k e l "Will iiuiko ri'giilni' trlpH belwrcli Key (mil

Ililil New Volk aa fullowi ■' i n i

l.tnvlnn Koypnrt ilrcrj’ week dny at 7

in., lnudliiK nl I'litr S, N, It., Uioii pro-

iH'fdllin Iu ,r itr ,|S, (y'i R,i .fool of AVtil

Ililil Htrt-cl, , I .. '■■ 'I j Heliirulng lenvi1 H M .VarW W f'W w k

l|iy (Hnluniitvi cm'clitctll fiouiI’let^C, N,'

It,i nUluu p, ill,, mill l'l«r#| N, KtVat 413a- III,. . ' . W - ; ' ' I' ' ’ '

Hnllirdayt, Icavo Pl.r 4<l, N. H., 1 |i, Pier fl. Ni II,, it i j p, 111, ."L -'

Tliu Pier 0 M lt l li l« for 1’iim.iikciii olily. '•i'1/' ■l,il * ^m!

S u n d a y T r i p s . 'T h^ ’HlemitW lV lW ilbtiJll^rlll.W iiW

l cyport W Ai nVj mid1 .iijd p. ni,| t6ruliif(i will icnve New Yurk fnmi l'lcr

4 , n . it., rumorWdii it i i i iB iW tu io .13

11 in., nud C.jii p, in,,'hud friun l ’lrr 6, N,

'it., nl iiinviii,V(jN'l<V,! "- 'iil lil .iil

S t e a n ie r “ E a g le,* * ;C o m m o n o ln a M o n d n y J i l iy lS t i i ,

will lenve Keyporl rur.Wiilliiiitiltl hliiriiiiti'

llninklyn, every day 'III tile week except

Hjttimlny. nL 7 p! ill.; relilriilllgdeilvo l ’lcr

Wnllalwitt MArketl dull)' c»co[il Hiiii. tiny,.nl 7 rt. in. ■ , ■ ..n'i> !'

' ................ .. ....... ‘ vi**The S te a m e rM.........will leave Keyporl eyery dny In tlie week

except HiitnvdttyVnt 7 p,:.in,i'.liiiidlui(',«t,

Pier 4(1, N. It., rout, of West mill Si eel,

relmnlHji icnvm New Vu-k nt Biy> ii. in,

, R . L. H O R N B Y , Agont.


T H R E S n i / N C :

6c per bushel for Rye,i, (Twin* Furniihwll.

: Sc per bushel for Wheat.Aililreiw G C O . W . BROW/N,

I .... M o i'K H nv llttyN . J,

a u t o m o b i l e s

F O E S A L E !i lin inb ler AuIoiikiI'II<-'H, Cnrloiul

iicvv nuictiliiL'u Just uiilnntleil. I f

yolt nre th ink ing o f pnrclin«liiK nn Auto nee llio Humbler before cnii-

clutlluK ]>iirclmuL-. Ainu,new Wtiv-

Ci ly Mlcctrle,'. new Orient Duck-

buttnl, $175- 1 ■■ ’

C. R . ZA CH AR IA S,. Avltu Denier nnd Uepidvii,


<§Thla ilcnqtur. li Ull ovary lnn iil1 Iliu noiuilii.

Lixnllvc Bromo'QuItilnollio niu.ily llint curia n colil In >u. ilar

B E W IS E: | _ f^Tbink* (it: wlien your children

want shoes. 1

; D on’t fo_nfound\ clum siness in shoes: w ith strong wear. [

: W ire Is stronger :■ than'iron where Ilex­: ib ility is needed. Ligh t, good fitting, properly ‘: made children’s shoes are better than clum sy ones.

M A R V E L S H O E S ,: for Little , M e n^'and^Little W om en are trim i n ': looks; perfect in fitj • aoles as;flexible'' as the foot.

: W e a r is consequently perfect.',,' D o n ’t load yo u r ■: youngsters' feet w ith a lot W heedless.leather. ;

| T h e prices, ji-.to'jjia^as to size. B u y M arvels. ,

' R . F=. S C H O C K


THE TWAV CO. PIANO. , „ ; . Is the R oau lt of 27 Yanrs of 1 ;

P i a n o E x i p e r i e n c e .

Rich in TO .V I

. Sold

M ’ Ke?tl»aiiMve lit ACTION, lieiiiililiil lu Cafl#,I)E8KMJi^ ut Wi HONIiST l’ KlClv, IiloslCritical and Kuctlng i„. ,K/1

, ' .Kxiiiiilnntloii Invited. Alim llie 1


; . "* I tlie Itlenlj l'ittno i'jnyer,

jv.P *

1 / y t h e lV r a p h o n e y t t

Strictly oud price,' luiirkcil In plnln f1v,tiren. A poHtnl to tm w ill '■

Iirlnif you oitr cnlitloifiii! mul wtpluuiitloim of mtr n]ieolul llireo-'’,. ‘;;j|

ye.t-pii) iiiuiit |iliiii. Wln-n vim liny from usy iiu Imy direct tVom "

tlie uinniirucitlrer'Viml niivu tin* nildilliuiim 'H profit, i i ; ; :

l o r i r y m t t M ie Inexnm liiem ir I'I iiiiiih, wc will pity nil ex|ieu«ct«<> m ./j

to mul frt»m Nuw Y u ik O ily Ifp iirc lw ND litmim Io hera. i :

THE W. F. TWAY PIANO M ®, Mitnulnettiron of HIQH GRADE PIAN08, '

............ 9 4 F i f t h Avunue, '' ^It s r e a x 1 S t iJ 7QU1j, 3S T© "w Y o i ,3k O i . t 3 r . ;

i t r e s m m ^ sa & a B m sm s a sa B a s B S H s sB a sa B iiE Q S B B B sa H a itB ]

C H A R L E S A . SCOTT,— r MANI)l'AOTtllll<K Ol'-—.

CARRIAGES AND WAGONS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS.I , ; ; ' Painting. Trimming nml R«|)nlrlng In nil Brnnoh**. 1

ig tn t (or . •

WOOD'S ■ ;

m n i r m


JII! Kindi '* ■'

f a r k r

m r n m v






All Work OunrHntapil to bo Flrst-Clnag,

aesaB BsasBsasasasH SH H EH asE iiasH SH sasEsasBH asasasafiifi

TH E BON TON;K«yporl'ft F n a te s t Growing Storo. Fllloti

with New nnd R e lia b le Goode, > ,.Our n)y\U>, "y»iltk 9»U’s mul Hni 'll 1'niHls.0 Kvury buyer o f mcrchnli*

dUo nreka cconomy. We*c»U*i'to thn ch'imml nf economy lovprsi nNo' iiierchiiiidisu cotiii'H into thisfllora tiitlcnK U um Iw mdil nt n ptfro (imt nienns a irtvliiK to you. It In that policy w lild i mnkuN l l i i i ntnm tha Uitt nhimnlim centre of Nuw Jomey,

A FEW OF TH E BARQAlNSi >•'White S lilit W iiIhI H u lls ..................... ... . . . . U i , , , .....................................A hiiiidioiuo Piunrvd huvvn Hhlrl W oIhI Hult, trliniticd with rcnl lace,

hiuulniHm! belt iiltsehi'd, wmth i d . ,—IliuidHouu* While W u U la . . , . . . . , .......... .......... ..........................W0j m........... .«»Colbi-elt hlinlty Wnlsls.....................................................................Vi -lliindsoine Ullihou J lflu with snsti, tile fad of ihu Mensou, ,oliIIiiiidHoniu Cnmli mid Duck Hliirts—...... ...................... .. ,,<[«i^uiioi 1 lids - -.--p.--------.— .-- ...- .lltMulwmtely itlumied lltUa.Hk.

HiitUfudtoii HunrsiUevd or goudschmfitlly uscliHMKud al Ihu

- V ,/ ’ . . . . '

THE BON T ON .JJ'x'OTit) Btix-ooli, !C«S3rpO»ti, l it . ir.


S A V E $ 5 0 . 0 0 T U I J W E E K. , , IIV ATTItNlllNtl , . ,

F O O D ’ S © O J j j L f G G G , . .-i- N J J IW A B l iC , KT.67 0 B B O A O a i 1., - i ­


KNOWN K V U im V im iU t IIV I fV ld lV llO l lY ,

1; , ’ • ' I ,T lili I.AkOKHT AND MOH'I* HtiecitHHlHlli.HOIIOOi,,!:!

I '.1/n*lf*

.<-m 'hf t T v l l ' ?

► ;

►► . .­M M


P & 'R M o t h e r " PiRi©SE^R^I> IE ©s s



. / ..................

*- « r ^ ‘ fM i i j-ivVt «’ * ‘ '

BEN JAM IN FV"S. B R W N , ■ ■' / t , 4 ‘ .

mm, , - „ . , . . . ■■'<'•( i.-' ' / t w ’ ~ 2 j , , . „ ,


N e w * J e r s e y .1

; £ s i A n y o n e d e s i r in g to see a n y o f t i e p ro p e r t ie s d e s c r ib e d b c l o i ^ o r w is l i l n g fo r a d d i t i o n a l in *

• & f o r m a t io n r e l a t in g to a n y o f th e m c o n d r o p u s a l in e o r c n l l n t t b e o ff ic e , I w i l l b e g l a d t o g o w i t h

■ H ' a n y p n e to s h o w th e m t l ie p ro p e r t ie s o n o n y w e e k d n y e x c e p t T h u r s d a y , ' i i n o t i f ie d a d a y i u a d v a n c e . ' V

■ vsr: 1 No. i .

- t v T e n T h o u s a n d D o l la r s

vlll btir a wet’ apr-lnted farm ol 111*3 terra tituate wltnla oe^balf mil# of Freehold. flouw hM 13 room* and oell»r, beater la cellar, endIN iu

• good ooadltlou, There if# tbree baru* AOs'J) fest lad a cumber af nlberoutbullilluira. Tbere m : n K f t i In a ir ir « M n . t n m o l d . n 4 tb. joQ le t mediant loam, with day eubeoll. l l 1* no* rested for M0° * J*ir* J3'000 omU l* r®9'‘lr#d» bUiitiot to ien»atu ob boud aud wortgag*.

/ So. J.

J r . S ix Thousand Dollarsl i .low prlc. lo n lM -w ii. m m i t w ir t jtM lj 1} i£M| |n hearr M iltstl Macraa are adapted totruck /•rating. The/* t» reuntog waur in em y ft«W» There ars about Hacrei of m ra in bearing. Tbe faOUU la uw ly new aiuteoatalua ek rootu*»im lb* berneere *l*o oew and rooms’. Pri^o. $S,uuu; H^Og iq fee paid by pqrclaeer end Ibe r«tc*u itay,

♦ ' F a r m o f 101 A c re s ,

95 Of wblob ere MUM", mo be bought for ft.00ft md cert of thepnrcheaauioueycan reiuain, 111* In VirlWroTowtnblp. along Ihe RnsltabtowL Turn* pike el Rokertariiie end about 2»M«e from Mcr- danvllle atattou. Tb* h-u** onutaliia ' roottta atid u in sood condition, while the a'-.tWUiufti ire • Ur" end «Son home. Tbr wit le rich loam, adapted to raletng truck aa w»t|a« bay, grain, po. uUtM.eto, Tbe property can I***, wade to pay fnr Itself iu llir«e jeara aud tlw buy f t n n ■I,UOU worth of loouat and obratnut pole*. Tb* farm la we)) watered and bufi aorea ol applB Ubp* of good varla'lu tod lu bearlo|. .

1 '• ' ■ ' ■ ■ • ■

T h ir ty - f iv e H im i l r e d D o l ln r s

for il M M t. firm lo MiPlboro T»«j.lilpl M » r . . belntf ttllabta. Tlm loll la about half Jliilit »Hd bilf bearr end qf fruit there are amilA euii pear imv end elrawberrlw. It In atinaU at UoManvfflr, •bout >« wile* from Malawau •ml 1 uitl« from railroad station. Mon# lh« SnuiNbtown 'lutsplfe*. Tlie Und l»7* ao llmt IIN eitltaltlA fur tlio lioutmuae ' oan. bv\ H r*»w* MW j i u i a 'weondltton, vlilln ib« <»ntt>iiili)lt*A« »r# tn fair tmmJU tloo. Tltli « m ba aold for |l,«uu oaab, (lie UUtioe to remain. ,

Mn. \t>,T h r e e T h o u m iu l D o lln r s

I. Iba »rlw o( 1 firm ol .trait «1« u m •H n .ii ftliOHt u t» luU vilt» tfWH towH1, \ i afltea tlttaMv. M il |l«Ut and liMvytaW Klrffrf peaiaundatiiiia atttwWriUa, H iw f*Ww« eVctu«of IhehoueM (Kin tai iii 0 rmua and nnarly new ami tli* tMru le tu fair muidliltm. AU>ut oite-half of Ika ^uroliwa |kiloa oau rnnialu uu the prcijteMr.

Wo. II .

T w o T b o u f t iu u l D o lln r abtlje ef«rNt)f elKbl acre* In Marlboro Vi>wti»Mp. «Um(U abiui the Knalitbhiwn ’iMrniUI*. Hull edapteil fuTrwck mw»«. 0 »lh»|i»i«J*eeefe» houia Cl tl r<i«ini III «ihw1 wnidltlmi, a alnre eudnvwUfU. 'llm t'rt'i'fitjr U a tfintil »iam| fut a nmiulrf ilurtor fluuld tn lU » Pimvniileut Immefur •Ity ooeiwoAlttil Hi lb* «Hf. will t»|e r»aU.tu Wiflfcle juojertr, Thk ewnof le about le ttif e|t tn kflbtbnr bualnaaa. '

Hu. 11

A V m w o f 95 A c rc a ,

nearly ell of wliU>b N llllebto, wtihlh a quarter mile t>f frvueau a ltd a mil* fn>m Matawan. Ilia auil la twin bea»» ami ll«bl and la a.li|>l«t to bolli axnera and Imok larmluii. Tlior* it au acre ot im le aud

Rier Iteee oe tt. U baa a nltu tw in U>»m« lit gwmi HidtlUm and al»« a bam, and bid limiaa m U ttt ««od wmdttli'it. Tbi* w r t f »itt b« euUI l«»w

atxl onMtalf (if tli« nircliaei* prfr* ran reniaftten UOttlag*. \H>«kr»»H'U a^*u,


MiS 9*.

