VOU XXXVI. I'l.AINFIELD. N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1903 ... · Jafca Holaaa aad bla aabara...


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Urn O-aMMm. WUcl, a <«. C u «• <*• Um. g> UM a A, uarafco <u % /& AtMorilmt." HaMnm.

NEWARK • •HUi Clara. Flor*mce> Moor*

•com** Wlte of Dr.Holdan. Jr.

IIPUlaf ta ldwn »t Fifty-Third

nnuaJ Migglun of Eaat N J.





• . O. DobMaw Meaabor at ajaealaa-

U a t

FrofMataa lCiaoata rr«n ro«r Mtal«.

A obunlm horn. wedding of laa*Teee<tai < u that of HIM OUn Flor-M M Moore, daagbtor of Mrt B a n tB. V o m end of ib* laM David M.Moon. Keq . M Dr. Edgar Boldaa,Jr. oaa of Or. M l Hit IdgarHolden, Of N.w.rk. N J.

II WM Mtabntod M "BMMrook,"ih# [b**ellfal |ha«* ;ot Ibe brlde'enollitr oa Oenlral eveaoe. Bar. Dr.Wilhem K Richard., paetor at theBrink Ubnrob, of Mow Torfc Oily. per-1 orm*<1 in* oeremooy, and II w*« wll-M « i l by naoT o( th« NdAnU oftbU • >«r •""! by • Urge ••mber of(••Mi tiDB Maw Tort, Newark, Boa-ton. Philadelphia and Treato*

TIM ooaM wa« augalftoaally deoo-r»Md for Iba ocoaaioa ; each roomwill. • different lOVir. Tbe whIUwailc room wbara tba oaremooy too*plan* WM d«onMd with white roeae,U'l lb« aroaM m l pllUi« nadorwhich iba bridal party etood war*wreathed in imiln aofl white n mTh» parlor WB« decorated ith A i

beaaty library la ••

Tbe arty-third aanaal meeting of•a BOM BOW Jereey Baptlet Soaday-rhool AoaMtatlon bald la tb* Flrat

Kaptlat Oharch. Bawark, Taaaday,ooaaldcred tba beat la recent

i Thar* war* nearly two boodr»d dalagkiM preeeat. thoee fromPlainBeld bolag Mr. and Mr*. M. O.Dobbiaa. Mr*. ObarlM Oooover, Mra.ObarlM Stelner and MlM May KBow let*.

An on anal featara of tbe oonvaa-100 WM tbe pi earn ol of aad a talk by

Bav. Solomon Famr, i i i ' i m t rabbi ofb* Tempi* Baal Jeebanm. of New

ark Hla add**** waa one of Ibe prla-elpai OBM Of tbo day. Tbero WM alec

tddreM by Bev. O M. BhoH, ofBootob Plain.

Thorn (.racer* were eboaaa for Ib*••Mlnej year President. Wm Moon,of KllMbotb ; VIM prooidMt, UbarlMK Vlaoenl. of Bootoh Plain. | eecre-

aad treaaarer, Bav. FrankFlateber. of Mew Market. M. aDobbin., of ibi. city, WM oboMa •member of tfa* Dominating oommiltM

dlnlag room, where tba e«pj-aervad. la piak roe** TbaColonial ball, la white aadWM trimmed with gllaa.wllb i i l i n oIMVM aad brllliaat aaiamn flowera,Tb* hag* groplao* la iba rear of tb*hall WM basked with a prafMloa ofpalm. aad paMed plaaria. BoblBd Ibo

ira wblob

Tba Wlda waa ti»a« away by bavbtotbar. Walter J * I I I M Maora, Baq.,Bad wM a*Mart*d by bar aia«ar, MiaiLilll. K Moor*. M ataldof baatorTh« brtda'a gowa WM a raba af aacb-aaaa laoa aad paarla tt*ar a iml lM,wit* a Tall of taUa bald by diaai—4piai. a bndal gift, aad by a dlaaaoadmaaniai. tba brtdacraoai'a flft 8baca,nl*d a boaqaat of UUIaa of thaTallay. Tba aaald ol hoonr woral « f i of wblta aalla erapa da obtaatrtaaatad wtlh In.h Uoa aad oarrladOaraol roam Tba brldaaa>ald« waraMiaa kllBBbalb W. Hold«* a»d MlaaAaaa L Haldaa, of Bawark. B. J.,aad Mlaa Or ao U Day. of WhltaPlaina. Tbo brldaaaMldaOf wfalla Mlk malla trlaiBwd wltb lae«and oarrtad beaqaata of Anarloaal-aalr roa*..

Tba hrMagrooBB la th* aoa of Dr.Edgar Holdaa. tba b«ad of tba madloajdapartaiaal of Iba Mataal Bavafltaaraawa Uaaapaa*. of Mawark, andllha hi. fatbar la a w%U-kv»wa pbyat-r IM M 4 oaa af tba MOM praamlBaala^aibwn of Iba audtoal profaarioi laMaw JirMj Ha u a Prlaoaloa D M ,a iradaata of tba Oaliaga of Pbyiolaat aad 8ar|*oaa. of Mow YorkOHy, aad tba aaraa-a of ibaTroap. Hu boot • • • WM bta bratbor,Jafca Holaaa aad bla aabara wanJaoMa B. BarsjaM, Jr., af Bawark. HJ. | Edward M- Hut. af Traaloa, MJ. : Dt. Baam T. Jay. of Maw TactOily;Baairy MJobs K. Trala. af B*Taaab. Oaania.

Afur Iba raeapUoa Ibaia WMMBMO daring wkNk tb* oaap4* laft «aja waddlac tHp. L'poa tbalr ratarm,Dr >*4 Mra Edgar Haldaa. Jr.. willraataa at No. » Il i i i l atraaa, Baw-ark. aad Iba aaatar will ooaltna* tba

af bla iiiafaaalw a* blaeaoa at Mo. IS Oaatral a*aa>aa.

Baptlat B 8


aaa. U. H Batahalor. raparla-icndaot of Iba Viral BapUa* Obarcb,W M appotatad oa O M of Iba »oM i«a

nus Fflfij. mmAtSBBLY-AM t . • fWACUIAMCR AD-


O. 1.. mofwt *tt»»«i. M•#(!•( at


A raUBoatleai maetlag ander tb*aaeptOM of tbe Elizabeth DeeaoorMlOGlob WM held IM* Taaaday at Kliia-batb at which a aamber of Plainfleld

lading ObarlM L Moffatt,candidate for Aaaembly. WM presentPrwid.ol Bofaart B. MeAdama pro-ided at tbe mealing and made a abortpoeob ialrodeolag Aeatmblymaa

Baaaaol B. Swackbamer. af SomerMt.Mr. Swackbamer apoke la bigbrate of Mr. Maffett He declared that

ba I* tbor«agbly <ompeteait, wllbaa aablamiebod rapatalloa and highmoral character aad a maa wbo bad

before Iba people la a pablio andtarn capacity before and la

favorable know* throw hoot UaloaOoaaty. If b* la eleotad. Mr.

declared, ba would betree to bia obligation* M a pri

raald acek ta promoteIba beat Inter**** of tb* eouty. Tb*oaadldaM* oa Iba ticket, be declared.war* eetaeted oa aoooul of their peraoaaJ atacM aad worth.

'I bellav* law! Iba u i who wealdrUld mech inflaaaoa la aba ooaaty."amid tbe epoaker, "to tb* waa wbo lebroad miadad emaagb to aekaawh

ibe oppoatlloa party. It lartgb to inn* a eptrit of f*lrn**a a

political cootieta. We B I N»wladn iiBi tbo rank aad Die

tba RepaMicBo party ia nampoe.dlaaare aad patriotic men An appeal»aald b* made to Ihle element for

01 of tb* eoaamaalty M

be third BDBBBI m.ottag of Ibe• Jrraey OoagreM af Mother, le tobald la the Bad dew. Bald OperaMB at BaitMfeH, B. J., Friday

gmtarday. UaMber 11 aadib later*** aoatar* la laa Ooagreaa

g Iba Mopia la IbM cliy aaaaaa*a

TRIKITYS MISSIONMrt Minnie Mar-h«JI SmithDwllghba Largw Audianc© kt

the T. X. O. A.




Klai.r B. Cattlac. Harry Draka, M.C. VaaAr.flBlf a»d Frad CilUr

lactJOM -TkoM la Okarg*.Mra. Miaal* Maraball Bmltb, tbo

oted reciter, aatortalaod lover twohaBdred people at the T. M. O. A.aadltoviam laot Tncoday la a Bomberof dramatic raadlata and recitation*,all of wblcb were of annmal exoel-lono*. Mre. Smith WM aupported feyiioeprlooally flo* maneal talent.whlob aarlmil groatly la making the

loot enjoyable one. Tba«laml

Tbat Mr. MacKamyVo!r«Ni in . S*attai*at* la Ctty1-OI .HIIOJ — Mr. Harkl* Oe-elrad •r.Bailoch'a K o n n x i o i .ThU Mlf explanatory itatement WM

•ad* Ihi. afteraoon by Pnaldenl ofOommon Ooanoll J I B N F. Back!*,

'bo baa falthfnlly aad gratltnoaalyMrvad Ibo otty for a n i years:

ion having been oallad totb* fact tbat a groat deal of comment

being caaeed, not only In tbe Oltyof PUiaflold bat tbicoRhoot UnionOoonly. regarding my candidacy far

of In* Tonag Women'e Ktation Band,of Trinity Reformed Obaroh. lor tbab*a*Bi of tb* traaavry of Ibat floariah-tag orgaataatloB. Ib* bandKrealiaedi baadaome profit from Ibo proceed*

The programme opened wllb a ee-IMUOO by a mat* qaartett* of whiobElmer B OoUing, Harry B. Drake, M.

Van Aradsle and rred B. Ontter anas bora.Iwt before the qaartott* rendered

tbe Moood part of nnmber nve, a largebomjoet WM appropriately banded toHarry B. Draka. of tbe qnartott*. Tbopreaeatation WM followed by pro-longed appUMaa.

orn«>ni BJoruMD'i "Bergllat,"i muloal aoecnpanlmenl by Ed-] Qriog, WM deilghtfaUr rendered

by Mr*. Smith. Her attitade aad aa>preaaloD, both facial and vocal, war*M correct that the trae linee of IbaeMry coald b* oarried by tbo

Math tb*y wara reading it.Midnight Ooartahla,"afcatah, aad tba "Marriage of tb*

»er«" war* the eelactioca wblobmaoh favor.; Both were akatebeablob tba remarkable ability ot Ibo

artlet WM displayed to advantage. AOaaadiaa aelectto* oloMd tbo pre-

law. Like tbo Irat readition tlgav* tb* reciter aa exoalleat oppor-tunity of portraying her ability M a

lor.artatiag Mr> amilhl WM MIM

ZellB^rroet, viollnl.t. wbo renderedaevaral ••lection, daring tbe evening,aocompaated by HIM Lillian A Force.In* proved bereelf a tboroagb mulai

of tb* violin. Stie played a ae-tootioa from "IL Trevatore" wllb, - - . . - . . . • •

Tba peopl* were aealod by aaefflaloal oorpa of nabera, who wereH 8. Potter. Theodore Muta, H.

maraball, Harry VaaEmbargh,H B. McDonald, Williem O. Btaitepand David J. Erymer, Matotod by

: F. Crawford la tb* bos office.Th* oommlllM la charge of tbo

affair coawiatod of Mum Lillian A.Faroe, chairman; Mr. H 8. Pot-tar, Mra. H E VanBmbargb. andMr*. David 1. Krymer. ami tad bytba decorating committee rompoaadot Mra Leonard Smith, Mr*. WilliamOlmawd and MIM May VaaFI***.


Uh to nata erapballoally tbat 1 wv,lot only not a oaedldat*, bat that I

ponoaally uod B T alBoat aaAMvonidDoe Mr. William Starr Bollock

to ataad for tb* nomination.My trlaad* ban BBdantood thor-

oughly from tb* baglsalBg any attitada la Ibli matter, and their appar-ent BawHllnpioaa to nominate in* WM

not tha •HgbtMl Bainndarataoding.vyMir bold told Mi. HaeMamy os

Iba nlgbt Of. tb* convention tbat.

PlalaaaM Cllalral SOEIMJ KtWr-talaaii at HIUaM* TaaaJa Mil

O«lf Clabkou*.The Plaiaflald Clinic Seolaiy wa>

•otenalaad laM aigbt u tbo Bllbna*ala aad Oolf Olali. by Dr. J. B.Daaoo, whea Dr. B. H Hai**y. of

Maw York. |BT« a papor of eioep-MnoaJ laaar—t — tb* "Traaliaat af

Afur tba niaiiiUataa at tba papertb*r* WM aa iaforaMl dtaoaaaloa ofUM (abjact, which proved ha ba b*lp-' ' fb*r* WM a fall atlMilaatia of

_ Llnlc aad all apprtclatad wogaaalaw boapHaiily af Dr. ~

Do- E. of tbla ctty. bM rooolvodword tarewgh Ita eaptaia.W. B Hu

T»>* wart baa M banMtborlMd as4 M J pinwi foaad

oaob MJ agpaoi *aa ba r*-


PrMifdeot of Common Coun-cil Nail. Falaa BwportaIn Hla CharttctariaUo Way.




raadldat* ;Bnd bt. ilatomeot made be-fore tba two ventioo voiced my aaati-

"I aaleiataiiil a ramor la beingwidely olroalatad thai mj rooont OBD-dldaoy for tb* Aogambly WM onlyaadortaken by my Monde for tbe por-

i Of eveoiaally abalvlog m* far ar* nomlnalioo to Ibo OamaMw OMB-cil: Hot oo IT do I myeetf ampbatioal lydUbaUovo tbla, hot I do believe tbataay aech atory M Ibl* emanate* fromibo** wbo proved before th* Oonnly

raatlaa to b* everything batfriend, of mine, for tb* *ole parpoM

• iagalding voter, of Union Oonnlyin tba oomlBg oloetion.

" J I V M F. Bnckl*."No. M Weatervslt *venne.



Ta* Prodactloa of " U i i Day* ofPompeii." Poatpaaad Until

XofMabw %.Offloer. were elected laat night by

tbe newly formed Dramatic OlabWilliam Jeffery WM ctaca»n prceidoat;F. at Blaear. Jr., traaaaref; Hi t AE. Willard, eaoretary; A. E. Wlllard,baalnoM manager aad ooaeb ; MlM C.J. Maar*. vocal director ; a D. Mead,of Baw York, maeical director. ThereWM a goaeral dlooBMlon by tbe mbora af play, and plana for aoxl 1

Tbo patformaaoe of "Tba Laat Dayeof Pomp*ii- to ba given by tb* olabander Iba aaapioM of tb* local lodg*Of Odd Ladle* bM been poatponod toNovember I ia order to allow of amar* oubarat* prodaotioa aad a morethorough drill In tfa* dtfflov.il danoeaeaaoctad with tb* performance


Armoar aad Kwifl Compaalea Agree

Moactr.After MZl Monday, the Arroowr aad

Swift CoBjpanie. will Man delivartnggood* to doalan la aiaata asd pro<atona tbroaghoal tba ooantry. Tl

rport WM oomBrmad la thu oily tblaiorn)og by Herbert B. Taylor, awlft'ii|ii—aatallra. and H H > ( M R 1

Tollaa, repreaeouitve of l i a mTb* laaalng of Ibo order WM oaaaaa

i n iinii attikae of aaaptoyaa oftb* oaaapaMlM ordered by tbeir aalnan

IM D u n n F. Bqatan, daogbMraf Mr. aad Mia. Fiedertok J. Baalara,aad Robert OUomrmt, am* Of tbt.oil*, w i n married M lam boaM of tba


North Plalnfleld Laddie* Plot

to Capture prize for Drill-

ing In BonarrlUe.






Ohlaf Marabal t* Tak* Flro Raglaeto Boasaraot'a Ooaaty Se«t To-

(C1«ht—8oBB*r*lll* Oally t>*«-• r a U 4 - U M of irormatloa.

North PUlBfleld ti to b* raprtoaatadt SoBMrvlU* tbia afternoon bybo m*mb*rt of Warren Bnglaa Com-

pany la a way la which the borooghbaa nefor b**n roprooaatad before.Tb* Warrati Bagla* Oompany la oolfor a prlM and for the put n In* weak •Chtptaia William a Smith bM beenacting M drill matter.

Chief Karabaj William Campbell

•atarteUmaat Koiiowi BB*IB<M«•aaataa-BOT. L. H. Bawan

O1*M a Sbort Tal k- WllliainJen-re; ! • • • Somo BolOB.

Tbar* wU) be aaotbar Hope mimtrel•bow next winter to 4*JI|bt tb* baart*of yoana aad old. Thla WM voM.i bytha mcmbcri of tbo Hope T. M. A,laat niaht M tbalr boalaaai and aoolal

leetini. which wai oailad to ordar byJvdg* William N. RunyoD Bebaanaltfor tb* abow will begin early la

•tiae of Waireu Engine OoBpany asddrlT. to gantiriUe. In Iba panda

at BomarvlIU tb* engine will bedrawa by Iwo heavy dappi* gray

aa. Il •• «>paol*d tbal tbar* willba BO !•*• tbaa •avoatyBT* men IDlla* rapraMntloa; Warren Engine Ooas>awy.Tbo North PUiDfieldera will be tb«

dor Company, la line Wairaa'a men •Mn will be headed by tba LibertyFife and Dram Oorpe, of Ellubetb,with fifteen mn. Mayor Smaller and

•Ij all the memben of tbe NorthPlainfleld Common Oonooll will at-tand tb* feativitle* at Bomervllla.

Bomervllle la being decorated varyelaborately. Flaga are waving BOIOMtba etreoU and the bnlldlngi have

i ditim.il in gay colored banting.tl 1* estimated that 4bere will b* atloaat 1,000 mam la line. Tbe lino offormation will bo M follow!:

Chief aad aattatanta, former chief.and vi.itina ohiefe. Invited gaoata IBoarriagM, veteran fireman. Good WillBand, Maw Branawlok, Bound Brookdepartment, OraaBcnt Military Band,BarHaa, Barltaa department, Oitl-

f Band. Dover, Vigllaal BngmeOa, Dover, Somerael Cornel Band,Ltnooln Obemioal Engine Co., LibertyDrnm Corp*. Eliubetb, Warren ED

I Oa, North Plalnfleld, Independ-ent Fife and Dram Oorpa, CentralBook aad Ladder Co.. Von' Band.Newark, Independent HOH OO,, Mor-ri.town, Flemlngton Band, SouervilleEngine Oa, Aeolian Band, DnionHOM Oo.. Oruford. Liberty Band,

aw Bronawlck, We.t End HOM Oa

H A Y E S S E N T E N C E D .

ling waa tben adjourned to Tun-day. November 10.

After Iho bnaiB*M of Ibo meetinga* concluded, the anjoynMBl of a

imoker and oollaUon WM oonaldered.Faalar** of the entertainment war*

i|t by Obarlee Bagterty ; bock andig daaolng by Bowera and Loaardl;i|* by William Jeffery | pnoooci

Mleotlon by Barry Llater; and a beardanoe, Iba laagblng bit of Iba "»•

North PlalBBolder, Wbo Broke Jail,Sentenced to Two Moatba

lmprlaonment.la tb* Bomoreal Ooooty Ooorta at

Bom*rv)lle y**l*rday Harry V. Hayaa,of North Plalnsald, who WM indictedby Ibo grand jory on a oaargo of Jailbrcaklflg. retracted bie plea of notgnllty aad pleaded HOB volt. JudgeBoheaok Mat*ao*d him lo two month.

i th* county jail. Il ia ondantoodiat Haye. gave State', evidence,blob I* Ifao reaaon fala aenlonoe I* to

light. ObarlM O. Kemp, ladlotod forforgery and embeaalamenl, retractedbie plea of not guilty and pleaded non

It. Ho WM glvao els monthi, leatone day la tbe coanty jail.


Frie.d.ofJ. H.FraeaMB CelebratedHI* Birthday Uaaxpactadly.

A plMMBl aarprlM party w M glvaato J. Herbert Fraamaa, of Par* ave-aae, Monday night. In honor of blabirthday anniversary. Tbe aflair WMattended by abmt forty frioadi androlMlvM from thto dty, Weattold andOak Traa. It WM arranged by Mr*.riMBU aad proved a complete nr-prtaa. Mr. Freiman received a nam-bcr af bandecaae preaenla. Tb* eve-nng WM epOM la ganaea, motic andlancing, after which Mpaar WM

«err*d. Tb* patty broke op at mid-alfjbt, when all *«tead.d tbetr wi.beaM Mr. Fnimaa for maa y bappy r*

UM of tba day.

•mail Blaaw.Two alarm!, from boiea 47 and W,era palled la laat n Igbt far aa an Im

partaat BUM IB a balldlag locaWd: tba Poad Maoblao Tool OOM-/'• amrnt aa Baata Bacaad. •ttooa.

Tbo baildlag WM a aaed by Mra.Barke and aatd M a variety nor* andd welliag. Tb* blaaa waa caaaad by

Y.MJ.WAnother AmiUur Production

Arranged for Perform-ance This Winter.

Tba aaMolatlon bM alao decided to

Robert Snyder. a New York mmioiaoof prominence. Mr. Bnyder wtll coachIn* olnb which will meet for tbo fin*

me next Monday.The realgaatton from tbo offloe ol

treMarer of the aaooolitlon of T. M.Mair WM aooepted. Tb* girli la tbeMWIBI OIBM r*q***t*d. tb* o*e of thegymnaatom for W*dne*day afterm

Ronyon alao played and eang, aadBOT. h. R. Howard gan a abort talk.



r>eeIa*M Tbat He H u B N I ActingraJriy With Oppoilng

nnriog tbarefnUllon of certain *tat*m«nt*

hi. allsgad " bedglag"methode, Manager Obarlea Denmao,of the WertBeld baMball team, di.-

irui tbal be bM aotod In any bot ar way with tbe maitagemeBl at tbe

Bt. Mkry team. Aa to the third of Ibe•erlee of game a arrangedWertBeld and tba Saint., he »mj« Ibatlaet Batnrday night be did My hewould play tbat game today on Oicent Ova.1, bnt II wu wllb the nndar-atandlng tbal hie captain, GeorgeMailer,, wonld play.

Denman aobeoqaontly leataed thatMallen. who la a travailing ealeemaofor a New York bottae, »onld ba InLanoMler. Pa.. lola week and tbal Itwonld b* a matter of much tnoonvaai-

to retara for Ibe game.In addition to thti Mr. Denman aa.y.tbM tbo concern In which bo la amployed holda a Board of Director.'meeting today and bo bM to ba prea-Mt,

Danman aaya Ibat ba mafcM mlo tb* oonnty obamplonahip

• either baa b* been otnving for tldeolana that ba ooald not claim

tbo champlomhlp anlea* be bad metand dafeatad la a majority of gamM

tha team IB tbo ooastyled to play bim. Ho claim, tbatmatten now ataada tbe eerie* otIM between tbe Heinle anda etand two apiece, tb* aame a* la

tba Ali. Balam' ganee, aad If tb*Baint. aboald win Ibo Best game it

lid mean MUle or t>otbiagi for tba Alia Olab, bo aw* thatpromised Manager MaoLaagbiia

tbat ho woold play so Mber Plalaseldteam bat Alto while the latter', teamwaa playing ball. tbM tb* arrange-ment ot th* game* between Weataoldaad Alia WM with the fall BMiiat ofManager MaoLaagfallB. Fartbarmon,

tr. Daamnn aMMo ibat tb* Alt*.lint, aad M M ! Plaiaa1 Mama bav*BBh rOMlvad M a p t i raonay oat af-,. game, played M b. bat

KlevOBitb B.glmaal EteaaloaTb* aaaaal Maatoa of tbo Elaventb•gimeal, >. J. Vai. Vat Aaeocl*-on, will bo bald at •naaaaaj, X., aamr Dcvar, M Tneeday. n»Mliai

r, bMB. Tbo baat aee* mMtlag willbe b*ld a* BOOS, after wblob a baa-

wiU be glvaa k* aha altiaaaa

oof ttotwn.


Anothar TrtaJ to b« Held InSuit Asmlnst North J e m y

Trolley Company.




BeJd Tbat Jury—•• Ktood Klavanto UM la KBVor of Verdict

baag Drav. O«t Trial.tb* MM of John H. Blovene, of

thii olty, agalnH Itw Korth JaraeyStreet Railway Oompaay, whioh heir*boon bofora tbe Bapromo Oonrt *lnooThnraday laat, olo.ing Toeadaymorning, tb* jnry dlaagraed. Il la

idortlood that oaojnryman atood outagalaet tba eleven wbo wlahed to re-

irn a verdict ia favor of tba defend-it. A Jaror wbo voted la favor of

the trolley company Mid that ho didbooanM bo thonghi tbat Mr.

Steven, WM goilty of contributorynegligence. Bono of tbo Jory doubted

Btevcaa' broken aboalder waaad by collieoa with Ib* trolley

bat moot of them thought II WMawn fault. Tbe C M will bo tried

over again and Mr. Blavene' count*!move for a epeolal etrnok Jnry.bla charge to tbo Jory. Jadg*

Vail ooonptad twenty mlaataa. Th*>arg* WM Impartial, a. appear* alnoe

ccamct for Deitbnr .Ida attempted loitorrnpt or lak* any exMptloaa,Tbe jadge aaid Hteven. bad a per-

fect right lo ride bla bloyol* oa tb*it, even tboogh b* WM deaf. la

doing ao, hewevrr. It WM hla dnly toevery precanlion to avoid lajarr.

Tb* trolley oompaoy, bo aald, lika-wtoe, abonld aaa every praoantlon in

ir not to Infliot injorie. on other*.Tb* only evidence latrodaood tbat tbaplalallff had been rnn down by OOO Oftbe defendant company'« cart, bo eatd,WM that t>v*a by th* plaintiff him-0*lt Mo witneaaea to tb* accident badbMn brought forward.

Oertaln taatimoay bad bMn Intro-dnood to show tbal th* plaintiff, U

II to procure wltSOBMo to terttfylie babalf, had roooitod to bribery.soh tettimcuy wM Mllovod, than

Ibo jary, bo Mid, woold bo Jn.tifled,be abeenoo of any wltnoMM to tbo

accident, to lake for granted that tboplaintiff WM faUlfylDf regarding tbomanner In which bo reo*lv*d hla la-Jnry.

By tb* nnooatradlclod evidence ofptayaloiani It had boon ibown IbM theplaintiff had in NIDI manner receivedMvere injury. Tbat bla arm had boonbroken, and further tbat be wonldnever folly recover. Craig A. Marah,E*q , WM ooonnMl for tbe plaintiff.

A Burprlae.A mrpria* party D M tendered Mon-

day evening to Wi.i Mamla Kieley atbar homo oo WoM Sixth Mreet. Tboprogramme ooneleted of tb* playlagof gamM and dancing, with vocal *+•leclion. by Jamee Btott, aad inelro-mental aoloo by Krank O'Ball, of MawMarket. Among IbOM la attendancewan Hie* Kail* Doaley, DomloiokMaldowBay, MIM Li.zie Oroaby, MIMMamie FlaUay, MIM Agneo Hnff, Wil-liam O'Brien, John O'Brien, MlMMolly O'Heii, MIM Kami* Wbalan,MlM Annla Kloly, MlM MargaratMabonay, Michael aad Patrick Kiely,and Blobard aad Lawrence O'Neil.

I*»T Yoir H I M .All ibe lax Mill have bwea Mai Ml

by City Tax OoUaotar Frank Smith.Borne of UMM wblob bav* bMn MB!ont lo property owner, aad voterehave been retaraad to ib* ofBoo be-

w It WM Impoonblo for tho poae-e employe* lo locale tho** le•m the bill, war* addrem

Simply baoasM no billi bav* boca»alyed aSacd* no «i«iw for so* plag hi. tat«* Tbo CoommlMioaOf Appeal will meet Taeaday afl

i at I o'clock at wblcb time allproperty o m n wbo bav* a OOM-plaint to njBka a boat ibetr tJ

MIM Mabel Boribaar. of Woat Fro**T**t,*fil*natB*d a BBMbar of frloada

M bar borne, laot night Maglo wattba faataro of tb* evaaing.tbete beingvocal aaloe by tbo HbmM Floraaaaart Emily BoewoM, plaao daoM b*

iBmM aad plaao ttltntlona by MIM Olara Bum O i a w

wra alao played, after which ra-

Artbnx m. Smith, of Oraadviaw. . . who b«. baaa H.yl»,berg. Pa., a n BMM to Boath Bond, ot


T U nrFUBKd or uum,

Tto fatlar- of thi wild strawberryW thl* r*ar IIM bought tronbW toM i r k o M I* «**trrB Main*— in thefit* famill** who *ipe«*d u. bay tb*trail bnni#ht '.n (! >r- .n* country, f<>r

*; I* Ow

It caaaM which m t r o l tbe ebb aadof hosaaalty between city and eoaa-

sr* aatong ta* most subtil* aad ob-aeara of social phenomena, says ta*

aa Praadaca Chronicle The charae-tarlaUe of th* p«op(< of all new coma-

la rbjor. It I* en* to th* abund-of land for all th* peopl*. aad thea aad reaction between land and

Tbe life of new countries Is rode.bwt the nourishment Is abundant, andtb* pare air seeds pore blood coursing

:h tb* veins. Tke resalt ts * me*• I B N V b n class distinctions

a n marked tb* gentry gala cultureig streagtb. That li th*of manhood ft waa ***n

the pr*-Augu*t*n ag* of Rom*. In tb*Ivalry of isedleval s n u r o Eorop*.

tb* -planter* ot our owg nm'hrrr.States la th* Brut half of tbe nineteenth

iry. Th* development of (be high-Mt typ* of skaahood Imolvfi the ron-

of the majority lo a rude andl!f*. Bui sB^b-jpen esa be

led from gene^s-Uonto g*nera-loa only so long as they r«nWVn In their

mem la the cities d«*r.-ratlon occora. Here and ther. vigor la

Kitted through sever*) gen*ra-of rtty bred men. at least In ladl-

viduala. who malntaJa th* f.mlir nam-aad standing. The leadency la to de-generation, and in* s u n yields to thetendency. Tbe resalt Is s*>rn ln th*lam* and the pott*r'a l*ld The new

Bam wbo dominate the ritln—at leastS America—are rountrw brrd.


M Mtba realize-l lor ah* .!•which wa*ran to th*

i ii,.•a j . - .


m AT U H C H .character of tb* v i *1 h.

h >• iarge tin p*nIf fall of fruit, aaid locked the door

bwrrte*. all ptefced and ready to eat. Ih*bear nosed about the pall for a mo-ment, and. inserting her head underih* win ball. b*x*a in ill her**ir at

ion* ihan ih* b**r discovered (bataba had mad* a mistake Tb* wireball bad gone over her bend and hernrli with Rr**t *«•*. bat when shelrt*d lo remove It ahc met with trou-M* *h* scratched aed clawed at tb*pall and lor* th* hair from ber neckla trying lo get relaased. and. findingthat tb* pail r*m*ln-d !a plare asIrailr aa *»*r abe Bismtervd over tbt>wall and groped her way toward th*w**t briii h of ' ni.m river. Intowhich abe fell and *wam aroa*. In tb*hop* nf washing ib* pall away.

