volunteer assignments A Clear View From The Spring


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September 14, 2014 . Volume 23 . Issue 2

A Clear View From The Spring

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The Mission Statement of Clear Springs Baptist Church is to:

Proclaim Jesus…Bring people to know Jesus… Help people to grow in Jesus…Send people to show Jesus…

CSBC Church Family Staff: Pastor Rev. Jerry Vittatoe…........................922-7764 Associate Pastor Dr. Damon Patterson....…………….925-4773 Minister of Education & Discipleship Rev. James Marion………………….309-4883 Minister of Outreach & New Member Assimilation Rev. Eddie Perry…………………….414-9782 Interim Director of Student Ministries Coach Gerald Hayes..……...……….363-0713 Director of Music Mike Tipton………....……................687-3314

Weekly Opportunities:

Early Morning Worship 8:30 am

Family Bible Study 9:15 am

Sunday Morning Worship 10:15 am

Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 pm

Wednesday Night Worship 6:30 pm

Church Office Hours: Monday – Friday

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Children’s Church: Today Myra Sowder & Phyllis Cline Next Week Savannah Oaks & Ashton Davis

Hospitality Committee: Today Rex & Brenda Patton Next Week Jimmy & Cindy Hawkins

Nursery Volunteers: Today Billy & Jeanie Mounger, Jane & Corey Miller Next Week Mardi Jones, Candy Boruff, Heather Weaver, Ann Tipton

Morning Parking Lot Volunteers: Today Kenny Godfrey, Johnny Welch, Bryan Ellis Next Week Bob Slagle & Roger Conner

Night Parking Lot Volunteers: Tonight & Wednesday Night Phil Babelay, Mike Lakin, Steve Blankenship Next Week D.C. Thomas, Reuben Stansberry, Richmond Thomas

8518 Thompson School Road . Corryton, Tennessee 37721 (865) 688-7674 . ClearSpringsBapt@aol.com . www.ClearSpringsBaptist.net

for your information

volunteer assignments

Student Ministry Total from Wednesday night

TeamKID 56 Youth 30

Welcome Thank you for honoring us with your pres-

ence today at Clear Springs Baptist Church.

Please take a moment and fill out the Guest

Card, given to you by an usher or located in

each pew, and place it in the offering plate

as your offering gift to our Church. This will

give us the opportunity to know that you

were with us today. In turn, we will mail you

a CD of our Church Choir.

We hope that you feel at home with us and

that you will feel led to join us again real


Clear Springs Baptist Church… a small church where lots of people go!

a note from the pastor

Changeless, In A Changing World

These are turbulent times. Many things in our world

are in a state of change. The cost of goods is continually

rising, jobs are being affected, and politicians are prom-

ising us more change to come. Christians are to take

comfort in times like these because we serve a God that

never changes. His promises are still intact, heaven is

still available to all who will ask, and His presence is

ever with us.

In 1932 Jeanie Wilson copyrighted a song that sums it

all up so well. It is entitled, "Hold To God's Unchanging

Hand." One verse goes like this: "Time is filled with swift

transition, nought of earth unmoved can stand, build

your hopes on things eternal, hold to God's unchanging

hand." That advice written in song in 1932 is still good in



thirsty for renewed

ministry news

church family news

Second Sunday Offering All of today’s offerings will go toward our new church home. Con-struction continues on the new church property. During the offertory today, images from this past week will be shown on the screen.

Opportunity for New Members Is Underway

Pastor Eddie is offering a New Members Class for all new members and those considering membership in our Church Family. The four week class will start today. During the class you will learn what we believe, church administration, our many opportunities of ministry, our history, and much more. The class will be held during the Sun-day School hour at 9:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. For more infor-mation, please contact Pastor Eddie.

Known Sick: Carson Dalton Rev. Michael Viles Jack Chittum Sammy Hensley Barbara Dees Lowell Miller Ron Clevenger

Cards of Thanks The Church Family recently received card of appreciation from the following: Joe Ellis Barbara Dees Leisa Housewright and family

Wednesday Night Dinner Dinner will be served each week on Wednesday night from 4:30 until 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. This weeks menu: Fried Chicken, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Rolls, and Dessert.

children & student ministry

Baby Nursery: For your convenience, we offer a Nursery for children up to the age of three years old on the lower level of the Church. An usher will direct you or guide you to this optional service. The Nursery is provided during Sunday School, the Morning Worship Service, and the Sunday Evening Service.