A i f io 'A c te 1 'u n n

•re In mwd wudlttcii aud larue rtiuuali for tlie ide^e. -Tbe projwflf will Jw«vld*».a ijwie at Ut»

n««r Hftffmau’e Htaltnn, lit Mlridl’*ei Oounly. Ill) ; It te l"r»iMeli'u*llu*■ »f #rWJ»uld I ltd Jaim'ibni'it llellrtMit and tni lmirtli mliefruniUlluiit > liliail*vl«tttii^ibtiui'k»iid Retarrat llriuibit, <i bai« «»»d tiouie ot blue rt*rui end Iwu larne wa*t>n li«m*e and "Ihf-r uanal iu v tnilMtva«nn U. ati tn itovAtHWdUtou Thm ere I atirte tif am>l* trr e mi ll Hi b^rln*. Tlie

(e rental to X rlt I, mw.l>«l win VeuW at not iiMflr lie value, uxuUII vf tl"* |'HrpHl|r lueuey mu rfiniln It drelred, Th* yitdcnten it lopHoe vlll W |U«u u^'ii »H''lt'itlon, ‘

htv iW,

: *l\vo Y U o h s r u ^ D o lU t s .

la Wanted Tor« ewilt tann at frenPtU, There are W U ntltlreea^m rk) a|<ple, \M t bna elieiti-HM It end tbit anil l> t'l a mnl.uiu uittire. A «>H>d elt room bon*, ibMttindwa«vnbt*nie cMuprteo Ibe bnlldluna, M»iiluikr*lhlrd (<t tba pnrrliate |<rtr« MUtlay rtftwetlit***, TWa vnnwty la kWtiit 'ba turntdke and wllmu on^ltHiftli mile of Vrnieati eiatKun UwwwUlwak** t\k«> wmntTj Iwtu* fw Pity |*i)jdp, a* It I* about one bonr'a i)d» tu New Vtltki Tltll vUcv coutaUte Ilvu w w

. No.B9.

I^ o r ty * f iv c D o lln r s n n A c re

will buy a farm rf eWiit W aArea In UadUou Tuw»i»liUvti'WHr«wulo*». Th* Und Um nlneli awi lb* eoil ta atWvtal tor bitlb lr»«kbin aim

Ktttrel fanuliu. Thrrel*ey«>Hntj *i*plei»iftierd (woA VMtli'«> l^ar*. \H»tb a»d Iww, tM>rrl»« end ura;** aud about one aoreof i*i'*reijtia,

Tbere (a tt*Q • marl \>U au the Thefaotie* !■ new atid nv>talti» 9 nvin* atid •Uti', with rfltav uadft Ihe whol* t>< it. »bltt> th* oiilbuilillnita

’ ' vndlttoti aud larue ttiou ' '... _ , Dperty will tw«wd*»a«

alore price or will «*U off arvrrat flMdaal|,U •ere. AI will ou^lialf of the puirliaae price c*j reMeln,

" No. a .T w e n ty - s ix A c re s

about on* mile fmm Rfjvort, nnr tb* ViuUater farm, all tillable but »iip acnv cm be l<ui||tit foi

Tbeir an* vobnlldttiia i'll tbia prwjf tty, Vui It iaya well aud c»»H111> mada a plw*.

' K iv « .

F i f t e e n l l w u h c d U o lln r sfor t new hon«» 1K%>i fr*ct. t<ant, wat!t>i» horn* tint Other out bulbtlnita atul t0>> aot** ot laud, upot> wUdb are amdt* and war tirra, iitra«lH>rrtea,rae|w Wrrte*»»kd Waeklx'ttlr*; aVcutwe.fcatt ndletnnn etene road lu UadUmi Tn*n*hli', ii«r Uro ntnmii. If ao*w«At} |TW oan r*watt\uu lv\ul \v\A tu ttsaiie

,.. Srt.Jl*.

J ; A T h r e e H unilic il Acii- I 'n r m

Mvwn Weldi'h and llallftl, N. t l, te for aale or ’ rent. Th* farm ||«» t»i»rn Ih«*i>,| f»,r tru iran 1>t ihe Htate etui tli* It*™ «»iiitva Jamiart l> li Im aU'ott the main ts>nni> rt'»d and ini' li>'an>'k«> Kiver ta the N'WmUrji on otif M e Ttii* itml l tmd-

the rlter I* *• rli'ti ae o*it lu>, i>nstiioli)ft K> b\iab*)» of rvm U* ll»* a nainrat t;iv«tti ot great will kveti IftU b*ad ot faille (»>t » ntm\lh», lb« •nil la • avVenvW w lrtay •«!» aMl m**1 a ur»jUli to\- •nil. UimktuM wh««t. ivUt'U. o rn, l>o*uui» nr tkttltblUd lb* bral laud «lll prvklmv, * t* a foir mom houae, a d«*lll»it t*>''<»« nr'd at |TrM>nt ft't etor«<f it'd atwut «l\ o»n>M>im U-mhoi. Tl\i« (irw «llin* aold for |i' an an» or »Ut tr*m i,i ■Wl tullabl* |<*riy tor |.VM a )vir. li «t l.l «>ulv |U)i*iMah r*«iMlped. Th* a<l}>"o» Umt otel letialor IUiimiii of Xotlli Oa wllna and li »|>otit 4 tfttte* fnw *IUi« WeMrn m HaUtai.

'i. A C'1'noio l fntmfotH.JHk', ft>ur tn ll« tlt-m Malayan In MatUuii Tiiiinahliu le unt a dtat l'liiv, TtiKK itial i iltli^lit etU bea»T. 11trr*at«A«t apple Ih'fj. M m ii t fM . • M i a * ......................... ..............

» liter* at* i»« appi* rraittI acre* t'f alte»«t>prriT« i'tily ta»lt

au trd , •Thehstt^banehMwa atid ertiar an I I* neatly new. Tb* iitiibnildnut im uiw i*!* ham,

hwaf> avid w t n l otb*T bmVtdtnii*, C«Ut(h'< ^wieealon *m Um*.

K n.it,

; S U H u m U v i l U oU ai'H

(i«h% |l| l»»r«ll*M ^f»n»,n (w lti,'h H »t>f.*a a t IMUWe. in Medtwti ‘■••i^bip. Thet alau** of thv yurtbaee luoufy, ltuo, ran muatu ou iuu.t|aji>

Tb* enilia Ilf btr pood for earljr Irurk. It la nicelr ]oca|«l for tblckna ral*)u«, tiirra bring gravel, •lope. wood. rte.j ntH*ti tt. A email orchard ur on •|iplr trail lo ncwd l>«rlti« N the kffjil aud quaatlty of frntt. Tbere lee 4-rn.ui bouaoln lutddltug con- (tltiou eud i.ooutbtilldliiKs It le alou good road.. Tblsyeer T9 barrrJa of applm wre aold from Ibe flaw , h»a«H)oawill be trltnu auj tiuie, .

Ko, M. '

A F o r ty A c r e F a r m ;

•bout 1 mile from Atlantic UljjbUnde. Price |S8dO oM'balf taab required. About t i w m tillable; two apple aud on** p*ar er«;uard; eoil Inatoy aud eultable tor truck or heavy farming, The piece la ii alouK Ibree public road* and la dealrebljr local* ed. Tbehoue*b»e I I ruoin*, latrMeot and attto aud ie fn good coudlttofl, vhilafhi* oiitbaftdloircaa* ilut of big baru, cuw baru, aagon bouie, a orlbi, and other ueceaiary buildluga fur flret-claaiplace,

A F a r m o f 135 A c r e s

to Marlboro Towneblti,alnu(r ibe ,x>anty road for half k mile, la for eel* tor llO.i'tto,-biir oaib and helaucc ou iuor(ga0». Tliira ia an apple orehirdcf over is ecu* t&4 1 p«ar orctiardut »bottl lb acree all In flnWlaMb*arln« twodiiion. Tba tenant ie reported to Here eold 18bd berrela of applee laat yeat; frotq ft. hooee la la r ^ and LwtuufnllJ eltual* ed, wbtl^tbo outbulldlnaa art* |»r graud of euflelent number lo lake care ol tbe product ot Uie place. A cheaper iilao« for the money J« bard to And end It I* wjua))/ d)»l#nt |1 mt)r> Irow two railroad >U> tloua. The held* are well walervd and tba aolladapted tuellkluda ot farmtuit*' Anyone looking tortlergefirodiietlveplaoeforllUli aooey ebould tkiatlQ*Vb<*fatm. ,,.v. . .v

T e n T h o u s a n d D o l ln r s , .

onfciiatf caab. wMlitty e farui ol IM eort», about nii»luir«f wblib le tillable, The farm liaa aloug tb* nmradam road lit Uadlaon Town*blp, about S mltnetmiu llalawau. Tbe *n|| |a ada)ited lo All ktudao! leniihu. tbere I* aUnit I aoua of fruit uu tbe plao*« Tb* Innim, l«ru and.oilief nnlbitlld* litgt are uwUoatly |iaw im) cu*t |ov*t I^Wt) tn tuilld. Iiiemta a eevrti ruotu lemnl boitee and UarutUoutiUi«vl*<'', , *"l lu uuhI rondltlon, Tbe KfotiiHt (• tu tlio boat of atitpv aud any elty man ItMiklnu fur a tlueixnittiry »<ut aluimd Uiitp«ct tbla property, hieeeealou given any time.

S ix Huiulrcd ami -Fifty Dollnrs04eIi will buy a 11*aor* farm In Maualanan Town* »Wl>. tbe Uliaoe ot tbe pnrobaeo price' (ll.&SD) oati n->iiAliinuiuori|iaee, Allibelindlatllliule. There ai* iwo hMMr* on tba ptopi-riy but n \ In v*ry kikmI eumltiliMi. Il la eliueied eUitri uiliee from Ten- n*ut and I tultoa fruiu IC(t|tll«hl«wit, Ow #l,«w Wdrlbufbayweevul frttui luie piaee III e'elngle yrar.

■ : ■ No. M, -

■ A fourteen Acrc Farmnn lloliudel ,l'iirtiiilNi, atiuiil one lull* from Uata< watt oau lielMtniilit tor li.tttl, wliloh neu ie<ntalb on (lie pro|H-r<yt ’I lie 111*14 ll u>e,l ea it trtlrk lam; iitiliHiniaiii* l |<y at<r*e trnlltrore. f -He* of ruhUirii<a ami I acre •trawUrifle*. TliH,r «ee .|a well fttleft nplnr\benn|b«i) biie)n»*eeiid Uie lalid le 111 • high aide nf. ut|l|lv«IUitt,i ‘I be itottae tmit* latna ft twnna awl ta tn not'd rotntut i'i wblla the millmlldliiueiiminrl** Imtu, nagnti btiuae aud aaih bottae, All lu g^wudUtom.

‘ Ki», ll),H o t e l n t H n z le t '

for ea)i> for M.1M, milv|l.MU oaali n>t|UlHd, - Tbe bulel In* 19 rooma, lieali1i>a tlie billiaid room ind r*11ar end N tn tim'd midllloii, There ant about » hteerea«f gnmiid In (tie pp^rty, tl atao ftM • Ane bno. etml a«*\ Iw bnnae. All toe )H>tid la Ploaetijt It ll patroull«d lah'flr bj fanuera wlio leavotli(trh(tte*a«iUtl« on tW^wty loiiltA oily, llailet lealMiuta tttllre fron Kmp^fl.as* on Ilia hue ot Ibe N, V. Jit l« ll. U. LL * s

N?i PI,T a u A c r e T n ic | c - F n rm . ,

tn MaribeN \v* ueblii tin Iw botiabt fiir It,nf0; bite hall raali, It la all tillable ru'epi 1 1*1 aerr*, The plaw b»* alnwv lib fruit trrei, )«t aoru Niplxrrlta, l«Dadreblarklterrleeamieoinegrapeii. Ilia alioul V t«t mllea t« tbe twaivai ratlmd *iatlt'n, There la a good hntten of ft toonia and wllar eud tbe oul* !}UtliU»|i ati Ura ■Usl

. KuM. H '■■■ "i'f'

i S e v e n H u iu l r c d D o l la r s !,

wflll lmy (t hntmo nf felx nWient Fn*liofiit-l»MAa,. hitimi.l i,,, ,,11.1*1 irikt,.*. 1'llltlit I* M BltlAll

Tha wood ou tills u1iu>a oslljnatnd to be .worth $1,600. Tliero Ih ft wlnduilll on tlio prop­erty, Tlinhoutw h«« tu nxitng nun vcllar in

liorc Ih it windmill ou tlio u n i, iiiniiuuHt] h«(t tu nxitng nun vcllar to tfuod coualtttm, wlillo tlterv In a now bnru, u i i j t>U»eroutbui M nga. ’

F iv e Y l io u s a u d D o l la r s

n is tw o ji i l iu s from ilnrlLoro nn"ivls*Viiowii As b very i>rotJuc'tlve plai'f.*-Four ncroB of o jip lM in tlielr i»rlt]iBooa«ijuwa tlio fruit on lh a im * . .Hoobo Imn ol«lit routnu and Is In fa ir coii'litloti, wlillo titers nro th m i burns. ™ o n houwj anti shoti lu jjchhI eomljtioa oo tneplaes. ih o ilo ld a a w wull watered, j ,

- ;v >• Ko 190 ' '