Meantime Mrs Ji.n.sn nad ssyapeilfrom her faoaae br lhe front door and•alted tbe neighbors to her aid. Theyt a m e d th« bear with ahmgitna andiOC*. The-r cr.Mi.e-I the branch of thrrl**r on a brldi* b»tow the vfllag*.aad. putting hounds on tb* (rack otth* b*ar. •"»>» orrrtnoh her. Sb* waslylag d**>4 among a bunch of ferna.bavtag been drowned la about two n ltons of water whlrh r*maln*d In the

Tb* tant wire nif*d no Hmety over h*r

the water did


>rrvapond*at of (b*

WWTT T1IF «Ma msiij Harvey fan**saaa la UM Idol of has tw* *M*rbara Tb* Mhar ***aiag tb* gtrls >•

. Msrrt* •*•• aa b* • **•wa rara H* atui ra-

W* bar* b of wfeat ha__ teeming a lb

Itou" of O l u . that Ib* osmebalTb* pa- an* racaatly published bj th* imp*-

tfr*sfc«s greatly, rial traaanry department of China U«] with hnaar O* •*> UUt* lDter«t. since It furnish**Scotland. I be- a m*tbod of determining last how

__ i v n wild b^ersuckle bloosns, mamr "warning million*" then ar*. It«rlUUa woodland abadan.wall* appears that the celestial empire cosi-jlum. with Bower stalks rtaag tabw 4W.000.000 inhabitants, and that

1001 o^isWe^thai onTcsT'brealb* this 'tain* W7.000.000. Tb* table Is given•weetnr** Gatiam 1* far leaa , la tba Honvement Qebgraphlqu*. of

rtgoroa* of growth bar* la tb* south. ' Bnaaala, to which readers ar* referredwbare according to Gerard*. "It waa- for dwtaUs. Th* number of Inbablt-d*rs hliber and inuhr r upon the ground, anta par square kilometer varies from

Its yellow spikes npoo tbe 901. Is Ho-Nan. to 33. in Kaa.Sou. and- atone* nenr at band." Red is, on th* average. 103 In tb* 18 proT-iways ratbev conrsa-looklng. '- laea*. In Mongolia, the number is 0.7; ;

Inclined to be a tiresome weed; . la Manchuria. » In Tibet. G. and Inough BOW and then It I* impossible not Turkestan. 0 8. For comparison, w*enjor tb* daac ot red given suddenly n»y recall that Germany has 105 la-

1 ^ ^

gumt ought not to be: a short-lived iri-

i. to be loo nulekly ended a* soon j ' , New*.a* ta* gardens "COBS* round. "—Corn- I » • • » * • » • « • • with B>v*i*»w |hill Mvgaxln*. A moat quaint and novel wny of pa- I

' perlng a room h u lately been inventod j Tne i»•»• * •* • - • Tk»ir n-r i by a young lady of

i* twentieth centnry dog la a much than taste. She has adorned tbi_ipered quadruped, we all know, bnt ' of bar special sanctum with the en-

the London dog wonld seem to be a velopea of ail (he letters sh* has re-snedal object of attention, according to ceived for th* laat few years. The**th* following announcement In a Lon- aiw. of conra*. of every conceivable

Jy: -There ar* nm bonnets shape, color and sfie, and also bearm the heads of dogs, sheet* for nil kinds of stamps and handwritings,

their bodies and shoe* for their feet. Now ^ tba effect Is most odd. 8h* has.vaaaewsxd Improved collarmade !nur*tted no plan In regard to them, bnt

for th* special delight and gratification h M pasted them on the wait* la allof the animal's mlstreas. It may. we t l n d , * position • „ MOD aa ah* hasnadersund. be bad of leather of almost . ^ i r ^ d them. The effect Is startling,nay kind, mac* narrow at each end. tb* ^ it cannot be said to b* In aay waywidth being In the center. It Is oma-

ited with silver studs. In the n.i ussnof which are perfumes, wherein lies th*

"The experiences of a city bred girloa a western ranch are positivelythrilling to me." remarked the womanwho was reading a letter from a friendaf her youth, to the Philadelphia Rec-

"Now this friend of mine, so shewrite*, found herself In need of theattanUon of a denim. Did she call *cab or hall a trolley car? She did not.Bather, she had her pony saddled earlyn tb* morning and rode IS miles to

n*ar*mt doctor of dentistry—onlyIt was 10 miles, because she bad to goIv* mile* oat of her way on account

th* freshets. Instead nt resting atr destination ahc bjreiv had tint*•at a bit* when •'•.» resigned herself

to tbe lllng. scraping, bow-sawingand hammering which Is the lot of thevictim of ailing cinUra. A few hoar*Of tola modern mode of torture and

was again In the saddle, with tberefreshed pony setting oat gallantly

implele bla SO ntile*. ' F , T : I T Ilav* a way of being lie bf-footed whei

their head* are turned bnm**ard. Afor his nd*r. a haiband and threebabies anxiously awaited ber in th.cool, mysterfnns moonlight.*'


• • H i r r . . Bt**l Truck* . - 4 la Ik.

perfect t»r ha* r-.-mlx been bnilthe Bpthleb*m 31>*1 compatir toi as*. Th* riimaini Is inpplyfngie T»ry lars* rastlnas ror a i:.t--

fontlnc pr*ts for th* Carr'Kleipany. and thi. car 1* for tbrir tr

portatlnn. aayi the EnglDeeHnK Rrrcrd.Both Iron and steel cartings are bsapptled. *otne of th* latter being of

.raordlnary •!?* One nt (b*mIres abom JSS.non pound! of itr*l

ployed to proTld* (he metal for H.Tha car has lfl-whe*l t™^tii. ronnert-

ed b7 brldve lr»tF«, B<f**t 10 iDrfaeslong and ( t**< d*rp at the rent'The dblanf* bvlwren lhe hlPK bolu I*« fwt Th* r»r 1* 5flS feet 10' % Icon*. O « T th* poaplrn. 10 t**tInrhen U N and i r ' *» Inrh** wli w i t h . WMM r«m*t* a*i harated «p*rt*r of *flt> Mt poaad*

had K wheels b*( Its


af bm aab>ms. R k* likely 1will be r*«*l»ed taf IW «af*r Tber i

a with awther *Btp. aad lu» aI th* Mow* rala«d tMrk a»d• tb* domtai*. m i l k* fatriy

Tb* Matera r»-

i thinly-ctsd aatbarMBBitir*- Af.lc and • m sh* eatS with tb* wb p F1a*Ur b*

astd p4ea4td so bard thai i

ItM will •• th* welWhw.1. albltar rbma.wbW thoa* wh* ery M s*o*< (o*4ty

II thai ihet *tn MX

be mmm la hiIt wfll net b* th* mm fashloathat aa* m*4* nra (eak rMKwOI It prahabw W ih* lascward ts stilt th* <-rW*r*™ of

• Laadnn Thrr* to little qnratloa M to} ta* style there, at least

Aa 0**J hsa b*.o fottnd In Australia.oa the Whit* Olff flVlds. which, with

• " nun*tath*cu!tlBg.wtI!m*k*abt lacbr* tome by *.<-* wHa, or

• r i i r Than any of the rrovn >»•!* ntIMslum w*isk* nearly a poned aad isvalaed •' «'K" •"•

Tb* happy-faced maa iwung onto anl> OoUsc* ST*O' _ car. and (hi* was th*eaa- story be bad * *.*» a* an explanation

for M* good humor:-I bav* n goou Jol • on my wlf*. W*

have a aew girl, a German. Just orwrrrom the Fatherland. She U a hard |and willing worker, bnt Is greatlr IB|wd of lodgment and common aansa.Testerdny my *tfe ordered Ash and In- 'struotea tfa* girl to serve It for .tinner. ;As soon as 1 tasted It I knew there .would be something Interesting when >my wife discovered It was not as freshaa It should be. Her first mouthfulc&naed her to ring for the plrl.

"•Mary, Is this the fish that came


g'amateur cook- They are of bronx*.copper and sHrer plate, and each marbe mounted on its own spirit lamp oielectrical fining, says the Chicago la-ter Ocean.

••Epicureanism is on the Increase,and many more people are particular

to the preparation of their foodl id d d

not good ." TMdn't you know iwhen you cooked It*'

, "-Yea. ma'am.'n duster of It a n t e edge of a border, habitant* per sqoare kilometer; B*l- - Then, why did you cook ItTIh* grass or somewhere else where Horn. M8. and the United Kingdom. ' "Well, yon bought It. and I thought

you knew It. too.'" - Indianapolis

collars are only suitable for ter-riers and top docs generally, as It would

mewhat expensive to provide dailyis which would annihilate the some-[ stroog canine aroma whfch usn-

aily lingers around a St. Bernard orNewfoundland, or eveBorsol."—N. T Trlbui

Formula1 One part

Tb*r* ar* many peopi* who wtlldonbtlea* b* Interested to know thatIt is only since tbe thirteenth centurythat th* popes have been accustomedto wear white. Until that time theywere always amyed ln the red robe*

. now affected by tb* cardinal*. Bonl-a a oeerhound or ! v | 1 , _ l n i m > h o w e T e r p renlitlng**" « I thM th* red wa* no longer a distinctive

I eolor of th* papacy since hi* predeces-bs*j iiahH. | aors bad accorded to their legate* abroadhorse lerne. two (|,e right to wear It. issued a decree

r aeierminstlon to keep ' jmntlng to ail the members of th* sa-well. with an unlimited | cotleare tbe red robes which they

amoont of the best quality of thought. oow wear, and decided that white shouldII Ii Impossible for a woman to talk . henceforth be the hue of the raiment ofall the time without saying a lot of 'himself and of his successors. Th*thing* that ihe shouldn't or without I pops*, bowever. still retain from these

everybody , ancient days the red hat which theyproving a jolty hor*Ing h*bli

s women, (hough. Some meniflHctloa tarribly. Sometimes

It's May wheat, sometime* It's Roose-tlme* It's i-hean. sometimesII. A staady diet of one-

kind converaarion la always tlreaom*.Take a nibble of this and a nibble ofthat and your chatter will beterestlBg— particularlyplenty of rests betweea

>*••« - • the K«rki.

One* apon a time there waa an •mbl-tloua man who desired to found a greatnad prosperous house, so be worked and

ia- ! worked, and then worked more, andthere are ' nfter that continued to work.

ibbles. Talk- • Wbtla be worked and accumulatedves wbeu there's sflence by • wealth to his desire, he saved and In-con irui -Philadelphia In- : rented and reinvested over and over

«oir*r. | ttgmin, while a large family was grow-' Ing ap under his roof

wfc-r. n» i.r,™ BM Ua*. I Finally he and his children roundThe following notic* was posted on ' themselves firmly grounded In tbe FOOT

tb* bulletin board of a famous Lou- ' Hundred, and bad no fe*r of any soda]wind* or floods that might beat againstClub:

kill th* nobleman wbo purloln*dCaptala '• nmbrelU kindly deliver

tb* hall porterT"w*ll-keown peer, taking umbrag*

i alight en his order. aco*t*dCaptain and demanded an *s-planatloa.

-Well, you see." was th* reply, "tb*lies Btata that this ft a dob for>blemen and gentlemen. 1 am <-er-iln Do gcnUetn*n took my umbrella.

h*nc* there wa* no other conclusion•— Philadelphia Inquirer.

•Oh. cortoour.i wonu

dating pain

tare of the palo*"1 i• no*s It cover th*nn*d to on* spot?"

I have *ach an exrrn-


heir boas*.Moral: A hoose to stand must be

founded on "rocks."—N. T. HerahJ.

Until last week eight months hadelapaed sine* a death waa recorded Inth* village of SUnwlcfc. Northampton-shire, England. Its 800 Inhabitants In-clude 13 whose collective ag*a number1.0SS years. One of them. John Neal,aged It. gets about easily; another,George Morris, n. still uses his trowelas a stonemason; two brothers. Thomas.and William Ward, are aged 85 and Urespectively, and tbe ages of tb* others

Tne moat which so often surround-ed halls and castles in the old days I*now generally dry and filled up. butsome remarkable specimens mill re-main. Perhaps the finest example ofa moated house la Helmingham Hall.

seat of Lord Tollemsche. in Suf-folk, about eight miles from Ipswich.Th* drawbridge still remains, and It

been raised every night for morethan 300 years, the ancient precautionbeing observed even though the needfor It has long passed by. The moat

hich surrounds Leeds Castle, nearMaldstone. is so wide that It may al-most bs called a lake. The ancientepiscopal palace at Wells 1* surround-ed by wall* which Inclose nearly seven

*ea of ground, and by a moat which•applied with water from St. An-

•V'I well. A venerable bridge span*the moat, civin* access throagh a

•r gateway to the outer court.—London Tit-Bits.

Th* Chinese of Nlngpo are success-folly lntrodudng their band-wovencotton goods In Manchuria. The cloth

made from yarns ipun in Chines*Us and from imported yams. TLerna are colored before being woven

and th* colors are fast and durable.Th* cloth is made ln pieces 20 yardslong and S5 inches wide. The price ofthese goods st Nlngpo •• three dollarsMexican (tl.BS United States) perpiece. The company famishes the

to the villagers and pays themby tbe foot for weaving The work isdone on handlooma In the home* ojwomen and children, whose earnings

only a few cents per day.

A novel cycling feat waa- accom-plished recently by Albert Hunter,a ftcipion youth. Starting from Rob-inson's bridge. In Sktpton. at haJf-pasttwo ln tbe afternoon, he rode with hi*back to the front wheel of hi* machineto Kelghley Station, arriving there at30 minutes past three, thus accccnpllab-Ing tbe nine miles In 60 mlnate*. Hepassed through the villages of Kild-wlck, Kastburn and Bteeton. andthroagh th* busy traffic ln Kelghley•(reels. Tber* wa* a strong windagainst him part of the way. and h*tad lo avoid 4G traps and carts. 26ydlsts. one motor car. and two road

engines repairing the highway—Loo-

range from S& t • of tha lsiler.

"It seems to be scattered all o .lalaed the patient: "Just aa If h were a

ipntaatonce."Ah!- DB»i ib* phyaldaa. "Thla

of th* lnfloanc*•*nt ra»hloBn upon th* human sys-To» hare what w* would coHo-

«alally term a drop-Mltcb ta tb* std*."—

Mr. G*orge Tailby. being tb* overseerm to be the na- o | th* parish. There are many between1 the phjrieian. t 70 M d T5 y r a r g o f ^ they are

or Is it con-J not considered old men at Stanwlc*.—1 London News.

Tb* >o4* abowtfonndnuon In (nettk>B O< OM rDSJSMJtfe* crop* of tk*

Tb* apartal report of the Maaaacha-setts bureau of statistic* of labor oa

M I In laduMry" shows that women•o longer asad t< depend on m*o fora living According to th* figures,

i'a emancipation la about ran-More than U per cant, of t ieworkers of MaaaarhaaMt* ar*

Th*y prefer fraadoavof thair

lo*. bav* laer*aa*d. being about oa*

• H* ha* discover**j i f a < madtriaal waier. bwt he'll never—te*si la selling It axtaaalrsly aalssak* eaa change the taste of It."

-Has a bad) taste. •**"-MM at all; It's vary plansanL P«o-

pla woe'i bdl*v* if* aay good >al*sa tthorrid ' - K i u u City Journal

Mra. de FUi:r~•Ilk ebould nt.-. be UMI In largetitles, because It Kai.es tbc hair fall oat.Do you bellev* that?

Mr*. Suburb—Poar me" It might be.Oar CT>W sheds Its coat draaChUy.— f Cbarlle—Toung Blddlay•any Stories, • J i^t .t the girl* are crasy after him.

Well, the ccea who are after him

O U M - I aiways tat* the adTic* thatU o land to aw

What do ya* do wl;V fc)

e rraiy —Stray Stories.

flbal T«t' The poor chap haa lost!t ty ;oc; a y hi* a»oa*y bm CCT his friends?

'—r,;.-i»n n«ny • •dltb—Ah! Thai ta what i on mightcaU a donbli misfonaoe!— Pack.

•e cross of St Andrew, whicb thehas Just presented to Gen. Price*

Louis Napoleon, has a very remarkablepeculiarity auachtng to it. All ibos*wbo are decorated wltb this order hav*tbe right one* In their lives to demanda pardon for a Russian subject wbo haabeen condemned to death. Tbe ungra-cious part of thla privilege is that It by

aieaaa follows thai the condemned. will be reprieved: but. at any rate,

the poor wretch ha? a chance, for his-as* It thus brought directly to the no-tice of the czar, wlifcout Ibe Interventionof any offiriala. and. unleei there IB tome-

ig politics] about hla crime, th*probability Is that he will escape with hislife.—London Sketch.

While Pope Leo waa beat oa mak-ing as much money as poaslble for th*church he waa aot commercially in-clined Troe, h* sold tb* product* ofthe Vatican vintage to th* big-heat bid-der, bat the proposals of a stock com-

j to market the wine under theratlcan label and with papal authority

i IndlgnaadT declined. Bran aaoffer of 11.000.000 cash for tbe monopo-ly failed to temp* L*o — N T. World.

"Tss." answered th* Other.-Aad doasat M B to car* for goaeln-g la tb* l*ast.~"Oh, I don't know about that,- an-

swered th* other, with asalff, "ah* mere-ly preten to talk about Helen of Troyand Romeo and Juliet to paying atten-tion to what is gAlng on In her own

Washington Star.

dealer. "Fastidious people who buythe best the markets afford ID foodsupplies have awakened to tb*that much of their car* ln thisgard is w a i t e d * the cooking beintelligently done, so we ar* selliaamore and more of these Individualcooking appliances.

"Many settled people, particularly.amuse themselves by amateur cook-Ing. The health culture propagandahaa also been a stimulus to the ama-teur cook. Food eaten under properconditions will obviate tbe needmedicine* or curatives and addPhysical exhilaration, good looks, etc.These theories are getting stronglyImpressed on the public mind, and par-ttcularly on those folks wbo are ablsy

dulge tIn tbe mattprogress.

and make permanentg

"They secure food supplies of thebest grade and then seek for appli-ances by which they can supervisethe cooking with least inconvenience,and BO get tbe full profit of tbe invest-ment The cooking school* havo tend-ed also to make people recognize thevalue of delicate cookery applied to agood grade of food. Slowly but surelytheir maxims are being exemplified."


French swindlers, about whose meth-ods a good deal haa been written otlate, are for the most part copiers otAmerican crooks, says the, New YorkSun. Tbe trick of following a womaninto a store, and just aa ahe goes tomake a purchasing assuming the roleof an Indignant husband, taking betmoney away from her and petting

b h h h thas chaace t

successful long here, because Americanwomen are harder-beaded than thebFrench Bisters and, unlike th* latter,do not assist tbe crooks by promptlygoing Into hysterics or fainting whenrobbed.

A simple little swindle that waa suc-cessful In this city for years w u

n and a boy. The boyh i

worked by a m ywould walk up the street swinging apitcher around bis head. The manstanding en ac opposite corcer wonldcall attention to the boy's reckleanuta*and offer to bet fS or aome largeramount that the boy would break tbepitcher before he reached the comer.The crook rarely failed to hook a vic-tim. Of course. Just a* (he boyreached tbe corner be would break tbepitcher and the crook would win tha


It la well known lhat I'ope Leo wasfor year.i an inveterate snuff t&ker.The tiroes have changed since UrbanVllt. and Innocent V. vigorously pro-scribed tobacco, lhe former pope go-ing so 'ar as to threaten to excom-municate anyone who might take apinch of snuff witbln tbe precincts otthe vatlcan- The brief issued by In-nocent. X. on the lot of February,165i>. against the use of tobacco wasabrogated on Uie 16th of January,1T5. by Benedict XIII. for very goodiir.il sulBcleut reaaona. For,, like LeoXQL, Benedict XIII. took snaff Inlarge quantities, and he could notgive his sanction to an act which wasviolated daily by hU own example.From that time until the present daythe popet have remained silent on thesubject of tobacco, but their peraonalhabiU seem to favor the use of thefragrant Virginia weed. In additionto the snuff-taking popes. It Is wellknown that Pins IX. used to amoks

dIn hi* jrlvatd

study and lf

the n.orepar-

G*r_« OH* H-Iil.lln..The Lelpslg, Germany, city council

has passed an ordinance compellingcity employes lo take np their residencewithin the city limits. As the water-works, lighting plants, storage ware-houses, markets, pawnshops, hospital*,etc.. axe municipal, a large number ofpeople will be affected. It Is said that

ictio n In order to fasterd to fasterLeipzig'* growth, to Increase the city1*I d t tt "

Higgles—Wh; do jott encourage per-sons to call you colonelT

Wiggins—Because if folks called m*by aty army rank of major, people wouldthink I waa only a cantata.—Boston


L*ll*ra Pwldew « r*a« - -

pats It in the e pnp," said the correspondence clerk of*. larg* New York publishing bouse, ac-eordlng to th* Time*. "Tbl* firm re-•elves upward of 1.000 Utters a day. andIt la my duty to sort them and send themto tha various bead* of department*.Bach lette dwith the e p e a a c h e y pIn almost every Inalfhc* tb* letter lafolded and put la the envelope so that Ibar* to turn It around before t can readi t I have talked with Trlenda In »lm-llar positions to mine, and they tell m*they bave the same experience. It seem*a trifling matter to a person who openaonly flvi- or *lz letter* a day. but to methis loss.of Ume caused by either tbeIgnorance or carelewness of letter wrtt-

-• IB considerable."Fully two-third* of the letters re-tived by a business houae are filed.

Cabinets for this purpose are arrangedhat one must refer to the beginning

of tbe letter, on the right-hand aide, tofind the date. One-half the persons whowrite on matters of business, partic-ularly women, put tbe date at the endof the latter and on the left-hand «1de.

These fallings of corra-e worse than illegible wrlt-irrect spelling."


The quasl-mlraculous benefits whichare associated with change of air In

popular belief are In reality de-rived when they accrue from cbang*

>n v iron men ta. or change of habit*of life, says the Medical Review. ina great many Instances the measureof benefit obtainable would be aa ef-fectually secured and at much leas *x-•ense by mere change of habit*, wlth->ut the ratlKue and Inconvenience of'hange of domicile. The overwrought

city clerk might advantageously tak*driving a cab. while tbe cabman

would find It a rMlef to discharge forme the fun. t Ions of caretaker of a

. Many i 'orkwiPhysician mould experience a distinct

by n brief experience aa milkmaid orgleaner, should the SPason lead Itself

hat pursuit. The literary gent.se brain la sterile of n*w Ideas.it r*cuper*'e hi* energies by

usurping the role or a sick man aadremaining In bed for a week or two.


Many scientists, until quite recently,have been reluctant to admit that a

imber of the tower animals possibly•aaess other senses than ours. Somuehw and undeniably afflrmatory •vi-ne* is. however, now being offered on

this point that there can be no longerany substantial reason for doubtingthat tbe five senses man Imperfectly ex-

'clses »re by no means all that are pos-ble to sentient creatures.One such sense not possessed by th*

human beings, but to a greater or lessdeare* almost universally present In

•la, bird*, reptiles, nsh and In-sects, is wbat. perbapa. may be calls*

of localization. It enables Itsapparently by 1U sole use,

desired ipoL It Is evidently.closely connected with an Instinctivesod perfect memory of distance and di-rection. That the homing pigeon *i«r-

me extent though undoubt-edly aided by tbe landmarks It reoog-nlses. Is Indisputable; that the honay-

L* it In Its fullness and perfection:. after the careful experiments of

Albrecbt Bethe, in Germany, be doubt-


A.t.r.p.d.* HI-."Jenkins, 1 believe you hav* some of

the element* of mccea* about you."-Not a dollar, old maa. Honor

bright. Toad be welcom* tolt if 1 had."—Stray Stories

I n n r n w a am It sofa.Scsrecro*.- are now placed up

roofs in Victoria. B. C The «•rhtch swarm tbe bench and dig for ' d r m w l n «• :Emi fly over the bnlidlngs and drop ''he dams on the roofa, by thla meansbreaking tbe sheila and leaving th*meat free to b* raten In many caseswhea the CISJUS » I re dropped, the Slatswonld be broken.

A writer, ln tracing the ancestry oftha «og to th* wolf and Jackal, uoiics*typical different** In tb* ess* of tbeir•y *s. their body colors and markings,th* habit of turning around bafor* lylagdown, and other Interesting peculiar!-U*a; bat h* does not mention the maststriking and lnfalllbls way of dlstla-gniahlng them, namely, by th* curiousand distinct fashion In which th*y carrytheir tall*.

Wolves hav* a aneaklng way of carry-ing their tall* low. almost dragging onthe ground, whll* doga carry their talMnp. and the farther removed they arefrom, the wolf typ* tne higher they carrythem. Shepherd dogi and colllea. whichratala many of their racial character-istics, carry their tails lowest of all>

, i setters and pointers a degra* or twoI higher, stiffening out straight when

wing on game; terriers and bounds-ste their (mil. to the spinal line: St.

Bernards and Newfound lands affect acurve over the back. while puga actual-ly come to a fall twist.

Trick • ( Walter*.Continental waiters, says Truth, hav*

an international system, in the way theyNature K m to bar* arOTlded that t >"** h o u l I a M * o n Tlaltor*' u'^ «••

, ^ pui oa waltb a.-t» estemally shall ** ahowln*; what may be expected In tba

tss two liundcnc tThe Prtioner—Yei

doctor (Old me I m;starchy.—Toaken S

t charged with tah>- raom can be awallowed wtth Impnnlty,! Thar* are ] ouu necro f

yit and rendering It harm- ;d«ty. of T m i Thar o

t d


u to the preparation of thalr food than formerly." mid a household good* dealer. “Fastidious people who bay the beet the markets afford In food supplies have awakened to the fart that ranch of their care in this re- tard la wasted ff the cooking he un- intelligent! jr done, so we are selling more and more of these Individual rooking appliance* "Many settled people, particularly, amuse themselves by amateur cook- ing. The health culture propaganda has aleo b*en a stimulus to the ama- teur cook. Food eaten under proper conditions will obviate the need of medicines or cure Uvea and add to physical exhilaration, good loo ha. etc. Tbeee theories are getting strongly Impressed on the public mind, and par ttrularfy on thoae folks who are able to Indulge themselYse. to experiment

y9't hr foregtng

" "Then, why did you cook ItT "Well, you bought It. and I thought you knew it. too-'" — Indlanapolla Hews.

of city bred men. at least la I la. who malatala tke family a itaodlag. The teadeacy le to at Ion. aad tie maaa yields to •cy The result U teen la i aad the potter's geld The than SO* years the ancient precaution being observed even though the need for It has long passed by The moat which surrounds Leeds Castle, near Maidstone. Is so wide that It may al- most be called a lake. The ancient episcopal palace at Wells is surround- ed by walls wbirh Inclose nearly seven acres of ground, sod by s moat which Is supplied with water from St. An- drew e well. A venerable bridge spans the moat, giving access through a tower gateway to the outer court.— London Tit Bit*

GOOD IK CHANGE OF AIR. width betas la the eenter It la ores mealed with silver studs, la the recesses of which are perfumes where!a Ilea the novelty. Of course, these sweetly or- nate collars are only suitable for ter rtere and top dots generally, as It would be somewhat expensive to provide dafly areata which would annihilate the aome- what strong canine aroma which usu- ally Ungers around a 8t Bernard or a Newfoundland or even a deerhound or Borxfll N. r Tribune

The quasi miraculous benefits which are associated with chaaga of air In the popular belief are In reality de- rived when they accrue from change of environments, or change of habits of lira, aays the Medical Kevtew In a great many Instances the measure of benefit obtainable would be aa ef- fectually secured and nt much leas nx- pense by mere change o# habits, with- out the fatigue and Inconvenience of change of domicile. The bverwrought city cleric might advantageously take to driving a cab. while tba cabman would find It a rcilsf to discharge for n time the functions of caretaker of a deafened house Many an overworked physician would experience a distinct


Tbs Chinees of Ningpo are success- fully tnfrodoclng ihetr hand-woven cotton goods In Manchuria. The cloth Is made from yarns spun In Chinees mills and from Imported yarns. The yarns are colored before being woven and tha colon are fast and durahla The cloth la made In plecws 20 yards long and 2ft Inches wide The price of these goods nt Ningpo Is three dollars Mexican ffl tt United grates) per piece The company furnishes the yarn to the villagers and pays them by the foot for weaving. The work le done on band looms In the homes by women and children, whose earnings are only a few reals per day

French swindlers, about whose meth- r— f— TUMn UM. a»r« .ccorded to tfc«ir l.catM .broMl r-mill On. p«rt kora. mn. two ' th. a <«rn pnru nulr HMraMlntloa to m> .r.nllo* lo .11 Ik. m-mb-ra o< Ik. M- •clll ml. no. -Ilk «n m'loiltrt I c^] coUac. lb. rad robM which Ih.r unn.nl nf tb. bnl g.tllt. of ihoonht -rar Ul fwkM th.t wkll. .bnuil ll u lapoMhl. (or . >mu lo talk i knrWsrlh b. th. bn. of Ik. rnlm.nl of all Ik. IIm. wllkonl uilna a lol of 'hluutf uni of kl. man Th. '■Inc* that .booldn'l or wllkonl I nonM. kowuwr. Mill null from IMn pcoTlne • »llf hor. In uwrykod, j .na.nl dar. Ik. rnd bu which lk»r akoni h.r Thl. uiltllna kabli I. aol owl of doom and lh« ml manU. roalMd lo wom.fl 'honak Som. u. U w.ll a. Ik. rad Miora Datroll rra. kn*. tb. .flllclloa Iwr'bli Som.ilmm 1 Praw It*. May wbwt. ■omatlmra If. Roora-

lal*. nra for tb. moat part copter, of American crooks, says the New York Sun. The trick of following n woman Into a atore, and Just aa ahe goes to make a purchasing assuming tba role of an indignant husband, taking be money away from her and getting away before she has a chance to re- cover from her surprise, was worked for some time In the west. It wasn't successful long here, because American

In the morning and rode Ji miles to the nearest doctor of dentistry-only tt was 20 miles, because ahe had to go Are miles out of her way on account of the free beta laatesd nf resting at her destination she barely sad time to eat n bit# when she resigned herself to the filing, scraping borx-eawlng sod hammering which la the lot of the victim of ailing nsoUra A few hours of this modern mode of torture and ahe was again la the saddle, with the refreshed pony setting out gallantly to complete bis 6® miles • Equine* have a way nf being Ilghf-fontM when their heed* are turned homeward As for hia rider a husband and three


French sisters and. uallka the latter, do not assist th* crooks by promptly going Into hysterica or fainting when robbed. A simple little swindle that was suc- cessful la this city for years was worked by a man and a boy. The boy would walk up tbe street swinging a pitcher around his head. The man standing cn at opposite corner would call attention to tbe boy's recklessness and offer to bet fS or some larger amount that the boy would break the pitcher before he reached th# corner. TY.e crook rarely failed to hook a vic- tim Of course. Just as the boy reached tbe corner he would break tbe pitcher and the crook would win the bet.

0*11*1 B**k"ir<*. A novel cycling feat wu accom- plished recently by Albert Hunter, a fccipton youth. Starting from Rob inson • bridge. In Skip*on. at half-past two la tbe afteroooa. he rode with his back to the front wheel of his machine to Keighley Station. arriving there at 20 minutes post three, thus accomplish- ing the nine miles In ftO minute* He passed through the villages of Klld- wlrk. East burs aad 81 reion. and through the busy trn®c la Keighley streets There *aa a strong wind against him part of the way. and he bad to avoid «S traps and carta. 2C cyclists, on* motor car. and two road engines repairing the highway — Lou-

LOWER ANIMALS HAVE SENSES thlle a large family The following notice

doa dub “Will the sohiemaa who pur tola Captaia s ambrella kindly dell* It to the hall porter — A well-kaowa peer taking umbra at this slight cn bis order, scoot A perfect car ha* recently bees built by the Bethlehem fiteel company for Its ewa one. The company 1* supplying some very laru* rest laps for s 12 f»id ton forging preen for the Carrcgle fit eel company, aad this car Is for their trans- portation. says the Engineering Record. Both Iron nnd steel cartings are being supplied some of the latter being of estraordlcnry *tse One of them re- quires about 2J5.no** rounds of steel and aa 40-ton open hearth furnaces are em- gloved to provide the metal foe R.

new and undeniably afflrmatory evi- dence la. bownver. now being offered on this point that there can he no longer any substantial reason for doubting that the five semes man Imperfectly ex- ercises are by no means all that are pos- sible to sentient creatures One such sense not posset red by the


The cross of 81 Andrew, which the rear has Just presented to Gen Prince Louis Napoleon, has a very remarkable peculiarity attaching to it All those who are decorated with this order have the right once In their lives to demand a pardon for a Russian subject who has hern condemned to death. The ungra- cious part of this privilege la that It by po means follows that th# condemned mao will be reprieved, but. at any rate, the poor wretch has a chance, for hit case Is thus brought directly to the no- tice of the exar. without tbe intervention of any officials, and. unlees there is some- thing political about hla crime, tbe probability Is that he will escape with hla Ufa—Load os Sketch.

It Is well known that Pope Leo was for years an Inveterate snuff taker. The limes have changed since Urban VIII. and Innocent V. vigorously pro- scribed tobacco, ihe former pope go- ing so far as to threaten to excom- municate anyone who might lake a plmb of snuff within tbe precincts of th# Vatican. The brief Issued by !*- nocent X. on rhe 1st of February. 1650. against the use of tobacco was abrogated on the 16lh of January, 175. by Benedict XIII. for very good styl sumoent reasons. For. like Leo XIII . Benedict XIII took snuff lu large quantities, and he could not give hla aairetloa to aa act which was violated daily by hla own example. From that time until the present day the popes have remained silent on the subject of tobacco, but their personal habits seem to favor the ou of tha fragrant Virginia weed. la addition to the snuff-taking popes. It Is wall known that Plus IX. used to amok* In nls i rival# study aad In the n.ore secluded porta of the vatjean gar-

degrre almost universally present In mammal*, birds, reptiles, fish and In- sects, Is what, perhaps, may be railed the sense of localisation. It enables Its poeeeasor, apparently by Its aole use. to find a desired spot. It Is evidently closely connected with an Instinctive and perfect memory of distance and di- rection. That the bomlag pigeon exer- cise# it to tome extent though undoubt- edly aided by the landmarks It reeog- Blsea. is Indisputable, that Ihe honey- bee has It In Its full Bees aad perfection cannot, after the careful experiments of Albrecht Beth*, la Germany, be doubt-

ed by bridge trees** to Inches long and I fret deep at the renter The distance between the klrs bolts Is 64 fret The car Is IflJ feet 1®' leches long aver Ihe roupl'v* 1« feet 2*4 laches *•.*• and * f-et * lrrh*e wide It weigh* infi.4JA reared# erd kn a rated cepad*v of *».<«• pound* The lame#* ear h4th*v-n cosetraeted was

dating pan


Scarecrow » are now placed upon slate roofs in Victoria. B C The crowa -hlch gwann the beach and dig for ' Ixms fiy over the buildings and drop •he damn on tbe roofs, by this means breaking tbe shells and 1 taring tha meat free lo be eaten. In many cases when the clams were dropped, tha slate


«M, I fcaww. Ttoj ar* always !•(•>f*r •verytblsaj. faltering aroaad la a

T W 4eat have tin* tn attend to tbrtirhltdrra Tb»y d m l bav* tlste to pal.njlh!n« In order. They dmt'l <••"•<>b«T« Urn* M «at iMr awals ar to anytheir prayers, and j t t If f N wart topia ik«s down to t ie srfcrtaJi of theirTick's work yo*i would to wiif ' t**»1 toand b*»w Unix of I n p o n u n it really. ii'iiitn* It la all inn™ and rnw. andjrt they Oatirr Ihrnmlm that li»*jar* moat overworked aad tndispenMbie, that without than tba whole olIbrtr little world w«Ud max to •wandMiU. And wbm awta a womanfall* III or I* terajmrariJy iDcaperttaW•be I* .imply toat IB •orphan. white tban.*' liluvrr runs as •monthly aa other-wtsa-roor* so. la fan. half tb* tta»."

•It I* all • la-k of mai

"Naturally. It la simply wonderfulIL* miKniul »t work nae can do whenOff baa •yitrtn You W n . too. to savrjuurvlf on comparatively unimportantH,in«n la order that ynu may bar*time f-.r tbr more ImportantWhra a woman la capable of earalacwith her drain a large tmoODt of MM-rj It I* foolish of ber to w u U DM-menu which might be mad* profitabledoing petty or mental wort whlcb ehe• an hlra others In do for her while abem i l l four and live tlmea th* amountspent. Whai woqld be thoughbrad of a great roarers. If be pIn iloln« all tbe work, Including thatof ttw onV* borl V« this Is the prinriptr on whir* HIBM> WMMD Work.Take In* woman who worka bard atsome twalnes* and In bar spare mo

Briery for hermit I have no aymthy with ber if sbe breaks down. Sheshould reserve ber atrength for hermore Important work and be rootenwltb fewer clothe*, which she caa pa;

i put on without an


tUag far her bread » bs* feraaat dty*f tbe w i i m a wertd. what* th* COB.petltlaai to Sasvaat aad the risaaesa are• M l rtiiimii. ii i IBJ.>JI the (Sri her-self ajajM never km ve taMgtaed km her

a*t atgM* of faaey. m tt wa* •*>•as tbe deatlay book of th* girlKerahaw Bar father waa Ceto-

•Masaa K-niha w of tbe nM Bo«tbCarotins K n k i w family

Ai little aa the* th raw Ires did Co**-dresai bis daughters

tor. adding, aa It does, th* last faxfc ofelegance s*4 d-iut» grace. A wtap oflac*, a linen biad or • flat collarwhich left th* entire throat ban Y"

Mm tbelr tlrlar TbrrEnrvpe to b* educated aa

Udlea KboulU be la Uw lodgment of•oatbem cotton plantation owner*.They apent cooalder>bl« time in Italy.When they returned to toe. plantationa French faremeaa came wttb themand It red In tbe Ki-mhaw family twelvereara. Tbe proper ladjUke accomplish-menta war* drilled Into tbe KerabawgMk

llMntime Anna got conaldertbl* Ure-ly enjoyment aa abe went along. Sl«-w u tbe beat ahot and beat borsebackrider a room woman In that part of tbe•ontb. If abe alnyd at a eonlm! orsame bird It bad IB come down. Tberewaa no bora* ahe feared to ride. Some-time* abe varied tbe amtnemrat bynnoetnf ID tbe magnriJJa frinsed bay-o « with othrra a* yovog and tlrelyaa brrvir Water Ultra stirred aa tbeypaddled paat. hanslng tray cyprtaa car-

d facei. and now!

p pland* touchedand then a great •!llg>tor madethem with open month, anapplna; aathough be would swallow them, canoeaad all.