Children’s Church: Kids, ages 3-6, enjoy bible time, crafts, music, and games with a message during the Morning Worship Ser-vice. Children's Church is located on the upper level of the church.

Children’s Ministry:

Youth Choir The children’s choir is open to all kids and youth ages 3 years and up. The group practices on Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m. Practice is held in the Overflow Room.

TeamKID TeamKID is a Bible study program for kids ages 2 years through the 5th grade. The kids meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30PM. Kids enjoy songs, lessons, crafts, games, snacks, and loads of fun! For more information about the program for your child or how you can volunteer, please see Jenny Roach.

Student Ministry Middle and high school students will meet on Wednesday nights for worship. The youth will meet in the Youth Area of the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 p.m. The students are currently studying, “The Beatitudes: The Attitudes That Should Be.” For more information, please see Coach Hayes. Pizza & Bowling...The youth will be going to Gatti's and bowling, at Fountain Lanes, on Sunday, September 21, immediately following the Morning Worship Service. The group will be riding together on the church bus. Students will need money for Gatti's and bowling. Each game is $4 and shoe rental is $3.50 per person. Students are encour-aged to invite a friend. Please see Coach Gerald or Heather today or Wednesday night to sign up.

Sunday School... A Run-On Sentence…

Director Arnwine told me to tell you that Sunday School is great, its good, and grateful groups gather there gladly to get good and grow in Gods House, where gracious, godly, gatherers of truth, have gathered great grapes from the gospel vineyard and will be there to give you the gift of God's great gospel which guides guilty souls gently to the God of grace and grieving souls may also go and that there is no greener grass growing than in Gods great green pasture. Go, grow, and glow with us, 9:15 a.m. weekly.

Teacher Elections Adult Sunday School Classes, from the College/Career Class up, are asked to turn in names of elected teachers and assistants into the Church Office by today. For more information, please see Pastor James or Jason Arnwine.

Prayer Ministry The purpose of this ministry is to bring needs in the Church Family before God in prayer. There are four options to send prayer requests or to reg-ister to reveive e-mail prayer request. Send a voice mail or text to 236-1087, send an e-mail to csbcprayer@comcast.net, or go to the church website at www.clearspringsbaptist.net.

Old Timer’s Day Old Timer’s Day is Sunday, October 12. If you have old items or pictures that you are willing to allow to be displayed, please see any of the fol-lowing committee members: Anita Garrett, Heather Beeler, Debbie Carpenter, Jenny Roach, Kim Conner, or Michelle Blankenship.

CSBC Academy of Music Four week music lessons are offered weekly in half hour, 45 minute, or full hour ses-sions here at the church. Prices are as follows: $25 – per half hour lesson, or $80 for four weeks of half hour lessons; $35 – per 45 minute

lesson, or $120 for four weeks of 45 minute les-sons; $45 – per hour lesson, or $140 for four weeks of hour long lessons. Special rates are giv-en for group/class instruction to households with more than one student. For more information, please see Wayne Goforth.

Here’s Hope Mission House

The Mission House is still working on stocking the house and starting to work on preparing for the Community Day which is scheduled for October 11. This past week, we had 35 peo-ple visit the house. We are so blessed to have clothes and house-hold items to share with others. It is only thru God's mercy and blessings that we are not in need ourselves. We serve God by serving others! Thank you God for your blessing on us, little is much if God is in it! During the month of September, the house will be open to the public on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Volunteers are needed on Thursday nights to sort and stock the house. They meet from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. If you might be interested in helping, please see Lynn or any member of the team.

Bearing Precious Seeds Ministry The outreach ministry, Bearing Pre-cious Seeds, will be writing letters on Wednesday nights. Letter Writing Team #1 will meet on the 1st Wednesday night and Letter Writing Team #2 will meet on the 3rd Wednesday night. The groups will meet in Room 118 (Small Confer-ence Room downstairs) at 6:30 p.m. If you would like to get involved with this ministry either writing letters or visitation, please see Pastor Eddie.

Women’s Meeting The Devoted Women’s Ministry will be meeting on Monday, September 22 at the home of Vickie Higgins. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. with Kesha Graves leading the devo-tion. For directions or more infor-mation, please see Vickie Higgins or Melissa Johnson.