. ■ F i f te e n T h o u s a n d D o lla r s ,

one*liftlfcftsh.U tliP price of ona of tho finest [arms alone (lie Stnimvnii ntul Frt-elioia rotwl. llfo iib iln tt fiLotit ioa ftcreH, all tillable, nnd te abont m itw itybdw ei'ii two statloiia-alioitt n half mllo tO(*neli. Alsocoiiwiilcnttocliun-ht's. Th«houBo»jt»ort nn pmmtniro nnd contulns JOrpomH,nllln ifnoi! condition, Thoro Jh hot ana cold wator In th« Imttso turn hydrants aLnuiiU around thu buru and otliur Itousos. Tbs Imrn is s Jurun onu* ablo to take u iru of twenty.flva liorsos. 'Jhoninro nliio box aUiIIh und tho burn uiul uutbiilldlnuH art) tttuirlv uow. A wind w ill tflvoHn rnn*j/»)t suwrfv' of oxtvl lent wator. jI iIh |iIiu*o IscHleumioJ Torn mnt' tltmmn’H country aoitt, but uiunt bo suoit to bo »|iprcoiato(l,

* . Ko 140 i ■ • •

! ' S h o r e F r o n t P r o p e r ty ■

of flS' tu-rcM uoor I*t>rt Moumouth, w ith a wator froninim of i*m ri>K, l ’rli'n n.uw, only ouo-tmir rvyttlrwl In omrIi, Thorn In u ifornl t»room

l'r^ l"Jr t^ witlub ln Inoutnd nlxmt o||HiMf m llo from rullrnndstntltni, but in Uio

' ' No u i

S e v e n te e n IX tu u Iie c l D o l la r s

wu). rittcf* <»ti' .1 it«taj)rin.6jiU»; wIH buy

r ____ .. lual rabls IdcsUOple * vuHotf o r/m U a m<ThemtMitlesvuH ot, _______________

i r t ) i « ..... .. i*&!'* ^ ^ l l o u s o a u d L o t 1

lo 'tqw n i Thsrt itfarxlou.

on tlinou^klnatjrW titxiwen fur «alu furiM ti/ ont)1 $mu oitelt ivt|tilmJ. Tlti'iv I« ulao u |Mrnumlwnoon lnn iM :»iu*prfii»t*riy( ........uut of tuwu. iwwtai fur willing.

v lu hiey . 1 Oir

towunWp. Tho nrioti of tho pittco Ih *i,«m. I hoht nr*' * nt'h'K nf i/ood varlotltM of itnTt'H In HHitluu. riuj huMHvu-onittiiia h r\K)tttH und Is

'-hmI wmdltk.n, whl (♦liiotnitbttllillii«H von- ,f 1................ ‘ 1...... ............. - shmtM.

llmbpr olundn.

oaiih'nittin on moi-iuitiio- Tlmru I r n etttnl M nt on tin* h i- M'ltnlmtor U sviold IWit auu aloitti lliiKHiiin()u\xtd<

: ^^0 . W* • • ' • ^

T w e n ly - f iv t i H u n d r e i l p o lt f t r s

nrW\ b \\s h fntktk ot ncriv, nlwtil w hen's M tttf tlllntilo. T hontn ivtw i' nottm «f Kvtni, tiMldmiAuniH'W oivhntM. T ltf w lw w llli* plArtMslMMU Tlti'iv le n bihhI iivhiw of ion rooittsttndtftHHldulbullulnsn I t l « nltitAto m MftillH'nt Townnltli'. sUm t I S tu lk« fntiu Jlsteftniia . • ^ • . .

,^1V lol. _ v y- ’

O c u t l c m n u 's C o u n t r y S e n t ,

«onw rW «* • wttWtt i m lnnto* wnlV ot llitKii't Mstlon. It Iw ' MJ.Wt, oin'-lmif I'nelt,

ott It I* a tlm' roAldouw of iu Intvo t\v\m« sud tvllnr In t’txrollont ooinlitloti, 'iml it totmnt lunteo {imt l<nni, lioth tn Rm*d qomtUlott. Tho utv'ttnaiHclvYnlodntui atH>nutlfiitvk'wof tint (•tirnHimlliitt omiitlry (a ptdnmnl. I t In wt'll tntllou, mntfttimiir. npi'lv#, iHXtoh^M. invtrn, I'tiintA, yiiiiH.'*, I'UKiilwrrlow, Ktmwbi'tiloH mtil v'WttWtrttN*. it Uiwtv t>\et> lnVi>upon\m tm>i>» (*ti)'Aiitlwot)lil ititiKO nu Idvnl coutmy lionio ftnvUy iw i'k s , .

Ko. io».

F i f te e n H u n d r e d D o l ln r s

onnh nml ftLVomni-tcniro will luy < " .......•••\Hyrtt\ ih u ....... ..........

fiiiljUviitiiVwlI! *'

«hifth\' sntnTl fni TowtitOtlp, Itw n i

«un>e. I>’ht>i nb

- .......... wrr„nm..,. iw n iy Aonwiii llnrlU 'w

............. . .iliviy ndnptoti in not itoueot'uriHutoa. Ivhtu nb>nc tnu mllnvtd nnd iikm a flnt' itvtmy w ll. 'l'lw w n \t'w w ti ntnvsof nui'nj on’itnittH, nno orrhttrvl ivltm ift yonrn old mid U\ lliu* tKMwlui*. Tlto hvut«o iswvUUih ft fwmA nmltvllni*, whlli'tiu'tvttnlsilurt:^ cttnttiflt for thv I'lnott uud lu ivtidUUtu.

Nu. 110.

T w e n ty - T h r e e A c r e F n r m ,

a\\ UllnlAo, w ithin ono mllo of K fnw rt, 1>U\» onfn tv»|iiltvd. T liw U ft k^khI

ttw li trvnn nml htvs* aIhmu m n^plo mnl jvitr tnvM ouil. Tlto lurtiso <vuttulit(» ti rvHttitA nndb lu «o*»t\ i\>u»UU«h. Tlw Utrn Utw mwu\m»* datliutH for Hthi'rmv*, tln w lvln « It* Ihix hIiUIh. It nlso hint a K'^M'UuMiitlt mill* Imok fnvtmlu« ln u i’uriHw,'Miirm<suutH'l*,mid If th«> owtwr (•olvoittfxit tioldottMH |V\'|n‘t(y n tfvHHt iiwil nf moin’r pmtbl \*o mmh1 by nobUutr Hivrihttf ovotile, t’h'* plmv Ih now itittlod uud thi* im n*

»b\s|v>'s to e»«H Uvin^i» ht> Ih ItmelnoM in niMhor tt»wn mm ountiot «hi* It UumwurtUUvtaU'tt,

Niv tu,

Kight Acres nt UrtAl«;t Strtllott, nil tUlnl>lo.t\^rtorv')»ln fnilt. »l\ ktniU. wllj Ih* mdil tor wwii

IVhiho hn> 14 iviiiiia nnd # la tin* ool* lith*; nil UnpioMMnotm*. lti«ntoi'lii is‘Hnr;,Jtti‘'‘d wvttH \'.f wnh'r. Thi' o\nbmhUtin* mv Vntn,

ho\t \ o.iw Jhmim'. oltb'kon hotixfl and w*sHUnjuav». I liln w m bl wnkt* n yAwn I" i lulalni* ohlokrtia. lln^ iullt\md fi’i'ittiitfo mnl i tulimt«'» inHtutluu, ’I’U lalun «U*« i'Hj ti'j vsmntrv ejvil. Ih'Iiib tut hlitii itmund itml nvi*iliHiklttti tho MiriMiimilnit witutrv*

N"> ll»,

A V iirm o f Seventy.five AcresUi T«wu»b\p. »Umi1 ^ Ittlnbb*. onit WM ig h t fi»l l'J.'Mit‘ni»h1niii|ei.!N«,.n m otiynw . i hi*n* ntv n ni’iva «ppU« iivo*.. \ n w »>f jv»r |t«'e, ll |« | nt Iim Mnrioi elntlon, <mllltftt glvMltid, Willi lUAt l pit# ou tho

7. ijtwu*nmicimmtw ittNniHiKf ( iiilin iloUmlol tiiyt mw ol llm \m\ tnrm* tu ;nwiwli(ii. llutienouiitjkiliM Hvolvu iitonie,iriu.ll.o.t ttttll illil OUtUtllltilllUS

UUIIIOIUUI. TIiIh Jh a uli«.Ht|i s>rauti)U(:u plntxt fvt.Km'mi

tmi'Jt. i*mv flwHl mnl two otliur hIhmIs. Tliero in rlonty *>f iiwiidt nnd ontwtmiV tlmbor on thn idttt'o ntul jiititiiim witter lu ull lm> iuHdn, jnitklnii ll it vorydo{ilniblii fnnn forutock ntln.

imiA m i l t o M u ! M . '

Forly-fivc I l u i u l r o d D o llu r u

■snil ami w.wit) iiKirliffitfii will huy » f)mt*t'liuM nrm of n Avrt'it.ni ittub lo, ■> Ataiib i ■ nuron nf *l»l'hw. }t |n (iiHiiff ( mftvttt UoUndol tinit .......* *T • ‘ .....hitttownehlii. Ihi n In tixwllont ooutl

an* Iniuii nnd 1 i*roi'vri»*fuf one mrmliitf,'

No Ut

Thirty.five H u iu l r c t l D o l ln n i

malt Slid M illio n nunltfngn In llio t'llt'O (tekod(j»r«hniid»iinit'ri*ehUditH»\imwi'tvMaiwUoUl Tit© lioiMtt is tluvo Morloa MhIi! con sine is

n nsi ijath tw in , 1 lin in, ia pattU'W MM u*s oloAotn. and In In Hi t-omM tiiiniv, lutv. Mitt but mH'ittly hnott luilntod dtiti ivijm'ixh

hmiMhovtl, ’Inoro snuicnrly.tivo noros 0 Jnfid to wm pn>i»ffy with uiio (fnvswnrs am

1'lotltjM 1 irtilt. Thi* imlliitfUluttfrt wnafnt. 0 h larKti w iin. un u\Hv\ an i\#w, tvvnnl .Iioiiho not lu*niit»rr. Hi[m ijlnoo Te hIkuiI 11 liUdis fh'nt lohtHtlmid 4 hliH'kij froui vullvmitt Thnjin’iN'Hr iMiiHldomblo inoin tlutn tho prloo sakml ami nny 0110 juiivlmHliia U will Imvo ft I'Antniiti .. . . Ko tu , .■ House nnd Ouo Acrc

^ .S iK is s u ja S s :sontomi|tU*f, iKwrs nntl ftrit 1 torn Iioiiho Jioh 0 tooiita and In «cihu! wind Hi'ii j it ao ■mall Itnru and siuoMioueu. BiiiUtblororolilokvii ndelng,

M A T A W A N .No. 41, ,

R i g h t H u i u l r c d D o l ln r s ,

will buy a altsrotitu houae tn voo^ rotiilltlnu and «itie*half ol au »cro nf Rrotitid. r 0 h Iba plaw are \>»ari apple, «Uutit ^\iUire autt pea^i t r m and plenty of |rt*uii4 for a uio* jterden. Wtthtu f lu inlnutee welkof the (iridetl ftdiool, Uae a aood well of waler and altogether tbe pmperly la clieap lo anyone who waula e eeluforiable home.

Ko. 49,

S e v e n T h o u s a n d D o l ln r s

oa»&wUltmyotteoflhebMt reaMeuttet vrovtfiUk In Matawau, Hltuated till Main fttrtel wllbtn a abort dUteuw nf alatlou and near eeboola end Phtiivhi1*. It b u hoi and oold watertbmiBbouleu* tire houee, llabtfd bjr «aa aud heated by Ibrnace |q oellar, lteontelnetftw it nK>m<% lauudry aud cel* tat under whole home aud tetu tlreuolaaicondition, tbeprlrennblaAeelrableproi'eriy la 91?,UOU, bul wilt iw eold f»r part pe»h and tlm balance lo remain Kdeatrad. PoaaeMloagl«eu atttmeol ilelltery oi deed,

Ho.M, -A Dcslrntilc Rcsidctice

on Main Street, Matawati, rati be l»oit|bt for f I,(too cubendamint«a«eitueu (or tb« tialaix-e ol Ui« ‘lutcbaee price, fSOOO. Therearoll rooma In tha jotiee ami If le In It baa Dtod<ern Improvwurnt* and heller la rrllar, The lot la IW feet front by aliout art feet drcp, Wllbtn flvominute* walk of tbeitatldii, ■ ...............

No. fa.

T li ir t y - f iv e I . o t s

facing Main, Mlrtdlrerx andHrbenCk Rlreete, If ati. Vau, *r* for «at* al pr(t**raii|i1U|i front MtWto W». ’I’ltelolaeretnnlia.wfeet,onblpli nround tud In jot'll nrishbnrbnoit, J**milia wiiblbttlo buy a Ini and build tbelr owubntae 1 (hording (0 their own Ideal will (lud three k*ta all Ihet la clalninlfor tlitm.

Ke.N< .' A n lU g h U R o o m H t i t i s e ’

on Upi'er Main Plrot, Malawan, nan be bougbl for Mott, part ot wblob can remain on uturtflafie If tie. elred.. I*t la aWntW leet front aad of sued depth, 11 ta wlthtn ftvr nilnutea ct avboolaudohurchee and eouveuleul to atatlon.


T h r e e T h o u s n n d D o l ln r s

will buy eee nf thelanieet heti»M nn Minn Rtr**t, Matawan, and wne-batfct lha pwwJiaae luenny ran t entaln ou bund end ronHiraiie. The lot haaa front* •K* of 10 feal aud la or«r SOU fret deep, witb a barn on ibu r*ar. Tb* main pari nt llila bmtae waa built atmut 19ft yeare «iro and Ihe friltt* la ea lonitd aa ev«r, H haa ihe wide hall and atalrwava, and Ilia earvlnaa of Ihe toaiilela, flc., are In ilyl* wtllt lb* l*al hmtMi bulll In Otdiudal daya. Tali pr«|>erty ti elteap ll Ibo pitoe itatrd.

Kt>« PI.