Home years paawd and tbe old bappyUfa waa deatroyed. Thoae wbo Ured fthad to far* working for their bread,tbat too, with no more real preparationthan a rblld of tm yeara ha*. Anni'iolder stater. Mm. R. K Walker, a wid-ow, became HXTtely editor of • StLoula paper and nl]«l ibe placv twenty

Fretn-hmnn. <'otim dr Mantnlirii- OnrfMra. Walker took a •to Ears

•atton and wentee months. Anna oc-i ml was aociety editor

till ber return, and tbns Countess Annsde Montaigu entered the field of news-paper labor. Erenta whirled on, andth* countess, too. found It necessary towork. She knew something of Jour

writing by thto time and began

awhlie on St.

._ thisrespect aba rw*c«Me* th* late

~ aw. HDML de MonUlgsL'nlted States vsritlng ber

M. Louis.tike a IMS i |i a. asyi

d i lnrn

ind handwork baa taken theplace of machine stitching, so tbat Itta doubly dettcat*. The beautiful M Mlmo Ifiwdnurt Is snade e^ertstly forreturn and cuffs, and all wbo knowhow durable aad desirable this ta areaware of its exceeding valae. First tt

ind the neatrat hands. Tbe

thread* of tbe pare sheer linen arecarefully drawn oat from tbe body oftbe material, and the design Is thenworked In with needle and thread,forming esqnlsltr patterns In tbe lacewhich It become*. Now It Is adoptedfor tbe new neckwear In forms eaallyunderstood by a glance at the lllnatra-bmThere are so many different dnlgna

bat one cotikl not mention them In aday. Those in tbe upper part Of tbe

the stock of velvet orblack silk, wltb the sheer Uwn faa-

•rlap all around[hers there are

what we might call tabs down the cen-ter of tbe front. Some are straightand til one piece, and others are Intwo pieces, but tbe prettiest of all arethose where four trlanjrular piece* arelaid so tbat they lap over one another.In them all tbe drawuwork to seen In

f It* variations. Tb* tri-angle* seem to display tbe design beat.

There are etocka of white and paleWoe and other colors In soft, lustroonsilk overlaid wltb tbe dainty lace work.

f*w are plain. Tber* are Inesses wide girdle* of tbe ma-

tarfal to natch, but these are only oftbe silk, with s handsome buckle infront They are planned In folds whichnarrow to a point In front The cnff«match tbe collars.

The mingling of black and white hasresulted In the production of some mooteffective neckwear. Velvet, crepe dechine and black silk are employed forfoundations, on which lice ia super-posed tn some cases, while in others ap-plique of a little white la made. When

ESTEKDAT I met a dear oldlady, seventy-eight raars ofage. Sbe belongs to a polit-ical dob of women, aad a

day *r two before 1 taw ber ah* badbeen at a meeting to betp decide whataction ber on-nixa tkm should tak* lathe coming municipal campaign InHaw York city Before that ibeen with ber daughter down at Coney

for a llitle lark, aad a fewweek* ago abe went up Long Islandsnuitd on a aatamw exeursMa*. aa allday trip, from which ahe ret antedsomewhat tired, bat full of Ufa andred blooded interest la np to flat*tbinca. Until yesterday I had not seenthis aew woman of eeventy-eigbt forsome months. The but tine we metahe seemed to me t» look aged andaallow. Sbe waa not then In goodhealth. This time abe was better andauwugui. but the Improved health didnot sufficiently account for ber Im-proved looks. Bbe seemed now fifteenyears younger. Her complexion waafair; ber dear, pretty blue eyes weregiritoh In their brightness. Then I no-ticed ber dreas. Yesterday abe worea light colored aktrt and a white shirtwajst with neat up to date neckwear.Tbe last time I had seen her she wasdressed In tbe dull black so much af-fected by old ladle*. The difference Inher look* was earned by tbe differenceIn ber dreaa. If elderly women delib-erately tried to disfigure themselvesand add a decade or two to their ap-pearance they could not do It more ef-fectually than by rigging themselve*out In tbe maty black toga which moatof them, rich or poor, wear habitually.The duller and more wrinkled a wom-an'a complexion becomes the more sheshould shun black clothing, wblch ex-aggerate* every defect of tbe skin—tbat ta. unless she has arrived at that

thoroughly unwomanly stagewhere ahe does not care bow she looks.

at atHere Is a good story of a gifted

young new woman: Alice Beach Me-Comas, tbe planlste. was playing at aconcert In Bine Earth. Minn., when Intbe midst of tbe music a terrific thun-

suddenly swept over theplace. The atorm area covered tbewhole section of country and waa ac-companied by a tornado that In somelocalities knocked down buildings, kill-ing several persona. Wind, thunder,lightning and rain burst upon the hallwhere Mlsa alcCoroa* was at the piano,bat she played on. Crash after crashof thunder shook tbe building, the elec-tric light* went out bat the girl playedcalmly on In tbe darkness that wasonly illuminated by tbe lightning flash-es. Persona In tbe audience were bad-ly frightened, bat not Miss HcComas.In th* darkness, without being able tosee a note, tbe atorm raging like athousand demons, sbe played on andcalmed and held tbe excited audiencetni tb* tempest ceased. It was s splen-did exhibition of womanly nerve and

about other people's proasy and yoar futon pis na.

Don't be food in a superior mannerand doMt be |»niHuallj pointing otrtthe fact that you are doing thine* iatba right way. It la a* excellent meth-od of getting yourself baud.

Don't bin* and doot boast. Ton mayhare * m

Don't forget that all really (nod crarsation to Impersonal.

this Is done only the n t striking partof the design Is employed. Then Wheels

bd k t Idiffer* ways 1 nhance tbe effect.On tbe lower Hoe is Illuatrated tbe

In which these are utilised.Tbe silk ItaHf baa a rich design of

ibwd band embroidery defining theedges and marking a beautiful traceryIn which Mack and white mingle.Sometlmrs the foundation Is white andtbe ornamentation black.

One very Btj-lltin and novel tie wasattached to a black silk atoefc. whichhas a aheer white Uneu collar, withscalloped edge* daintily hemstitched Inthree lines. Tbe tie bow. about fiveInches wide. Is of black Uffeta benstitched all around At each end hi anovrl openwork arrangement made ofnarrow flat folda of tbe stlk, enna—d Inlatticework and t>eM with tiny attkbutto» This end la pointed. Tbeother Is fini.li-,i sqtare with tbe aamenarrow fotda, bat these have a lacepattern worked In Mack arwlng «ilk.

There are many dainty stocks en-tirely of the hand wrought teea, alllight and airy and all baring someno"! arrancemeut In fntnt—tabs, dia-mond shaped ptecea, mrved and scal-kfied, single, doubar and trtpte nad alllovely.

Most of tbe dark silk collars haveenffa and beJta to 1natr^ BOOM areaereral w<bea wide In the back, bolthe majority are not over two. Alt arebeautifully nude, wltb a little exceed-ingly tasteful trimming In folda. stltrtilax aad eanbrotdery In raised outlineaad la etostera of amall crochetedrlaga. Thase rlncs are aeea so often Intbe different trimmings that one woo-den wbsra they all raaai fnisa. forthey are neceaaaHty nude by hand.

Very manj of the stock collars, abownrarh fagot Mltrblng. black on white


Don't tell whaihad the chance,talk about It.

Don't be afraid to acknowledge whenyou are in the wrong, but when you arcin the right stand firm.

Don't run after oth^-r women, andthey will run after joa .

Don't, wben n woman tells yon hertroubles. Immediately cheapen her taleOf woe by hatching up a more doleful

Don't tell your women friends' se-crets. Remember that their friendshipmay some day be dissolved, and. whilesome women do keep secreta, no wom-an erer allowed a secret to last anylonger than her friendship.

Don't tell everybody If yon makeyour own clot hen.

Don't be a slave to yoar boose oryour fui i l tnre .

Don't doubt yoar own success, andothers muat believe In you.

Don't forget that penonal l ly count*for more than beauty.

Don't do twice as much for people asthey do for yoa.


Many people'a idea of a friend Issome one who will listen to them whilethey talk about themselves.

« •Bleaaed be tbe woman wbo does

things and nukes no rnaa about It.« *

Tbe pretty, healthful and comfort*hie fashion of going about without hatshas prevailed among women more ex-tensively than ever the past summer,to the great beneflt of their hair. Intbe country recently I noted aomeyoung ladles wbo gave their beads arest by braiding their hair and lettingIt hang down the back all day. TheInjunction of Paul against nncoreredbeada among oriental women has noapplication fortunately ta>Christian wo-Bjn of western nations. Women Inour time do not go to cbnrch to "proph-esy." They go to hear sermon*, andthey listen to these all tbe more de-voutly for having their beads cool andcomfortable. May the bareheaded

inently established

n atHay to yourself continually. AH man-

kind are my friend* and 1 am theirrrlend-

'• nTbe only person who erer did go over

Niagara falls and lire tn tell the tale laa woman, and she did tbe feat In abarrel of ber own devising.


M l BST»ta ik- F u k l M Jmmt Xrw.Oia H e r Walla.

The formal reception roem is a thingof tbe past, and today tbe Idea la toobtain an original effect different fromone's nelgbborB,

Tbe drawing room in tbe plotnre hasa moat attractive arched effect throughtbe center of tbe room and leading op

Oh. that women cared nt j aad leas for dotbea!

* forbeaa

th* liberal sew woman plan are Oiledto overflowing, with many applicants00 the wattiiy list.

thai: Nothing totain than tbat yoa will winIf you keep oa working andward a giren end. Knew thai

ii n s t i l will erer be put apaei jam that _ [ i l l l t latsr than ye*> can bear.B U t l AHi-HARD COXXKE.

Tbe girls of Paw yIbteillxMit, pretty girta. too. to tbe harrest fteid tada ataaon beat oat of sightthe trained athletes of eastern rollege•ndrnn when It came to staoeklncwheat. Two staters warned *

wort than four ofThe skis' moactes

woman married th*trading to

ports aad was straight-lost to her American friends, tor

went to Uve at Genoa, on* of tb*ports rlilted by her husband's ship,report, tha Hew York Sun.

•ntly paid a visit to Mesasin this country and uuay *ak*d herwhy she did no. saak* b«r home In

' York. la each caae aha *» v • aareaaon her desire to aaa aa much

a* possible of b*r husband.Then tbe inquiries were pressed fur-

Mr. If tb* •toamer sailed from bothports at regular Intervals, why was

one aa good for her purpose* aatbe other The explanation waa Sin-pi* enough to anyoos wbo knows th*dlSemic* between methods st NewYork and Genoa.

The ship consumes nvp daya In un-loading and reloading at New York,

tptsln could have only thosefive days with bis family, and a gooddeal of each day would be taken up atthe wharf, perhaps several miles fromhis home.

At Genoa the processes of loadingand unloading, by reaaon of old-fash-

mctbod* and slower workmen.nearly two waeka. and (lie dis-

tance from the ship's wharf to tba cap-In's home Is not jajeaL So Amer-

ican business method* work to *x-p*trl*te one Americas woman.


Th* most primitive community iithe British isle* Is that which InhabitSt Kllda, In the Outer Hebrides. Tbipeople, who number 76, have no tele-grapblc communication, and no nfrom September until Hay, says StrayStories.

They bsvs hardly any use for moil'ey. such traffic as exists bslng carriedon by barter: even their rent* are paidto the landlord's factor In aea-bfeathers; while other produce I*signed through tbe same channel, andSoode are sent In exchange for It

In a recent address to the kins, theInhabitants pointed out that It wa* sixmonths before tbey had* beard ofaccession of George IV.. while tof tbe death of Queen Victoria did notreacb them for more than a meanil then only by chance.

Tbey bava * minlater. bat no tinand recently, wben a medical man wassent to vaccinate them, they wouldhave the operation performed unthe iteamer which took him waitedwith him to see whether It was to besuccessful.

The women apln and dye sheep':wool, which la woven by tbe men.

Another primitive community la thaton Pair Isle, between Orkney and Shet-land.



The new Illustrated Lam usee.great French encyclopedic authorityupon men and things, contains 1curious errors ahout American affairs,says tbe New York Journal.

Is the article on Lincoln, forstance, the president Is killed by"sectarian." one J. Wllke*.

John Brown is represented pictor-lally aa an Individual who could eaipass for l»uis XVI., wig and all.

The United States mint Is sltuala .New York and the Hudson ribrida* is an accomplished fact.

lime. Pitti'i elder sister ia killedIn her youth, despite the fact tbat 1is the moat concert-going lady In Paris.

Mme Melba la described aa nee Forter, although her maiden name liMitchell.

Ellxa>betn Barrett Browsing, we aregrav«iy informed In a ponderous volume. was an English poetess, betterknown by the name of Hiss Barrett.

Obviously there are other people Ina harry beside Americans. Unlike th<latter, thoae have not the faculty ofaccurate achievement when they makehaste.

CIRLS BASKET BALII «. l» >» Me fat I |_

Y OUNG women athletea are nowgreatly devoted to basket ball.It la one of tb* moat energvtlcof all the gams* participated In

by feminine college students. Tfcaaasay tbat *iri»- baakat ball la net aorough aa boys', but tbat It Is more »d-entlnc. At any rate, tb* girl who atschool teama to shove a basket ballever afterward know* how to throw a•ton* and thus, no far aa abe at least

concerned, refutes one of the tradl-Uonai charges against her ie i .

In point of streunoslty basket ballfor glria la what football Is In boya*schoola. Then la hardly anything

l to It for physical developmentr-je training. It to tbe favorite

gam* of the strongest and moat ath-letic girls or those determined to be-come inioli. And since accidents of anykind bare been very rarely reported InUw girl*1 basket ball Held there seemsevery reaaon to encourage this rigorous

MM.Tbe plan of It is not elaborate. Tbere

are live player* on a aide. Four standin tbe form of a rectangle, wltb th*fifth girt some distance tn front andbetween (he two at tbe bead of tbarectangle. These two a n called "for-wards." Tbe flftb girl tn front ofthem I* called tbe "center," and shemuat be one of tbe tallest aprieat ofthe whole team. Tbe two players com-poaing tbe rear of tbe rectangle arecalled "back*" or "soard*."

Th* apparatus required la simple,consisting of two baskets and a ball ofconsiderable slse. Bach aide ha* abasket, and it la fixed upon a boardibove tbe head* and back of tbe two

.«ar guard* of tbe team. The frame-work back of board 1* to keep tbe ballfrom flying away, likewise to make ttrebound when It falls to drop In tb*basket

Tbe game consists In burling tbe ball_-ito roar enemy's basket Tbat hicalled "making a goal." Exactly halfway between tbe two center girlsstands the referee, ao called, and tnagame begins by tbe referee throwingtbe ball straight np Into tbe air. Each•enter tostantly trie* to catcb the ballmil hurl It Into tho enemy's basket

but the enemy la taking every precau-1 to prevent this. If tbe ball corneair tbe btisket the back* who under-

stand their bufllneas know how to pre-vent Its dropping In. AD expert bas-ket ball player says the tallest girl lausually chosen for the center, tbe fox-iest girls are selected for the forwards,while the strongest defensive playersand Stayers constitute the backs orguards. All the tine fighting and stay-ing qualities of human nature are thus•ailed Into play and developed.Running, dodging, turning, thinking

ind actlnf st tbe same instant and,lastly, correct throwing are tbe reqoi-altea for g«od baiket ball and the ac-compllsbmenta aimed at la tbe train-ing. First a turn to be Is put throughrunning exercises. Tbe glria moat alsopractice catching a ball and holdingfast to It, as well ss hurling It Tbemental qualities the girls develop are.If possible, even morn desirable thantheir physical gain. Of course (bey are

Adrian IV. w u the only Bngllshmajever elected pope. He had a mostsingular name—NlchoUs BrakespeaiHa is said to have Wt England as abea/gar, and to bava become a aeror lay brother ia a monastery nearAvignon, In France, where ha studiwith aoch dlllganc* that In n i l . at theage of 37 be was elected abbot. PopeEngenlua III., that brilllajit aneetic.soon discovered bis merits and madehim a cardinal bishop. Ia 1154 he wuelected pop* against his own inclina-tion, and received the formal con-gratulation* of Henry H. It WHAdrian IV. wbo forced Frederick I. ofOerataay to bold his stirrup while b*mounted his horse, though It took twoday* to make the emperor yield th*desired homage It la said that Fred-erick prostrated himself before th*pope, kissed bis foot, held hi* stlrrapand led the whit* palfrey oa whichha rode.

Aa llktatratloa of hardship resultingfrom tba new German meat inspectionlaw Is given by the cooaal at Bremen.Tbe charge* on V> barrels of boiled pigliver were: Examination. |1*. rfaem-leal enaatnaaoa. tl«.«e: examinationfar trichina*. f*j.K: dvty, Mtotal. (IH.4T. Tb* riven ware worth1714 The case being appealed, thisecretary of tfce interior held thatthaa* Ilvew weigh** taa* thanpoa«da •aeh. and th. MW UW proUk-Itad their Importation absolutely.


J i l l

tanned, robuat. bright eyed and merryfaced and good to look upon, bat at tbesame time they become courageous, re-soorcernl and self dependent In habitof thought Tb* basket ball girl neverha* hysteric*, and morbid, diseasedsentiment has no place la her healthymind. This Is a tremeodbas acquisi-tion for a member of the feminine sex.

Tba costume worn In this bravegam* I* the ordinary gymnasium drees,modified slightly. It cooalata of bloom-er trooaera and blouse, all entirely loos*and unreatrlctlns. tb* trousers bottom*gathered In by elastics Just below th*knee*. "Done op" hair would have apoor showing In basket ball, ao tbe play-er braids her treases into on* plait anduanslty let* It hang down ber back.

Tba difference between girls' educa-tion today and that of fifty years ago

n no way be better appreciatedby a comparison of tbe present

basket ball eoOeg* girl with tb* "dearold maiden aunt" of Dr. Oliver Was* *dell I

Nearly every natural mgirts body or natural Intellect**! I

ss-,Now only tad temper, bad a' ' id morals ar* uali

M Alt. I A < AM

notnen sometimes act silly aaa icitabl* because tbey think tt look! wmanly to do so. It doss not It la 1


and the captain coaid hare only then# •re daya with bla family, aad a good


carefully draws oat froa the body of the material. and the dNln la tWa



Tbe formal recaption room la a thing of tbe paat. and today tba Idea la to obtain an original effort different from ooe'a neighbor* The drawing room In the picture baa a moat attractive arched effect through tba crater of the room and leading op

The all* Itaelf

Obviously there are other people la harry bealde Americana Unlike the !(tar. thoae hare not the faculty of

jay* g-o


The Constitutionalist GOLF IT i l l1

Thursday, Oct am. i

ContMUnU for Oolf Commit-tM Cap Made Bound of

Coaraw on Saturday.


•aata OinltM will »»• Uag aetat*afce eatUvee ib- l l i r * H ol lae*

trial ef Ik* maraerer,

Her* la a J i w i r.r«oa at the »«.b.I M •' How eld Is A M :" II K w kMtwtee M »Mb W.ran-V B* Fowler badwkM K M * awd ee -aea M TowUtmm aww, will Ik* Rspeblicaa MMr Mefcet b» . l .rt .4

Tfc* Gllatoei D W W I »• He laet• M l * iMf. BaT-> "1'p la date • " • •wheefwll ih«ir M K M 'Ms*.1 'N*iMa., are saw b«»t»f Imitators aatha ; K M MM of Iba dad* vlatage.wlw Uga 'BtV •H>ke,i and'Jym,rasaacllvely.''

Tfcee* wat bate iba ambition l<M U I V * big things in Wall streetweald do wall M atedy the («raJean AlPiM»>r fMlwI f Dewle.al* ability lo practise apwa th»

lUv of bis fellow* u d »ek<It af It, Iba "rimrn" Is probably

wllbxat a rival

Aa Ublo paper reports tha deathtaw greaseet whiskey drinker la ibeooamry. 'Taae's a l t "

James Smith, ir . , baa aoaa •the raaelver af aaotber oorperalloabait II lan't lha Democrat!*! party

lye that Blebard•traaaa will wave bis batoa la Phtlaaelphla. What a notae he'll make utba (Juakef Oily t

A P#BB.Tl»aoiao politician Is golnito sell bt* eolleatloa of caiioaiareeMay aaet more to out them awajthan tha price paid for tbe rollertion

Weadsr If tboae golf player* wbufoaad enjoTmenl la driving the littlewhiM bail over ibe greens during Iberain Saturday afurnoaa would Hudequal plaaeare la aattlrg Ibe giuuasr nob ooadlileM.

Tboy Aa fnaay thlagi over la JerseyOily, hoi the limit baa been reaella lha praoeBi eampaiga Tha m

fan*, while those ef ihe ether are dis-trlbatlng louoaers. Why sot oltactthe vote by giving hahby'* bailer balltrad lag (tamps.

la order to facilitate loo work 01MM election officer*. H would bo wellCar Ibe voter* la lha Fttst dimlcU oltbe SMMd aod Tbtrd ward* 10 in•neat Ibe voting machine la operating•Ma wee* a* Ibe Ctiv Clerk's ofActhe Bmalley building. The mnebiBa tiaa aabibltioa aaajy evealng ihle 1from ft until 10 u'eleek.

Tbe attempt of the Somerset DemoeraU to drag lha eaaeiatloo qneelloalate pollileo Is as nawlae one.ptepaeliioa has BOthlag to do wllhparty pollilos es every one bavlug lhleast knowledge of ibe *lioattoa wsit—Ba Souse of Ibe leading member*af Ibe two parti., la Berth Flalafteldfavor the ptepoeed change whll


Choeea «• Fill 1i io- . i Baah'e ITha director* at lha Flrat •atlaaal

Baas mot Ihn morn lag aad olaetadFrank Freoeh. of Waahlagaau avenia dlppeeae ta 111 the veaeaa* oae<by the laeigaatlea of L l Baaley

Mt yiaaaa, uatiL n«—tly. waa • •gaged la bet late* la lite borough aa >

k«rn | l i Tar • • • T yaa«« aad kaa al• • I * fcaaai aaaaa a* laaa ptaw laaat im•Cain of citr aad boroaab Bla «•!<<

« at Iba Y M I ( LadltaMlaalaaary Soalaty of tt» F l m Bap

aid a taa at tba

O*M> Hamaaa, af Soa,a

m. fo» a ka» aa Rock • * •

B. D. Bihaard. a* this eity. hasbee* granted two anemia far • eewleg

favawrly employed al in* Paad Ma•Mao Taai Oempaay-a wurha, bat new

sUiaaheth, waa t i M M thraa• M i for a aew grinding UMebine.

I FIRS! BRICK I I D I H iAitt l tTI , WHO WILT IT, HOW 0 1 0 U T




Tbe oaly golf la tfale vlelally aauarday was at Ibe Hillside Teal

aad Uolf Olab, where tve r'"Ttraved Ihe elements aad ooaapeted far

the weekly stay far tbeOotf uommitlee cup. Tbe driving rainbad ao terrors for the 1 i i e U i m u wbo

he roaad of tbe eonrsa andla taming ta low soars*.

it at Ibe play Walter Pete ___lout Ma lead for Ibe trophy and be laBOW la arooad place with only a half

it's dluTarsaos balweaa Ma atand that of H h. Btaelton. wbo

woa Oril boaore la Saturday1! play.J. K. Ertrkaoa woa asooad booors,

wllh a aet score of TV, giving him atotal of nine poteu. Tbe one runlag polBt wea divided batwaan FraakO. Reiabart aad J. Wbltawy Bat

•el BOOTS of 81, whileMr. rstatson finished last wltb a

tore af SB.Thaaa score* were posted for tbe

Oolf Committee cap :

H H. (•torkloo. U. *— T7; J. K.Brlekaan, M. It—Tt: Frank O. Reinhart, 70, pins S— 81 | J. WhilnejBaker, -i. l - « l : Walter Peterson, M.

the standing by potats forIbe Oolf Committee cap at tba Hilel«e TeualB and Oolf ClubH Reeve Stockton . 1»X

PrU0 1Fn

f Sant«fadink <> Relobart

Jails* RrtckaonW.II

n i


I * Ola—ayD Hibbatrdgastas R Flak . .her MurphyO. Talmadg*B Sboemaker

R Moruaa•Elliott T. Barrows


R n


T NewiirkWeetley AbbottMOD S Aokermaomy H. Bla wartP Uoodwin

dlay H Barrows>erl Abbott

W. Becbe . .rrli J. DmnonfP. llnoflwin

Ooo. T_VaaBoakorek

a.T n

I ) r

DaI>r1.I l r


H Rowland• EHI I I I Haahmore

U. W. Eadteoti• 1*1 T (}>•••

8. VanII Hedge.A TompkiBs

F 0 ArdW. TaylordaP WrigblA. Chapman




lies Crvlkehaak •art • ! • • Ottereena a W e l l » • A . C . V a J J , L . C vt « r -

rtng -a* l>r. Kaott I ,-r*j Owea.

Several Plaiaa*|aan oaptared priK« the heree etaww la W<tey. Than «ere tea 1eevea *f tbe tea Ik is*was plena Bawbee* <cedes," aaamsd p n u , ewaed bf L E.Waring; earn ataasloa elan*. '' RedBed. * Srat artaa. I, K Waring . eom-btaaMoa claw, "Brae Oman," thirdpains. HIM Leer Otliisaa . saddlealias, "Hollaed Ola," third twine,MMB Leila Orulkahaa** ; bardie raoe,

hJaoOregot,' tblrd pilaa. Dr. OMuTaacl 1 taadeiu class "Tent" mmi

"•alia" third prla*. A. a VBII•a *addl«. -Ould Edge," Ire*

prise, L. • Waring.


" I H B M of Fnaada."

iba Aoadaaiy af ataat*. Haw YorkOily, aa Tbanday ««rBiag. Oat. MIt la fro* tba pra of Oaotl BaUIgh,iba BMat afclllfal wrtWr olad

the are* hrteh bnUdlag tn IbM city,aacuplaw by A. si. Orttfea aad

Otbeteoa Went Fruat street, almostopposite Park nveaae. M aald ta hebe olaes* active asaa ia tha Stale. At

a service glvew especially lot old peo-ple In the Second M. B. Chorcb In

r BmsMWlafe a faw week* ago,R*T Dr. Bhaw, declared

at man preaa-t waa Mr. Albert!.r. Albert* waa a former

of this eity »ed la very wall kifc Be laakae bU borne wltb bi«la-law. Prof. Alfred A. TlNwortb.

ef Rnlgwrs College.. Hew Brnaewlok,aod althwtigh fti yawa old. vi.it. tblaeity frequently. He WM bon laPhiladelphia aad waa earned afhli

MMi Shipiej, Ibe great abolition, wbo was the brother of « ' AlTtTa mother Be readily recall* his

boyhood days, the daye whoa there

• .aa railroad*, BO aval, DO gas. BObig buildings, BO matebee, aa otheraonvsmlonosa of today.

Tbe street* ef Philadelphialighted wltb oil In tboae days and abig oil sank occupied ibe *tte where;he big public building M looaled to-day. The slumbers of Ihe night wenInterrupted at iBtervala by tba tow*erier, wbo rapped oa the houses 01tbe walks aad railed cut linns* aboutbe time aad tbe weather

Mr. Albert! left Philadelphia itI KM aad acttlcd IB WeH Jeraay. Fromthere ba went to Mew Market. Bisoaly sister wai searriod to Rev. Wllliana B. Maasoa, wbo woe to* pasteof* the Sevanih Dey Baptlat Obarabthere. Mr. Albertl laagbt aebool inHew Market

Mr. Albertl spent some lime In tbl*city, where be was fortunate in 11estate transaction* aad later liveda farm near that pine. Be baa beretired from aoitve bonnes* fur soitime aad baa been devoting blmeslfrallgleuB work.

These oonvayanoes of Plalnfleld realcetate hava been recorded Ir- IOoanty Clerk's offloe between Uet.nod Oct. 16 laolnslve 1

urafa 3. French et alt s i n and etc..Lewi* F. Randolph, oa southeast1 of Tblrd street, 90 feet northeastMoaroe sirtet, Plainaeld, B1,«K>

Alfred Oocks lo John H Oocks, 1st,feat on oortbeasl line of Woodlandnoe,corner of Sooth avenue. Plain.

field. 91 ; eoeosd, tract ai corner olPark laaa and Belvldere avenue,Plalnneld, II ; John BL Oocks UAlfred Oock*. on Belvidare avenue,im 24 feat eoatb of Park laae. Plaia-field, H ; Barab A. Tall et al to ClaraH. Mavlor. v feet oa outer of John

•et, 681 feel southeast of Fourthrat, PUinflald, f 1 ; Paul C. HajoeaObaa. O. Smith, tract a

Fourth and Liberty etieete, PlsinBeld.| 1 ; Obaa. 8. Oliflon at a i to Daniel

f. atartloe, 47 faat on West Second[reet, comer af Wm. Hill1* IM. Plainaid, tt,fiO0; laveetors Really Co., M

Sarah A Vail, paito of lota fl-T. bloc**!, map of PiBiaaald Baal Bataae Oo.,

Ooraella* I . OallckSamael B Craig, oe, easutly llae ofMnrtoa avaana, 17l.tB fast

aalb Bad avenue. PlnlaBaKI, §800;Ooraallua B. Oellek H u w Franklin

Wood, l>» l- l faat aa Arllagtoaaae, corner af Went Third street,

Plalaleld. »i ; Margsrat P. Doyle etIM to Sarah E Faroe tract oa a

at J H Coward', line and baltlag oaBond1* line. Plaiateld, «t,000; BllelaBUUtyre to MoattavUle B. Kaigbt. at

I, M feat 4 inenas on went llaa mt'aw street, al aorthwaei

Kaly Boback-s lot. Plai-aeld. H ,Frank Lank at ua tn Aaaa

er of Belvldwre1 etnut, emrwar of Wnadtartdge

aaa. plalaSald, *i ; Kaarn* Darllag laJohn R Bird, 100 faat on Soothhue, corner of L. K. Bart, Plalnneld,

10: Joba J. Smith e« al to Jaba J.Allen. M feet aa southwest line ofLafayette place. HO feet aoaibwuat ofFront street. Plalaleld, tlOO; Julia B.

Ma to laaaa Bsbrasjar, lg. M feat an

T. J. OUIlf, PlalBleld. SW. PatrickDaaaelly ta Daajlalek Oapara, 00 weal

of Beat Flret street, 104 feetbareut af Jofcoiton avenue. Plaia

BeM (100 — Arehieaota aad BalMeceReview

M B u Oat*, two yaan aid, af » fPlalalMd irMw, awinaailT laral

M M . oaaat laMrday aad Baaway •FWaCaM with ralatl*aa aa* frtaada.


Spwmka o n V i o e In T h i s C i ty .




KemJade Chief Jaallr* Gummera ol

Latw Agaiaat S.aday BaeooaU

r>laylagj — Paator See D i i | « r

Ak«ad If Mr. la Bot Oaaokod.

A gambllag maala baa reached IbliIlly and even Ibe fourteen jearoleaebool boy gamblaa hla tpendlngmoney away tbrowlng dloe, declaredRev. John McMerny la bla aariMiba Maaroo Avonae M E ObaratBnaday evening.

Rev. Mr. MeMarray said thai bet-lag la Illegal la tbla ooaatry, and In

all ihe kingdom* of Europe wllh oneer two exception* In referring In Iba

•loo recently banded down byChief Jostloe Gummere, wherein bedeclared thai Sunday bawabsJI playing

legal Iba minister •aid tbat tbaJarlat evidently overlooked a recentlyrevlord stBtato whereto II dletli

tbat baseball playlag, footbalplaylag or throwing qnolta are nnfnl on tba Babbatb.

Mi. MoMurray declared that la tblaty II la net a difficult matter to nodlaooa where gambling is going oa

openly, ll Is net an unoommon Ito Bad women of eoofety going frombouse to bonne playing wbleteeobre for prnee and very often

*y. Tbe small boy In tbe eelhas Iba gambling fever and from

igsMr wbo Dairies paper* on tba•tract to tbe sixteen-year-old boy inhe lower giade* cf tbe high aebool

all have Iba gambling fever. Tb#jplay dloe and bet on baseball garniaod bone raoea. Tbe police CBDDIatop Itala gambling mania, they are

few In samber. If It is allowed looootinae, anoneoked, it will bringabout an incipient sort Of anarchy

on may increase to greater miind*. Mr. MoMarray aald tbat tbe

I eflective method of oombattliagainst tba gambling babit was

la a penile sentiment Bgalnet It.

Among ibe noteworthy books of tbeitnma is one which will have a •pe-

dal Interest (or Hew Jersey people. Iila "Laura Brldgman, Dr. Howe'iFamous Pupil, and What Ba Tangbi

" Ii IS written by two of Dr.'«'• daughter*, Mrs. Florenne

Howe Hall, of Platnfleld, aid Mrs.Haad Hows KUtot. and is onpoint of being Issued by Little, Brown

0.. of Boston. This will be Iheneonatal of ibe story of Dr.

<•'• labon witb Laara Bridgman,Ihe girl wllb but one *anee, that of

h. Tba doctor's valuable recordsliave been drawn npoa fur mateand mueh has been found In LauraBridgmaa'a own Journal and in

nuts of certain of bar teacher*.Dr. Howe's ploaoer eiperlmeata naveMen of ibe greatest service ia

lining of deaf matea, and tbe Inuainlug a complete record of themawaited with keen anticipation

baa been aald wltb truth tbat tbe waywhich Laara Bridgmaa'a "shai

' miad approached the vmrteaiiblem* conoeratog Oed aad immor

tallty will have a profound ogmBaace for all IbosfffalfBl people.

Realtj TraantOrs.Then* transfers of real estate have

sea recordsd IB tbe County Olark-imoe at Bomarville:Aaresj WLmmd et as to Seranoo F.

