wacid.kins.re.kr°¨ 폐기물안전... · 2014-11-10 · This contr on th Conv This Form Conv...


Citation preview

This contron thConv This FormConvgivenstruccontathis n This and treateunde This JointKore(KHNCorpInstit

National Rracting parthe Safety ovention”) w

National Rm and Struvention andn in the Sucture of articained withinational rep

National Requipment ed, stored o

er the jurisdi

National Rt Conventioea Institute oNP), Korea

poration Nuctute (KAER

Report descrty to the Joiof Radioac

which deposi

Report was ucture of Nd describedummary Repcle-by-articln the topic

port preparat

Report covein which s

or disposediction of Ko

Report was dn” organizeof Nuclear SRadioactiv

clear Fuel CRI).


ribes the imint Conventctive Wasteited the ratif

prepared inNational Rd the impleport of the le approachal arrangemtion was M

rs the civilispent fuel

d of on suchorea as defin

drafted by thed by the NuSafety (KIN

ve Waste AgCompany (K


mplementatiotion on the e Managemfication of o

n accordancReports (INementation 4th Review

h based on ement of thearch 31, 20

ian facilitieand radioah a scale thned in Artic

he “Workinuclear Safet

NS), Korea Hgency (KORKEPCO NF


on status ofSafety of S

ment (hereinon Septemb

ce with the NFCIRC/604

status by w Meetings.every implem Joint Conv14, otherwi

es and their active wastehat considecles 2 and 3

ng Group forty and SecuHydro & NRAD), Kore), and Kore

f the RepublSpent Fuel Mnafter referrber 16, 2002

“Guideline4/Rev.3)” ureflecting t This Repomentation ovention. Thise specified

associated e were hanration of sa of the Join

r the Implemurity Commiuclear Powe

ea Electric Pea Atomic E

lic of KoreaManagemenred to as “2.

es Regardinunder the the observaort maintainof the obligahe cutoff dad in the repo

lands, builndled, proceafety is req

nt Conventio

mentation oission (NSS

wer Co., Ltd Power Energy Rese

a as a nt and “Joint

ng the Joint

ations ns the ations ate of ort.

ldings essed, quired on.

of the SC),















































Atomic E

Away Fro

As Low A

Act on Ph

Atomic Radiolog




Dry Activ



Effluent C

Final Saf


High Lev





Korea At

Korea Ele



Energy Com

om Reactor

As Reasona

hysical Prot

Computeriical Emerge

on on Early

on on Assgical Emerg

tion Permit

ve Waste

n Area Boun

y Business

Control Lim

fety Analysi

x Advanced

vel Radioact

onal Atomic

onal Commi

onal Nuclea

d Regulator

tomic Energ

ectric Powe


Nuclear Fue

List of



ably Achiev

tection and

rized Techency

y Notificatio

sistance in gency




is Report

d Neutron A

tive Waste

c Energy Ag

ission on R

ar Event Sca

ry Review S

gy Research

er Corporati

g and Const

el Co., Ltd.

f Abbre



hnical Ad

on of a Nuc

the Case

Application R





h Institute


truction Com


al Emergen

dvisory Sy

lear Accide

of a Nucl



mpany, INC


ystem for


lear Accide


r the

ent or
















































Korea Hy

Korea Ins

Korea Inf

Korea Ins

Korea Ra

Korea Pla

Korea Ra

Korea Re

Local Em

Low and I

Ministry o

Ministry o

Ministry o

Ministry o

Ministry o

Ministry o

National E

Nuclear P

Nuclear S

Nuclear S

Off-site E




ydro & Nucl

stitute of Nu

formation Sy

stitute of Ra

dioactive W

ant Service &

dioactive W

search Reac

mergency Ma


of Environm

of Employm

of Land, Inf

of Security

of Trade, In

of Science,


Power Plant

Safety Act

Safety and S

Emergency M

n License

ed Heavy W

diation Exam

List of

lear Power

uclear Safet

ystem on O

adiological a

Waste Agenc

& Engineer

Waste Mana



te Level Rad


ment and La


and Public

ndustry and

ICT and Fu


Security Com


Water Reacto

mination Fa

f Abbrev

Co., Ltd.