F iv e T l im is n m l B o l ln r s ,

tMU'»luvlf wteh, V'lll Imy u uoodtruck tltiMSMintv hmi) In tho tHtnuiith ofiH’tivoouh ittnl innoiW .ftlhnit 1 aotv U*itii ll'till- Tliopo tuv 1\*> h o ti^non tht* utiiti 0110 of M iw n m nnd iv ljnr nntl Iho olti mnttn. TholttMortvnia for ».VAt» jH*r mu

latitwun- lu

mnttn. TholttMoriviita for i,VAn jhm* month. 'riirt oiitbullt|ln»w n lutru, hotieoniu\al»vwwM»»>. Tht* pmi*orl) In ntxmt l\\o tnlimtof ftMiti mUroitil fhithnt tmd hnn it tlno lawtti tt w m ld muko N uoaltivldo \tvUm homo tor oily tn'opks •

. - Ko. 19%,

H o u s e a n d I .o t

" * J t a v p 'o n * . 'No.e,

A Carriage Pfldoryproperty WaUd at Keyi»ori, (a tor ealu at 14,000, H Uau uld eeleUUItf'd eland aud lb* buildluieouiiM tirlie a oarrtaiie renoaltory, briok (jlackaiullb and (Mtut iltoji, wb«<iwiiif/i{ eticfj and there fa a tt«wai pond wbleb auppliee waler |>ower all tba yair round. It la ab»iit M pilta frtuu railroad alatlou aud 1 DllefrutueleaaiUiatdesk, Tbebulldluieare In ttootl repair hud tbe property fnnu«r)y retted Inr |l60a year. II will be eujd loeluaesu talkie,

Mo, IT,

T h r e e S to r e s a n d D w e l l i n g

on Front Street, Keyport. ceo be bouffbt for M.liOli, |>kitut-wblnb o»t> be |»ft on tb* pr0p<Ttji The •torea m l forf4Ue wnutb. maktUR a lu ppr tjent luffeUQeai, The dwellltiK part eoiitalna U'D rooma Tbe propurty !■ ta thamulre uf iba buelacii part of tbe towu aud Ibu tot ta iltid fwt.

' ' No. 49. '

T w o Dwellings and S to r e ,

Droadviyand ProutBlreet,Keyport, era for lalelor onlyf3,(M), (be ooruer property 11,000 aud ibe oilier |IU0. Bold ot euj term*. Tbia la uo priea lor Ulnae propertlee and they abould not be loog in tuybanda, ■' . • . ••

A S to r e a n d D w e l l i n g ,

cornerYlretanfl Allautlo Street*, Keyport, la for aale for 9 ,500, part ot wbleb can remain on bond aud luoitpig*' Abofe tbe atore aru toren living rooma and on Ibe around floor aru the atore propel aud a email room In the rear. Tbe lot haa a front* age of 90 or more feet eud rune back iwi feel, Ths bulldlnglaloeoodcandlltnuaada profitable Uuil- Qeeiooaidbeoooductedte t, ■ . • ;

No. 10.

1 00 B u i l d i n g I , o t s

on Broadway and rfaatilugton ftlreela.‘ Keyport ranging about 40x130 each. Price llro to MUO. Trojley rttue right by many of tbeiu, Ibe other* a block away,- il very deattablepat t nr the town to build. Town . wafer, eleolrla llflbta and ^aa on Broadway, Map to be eeeu at tbla office.

No. IH . ’B r ic k S to r e o n B r o a d S t r e e t

for sa.iina cash anti mort«ft«o of m.joo. ' FIttod up for two Htoros with lints on two iloot-8 nliovo. l'fQI>orlyuow roiits for I 4T a, monthi Tnwn wntor nntl pnd fit (ho mifhuni;. Lot 40XiQ0 tw anu In tho imatucas w n of town*' ■,, . .n u t •; . r " 138*: '

A Beautiful propertyon Omon Orovo Avcrnin*tiljd Molt Bl root* lo t .......... *..... " “•■‘tsmamlnnf^-*“ J-iwxifo foou ‘ Hmnfl Iso mlntitos• from stiitloi.......- wn....................................,..............or school, ItconlntiiH 14 roouiH ntul w llu r uht Ih iu llrHt<chiHH>ondlt Im t'"Has town wutor; fttts fovi'Ookinir.HUtlloasryiiitnuti nud lurnueu lu (*o|Ihi‘, 'ilioro itm it ntuiihitrof outbiilhilnusoii thBpvoiw ty. Fltto tdtmvfor w un try Itomo.lV^lUQa^QiiorUftll ^ h . ; .........

" ’ ' Ko,* l ‘J i ' ' ' ' ‘ * 1

! I^ l ja t 'C l i is B p w c U in g ,

oonicr Mulii nnd Hlout Hlrootl, for 11,0(10-0110 hmf c/tah. I«ot I»6IivIho toot nud linn n vnrlotj of friilt ttwrtou It. llouMit tiohtiilna id I’ooma itiui u u i njoiii. tlinJiittoniolitimjpiHMl lou*w In wolf htillt, contnltiM with throntfhtint nud town wnu*r on tlret floor, ns wolk.iut n i t n . vvator.

eo'vo ^ 19 ti i d wl 11 «*0 i 111 (hie jnw


T h lr ly - lw o H u t i i l r c d D o l ln r s

liiriiHhnnit Utft hiilmion on'inftrfirhffnwill ljiiyit'j.Mitom dwtdllnu tut Front Hlicot. Konmrt, Tlm iumt<iriy>wItttln,It’ll inlmiUttt'. W ii I k of Hid aoltool mul railroad Million tmd nmmt tho aiiino iltHlniit'o fitmi luwtli |ioll«*y {Vmwmw !» ’ Iho <h«>r. Tlm lot I’otitnltin iilxniL tm\nott>n|)d has tlno wnicr frnnt. w ith uoo>) uith liu., Tlu> ItdiiMtf Ih lit nxcnaiout Hhaitp ntul a pt tttud^ it summM* UftwHim tm »

ilnif47 moonli;Vl« i la'it niuman mid kltol.......................

olhor biilldlnuson tho iittimrty

ms, An oTitaldo itUirp- a litlli ho«K0 iviu tho

S ccnts por foot and up.

Cotton Hose, Hose Nozzles

Etc., EtO. ■ -

T . S. R. BROW N Est,Cor. First nnd Atlantic Streets,

\ ,iKEYPORT, N .J .


R O S E - H ILL - C E M E T E R YGmvo« soildnd, lotasubsnlloil and /o f

tlllieil, ftrsit ,cud town, witlki graveled and *11 work s|iportslnlng to cemetery lots promptly sttnnded to.

Wilt tako outlroaliargo ot toti tor |1, ji'nr, ........... ' —

Onltir»t»(l at my re»lilntioo near the oometury or nt tlio renldenoe of Jacob Melmor, nearly opponlto tho oomotery, will rocelvo ptomiit uttontton.-

(xottleib S taab,S u c c o ia o r to H , N te t,

Commercial Block, Matawan.

T h e b e s t B r c n d , R o l ls , C n k c a n d

P ic s , m a d e b y c o m p e te n t b n k c r s .

Y o u r p n tr o i ln g c s o l ic i t e d l in t l snt-

Is fn c t io n g u n r n n te c d .

oil Main Rlroct. I'rloo ll.i'wit t*it fitxvi IUn»t> litta l i riMnt«, unvtxtt, wUur u iu l«


DOCi? NOT DRY UP A COUQHH i iitwivv* tt, %»'ttu < ttx< »'tvtioi< nud bi'nte «'iri-<-0tn ) . It h tl«- Iim Lioioii |.-t,ivilv j, rI'l,I,III,I I ‘(.lit* Jil'tBLIlllil, la 11.... .........V W . iin.iuim'a/'illmrmtVM)\ lii>o| t>iy < outili, I iiititi tout T ifnul mitI.tinaU tit>lo«M ii'^Tulti, hU I tiy nil ili itVr*.

6 oldbyD. 0 , WALLINO.Druamltit.

\Vs\NTMl-»KYKtt\\i IN1«!»TU10PH 1'litt. HONtllii wtclt Hlnto lo intvol for liothn nalnh- llehodi'lovou yottmaml with o Intu^itU'HnUlo m l Upon iiii'tvlinntfl nnd h im hn fonntwoHnrul iuul I'hillini'lo Itm*. IVrittmiwti, ouuu«rtn\ont Wookly vNtnh salary of Itas in l nil (nivHJtiir m- iH'iiKi'jt nnd hotel lii I In ndviiiici' *• ■ 1 - ■

. llUVI' .In.onah cm'It

Ironk, MiytHotim lioUw«*u»ttl, Ifi'iTitotriiif.'

^ W h r 'K lp U M i i 'V f u n ld u ' l

i ^lujor l'unil. ihu ioi'iuru ntiinnuor, r wiw ion jt pitKioiiN la .spcurtj 3 iuii|lyi|r6 j.

l\li>lii)'u as u>ii|utf«jrm uttir utul Kf]t> > |lun tnuk tlu* umuuHk uf Ilii) iK'rl.Ufiif iu[iiin«L-r In iiart.. Hoiv J.* lilt ror l» ly .t t ’A 'itm iK iiiiM U - (V r ir i

Ursltlehoro, Vt.( Bopl. CO. UOfl.Dour Mr. l ‘ond~l nm tntir*fi ohlltfml t&»

you fur your le tlir, hut 1 can 't say ih a t 1 cun sue my way tu thu vnierlulnmont you iiropUHu. There la such u t hliitr us liuylnir 114 ccnta for a dollar, nnd ihuijuh I iiipjiuuu thurc is monoy in tho lucturltiir

it snrrnf tu ms f^iat (he hochar, llio runa, ths being nt evcrytiody'a twek und cnll, thu nl*fht Journaya und »•> on timlio It vory dcur. l ‘v« eoutt u fow mon wlto'v’o lived thruugh thu flaht, ln»t they did not look happy, I mltfht Uo i l ns s«n>n us 1 had two murtuuKoi on iny houau, a Ucti on thu Uorct-a and a bill of sulu on tho fu rn ltu iu and wrtter'a cramp in both tmnds. hut tit present I'm busy und con* trn tu j to ifo on with ths rog^uiar w rltlnp hueliieas. Vott forget Ih u t 1 huvu ulremly wunUi'riHl over moat of tho atati?a, rn tl thoro Isn 't enough monoy In alg'ht to hlro me to 'faco nirnln somo o f the hotels and eomo of the railway systems 1 luive met w ith. A m orim Is a greut country, hut ’ ulio is no l inudo for Jocturlng ln. W ith , renewed thanks for your very hind letter, ' bollovo me, yours sincerely, - ‘ *■ R U D Y A n D KIPLIN*QV .Y

—Uoston T rnnserip l, ' ; t, (

T he P ncc o f Xrv r la in c , •'

A n i ouD nyuious w rite r Jn To-D ajr.. tells on In tcrps tlng nnccdoto o f a v v fs lt ..

p a id by Ohulstotiu to u l ltt la bookshop:

tw ar Ih o Odoon in T uris .■' A s ilio /en *

toreil (J lm U tono w » r n Btr/ingo JooUlDff

m m t’ in oDnTeraiitlon' w ith thu -l>6oK*

poller n n d enrryln j? tn ro irt copy o f V J I ^

lon’B. p o o iii8 .' " u jg u rp ia rnggod

nud d ir ty , lila fuce-wuft m n ltw l w ith -

Im lr n iu l liu Imd tlio eyes o f tin arch*

iiiiffol;-w itll: tlie n ib iit li fllid Ja w Jo f /n

ImUooit. Xcvorthulpse tho respectful

nfU tiiilo o f tlio boobKollor Bhowod llm t

tliu in tin w as u porHimnllty. > ( lliu ls to iio )

outet’cd In to coiw itranilo ii w ith ,h lm >:

aLnnt V illon nm l fo r u u i l i t n i r H l tw !

tulHvd ttbot|t on r lyK ronp li pop(r>’» U’hcii

t lw , ^ r f t n ^ p :lrt\vmp4. o u t ,of; iho.';sl|pp.|i}

■M’ho > .BoiitloijMiiiy.jiiski'U

(| tu B ..^ n j^ p x Ir to i^ I im V u t kiiowlvtliso o f I'ro itch poetry-'

■lour,..lto id n ^ c l f ,in ou r Hrt'nti’s tkpooU

o%Wt I '^ i i • / v 3

''He»i*• tegc1 *i;‘K s a l s l s 1 * ,kl!'*A " K u w 5' Y i»rk J tnith io lltt1 ri •‘fp iH int4^

story nUout tv iiov^ iW lf l^ r v n iU

eihploynl. ■ .......... <■«.'> s t - ."'1'liln miili!,".li<t huIiI, “limljiist fdimi^

owv fnim ilm 6I1I Nnmtqr amVslia■ wAh■>» vwy kiw ii," lCvorj’tliliiK uliii illd'tm i"; flnlnml ■ lior Ki'oi'imim < U iw o ri Imr »

ImtillH wim iilwnsu td fomn iloivlmlnli'H*■> biii'kivnnl.,;^ , u i i i i i , . , . .

"I IlHHIll'lt .VOll It WIIH, 11 rilllliy, Alvtlt.li tn hoi\ Imr iIihh'imiiIIiiii n atnlriiniii atiivfr i > ly In tlmt wiij-, It.ip luiiut tniiHwl tlw .1 Imliwlimlii fur mifoty nml in-1'ry lii Ui] wlillo mIic Imikvil rpniiil td nm . Uuw.. Hindi fiirtlior hIic liml tg i*y,; ■, ,,, .(li r;

“ .‘Wli.v ilo,you inmijilinninliiliii bjirlc wiinl, Ki|tl|liion>‘ hdiiiii iniu ilnltml

“ ‘Burui.ulr,1 «lii\ iiimweml, 'tlnl'ji tlM way tvii hIiviij'h (.•iiinmUm imiiitrii In lli^ ‘ (lilji willin' over. Imt't It tlw, riinliiuit , In AiiiwlniV.". ■ , 1 . i s , ■

,('<irnl lliiir diiiicli., "On'tlui (i«nnt iif tlw tVt>*t twUkn I*.