Trlaae, 1170; Fnd A. Nelton at HI teSuga Haul, $11,000: Flnt NationalBaak mt PlalaBeJd 10 Aaron Rood.

. Frank W. Mile* et us to Quo.Bauraad et al. 11 ; F. M. Mean at oxo w H Sbotwall, t l ; Joba H. Taa

Winkle to Abram M. Tall, H,*B0;<U M. Grant u d bmbud to Laara

M Khne, «600: AdelsMe B. Ketenamand busbMd to Obaa. C. White,Musi

l>«»toa If .11 Irk Barlodl.Fan'ral servMas over Ibe remains

of tbe late DuybM Hellick, wbaoe1 oecurrad'laat week, wen bald

raadaj at bis late realdeDoe at OakTne. Kev J. A. Oubberly, pastor ofa* Santa PlaiaBeld Bapms* Oburea,•Belated. Tba iBtermeat waa la Hill-lino Cemetery, this city.

FrMseMsn' lavttedl.Tbe Beard yt Free holder* of Uaioa

Coaaiy aad tba giliaabatb City Conn-«U bavvaoMpMd Invitartoa* to rtview


nlaaue u d Al-

ready Claim Vlrtory-DolllTer

Joaapb FtejIiagnarMB waa ohbairman ef tba Sonera*I Oonnty Be

paMloan Eiecotir* Oomaalttee atbold In BotaemUe Salnrdaya; A. V. Ii Tan Dyke

elected u vloe ohBlrmas, Fred Popeecretary and Daniel BaatiBga, tiirer. Tba reporta from differaat part

of tbe county showed that the Bcpnbare confident of a Ttotory aniwell aalUnad wltb tbe Moke

Cbarlee M. DolliTer'a chaaocfor eleetloB to tba Atweibly are con

Idered ezoaptlooally good. WbllBwaokhame-r t.n made many friend

1 tba oennty aad Ma vote Ioonaidered ttrong eipeciallj aitbe farmere, Bepnblloaiie elaioa tbaDolllTar baa many frlende In SortPlalanald and about tbe county.

If Dolliver I* elaoted to offloe bwill ba tba ycaegaat AMemblymtbe State. New Binnswlck aad Middleaei Ccnnty. ll la eaid, bad tbebonor of being repreeented inB by tbe yoangeit membei In lhperson of "Yooog Hickory." Willi«iH O. Jaobaon. If Dolliver It encfal Berth I'lainnelo wilt wreit thboaor from Mlddleau.



Bepabllcana Deno


nbled in convention Satnrda,Ibe DetLocrats of Somerset Gonnt,adopted a eel of resotntiona condemnlog tbe Republican* for Iryirg to pnsl

igb tbe annexation bill, for proIK for two additional townsbi'

oommltteemfti In connties having 1population of «,500 or more and fo

ippointmetit of a road npeiviiorand tbey plaoe al Ibe door of tbe Bepoblioan party the responsibility fo

iking laws of benefit to the Trusts.Tbe reaolulloue follow:

Tbe Democratic party of SomerseOonoty, in convention aasembled, doresolve:

Tbat we com mend tbe actloirepresentative* in tbe Butefore at tbe last session respecting theattempt of tbe Republican partydismember oor County, and if relooted, we pledge tbeir beany oppoaitioa to all future attempt* ol the Ripublican party in thai direction:

We believe In a rigid enforement 1lie laws of tbe Slate designed I

regulate in financial institution* andin tba adoptioa of anefa measure* aiwill eoenn Ibe protection of Ibe depost tors aod Investors tbenin :

ler that Ibe taxpayer* burden•ball be oonnoed to muoicipal neeeml

lee and progress and not for th<fllllng of tbe poclet* of n nacre pa lornand blgb salaried office bolder*. w<

* observance of ibe Democraticloctriae of economy in tbe manage-ment of poblic affairs.

We lay at Ibe door of the Repnbll-ai party the nsponslblllty for lawibleb have made possible tba ei-taoce of trnsts and combinations of

capital te inch an extent aa lo prevanlipellllon by person* of moderate

means, and wnlob force the laboring10 yield to ibe Imperious will of

tbe corporate powers.

We especially condemn tbe action oftha Republican Legislature al Ibe laet

1B railroading tbroogb law*especially designed to benefit oorpota-

In bnrylng In committeeare beaeSeial to tupayen and theirbustling and careless manner of trans-acting tbe Important baalneas

bich elected, tfaaa neoessirating tbetiling of two extra awalons within•a year at gnat expense la I

payers.noanoe Ibe Republican party

or act* passed providing for Ibe ap-itment of road nparvlaora and toradditional township oomIn towaablps having a population

of ever 4,500 and for read npervtaor*laafad of three township oom

thus creating additional office.ura sxpeaae and deprivion thein of the Immemorial enstom of

working onl tbeir taxes on tba road*,pledge oor beany support and

hat of our party to tbe candidate*11aatad at tbe convention.

•sOlewWen P . rile..Haiiowe'en will ba properly c«le-

ratad In PLainneld. Balnrday nigbt,Oct. IL Already plans are beingerased for aeveral parMee la the city


O. P. C. Doffeat*d.Tba Oraage Field Olab was de-

Reading System• « . J«r»«, C.ntr.l.

« M m A ll 1A4 *t Ltawts, . - *

Lehigb Valley Kiilroad

L U T I aOTJTB FLAUinaLD, H. J.31 a.m daiiT i e i«pt BUDdaj) local to MaacbCBunk.« a. n. dallr for Iwtoc, WllkavBam8lil*ialM. Buffalo and principal later-aiedlate atationa, COOD»O14 at lVp*wJunciitm for Mlavara fmUa and So

5Tnp.'m*'d«ll7 local for gastOD, sFancbChunk. Haileton, PotUTil.e and Saenaa-

..» p. B . daily (axoapt Sandavl "WBarre and ttoranton •*i|in J ' Solid

tl p. at. dally ieice.pt Bnaday) local to

«D p. m. dailr tolld vaeUbule train toBurfaJo. Toronlo and Chicago and nrloal

ac4 icparicre •( HailiuwNFii-ui ranvmok

™ r a"™. llolP&BiftoaTatar.

HJXABKTH -Dlnot.a.Sh

N'-TI .V *M1A — W r i t or B



o* OB«B from Mili elasaa at flJ 1 a.

A. *OLFF.Unauf acturer of

CIGARS.And dealer ID all klnd« ofand Obewlng Tobacoo, aodarUclaa, baa removed from Ml W<'ront atrmt, to South aide of Some,

awtgtruwt. flnt door from Front «tre*t,and aoUciU t i e , paironage of "friend* and thepobuo generadly.


Uea of PertODal Property aolleludK O. Box i n , DuneileQ, N J , or adIraaa IB oam of. Constitutionalist



•te cdtton ef ChriMi«H n i n M . IM.1T hoo

Kloned bj Talauar family. Eaonaona pro

rtlc i«HdiwMr CI^KK s, Cf>. m s Pw

Woolston & Buckle,PAINTERS,

Wall Papers, PaJaterg' SuppUcst

On aas * rtw Oct. it, » « .TralM will IraTc E11iab«ik aa followi:f * » • • - m t U M daily, wHk Pu,l»

- (Ubaie Palo C & r n t t T

. . . ."la Oalavan BJrae8rld«e Roui*. • » > . • . Sunday*,

•oa c*p« MAT-Kipnaa. 10S nlakt, dallr,I IT p. m. week day*.

on L.imiiT'iuL PuiLuniuiu, Minn.

-6*8, iBLlOW aaa. it32 HHI'IK P m. flitam and t n p B Bunaaj.

f ' 4 « l l ( i ) ) 3 »

roil r u i m i u i T H HOHMODTK JnrcTt(i«—s 06 11 to a m, I JB p m w w t - d i r l Sundaja,


bJSJUSLoan Bunand s a t10M. IDItmfor Aaburr P

Sr .ST. \bJSi.' t JUSIDS. i a and B #> p m. Stop at InterUlri)

*-*• -TT Pmrk «Dfl OOMID Orore on Boo-,N. Y.-AII rhTt'llJ wllb (>

jilreet.aiferrlaso and Journcj mvrttm New Ytva Niw Yen


••f"'stop.onntitl«w Aitent or I.HIUMI.or UOM from Deabromea aad Cortlaoat;T*tt» cotMuli looal tlme'table* to be pro-

r. W. ATTKBBDBT. J. R. WOODJUrn: Mi':. Paa. Tramo M'i'r.


MarrlBge In Dunellen.HISB BUa Dullng and Pred Wadge,

ntb ol Dnnellen.were married jester-lay afternoon at the bilde's borne onWashington evenne. Tbe ceremonj

WM performed to tbe prcaence of ibemediate friends and relatives. Mr

and Mr*. Waage will realde in Dnnel-en.

• •rvetlOBs Caarm.un the moment one step* from

ha train at Lekewood be Is comclon*if entering a differest atmoepbere.'be eoenl of tbe pines pnvalla andbe quiet aristocratic surrounding* are

esstve. Tbs broad roadway In; of tba nation Is thronged wllb

aebloaable tarnonts, and withoutoi*e or coufualon tba vlaltar lahlaked away to bl* hotel, tbaahieb there la oae finer in tbe land.

At these nM abode* there ia nooa ofbo cold, chilly atmosphere so oftenound at resort boatelries. Instead tbe

spacious reception rooms a n obeerylib great log ana; tone is added by

be charming decorations, and tbeoowrtliaee* with which the gaett iamet place* an aesoranee 00 the whole,while tbe service la every respect i*snob Ibat Ilia gueet remark* It Lahe-

d'a oottaaw sottlement I* now oflderabla proportions and OeorgeOonld has bulll a magninoeal

estate at Lakewood, wblob ha make*ae his home for a greater par* °' [l1"

r. There la nothing undignified oriby regarding t^kewood ; its streetsof macadam, broad, well kept, and

bftded by lowering tnes, and the pn-ailing aport la driving for tba roadsn every direetioo are excellent. Oolf

aod polo a n likewise pcpalat and thefaotllties for eaob are escrptioae.1.Tba Mew Jureey Central 1* tbe onlycad reaching Lakswood, and tlairata

se from Hew Tork or Pblladel-faia is fast and freqoeat. If yon arentented lo Lakewood, send for Lake-

rJroobnro to O. M. Bort, O. P.A., New Jersey Central, (141), N. T.Oily. The book ia tV* for the aekUg.

W. J. n i w i l t d family. Willow•anno, have moved to Sew Yocfc: 1 j fat tba urlsrtar.


"isses? aw if in


A. L. Wmtm. LC. • jWPrtW

kHMf, Will M OltMOa DtMfM » U« vmi’i ihm "Upte-dag# tin* who spell their * Ms., are mow b*«i>« imitator* •* tern ;•••< of the dado «uu«*

*M (>P •■fU* '***•.' 'Jim.9 —P—tT*»y." Am «!• Hn Ifta ambition to achieve M| things »■ *sU nrool ■Mid to volt M «Otr 1*0 Mroor of iota Ate leader KmImK Dewle la Mo ability «o praotioo apaa tb Stadalliy of bis follow* oot BM p*Cl of It. abo "rootorof • to probsbty

tat It M l ita Itaocrol* pwrty

•III «i«o his taloo to Phils delphis What a ooloo bo’ll be* •bo (Jaaker Oily 1

Hoy ooot more lo sort iboai »■•» Itao I bo prtoo p«>f f*« lb# oaltectlaa Vaotor if ibooo pil player* who teoot eajovmeat lo driving tbo 1IUI* wbllo bail ovor tbo greea* dsrlag lb* ml* Ratarday oTuimm omII I taool pleas* r* la oattlrg tbo g Bator swob madllto** Tboy to fooay things ©v*t lo Jorooy OUy. tat iho Halt bo* b» lo tbo prweat cob poll* Tbo aooto of oao poily or# giving owoy fa**. wbllo Ibooo of lbo oobor or* dts- tritatlag iMMim Why om clinch MM ■*•• by giving bobby * bailor balf tratlaa stamp* lo or tor 10 for i iiioio ib* work of tbo oloMloo oflloorE M woo Id bo w#ll far I bo rotor# la ibo Pltoi aietriote of tbo taoaat aod Tblrt wort# lo ib ■pool lb* votlsg b or hi ao la operating •bio woob o% Ib* Clio CWrb’# ofloo la •bo Rmslley Mild lag Tbo aocbiao ao osblMiioo #«*ry ovoaiog ihu w# twmm n soil) 10 o’olaob. Tbo oQioaopt of ibo lio*Wit D*ao

lata politico lo oa oawlo* owe Tbo propool itoo boo aotbloa la to wtlb pony pal moo oo ovory oa* borlog tbo MOO* iMWloll# Of lb* #11001108 baawE tadoo of Ibo loatlaa bob of tbo • wo porttio lo Bonk Kiel staid Mg* wbllo





i aat a too b la ■ Played •

Tbo oaly golf la ibl* vicinity oo Mortoy wao at lb* Hillside Toaolo aat Golf Olob. wboro tro pUyoio

Ootf 1 la ibo woahly ploy tor lb* ■ miHr# cop. Tbo drlflag rota karrorr for Ibo lonteetaate who a roaot of Ibo eoaroo aat eootot lo laraiai la law oeoroE of lb* pUy bailor Poto loot bio load far Tbo uopby aat bo I* atw la orcoad ploeo wiib oaly o bat petal'* differs*** bolwaoa bto stead lag aod that of H k. Bsmktaa. wb woa I rot boa or# la Boiartoya play J. K. Krtekeoa woa oocoad booorE wMb o act rear# of 7». giving him . total of atoo palalo Tbo oao roarala lag potai woo divided botwooa Frank a Roiaharl aad J. Wbltaoy Bak

•oar* of M Tbooo otarr* woro pooled far tbo Oolf COBBIIMO C*p : R R Starklaa. kl. 4-77: J. Erick to*. Pt. 1R-78; Froak O H ban. 70. pies 4—HI ; J. Wbltaoy Baker. ta l-tl . Waiter Tbl* I* ibo noadlai by polaia for •bo Oolf Committee eop oa Iho Hill Mda Toast* oad Oolf Olob: l»H

Froak O Rolohori J si too Brtekaoa W. L. Gleaner H D Hibbard Aoaooto* R Fisk Arthur Morphy F O TolBoda* K B Mhor Maker a R Morgue Bllloa T Borrows R T Bowhtrb O. Woolley Abbott Percy U Stewart R P Goodwia Dad toy H Barrow# Robert Abbott J. Wbltaoy Baker H W Bo# bo Morrto J. D*ibooi B. P Goodwin Goa T VoaRaokorek

It 14 •K

Dr G. Doalol T Oiaao Dr. B VooD llode## J. A. Towpk loo H doP Wright



■> WMI H A. C. L. K. ».r- rl.f»4 Dr. K.r.l Urk. UM. •innl PU.UA. raprara.1 pnre

Nrekkre Am. "b. Ul*M" Ulr4 Prlu. MUr Lacy "1AM OlA." kMv4 r» MU. I.U. CralMI . hlrAI. U. third prlra, Dr. O'M -Brllr'- third pn». A. a. Yrel; -ddU. "(Ml Adgr." trad prM. U K

A HU I# MINTS •Thr Bud O Fnradi" a*. .1 U.

u r.ira.m ^ ouiu r™ AdhAdraj .1 MM. our. “ Thhrad.r ■».!■(. Or. to Id I# traa lb. pr. of OMI luuiib. ib. mmt Alllfil ..»■ .r ra.ledr M M brbl.r.4 lb. IHMM

•• Dwtrj Ira. Tbrhtra.

aad la vary Bake* bto ooa lo-law. Prof Alfred A. TlMwortb. of Rolaor* Ooliea*. Bow Braoovlob dry fr#qo#-ily Ho woo bon Philadelphia aad was #a<B*d aftor T bow as 8b l ploy. Ibo groal oboHtlao lot. wbo wao tbo brotbor of Hi. Al bortt'o B*«b*r Bo readily recall# bl# bay hood day*, tba day* wtao tbar* war*.a* vallraada oo oool. oo go*. Mg bolldloa*. oo aitika, oo ddi

Tb* Mr*# I a of Pbllotalptlo llgbtad with oil la ttaoo day# *od o kb* Mg pa bile balldlag I# located U day Tba slew bars of tba algbt war lakanaptad a* la larval* by tb* low artao, w ho rapped oa tb* he**## or tba walk# aad called aat tbiag* a

Mr. Albert I left Philadelphia |i«n aod B#uUd lo WtM J*ro*y F tbar* b# wool la Mow Mark*! Hi# oaly Motor wsa worried la Rr*. Wll Hass B M.stoo wbo wa# tba paaloi of* lb# 8#e#alb Day Baptist Chsreb •boro. Mr. AI tort! taogbt ocbeoi How Markot. Mr Albortl opoat sow* time lo Ibl* elly. where be woo fortunate lo tool MU# tr*e#*e«lo*# aad later Head • farm e#*r that pis. # B# ha# t retired frow aotle# basis### far a Mb# oad has b*#a d##ottag btw*#lf la rvllgiaa# work. REALTY TRANSFERS.

Tb* C**>ff*ar— *f Baal ■*!# ■aeardad la tba Cosaty Clarb'i Offea, Rll*ab#lb. The a# oaavayaaoe* of Plalalald r*al •etsio bar# boaa recorded in I Ooaniy Clerk’s oflo# belweoa Gat. sad Get. 16 I acts si##: Bara fa J. F reach #t ala tirsaad *t lo Lewis F Raadolpb. oo #oetb#aot lla# of Tblrd street, ft) f*et sortb#aw of Moaro# strret. Plalaield. f 1.4*0 Alfred Oocka to Jobs H. Oocfck. let. ISP fe#l oa oartb#a#t lla# of Woodlaad ir*Do#.cors#r of Boatb ■••a*#. PUIe- flald. gl ; ##cood. tract si eo«o#r of Park laa# aod Bo I elder* ** Piaiaflvld. •!; Job* H Oock A If red Oocks. oa Bel el do re aeooao. IW 44 foal south of Park laa*. Plata ••id, fl . Harsh A. Tall *t al *• Clsra H. .Naylor. 4* fool ao rnMr of Jobs #tr**t. Ml foot so at boost of Foartb wroot. Plalaield. |l ; Pool C O. alib. i Foartb aad Llborty #tr#*to. Plalotald. gl: OtaE H Onflow mum Dwatal W Mortloo. 47 f**t oa W**t Bacoad •*r*ot. oar*#r of We Hlll'o I at. PUIa •old. 44.&00. l*#*ol*rs Roally Oe, to Harsh A. Vail, part* of lot# 6-7. Mock •. mop of PlataAeld Roal Rot**# Oa, gl; OotmIIbi * Oallak el as to Sawaoi H Oral*, as oaetorly lla* of I7I.M 4 Ootwollw# *. Oallok Musa Freak 1 in J. Weed. ISP 4-1 feat aa Arltagtee •e*aao. cwrwar of W#ot Tblrd Mraat. Plata laid, gl . Margaret P. Day la *t al* •• barab R Fa*** tract «* a at J B Oaward'e lla* aad botttag oa Bawd'* I laa, Plata AMd. gs.000, Biel* Molatyr* so MowuavtUo R Kalgbt. Bow otvwot, Katy Babaob’o lot. Plaiatald. gl Irot irwot Nlfwtw Otan

aa*. Platatdd. gl; Kaao Dari lag gg J*ba R Bird. 100 feat aa Besib aw ■M, oatwar *f L 1 Bart. PlataRskl, 04.000. Jobs J. Smith *t al la Jobs J. Alloa. 14 fool oa so* lb wool lla* of Lafaydko place. MO fed eoalbwoot of Frawt Mrwt Plalaield. giOO . Jalla B. AaMla la laaae 8cbrm«er. ItH fed aa T. J. OU1U. Plataft#ld. gM)0; Patrick

Pweiiowea Croc*etc. •rmea Ode. l«e years M4. #f 80g PUlabeid see*a#. aociWcaily swal


YOUNG G1MBURS Bww.JohM Me Murray, of tbo Monro# Atmm M-MChurcii Spwaka on Vloo la This City.

oambIaInq nr bocjmtt CORDEHNS THE rilAaiCE OF PLAY IRC

CAROS FOR rttZES ■ twlsd* Chief Jo#tire O* Law Eg aloe I I Ptaylag - Poet Ahead If Vice la ■*« Cheehed.

A gawMIag waaM be* reached ihlo ally aad #»e* tba fotriwo-y#ar-old scbo*l bay gambloo bl* epoadlag maaoy away ihrowlag dlot Rav Jab* MeMorray la bis U># Moara* Avsaa* M. E Cborcb lad Raaday tvoalag. Re# Mr. McMarray said lbat bot- tiag lo Illegal la thlo eoaaGy. aad la all tba k logdom# of Eorwp* with la rafarrlag to tbo

woo legal tba wlalskor said that tbo Jmrtdt orldoaUy orsrlookod a rooeatly rarlopd Mats to wherein It dlstlaotJy oayo that baaobaU play lag. football playlag or throw log qoolu ar* sals fal oo tbo Bab bath. Mi. McMarray declared that la this otty It to aot a difficult mataar to plaooo where gambling lo golag oa opoaly. It Is act aa soooosmoa ( la lad woaas of ooolaty golag frow baa so to boa## playlag wblot aad oaabra far prfa#* sad vary often for moaey. Tba small bay la tb* a bao Ibo gam bl lag fsvsr aad from tho youngster wbo ogirtoo papers aa Ibo Mrnet to tbo Miteea year old boy la the lower grade* of tbo blgb oo all baeo tbo gambllag tovor They pUy die* aad hot oo baseball g aad boro# rae#E Tb# police cannot stop tblo gambling maala. tboy ar* •oo fow la aambor. If it M allowed to ooatlase, sac booked, it wlU bring a boat as laot pleat sort of aaarohy which way 1 acres#* to greater mago •adE Mr. MeMorray said that tbo moot eloctivo method of oom belli of agaleei tbo gaaMlag babil wu oroat* a peblic ooattSBoal against 1 IjnEABY.

Among tbo aot*worthy book* of tb« HUBS Is oaa which wlU bars a spe- cial Interest far How J.rosy people. It lo "Laora Bridgman, Dr. Howi Fames* Papll, aad What Ho Taogbt Her " It to written by two of Dr. Howe’s daughters. Mr*. Florence How# Ball, of Plalaflold, sad Mrs Mead How* Kilt at. aad to oa tb* potai sf belag Iwaod by Llltlo, Browa ft Oe. of Bsotoa Tblo wlU bo tbo ■ rot roooasta! of tbo Mary of Dr. How#’# labors with Laora Brldgasa, •be girt with bat oao ooaoo, that of •snob. Tbo doc tar'a valoabte records i base draws opoa far mat* mack baa boaa foaad la Laars Brldgmaa'a own Josraal aad la tb* ■at* of aortal* of bor taaobora Dr. Boat s ploaoar aipartwoato bars i of ib# greateot oorvlc* la Hag of deaf mol**, aad ibo book oaa tala log a complete recard af thaw la a we! tad with keaa salle! patio* baaa aaid with troth tbai tb* way la wbteb Laora Bridgmaa * "

(filBffflLHRni smcbh cooatv uruiucAa txt- cvrm COMMIT! t£ ELECT OfnCEH.

rraranlai (M m! imm. Mill, Win ha.• • pnrfoaad Ucail

Ibm Irarafin of rad if I. frar. bra la ib. OM«r Cl.rt'i

IHra., |IJ0; FraA A >foa M •> I, H.|« Hnl. ,11.000: Flrai Braloa.l I ib PUliUl M tin. Brad. ; Freak W. Wire Mil, Ore. Ba.rreA M U. (I ; F. M Nrere M u re w a. IMMI. ,1: join H Tre wiBkl* re Abrare M. T>u. OAreo; AOa M drub re4 hn.tiaO re Cbre a VMM.

Freni re, iam Dim u.iiicb. vkre. Uik rererreA-Ure «rak. rare, braid ndnj re kl. Ira. raUdrera ra ore Tire. Bra. J. A OkUrarlj.

V. D. YreDrk. k Cred Pare, reofiary red Dret.l HrallalA irere Tre raporto (tore lilunl prau at ire 0.0117 abow.d lb.I lira R.p.b •re reald.nl .1 n .l.lray ••II kralfO.d wllb ire lick.. Dalllnr'a ch tar ilMliw W Ik. Ararebly nra ren ■Id.rad .kreptlmAlIj (ood. Wbllo flarekbnm.r bra read. Buy frl.adi •biaagboal Iba renaly and Mi tow I. eon it dared itroai reprelAlly a lb. f rare are, R.p.bllrea. elalra DalllroT bra but trlinde In flartb PIbinlald red nbani Ib. oouly. If DalllT.. u elrelU l. offl, ■III bn Iba yonnirei IreaMym Ik. Steio N.w Biareolck red Mid dUrai Oonsiy, II li raid, bnd lb. bcoor of train, reprerenud In Iba Bank, by Iba yoainrai niBbtr In tba prarea of "Toon. Hlokory. ' Will & O Jackrea. If DaUlrei is race fal Bank Premreid .nil wren iba bare* fiare Middlrare.


SO CHAR6ES. ft*P*blleaaa l>*ao*BC*d Uaaarally

aad IpeelBeally—TFaets Attacked.

Assembled la coorentloo Saturday Ib* D#n.ocrslo of Bornerset Ooaaly adopted a sal of r*eolailooa coad lag lb* R«publicans for trylrg to p*ab through tb# annotation Mil. for pro vldiag for two additional township oowmitleem* □ la coantlee having a population of 4,000 or mot* and for «b* appointment of a mad s*p*rvtsor sad tboy place al the door of Ib* Re pa bl lean party th* responsibility for making la we of benefit to tbo Trusts. Tbo re eolation* follow : Tb* Democratic party of Boom: Ooaaly, in convention assembled, do resolve: That we commend lb* action of oo repi**aakativ*a in iho 8tale Legiela- lure al tb* last eeeolon respecting I attempt of tb* Republican party diswembor oar County, and if r*- Iacted, wo pledge Ibelr hearty oppoat tioo to all future attempts of Ib# Re publican party la tbai direction: We bell*** lo a rigid enforemoai tbo laws of lb* Beat* dooigaod regoiole its financial iDSlilaliosa aad la Ibo adoptloo of ooob moaearvo a* will easar* lb* protection of Ibo do pool to re and iavoolora Ihorola : la ordor Ibal Ibo taxpayers bordeo •ball be coaflned lo maoiclpal aeoewl lloo aad progress aod not for ibl filling of lb* pock eta of aaacrapulosa and bigb salaried office bolder*, we or go ibo oboorvaaoe of ibo Democrat)! mtrine of aooaomy la tbo manage •a■ of pobllc affair* Wo Uy at Ibo door of tbo Ropobli ooa party tb* roopooolbnity for Uwi which baeo mad* poooiblo Ibo ox •o* of (room oad combination* of capital la each aa extent ao lo prevent petition by person# of moderate no. aad welch fore* tbo laboring i M yield la tb* Imporloaa will of We topee tally ooodemo tb* action of tb* Ropablieaa Legislature at tbs last oo la railroading through Us •opmxlally tesigned lo boaofll corpora tlawE 1* burying la committee a to beneficial lo taxpayers aod tbolr bungling aad caroteeo manner af ti

tb* R# pc bit oaa party tor act# paooad prondlog for Ibo ap- msatmeat af road saporrloon aad for :w* additional towaablp oommli ana la towaoblp* having a pop* 1st toe if over 4.000 and for road Mporuteors ■steed of thru* lowaabip oosnmli ■•n. tba* oroatlag additional ofltee* md extra esp#am aad doprivlag tb# farmer* of lb* Immemorial custom of working out tbolr taxes on lb* roads W* pledge oar hearty support aad that of aar party lo tb* oaadidame

Hallowe'en will be properly o*te- Mated la Plalaield. data rday night, Ota 11. Already plan* ar* Wing formed far several parti** la Iba city

Reading System DERRSylvaria New JkfMj Central. *A^*D

>re krere.r, Rallrre, at Anraflkk.


Lehigh Valley Kiilroad. LU V g SODTH PLAIHFIRLD. H. J. •djjLSEdallr isieept Sunday»local lo Maack

*^^t#Te"%l#Uom° Junction for MUNratu^Valb and 8« tSr’f'STdally lcoal for 4*etoa. I noM, HkUklon. Pouevll.caod EM out* train to^lk#*-Lm. fbroa*k^PM^Ior •*1 p. m. daily i,icep< Sunday) local U %M p. m. dally eohd r#*Ubul. train lo Buoaio, Toronto and Cfclcaeo aad pnuoi pal l*term#dlas* etaUooe except Mo*bs*l*r

,u*=ffi253Ef“- Arn,kl ■■! hfiniii tl Matlk ruianiLD raarumoft

o.uir.3y.'-Vsrciita. naw ruax a aim. fiSZtiAft arMaSSStl? wilkilUJ sad EABTUB. asrt-sivwRWWir- ILUtinH nncl se-itap a. PBMNVTI. VANIA-Warner Bust OS

^ NtSlU-DtFta MOO p. •. raiiraaugt^MLA invms.

erejy. — » •trcHrr« * a rnomm v iiaUas

|Sr»;3 lz B DS^ J MUwITnM. r H.U !n 5WEEI1ER Sc DON! OrreT1


CIGARS. And dealer In All kinds of HimMs# and Cbewlng Tobacco, and smokers articles, ha* removed from figl Front street, to tkmtb skin of B ••c strata first door from Front strata aad solicit* th*. ‘ friend* aod tho ps

IOROEW. DAI, G BaIo, at FvraonAl Prop.rty aoUaltod P. O. Box Ik*, lkna.ll™, X J , or ad dreo, Ib care of. OonMItaDoaAllM Tarnre nreoaBAblr.


Wooiston & Buckle. PAINTERS.

WaO Pern, Painter,’ SnppUt, 141-146 North ayanna.


'SnssRS •rakrere An Lira brerea. IM ,a telly. sn»r-1rA stj pm re,.Dtey .. ire, •«. MM.B. in.

•snp^spii if

Foa Pi ||.f

Ifttlt* pm v#rk day#, Um,URIRiAriAlA p%T

• it: rad HU. re. r- rnrafc. .ra Omhnrad Onrak. »■•. B. k&S’i s .sTifw J5T4S£a

Foa Atumtio Orrv-Via Dataware BJ*er Bridge Boose • 11 e m. Bundays. ’TfcS*E^idgr~ ••

’.V-Va If IftTwS

Bund ere, 1 OO.SM. ff «, • •*. M t* E m. U m, I ft. Hhrtta>*ft.T« * M*ad ft*ftp. m. Poa Woonsaiao* aa* Pbbts aaawv * te. aSSasSSiff28

SIS. T N, Itafttatw. Msgs s m. ft QT.ne 01^.10 «^a rn. irT TifisH,

Poa UausTTiLLt. PniunsTM, Navem- it Cam AvnNvaoi-taacBEi.viA Taaimie r-’UIJfr-’ftiS- ’■ •“ Fob FLBBiBO*OB-d ft aad USiatst Sft SOS. 11 ft am. t rns futioii) *

i Movboctb Jowonoa—

v Paaa. Oosab Lu#u * Beabcm M- Bra •«•. a m. ft ta

a#5 a xr&r* rorAaburr Part and Ooaaa Grove oa 0aa- T.—Ell through trains connect al Jersey Oly w«k bosU of Pean- I sylvaaia Ann#*, sBordlm dimri tranefe# to and fmm Pulton street, avoid i n* double remac* lew York Oily.

SMffssa* •r* Stops oa Dotiee to Agent or oo M«oal.

. w. ATTBKBL’BT. j. B.WOODJ Gee M’p’r. Paaa Trsfte M g r. OBO. W. BOTD.

Marriage la !»un#il#n. Mlaa Kiln Darling and Fred Wsdge. both or Dooellea,wore married yester- day afternoon al lbs bride's bom* oa Waeblagto* avenue Tbs oeremooy was performed lo tbs presenoe of Ibo Immediate friends aad rslallroa Mr. aod Mra Wsdgs will reslds lo Daoel- Marvellous Charm. From tb* moment oa# steps from Iba tram at Lakewood be Is contdcne of entering a dlffersal atmospbera Tb# sooal of lbs ptaes prevail* sad tbo qolet srletocrsilc sarrasadlog* arc impressive Tbs broad roadway in fraal of Ibo slat too 1* thronged with fashionable tornooU, and without nole* or con fail on tbs visitor Is whisked away to bl* hotel, than whleh there I* oo* finer la lb* load. Al them vad abode* there it ooa* of chilly atmoepber# *0 often foand at reeort boaialrlra. Instead Ib* raoeptloo rooms ar* cb**ry I lag firm; loo* is ad (ted by atag decorations, aad tb* ooartlla*oB wllb wblcb Ib* gate! Is

white Iba aarvlo* la every r*ep*ot 1* each Ibal |b* gaeet r*marks It Lakw Mr* niUeaml le bow of eonaidorablo proportions aad Georg* Gould ba* ta’.H a magnlfioeal Mini* at Lakewood, wbiob he make* as Ms horns for a greater pari af Ibo year. There I* nothing sodignlfied or trashy regard lag Lakewood : its stream arc of macadam, broad, well kepi, aad shaded by loworlag trass, sad lbs pro- valllag apart U driving for tb* road* la evory dlrootloa ar# exoelleat. Oolf aad polo ar* like wtao popolar aad lbs illtte* fret #.cb »r* *ao#p«ioaaL Tb* How J*re#r Ceairal Is Ib* only road raaeblag Lakewood, and its train service from Hew York or Philadel- phia le fast aad frvqaowt. If yoa ar* into rated In Lakewood, send for Luka* ira to a M. Sort. O. P.

J. Rooms and family. Willow * van we bare aeovrd to Hew York City fog Iba wiater.


Bullock, Higham and Murphy,Republicans,and Atterbury, Timpson and Homan.

Democrats, Named for Council-men-At-Large.





OB* Of ItM MMBClllBVB Bl latl* B»d IIwaa *p la Ma of iba Third ward 4*1*-p I N , O M M U M W. S. Tyler, Utake ika H I M * ! Map of nomination acandida** out of bli ward.

»4 !•>•• w-r» called for H 8 Tartarnomiaai'd Wtlllaai Starr Bollock aatba r*pr***Btatl** for lb« Tint ward,J. B n t t ; Doaaa, from tba Secondward. woM'im la* nomination, u dth.n Mr Tjl*r i s a eomawbal leafthyrpaaob named J W M r. Buckle aa the•MWd nomine. In doing ttala Ur.