and Medica


ring Co., Ltd

gement Cor


dioactive W


and Transp



uture Planni

ent Agency


nt Center




l Exposure

al Science

































Plant Nuc


Periodic S


Quality A

Quality A





Safety An

System fo



Waste Co

clear Safety

ary Safety A

Safety Revi

ed Water R


Assurance Pr

n Control Ar

n Environme


ive Waste M

nalysis Repo

or Identifyin

s, Systems a



List of

y Committee

Analysis Rep





ental Repor



ng Radiatio

and Compo

n Facility

ve Informat

f Abbrev




nt Act

on in Enviro


tion Databa


onments Nat



FOR List

A. I











t of Abbre


Policies anB.1 Manage

B.1.1 B

B.1.2 S

B.2 Spent Fu

B.2.1 N

B.2.2 N

B.3 Radioac

B.3.1 N

B.3.2 N

B.3.3 N

B.3.4 R

B.3.5 L

B.4 Definiti

Scope of AC.1 Radioac

C.2 Reproce

C.3 Naturall

C.4 Radioac

InventorieD.1 Spent F

D.1.1 N

D.1.2 N



ion ······

nd Practicement Policy

Basic Policy

Strategy and

uel Manage

Nuclear Pow

Nuclear Res

ctive Waste

Nuclear Pow

Nuclear Res

Nuclear Fue

RI Waste M

LILW Dispo

on and Clas

Applicatioctive Waste

essing of Sp

ly Occurrin

ctive Wastes

es and LisFuel Manage

Nuclear Pow

Nuclear Res


ces (Articy for Radio

y ···········

d Manageme

ement Pract

wer Reactor

search Facil


wer Reactor

search Facil

el Fabricatio


osal Facility

ssification o

on (Articlwithin the

pent Fuel ·

g Radioacti

s within Mi

sts (Articlement ·····

wer Reactor

search Facil



cle 32, Paroactive Wast


ent Plan ··

tices ······

r Facility ·

lity ········

ent Practices

r Facility ·

lity ········

on Facility

Facility ··

y ··········

of Radioacti

le 3) ·····Scope of th


ive Material

ilitary or De

le 32, Par·············

r Facilities

lities ······

e of Con


ragraph 1te and Spen






s ···········






ive Waste

············he Joint Con


ls ··········

efense Progr

ragraph 2··············





1) ········nf Fuel ····













············nvention ··



rams ······

2) ·······················




·········· ············













·········· ············




·········· ············




7 9













19 22




25 25









F. O


D.2 Radioac

D.2.1 N

D.2.2 N

D.2.3 N

D.2.4 R

D.2.5 L

D.2.6 O

D.3 Decomm

D.3.1 K

D.3.2 U

D.4 Record

LegislativE.1 Implem

E.2 Legislat

E.2.1 L

E.2.2 N

E.2.3 L

E.2.4 R

E.2.5 E

E.2.6 A

E.2.7 C

E.3 Regulat

E.3.1 A

E.3.2 SO

E.3.3 R

Other Gen

F.1 Respons

F.1.1 MH

F.1.2 U

ctive Waste

Nuclear Pow

Nuclear Res

Nuclear Fue

RI Waste M

LILW Dispo

Others ·····


KRR-1 and

UCF ·······

Keeping an

e and Regenting Mea

tive and Reg

Legislative F

Nuclear Reg

Licensing Sy

Regulatory I


Allocation o

Clearance ·

ory Body ·

Authority an

Structure anOrganization

Regulatory I

neral Safe

sibility of th

Mechanism Holder will

Ultimate Re


wer Reactor

search Facil

el Fabricatio


osal Facility



2 ··········


nd Reportin

gulatory Fasures ·····

gulatory Fra


gulatory Fra

ystem and S


nt ···········

of Responsib



nd Responsi

nd Resourcens ·········


ety Provis

he License H

for the RegMeet its Pri



ent Facilitie

r Facilities

lity ········

on Facility

t Facility ·

y ··········





ng ··········



of Nuclear

amework ·

Safety Evalu



bility ·····



ibility of the

es of the Reg·············

nce ········

sions ····

Holder ···

gulatory Bodimary Resp

y ···········

e of Con

es ··········











ork ·····················


r Regulation