IninlM'n’ettrlCiitH k'nid af’edntris'Wuiiil.1'1fiilk'il' **m 11 U’liijoii’.’t11 Tli In Imn 'n :!inc»t 1 eatnmntlnnry'' lintperty ‘ Vf tilth, inivltl'l<!'- tlin ]i<<i>|)lr '\ylio.’tlcii6,r' It Viiry :nliy'nf:i 1 Immlllnif It. 'I'tiij ninmmit yiin: plelt ii|t’ ' «• liti'fn ■ ii Hitrt lit iMM'trte' llirtll “niiw! ; |liroliKli 'yon utiir nlr nit(iiilBltiit'"|iiili, ijlmot* tlirmiuli y<iiii'Jhffn, You rsi'l iitf tt itvi'Vy t»«tlr niul■ MVry tn>m niul '• nnntcli! ctmiiiiClnli.i'tfllll'" Ilium i wiim I'lifiilnn, '!l'lii> ni’iitn pnlii IhhM' in'ii- entlllr ft>r nlmntlmlf 1111 Hmir uml nimy- Ij' imrnca uiri Imt tlm «,ffi<ulH <l»-nut iIIh> < ntipi'ilr inillri'l.v fur liolirH, Tln\ ninmm 1nf tliln enrlum Miock nr |ml»oiiln» It n»>y»llMy..ill,' II,f 1. IV,-.

■1 nlr L.i1n nt ll.t'f,l'lioiwh 1 Um tnitli ,o( ittio, iitory tlmt .

King Junius l. uf UiiKlnml uiioo haltflil-, , «t 11 tutu nt liwij. imllnimU'tl, tlm liunno.Ill irlileh tliu.oniitinntiy Is milil to.linru oi\’iirroii‘ In pointed fcuti'iiMVoll tin tlio tatito oil >vtitcli tlio' ‘ulrtolii- .tny. '1'ln* Bcoiiu ot tlio lilatorlc Jest llo, tii'hywn Hlnliuin'i ’ linrk' iuiir Olilngforil, tuvir Iflluloii!, I t ’ l» n ' cilrlmis IioiIho wltli qimlnt, luw littclipd wllliiKK mid n Uni) srnriloii'.wltli. fi-nli. troci. of griiitt nltu.H wim un lila reliun from onu of liln lllllltlllK e.VtlplllllOlU III litltltllg fot'L'Ht(tint tlio llrltlHli' Solonion Ih until t6 liavo given prrcttail |imur nf 1i|h fnvor 1

for tliti ivnst Uiof of olit lSngluiut.

A T ln k c r 'a D a n ,

lit d iiys o f old tlio tlnko r bold, w hen

cntled to m n u l n pot, w ou ld bu ild 'ii

t lnm o t t in o ls tc no il. iuonl nrom id tliu

IcdUrpo ppot. T lio inclliHl Bolder ttma

w iih lunilo w lt l itn dtto liouiutH lo fitny, 1

b u t >vh6n tho noldor w ild w im tlto dntii'

w iis th row n itw ny. A n d so llio meat, .

ttion UBolcaa us a U k o C od ilt im to cltuti'.

iH'ctimo. /i Rj*mtH)l: liottco w u Any “ Nui

WortU u tiiilio r ’g d iuu .,,- n u U e p M onthly .

D a n g e r o f l ie r e r ia l ,

“D on’ t you tl iln k you ’ro w o rk in g too-

lmrd?*' •

"W o ll, tlw ru ’s tt lo t o f iiunu lahed

w ork bofotv nm nnd l ’vu go t lo covet* v

tlto protuid In n vory sliort tim e ,"

“Nt'Uot* s low dow n n l i l t o p tlio ,

Rrotitid w ill rover you lu n very short.-'

lltne.'*— PtiUm lelphln Pross,

11t«* lln re e , ■ . .

H\Vlmt luitkos »pni tu lk Miout D on th

n lw nys rltUti* n pu le hoaa^'1 soiuo ouo

itpkod o f l l in th o r U lckoy, . ‘

“ WVII," w jih tho reply, " a n y liosa In .

do rotm try b u t 11 inuWt w ou ld tu rn pulu

tor st'i) Dontlt c ou tliiT ’—A l lu u la Coiwil*

tu tiu ii. , ■

T hv I ’ u r ltio M l . lm lt , «

" l l i ’itltrL’k doosii't tlitrw to sny llts

pciuI’h hts ow n ,"

'U ’s w omu Hum tha t. I l ls v t f u

i-Voii lip s tlio w iM e r w Iiimi they jw out

to ltinvli ttvgott\\)r,M—Oltlcnifo ltecorU*

Itern Id, i '

At Ynkutnk, In oiiHlnrti Blborhi, tlie rtwthl minimi ran«u or leinporutuw U 'rt»/ieltt»d. It 1’ftrli‘s from iiLovu to Tfl tiulow ‘ . . l i .

i f a ( G u a r d i a n

®JK L / 7 / f c e r f F o s te r '/y,0^ii!iri)ht,ipai,i,iiT.n..vreiiiit 5f

|W ,W .T + W W 'V 'W W H 'K .?^ My/Viemil Tliuif/itT very hicon* •Idornte of luy fwttii^B Ut t!i» time that

. liu eliuso for Wdfynrtnro'for thu next ft'orid, If hV^iiijd'ouly'iiQvo WftitiU Viitn Jiln (inutfLui* jciien wu* u'tUtk* potter nblu to tuko cure of herself, I tiboulil lmv« been buvwI » lol or worry nud bather. Aa It waa 1 hud to pu»t* tpona my; trip to JSjjypt far ti whole .juontli ; until I ‘could get her setllcd yitb'Tbatcber’a two uiuldui n'5:it«, for of eoiirso Lo Imd made suo ber guitrd* bin. * Tlio'fiict llmt I wua only thirty While she. w«s fourteen wag.of nu Im* portuuee lu IiIh eyes. . - ‘ ' '* Wb<m' qV.cg appetite for wandering

fcns Inlil hold ou it ninn, ho knows no

VImo nor phico to rest, ho my your uf

trnvul dragged Itsolf ont to six. Let-

tPPs'cHWc'nt Inlervnla from oau oi*' tliu

<fthcr of tbo aunts; tolling-mo tlm t Kb

leu wns well amMnippjr; Onco or twice

jji thu earlier years I hml a brief nud

vt^y.,‘conventional note frum the young

!?vdy liwscif thhnkhig mo for nil tlm t I

hm l doim for Iht. I suspectcd Kllmi of

symptom* of irony In tlio»e oxprontsion«

of-tImi)Ufuli]es8, /or tbu oitly thing

tlia t 1 hnd done wan to tuko myia»if ott

to llio. ends of tbu eurtU njul lenvo her

to: tliu euro of I ’rovldoneo tuul her

aunts, uotn lw aya iynonynmua tirnm.

s in the eonrao of tlmo I drifted back

agnln to the 'land of tlm mars nml

atrlpi'fl. My f lm Unytt piihh«h1 ili^nrily

«»bugli. 1 vlftitcti my old du ll, but the

Unit cliitli'M woro occupil'd Uy iut’H wlm bull bcnti Htrlplluga vylii'ii 1 wua Imd In

tho litnd (if elvHltatlon,’ .My’old frhuniH

Uud driftod invay or Into matrimony

m ul only dropped Into' tlm club now

m ill thou to plmd n fow drops of pity

oh tliolr Khigle brethren.lil ' ■’

/F ina lly I U'tliouglit nm of my long

n fu k ilc d w im l uml dWrnulimd for tho

luck of Kouu'ttihitf tatter tu Uo tu pny

tliu vltlhl u vttilt, ho Hont h noto to tho

ttlilda to Hpprlao thorn of my coming,

>,1 hnvo roi?olvid mnuy aorm i wlmcka

l j i j n y .Ilfo; hihV Imvo, 1 iniut, borim

them w lm ^ b r l« t ln it^ ii^ l| y ilj\ ^ r ‘j it

l^dKt ^vll)i'()iiKriiriU)l(?lNin« I Imvo imou

turnwT'fitit \in\iy Iwrtb tn tiu.ot'vnn

lluer ltftl&tiili\iUa>f tho night to ttlilv

Vuvna In tm open hunt in (lm mhhllo of » muIIIom uccii it, 1 hnru

bw tiilm ld up nnd eourtooualy rolliivml

of n )1 niy valuables by (Iri'ek brlgmida,

l lmvorvcii wltliatood wttli rqim iilm lty

Um.ctinrjj<{ ofn ltr lK iidu nf Hwlaa hotel

•R t t .| ^ 'u « ( ; « u j t lu ,iit i;^ 'r t tm u full of i

«l«w coutphH'd With wliloh*

l^XDWlvnvvvl .wla'iv.Hllun, iny lllllu M iinl, oinno Into tlm nurlor of llio ool>

Iiiko in Blvo mo dutiful urri'tlnK. I lind

J(’ftj'lu'litnd tnu n MCKKr^y llttlo ulri,

invlfwnrd mul frliilitoiM'il. I fouml my.

wolr nhfitciiifr l i f f i i ^ v U lt ,n W<\utiful

youiitf _lfiily,flk'tnhJr» wUli ii .oitliiv im i out) ''iwMv'iHloh inlliiitoly

u r i'iito r lim n l i i y o w n ! ‘ ; :In llio ihiyif tlmt followod my. won*

donnont only doopoiunl. A l i'cimii ooniit iiiiu'IihI ffomilius ilio non nml nole lii'li'.of n nilhvny tiingiiiili’, u mln- Intf'lmroii ^iWn1 ficnvt’i’ ofjH^Utjy ud- viuiciid yuotm hi^^uHlltiilhlHiu'U iudov, uuilo nowlyVlrt6i\ U\it>l»lVlmlnBjmlhl* dm} with hlnoyon on tlio Unltoil Htidi'H tionnlu nml IiIn fi'ot plnnlotl tlimly- on moru vAliiiiiilol i'oiil iatiiiu ’ (Iiiiii: tin* llnlio mind could woll <!oinpri'li<<ml wuro tlio.-.iniiJoi' pintiotn wlilcli con* flliintly t’l'volVVd nfoulut4 Mlll'uV Tm*n thoru wu« H couutloM nuintmi' of iltcit, yonnB Vollrito follown, hnnhvrn, Inwycni nml nuTClmnlK. 1 wiiM t'^urd* wl itn ii fiitlifi'lyjo|d;cl)iU>; yvlipw'fnvnr v n i woitli.bHVliitf oilly by vlrittu of tlhr rclntion In ^l|lL'lr.l;»tih>ii;to tbo youiitf Imly lu qtioulloitr ^lilii vnm nulllnit to luoi'tt* 1 won rcody to tuUo toy outh tliut ut Iwmt .half of tbu hllotH wonhl

iwvcr bw my nno}ij>piln, 1 think. MIm Mtlt>n dlvlncij',Wy im'iitmoiit or clsu’ tho (inlxxlml. twlnklu; pltiyiuir nbout tliu. conioiH of her oyoa boliod bor IIioiihIiIb. ' '

Invent priHiiiroil to stny .tltrou dtiy«.. Tho onii or IH dionth j fomol imj uilH

tlicr.c, l ;luiiU falion herttl ovcr’ihooia In

iovo w ith my own wilvil. When l .hnd fiiicemled hiiUliitfDOHlntf tlio, ciibq to my

own nntUjrii9tlwiwi»i]: ilcujinlrrXVpWi* olmlod llm t 1 iiiiiHt till^o in iw l^m it 'o ^

tbu wny‘bf iliin^cr. Accordinuly: I iiii] iiounecduiiy JnUmtion ut hutelmouUum dny, tbo nuutH avow pnlttoly uptTyj nm l 1 couUi idmoHt hnvo aworn tlm t

lailcn louUeil’ bml ; fo r ‘ ut Iwiet thirty

UOCOlHlH. .. „ t tAftor'Mnciteoii' tbO'iimUs pornprod ,

mo lu tbo library nnd nulml mo Hatty xvlirit' l tUoiiKlit.libout IOIIoii’h nmlilnui- iilnlffiitiiro.l .protoHtod (hut I liudu’t

, tliou«;ht‘nhottt U. didn't know tlmt nho Imd tb.huvo o»U ft mi didn't know that It wih! t»ny \conoci'U. of n ananllun'Hn n y w n y . H ........ ' , ,

“Of couruo lt*8 hotuo eoni'urii of yoiiro,*' niild MImm llonrlultn, tlui oldor. tnUhitf up tlm Iuul, point,.llmt 1 Iuul Hindu uml pollin' n.n.iiwli my ut'iittmont tiachwuulv. woutun f«tnhkm, “Hlio timny; mitnvidly, mul Him mind nuirry well,” monninH. ua I jmowffll, tlmt.»lm iiuiHt Imlnco Duii Ouphl lo loud bur lu Uio iltmMloii of u woll frown hank no- toiiiit. '

“ Woll, wlmt dn j-nu think of Ibo roiiM?" itHked MIm AuroIiu tlm youn* j:or. t roplkni thnt I wonUl mllivr nnt think of him tf idm didn't mind. I tlidnH objoot lo tmnntu for peoplo who llknl to Hpoml their moimy (but wny, lii^ \ preferrnl uiuu for myHoir, SIIhh Aiiffi'tirimltrefl nml timn hsIkhI my opln* fott of lliu nirBiirliiK nf Uw nilhvny .maffiml I ■ m>m\ tlmt t I'otwtdumt httt wl’.olo cl-.din to tho mtpott nnd (trniitudo «f mnnldinl to iJo In 1.1m fuel tlmt ho wnw iml twins. *fw*n of u lilml, Df JJmt Idnd nt lor .VI hnvo hm\ nltoR’Ctlior too nmui /* *ot»« jmfTrr*

■lag World lo bo;- v Tlm Jlitf Litfou,

nn I Inforujod tlio ffrkjfl IndJi’i. mlght niqfli hrlU'fi lw prrpnrli)i( for flui'jiukt world. Tbo npiitft onfn'cil Hi rlmrttH.