1 jl-r dwall a* Mm* laagtb npoo MrBaehla'a all jaara of faithful tamo*la tba Oeaaetl and HaMd tba* Ib* cityooold Bot aflord ta la** n o b i N n t m .H* add*d tba* b* had jnm acen MrBaohta Bad raoalvad from blm hit aa-nrauo* IbM a* woald acoept tbanomination wllb ri]»uar* providingh* •hoald rcralra Iba aaaolrDcn* *ot*of la* ooaTBBtioa

"Of all Iba faithful a n who I H T .**tT*d tba oily la ifa* Ooaaell," *aa-llaaad Mr Tyter, "DO no* B M bean• o r . faltbfal Ibaa Ur. Buckle Babaa bad tba ooaraa* of hii movicttooiaad baa alwaya atood by th.m 1owa't oaia who Ib* D U M J b*. tb*r*Iraoae b*tt*r HWd to mm Iba oity'»fcwt lalerrrt than be If a pnbllc officeIn th. city ta a atlma to ba •on,hiafier aa inch, ibaaj I I B greatly mUtakaa la aif id***. A pablic offle* lafor tba a l l ; ana not tba ma* aad It Ua oaofonadad abama If tt !• otbar-

of J HJ. Tobla. t

ward, pmeMad tba aHigaam aa a laa iHat i OoaaollaiaaKobart L. La* eaaaadad tba aomt**ItM of J S UIghaa aad IB ivtamUaorga J ToMa Neaiaoa IIH BQB.1aatio* «t Olar—oa L. atorjnj. |b*Fee rib ward'*

Although ••<I * > I I M . Oily Clot* J. T. Maclferrer

la wbleh ba a>ia laat Mr Baailt taf*fm*d blai th*. ba did I M W H < aaat bar vawt- m dlvJ aa* BOO)** aejiwhM Mr H*«>i* Bad Mid Mr. Tyt.rIbM ba wwald U M | M Ib* aatntBMIo*

Ha added that b* woald Uk* » ba*Mr Tflar wtlMtaw Mr B*K%I*n i l i . ballavtaa (bat It wa* MO eiae•a H > Mr. •aohla m i t u d taw a aeeaa>d dataat aa MM tfMr a Irat on*

Mr. Tfwr tb#* daoiand b* aoald• * • baltova tba* Mr Baeal* waald badaf*a*»d ta Iba ( M T M I W L "I iao* htmw aay al ta* trtaaa af paJlttiI M H patltlalaa." aadd Mr. Tyl*>,

1 o-ly feaww IbM I aa> aot pl*4a**Tb»r. at* a*rtala iblaga iba* 1 waat

T Ml S*al jrmt Bad I W M Ml

e e t Mating ih*Tb** far lb« paiaeaiiawai of tbaelated. " 1 * there tmytme ta tbte eeav

Bnefcle If ba laeal i t I

Mr MaeMerray tank esMpttaa *aIhia •vaewdaia. Mating tha* II wa* aot• lair H A "TbM* te oa each tblaaa* laakittg ap year mlad baforataiawelared Mr Tytor, "tf I* ba* ipr»cttv*d bare II to aa) OO»MB OBJea«ay." Mr. MaaMarray »agge*«adI « M Mr Booal* ba broagb* M *haew****ti*a ta b* b«ard Ta tbl* ITyler ab)*et*d Mattag that a* wa*rhim t* In* Oeaaett laatead of ib* c




• 0 U 0 Or EDUCATKM.

Far eanaailm**) a* larg*. Albert A.ttartary, L*wta O. Timpaaa. Jasaaa. H'imanFar tea OotkoMr. J. T. F Dtlta.Far a . n b . 1 *f |b* Boa*d of Edeeo-

lon. B*v. BrsBla* at K O I D U .Tbl* wa* tb* llokal ohenea, aaehu by acclamation, by tb* Doaao-rata in tbair oily oonvaotioo last

Moadav at Demoontie Hall. Tboaaattending war* tow la o m t x r bat de-termined IB aplrll. In tbair resola-

maklng aa appeal for vote*,manlclpal ownership of a water *rs-*m waa advocated and tba preaeolJoarrt of Edneatloa waa attacked forla '"extravagance" In t>ropoeing lo

illd a DOW Higb Sohool al a coal of11)0.000. Tbaaa were tbe raeolntloni

awn ap by tfa* committee. J. POB**; , Daniel Degan and 8vlve»tsgbarkey:

"Tbe Democrat* of the Oily ofPlaioflold in convention aaaembUd

>reby affirm Ibair devotion lo IbaiDi'iiiIti ef Thomaa Jefferson andedge their anpport lo tba nominee*

of th* Democratic party in tblsooanlvand d t y eampatga.

l> hold that rotation io office iboth wi*a la polio* and beat In iasalt*: w* believe that long and snlnterrented poa*e**loo "of power by on

rty I* daagaroaa to Ibe lntere*ti c• people; with tbeea tboagbta lilad w t l t i tba vote* of tbe eittsen

ot PlaiaB.ld for oor Itctat. pledgingoaadtdat** lo tbe economical andM admlnlitralion ot botb State

H* demand thai economy «h*ll b-aseKiBtd in Iba *ip*ndltare ot th*

I*'* moaay; wa IniKt Ibal every•07 aad girl aball bav* tb* ben*flt

*f)o-»«too. bat w* oppoaa and• B I th* aitravagaBoe of ih*

praaaat school beard ia many dlrecr aad partienlatly la tba proposedtraottaa ot a Blgn Bcbool al aof •ttt.000 W* belUv* tbat tb*

ot fSO.000 weald ha ampt* for tb*ae*da of oar ally at th* preeeat tlm*.

We favor la* mamlolpal o w n n b l |of a wafer* ayaeaa* fat oar ottr. balievIng that It woald largely redaoa *e

Mr bill* u d altlamataly prev* 1I* (oaro* *f raveaa* to oar ally.Wa favor competition la all aaobdie alimtea aa wa a v not controlord#r that oal eUlaatu may lmva

Ik* h**tall of tba world'* progt*** al

Tb* O M T M U I S waa eail*d to oroar•1 H *> aelock by J. V T Dili*

I I O M I L Praaw* wa* atwrttd chair, u . with Frank Sbettl* aaoretnry.s<lr*w Not an. Jaeepb Harngaa and

Patrick R*T»1I* w«r* named (ormlteae oa eredentlaia Tomite** oa vweaaeiee. A J. Nolan.

CitntM •aaaooa aad 9jIveaSar flbarbay were eleotod. A boat tb* only *a

ilaam i toaMl by Ib* nommatlopof cmwdlowaoa woe whoa tb* aaan

Dtlla Bad Mr Ataartraryan—al«< Tb* Demoeratt* warddtdalaa tor tha Comma* Ooaaeiaimt-f at tha primBiiea e n Fred S.Oattar, Fire* ward: rraa«la L. Meeii-

• ry, 81 **s i wmro W*l**iiBlag, Tblr* ward, aad Jami

Striker, Poanh ward.after th* baataota of tb* eeavo*

K r.O.**sW J

fhalrmaa : 8 . F. Otawfsvi, MinRadio AWanac Him Mary Berkaw. K.

1 Who****.»nlBl • a Taong. shairmaa;

IMS Aaaa •aarlag_ Miss a s u Haw-aii. Mine Lad* aotlell, Mrs. B*r*ba

. J. Tfmhath. K O.

flanday aebool-L K.Wyekofl. ebalr-MM; Mlaa Mary P«ib. Mn H. S.

PotMr. Mini a J. SaMU*r, MIM DOTSWtlaoa.

laalo-a. M. D o U l m . obatrnaa;Mlaa Ma* Randolph. Mlaa Bra Dan-» i o , M I M Sattla Kraltllait. MiaaNettie Toon*.

[iaalooary — MIM Kate fiodiaa,iruian ; Mian Lillian A. Foroe.

Mn B. F. Orawford, MIM L14B Wy-• n. A. P. Baoa.Temparaoo* — Woo. LaTonr*tt*,lalrmaii; Haary Saader , H. W. Tan

Aridale, Oeo Wyokoft, Samaal Oroaae.ower— Mr*. Wm. Llndaay, chatr-: Miaa FlortDoa Soribnar. Minn Oonkllng, Mi« K M * Nolle,Obaa. Manh. Miaa Aana Mttlar.

iltlDB—Mr*. J. P. D. Klrob,obalrman: M I N Anna Bodloe. MlaaAbbla VuOlatf, Miaa B«aate Relabton, Mlaa JoMpbioa Staaam.

Receplioo—A. K. Willetl, chairDJBD ; Latbor Sbappard. Ciiai Zlmmar, Chanooey Ooltbar, Wm. Wymnn.


L o u l V. M.C. a., to P U r th* H*t-iloaal Champion* Friday Mgbt.Tba opening game ot the baahel

ball •••aim 00 Friday nigbt of tblavaak will b* one of tb* big gkmea ofbe year. Tbe local T. M. C. A.lwairill hav* for oppooenM Ib* Natlosalibamptoa ove, the Twenty-thirdStreet T. M. O. A , ef Mew York.It ha* boea made possible to eaoaiatbla game by Iba foot tbnl tn* NewTork t*»m will not entragalar 11111 ootil Nor.Heywood baa bee* aapeoially favoredbroaaea ba waa tormarty connected

1 Ib* Twenty third BliO. A. Tb* New Tork leitbe Nai.osa.1 ebampioaablp for Ibep a t its year* Tbe local aasocialloaMam will bold practice Tseoday andTb*r*day nlcht* of tbl* > N k al

Tba obnngoa at polio* bcadqaart^ir* almoa* ctxnpieMd A parUtloa

»rt room aod tba saltawbtob are now nU la ptao*. Tb* comraaaa baa B*M mada larg»r by tb* r*-

'•1 of tba gateway tor*r tb* door aad tb* Jadg«'a daak

aaa- platfam baa b MId* of Ib* bntldiBg M tb* left of tb*Btrano* Small look*

raapond with the n.mbtr of oalli,hiTi bean plajo*« oppo.it* tb* o*lla.tbair p*rpa*a hatag

of tb* prt*M*n.

i bting mad* (or a

:ioul Ch.rcb. * * J | J in Dwamhar,a*d*r tb* diroetloa af tba orgaalM,Mra. B T B a n e s U 1 0 1 Bataes, of• * w Tots, - b o M a i M the apael•arvto* hold al th* efaarofa laat flmday, will ha tba barltoa* aololM.

eallod npea Mr. atsarkary, Mr. Dtlt*_ JSOMO K. Martlo* far remark*.Me. aitarawry *ald that tba Ha* efn VIM Malimeal wna eartaia to tara

•>f at la*** In f*va* of ib* 1 *DB<-s mtsri *hM II wa* th« daty of

0*011 ir»e Democrat lo ataad lor*S«* wbaa called apoa. wtthoet re-( a , 4 ba taw fad laa* ih* lasmedlai*awUoo* mtghi ha aaptwrntataf. Mr.DUM *4vl*W lb*C n*> mloc* b-•BBWB es aay fatWoae of to* R*«wMi-*aa party and eajaeinaea bl

Jadg* E R. Call iot. of Waatteld,llrartd aa azoallaat t t a p t t u e * ad-

dr*M al MMdaya rally of tb« Re-form Clnb. At taoiigbl'* meetingtb* *p*ak«r will h* Joaa F. Brown,•wpartatoaro**)* of (a* Io5tb i t m lmtmioa. of M*w T*rfc. aa4 a aorter

C ASTORIAn. (M T» tm JUnyt tm#

1 R . R. GRIKSBRVictHa Foun d at Broad 8 treat

of Central Bafl.m d *t Wwatflald.





H .1 r, c • I »h • rt. aa*l

t» ha*from a

a*** a«ak haartag tba word*. " F n a hI t w M In oar* *f Tbomaa O-Doaald,"

ft«%M Tmmmmr *.m at I J O . ' o k t k atI atiwM *»B*BIB» t a Wiafald.waa •> it attmah la tb*

baad. Ba wa> >t*ai»»»*d daad by aOr. w.

Owl*, kahafnaand ta tb*tMaatty.

Twa a a i I M aboal forty y**n old.with gr»y mlaod hair * M I M D . and a

oatiag *htrt. wbltoaad black Mcta. Thin*-Ova c u u In

ay WM found oa hie person, ba-•ioM th* papar with tb*

to mark oa bla left wrist waaprominent The man's cloth** wer* In

Irly good condition aad wet* evi-dently tboaa ot m laborer or machinist.

I* was aa Irlsbma*.Tha Pinofleld and WaetBald dlrao<





Oolowal Doaals V. Oolllas, throaghUapatin Jobn M. Bacon, Bd]*mml Ofthe Baooad Bagimeat, bM lamed ai-ders relative to tbe regimenal Bald«*y in BUonbatb, Wednesday, October•ft, and ibw* WON TOBJ at a drill afOowpany K last Monday.

Major jTeleeej T. DnDgaa 1* chargedwith arrasgisf tne transporiaUoB ot

ipamia* K aod M.to arrive a* KUs-abotb not later than B .15 la tb* morn-


Moat of the day will he speal by tbau t t t D M la BlimmbMh aa« la tb*tsrs)sso> they will be reviewed by

Brlcadlsr OaMral Q O'M. Olllmon,followed by a parade throagh ibe

i*7-Th* eralera ot Oalaaal Oolllae apaalfy

Ib* arran|t*meol* for tiuapcrtaliooile for Iba departure of

nw varloaB o t n p u l H from the lowao•ham lb*y are n j M m i l .Taa programme tot the day's *ier«as will be kbla:First oat! for drill, aobool of bat'

tailOO. 11) -06; Adjalaot1* call, 10:10,M; dionar, 11; ftrat call for

drill, BBtMol of regiment. 11 assambly,Adjataafs oall. formation of

1:10; Adjataaf* call,of lagimaal. 1:18; rooaJl,

1:80; rtvi*w by Brig.-Oea. g. O'M.Gil I more, com man ding Second brigade,followed by roglmenlal parade, 3 * 6 ;

>!y for parade and raview bylsana of Kliaabatb. S *» ; retain



O Chart* Mad* Agalmt baderer,

bat Raatltvtlon Ha* Boaa Made

to Maatt'a Kmployara.Notwltbatandlng a mialaadiag atala-

man! nada to tbia paper by AlbartLedarar, regarding hi* brother, ArtbaiLtMlarer, the latter « u Implloated ita oonfomion mada by Elmer MaoU, ofthe boron(b, wbo baa been arrestedJamey City on a charge of •leadinggood* from bla employer tbara. IIreported that Arthur Lederar mada

ifomloa ta both Chief Datectiv*O'Brien, of Jersey Oily, and ChiefKltly. of tbe looal force, aad aooord-lag to Ohief Klaly vaJnable good*w*re found in hia poaeeeaton.criDiinal ebarge hna baan mada ngnlnMArlhnr Lt-Ierfr bnt restitution baahaan made lo O'Brien Brother*.


LIABILITIES ARE J 2 , 7 2 9 , 6 7 0 .

Krtwli, 8. H M l l f i *T Worth Plala-

fleM, Senior M*nb«r of Concern

Wbteb KalUrt m J . l j 2 7 .The aebodnl** of tne Stock aU

ohaag* firm of E. 8. BooUy * Co.failad oa Joly t7 laat, wari

•aiTb* aabodal** abowa that

079.800 01 ta daa BBoarad creditor!, forprincipal aad inter**!, and •S49.87t.0ai* doe naaaawred eradlton. Tb* totalllabtlinaa, aaoarod and »•»aoarad, arepal at tJ,T».«T0.08. Tba aaaata ai

MS,067.m nomlnai <ral«aod tJ.4I7.17b 71 actaal Yalaa at till

m aanata are applicable Iboth aecured and on*acor*d liabilitie*from th* astanl aaaMa there ran9gr7.fTO.a7 ta pay tba •MB.gTS.ot doe

*d 1


nUBai BeloBglBg ta C. M. i M tRitrir»trd With Dtaawlty.

A boraa np to hi* aaok In a qoag-ire la book of DmsaUea avisaaday BOOB was raavood with gT*al

diBcaity. a M. Maafcer, a cootrnctor, owned tbe animal which wa* aa-la*] aaod by Italian* ta Ibe work ef

ilslBg Dswetlaa av*aao andatreet. Il repaired tbe t

Mned stroagtb of stveial laborers to• tncMe Ih* bora* aad Iba earniob II was attached.

Mia* Mary Wilbe, af K*H Sixthstr—t, !• eoatnoi to bar borne by u

of dlpbtbarla.

Otlaaaro. of Maw Tork City,la TUInag bar mothot. Mra Ooaaat,of Kaat flu—i am**.; Aataatm* Doa«aw, of Part

t r W t

itat of IndUldanle and Orgnnlu -

tloo* Aialatlng la HalplBg;

tb* Poor.

Tba Hat of oonlrlbnton to tbeKing*' Davghlera Baby Oaap on tbe

lonntaina, will doobtleae ba of in-lareat to tba pablic who bare aogeneroady anpporUd thit worthyobarily doting tba p u t month*. Con-tribution* h»»e alao been rrceWednnonymonaly.

Thaaa are the oooUlbotori: John T.Baker, Jobn F. Barman, Wm. P.Smith. T. J. Momford. Oeo. A. Chap-

, Mr. Mtada, EL O. Bnkle,Jamea W. Jaokaon, B. F. Kimball.J imt i T. CloMOn. H. A. UcOaa, H.R. Mnngar, U. W. MoOntcban, John

Wblton, Otalg A. Marab, R. H.MoOntobeoa, T. P. S. O. E. of ParkATenoe Baptln Chord). Mm Annit

;. Mil* Looise Andrvewa antother* (prooeeda of a fair) Mra. J. KMyen. Intermadlata Department FirtlBapttrt Uharob Snaday-iohtwl, Mr-lira. II Baboook, Alex. Gilbert, Q«O.

Halloek. John Valiant. Era*** R.AckBTmnn, Cap Bearera Circle 0!King'* Dan|ht*r«, Adranoa Circle ofKing'* Dang h t m , Jnniot Advano*Circle of King'* DaDght«ra, TwelveLittle Hearty Workers, Fii* | Ba,ptlal

rob Sunday-•efaool. tbe MiaaeiTwaady, Waablngtonvilla Chapel San-day-aobool. Park Avenue BaptlatCboroh Banday-aohool (IntermadiataDapartmaal), Mra. Deiter Tiffany,Daughter* of tbe Oroa*. Seventh-DayBapttn Obnrob Sabbath-achool, Col.

OD W. Tyler, w. M. MeUaa, Mra.

Reformed Cbareb, Qolaen Bale Olraleif King's Dttngbters, Benevolent Bandif King's Daughters. Mrs. J. B.lowell, W. W. Waroook. Infant Olaaa


ELECT OFFICERS.Aaaual Moottac of R a i o l Aid A**o-

r lat I o > of Fottar Proaa Cam-

p.Br Warka.

Tba regular qsarterly U M I l o g oftb* Potter Pn*a Uompaay Mntnal AidSociety waa held Batarday ovaalagthe Coward building. Tba maeting

Th* following

year 1 ProaioaBt, Tbaadaa* a Bmttb,to Oil it.* plan* of Jamaa Fattaraoa,realgwed; vie* prMidMt, William

Mimmaa; aceretary, Hamnel KInmpson; traaanrer, David J. Kry

Smith, William Rcimman. HarryShirley, Artbar C**» M l KdiMaabar.

thai the aootaty ia la a toariibiog coo-dilloa. After tba baalaam waa tna*-

d • BBsaher waa enjoyad.

va Fl«e.A d*f*«ti*« fiae to tbe Oaoig* W.

Foro* baa** 00 WOM Hfooad *n*M8a«*my aftanoM filled tba boa**

Maad eaata alarmTw* of tha mem-

ber* of mvftia* Oa. Mo. I. carried Ibathat mada Ib* troable oat duan.

—A* wf B—!•—>.

L. Sioger, of Iba Haw Tork Bargaisbaa aold col to L. R«thb*rjt,

10Small Amount of Booty Ob-tained by Thl*TM ID This

City and tn Dunellen.




The Ba*ld*a«e* at n » i » i • * • • ! • ( ,

XorkOtr . I employ BOM but mmtclass mecbanloB u d noD-uoioa (mmv" llev* ta every man ransiatr M>

btutneam. at aU times and fa

D. W. LITTELL,No. 11s North A v c . PlalnfleW, • . IL

Th*r* were eeveral bor.Urt . . in tb*w*at*rn and of tbe city and Donationoa Saturday night. bM la a majorityaf oaaw, tbe thlevw obtained littlefor tbair troabla. Owing to Ibe aat«reef Ibe operation. H is believed thatlocal people are gallty of tba Invasion,althoagh tba police have no cine.

Tba tnUveo entered tbe homes efDaniel staaolng M l L a Morgan,net before they oeeid get anythingware frigbteaed i w . f Mr. MorgfcB1*BOB have the latredare a lively eba**,bat oeald not catch loam. Al tbla

is* ae well as at tb* one of Mr.Manning, entraaoe wai effected bylifting a window with a stool stick.

Tb* sast place entered waa tbehome of George VaaNaaa 00 Clinton

IBB*. Bete tbe thieves were motesoooessfnl. They bagged a allver dol-lar and a silver watch and made tbaiiesoape wltboot being detected. It lialao reported that they entered tbabone* of Denial a. Pound, of WastFifth street

tun VanNea*'* home tbe ttaievei1 to Dune Hen, where they effectedntrance to the honaea of Obarles

H. Dlneen and Thomas 0. Bodlno.They got nothing i t Mr. Dineen'shome, where they weie frightened,WIJ, bnt from Mr. Bodlne'a boasa

they stole a gold watch and a 1sidcrable *nm of mooey. ID each casewhere things were atolen the fa«t waa

dfioovered until Sonday morn'log.


Opening Reception of Boy* and In-ter medl at* Department*.

Joseph Lorrsme, of Boston, a v<trlloqaist and jiiofe**ion«l fnnny mi

I a most pleating entertalnmiMoDdsy in too T. M. 0. A. Ballon tte ni-caiion ot the formal openingreception ot tbe boya' and iotfTmedlate department* of the aaiooiatlon.Orrt S. Roger*, chairman of the boys'work committee, mane a few remarksoutlining tbe bays' entertain to en Icoarse. annoonolDg that tbe first antertainer* wonld be Roaani, ot He*York, manipulator and Jnggler, anitbe VanEp* brothen and MacOlymont,of tbia city, performetfl on tbe banjo,mandolin and piano. The entertainmeal will be open to the public m i

HMrved teats ar« now on aa!elodge's drag store.

DR. W I L L I S B U B I E D .

KalgbU Templar Service at thGrave Ooadneted by Trinity


Funeral services for tbe late Dr. 8.S. Will!., son of Mr. and Mrs. J.N Willis, of Prospeot place, who diedat Appleton, Was., last week, wenbald in Freehold yesterday afternoonTwenty members of Trinity Oomman

r. Ho. 17, K T., were preseat attbe service, Bev. Kiakiae M. Hodmanof Trinity Oommandary, aatlng aipralaM. Tbe Interment waa al Vreebold. An a*oorl of Holy Crow. Commanderv, K T., of Appleton, attended

Son la the Hary.Mr. and Mra Lawrence Paoll, of

north arena*, have Jsit noMndfrom tbair eon, Gabriel, attached toIb* U. B 8. KlUaoo, an *zaallanlplotnra of himself ilnmlii la whilealform. and a pbotograpb of tbararablp. Gabriel I* BOW at afaaocl

CtiiDB, and bo write* that b* lagood health aad spirits.

Mra. Peree tb* r i r t k u w .Mn Mary J. Fore* has parobassd

tbnngb Iba real estate aguoy ofOeorg* V Brown, tb* property 1Doer atreet, of Mra. Mary a Unite-and W. B. Bechaose, which was palap la a partition aala Satarday. Tbeaala took place la tb* Bomaraal Hot*]

t i n at iba Potter plant.


Sanitary PlumbingBrick mmt PKtalto PwmmOu FIHInf.TInEtt. Etc.. etc


NEW IN EVERY DETAIUMr a*w barber abop at


lltbe latest

,'lh B. VATMA&D.


Between Front and Beoond *tr«Mf>

Tinners,PlumbersGas Fitters,

Btovea can be found hi .prices. Bring your tinwareto us. Tbe beet tinners, tbelumbers, aod the beet gas-fltteohis section. We use none bwtery beat of materials, and our *JiwajB gives satisfaction. *****

_11 kinds are made here.made to order.portable furnace

Savings Institution,Of PliiofieU, I. J..

Ia now reoaiTing depoaltaInterest, allowed OD all sums If S to »3.0O0.

J. Ftt*B» H o u i u , fTOaldSih,G»o. W. K"x-irn.ui», Tloe-PJ. 0 . POPS, Treasurer.

Money deposited on or before >*mw-ry tenth wfll draw Intereat ttam mwrst t


Coun*«llor-at IJIW

•t of


Livery & Boarding Stable*FOURTH *T , .

Wm. A. WoodruffFire and Ufa


CKMT Frool St ni firt Irnw


Bullock, Higham and Murphy,Republicans,

and Atterbury, Timpson and Homan.

Democrats, Named for Council-




00 AID or t DO CAT ion. I iMlt, IK II Ui

wKM ■“ »P “ |MM. OmWm W. A Tjl.r, M uko lit HMUi »**p of BMlMUai •



• ctliod for H S. Toy lor Fill lam Ntarr Bollock a* lb* r.prtMOlMlrt for lit Firm ward, J Harvey Doaae. from I bo »eeood ward. moaaded I bo aomliMion, bad I boo Mr. Tylni la • boom a hoi lengthy speech otwod Jameo F. B.ekle ao ibo second towlato. la doles tbl. Mr. TyUr d wall at som* laoglb a poo Mr. Barilo's alt ysore of folibfal otroioo atalod iha* tbo oily Ho addod tbat bo bod jo* aooa Mr. Boello ood rooolood from him bla se- en raaoe Ibo* bo woo Id arcopt Ibo aomiaatlow wHb ploooaro providing bo aboold receive Ibo a anal mows *Mt of Ibo ooo TOO lies

••Of oil Ibo folibfal moo wbo bars oarvod Ibo city la tbo Connell.” eoa- •laood Mr Tyler. ' ao oao boo bm am folibfal ibaa Mr Bwckla Ba boa hod Iba ooarag* ef bio coo* let l no* aod boa always Mood by Ibom. I dao'l oora wbo ibo mao may bo, Ikere Ir Moo bailor dllod u> serve Ibo city'a bool Interest Ibaa bo If a pablle oBoo la ibo city la o prisa la ba mngfet afior aa snob, ihoa I am «roaUy mis- take# la ay Idaoa. A pablle office to far Ibo oily aad ao« ibo moo ood ll to tme If U ll N

ThU woo ibo ticket eboooa, oaeb •oa by aeolamaltoa. by ibo Domo- cralo In Ibolr ally ooaroalloa loot Moaday a* Democratic HalL Tbooo al load las wovo faw to aombar bo I da- lor ml aod la spirit. la ibalr resole t ao alias •« *PP**1 for vote*, tclpal ownarobip of a wator sys- Board of Bdaoalloa waa attacked for J to " extravagance” Is preparing to bolld o sow Hifb School al o coo |IK.000. Tbooa wore lb« reeololioo* ao drawa ap by Ibo commit***. J. Unsay. Daalol Dogon aad Bylvarior Shark ay : •*Tha Dooaocrata of I ho City of Plot a fold la convention aaaomblad bore by affirm Ibolr doTOtloa to tbo prtaclpleo of Thomas Jrfforoow aod plod so their oapport to Ibo aomlaooo of Ibo Domacratio parly la ibtsooaoi aad city campaign Wo hold that rotation la afloo bo«h wiaa la policy aad boat la i soils wo be I lore that loos aod aali ineed poiiomsao 'of power by owe party le daaseroea lo Ibe In to real ibo people witb throe tbooshle la mind we nek Ibo »ot*n of the eltl of Pfaladefd for omr ticket, pledgla* ear raadldaton to tbo aooaomlcwl hooeet admlatotratloa of both State aod city goe*re meat lo dernaod that economy oball be o arret ood lo Ibo oapoodiiore of the

George J. Table, frt

of (IIS. OOO We boJJeee ibot ibo oem of m.000 woold bo ample for ibo aoodo of oar oily al Ibo preeeal Urn •We foeot ibo mealeipaJ ownership of o water eyaOem for oor etly, bailee old largely redaee eat



flaadey aaboal-L ■ Wyakoff. cbol mao. Mlm Mary Pa«b. Mrs H I Patter. Mlm a J. Smalley, Mloo Dora Wlloow. Maolo C M Doll leer, ehalrmaa Mlm Maa Randolph. Mlm Bea Da a arao. Mlm Ifottlo KreH/log. Mlm Nettle Toaag. Mlaalooary - Mlm Kata Bodlaa. oaalrmaa. Mlse Lllliao A. Faroe. Mra H. F Crawford. Mlm Lida Wy- man. A. P Bach Temperance — Wo. LoToarello. obalrmaa. Boory Boador. H W Van Artdalo. Ooo Wyekoff. Samool Oroooo. Flowar-Mra Wm. Lindsay, chair moo; Mlm Floronoo Borlboor. Mlm Leare Oookllos, Mlm Kata Holts. Mra Chao. Marsh, Mlm Aaaa Metier Ylflllag—Mra J. P D Klrct. obalrmaa; Mim Aooa Bodies. Mlm Abblo VooCloof, Mlm Bemio Relgb loo. Mim Jooophlao Kloaam Kacoptloo —A. K. WUleU. choir mao. Lalber Sheppard. Chao Zim- mer, Cbonaooy Poll bar, Wm. Wy.au. BASKET BALL BEGINS.

Ural V. M. C. A. to Play Ibo *a- tloaal Champions Friday Night. Tbo opootag gams of Ibo boat at ball so aooa oo Friday night of |bla week will ba owe of Ibo big gamea of Ibo year. Tbo local T. M. C. A will here for opponents tbo Natlooal champion Re*. Ibo Twenty-third Him Y M O A . of Now York ll has beeo mads pom I bio lo sooan Ibis game by lb# foot that Ibo Now

regalar ooaooo aatll Mow. I. Hey wood has been oopoolally beoaaee bo was far marly rowaootod with ibo Twoaly-third Street Y C. A The New Yoik loam hae the .Vail»e al obamptoaehfp foi pam all yearn Tbo local aoaoelatloo loom will bold ptwmleo Taoodoy aad Thnreday night, of thle «

dram at Moaday o roily 0# tbo Re- Clab. At toalgat'o naoetlag tbo opoakor wtU bo Joan F. Brwwo. oapen atowoowt of tbo IWtb 00 making op yoov donlored Mr Tyler, ”tl II has hoow NWW*4 hem II lo oo oettage m do »>of " ■ MaoMnrmy snggtami Ibot Mr. Bookie bo beeogha to ibt oowwowitoo lo bo board To thin Mr Tyler objected stating that bo wonted I of tbo

ll Di iniiHiu


Orwlee Of Owntrml Kail.



fairly good oowdllloa aad wore owl- dootly I bom of o laborer or m an h la 1st. « waa aa Iriahmna. Tbo Plata Sold aad Worn Raid dime- I name, of noltbor


■o Char go Mada Agnlaol Udtrer, hut Bootltwtloa Hoe Been Made

to Maata’e Bmployers. Kotwlihotaodlai a mtalaadtng staU most mad# la Ibis paper by Alban Lederer, regarding hio brother. Artbwr Ladtrer, lha laimr wm I m pi I noted lo a confeoelon made by Elmer Maais, of tbo bovoogb. wbo boa been arretted to Jermy City ow a charge of aleallDg goods from bta employer there, ll la reported tbol Art bar Lederer mad# eoofemioo to both Chief Do tootles O'Brien, of Jermy Oily, aad Cbtsf Ki«Iy. of ibo local foroo. aad aooord lag lo Cbtsf Klsly ealoabls goods were fonnd lo bis posers* erimtaal charge boo booa made agalam Arthar Lederer bat i sol Halloa hoa booa mode to O'Brteo Brother a


LIABILITIES ARE $2,729,670. Melt I. Hwoloy, of Forth Plata,

•eld, dealer Member ef Caere Whire Felted ea Jwly S7.

rhaage firm of K B. Hoolsy A Oo, wbte* failed oo Jw|y ft loot. < ■led Tp sad ay Tbo scbednlaa shows that OTt.SOO 06 Is doe seen rod creditor*. foe pnootpol ood loiorom. aad pus. 871 eg

pot at Rt.Tte.6mOH. Tbo aaasa* ore placed nt 10.641,067 .« semlaal toIdo ood fk.4I7.in Tt aotaal ralwa al this ood ooooeorod llobllttim from tbo ootwai aoaata tbaro remalas pr.mntpfiu R64».»7ioi da#

HORSE SINKS IN QUAGMIRE. kalmal Weteeglag to C. M.

Tb KM Yn Im Atop I■(*



abate aot later I boo • OR la tbo Don «• Mom Df tea day wlU bo spool by Ibo mrdsmos la ■liaabeob aad lo tbo k*rosea they will ba reviewed by BrigadiarOewerel Q O'M. OlUmora.


Firm call for drill, school of bat flaw. JO MR; Ad' a tool's anil. 10:10 wall. 11:46; dinam. It; trot cwU for driU. acbool of regiasool. 11 oaaambly.

IBO; rewtew by Brig. Oow. g O’M. < 1111 mom. oom mood lag Booood brigade, followed by rogimewtal parade. FAS; ably ter parade aad rawlow by tbo cltlaaao of Bliaabote. 8 JO; return BOTiacsl from Bliaabote. 4 M.


DAUGHTERS' WORTHY WORK. LloC of ladlrldaale aad Orgealz

float As slating lo Helping tbo Poor.

Tbo list of ooo I riba tors lo Ibo Klogs' Deng hurt Baby Coop oo tbo poaatetBS, will doabdom bo of 1b lo tb« pablto wbo haw# oo generously sorported this worthy charily doriag ihe post mocths Con tri bn llont hare also booa re col rod ymoaaly tom ars tbo eoolrlboiort: Jobs T. Baker, John F. Harmon. Wm P. Smith. T. J. Mom ford. Geo. A. Coop man. Mra. Mtodo. H. Q. Kokle, James W Janksoo. a F. Kimball. James T. Clooooo. H. A. McOoo. H. R Monger. U. W. MoODlcboo. John M. Wblioo. Craig A. Marsh. K U. MoColcheon. Y. P. 8. a K. of Park Awaan* Baptist Cbarcb. Mlm A Fisk. Mlm Loo is# Andrrows aod others (prooosds of a fair) Mra. J Mysra. lntsrmsdkals Departmanl First Baptist Chorab Hoaday tobool. Mrr Ooo H Behoock. Alai. Hilbert. Ooo D Hallock. John Valiant. Krneel Ackormao, Cap Bearers Olrolo of King's Dnaghiors, Adraaoo Circl# of KlBg's Daughters. Jaalor Adeanoe Olrolo of King's Daughter* Twsleo Little Hearty Wovkern. Flret BaptlM Ohorch floaday school. the Afieea Tweedy, Waablagtoovillo Chapel Bon day-eobool. Park Areaan Baptlet Obarob SaDday eohool . Iotarmedtale Dopartmaat), Mr* Dexter Tiffany. Daagbtere of Ibo Crom. Boeonlb-Day Baptist Obarob Sabbath acbool. Ool Maaoo W. Tyler. W M McGee. Mra L. M Oaee. T P A O K of Trtolty Reformed Ohorch. Oolooo Bale Olrolo of King's Dooghtera Bonseoloot Rand of King's Daughter#. Mra J. Howell, W W. Warnook lofaot Clam gf Hof* Obapol BL»0T OFFICERS.