uation ·····






e Regulator

gulatory Bo··············




dy to Ensuronsibility fo
















n ···········








ry Body ···

ody and Sup·············




e that the Lor Safety ·













··········· ·············











pporting ·············




License or Pe·············













35 37















ermit 65







F.2 Human a

F.2.1 N

F.2.2 N

F.2.3 N

F.2.4 L

F.2.5 R

F.2.6 SR

F.3 Quality A

F.3.1 Q

F.3.2 Fr

F.3.3 Im

F.3.4 R

F.4 Operatio

F.4.1 R

F.4.2 RN

F.4.3 R

F.4.4 ImUF

F.5 Emergen

F.5.1 R

F.5.2 N

F.5.3 T

F.5.4 E

F.5.5 In

F.6 Decomm

F.6.1 R

F.6.2 H

F.6.3 R

F.6.4 E

F.6.5 R

and Financi

Nuclear Pow

Nuclear Rese

Nuclear Fuel

LILW Dispo

RI Waste Ma

ecuring of FRadioactive


QAP ········

ramework o


Regulatory A

onal Radiati


Radiation PrNuclear Pow

Restriction o

mplementatUnplanned/UFacility ····

ncy Prepare


National Rad

Training and





Human and F

Radiation Pr

Emergency R

Record Keep

ial Resource

wer Reactor

earch Facili

l Fabrication

osal Facility

anagement F

Financial RWaste Disp



of QAP ···

ion and Ass

Activities ·

ion Protectio

and Require

otection Frawer Utilizati

on Release f

ion of ComUncontrolle··············

edness ·····

and Require

diological E

d Exercises

tal Radioact

l Arrangeme


and Require

Financial R

otection ··

Response ·

ping ·······


es ·········


ities ·······

n Facility

y ···········

Facility ··

Resources foposal Facilit




sessment of


on ········

ements ···

amework ation Facility

from a Nucl

mplementaryed Release fr·············


ements ···

Emergency R


tivity Moni

ents ·······


ements ···

Resources ·




e of Con







or Managemty ··········




f QAP ·····




t Each Stage ············

lear Power U

y Measures from a Nucl··············



Response ·


toring ·····















ment after th·············








e of Manage·············

Utilization F

against ear Power U·············



















he Closure o············








ement of ············

Facility ·

Utilization ············













· 67






of a 75






























Safety of SG.1 General

G.1.1 N

G.1.2 M

G.1.3 I

G.1.4 P

G.1.5 I

G.2 Existing

G.2.1 O

G.2.2 S

G.3 Siting o

G.3.1 O

G.3.2 S

G.3.3 C

G.4 Design

G.4.1 C

G.4.2 D

G.4.3 P

G.5 Assessm

G.5.1 S

G.5.2 S

G.6 Operatio

G.6.1 O

G.6.2 O

G.6.3 Tm

G.6.4 R

G.6.5 I

G.6.6 D

G.7 Disposa

Spent Fuel Safety Req

Nuclear Crit



Inter Depen··············

Protective A

Impacts and

g Facilities

On-site Spen

Spent Fuel I

of Proposed

On-site Spen

Spent Fuel I


and Constru

Control of P


Proven Tech

ment of Safe

Safety Asse


on of Facili

Operating L

Operating L

Technical Sumonitoring,

Reporting o



al of Spent F

el Managquirements

ticality, Res


on of Radioa

dence amon··············

Actions with

d Burdens on


nt Fuel Stor

Interim Stor


nt Fuel Stor

Interim Stor

on of Neigh

uction of Fa

Possible Rad

ioning Plan

hnology ··

ety of Facili

ssment and

ation of Saf

ities ·······

License ····

Limit and Op

upport for Oinspection

f Events Sig

on of Operat

ioning Plan

Fuel ·······


gement ·· ············

sidual Heat


active Wast

ng the Diffe·············

hin the Lega

n Future Ge


rage Faciliti

rage Facility


rage Faciliti

rage Facility

hboring Cou

acilities ··

diological Im

nning ······


ities ······


fety Assessm



perating Lim