•Tbrii irknf fid you u y tb Mr. Cnw* cum?" Imtulrwl'MIm Hi'ui'irttu.

' ’I'ulUtcH Un't but) ft>r ii mnn ir ho in

Wflt »hf»l uml dormi't uilnd muddy roiuiti, |)ut tlie w</iuui) niiu truvi-l* with him la npt to m fpljiuJml o lilt.” Anotlior milJt fruM».t|iw vuu(g.,. > „

Tbo oilier niniljUiitiii wtu' tmttod out lu turn, nud-ull mtumod to mo <?aiw/iy umlCHtrtilile. Appftrontly tim iuuUm wero norprUwl, fur after tlioy Imd gonu ovvr tbe tnoaMlkoly of tlio tipplic»n|g ouly to Und tlmt u y opinion of them imw Htritdlly woro unfriendly MImh llmirlcMu turniHl upim me wltU ntt near kIiiio na ber rrgurd for tlio oliHi«min(.'ei* of polite society would pormit uiHl.remuittd Iu nn Icy tono: "Woll, Hr, CmBsloy, It would appear thnt your regard for tho other mem* hors of your sex hi the capacity of hmdmnd Tor your word nnd our nleco Ib vory low. 1‘crb.ips you juv tlilnklng of upjilylnt' for tlie^vncancy yourself."

TIi Ih was n bombsheK with u ven o- nnco. I oyed tier sternly for nt U'imt ton uccouda. Tlton I mid, wllh polito cmpbtiHls. "Mi\an!ii. it is little Bhort of nn Intmlt to aeenso 1110 of so f/ir pro* BUining u]k>ii my' rehitlona wltli ypur nloco in to fniriD JoVo wl|li b(ir.M Aft­er which I ‘bowed 1 tu uiy very ■ best iimuuer and went out.. Iu tlio hull i cuuic face to faco with MI«h . KHon luM’Kolf, nppiwently In n Kmit hiirry tifijet Vwiiy from uoiiio* wbens 1 stopped md Htnrod nt hit. Bho slim'd baek nnd IrnMod bei‘ bend.

“I wouldn't Htvp hero if I >voio youi'.*- 'filip pnld. ''“Komc nno uilKht tniult you ibV/ili'Ibkltttf tbiUjyoii ' vore tnlklUB, to me." « * , .

"Kllcn, jfoii 'hhirdi'] lCtf«»lWd; 'Rliouoddi'd. '‘Timn yuil-*,vuh«r-llrttenotV!— .

"At tho kryimhiV You," Mho roplUH) 1‘Hhnly., “rtljuo lt,\rjiH «jy.fniiin» th;it wnn hoi mi dlHiviKiied It tieeilied to mu tlmt 1 ha i n vllitht luleroHt l)i tlm nmt* tor. Hut I m>vi'pli,xpi?o|iulM--lii,ro Nbii, beh'tin to brlijtlo up ogiilti—"I never ns* proton ta tienr u mini miy llmt It \v»s uu hiNult Ui tH« tuki-Ui hnvoh tbnuKbl Hlmt ‘'lH‘-Mh»t I " - Ai'tuhlly ilii'ru wwo tonr» In her oyon, T)dn woiili|; imvordn." '' ! =•

'Mint, my dear girl, ilon't yon umloiv ulnlid thnt I wn* only tiyinit to con* coil I tbo fjirt tlmt-wolU tluit t um ul* romly your hImvo/' 'l’lm lu«t wo d»; iintiio?v\vith « yui»h7 '"iM»6i‘u',lvJisVNow llV'jinuMnm'ttj’buihguUmV

Hbu ionltod diivrtV nnil timn i>|i at mo. "if.ymir lovu li nu IhmuIi,’; nlm «nid vvijr Hbm:)y,N,l l|i)uifti|iit )bt» l^nt tlml] eilli dn In Io iieoopt llio IiiNlllt, iluli't you Ir1* And I uitm-il with Uor, •

' Ilooni* of(‘uroful ottnwrvofi* lu Uhhia nru nolle*

lull tlm Ki’inUml doeny of t;oufik1i|iilBiii.. it i 4wrt>v>v«\r tiio ijiimiior diu ObiM'pp ntriiill U by iiii iui'HiiK WlHii lt^wim own iih w n t ly iin lliiriy.yourM ngo. It Ih Inio llmt tlioro In ii[)|iiiivntly tni nmrlu’d illmlnutlon tu Out uwutiot' of

jinei'Ktrol.lutllH, tlw oxtntoni'u ’ f whfoii till ovrr (ho luml Mon'oii on nfrilmlkM* tlon of tlm; vltuUiy . of: llio iluto b* llyli'ii. Yrtinovoi'ihtilomltlio liidi'o tbu om'intry Ik-::i*m:itiL»ntctl [H'Jtb; ijTNltira Idmwli'dtfit tlm iikh'o iihi tlm iiilmlB’of tim mliii'iitod t’liiMH lioi’omhiit utlonutoil from tlm lom‘Mnu« to which tioforo um nui'xlliuiliin oliodloimn WUK lUHSvlllod

'tlm rvii»»ou for thtn xtuto, of thllitfK ((■la tint dlitU'uU Ui eompi-oliiMitl. It Ih until unity ilinvnliiif upon tlm trtm'iiiod youim luml of Clilnu IiiiiI n Khuh-IdiIuh or tlm Coiifiidiin ottiHNk'M Im no longer wlmt IMvum from « qoiuiumclul point of' view. I Aiid Ilm I’oluiU'OlictiHlun of HdN I'aet Ih Hiilllolmtt to uevo\mt for jho dlui!tiMilu>j pitovoMt tlmt \* hulnu tnlton In tlm' UcflulMtln'n of l.Smfiti'liui Irani ln«. It iiiUMt iiIko lie iidiulllcd ilmljiiH tlm brmidor nml dootmr IiiiiiwIoiIho Jii* triiiliii’i'd atul liu'Uli’iil^ii tiy m'ntini li'lmllirH H bL'ailtllllK iirtnlliilhiU'tl, tlU’t’O lit nit iivut1 lut'fuuHlim rt!iijlr4itlon|of lifiw liiudoqtmto'CoiifUfltinltm Ih, not*

‘Ulmlnudttitt IU nmvltrt, to mool iho rei|\dt'cinrnti>uf tliol ;priW0iil 'dny) - Nortirdlilim llonilil/ ' " < I. — r— r. i ]

No InRlnuiUlon Mepnl*, J• Tlio'Hiuy Imla'd Htruiitfor bciit oVor tlio dunk, ; {

"Aro you tho Mucluty editor?'{hu (jimallum'd, , , , , * /x v

"1 unuthb: luM\UL'nl, fW\U!; lliu flip* punt yodtlu man./ ■* j

“Aro .you ,t)i«*imrioH>wlio. Wroto-up tlm nc’coiiut of Ibo .MtintS iWofftlon?’'

•‘Vos, AnytblnK .lviontf about It?'/ 'J'lmt1*, wlmt ? I wnnt ’tg' tlml oul

I.ookliore. Vou tioMiiy'tlmt'lit Kpiiuk* Inn of my duuKlitor yoii (iw tblw piivn- Hi'upUi.'Klto HW.upt idigul tbo roDin Wltii unHnliVfUod aru’iio Ihut enutfbt eviuy ono.' Now, wlmt wna your punionii hi writing lh iit 'rr •

■‘Why, It tdrimlt tun mh o Hint cI/ihh clii.nlf for it nont fomplliimnt to bor otttoniuiHi t>iiri"titn; tlmt'H oil." }

'‘Hiiro you didn't'muiui to tnulnunto tlmt lioi* Tutlivr luUl tho rmimlnUon of Id* U\f[\m by Hullinn brnuimV’ '

"CoHulniy not/' 1"Uooamio 1 did, yon liuow.’V ■;''t dbln'i know lt.u ' ^"'/lien tbnt'H till HkIK. (looil day/1

' ■ Orooh M rrli flrfulii \.lii^Hbtnnnn'N> luomoruldu umroli to

tlm Noa.ldN forccw ouwnmtor t \\\ foo wutoU tul^ht huvo t\n'iuHi tbn tlilu of o m ^ lmd.lt nnt.bDon for, lliu tinn'ly iwlorforontv , nf iioIUl'diiI pi,*uU'i!tl(iii. Ah tbu Norrlod cnliiiuim of ruildloiH ml* vnmmd wllh Mtvnt nnd Imi'HrtliiK pomp ami power down tbo timbi utroot of; Hnvnutiaki (In., n wuto HmMc'ul.V open unit umlltod u rimty,;ruwil u^ uro mvldn nnd w itrlHly, Iwiu'h lugM l m\ both llnmmnhly olretrllli-d with curiosity .mid oxrltmmml... lyilb jtnio t*ttn)nu'iijri:mffllvriinMii thu mii/ill dnK Imi'kod 'iuul houmlod wltli ntltliiiilnim fiMMelly, U'hilu tbu terror ulrlclum Imy, [innilyaud by tlm immp of tbu \\um- tiuim puiwltiK boforo tdm,.wl(lm\il fnov> \wa hlH oyiw ov elmnylnit hl» idilhnliv m'tvnittinl tlm nhirint u01i, niiimiiiy, nmiiuny, dim't lut Tlgo liliu tliu uvjliy 1", ' ‘•IJpplncolt‘8, . . . ,



1'u rp ln la ilia l lm t l.f| lm l n( All im d lu n r l« t l« Nearly am Dad,

> O la*’ W ill JftJnialula lb* ltr«lii| l»u| I t W lll WrtoU lliu Ncrmm.

I f purplo wnlls nud red tinted w in­

dows aurroiii)UcM|yoii/or jiiqon tli.w ltb

jio eolor piit purplo.urouiii you, by tho

end of tlm t tiiuo you '^ouw .bo u mad*

man. No mutter bow strung tbo brain

might be, it would not stand tho atralu,

mid it la doubtful If you would over ro*

cover .ygur reason, for purplo Is tho

mobt daugoroug color thero Is In its

'effect* ou tbo brain, which It r^acboa

ly Wny of tito nervei of tbo^cyo,

- (A snlath or two of nuy otlior color

In tbo room would snvo your,reason for

soiuo thoo > longor, i but doad 'purplo

would kill you ovcntuully ns euroly ub

would foul nlr. Bcnrlet Is na bnd. but

scr.rkt baa a diacrent oitoct. I t pro*

ilncea w lirt is called boinicldnl mnnla

—it Qinduess thut drives JU victim to

kill his follows, ospociiilJy, bis nearest

relatives ICven on nulmhls seiirlct bas

ttlils effoct. ! U w lll .drtyo _i\ bi}ll;. or a

tiger to clitirgo n bukod ’Bpeur, Hut

'purplo, on tho contm iy, brjugs on picl-

nneholy or aulcldnl nihnl/i. f *-c Jf'-' UlUU, its loug na there U no traco or

m l In 11, Htimulutes tbobn ilii npd helps It, but Its effect on your nerves, If you

u roou liih itod 'V rltli I t und'ciiimot got

uway from It, ls ; tortibl«, Bckjntl»ta

cIubh liuo na n .k ln i of drug in Ita of*

iVcta un iim bruln.

It excites tho Imngtnntlnn nud itlvos

n p a v ing ,ro r ; tnusiO; im J .Ataguuruft,

but It lum n ronetlonilhiit„>vru<!kii tlio

^ im n m I f yon ilftiibt it ulii'ru bnrd for it few uiluutca .u t, a li^rgo. about of

bright tilu'u plipur or eloth-iwt tlowoia,

foi, : tUcwu i i ii good do»)‘ of grwh ln

their him>-nml you ,w ill t^nd tlmt It

w ill nmko your tiyua nchu nud glvo you

n rontirw. uiiiniiyvfwUotft s-v»iA t . O^vitn, on.tiiy vllmr binul, J n lliv.htnir

o f ooloiii, n iiil'im iu imuut f if i t oiiu'do

nny biiriin; Ou tlio cuulmty\U ^lutinw

tbu wlmlo Nystum mut prva^’voa Ilm

fyetight. If you woro idmt tip In nn

nrtlilt'iui gvmut light for n nmnlli It

would dovelnp your uyus|glil Iminenm*

ly, hut It would bo futnl. Im'ciiumu when

you retttrnvd to tbo world ydu would

ho utterly niinidu to iiiu id utttluury

llu litH inul co I ora uud y uuw vuk l tiur*

iuluiy eimtmet (itdttlmliulnVor poimlidy

ilomi'oy tlm optlo itorvo rtHotfutliur dn*

jean you wero very m indful to tnko,

jjrent ram. • >Mosf pimple iuiiiHlim thu ahy lu etenr

weiitlii'r lu' hb lihiu/ H Is I’eully wtilto

llngcd wllli giviuu It In only tlio dla>

liince uml eleuruusa wklett mnko It

NUOIU tiiuo, > ;(Itw u U *n aontldng tlm t it mnlmrt

w, Mg MifTowptm h i ,tlm bmgth nf nn

illnoMH, hulpiu|f tby^y iuu ii ,|.u il(t|itMlio

dlwnnf. Iifm l lieu pjyl fl|lfbii|jijlfll, Wiudu

)|iivo nvery t»onslbjfl dflfull uliihil tlioin

lilloi'cd green, Nngii mvi'ii I* tlm nmat

anntlilng, tint u r , u llt uiotulllu

buwovi'r, (n tiy uu mottUH an gumt. ’

Hulitury eimUmnmmt In u yntiuw »<ll

fnr a i i wtmka w ill hnpoli'saly wrnlinii

nny ayalom nnd prmlneii ehrunlu hya-

turlu. A lung ,w u ^o t ( , l t Mrl)|p |ini* dlieo foollab linttt^yMiud tlvoli o ir 'n

guinea pig or u rnliblt wlll drlvo tlio

niilninl ut h iit In bttu nud wound Itaulf or (pitied U tn atililn i ftu ia of tu rvuda'

tU'M thut It wilt a lo o f bIhhw fright If

limUUmly a lH i iN . . . .