Annual Meeting of M a tool Aid Aano-

Tho ragnlar gnarterly mooting of tbo Patter Pram Company Matwal Aid BeciMy wao bold Batarday owoalag la Tbo mot Tbo following

A defecting floe la tbo George W Force boom oo West Second mioo* ■lied Ibo b

ban of MogiM Ot It L carried tbo

HUS NUS Small Amount of Booty Ob- tainod by TUitm 1b Thla

Olty aad in Dunollon. MO CLUBS TO WORK OM

L.B.Morgaa and Ooo. WaaBooo Bw tee*4 la Dwaallow They Worked There were ewrwral bwrglariea la tbo wooteni end of Ibo city aad Dawalloa oa Solar day algbl. bai lo a majority

for Ibolr trooblo. Owlog to tbo antaro of tbo operations it lo be Herod that local people arc gollty of tbo targotao. oltboogh tbo polleo boro oo elan Tbo teterm entered tea bomm of natal Mooolog ood L. R Morgan, bwt befom tbay eoald get anything Mr. Morgana a Drely ”3*ae. them. At this Ibo ana of Mr. eon bora tea lotradore bwt cow Id act oateb howm aa wall oo at Ibo oot Mooolog. eolrawoo woo effor lifting O window with o eton Tbo next plaoe entered t mod of George Vao Noon oo Clinton renoe. Hero Ibo Ifaloroo worn men weoaofol. They hogged a allrar (tel r and a sllrer watch aad made tboli eooopo wit hoc I being detected. II la reported tbat they entered the house of Daalol H. Pound, of Wool FI fib street. From VanNam's brine ibo Iblarss ool to Donation, whom they effected on entmoco to Ibo bower* of Charles Dlnoen and Thomas a Bodies Tbay got nothing at Mr. Dlnoon’i ioms, where Ibsy wet* frightened way. boi from Mr. Bodlna’s I tbay stole a gold watch and a slderablr sim of mooty. In each where things war* slolsa the fool waa not dlaoorsrsd oniil Boaday morn IbR-

Y. M. C. A. ENTERTAINMENT. Opening Reception of Boys and la- ter mod late Department*.

Joseph Lorraios, of Boston, a triloqotst and professional fanny I gar* n most pleating entertainment Mooday In tba T. W. Q A. Hall on its orcasloo of ibo formal opsnlng reception of Ibo boys’ and Interme- dia** departments of lb* association. Orra 8. Rogers, chairman of the boys’ work commit to*, mad* o few remarks outlining lb* boys' eaisrtalnmonl coarm. DDoonaolDg ibal lb* ffrnt *n tsrtainsrs woold bo RooobI. of Now York, manlpalator aod Jogglsr. and tbo VanEpo brothers aad MacClyn of Ibis olty, porformais oa Ibo banjo, mandolin aod piano. Tba entertain meni will bo open to tbo pnbllo aod r near rad mats am now on aa!a Hodge'* drag slorn. DH. WILLIS BURIED.

K nig hi* Templar gorrleo at |ko Ora v# roadar red by Trlalty Commaadory. Funeral mrrloss for the late Dr. B. K Wlllla, non of Mr. aad Mra N Willis, of Proopsot plaoe. wba died at Appleton, Waa. last weak, wore bald la Fro*bold yesterday afteraooo. Twenty mom bora of Trinity dory, No If, K. T.. worn ibo eorrioo. Bor. Krakla* M. Rodman. ot Trinity Commaadory. acting ao prolate. Tbo Interment was al Fi bold. An oooort of Holy Crom Com- maadory, XL T.. of AppJrtea. attended Ibo ooorqnloa to* ta ike Mary, Mr. aad Mra Lawrono# Paall. of North arenas, hart Jnst reoolrsd from Ibolr sow. Gabriel, a* tec bed to tba U. 8. K KlUaaa. aa sxeollonl plots re of blmaalf dream4 la white watferm. and a photograph of warship Gabriel Is bow al Shanghai. Chios, aad ba writes lhai bo la la good health aad eptrlte

Mra Mary J. Force has pnrohamd lhrough ibo real estate agency of Oewrge F. Brawn, tba property at RR Dam street, of Mra Mary B. Oilllaa •P !■!

*1LCH KISI—tullEK <« Twmdar ora-

GAekrtnt. of Pialabetd. 1

Sanitary Plumbinf

OM FWtteg.TTfH

D. W. LITTELL, *o. ut Bonk a««.. riaiDfuid. a. a.

SckNtific ImeHcaa.


143 NORTH AVE. tuu. us rrsn—*



Between Front aad Beeoed etreoW

Tinners Plumbers Gas Fitters,

Grates and bricks for all _ a tores can ba found hare at J* prior*. Bring your tinware iQrafka to us. The beat tinners, tba Dal plumbers, and the bent gno-fltamw Ik this section. We use none bwt rery beat of materials, and our wuMl always glrea aatlafaction. Kayw off all kinds are made here. TlawoWB made to order. Ranges, brick SHm portable furnace#. Sanitary p‘ DIME

Savings Institution,

Of I. J, Is Dow rwoDlvlng dqjualu lot*re,l, Allowed os »U sum* t* to M.ooo.

J. Pun Hruin, Pr»lil*tfv, Odd. W. Booxrsl.Low, Ylee-PMk J. C. Pora. Treasurer. Mod*. dnwIM on or b*for* 1 *w •17 tcDth will drsw loir mat tram »m first. <

“ fi?? ■f* •»* wo.«i of toot ottrom M


-yy b.(ouimoioa, CounMlIor^t- Last l**loo*r ot Dsad*. M try. Xo*^ PSk. Ola or Fork atom* *ad Bomb*

ALBERT nEDDEN Livery t Boarding Stablm

FOURTH *r„ . eie.sJ.HBSy, Hm'S

*-000* T’wph™7^

Wm. A. Woodruff


Ctmr Fr«M St ul Put naMd,i.:.

*nl Ink lor MDbdMi MowTtolM.o* Ap*ns«iaMZw-


A WaaJthy Faxmar. a t Oak

Tre*>, Ended Hla Caraar



Thlrtr-Owa Taasa OM.Baylaa Mai lies, a wealthy farmer

arvtag swar Oah T I M , aadadMB fey shootlag blassslf throagb thabaart early Tbaiaday Barslag, wl.ilasanrlsg froas temporary IBBSBIIBMSB to* latsoss pals oaaassi fey•as-basole on the wrist. BsanhlngBBrUaa aoaand tha woods all dayska aaa vha* II b—a aaa kaowa Il a kad disappears** His body was•Mad M l JO.

• a ana* at ft o^laafc la Iasanlsf aad wsat m l to tbs bansaaparvlaa lbs sillhlag of tba oowa aadN>* sfelpssaal ef tbs sillk ta this city.aTaa wife and rbildrea w a n la th.baas* wbaa ha r*-awt*rad. H* wealUm room aod broagbl down his pistol,vfclafa ba always oarrlad wbaawaal to tbs fields. A little whlla after-wards aosm naighbore oaaa* la asaatd tbay bad a»ai Mr. HeJllok goti

M'a farm.I aenaathlag was WIOB,

• f a Malllak orgaolsed ssanbtaaartls* aad all day yesterday Ib*wwsda wan •oaand. Tb* entireaaawtry ta tbat looallty wa* ssanbadaaat It was ao* aatil I o'clock tbsllady was foaad la a aianh with aballs! woaad la Ib* cheat. Tbe pis*still elaaobM la th* dead asaa'* baatatd iba atory oaly too plalaly.

Tb*n waa every Indication that Iba•aad a t n plaaaad hla death withawMb oars. ft* bad dag a small gnv*far biataeir and tbas wiped Iba modbaaa bis hand* oa some grasa HU•sat and nod* re loth I opt bad beenawsfcad aalda aad tb* black powdaraaaifca snoot tb* woasd (bowed thatana assist* of tba g«a bad basa plaoedaBjaa ta his sbaaL That death wasaaaaMtawaaaa was shown by Iba fastsat than war* aa slgas abeal the• a f a i n spat ta prove t bat ba bad

Mr. MsUlok was th* wealthiest farBMW Hvlag la that locality. Al aaa

as vkkb Ib* iroandi of ItM Blllaid*Taaat* U < Qalf Olab s*a now lo-aawsd. Ha nwotd several Oo* proper-•BM la Jersey Oitj which broagbt him

Z Bs ta n n i t d by bla wifa, OarrlsTaaKaaa aad two eblldna, Ono* aadsteward, who li-a at Oafe Tne. Bata Ika MM ol William Mtlllek, or Ut

Tfca faa.ral waa bald a* h)» UteSBatdaao* Sslerday afuraooa al 1•fajaaa. Th* dead asaa WM thlrtj


M 44«|t*t tor laiaroTlac

Tba flawaia*! Ooaair Board• J B I D rraabaldra kaM it* ngvlar•BMtlac la tba Oomrt Boaa* at fliaiirwttla, i b n U! bill* wara Bajajai.

•tialallMia wara paaaad (or tba I Baianiaaat of tbraa raaaa aad*r ib.•MM nad aat ay a roto of 9 to o. MiTraalaad aat •aMag: Tba raad* ar»• V B B U I D > T W » , Boaad Brook ; frooiBkvidaoa'a bildga to RUian't w m .IB •araarda, aad aaatbar from Fax•alia, tkrovgb Paapaoh. to U>* Morn*

Ta» Oouair O*Ua«tot waa aatbofBM*> to barraw 110,000 laaj a m Tba Beard willat Ika Mil at tfca Dlraator.

af Ba*. Leala Praroat Pa*ka. haigan•**. taraiarty „( Ba,, MUlatoa*.WtMJIM af iba PrxbTUrtaai Ob<at h M 4a law, .o i f m AH.-* HIBM> MaL*aa. of thai CUT

Wllllaa> Ha*, ml tbl* *tty. baa baaa«Mtlaf Mi aad Mr* Ahraai Taalwa.a< BaaiaiTUIa.

litaa mdaw H . - . l i , at Mortk. Baa*.•a.. Is Iba K M of MlN HlNt> Q.• B — af Traa.lto Btam


Scotch Plains Touog; WiWaddad at Horn*





Oaa of tb* pnttJest of October h-sddlags was calsbntsd Tboraday,

at iba raaHaaM af Ib* brida's ahMrs.In O. Walkar, Scotch Plata*, mAlias HecrUlta Moonaj. daaghlar afMrs. Obarla* M. Mosaay. baaasn

• of William 8>srli Dtaa. of BamTba avent noted two of tba

oldest raaillla* la tbls saetioa of tba.«. Tba bnde I* a d**e*ndanlof Ib* pioneer families of Scotch

Plains, aad tba groom U a IIaadaat of aa* of tb* early faatlll**

si Samsiit Bla father la tha oldestortgtaal resident at Bammit aad still

for iba put ISOfaailly

Th* boo* WM baaatlfallyWith palmi. faraa aad oat flowara.Promptly at • o'clock, to tba atraiB*of Labaagiln't waddlag a t n h , MtaaLaara B Batcbalar. a alao* of tba

aa, prealdlof at tha argsB, tb*brld'a party awrobad tbroagh tha r*-oapiioo room aad library to tba par-Mr. Bar* tbay war* mat by ibaI room aad hi* baM B M ) , Otbi D.BatabaUt. PiaoadlBg tb* bridal partyran |ba aibara, Hcaan Edajaad aedlarbart Mooaay. bratkan ot tb*it id*. LltUa Btbalwyn Walkai, barilaoa, aa flower girl aad b*r alatar.

Mm Walkar, s a l d o t sonar. Ia Ib*parlor to* b*ppy party waa »•* by

O*erg* Aaglaasaa. of Plaraoat,T , an old friaad of Iba brtda'a

faanly and formtrly paMor of IbaMatbadlat Obarob.

Tba brlda, wbo waa glvaa away bybarbrotbar, John lfoaaay.waa gawaada whit* laqidowoa aad oarriad m• howcr boaqa*4 of brtda'a raaaa, tb*bridal »*il bUag loapad bank withlliie. of the T»tr»j. Tb* matroci-of-

hooor waa guaaad ia bine allk nai laad oarrlad pink roaaa. LIKta Klh*l-

« M alao gowD«d ID bio., u d oar-rtad a baasat of tb* hrid.'

mm Baaartad. Witb Oraad COM-

Trlalty Ccwnaaodery, No. 17, K. T ,F Ibis city, oarrlad off Ib* hottota at

tba annual Bald day of tha New Jar-jarlsdlotloa of Knights Templar,

bald at Atlaniio Olty, Oat. l«, maobiraiiflcstion ef tbs local Sir

Knlgbta, and espoeially to GrandOemmaader Daniel 0. Adaaat,

orth Plalafleld.Tb* trip ta Atlantic Olty and ntnrn

was maite la a spselal train composedof foai new resttbvlsd ooaohaa ot

tast patMrB, drawn by tbe fast**tillne on tba New Jersey Ootrsl

Tb* Ptatnfleld party was mads ap of.. af wbioh aamber forty-BMBiban af Trinity OaaaTb* eab*ra war* w i n s aad

af Iba Sir Knights, and tb*Military Band, of Raritan.

talaoa T. Doogao. M captain general.bad obarg* af Trlalty Oommandery irib* panda, alftboagb Baaiaal Blaaa-

At UM oloaa of tb* EptacopaJeramooy. tba and* aad graoaa ra-

a*lT*d ooagratalatloBJ asd baM wlabaai •boot 150 g*iala at tba w*d-

dlag aappar, wbtob waa aarr*d byH*wbreg*r, of Eliaabatb. Daringtba aajoyaiaat. Mr. aad D*BB leftaamld a *b*w*i of old aboa* aod rlo*for tbair bonayaHOB. Upon th«ir r«tarn Mr. Bad Mra. Daaa will raaida atIII Morrta t r m t t , S imnit . whan afanlabad baaaa awaila tbaam. Maay

l*o*»* glfto wan raoalvad by tbabrid* wbo baa laag baaa a aiaatbar•od procolaaal work*r IB tba M*tbo-dIM Obarob aad Baaday-aobool.



Tb* Pialaaald OaaMta. Clab win b*fptaaaatod at tba toatb aaaaal aaa-graaa of tba New Jaraay Whlat law.

lid at tba Jmaay OltyOJnba baaaa, Ollatoa aad Primalaraaaaa, Jaiwy Oily. Satarday aftor-

IIB«, Oalaaai M. T i mel« be poatpoaa tha aaaoeiatloa i

ik Olab. PlalaaUld G t m nOlab, Kllaabath Ch«* Md WbwtOlab, Kaa>* Whlat Olab, Paraat HillWblM Olob. J*raey Olty Olab, MawJ*n>* WblM CT*b. Kawark Bay BoatOlab, Oraaga WblM dab. Park Olok

ad PwN>la dab.IB tba aftotwaoB at t o'clock t b m

ill ba apaa peaarnaBl** ntaa* foriliad pain ar pain af either MX AllhlM platan an iBTlted M |—llal

ala. Ia tha araalag at 8 a'dooa tsanwill b* ib* oaatoM tar tb* Matropoll-

riipky. Tb la will h* aaoa toat roar from ail . laba within a

radlaa at* * M k«Bdnd Milai af JaraayI B M •* a Maaa whut i t »

MMwill b* plarad by tba


PlaJnfleld Kni«ht* BvoaJT* OcovmoBy Tajccfl PUca at theOrw«t Oration at T u p l m * | Home of Bride'i Mother




• 'oaaaraUasta** Joeab Kirk- Mia*

A rkllaawlphUB aa Boat- Tka Ooapl* to BaaM* In

asaadad lbs Sir Kalgbta. It WM Iwhen tb* epantai train arrived at A I-laatlo Olty. Oraad Ooas m ander Dan

Adam and Grand OensralisaiJaoob Kirkoei w a n asuuraad ta tb*Hotel Rodolf. where tha Oraad Com

landary bad ita baadqnartars, whilertBlty OoassaBdary aad Ita friend•nt lo tb* Basal Bean moot, where

Altar dinner there was tba parsdiaad by [naaoa ef Iba tact that tba

d ooeamander la a Plataielde.Bagb Payne Commandery. of Jersey7ity. graoefolty gave way aad allowed

Trinity Ooamwadsry to take tb* rightif Una. Tb* Bar Knight* from tbllily received ooa Rrand ovation fromb* baglnntng to sad.II la eat1raatiH that there won abonl

,000 Sir Kalgbts ia line and thosewho bava witoeesed other alnilaaffair* coniid#r it to ba tba mwt too

al. It Is quits likely that lw<i Trnm BOW tb* Bold day will be

ostebrafsd la Piaiafleld, wbaa It laprobable tba* Jaoob Kirkawr will oo-enpy tb* poaition saw bald by Dr.


Tb* Plalanald d*l«aatlaB left Allan-lo City al 7 :S0 and arrived bom a at

:*o. Than wa* a little delay oa tb*retarn Joaraay osoaslaaad by a bat

dn* to tb* (act tbat Ib* coach**brand new. However, tba Haw

Jansy Oeatni wsa compliments'! forth* very efflaiaat manner in whlcb IIprovided for ib* trip of Ib* Plalalaldpaopla.

" P n t " E n M Aastin, of tfal* oity.

or City-OB Hairtag* of Miss M. Km,dangbtar of Mrs. Eva W

Onasn. af La* place, and David OoliWikoff. af I hUadslpbla, was oalsbratad October ]•*, at 7 o'oloot al tbabrlda'* home. Rev. A. F. Todd, of

j DaaaUaa, officiated, naiag tbe brl.aarrie* of tha Reformed chnreh. Tb*groom was a life long resident ofPlninflatd ap to six rnoatn* ago, whanba lef! a position witb tba Pond Mschin* Tool Uompanv for OtM With tb*William Cramp * San Ship and Mmalas BoUdlng Company, of Pniladalphis.

The brid* was gewned In piak satinIth Irish point laos and medallion*

aad carried a booqnet of whit* Ohryisotbemnma. 8b* wa* attended byMiss M. Catharine Jonea, of ttiii cityIb* bridesmaid, wbo waa dries*ablaa silk mo lit with Irish point laceaad with a boaqset of pink ohryautbsmnaia. Tb* Aowar girl, Mis. Margaerita Leonard, of Tar Olty. Pa.,w a n a whit* silk gowa aad oarrtad a

of white chrL Riff a, Jr., •aoratary of the

Kansington branch at tba T. M. UA., of Philadelphia, was bast

frank Throae and Irving DsHart,of this oily, wars natters. Hn , IrviojDaBart played tbs banal wedding

lanhaa.Tb* brass decorations wer* appro-

priats to an aotamn weddlag. Tbaparlor, wban tbe ceremony wst

waa decorated in gnan andwhite with white cbryaanthemnmipndoaiinatlag. In tb* dininf room,

'her* an elaborate marriage feast fol-lowad tbe oaramaay, tba color schemewas g n t a aad red, witb beautiful fall

>llag* prominent.Tba bride rsoeived many handsome

f if ia, among them th* g i t from barmother of a deed to * valuable pleoe

property Is on* of Iba prettyibnrbs of Philadelphia. A brooch set

with pawls and diamocdagrooas'* g in to tb* brid*. Th* groompresented bU best man with a I

•tick pin aad tba brldaiwith a BMoaatoae ring.

Abeat thirty maaiban of tbs idlata famiiiaa and Bear friends wit-

id tb* ceremooy, most ot themng from PlalnBsld and Pennay!s. Mi. and Mra. Wtkoff will re-

side la Philadelphia following a wedding trip which will laolade Washing-

ookad after the baggag* «f th* SI:Kalgbta.

&MUSBMBJTT8.H. Sothern opans tba saw Km

Tnaatn, Broadway and Foniatbstreet, tonlgbl, la "Tb* Proad

oa." Tba faas* of tb* pisesreached Haw Tata ahead af tb* c

ly aad a great reoeptlon la aiptctedba g l n a II at tba remodeled playisa taalgbl Tb* interior airaogs-

i tha aobject of aiaob famabl*

"Babao in Toylaad" apaaa tonightat tb* *f*J*WI<l Tbaatn. It la • newmoaioal axtnvaBgaaaa by BaaJla *

lib WlUlaai Hani* aadaoaipaay of Iftoaa la tha rota*, Tio-

of tb*

Riobard MaaittH la "Old Baldal'i f i" ta tb* atlraolion at tba Lyric

tbl* week Tb* naaaa of Maaaltba daan of A mencaa aotars. la •otoat ga*nal*o ton* tb* ptay will ba

e*a*d by onwaad baaaa* aad ItwoaM ba waU fa* PlaUBaldan to or

mt, wba an a n to tak* advaatog*ibla apparaanJty H wii

riaate of tb* alaawe naili *pt» by• aaM tinoM ligkl

Bar. Dr. * . a Bauon, of Hatley,who baa baen vlaitlng frianda isPUlBftald and tha boroagb for MT*nidaya, baa rataracd horn*.

Been* la Sewer's Viucyarda.AT USSilC. K.J.

Spcer's Port ft BurgundyWlac

The Finest Wine in the world fromhis 56 Acres of Vineyards, wheretba soil ia rich in iron, impartingit to tbeOporto grape and the grapeLo tha Wine—causes the (Urk.deeprich color, and blood-makingproperty of this llfe-ffiYlnf, Wloe.Tha Iron la iL ThUUtheWina:hat beau the world in its Talnavbla medicinal qtuditica, for familyuse and evening parties; it liespecially beneficial for females,invalids and and persons.

The Port Wine is nine years oldand the Burgundy, a rich dry win*eight years old.

Tha d a w * 1 •••• 0 * f a a a t Fiaanl,

Prof. Sbaler. of Harvard universityIs of tb* oatnlon that plants a n pos-sewed of lnUUIgcnos tbat servet -purpose of self-protection andgratification to a vary considerable de-gne. Recen tly after diaenssfng th*lomin observed In growing things heamM:

'We may socept the statement thatour higher intelligence la bat tbe illu-minated summit ot man's nature aa trueand extend it by th- observation thiIntelligence la normally unconsciousand appears as conscious only after in-fancy. In our waking hours, and not al-ways then." In summing ap the pro-fessor uses the following sentences:"Looking toward tbe organic world in(he manner above suggested, seeing thatan unprejudiced view of life affords nowarrant for the notion that autoianywhere exist, tracing as we may downto the lowest grade of tbe animal serieswhat Is fair evidence of actions whl

hare to believe to be guided by aoform of Intelligence, Metng that thenreason to conclude that plants are Irived from the same primitive stock asanimals, we are Is no condition to saythat intelligence er it exist athem In fact, all I at we can discernsupports tbe view that throughoutorganic realm the Intelligence that findsIts fullest expression in man is every*where at work."


The eyes of an animal can only worktogether when they can be brought tobear upon an object at the same t!

:hst. as a rule, tbe eyes of a fl»hmost work more or less Independently,

i Nature. This ia sometimes alsothe case when the eyea can cooperate,

i anyone who watches a plaiceher flat-fish in an aquarium willon discover.Thl* Is true, too, of the curious

bulging optics of s chameleon, whichroll round, awfrelwlae, In a aomewhs

less manner. When they do con_:« It is bad for the Insect upo:

whlcb they fix ihemselvea." say animals possess more Uuu

e eyea, which do not all act togetber. A leech, for example, has teieyes on the top of Its head, which d

work In concert, and a kind aIne worm has two eyes on th

head and a row down each side of thebody. Some lizards have an extra eye

be top of the head, which does notact with the other two. A bee orwasp faas two large compound eyes,which possibly help each other, and

used for near vlai<% ande little simple eyee on the top of

the head, which are employed for

Ing things a Ion'; way off.


tor rut I )•"•!«•

t the nlyBall playerwho wear glove* for the protection

• bauds In cstcblng. Tbe men whoIve from th? box factory the empty

packing boxes are very likely to weargloves, too. In catching the boxes aithey are thrown to them, says the NewYork Sun.

A. truckload of such boxes Is backedto tbe curve and unloaded by tttrow-

E tbe boxes from tbe track to thelid Ins. across the Bide walk.In catcninfT a load of small woodenxea the catcher may have hundredscatch, one after another, right alonga stretch—the mere rat effing of so

many is quite a feat—and glores are agood tblng 10 wear in the work. Butas the boxes are tossed at him. easily,

violently thrown, the box catcherdoes not, like the bsll player, wear pad-ded gloves to protect hlmslf from inl-

and shock, but lust good, stoutbuckskin Klove* to protect hla hands•mm IWITIE cut by box corners or tornby nail head* and by slivers.

•'There are a large number of cellardries In New York." said an inspector• the health department, reports theline*, "and It Is our duty to aee that

thay are kefit clean and wholesome.:h of the butter marked Fineatock

Farm ' or something of that sort, neveroff Manhattan inland. It Is cbnraedlie cellars right under tbe shopsre. In glass refrigerators. It it tempt-

ingly displayed in pats, looking ssthough they had been wrappsd np by aMump and pretty dairymaid. A large

ortlon of the buttermilk sold indairy restaurants Is msd* right on th*premises, and as much of It from milkthat has bsen allowed to become a littletoo add aa from milk that has beenrhaned,"

A Chicago Inventor has discovered aprocsas of manufscturing a M-caadt*

v ltChl that will lifverjoouL WbUeexperimenting witb photographic chem-

Ua four years ago. his attention was:racted by a glow In a small glob*.

Tb* glow waa canard by a chemicalwhich the Inventor ! eepa secret- Haenlarged the glow and perfected tha

by pUring It la an air-tight glass. He says there la no

>n why the light will not remainbrilliant forever. If It Is not broken.

Bpaay has been formed to mann~:re tna lights in nnmeroos stsas.iteot hood nts over tb* globe, aad

coven It completely wbaa tha light to


••••* HI • Trrrlf

Tonopah, Nev.. aside front beingFamed on account of Its vast mlnerai

urces. alao occupies the unique diiUnction of numbering among Ita inhab-itants a nan wbo i» able to Uva ta aClass house and throw unlimited qua*titles of stones at the sane time with

suffering any of :ho serious incon-venience* popularly supposed to sur

Mind such an aaaoclatiotuNot a tree grow* within 60 miles

of the great mining camp, and very nat-arally building material and fuel bringall aorta of fancy prices, the cnmmoneaikind of lumber selling for K5 per thou-land feet, while Inferior grades of scrub;edar command IS2 a, cord. Consequeniipon this condition, various subterfuges


are resorted to lu the architecturemakeup of Tonopah. Tbere are housei

lade of straw, of burlap sack* trimmedwith blue lean overalls, of tin from

in oil cans; of dry goods and crack-er box lumber; of mud. stones, t«cloth—In fact, almost every sort of con-rlvance ia resorted to aa a makeahifi

a place of habitation; but it has reiialned for William F. peck, a miner

> devise a house in a class by Itself.He has constructed of empty beer

bottle* a house 16 by •:•> feet In the clear,ceilings eight feet high, and con-

taining two rooms. It was built InOctober of last year by Mr. Peck en-tirely unaided, at such odd moments as

suld spare from hla regular dutiesU the mine. Water was then selling at

it of expense centered in the supply3f mud that waa employed as a mortar

stween the bottles comprising theliflce.Ten thousand empty beer bottles wer*

ncorporated In thestructure. Thelnsidewall* are plastered with mortar whlcba spread to a deptb sufficient to coverhe protruding; bottle necks, thus mak-ng a smooth surface.

Mr Peck lived all laat winter in hi*peculiar abode with his wife and twochildren, a girl of seven and a boy of

1 years, and say* that while the wa-tt many residences of Tonopah

reached the freezing point quite often,family found their glass house ex-

ceedingly comfortable at all times. H*mfflcient bottles en hand for an-

ither room, and it Is nU intention toutilize them at hla leisure In building anEdition to bis premises.

Mr. Peck removed with his familyrom Preseott. Arir., to Tonopab. lastinter, and It Is quite evident he will

et along all right wherever his lot maybe cast.


Bishop Schwebach of La Crosae, whoon tbe death of Archbishop Katzer and

hp will of that prelate, becomes therustee of sll the property of the arch-

•e of Milwaukee. Is one of tb* moatearned and the moet prominent of thebishops in the American hierarchy of

B* Made

the Roman CaUiollc church. He Is anative of tbe ilucby of Luxemburg, ssyears old and a Fruinatc of the seminaryof St. Francis. He was ordained a dea-con by the late ArcfabUhop Heiss. aadunder Biabop Ftasch was for severalyean the vicar general of the dioceas.Bishop Bchwebach is quite well knownand fjeiUy liked by (he Protestant da-on ml nations in that part of the stateTha probability of bis being chosen as- successor of Archbishop Katscr I*

a nutter of aelr-congratalatlon ror th*paopla of tha dioceae.

Th* Corona government has ordered

A pbotogrspber In Berlin has won thetitle of "darling" from th* middle-siredladles of that rtty When taking a pte-tura of a lady of ari*ann>d aaj*. be plaeaaithia sheets of M'n'old bMwaaa tbe neg-ative a*d tha prir'frr paper, thos oro-dnetng a r*ry rof»--icg effect, which

1 U WGeoege Hants Marries MI»sElizabeth Harria at Home

of Bride** Parents.




a* Hundred Gaaala Preaant -Hoaayaaoon in Washlngtos, D.

C—Mr. i a d Mra. M x t . toB**ld* la Thla Olty.

Tb* wadding of Miss ElisabethHarris, daagbler of Mr. and Mra,William Hani*, of EUhwa*. andOeorg* Hants, of Bsst Pifib street,took plao* October U, at 7 o'olook altb* brids's boms on Oraad street,Ranway. It was a horn* affair at

en tbsn w e n about a hundredguest*, including many from tnl* oily.New Brnnawloh and Hah way.

»* earemooy took place In tb*front parlora of the bona* where.benesth a large bank of pal mi and

a, they pllgbtsd their troth. Tb*mald-offaonor waa MIM Ida Hani*.•liter ol the bride, and the bride*maid was Hiss Ball* Harris, of New

nnawiok, a nlsoa of tba bride. TbsMiaaea Ol.ra Henman and Nina DnFour were flower girli and Hiss Ethel

•an and Mis* Agoat Hants wer*ribbon glrla Tba bsst man waa JohnMasts, brother of tha groom, and tb*nabara wan BITthold J. Sobrelnsr andJ. Henry Crane, both of this city.

Tb* eniranoa to the parlor wa*effected throngb a ribboned aisle lead

from tbe luck parlor aad hall-way. Tfas bridal couple were pnoded:iy the flower gtil* and other attend-

ants to the front ream when theyhalted benesth tbs pslnx. Tbe brlda

i a gown of white Liberty aatlnwhite taffeta dimmed with

Escursl laoe. A tnlle Tail fell overter shoulder* and formed a train. Ths

brldssmaid was gowned in tba sun*iat*riaLA reception was bald after tbe oen-

lOny and shortly after 10 o'olook tbabrid* and groom left for a weddingrip to Washington, where they willpend a abort honeymoon. Upon Ihalr

ntnrn tbey will nalde in this oity onEast Fifth stnet.

Tba groom was president of thesenator'* Olnb and i* tba Br.t nem-ir to SSTSI hi. connection with tbs'gmntsatton through msrrisfe. A

arga part of tbe slab's membershipattended tb* wedding in a body.


Kev. Dr. Bchenck Performs Wed-ding Ceremony at Bonnd Brook.MUs Christina Weber, dangbter of

Usorge Weber, of Bound Brook, andClark Welsi, of Bloomfleld, were mar-

ed October 14, at Ibe horns of thsIde in tb* pressaoe of a nnmber oflativei and friends. Rev. Dr. Oorne-

fn* Sobenok, pastor of Trinity Be-ormed Oborcb, officiated. Tbe home

W H decorated with flower* endotnmnal foliage. Aftai ths oenmony

wedding nipper was served, whenbe ooaple left to enjoy a honeymoon.

Upon their return tbey will nalde atBloomfleld, when tbe groom I* en-

aged In basin*** aa an electrical en-taaat;


Secretary navla Says They Osanotba Tampered Witb.

Secretary Seward Dsvin, of th* Nswarssy Toting Machine Commiaaion,OSS not W i any "lock In the ator*

wbloh cornea from Indianapolis to to*ffaot that Iba new voting maablnss

bs made to "repeal." Ha think*faa atory wal iuplrad by some rivalotlng machine company.

•Tba Standard machine*,1' ••"'•relary Dsvti, "have been ID ••*

sistaan yeara and hava stood *v*rylast *scc**ffolly Tbey oaaaot bs umpered with rales* aa cot ln election

I w s n In ootlnslou with vown,nd In inch a oase ao maofalM anrmil could wltbatand s oonspitaoy loefrand. Bnt II woald b* morally lm-

bla for snob oondllloa* la arts*nywhsre at an election."Edward L. Pbllllpa, wbo ia pnsi-int or tba New Jerwy Toting Ma-

falaa Oommiaaioo, is aa snglaaar ofhirty yean' experience and a grada-» af OomalL H* panonsily pal tbalaadard vottag naablaa ta every ant

poaalbU, and not tb* slightest dafsetas diacovered Th* machine* a n aairfaet sa honian ugaaalty aaa maks«m, aad mlstaksa la tb* caailDg or

aoantiag of votes a n impost! hla "Mt*s Annie Ooopar. of tbia alty.a baaa vitltlng Mr. md Mraboaaas Oalvin, of Rarllao,F. a Langborn* aad faailly, afi t u s avena*. have taken np tb*lr•idenc* al "TraaU Oonti"Mlai Oaaara Miner. * rnspart.

I* L, ia a sjBaat at bar aaala aadaaat, Hr. aad Hrs. Josspa K. Mans,


CRANE AS USHEB. * rally building material and fuel brine all aorta o4 lane y prior*. lb* tomato neat klad of IuBihar selling for Hi par thou- wnd foot. whllr Inferior trades of armb ‘ LookIn* toward lb# organic world In tha manner a bore auggeafed. seeing that an on prejudiced rlew at Ilf* afford* no warrant for tho notion that automata anywhere exist, tracing aa we mar down to the lowest trade of the animal series what la fair evidence of actions which we hare to belter* to be folded by eome form of Intelllfence. seeing that there la reason to conclude that plants are de- rived from the same primitive stock aa animate, we are la no condition to any that Intelllfence cr ot exist amnff them. In fact, all i at we ran discern aapporta the view that thronfhont the orpanle realm the Intelllfence that find* Its fullest «ipreeek>n in man 1* every- where at work ~

cooperate, plaice or rium will way. The bridal oonpla were preoded by the flower fill* and other attend- ants to the front reem where they halted beneath the pelma The bride wore a fowa of white Liberty aatln ovet white taffeta trimmed with Eseoral laoe. A tall* sell fall orer her ahonldera and formed a train. The bridesmaid waa fowned In tha earn* material. A reception waa held after the cere- mony and shortly after 10 o'clock tba brlda and f room left for a weddlaf trip to Wasblnf toe. where they will ■pend a abort honeymoon. Upon their return they will reelde In thin city on Eaet Fifth street. The groom was pres idee I of the Bachelor'* dob and 1* the flrat mem- ber to eever hie connection with the organisation throagb marriage A large part of the eleb’s membership attended the wedding In n body.

and Frank Throne and Irving DeHart, of this city, ware usbera Mm Irving DeHart pUyed the usual wedding which they Ha fhemeelven. Many animals pnearoa more than three eyee. which do not all act to- gether A leech, for example, has ten •yea on the top of Its bead, which do not work In concert, and n kind of family end formerly pastor of the

throe little almple eyee «n the top of the bead, which are employed for see- ing things a Ion* way off affair* eoasidar it to be the most as oaaafal It la qnlto likely that It

PLAINriELD PASTOR OFFICIATES Bali player* are not the only men who wear glove* for the protection of their hands In catching. The men who receive from the box factory the empty packing boxes are very likely to wear gloree. too. In catching the boxes aa they are thrown to them, aaya the New York 8un A truckload of eoch boxes Is backed up to the curve and unloaded by throw- ing ibe boxes from the crock to tha building, across the sidewalk. In catching a load ot small wooden boxes the catcher may have hundred* to rntch. one after another, right along In a stretch—th* mere catcfflng of so many la quits a feat—and gloves are a good thing to wear In the work. But aa the boxes are loaned at him. easily, not violently thrown, the box catcher does not. Ilk* Ibe hall player, wear pad- ded gloree to protect hlmelf from Im- part and abock. but Just good, stout buckskin gloves to protect hi* hand* rrom >#lng cut by hoi corners or torn by nail bead* and by silver*

K*v. Dr. lehsneh Performs Wed- ding Ceremony at Bound Brook. Ml#* Christina Weber, daughter of Osorge Weber, of Bound Brook, nod Clark Wales, of Bloomfield, wars mar- ried Ootobsr 14. at the boms of lbs bride lo tbs preeeooe of a somber of relatives and friend a Rev. Dr. Corne- lias 8cbenek, pastor ot Trfalty Re- formed Church, officiated. Th* home was decorated with flowars and autumnal foliage After the eertmony a wedding supper was served, when th* couple left to enjoy a honeymoon Upon their return they will reside at Bloomfield, whom tbo groom la en- gaged In boat use* a* an electrical en


Bishop Bcbwrbacb of La Crosse, who on th# death of Archbishop Katxer and by th* will of that prelate, become* the trustee of all the property of the arch- diocese of Milwaukee, la one of the most learned and the not! prominent of the bishop* In the American hierarchy of

ot a lady of adroneed ago. b* ptaeoo ■hstta of enflu'otd hetwuon tbesec- • and th* prtr'lr* paper, thus pro- ng a very rof»*~!rg effort, which




aio«dy teeee* He. Ball.DMlartag thai tee actloe did "great

lajaelle* ta Plaieeete" u l we* "veryaaeaevaaretia." Aa«r*w Hetaa, ehelr-m«i af ib* local daleaatiee. prntief*agalaet tb* aoatiaMlaa af Obartaa LMeaTeM, al tbe Oaten Ooeaty Deaie-•ralic *aaveatlea at tbe Lyeaeei tbea-|r* ia Kllsabstb Tharaday. A* a rae*M far hi* sarprlaing po-.tloo. Mr.Kaiaa **ld the* Mi. Mofl.tl deelleadMM I aaedldeta Robert H MaAterna. of Iba Eleventh ward afKllsabsth. placed Mr. Meffett ii•oatlnailon la a tinging ipaaob baforPlalafiald wa* aaUed. Baplylag taBalaa's vlgorioea abjection, aa El iubMb aalagate snooted "It loeka van•trang* that Piatateld aboald niki*aob a statement. " lloBMt wa* aomlaal*d *aealaieeaty. however, aad blenan* was greeted with maoh applaaeeby Iba oeaaty Demtwiaai Wbaa tbevote we* b#iag one*, Mr NoUa said"While I keew the* Mr. Moflett wlleat otaed for that aeeileaMeej e* annas I am etandtag hare, yet wa eaat thesnlire veto of Plaiaflald fat blm4o proteat agsinit Ib* way b* wala neealnetloa." Tb* raadidate. apoawhom the Fawtor people her*lo defeat W. T. Kirk, tbe BopnbllcMaemlaee, did net appear al the oearealtor.

Joseph O. Oano, of Bpriaglaldto was hip, Boailaatod by Goaaty Chaiana John Moody la aa able speeoland Joseph T. Hacae.of Bllaabetfa, aumber of the board of edeoatton,war* anaalmoaaly aamad aa Mr. Matfail's oollagaM oa tha assembly tick*!Dr. Alvla B Batea. Jr.. of Elisabeth.waa aatoclirt a* Iba oeeo'tdeM for• M I Ooeaty Chairman Moody oalledtba eaaveallea ta order and aneeaaead Job a I. Crowell. of Bebway,a* temporary chairman, tb* selection•ebeaqaeatly beiag made permiIn Ibe aMkeap af ibe eovmittaeelhaae Pletelelder* were selecCredentials. J. F. Dl IM | raaoleliF. J. HhallU . aad Andrew Holeivaoaaalaa A. H Altarbory and JiK Manias w*ra amoag Iboaa ee-l*ot*d M vlo* president*. Ia nomloallna OBBB, Mr. Moody aoored Iearlaia Bepnhltcen saaamblytaaa sayIng that tb* DemoerMio caadldauwoald not need to be takae bom* oo a•hniter and would repreeeal moraldaoaaoy. Aftar tbe Boniiaatloas wereall mad* In* PlalnBald delegation.sndsr Kolaa. Martad la agalalest and Iba chair abal VinaTraa** off by giving other* Ib* floorand anally u Elisabeth delegate madea motion lhal tbe old staadby. JamasK Martlao, niab* hia cmlomary ooeveal tea speech.

Mr Manias attacked the Rapablloan admin latralloe la th* Stase forits reseat Maadeta aad finally paidht* nepacla to AaaeaiblyniiTb* farmer orator deolarad that '*tb*ealy tbleg that Bail baa e»

a l l

piiaey Whea ha bad oeeolaead. MiHag** a a e i a •*•* eeeeeh thaakleg

Mla> Oraaa Agnes Orae*, ot thiaIty. aad H*gb Morgan Smith, ofraeteeld, were -arri.d at tbe been*

af ibe bride's peroeta. Mr aed Mrs.H Otwaa, ee Beat Seoead «re*t

at 7 o'clock Tbaratey algbt. Tee oere-y we* mrfarmid by Ba*. BrekleaRodmaa, raoter-*ai»rlfe at Ibaat Oberafc, !• tbe p r i m w af a

large aamkwr at frleaid* u t relacfceoa.m. Edssaad N.w.ll a iff, wife ef

Dr ;B a B a t , of Katie wood,iiroe of hoaer and Hue Clara

Leelea Or—I, the bride's B J W , we*matd of ban—1. Howard R Majoi, of

ailye, waa tbe beat nt* . Prod• rick L VanBps. of this olty, S. Cllatoe Oraa* and Dr A. B Ore**, of

'aehlBgtoB. war* the eabenTbe M a e were a gown ef white

satla ovepe a* cbtaa. Tb* matroi

serial a* waa tbe gown ef the meld of<r Tbe brie* was given away byFather. After a reoepttoo at tbae tb* eeapta left for an extendedlymooa. They will reside bar*.Mat* war. preaeat fraan New Terk,

Brooklyn. Philadelphia.: Mawark,Washington, Bab way, Weal g aid. Bliss• Mb, Oraaford u d Into oily.


Taa pUttarai daariaa the vtolallaajaf Iba lawa hy gtaat awrpatallaM aad

tbe a i t PtMIc ewBerahlpaf pnell* etllttte* la ••—gly •anted aa to eh* H B n e M i eff aa atga*-beer aay lew aad tee I a Ball Bellas'

•aBielpaJ affair*.

at Waddl n« T t k l n» F U c e at

Horn* ot BHd«"« P i n o u .


- T a BaaMa la Tkla Cit,

be eoandent that be haaand is Invincible St. Helena will

r rene<*iioe on tbe csnep* ofHe am; even frame eight

•r nine different tbeortea ta account forhla defeat. Men may think It waa tbe

of but writing. eanaiBg hlaoMahe hbi orderm, and. after

all. tbe only annMest explanation ofita defeat lie* In the fact that be relied

on toe grnltM nod destiny of NapoleonRoonparte and had greater regard for

than for Almighty Ood. That be

irel Otben have recognised it.We need to profit by ft

Well did Alexander Hamilton My.Foe love and fear of Ood are Indeed

the keyatone of Ibe political arch." No•tale ran long stand which la rotten

Tbla truth la ot m.irv vitalImportance to onr own nation poa-Ibly tBan to moat othera at tbe ore*-nt time. i\ e a re attempting govern-urn-, by tbe people as a whole. Rutovemm.-nt la both a science and anrt bnllt upon the *ctence. Intelligencend integrity are Indispensable rv-qni-Itea in tboee wbo rale. Omit eithernd that state or nation la dooeoed.Urh— and strength may postpone in

Marrlea • • • • • • I Klrkt>«truh Boyle,

Mia* Bare Olbb 81*11*. *ia**r IIra. Sidney W. Daanlag. of Waste:

valt aveaae, aad Saeinal KlrkpafrickJoyle, of Bewark, wer« married at 5I'elook laat Thursday at tbe brida'iKtean la WeeMrvelt a vena*. Rev

Peter Uibb, peetor of the Baptto*Obarob at MiUlagtoa, officiated. Tbe

iramoay was performed in tb* prea-eeoe of seventy gaeeta from Pllaaneld.Newark. Milllagtoe, SomarvlUe,Beand Brook, Philadelphia and N<York.

Mtoa Stall* wa* attended by twoflower girli, MIM Blaia Bt.lle. of Mil-llBgtoa. hei niece, aod Mim Haael

ladga, of Somerville, bar COOMB.They war* gowned In whit* eilk. Tbebride wore a traveling dreea of tanbroadcloth and carried a boaqn*

M roaaa,r. and Mr*. Ho.I- will llv* in

Mawark, wber* Iba groom I* a »known and popular besteaaB iafter a faw w**ks' wadding trip



A Meeting to be Held OctoberSO-Bvme Chaagaa

Tn* Dally Preaa Bowling Laagaawill be re-ergweleed at a maetlagoalled for Friday, October *>. byPresident B C Greaves, of BeaaUe.Tbe ptae* ef meeting, will he TbaD^i , Presa ensoe. A aebadaU willba draw* ap and officer alaetaa. Tbe

•New will a* brengbt ep efWvtoabillty a* doabllag tba n n V w

raai The Daily Praat uapbyi.tea aarf ihie. lag.thai wiih tba

I t M team wi—la* aha e t a -

Oraaa Oaat«a. «haaa • • — * • » . _Preny P>«o" waa aaa af aha bag H

•aaiiag lhat play with greai ealM attba Millaaa Sqaar*. Maw York Thahaaae to «raw dad M »»f r» p e i f w -

dab will begia aa aaaa aa th« alkey.

teady. *a*bahly early la ftorem• aed ib.r* m a m be «v*ry proa- I w ,

aac* of ba.ia.H r H i m i i i an Ur»* MII waa hafora tb* laterrapooa et tha! Bav. wad Mr*. Oiergi Angles**, ofm . Mr Brady to said H have eel'eeeehlaMalf la atahleg what Ih* Vawjnfta* a vtoil ef eavensl deya withTarfc Herald celled --esoaemtly aed PiaiaAeld relativesiavnb eraawtm*at " Tb* leer aet-1 Mr. aad atn- Witoee, ef Canada.liags euliard wet* pelated by Mease ' - k # p m been •intta* Mr aad I n .

el way*


-He that raleib over men meet beest. rottng In tbe fear of God-~Stable gmemmeet eaa lad na> other

than tbi* Whatever Its form.irrfay.

be obtained only a* then* whopet In operation tbeof JaatW. truth aadMpoieoa Boeaemrt*

:hat God kt oe tbe aide of

table.To ra!e other* one most be; able tn

nle hlmaelf. Tbe genlns of an Ales-nder of Mnrerton may enable him toonfjiHT the known world. Hla Intelll-

genre. trniti.il by an Aristotle, may beffiunl to planning • new t-lvtllsatlonind In > i !-•-,- found Ht Inn* for a world em-

pire. Ills Imk of Integrity and aelfml will rauae bla death at thlrty-

flve and wreck bli

No ran a npabllc laat If Itmrornipt. If odlr*r» prore

they (Tin In- remoTed. Theyiioved If the people are not

A Twe<-d iimy for awhileit • ity In hla power, bnt that

'•-• broken nnleaa the people

fcbaatlndbolil II in-(WTIT «"lll IM1 nroitpn yQim

lost all powtr by loalng theirte«rrity fhlr only Mfety !• In a blgh

r reapoojilblllt7»• u w . a t win iimlB BO nthfT l»Ki«far Jn»t K>"*rnnient eleppt tbe ronaentof tbe Koveroed has no aasnrance

id fnry of the mob. Re-PT*nn> for Cod and fbe

rw>Eii1iJ'->n of HI* rtiliTithlp la huttimn•OTrrnment and all aafrgnarda areOTprtbniirn. Reanon and Debt en downbefore tbe t.iinil fury of nnreatrainedpaaalon

Let ICTP^A of power or money controland "crart" be tolersted and tbe landabal! ro.-l utidrr tbe iliamo of Jllune-apnllK. tbe uliame of St. l >ul*. tbe•Imin*' of l»«il«m -in'] public ofn.-p ospdfor prlrale gain. Then rioe and nimewill lie met b* lyn.-hins* while mobTencCfani-i- and mim hy bold nmira l

Our natrij lira wholly In rigid n*llcontrol under tbe laws of <;od In rlgbttoumni' Onr duty la to be purr Irpolitic* and ilPlnand purity In onr offid i In the mini!nip-tration of drlc go*

All bo&pflt. bonorable labor baa aTtHtnsI niBiiitlfTin.-f-. Tbi- meat which

perlahrth. the reward which 1* gainedIn money or land or some other ma-terial form. I* worilij- of diligent effort,and be would be foollab wbo Bboald be-little Its n ine: but It Is not the only oreven tbe .hl-r reward to be atrirrafor. He who rererently regarda him-•eJf • • working toretber with Ood.who therefore rberiabeii alma beyondand above tboae of merely Immediateand material return! and who trien togain through bla dally work knowledgeaf tbe .In rbararter and pnrpoaeaand fellowship wttb tbe good and holy—be It la, and be only, who la laboringfor tbe meat which dova not periah.Be may or may not become rleh 1Bpnyerty. bnt he Aomm grow rich inCharacter, aad be • k m can carry hiaM n n n U H o u with um late the fo-l«re We-CaacreyxttowaUat

Fattb anada for Ibe relldoa of theheart; work* atand for tbe retlgtoo ofthe We. Tbaae two Ood ba* Joined to-gwtber Let no a i o put them annder.far tberv la so genuine reOgla* withavt fheaj la actJr* aaloa. Jaat aa love

plea-- and N-neflt the one loved, angennlne fattl. la tbe Lord Jiam nw--*Ha t ' a m u r to earnest, toyfa] arttonatong line* of practical rhriattaa aae-fklneaa. Where there to no such a*Oon there tt no gennlor faltb-Bell-

. . .thaat help. We bTe• s ricnt lo «II -if auv c.»-t « a t , "It t*too hard for me to do." nr ot say *nr-•— • " • • < « . bard for me u, bear."

sinrnl babft. "It tm Too hard

County DtmocraU•Unomlnaito North Plain-

flslder for tha Aiaembly.


Jobs L Aademan. of Sanemlle. wa*aoaiaatad far tbe ofBoe of OoantyClark John 0. Somara, at BoothBonod Brook, wai aoailaated for Oar-

M .The oooTtotlon wa* oalled to order

tbii nioroinf al 10 o'clock by JoeephShnita, ebalrmaa of ibe Oonnty c•lttee. Malar Malaoa T. Daagaa w utboara temporary chairman. Bar-

many raignad. Aa addraaa wa* m»d«by tba chairman wbo apaka la highM I D I of l*wackbamar, Child* aad Da

• A North FlalnSeld towaafalptba aaly delegation repri—nted astba ooaiBillta*B. Theodore A. Laeia-

m WM nam*d oa tbe ooaimittee onmm>BepraanitlBt North Plalnflald a*

delegatee were : Jobn T. Oaae, GeorgeW. Bird. Lewi. R. Bird and Charlt.

Harden. North Plalnleld Iowa.hip waa rapreaented by T. A. Lner.-



ilneaa Baetlaa of ThoroaghfnraBetter - Oood Block for

PUlBfleldar* claim lhal they live 1:tba only op-to-date city on tba line otba Central Railroad of Raw Jerseyaad be* not only shown remarkablegrowth daring tbe peal flve year* batto still rapidly growing. A* an avidance of this they point to tb* large

iber of naw residence* now gap in diflrrtnt part* of th* olty andboroagb bat right in tha heart of tb*oily ara avideeoea far more ooavtao-

_ which ttrikes at tb* secret of Ibeolty'* growth— It* baala*** Interact*.

A jaat age when it waa announcedthat WoodhBll ft Martin wa* abonl•rest a large store on KaM Frontstreet many of tb* W«t Front street

chants abrogired their shonldenand said that Ih* Front street baslnesiwoald never follow ap tbat far.Front street, between Paik a venue M dWasobnng avenue, waa occupied bysecond claet •tor**, with several g*>oaptlons. Today It to different.

Then tbare wa* a tendency to makiIb* real boiioess oommnnlty af Plala-naid en West Frcnt street. Today

•• to ba tbe oppo.it*. Dnring tb*year great Improvement* bav* beenmade in property along thai part ofFront meet Old •toreaand residence!hav* been ramodaled. Mot only ha*the patronage followed tbe urge firmeastward bet tbe large white froei•tore baa been tba maaai. largely, otattracting other baatnea* bonaeithe* block. Among tbo latest changeshave bean the transforming of theMora formerly ooenpied b/Wickofl *

ItgUsn Into two Ana Korea which areoeeapled by Cook A Company on on*•id* aad Both 4k Company on tbe

Aad tb* end It not yet. II it andar-

darway far aaana tima to parcbaaaother property along Baal Frost

Cee Bpaar'a Part Urapa Wine aadBargandy beeaaaa It glTe* toaa aad•treagtb I* haaai all ataer winaa forfamily aea u d keep* tba aged aU*a.

Bly-aair *"d oaroa OaavrbI »y Cold 1

hand TiatoWe qalckly. Price SOat dmgglata or by mall.

Oatarrb roai-J diOeslly 1B eaaakiag•d to a ireat Mtenl IOM nf bemri-g

By iba aae of Bly'a Oraam Balm drop-


Tbere are m«3y pw• B worker> wbo hesitate to preeentInam aJ matters to tbe cbnrch. and ae-

pertally to appeal for money for BM>Hona. But In the light of tbe Bcrlptnre*tbla •bonld not be eo. Ood In HI* word• not i t all Indlffprent to thb phase ofthe religion* life. Tbe Bible teacbenGoda ownerablp and man'a •teward-

. All to Ood't—tbo earth, tbe catnpon a tbooMnd hllta. tbe afhrer

and tbe gold. And of all of tbeae thatnii^iaaia be doea ao not In hi*right bnt as a Meward of God.

and Ood expect" m to wittly eXerrhvshtwardsblp, and eapeclally. It

wouM aorm to roe. In relation to ml.-i. Mtaaton*. Instead of being the

hwt thing we give to. aboald be the•nd moat Important. Every

ehnrrh that can do ao ahonld hare Itahome and foreign mlaatonary on

tbe ftekl and ihl. could be done If tbepaopte would glr* HyrtemaUcaJly a*

Tlng to mJaalons aboald be pred by a glTing of ouraelTea to

Ctarlat. This tbe Macedonian! did."Flrat they g^re their own aelve* untotbe Lord." If we bettere that Christcan aaT« the heathen we most alao be-Here that He can aare us. and, accept-

Him aa onr peraonal Saviour, ireebonld then be anilona to make It poa-alble for otben to know and to beMTKI by Him.

' Tbe example of otbera should•Uttinlate na to mlnelonary gtrlog. Weire exnort«d to "proroke one anothero good works." r«ul appealed to tbe

Corinthian* on the ground of whatMacedonia bad done, and there 1* no

oa why one church and one Chria-abotild not by example stimulate

othera to mlaidonary glrlng. Manychurches have their own mlsalonarte*.Why iboukl not youraT Many Indl-•tduaU glre liberally. «y*tematlcallyand proporUonatety to miaalona. Ifyon are not among the number, wby•taould you not be atimoUted to imit.itotheir ri!un]ili>'-

3 Tbe example or Ctirlat should atliii-•late DS to mlmionary giving. "Teknow," aaya Paal to tbe Corinthian*.*tbe grace, of our I nrd Jesus Cbriat.bow that. tboUKb be was rich, yet foryear sekes be became poor that yethrough bin poverty might becomerich." . <"iirs«t KDve himself as tbeworld's missionary. Can we bold bsrkonr little when the Master gave bin• II? Ood forbid, for tbe servant Is not•bore bla Master or bis Lord.

las. 111. T: Nab. I. IS; Mai. iil. 7-18:Map. x. 1-8; nvii l . 1Q, 20; Acts I. 1-8:Bom. I. 14. 15; I Cor. xvl. 1, 2; II Cor.U. 6-»; Rev. xxil. IT.

Inatru ction« on th« ProperU M of the Voting Machine

•t Coming Election.




Mow ta Vot* Straight Ticket >adiw ta Oaat a ipUt »aaaa of the

Tbe United KoHety of Christian En-dearor. the corporate body of the greatorganisation, waa formed at the Old

Orchard (Me

Shaw cbo-

the United so-ciety, an officebe baa ever sheld, holding theresponsible posi-tion and per-form ing its du-ties carefullyand wisely, batof pay therefor.

Tbe cause of Thristlan Endeavor oweaa Urge debt of love to Mr. Shaw, forbe has devotedly served It. not onlthlB office, bnt In n multitude of otherwaya. Hla ringing voice has soandeda •tlmng iu.-K-jn.-L- before many amammoth convention, and during themonths when the United society waswithout a general secretary be addedtha duties of that omen to hi* own.

nerer receivlDg •Tb

During the Boer war many ChristianEndeavor societies kere organised Inthe prison camps is Ceylon, SL He-lena and Bermuda, with several thou-aand member*. Since tba return oftbee* men to Sooth Africa 200 havevolunteered for missionary Work,and the Dutch Reformed church bssopened a. training school for themm Worcester. Booth Africa. We boldba high honor tbe tittle group of fivemlaaiooary volunteer* aronnd tbe Hay-ataek at WlUlamatown, Maae. What•hall we say of ibe 200 Endeavorermtoeionary volunteers In South Africa 1—William Shaw In General Secret*-ry» Beport at Denver Convention.

Tha prime princiiile nnderlyingChriatian Endeavor la very almple, tbeIdea of famishing Christian aervlwand expreaakra for every one. everyyounc man ami woman, every boy andglri. for which none ta too young.aone too poor, none too ignorant, nonetao ba.«bful -Her F. E. Clark. D. D.

LocaJ Laddie* 1ball Quni by

Thirteen to Four.



lA»y QHtlion may tn sakad M t per-atoa to inr p4uM of Cbiietlu g|i**aiinrork. Addr«i Lock Bas «7t. Blnctumaw. K T ]MB.—T. H. O.. PlttrtMin—There wen-

i torge nnmber of foreign coantrie«repreaented by special drtegataa at theDearer coavMitlon.

100. f>. A H Liberty. Me -If yonm apod fnll name and •ddnun withatamp for return poauc* w* wiU h>-

tod to aead yon a baaktot • / all theatateaono.

110 E. ft. H . Loa Aisrlea. Cat—Dr. jClark wrote "Tbe Or.tit .Secret'tng a twenty slj we days" voyagr- fromIndia to tenth Africa. It S* a deeply \•VvotkNMl book ot 100 pace* and worth '

•<Y**" u d •••»•• iBdloetor.Tb* vetlag aucblee* BOW en axht-

bitton bare ara altnotlng mnob Atten-tion. They ara th* object ot oon•Marabl* curiosity partieolarly amongibe voters. Three of these maohlnawill be need In IM* oily while onewill do service Ia Ibe borongb.

Wbaa set ap on Ita akalatee f a d -_rda tba nuchie* to aboot *lght~feeiIn height and fonr feet wide, with a

h Of aboct eighteen tnebaa. Tb*Md ftaal «ida* a n ealnUd a dark

graen and tba green draparle* whichanoloee th* front giv* tb* impreaiionot tba hnrdy-gmdy.

The Internal maobanlam la oempUx.id evsry part 1* of neoeeilly hard-Md steel II 1* an impoestfallity to

veta for two men for tb* M M offloe.le a ticket can be •pill aa readily

a* in voting a paper ballot.At th* and of Ibe machine i« a knob,hich la raised and returned to It*

plan* by an eleotion offlclal as Ib*•oter 1* allowed to paaa between Iba

divided draperies. This seta th* ma-ihlna. Th* voter to confronted by a

eerlea of rowa of names of thioandldatea to be voted Ufor each party—while above these Isdevice which la set for thirty qaes-tiom to be need in voting on oOBititi

•1 amendment*, apodal approprla-tioiji, ate. At ih* lop 1* a row ofoloaed, sllaaa that oan b* openedthe corresponding ones In Iba straightticket* or party rowa are oloeed, and

<• aam* of any candidate not on Ib*ck*t for whom Ih* voter may wiabi cait bis ballot oan be written on Ib*ipoecd *oroll.Tb* flrat dnty of tba voter la tc

•wing aa extended lever, which Iiabov* bla bead, from left to rightTbia antomatloally close* the enrtainf, and, tha laver having looked,

voter oannol get ost of tb* boothwttboat uiini fore* nnttlvoted. If none of the candidate* meet

Itb bli approval be can vot* a blankby palling a knob at tb* bottom ol

machine, which record! on an exid counter that he b u voted, bni

dot* not affect tbe aatomatlo oonntanfor tb* candidate*. This release! tbelever aad permit* him to lea'booth.

To tbe left of each row ofdale* whoa* name* appear on th* taaeof tb* machine li a diao on whiob

! the emblem and name cparty ; for inatanoe, an eagle for tbeRepublican party wltb tba party namibelow It Above tbe dlao la a littlknob With an indicator pointing (runngbt to left. Before a vote oan b<

for any candidate one of tbeaaknob* moat ba paahed over. Tbiilama down a little indicator toward

i name on the ticket ftppoaita thediao. If tbe ovarbead lover la then n

iroed to Ita place a straight ticket iiwe. If It la tba dealr* of tb* vot*r to

split hi* ticket be can do *o byiloalating tbo little Indicator!h hla bands. If one oa the atralghl

ticket he haa a*| Ii pnabad np the cor-oading onei on th* other ticket*

are nleaaad, bnt the moment Ibe voterpaabe* anotbar down tbo otben ar*MM

Th* vote la recorded in Ibe back ofM machine If there a n leer tleki

In Iba field, they a n oa tb* machinea, b. o and d. and Iba oaadidataa en

I, 8, ale.. np to 80. Assembly candidatM woald, numbered, ba fiom IBto 90, and above eaob nan* on tbefront of tb* machine la that oaadl-

'a onmber The vote of a dlitnotwhan a machine 1* in eaa ooeld with-onl doubt be annoanoed wltfaln tenmisglM of iba cloning of tb* pollwithout regard to the stae or com-plexity of tbe vote.

Indicator* pointing lo "yes" orBO" permit tba voter to registerbetber be K for or egalMl aay qaes-ae that may be ap for const derationAt one ead of tba machine to a pro-

tective eooniar thai registers everyi a vet* to eaa*. This eaane* be

neat, bet will register iadelnitely.

atoaHjr T r u a f i r i .Tbroagb th* agencT of D. Faatar

Updyke, tbaa* raal eaute tranafenb«v* baoa cloaed dating tb» paat fewweek* : Boaaaa Noa. I l l and 117 PirMplace, owaad by A. J. Brooaoe, *aldto J. Daaiglaa* Darby; aald haoa* So.tt BaEaUl avanae, htioaglBg le- " • • I I Manbawaw, of Newark, taPatrick MaDaaaagb; aold baau*owacd by Patrick McDoooagb, SoothFUt—eld, to William I D p



<Dae» D«rl* aa Uaanili I MTowaUy aad DalT Good at tba

n«t-t»«» Force Pitched •


PUtnnald Bremen bad tbelr BHBB-betb bnthna '"way down" In haae-baU Wada*aday, Oct. 1*. oe Iba Be.Mary'* Said, winning tb* gam*. It eei. and Ih* sartc* two game* lo nee*.The Plalaneldan batted and fieldea'

I bends al tb* game. Femepitched well. Th* rtlok work of WU-lam Towalay and Daly »'Doe" Doyle noted aa nmpirs.llna-ap:

PlainBald-Harasaa, tt] Yooog, mz. Townley, Bb; MoCabe, e | JaegM,

of; Daly, ib; W. Tewnlay, >b; U n «rt; Pmoe, p.

Elisabeth—Johnaoa. Ib; ( l i i a a , rf;Patter, of; IVnnl.co, Sb: Deitnoe*.M. WlDd, If; Melgbbor, e; Burn*. Bs;

lab, p.Platnflald ( 0 1 0 0 I D 1 x—••Uaabatb 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 10— *

Tbe Elisabeth firemen wen reyaUjriBtertalnoi Isit nlgbt altar their hese-

ball gam* with their brother, fremelty. An elaborate faaat waa

apread tn the Democratic Hall analafter «v*rybody bad been dined ee lwlaed Ibare followed a nnmber *tbright apaaobn by men prominent an.

ity affaln aod a mafioal ere-grimme that k*pt thing* lively ealMthe early hoars of tha mnrnlng

Rohart Lea, chairman of tb* «Mand bnlldlDRa oommittM of tbe OHrCount i), was toaittnaiter, aad be waaintroduoed with a f*w bright remaraaby Daniel Foroa, captain of Plaie-flald'a vletorioaa nine. Jodg* WilliaMN. Banyan dalivarad tb* addnei et

l* In hii Banal «ntertaiataa:way. Jamea Y. Bnokle, preiident ettb* Common Ooanell, mad* a tewpolitical reference* In hii speech, to-;tndlng high compliment* to tb* eajel-itlei of Mr. McArdell and Mr. Mne-Mnrray a* leedan.

Andnw McArd*ll. wbo waa iatre-dnoed a* tbe man who enabled M.Mary'* to b*at We tt field last Pelee-day, oooBnad hi* remarks lo Iba been.ball alinatloo. Other apeakara waeaPrank Rendopn, of tb* police oaaa-misiion. and Frank Kallar, who rep-reMDted the Elliabatfa flnmu. naiartLee, tn bla offloe of toaatmaater, aaMthat b* wa* pioad ol Ib* knowledgethat PUInfield had tb* beat fin aw-

il In th* Bint*. He also re-marked that eltbeagfa Plalnflald bal

baeebali, IB to 4, Ellsakeab'bad pnvio«sly won a polltloal gaaM,

to 4, referring to tb* action ot aBbnt foar of PlatnBald'a delegate* beat-ing Ibe r«cent convention.

B masloal Ilia, Janca Stewartwa* prominent with tbe eeleotian."The Bcav*ng*r Brigade." Ja«anRnnyon anjig and played the plan*.and George Carroll gave several eaejdaooea and Irish aonga. Other vaontartiat* war* Jobn Moraa. of tbla elty,aod Joeeph Grimm, John Bryan aam" Bond, of Elisabeth. Tha UbenhyFlf* and Dram Corps, of Bllaakaen,aided in tbe parading, and MvanM ,

iber* of tb* Independent Fife aedDram Corps added their talfnli. TaaWarren Kngln* Company of Berth

~ Id mad* a friendly call darken;Iba evening.

All tbe arrangements for tb* npeerand entartnlnmenl were mad* hy ekePlalnfleld flramra. Frank MoOake.Daniel Fore* and Thoodon Lane waa*

lalUea In cberg* aad Iheywere aaalated by Jam** Kane. JehnTodd, Daniel Addlemsn aad WilUweTo.nley Mm W. K. Townl.y. Man.Freak Hand, M n Aadnw fTssTraa

N Invaluable aatlataaU la tbearrangement*, and Mia* MargaaalTownley eontribitad several p l u e **•lsctlon* to tbe motioal pragramaM.

Th* tablea wan aet forbat more were i

tsined daring tba evening. Aftar IfeatlvUI** eloaad everybody adjosnad]to tb* fair of Iba bdepeadaot FMaand Drnaj Oorps la tb* boroagh.