.O n tbo n t l i i f U lh M r i ^ u j i r a : H o t

gniiitlii'i'cd w llh It ymluw la thu imulthb

'oat, cbeiii'h'Nt color tliore Ifi, ntul wlll

itmko a tinrk hjiup brfylit;fjud Imbltn-

Lii* wlmn even 'grt'oir wAtild ’brt «»ld

(lllll dupi'i'aidug* Hut to tm woll ’W ined "

w ith yullo\rduy,imd tUtfltt* .niul.t» im

itmUdu ild lliu t! n^n ir;[^m n j It, 1 Jwmiid

living yuu lo ttervDiia inndnuss within

iwo inontba {it,tbu oillaldo.

•;8imoV'rtbrtt) will do*

s(i*oy your vyoalgbt na auroly na cnt»*■

rjitH^voukj If yob;ft:rti i»ft»oaikl to U foi* u foTv^ru7a-u'\Veck7itvt IMoat, tt

klM»^tli»{»ontlO‘-mn,TWt im«l>=ll«>-atHWl: Wbi5le,|wtdloftlm offtot

on «\)ioibrnlnv:lB^ao^miiddoiilDgUint

bllnjjioss Im nlinost n relief.'this la wby uretlo pxplut^n huvo tu

wear' euloivd "goggloa'/ 'pf fyrmiii tlnteil

glnin; 9 llierwlHu."m.mwt blludneflH,'.' na

It UvCiilliifl, ulifl w n it lrU foutly “whtto

iiUiidmH,” la rtlumkt n uorlntntyMOvcn

in tho polnrirvgions, HmuHli.-tboiwlillo

In i|Ot com plot i>, Tho sky bronka It. I f

tt did not no limn could Ituep Ills vya- night thu re without glu|NM.-r Now Vorfc

Nuft'a. M JLL !!!- ? " 1 '

j| 1''N « i 1 s -“tlow In your .liroUmr the \mtY*•‘jlo Ima JuhI undorgono miopomtlon.

Yoii wunhl tmriliy reeognUu iihn} lie U

Bo'lftlluruiV’rtV 'UW. '> ’7 S- >•’ S ln d o w lf '^yViwj hu luia Imd nn cpIjJpncutold.

growth rotuovt'd from, Id* lioml."

«P»(Vr‘ fullowl W in ^ u ^ t b l u i i very

aortoua?” ................., '/Not nt uli.. Uu Ima only. Imd bis lmt?

rilfc'l ] \i i j I Pi *■-. 1 )■ I j ;; /

n t i vimiv*.v^m iep-anybuy ■««!»•* lo ba proipur*

liig.iioivndny*. , . . . . . . ..luuipupiii— I tlon'i moo w li^you .ih ltik

po.- 'ltl« wlfQ (inti ruiully uru iioliwmtrj

'tug'liny livttN' ctothua., . . .... .

■Inajtor-Vtiry im * -Hwt bo Iramnklbg

hPlh>f Vltfflia.-Mfoi ' > f.?, \ >'-! *>

I i l lc n i l lr Dtitno’r to llni^ni

HI Hliiutliil~.l0Nll Mudiliirn It Illicit

from N'civ Vol'll, uu', b'tio«li, lui'i, uot

miiilu)' (mv hum. 1'..III Kornlii|w(1oi,lil,-pttW t»IIT . HI BIol’Iuu—Vitnm - 1t«' liirtitilit »B,000

w oriiiy n>r # ido.—rlitiniioi*{llllll 1 ’MIMh. ’ ‘ ' " ‘

l l ll nvory,.‘(Iiis'l .«C0M t: liopo; thnt when lliu ttmo ciuilai, fur lilm (a linnA Iiln liimiitie# #»Bf to Dentil Id'llt) CliooK- ml 'te will • mll 'bb liffulil. *-.;Ahihl«)ii

Ctlobo, , . . . . . . .

“Oil, Ornpp, Imvo you oontmctcil tUo

plnartioiiK 1’ovcr yut?""No—cr—liut I fvo bntl iprew ltcK ls."

—Nl’W Vork .louniul, ..

£'MHer Oenilo niff,

41 DM ,1m1!; k*'t down on bis knoca wholi lm prupuhed tu you?'* < !

♦‘ No, of OOUl'Ht Hut,” > ■ , . . . "Tlmt’B mruiige, lie nlwuya did wlnm

bo projmaed to um,M • . •

Tlm Moaijnlto 'Aftor yo», iny AlpimnHo.-'tN w Yni'k-.lum'iiul, >(

’ ' ' Tlio IVoM'iK MIiiIk. ‘ ' ■, ««•»>. • . ■ ■. v ^ V 'A V ,


O iiH ld n t« *r ^ W n I I n *, w lm l 'a lh lf l? <«■Wnlliu^-tl'MlieniiHOiiii.Mliv ••i-u* 1

' <‘iiNtoiimi'u'iVi>ver tutiut1 wlmt Mt'a tiuutu AVIiiit ta It miw ii-t^ili'ngo Amvr* tcitn^' ■ t ' • • 1 ■ j !

,- ^ .^ .. .^ .1 — .......... t'lfjj;;,),.

Tomm>>k« Oitmi annriii«*i

Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine.

R o t a r y N o t io n a a d

Ball Bearings.

HBIl! J , w . v a n i i a c n i j ,

Ison! for Blaltwio nut tMmUj .

, "W lm t ut'u you uiultlug tliul. toitiUlu

hoIho for?" (S

; “ I ’ lli km'jilng bnby iiuli)t.'r i j

' MW lmroV !mby7M ‘ ^ ' S'lA.ytKtS

t,'Umlor tin* lln,"

S p e c i a l O f f e rinni>il»r«»rl'im J i i UIin -U.

1 0 i H . T c c n t , i l l H c m i n t o f frQUidiir |iitv«i« <tviiluu lliu HVM M

ONt.V J.fc, A i’lH!Nt^

tn lots of 10 II)Sii28c.. t rIII ftliai>tu((>!|‘ nlr.Ilnlil Mil. t|'n\ltt-litorhImi*, 1'ii'nirviiik oiii'iiHtli nml lUt'nr tlHinOllUn))’, IMTH If IH»'IIH‘'I| • • • » ! .

0 |i.# rll(iiulCulfiMt , , Uio Lie, a|li.OiNtO T«N* hi |ln>Cii|i, Jfl, ,K| .Ifi*’, m lb, Ituvlli'nt 'Um, tw«t liiiiinrlctl, nil kliuii,

Idd, (ti im -.M U , I

Out«nil IMk mt*. ntul furwM'A ^tlli i Ohlnf, milij-u l tn iibitVM illHiVlllllIt (

THE GREAT AMEFllGAfi TEA CO,,INO,Hoi,m JI A.MV««yHI„N. V,'■ mnmsmr --

H. PAR I SEN,301 D«vlil 8trn<il, Souih Hmb»y. ’ ’

citrrle.au uHiiDttuicnt of


All,1111 c 11 c«i 0 « 0 A NO ! ti tlioV ;Jj * ijlUHIUtil,,r)r,

► t 1 » f nt :PIANOSiFROM S I S UP,dV.m bm

' 0 «bAN8 ,;FB0 M. .J'iitiion him! Qr((iui« naith ^rj.cnah

dr by limlnliiiiciil., ■■

Tiitilnjr .111111..Koiinlrlttg ntt rctlHUtllllllt! pt'IWHi !■*« fislnmi

Call »i iny pined or let’ mo’ know J'oili'wniilH nntl.I wjjl

>0,!' ' V H .>A R I8Efi,,A it . ;^ ', ;; No,i aot.Jtavkl JiU» Ha,, Amboy, N/J,

t U n t m - n < d h ‘ In 1li0 I'lfo m i, HI'/Bllflii—Nopi*, i'd n illiM n y Imiimiih*

bohr tlin fitnninni‘ l)iHirdcr:i lull nm butf b run tbu furin,—iVow Yurk Jetii'iml. ■

Tin ;v.,”* ;.Jr) -i.r'i'J bnl v .S i


M ftRKET.fSffi;

TONGUES, POULTRY HUD GflME.0'Mrit.tjiitllir nl no iirr linnt lairtr

' tluill b/aiiyolliHrdpAlKriniowli;: - '

lituttiuiot-itton vrllli llii* A frill -. ■ (

Groceries, Canned Goods, Flour,Buttor, Cellos, Teas nml Purs Hplces.

rslkftpl tud «()||| Ht prlii a tn I»ir <tmil low*>v (Ilka , lur

1 lion .....lln m iill ANIi HAIiT KJHII m<]rilUlTH Kb\\ VI'-HKTA IIMtU In nvn f ■

W«K(ina run ilMljr lu tvrvo miituiiiina, Your orimtmtlldlftil,


T K c N I A G A R Atthnw «iiut'«[i'iiiili'iii'ii I. Itiiilin , I’ltttviml

"",i .....*■Prlan $10.00

AtlorliitUv#' i*Ml, itt4 t'«t)i)i'ij»iU'i«lniitnrr* Mtlli’llllIBlilll l-»l>nillllilHlii| |llf|'l'f Mill III'Ik fuming li»«i tiiii'M i’Imijj>'|, |H||tii|iM( Hlit, Wlmii'on h«M|'l «f I'Und. ' ><

Hi ml/or hnd,’lULiCKKNiior.itKiJt wrn, oo.non iitiHMhvini wriiT inrii< .


ST EEC- p e w s ;Oh'iiiiIm Ini lifitl. |P lliliitiiii tiiiiiiku Uir alt Mrint "f willing, I n lmllii;< ILU VI’ltTILAU HVtJTKAI,»(|iilpt|H'liiii i ffl|<» ol IfliHHl,'


lurvm m c o m .■« K i t i f a M iff rso m


M i/o r Keator of Asbnrjr Park fa?ur« • parade ot tbe local tircmeu iu A o g o i t.

Randolph Oumtnlngi n( Long Drauob L u been held ia 8100 bail lor beutiug bia wife, .

The family of Simon Bellgnao of Eejpork baa been iuoreased b/ ibe Arrival ol twins,

Mra.v Joseph J o j of Kejrport died iu tbe* boapflal a i Long Branch od Muu- day from tumors.

Bar. Warren N* Neiiua baa been In* aUlled pailor of Ibe Freebjturien Obnroh ai South Amboj, . .

Tbs brtokmaking plant of W. F» Fiaber Sr Oo, a i Bajrrevillo will ba aold by ibe Sheriff on August 19, '

Lonia fyoper o f ’Long, Branch bat been fined 925 for nsing battles belong* ing t^^iegfiied Herscbfleld. ' • <j

Lira, John A, 'OUbcuB of Aebnrj Park was Ihrowo on tbo stairs Monday and fell* breaking ber ankle. ■ ,

A Ihlel entered two booses al Long BranoKVonday sigbt. Prom one be

took end revolver aud from ibe otbef'frljr a olook. > ,

IbefdicBtista of Bed Bank b&ve en* fteredta agreement io close tbeir officea • i nooa'Batardsys during tbe months of July and August.

Chester A. Applegate of Aabnry Park remained' tinder water /or uearly two minntea one day last week, thereby

winning a wager of 85,

Tbe oldest sloop in eommiaaioa is the Alfred, owned by William Wells of Kevpori. She was built there in 1827

and is stUI la eotivo am ice, ,

Daring Ual Tboraday night Ikreo bonscsvt Weak Long Drauob were.en- lered a id robbed. Bni little o( velue waa obtained by Ibo Ibleves,

Qray,’ Edwards k Oo, bave beeu awardedtbe oooiraol lo paiut Ibo Sea

llr lib t drawbridge. Tbeir bid waa Ibu loMat, 9100, Otber bids rangod tip to$jj40,

Pred Worlhloy of Oeeauport Ima a little fox terrier dog tbat baa adopted a Ujood of ohlokoui, Tho ohiokotiK are aalif lo bu tbriflng uudor Ibu oaro of

tb(j!'e*niuo> " '

lllobaol l)ot», aged 21 yeara, wont In baiblug at Deal Uoaeh early Friday ftftituoou and aluoo tlmt tlmu nothing ba£b«eu scou ot bim. U ia thought be wal^drowued,

fjfetntiol B, Wlilto, the Neptune Town* ablp roadsiii'orTlBur, has huou bold for thetaraud jury under 840(1 ball, IU* (a obliged witli asaaull aud battery liy lltjtiorl jlarillitld,

Ijdwerd titnllb of Kalnntowu lud a

IniSbr teiuoTMl from bis throat at Uio LoWjf Hranelt lloaidtal Monday of last week/ Ho was ablu to loaro thu hui* pllal Wcduiartay.: \ J , ,

U itrV" 0 , King, niaiiagor of tbo MiRlo Cumpftuy ai Aabury Park, waa

fttreeleu Ual Thursday night V»y Au* ihouy Couiituok fur mlug (he tuaili lor uulawfnl purpuioe, . _ ,

WbllJi lu ’ lmUiltig ai, Aabury Puri' U itJ'tldajr, Lawyer Glllmrl llrowu of

Orauford, N. waa lntrled> Hflitiuil one of Iho pusta l»y a breaker auil had bia ko«4 dislocated, 1

Thoro aru aeveral bauds of

toillDer and It'Is likely a atook'ftom? pauy will be formed to put it oa IbeStasaS*. • :

Weakfiab are reported lo bo more pleutiful this aeiion khan uanal in tba bay. Iu ttirfO buiira nbo tunming Im I w«ek Klitlta Htfdle aiul James 0. IJedla of Keyport raugbt 78 with hook add Hue a abort dialnuou u(T Clilfwond, aud

other large oatebcs havo uUu been re* reported.

The aiage ocacb "HnU aud Beer," ao called beoauae its pair<iUH are pioatiy bankers and broker*, began it* daily Iripa laal week from Heahrlght to the Hathaway Iuu, h! JJ*-*!, Soppor ii served al the lattrr piaee eaob even­ing after wbiob tbe ooaob returni lo Seabrigbt.