WABTKD—SKTCBAL PBBBOMBof cbaraotar and good repatarien fcaeaob Htata (on* la tbl* oonnly nv

tf) te represent aad advert!** *Me*tabliab«d wvaJthy b m i u « boa** afadld Bnanelal ataadlnir. Salary «tl a*weakly wllb ••pcnaH additloaaj, a«payable la aaab direct ovary Wedeae-day from bead omwaa. Ban* and *a*~

!•«• famiabed when i m — i j Bag.

with Mr.. Jofcn



To ml* other* on* moat be able to nit* htmwlf Tit* rnl»* of an A1#X- • D.W of Maredon mar enable him to fon^iKT th* known world. Ilia Intelll gene*. trained by an Arlatotle, mar »>* equal to planning a new rtrUtcatlon and laying foundatlooa for a world em- ptr* Ilia lark of Integrity and aelf control will raw* hla death at thirty* ■»' and wr*rk hi# a.hem* with hla

Why abould not yours! Many Indl rVluala give liberally. systematically an>1 proportionately to nilaatooa. If yon are not among tb* number, why abonhl yoo not be stimulated to Imitate their example? A Tba example of Chriat should atlm- alate ua to mlaalonary giving. Te know." aara Paul to th* t'orlnthlana. “the gear* of our I-ord Jeana I'hrlat bow that, though lie waa rich, yet for yonr aakra be became |«oor that ye through hla poverty might become rich ~ » Cbrlat gave hlmaelf aa the world # mlaalonary. Can we bold back our little when the Maater gave hla all? «»od forbid, for the servant la not above bla Maater or hla Ixwd BIBIK motvoa laa. III. 7: Nab. I. 15; Mai. 111. 7-1*; Matt, x, 1-*; xxrllL 11». 20; Acta I. 1*«; Bom x. 14. 15. I Cor. xvL i. *; 11 Cor. lx. Rev xxll. 17.

tlckat for

TW MM Society of Chrlatlan Kn eavor. the corporate body of the great rganlxation. waa formed at th# Old _Orchard rtlr.l with bla approval ha by palling a knob a I*e-t greed of power or mooey control and "graft” be tolerated and the land shall reel under the aha me of Minor- a poll#, the Shame of St l^mia th* aba me of !.-lwi and public oA.t uw«tl for private gala. Then vice and crime wlU be met by lynching* while mob venegein.# and anarchy bold carnival. Our safety Ilea wholly la rigid wlf control under the laws of hud In right •uianeiH fur duly la to be pure la politic# and demand purity In our offi- cial* In the administration of civic guv*

■ervtlle, bar cowl* aed la whiaa at Ik. Th* travel lag dreea of tan carried a boaqael of held, bolding tbo mq»onaiblc pool- tlon and per f \ i\ V1H1 forming lta du- ties carefully wiixiAH * ua w. a nd wisely, bat sever receiving a crat of pay therefor. The cause of Chrlatlan Kndeavor owd a large debt of lore to Mr Rhaw. for be has devotedly served It. not only In this office, but In a multitude of other ways. His ringing voice baa sounded • stirring message before many a mammoth convention, and during the months when the I'nlted society was without a general secretary be added tbs duties of that office to hla own.

right to aay of aav r * hard for me to do" W "It la too bard to of aay -I-fol heMt. Updjrbs, t boos rani






an** (Mm hli iMg.tl gifts M a tpMtir,•kr* Dr. JahB WTcbel waa ea*Moa1•B haM closely Ibe M M i N et* %W•a*** OOafrBfBtleM Ml HH Trill.T» | - | Cbsrab »ea*>r He

• iwMr i m i m i i i sabiaot • • •wMeh M tp>>B w l h* i m M II Inwjatly lourtMKii l u i i r

Dt Wjetott n l « m 4 lo the wM•••Ml of territory oonnd by I4aWtt*Iaa IDIUIMI la IB<1IB end saidobss lh» popelsUon ws* nor. ibuMMM donsot ihu ibM of the Uaiiod•Tento* Bla owa MiMtoa la M large•M I M I W I u l Haelerdoai O M I U M

Iba ITTIHIIIII work la India wiMa tbeaM at tbs *.isa.lsi part at Dif l«lol l ' i dtaeaataa, there bsviofcfcai plan* la that Ia»d daring ibakal HTMt; )Hn, eeeafdiaf. lo h

ako world bM ever asea. Thia adoaatfaaal work bM roealtod•wamttoa of •w€itahan tbe sal*tai laarrasji; aad bMamjatl* rsia>ed tba lontilotlon* andbatatiasa* of tbo terrible system ofomasa It baa brought aboot tboawaadlng of coll*«M aad so boots for• a saliva Hladao wba, onoe broogbtwaisr tbe apell of tba Obrtatlaa ra••MB, have boon safer la tbe etndyaf aba leasons of tba Ribla

m aaaaocttaa wltb bla ramatk*aaaatt ibe scbooli as levellers of oanta,•na speaker allsdsd lo tba fact thatMM** are S00 dlstiaot oastaa la ladle;•bat Members af one o u u aaaaal vat,

aaatbar oaato . aad that natives af oaaa* tbo lower eaatas ar» made abjectly

vlaat to tboa* of a higher naitiilU of this vieiaaa system

vanity •lilaawii by thawttb tbair aobools u d

•a^baa D>. WycaaaT road a bynut,awawi la baaattfal sad davoat laa-a*m and wrltaaa by • aaiira Hlada.i ajaatad stattatloe of tb* schools aadId tbat tha aambor of aattva Obrle-aa* bad baaa lam m i l l by 900.000



at the flaaday-awkool esontaaa. Dr. Wycaoff uhib-MaaT-kMr latareattaa; m i n i r i at hi.mt—iao work ie< tiding ipMinaii of•ho draaa of ih* women aad children

Al taa ***alag-if j jkof ' i i .b)nl was iB-ha IU•aaali aad Tbeli OaseaaM "

REPUBLICAN SMOKER.BBBteb Kalaaalua AaBoag tba • * • •

bars of tata PI«lB«»ld H»a»b-Itaata Clab.

m i l e tbe diauroeable waathar of•mtarday -night asTsotod to *om* de-game tha attaadaaee al tba aawkar of•bo Hepeblicao Ol«b, la tba BaboookaalMiBg. Iber* WM plenty of en-•kaalnaaa. Tbora wara abaat twaaty-• M B*nb*n on* and tbe ebanoas otflJa> O. O. P. ttafcol at tba oosalng• M m WM dlaoaaaad at tome length.l o s j o a e ptomtaad ta «tv* his oadl-•Matt eapport to tba aatlra ticket.wao slab deotdod to koep tbe roomsanna every aighi aatll after eteotloa.a s * a oordlel Invitation ta eataadada» all petaoaa Isloiaated la th* snoaaasof tba Rapabllona ticket to visii

• , waawaa•tfaaaaaafal aaka ml* WM bald Sai

wraC* af**r*ooa la lha partab boaaaml Iba Obarob of iba Hot* Oraaa f«raba baaali or tba Hlaitaawrr BoelMj•riba ebarolt. A boat «U was raallud

ka« iba ID irtaxaPT at Iba waalbav

—aland at Hi t W btooicoaiarfr. Mr. W.llkaai Waa4phai aad. S. r>hM.

GASTORIAFor Imflmt. mud Children.

The Kind You HaveAlways Bought

Bears the




For OverThirty Years


bo baa boon nomlnaasd tortbo Assembly by tbo Democrau ofl a a w w l Oaaaty, maoe aa addraee at

ho Democratic Oooaty ooovoation atnamilUo Satoiday. After thankingIs onaatltaeata for placing him tnnalnalloa, bo Mid ta* woloome with'bleb ba WM waived WM a rtraa*idorsemeol of bla aarrloaa M tba rop-M M U I I T ) of Homers** Oooaty In tne

aat Laajlslalnra.

"It I ahoald ba re-alacs**." ba aald,' I aball para* tbo sasao coarse in

Ibe Lagtelarnr* M heretofore. I willadeavor by every possible n m i toinard tbe rights of Iba people of

Somerset Conaty aad prevent nob

irlous to tbair li"Tbat la tb* onlyaMBktlvo of taa people should" bodied apoa lo make and J bolievn It

ta tba duty of a public servant toa lad*pend«nt aad unpledged e »to a rallhfal perlonaanoa of tboa*

bigb u d aacrad duUM wblob are im-posed by a pnblio tnafc "

Eighth Anniversary of Plain-field Primary and Junior

Sunday-School TJnion.



i | Olaranc* 1. Marphy, 17 ; James W.inokle, 4Ob Mr. Tylar'* motion tb* throe

H 8. Taylor nominated E M. Oavem Member of tbe Board of Edaca-loa, tha otbei ward* having no mo-

tion. Tb* Second ward seconded tbailaMloa. In Ih* nomination of a

nollMlm. Frank H. Smith re-ceived thla boaor from bla ward, tbaFoartb, Mr. l*e naming him.

Tbo Bomioaliona for ward oonaoll-«n, made some time aa-o. are i First

ward, William L. Oloak; 8*aaadward. Tbaadere Wilnaa; Third ward," ia H. Daalel; Foarth ward, Bab-art L La*.

Otty Jade* William N KB o too waa

. BUI sanatary. Dr. W. Kemptoarowntni WM enoeaa laapaaaer, u lI m. Taylor u d J. W. Marray. Jr..

wan aatootad m MUera. Before tbaivssjtioa adjoainod Jaage Kenyan•ajtaaad H. B. TayMt. Robert L.

L N i a d I 8 Tylat a committee to




to b* M*do by WOMM

rromlaaat la S «a t» a a d Oaaaty

Or««B t r»tlo>a - M

P»tm On* or the

Tba U D U I inatitate and elgbtbinlTamary of Iba Plalnflald Primary

aad Jaaior Sandayacl.ool Teachers'Union will be bold tn tba Seventh-Day Baptist Church oa Monday after

i aad evening, Oetobu ML Tblaie programme far tba afternoon

soaeloo frr.r'nif'trf at S o'clock I

«TMiooal Mrvio* lod by Mr*.MB? | Primary aoag, bociaaar*'

work tad Itaion for Horambar 1 andteacher*' training work, Mra. AlooaoFattit, president Slate Primary Ooon-

\I; Primary aang tanght, Mrs. J. A.Powlieon; Primary leaaon — " Davidand Absalom," Mra. Sklllmaa, presi-dent Hew Branawlok Union; pianoeolo, Mtm Voorbeei; "Dntieaof Ai-slstant Jnalor Toaobats," Him J. I*Baldwin.

The evening sesntaa will begin at7:46 o'clock and this ta tba pro-

am* : Praise atrvioe, lad by Oeorgefrown, first asalsnnt superintend-

ent First Bapfst Ob«rab Sonday-sebool | doiology taught, Mra. A Ion soPettit, Junior lesson—"David and

ilom." Mia* J. L. Baldwin ; piano•olo. Hits Editb Oalrna; "What tb*Union lu i boon doing darlai tha putyaar, u d roll caJl of mombart," Mrs.B. W. Bam**, secretary and trsMnrar;

mm—• • Oar Boy*. -' Bar. Mr.

tlon, Rev. O. B. Sbaw.B*lwaan tb* bean of « 40 aad 7 40

In ta* evening there will be two ooa-feranme. Onatwill ba la obara* ofMrs. Alonio Pettit and to* topie will

••Lord'* Prayer." aad the otbar11 ba oondaotod by Mlaa J. L. Bald-

EMPIRE WILL PROFIT STRUCK BLANCO REErJowapb Ohaisberlaln AgainAdvocated His Fiacal Policy.


LONDON, Oat. Sl . -J »ppb Chamber-Lain addmwl an s k w M m H mrwlngof 4JKO prnrans at N n r a i l k , It bf4a*

•rat publk- appfarauce since bis re-cent irrotwa.

The former colonial ROi rvtary 0>votnlconnklrrablc attention to ridiculingLord Roerbery. Rir Hrary Campbell-Banntrtaan and Karl StHtMer. Speak-tag tvrtoDnly, Mr. Chamberlain aald be

national qnevrkm. He wits wlUinganswer Bn4otMly tb« p"!"'1* rahwd byman like Lord Gftsrben and H. H. A*qnlth Be had not prvteaded thaisystem could I- instituted wltlcoating anything at the atari, bat tipdid urg» tbat raxatloti be transferredfrom points wtterp It upn flted noliodvto potnta where Itir rtnplre would prof-it If the cowhtry had done well in (b*past It WM not he^auae of free trade.Mr. Chamberlain said be waastanding before his hearers becausihad had the gout, but In spite of it.

Bcplying to tb* charge that he hadbaaed bis whole system on the boomyear of 1872. Mr Chamberlain said hisopponents would nnd If tbey took thefive year period* working back I _1S75 that tbcae would show better stillfor his aide ot tbe case, and he went atlength Into statistics wltb tbe view ofproving this contention. He aald bedid not claim that tbe empire wouldbreak Op Immediately If bla *ja(wnwas not adopted, but there was alreadya certain tendency toward cleavand commercial preference waaonly method of binding the colonies tothe mother country.

Tbe colonies contained 11.000 000white* who had offered to nukenflces if necessary In ordor to tin lidnp an empire rnirb a* the world ha*not yet seen. Tbe Tnlted Klnmioutshould not turn a deaf ear to sneb anoffer and thereby lone a chance which.

<aT now neglected, never would recur.


l i t *•*-. » l..r w.n.,1.WASHINGTON. Oct. 21.—The p«*»

dent ha* Issued * proclamation callingtfie Fifty-eighth (vnirreai tn extraordi-

S' ry aeaakm. Following is the text of• proehunallon la part:Wnereaa. by the resolution of th'•re of March 19. 1903. the approral

by oongreaa of the redproral commer-cial MMTentlon between the UnitedStates and tbe rapnbllc of Cuba signedit Havana on Dec. II, 1902. is neces-

sary before the wild convention shalltake effect,

low. therefor*. 1. Theodore Roose-rtlt, president nf tbe Unltad State* ofAmerica, by virtue of the power* vest-ed In me by the constitution, do herebyproclaim and declare that an eztraor-

ry occasion rftquires the conveningof both honor* of tbe conicreM of theUnited State* at their respective cham-

. tn tbe city af Washington on theMh day of November next at 12 o'clock

i. to the end that they maj considerand determine whether the approval oftbe congress 1081) be given to the taldcon Tent ion."

KANSAS CITY. Kan.. Oet. 21.—Allsaloons and gambling bouse* In Kan-sa* City. Kan., were closed tight byChief of Police Murray on an orderfrom Mayor T. B. Gilbert. A week ago

rttizrux' committee threatened toou*t Mayor Gilbert and other city offl-dala from office for failure to enforcethe prohibition law and to close tbegambling bouses. This la the first timetbe gambling places bere have been

irbed for year*, and utoaaa havebeen permitted to run with bnt alight


PLATTSBrBfl, K, T.. Oct. 21.—Da-vitl Hamtnonfi. a prifaoner oonnned Inthe guardbonse at I'lattntnira; barracks.has escaped. H i n m m i was convict-ed of grand larceny and foncery andaentenced to two years and a half Intbe military prison at Fort LeaveDworfh. Kan. He unlocked the door ofhi* cell and that of the prisoners' rarewith duplicate key* which are -np-

•A to have been fumiitliM him liybla wife.

WASHINGTON. Oct. SI. — BaronBternburg. tbe German flr:*i!i*- ••' - •

en for GrnaMnj the latter part ofw-rtt. He will carry with him p-',1 innM«:w of fiiendnhlp -ind B«wl

wtD from tbe president to tbc • > • *iitd to rrince Henry of rrtwais Tli-imbswador will be In H*Hin tint I

•bort ilnv. as th* object of ! i- trip I-lay a l.i-i- f i i-ii to hia i> in

Lmyacbeaa. Basooy.

PTTTSBritU. CXT. 21. - <MBVUIa aftbe Aun.i1i.aa Brtdar cotnpanj hav*ban at work all day loapertJuHi the

to tbe anMent bar»long roafereacv with Comer


WABH1M1TON. Ort 21 - T a - prmtf-_ ^ a » aad aVrtetvry Laeb wUl aa ts

~ P J * m May to rast tbeir vore. on atov-• • » • day. Tarwiaj. Nov ».

Steavmar South Portland Looton Oregon Coast.


tb« i w- matt.

MAHSIM U.I.[>. Ore.. Oct. 2L—Iiblinding fog tbe -t-ini.-r South Portland, bound for Ssn r-ranclscoPorUand with a cargo of wbeat anrtcarrying a crew of twenty-threeand fourteen passengers, struck Cap*Blanco reef bow on.

She was lifted high out of tbe waterthen she settled aft and later alld oftba rocks and Immediately began to HIwith water.

The captain, seeing tbat all hopesaving his ship waa gone, gave ordento DUD tbe life raft with all poaalblehaste.

Two boats and the life raft were low-ered. One boat, containing the captainand seventeen soul a. capnixed as theyware getting nwar from the sinkingsteamer, and onlj seven of the eighteenwere able to get into tbe boat agnii

Tbe other boat BIIM capslsed and v useen drifting awsv In the thick fogwithout a person In sight.

Tbe survivors of tbe ill fated stetreached Port Cranford In a pitiablecondition from exposure to the coldwind and waves. They have little hopefor tbe remainder of the passenger*and crew. The nurvlvors are CaptainJ. ktclntyre. John Reamer, Bailor, "Praadsco: Emmanuel Pbomonla. chiefcook, and William L. Wilson. Jr., ofBaltimore; I- Baker, Alameda, Cal.;Ony Bent aged twelve rears, of NovaScotia; Al Bailey of North Dakota, pas-

A heavy fog in hanging over tbe coasthere, and weather Indications are Iunfavorable for rescue work.

A life raft wai seen in tbe breakerswith several perann* on It, and the lifesaving crew has cone to the rescue.

The beach at tbat point la abrupt,and a binding cannot be effected with'out great difficulty

Charles Huiou. the first engineer,has died of exixmure. Fourteen per-

iiiiswlnc and an- probably


i'.Kl-l.N. Oct. 21. — It la reportede that Paul Leasar. Itusnlan minis-to China, haa concluded a treaty

with China wbicb give* Itunsla practi-cal control of Mancburia. although un-der a nominal Chinese government.

Russia nndertskes to conduct anywar arutlng with a ttiird power from" new treaty.

MBT B« Strike * • -I." K-..J-.NEW YORK Ort. 21.-Lnless angreement can be reached between the

"1" motormen and the companythrough tb« intervention of GrandChief Stone of tbe Brotherhood of Lo-

otive Engineers there will be astrike on tbe system, and for the first

i la the history of the overheadroads New Yorkers will have to rideon surface cars or walk. Mr. Stone

n hla way to this city from the: . « • ! . Grand Chief Hanahsn of

the BrotherboocI of Locomotive Fin-nen. with which order many of tbe

V locomotives are connected.

NORTH AN8OX. Me.. Oct. 21.—Aft-• a moat exciting nn<t tedious hunt(veral deputy sheriffs and a posse suc-

ceeded In capturing the remaining twoif the four men who after robbing two

Stores In Norridtrewcx'k escaped fromtbe clotchen of 200 or more armed dtl-

of Norrldgpwock, Mercer and ad-jacent towns. Th? i .- !i were taken ata remote point In the wilds of northwestern Maine.

a>dfd In Africa.WASHINGTON,. Dot. 21.—The Unit-

ed Slates consnl general at Cape Towntne state department report-

tug that a great many Americans whocome to Booth Africa find no opportnnlties for earning a livelihoodand that unless they are skilled work-

are engaged in some payingbuaineaa they soon become Uranded.

BILLINGS. Mont.. Oct. 21.-Tona ofprehistoric animals gathered In easternMontana for the Carnegie museum otPtttaborg have been brought here for

meat. There are several ton*,which bare been collected In old riverbada and other places during tbe sum-

by raprtiwntatlves of tbe Pitts-bwrg Institution

BOSTON. Oct. 21 .-Legal proceed-iga growing oat of tbe failure bere of

Lamtin * Footer, shoe dealers, led toof the former treasurer of

tbe concern. Elmer E. Cearltt. chargedwith larceny of S50.000 from the Na-

Cnlon bank. When arraigned latba municipal ntnrt Leavitl pleadedaot guilty.

iktoawo KBIB l«wa« rai ftate.LOU18. Oct. '1 - ThoaMDda of

vlrweil tbe remain* of Arch-Jchn 1 Kain. which lay la

i tbe oM rmtunlral. on Walnutstreet, here.

WINXlPatlJ. M « . Ort 31tbaoaaaa carpenter* went on strike torhkffcer waara bere. Klrhteen ->nt oftba 100 4 h i th

nSSEMBLY0h«rlo« Manrin DoUivsr. ofNorth Flainfield a Cousin of

U. B. Senator Dolliver.





Only Tw.BtT-FlT. Tears of Af*. Bat

t Bottler- Membar ot Fratoraal

Oritr ••<! of Church - U r . d n

or pr.iBn.id High schools.

Onarles Marvin Dollirar, who wabuted for Iba Aiaembly from

Oonoty, Oct. u. al tfaii Connty oonventlon a

lie, I* the ton of Mr. andQ. Dolll'

North Plainfleld, and a ooaaln tomator J. P. Dolliver, of Iowa.He i* twenty-five years old and ei

capt for four yean, at hi* blrtbplaoeIn Boyoefleld, N. J.. b M lived liNorth Plalnneld nil bis life. At th.age of its he entered tbe North Plainfield publlo sofaool and graduated li

He spent two year* at the Plainfield High Schooli, graduating In 1W6

*g tbe second honor pupil*.again entered the North PlalnSeldHigh Sohool wblob WM then e»tab-llahed and took a graduate conn

nagei. He atgdled stanngraphy•ad entered tbe law offices of Coding'ion * SwackhBiner, tbe Janlor partnerof wblob firm he WM nominated M anopponent. He remained In their em-ploy until ISM when in older to itndyaw in a law aeboot entered tba rail-way service to aathar fundi for thisobject. Ho ooouplod several positionstn th* Central Railroad Ooinpany'a

im. He WM in tbe effiee of W.tfontgomery, division master me-

ilo of the New Jersey Hontbeinaivition, at Lakeborst. N. J. ; WMranaferred to tbe office of A. A.Soott, soparvlsor for tbe name oom-

y at Bomervllle, nnd wu againisferred to the ofBoes of A. D. Ed-

gar, trainmaster, at Jersey Oily.Io tbe fall of 1900 ba registered ai a

Indent in the- New York UalveisltyLaw School. In tbe mean time be did

i work In the office of tbe su_ntendent of lbs railroad, at Jersey

Oity. Daring bis vacation tie WM em-ployed by William Mclntoab, soperln-endent of motive power, of the rail-

. Ba graduated from the. lawschool In June 1901 and again aoiatad himself with tba law firm ofOodtngton A Swaokhamer. Headmitted to tbe bar u an attorney ayear ago u d opened oflioes In Parkavenue. Ha 1* a member of TrinityReformed Church, and of Its Sunday-school and Chriitian Endeavor Bo-Olety. Freedom Castle. Knlgbta of the

len Eagle, and distriot secretaryOf Ibe Cnioo County Sondky-scboolUnion.

George Longer la Plain Held.George Lunger, ret I red-police man.

visited hi* old comrades on the localfore* last week, bating oome In be-hind a wagon from Whitebonse, Fri-day. Although b* declined to beintarrtewod on wbnl be thinks ot tb*marvellous onangM la thia city ainoabe departed nin* wosks ago, he in-timated that Plainfleld oonld wellafford to copy tbe Hulerdn Countyvillage which be honors by rMldtnsbare. Hs ss.ys tbat tba telephone ratsa only $12 a yaar and deeUrea thaibare are at least three 'phone* In tbe

plnea. Baat Wbttaboaae hii » nopnla-•f aaarly aoo laeladlnf azaotly

iTMtfD eligible widow.. •"Plain-•aid oaa't boaat of aaab a proportioa,an tbara," *•claimed in* former po-

kaa M bo *tarud down thi pika

For the Oral time in IU history a* adob, tba obanplonthlp of tba Baltntrol

Ooir Clob 1* now bald by a Plainfleldwomaa. Tbia ooveted honor WM wonFriday by Mrs. N. PendletooRogen, of Eaat Front street, whoa*work on tha varloaa golf oourM*tbrongboal the KMI baa nltracttdwldeapread aHeottoo from aDthosiastlo

Laat yaar Mrs. Manioe. on*of tba beet goLferi ia tbe Bast, wa*champion at fialtosiol and wnsn Mrs.Bogars wrested tbe bonota from heryeatarday afternoon, it wa* with nolittle prld* thai ihe received tba hlgh-e«t ambition of tbe clob.

There ware i l l women entered inthe championship play which beganon Wednesday. On tba flrst day MissWUIti and Mra. Keoney draw byeiaad wara not compelled to play. lahe opening pfay Mrs. Morgan beat

Mra. Manioe, 3 np u d 1 to play aadthen Mra. Hocera bad her most diffl-3ult match with Mlaa Harrison, boat-ing her 1 up In SO holes. Tba matchWM vary oloae from beginning to and,bnt Mra. Rogen plsyed her itcadygame throughout and tbls won for hera great victory. Mrs. Morgan beatMiss Willis, by 8 ap and 7 to play andMrs. Roger* boat Mrs. Kaooey by i

Yesterday alternooo the finalmuch wa* played between Mra.Bogen and Mrs. Morgan, when tbe

irmer won by 0 op and 8 to play.Upon the conclusion of lbs matchle viator waa congratulated by tbali"r oontestaati and the best wlsbea

of all wen extended to her. Mrs.Bogera will do ber bast lo retain tbeohampionahipagalnM nazt year's play-



Tba Central Jersey Telephone Ooevpany is making aa effort ta gal Ifnanbtaa al Oraaford. A baartai

aad tba matter la i o« sederderation by tba official* of tbe

H i . alao amid that » aim) larflort la b'ing made at Waelfleld by

asaa company. Thla la tba com-pany tba* baa been trying ta g«t i.M

Plainfl©ld'» Popular Golf

W o m a n Vic tor ious at

Baltustrol Club.




•rs. ajaaloa Vaaqu|ab*d -• Mra. Kog-

ars Dofoat* Mr*. Kaaaay rnmH Mrs.

Hor|ta—Bis Playars la tb*

Dam OB Dr. Ooolej's Property

aaa of All tbe Troabla—Con-

fer i to be Held.

With a view of devising some(cheme for preventing tbe upper partof Somerset street being. wMbed outby watar from Stony brook during areshet, a meeting of the street com-nittee of tba North Plaioneld Ocm-non Council WM called last Friday

at which time Dr. Justus H. Oooleywas present and was consulted aa to

hat oould be done. He favors msk-•g some changes to abate the nuis-

ance and a meeting of the committee,be roads oammitte* af the Somerset

County Board of Freeholder* snd Dr.Oooley will be arranged in tbe near

•liri.Ibe meeting was tba outcome of the

rashing away of (300 worth of topd resit DR from tbe autfaoe of Somersetstreet above Oodington avenne, dur-

ig tbe recant atoms. It WM allegedtbat lha water waa backed np In Ibetream by a dam wblob WM erected

by Dr. Oooley n donen years ago. Theis maintained for th* purpose of

ing an Ibe pend{fall on Dr. Coo-ey** property.

Tt WM ibown that the level of tbetrook WM not heightened by th* enc- *loa of tbe dam wbicb Is not ovar two

foal high. Tba water, blocked ID It*ooorsa by n fallen tree wblob lodged[gainst tba low dam, seeking an out-It, imbed Into tbe roadway nndlamaiad properly ef olllsena and the

boiongb lo a ooaaldanble extant. Tbai thing occorVd U.t year and on

•evers.1 oocasiona before.

Dr. Oooley declared tnal ba waiperfectly willing to erect a>tone wallalong th* Bonteraet atrset side of tbabrook whioh wonlrt ba *nfaolentlyblgb to keep tbo water wltblo theoonnne* nf tbo water conrie Tb*committe* seemed oeairou of bavingtbe dam removed aod tba waatrcoors*deepened. No coocloilon WM arrivertat and tt waa left to tb* committeeand Dr. Ooolay to confer wltb tb*Board of Freeholders aad to report

Pr**-nl at tba meeting were, Mayortmalley, ohairmu of tba oommlltw.

James K. Arnold | OoaaaHawn BobtrlClark. Jr. ; Oorporatioa Oousaei

lea A. Baaa, a«d W. J. T H M .• Wiekoff, a T. Btlye*. nnd M-

WBtd Olsoa, all property owners ra-idlag la tbat part of tb* boragan.

Bartram a Flrslbrook, of Wast



focmu IH1 DOTS tlTH SHI! (CESTIOI OharlM ICarrln SoUlni, of Horth FlalnOold. a Coaaln of

XJ. 8. Senator DoUlvar.

ainflalda Popular Oolf Woman Vlctorloua at

Baltnstrol Club.

Twa boat* and tha Ufa raft wara low •red. One boat, containing the captain ■nd »fT»nlt»n soul a. raH*"! ■* they were fettlnc awaj front The sinking •* earner and only seven of I be eighteen were able to get Into the boat again. The other boat aiao caps lied and waa aeen drifting away In the thick foe without a person In light. The ehrvlvora of the IU fated Meaner reached Port Cranford In a pitiable condition from eipnaur* to the cold wind and warn. The, have little hope for the remainder of the paaaengera and crew. The survivors are Captain J. McIntyre. John Reamer, aalkte. Ban Fruocfmxj; Emmanuel Phnmonia. chief cook, and william L Wilson. Jr, of Baltimore; L Baker. Alameda. Cal.; Ouy But aged twelve /rare, of Nova Beotia; AI Bailey of North l»akota. pas-

mur by Mrs. W. Peodiefoa Bogan, of Boat Proat street, whom work oo Ibo vartoaa golf oooram tbroaabool Ibo Boat baa attracted wldaoproad attention from anthaataatlo player a Laat yaar Mn Manloe, oaa champion at Ballnatol and whoa Mn Rogers wrrated tbo bonora from box yesterday afternoon. II waa with bo lltllo pride that aba received Ibo high a* ambition of tbo Qimb. Tboro ware alt woman act*red la I be obaaapiooebip pUy which began an Wednesday. On the Aral day Mlaa Will la and Mn Ken nay drew byea and wara ao« oompallad to ploy, la tbo opening play Mn Morgaa boat Mn Maatoe. 1 np and I In play aad Ibao Mn Bogars bad bar moot dlffl- onlt match with Mlaa Barrlaon. boat- lag bar I op la 10 bolaa Tba match waa vary cloee from beginning to end. bat Mn Bog era played bar ateady game throng boo I aad tbla woa for bar a groat victory. Mn Morgaa boat Mlaa Willis, by 1 np aad 7 to play aad Mn Roger* boat Mn Keeney by 1 op. Veaterday afternoon tba floal match waa playad between Mn Hogera aad Mn Morgaa, when tba former woo by 5 op aad I to play. Upon tba ooacloaloo of tba match tbo vtotor waa oongratoleted by tba other oooteataata aad Ibo beat wlahte of all warn a a ten dad to bar. Mn Hogera will do bar boat to retain tbo ehamplooablp agalaat neat year'a play

A heavy fog i. banging over tbe coast here, and wee I her indications are moot anfavorablc for rescue work A life raft waa ecu in lbe breakers with mv*ral persona on It. and the Ufa aavlng crew baa gooe to I be rescue. The beach at that polat la abrupt, and a landing cannot be effected with- out great difficulty Charlee Hunm. the tint engineer, baa died of eip-ure Fourteen per- vooa are yet miming and are probably

BERLIN. Oct. 21. - It la reported here that Haul Leaner. Bosnian minis- ter to China, has concluded a treaty with China which gives Ruaala practi- cal control of Manchuria, although an der a nominal Chinese government Russia undertakes to conduct any war arialng with a third power from tba new treaty. of whleb firm bo waa nominated aa an opponent. H* remained In their am ploy natU law when la order to atady law la a law school entered tba rail way aorrioa to gather food, for tbla object Bo ooonpled aavaral position* la tbo Central Railroad Company's system. He waa la tba effioa of W. Montgomery, division master ms- ohanlo of lbs Maw Jsrasy Hontbarn dlvlaioe, at Lakobarat, N. J. : waa iraaaferred to tba offlos of A. A. Soott aaparvlaor for tba same mo- paay at Somerville, and waa again transferred to tbo offlos# of A. D. Ed- gar, trainmaster, at Jersey Oily. la tbo faU of 1900 be registered aa a •indent la tbo Mow York University Law School, la tbe mean time be did some work la the offlos of tba taper In tea dec I of tba railroad, at Jersey City. During bla vacation t># waa em- ployed by William Molatoob, an perl n ten dent of motive power, of tbo rail- road. Be graduated from tbo law •cbool 10 J one 1909 asd again asso- ciated himself with tbo lim firm of Codington * Bwaokbamer. Bo waa admitted to tbo bar aa an attorney a

BOROUGH COUNCIL HOLDS SPECIAL SESSION TO TAKE ACTION. iur a* stria* •* -t" a«4. NEW YORK. Oct. 21.—Inlesa to freement can be reached between tbe L" motor-men and the company through tbe Intervention of Grand Chief Hi one of tbe Brother!..™! of Lo comodve Engineers there will be a strike on tbe system, and for tbe first time In tba bistory of the overhead roads New Yorkers will have to ride on surface can or walk. Mr. Slone la on bis way to tbla dry from tbe west, as la Grand Chief llanahan of the Brotherboud of Locomotive hire- men. wUh which order many of the guard* who were once firvuteu on the "L" locomotive* are connected.

by water from Stony brook during a freshet, a meeting of the etreel com- rattle* of tba North Plainfield Com moo Cosac 11 was called laat Friday at wblab time Dr. Jostns H Cooley was present and was non an lied as to what oould be dona. Ho favors mak> log some changes to abate tbo aala- sues and n mooting of the committee, tbs roads oommtttee of tbe Somerset County Board of Freeholders and Dr Oooley will be arranged lo tbe near later*. Tbo mooting waa tbo outcome of the washing away of $100 worth of top dressing from tbo aarfaoo of Somerset street above Codington avoaao. dar- ing tbe reoeat Norm. H waa alleged that tba water wafi backed ap In tbo stream by a dam wbleb waa eisoted by Dr. Ooolay a doaen years ago. Tbo dam la mala tala ad for tba purpoaa of keeptag an Iba pondffoll on Dr. Coo- lej’a property. It waa ■ bo wo that tbe level of tba brook waa not heightened by tbo erec- tion of tbe dam wbleb Is not over two foot high. Tba water, blocked in Its oourse by a fallen tree wbleb lodged against tbo low dam, seek log aa oat- lot. ruabod late tbo roodway aad

NORTH ANSON. Me.. Oct 21—Aft- er a moat exciting nod tedious bunt several deputy sheriffs and a po*«# suc- ceeded In capturing the remaining two of the four men who after robbing two ■tore* la Nocrtdgcwock escaped from tbe clulcbee of 200 or more anued dtl- ■ona of Norrfclgework. Merrer and ad- jacent towns The men were taken at a remote point In the wilds of north western Maine.

from Mayor T H Gilbert. A week ago a cttlsene* committee threatened to oust Mayor Gilbert a:»d other city offi- cials from office for failure to enforce tbe prohibition law and to done the gambling bouse* This la the first time tba gambling place* here bare been disturbed far years, end aalnoa* hare been permitted to run with but alight


Tow* of rrrkMMW BU T-1 NON Mont. Oct. 21.-Tons of prehistoric animat* gathered In eastern Montana for tbe Carnegie mooeum of 'AMIIXGTO.V ort 51 — IU ruborg. the Orman amhaw- reo for « terms a j the latter par wash He will carry with him