Tbe Atlanlio flighlands Albletio As* soelatiou baveeompluted arraugementi /or tbe aouual Held aud water sports to be bHd there next month. The water aporta will taka place Accost 1 aud tbe field rpotta Anguat 32, aud valuable priiea will be awarded tbe winners of eaob eveut,

Oa July 7th tho U. 8. Government loaned oidera that all government prop­erty near Bandy Hook tonal be vaoated and in oonaequeuoe about 20D campers on Plum Ieiaud were compelled to poll up stakes end move. Tbia island is now oooupled hy> detail ol sol.liera tb pre*

veni any TiolaUon of ibe order.; .

E uy for Coufldenco Ian.Charles Leary, a New Brnnaviok

ctrpeoter, made a trip to New York one day leak week and returned borne poorer and e wiser man. Wbile walk­ing up Broadway be met a well*drewed individual! who laimediatelp look bim ioto bis oonflrieuoe and told him be bad a obeok for $25, wblob he wished to bave oaabBd immediately, aa be must leave at onoo witb bis wife lor Wastiingtoo, D. C., lo Ntteod io aome

urgent baaiuess. Oe offered aa aeonrily what looked like a valuable gold watob,

a chain aud a obaru tilled with glitter* ing diamonds. He elso staled ibal be would aaod Leary $25 for tbe $16 be

ueedcd to* oarfare the very uexi day? Thoiuau loomed iu great dlstrcia aud Leajfy let him havo tlio 815. llo liaa not board from tiio mau liuoe end the jewelry given biiu ia wortbleia.

Hoiilh Amboy Mglit (.'ampauy. v

Aitiolea of iueorpnratidn for the

OllikotiM* Light and Fiu l Company of Honlb Amboy, wero nb>d at tbe Mid* dleaex County Olcrk'a otllce laat Thurif dav; Tbu oapllal olook la $50,000, dh

viilfd iuto 600 share* of the value ol $100 eaob, Tbu ineorpovaloie are Frank M, Jtffrpr, EuaV Orange, Fro<| T. ltaud, Now York and Abealoui P.' llaabineu of Oraugo, Tbe latter le

prrildeul of thu HUndard Oai 0 tiO< pauy of Matawan and Keyporl.; 1' M i -<■.............. ... « — m ■

Mrcnrd ul liKflug lleai.Allen 0 , llmidriokaoii of YartlviUtft

baa a Hook nf liens' uuuiberlug'betwreu

PJ5 aud .100. \Burlug tbe moutba uf May ai)\l ,diui«; they la id 11,6117 i'rhi Tbe baiii aro u tuiied brred and havo boon.led wheat, oats aud uoru on tbo oar.’i»vi‘i . ..... „.-v.


:vl i k f Cikirt ky rail er $0 Peel.Tbe ihree*Toar-old aon of Ur. and

Mra. W lllU tt Davleon of LUile Silverloet bis balance wbile playing near ao open window in tbe aeoood story of bis pareuti* borne last Thursday and fell to the ground, a diataueo of twenty feel. Tho child ufoaped practically without injury, tbe ouly mark from tho fall hoiug a bruits uudur oue eye, aod iu a faw b«ura be waa aa well aa uver,


Iim faaea umnI tir Mttlloai ot Mothsrs ror Uirlr rhllilrfn M’blUTetilblnc for <>»cr Klflr Vokrs. it MwtfeM tkt oaild, Milirai the eumi, «l|«yi •ll Min. aimiwlu«l oulie, juiJ it Uia U«t r«m«l7 tar dlarrlxM, .


A. J. CARTAN’SDepartment Store.




We dou’t want a single bat left. In order tp do| thls we liave decided on a still further reduction in price

■ Iniost slashed In two. Wc have divided all our stock into lour lots and offer you your choice at 39c, 69c, 79c and ft .39. ‘ Tills is n won­derful bnrgaln- -don’t nilss it.

A big lot' fiite Flower*, Wreaths, Etc., finest'of\ goods, at 15 cents encli or two bunches for ascents. ■


I Oc Counter of G lassw are , &c.

This counter Iirm n good cbLsort-

meut o f glnfts Fru lt Staiuld, ^ug»r

Bowls, Klovvcr Vnsw, Wnter Pitch*

ers, Butter I)is1ic», Cake Stuiids,

Preserve, DislWit, V.tc,, l funcy Col­

ored Olnsfiwnre, Opnl Were, Chinn

Pitchers, China Sugnr Bowls, Ktc.,

all for iq ceuU cnuh. Come iu

aiu l sec. ...............

A J . C A R T A J f,Westsrn Union Tele|(rapli OfTice.

looeted lu Ihu violulty of Loug flranoh end thoy havo beeu wnruod Ihei they wliLbe(Atied f ‘20 it ibo; ouuUnuu IhulrtyiilDotolllug......................

A bigh tide lait Hniulay morning oarrlod away about 150 feel of Ibu boardwalk at lluliuar aud Iho alteruoou tide destroyed twenty feet wore. The paviliou waa also damaged.

Timplby Itarriuglon ol Wvat Free* hoM reooverod e few days ago from au altaok of biooougha front wliioh hu enffercd leu data, Al oue lime il vaa feared they would proto fatal.

'Aebury Park baa a now driukiug fountstn aud haa no plaoo to put II.

The Oily Council la .trylug In tlml- a plaoa bul baa m <l wilb no iiioocm , j :Su one wauti II uear Ibeir properly. ' ' ' '

Oouety Bupcrlnteudeut dohti Eo* right of Freehold wai tuado nue of tliu di^oetuva of tbe National Kduoiatloual Aesooiation fur New Jersey at a rocont convention of Ibe ftiiuolitkm bold \uBoeka*':'.; • r

1 Tti'e Infant son of Frauk flaugplm, e Frtrbold aboemaker, awallowed h aafety plu oue day last week, Tho pt \ was opeu aud lodged iu tho ohlld^ throat, but was removed wltb litllo dim ialty by Dr. Formau.

TA(^ombor of tbe OoutrnllUUroa 1 dfilciali were the rih'Mb of PrcMduia Keialor'aad Viee*prealdonl Stolnbaol', of tbo Aabury Park Hoard ol Trade, ou Thuraday. Tber woro dined lu tbo qvenlnp al tbo Hotel NrunswloV.

The borough of Avou is eouiidering the urehane of the beach front, board walk) pavtliou, bath houarp, mmvpt and walet eytletuis ete. Tbe Avon Land

amt Imprnvemeul Compauy bun otTored IftMUl’Oio of Ita boldinga for $72,1)00,

.William Por, e Nelfurd boy, wei UlMeft tone \Uj la ii weok by * dog i«j»* Itoaed^io \>e tuad, Tbo w«<und «aa oMleriiod aud tbu boy ia said to im iu u^ daugfr, The dog waaoaugbt lo be

knifHUbul made its eaeapo aud disap*

p^kred. '

ueMO Perrlnr, *'Tot" Haynoa and K(ne»t KeUou, three Kntontowu boya,

left that plaee nu Saturday afternoon o() leel week for parta uukuown aud tbiy havo uot beeu aeeu slues', 11 is

luppoaeil they beaded for Georgia, where Kelson formerly lived,

Bobert VanHoholok of Uotl Uank haa

leen ireutcd * patent un a baud streel awwplug tuaobltiiw I t U olalmo«t tbat with tb li maebtue ono tua* oan k\m aev» f tel tupu‘1 work la a tcry nilifaolory

New City Hallon th* oppoalt* *ld« ol

■ ■ • ■■ ttrMt .... . •

D iy 's R astauren t

D ay 's Fanoy Cake Bakory., ’ ■ • • j. H •. ,i „

[ D a y 's Confections

D ay 's Ice Cream

DAY, the Caterer,699 Broad St.. NEWARK.

flee new farm* for aale on alith page. uuutiUUKWKVWKtiWetiUUUWIiEKt

Brutally \Tortir«$, t- fi

A W ft eatuo to light ibat lot'per*

ilitoiit aud uumcruilul torture hae per* hajis nuver been «><ptallml» Ju e . Oulo* biok uf OoIum, Cali, writo«i ‘ ‘For flf- tcob yeara I oudurwt lnmiTnrabla pels from rheumatism aud uoibing rolievid mo though 1 tried uveri Iblng known, I oatno aorois Kluotrio Milters aud t l‘i tb i gr^utest remedy ou uartb for that

trouble* A few bottlea oumplololy re* llcvi'il and unredme." J ink ae good for liver and klduey troubles and gooiral doblilty. Ouly OOo. Hatia< laottou guan\uteev\ by Ll, 0. Walllug,


Cilvei WeatM, nigbesl eaah prions paid for good

la! oaifeo.—-George Llnimarer, Jr,

"BEE HIVE. Nsw J i r u / s Shopping Conlre* NEWARK.

Luill «apt. Mvl. seal* tutro will «*loa« I I (u«wm| s>turdi|i, Friday cvenlit**.

GREAT JULY BARGAIN SALE.W e are now in our third and greatest week; nnd un til inven­

tory, A ug . is t., the bargains w ill be more sensational than ever.

For instance:


34-inch Satin I'oularda, in a i;ood rnui'c of colon, all uewde* signs—polkn dots in blue and white, blue and color ‘ ' white, brocbe effects, iloral designs mul colored stripes,#1.35 and ^r.50 qualities.

68c,lie and eolored dots, black and ‘ ' ' ' Our regular /i.eo ,

$ 1 .0 0 COLORED CREPE DE CHENE F O R ................. g o .

24-inch Crepe de Chene,_ iu all the new shades, including Q U O l black, white, ivory, creatu, light bine, pink, Un, royal blue, reseda and champagne. Very desirable nnd one of the most popular fabrics for eveuing and summer wear. Exceptional value. Regular f 1,00 quality. <

Orders L .S .P L A U T K O . ^ s t . N E W A R K .Filled. Free Deliveries.

i T T T T T T T T T T f T T ' T f T ? T T T

No ,


Stores. T T T T T T


j u m m c s ' to o ls

m u s u m i c s


I f so, you can’t get to? jinuch'information iu regard

to the kind of bath roon^tiie contractor proposes to

put, into your, house.' , He will put in whatever make

yott specify. ,We have n I number’ of niodel. ybatUi u'i •'.! >»■>•,? v*»i V}. Iii-.r'ia..;

rooms fitted up forlnRpcctlon and cau, give you a

lot of helpful iilfornutlon,

2 0 0 5 2 0 2


a & z s

m m


--- lljijbsb '


AmosH.VanHorn, Ltd.


Mail Your Savingsto tho Bowery Savings Bank, New York, and get all the benefits that ore gained by the 140,000 depositor* of Ih il greatest of all Ravings institutions. Depositing by mail in

THE BOWERY SAVINfiS BANKis as safe as it is convenient. Our booklet. " Banking by M ail," gives complete and detailed information, and w ill be sent free if you request It. . , "




T R E S P A S S E R S !

AU persons are positively forbid trespassing ou the grunmls of the snlwcriber, either with nr without dog or gun, under any pretense whatever, mulct strict penalty ot the law.

No Traps or Snares allowed."A word to the wlielssuflk'ient.’_ _ _ W .H.HANKINSON.

A ’, F . B e d l e ,C O R O N E R ,

iti un it K e y p o r t , N . J .

CARTAN S DEVLIN,Sui'OkiROHS to Oahtan A Co,,

MATAWAN, . NEW JERSEY,w uov**.a« Ann m stm i, i>x a u h s in


O f t A I *1'** »K*T U«AD« at* W w H k ways on hand!

FLOUlt, 1?KKD ANP GRAINof all kimli. Our food Is inanufaeluro<l

ou tho premUcs aud guaran* teo If to lm llrtt*elnsi.

^ S E E D SIMtabli a«4 TntiA Catatogva Nailed Frra

i W E B D E R A D O N11 , I I . ON AM BIRl I T K I t t ' 1 nmiMMi new vonr

<•»*» J *tth Fwrvitri tnd ttr/ril,

>nd you'll

buy right..BUY HERE.....— and , i f short o f cash ju s t rem em ber

“ your promise to pay is every, bit;a* good’,”.,

All Remaining Summer '..i_ . ,11 (' • l;.'» i l l ° ' 1*« iffi »i ,• \llhl SMS'VIKIK-IJ

going regardless of

, Porch UoeVers, Ice Chests, Rctrlgb^nlprs,'(40 kinds) | Mattings, Summer Stoves—nothing "carried over.'"'

Quick Selling Carpet Prices.

, Wet dayflhaWmade'tooflbvrcarpe t,tit leshe re 's tb nlake

'en iqu lckl . ,

00 'contgrado DroMola, g ' j - vnrtl,; . , . . ; . , „ , . , , . „ u « v

cent grade Tnpestry UruANoU, ynrd ,............

43 cent grado Ingrnins, 30c

68 cent grado nlMvool JJC /t Ingra lns.yard ,......... ..

P4ccnt grado Yslveti, O C / tyartl.,.,...... ............... OOC41.tO grado Axinlnstcrs, A O .ynrd,....................... ..7 0 CKogular fiOcent China | r « Mattings, yard............... I O v

Regular SA cent China ‘lA A Mattings, yard. , £ U v

Regular fld cent Japan’ Matting*, yard...

Regulnr OS cent Japan *7 0 r» Mattlngit, yanl,

kemnante of Oil Cloth and

Linoleums at bore coat*

The Ice Chests, $5.50 lip.

5ee II Operated I

The “ Pcrfcct" Wlcklcss

Dluc Flamo Oil Stove

We soli It boeause It's tho beat In all tbo country! Ilrass burnura,

f reveotlng nut — wlro shield In ront of b u r n e r s , preventing draughts — who sievo oli HUor,

pre^ontlng din lu oil,

A M O S H . V A N H O R N , Ltd.IU tut* jf*m ita hNa. ta1' «ml Amt nnm« "AMOB" hetor* tBl«rlnjr e»r slur*.


N*ar I’lADs lit., Wait e( Droid S t ........ .