Operating Pand test) an

gnificant to

ting Experi

n ···········


e of Con


Removal an


te Generatio

erent Steps i··············

al Framewo



ies of NPP a

y ···········


ies of NPP a

y ···········

untries ·····


mpact ·····




ental Impact

ment ······



mit Conditio

Procedure (ond Safety ··

Safety ···

ence ······





nd Harmful


on ·········

in Spent Fu·············

rk ·········



and PIEF



and PIEF








t Assessmen




on ·········

operation, m·············





·········· ············

l Material



uel Managem············















nt ········










107 109

· 110


ment 110




















e, 122











Safety of RH.1 General

H.1.1 S

H.1.2 S

H.1.3 S

H.2 Existing

H.3 Siting o

H.3.1 R

H.3.2 S

H.4 Design

H.4.1 R

H.4.2 C


H.5 Safety A

H.5.1 S

H.5.2 R

H.5.3 IA

H.6 Operati

H.6.1 R

H.6.2 S

H.6.3 L

H.6.4 O

H.6.5 E

H.6.6 P

H.6.7 E

H.6.8 A

H.6.9 EA

Radioactil Safety Req

Standards fo

Safety Anal

Safety Requ

g Facilities

of Proposed


Site Selectio

and Constru


Criteria of D



Safety Anal

Renewal of


on of Facili


Safety Mana

Limiting Co

Operating P


Procedure fo··············

Event Repor

Analysis an

EstablishmeAuthority ·

ive Wastequirements

or Permit of

ysis ·······

uirements to

and Past Pr



on for the P

uction of Fa


Design and C

ation of Reg

t of Facilitie

ysis and En

Safety Ana

ation of Safeof the LILW

ities ·······


agement of

onditions of


g and Techn

for Characte··············

rting and R

d Incorpora

ent of a Dec··············


e Manage ············

f Constructi


o be conside

ractices ···


nts and Perm

Proposed Fa

acilities ··

nts ········


gulatory Re

es ·········


alysis and R

ety AssessmW Dispoasl


nts ········

f Operation o

f Operation


nical Suppor

erization and·············

Record Mana

ation of Ope


e of Con

ement ·················

ion and Ope


ered ·······



mit Procedu

cility ······



on ··········



al Impact A


ment and Ral Facility ··



of a Dispos

of a Dispos


rt ··········

d Categoriz··············

agement ··

erating Expe

ning Plan an··············



eration ····





ure ········








nt of Safety

adiological E·············



al Facility

sal Facility



ation of Rad·············


erience ···

nd Review o·············

·········· ·············






















dioactive W·············



of the Regul·············

125 127















ntal 148







Waste 152



latory 154









H.7 Instituti

H.7.1 R

H.7.2 In

H.7.3 In

rans-bou.1 Domestic

.2 Safety R

I.2.1 G

I.2.2 Tr

I.2.3 Tr

.3 Approva

I.3.1 D

I.3.2 Re

I.3.3 Tr

Disused SeJ.1 Legal Sy

J.2 Managem

J.2.1 R

J.2.2 M

J.2.3 R


ImplementDisposal F

onal Measu

Record Keep



ndary Moc Transport


eneral Requ

ransport Co

ransport ···

al and Admi

esign Aprov

eport on Tra


ealed Sourystem ······

ment of disu



eturn ······

ment of a Clo ·············

tation of Safacility ····

ures after Cl

ping ······

Control ··

n in Case of

ovement (Regulation

s ··········


ontainers ··


nistrative A

val ········

ansport ···

ary Movem

rces (Arti··············

used sealed

s for Facilit

t ···········



osure Plan a·············

fety Regula·············

losure ····




(Article 2ns ··········





Action ····



ment Cases

icle 28) ··············

sources ··

ties and Han



e of Con

and Review··············

ations on Pa··············




d Release ··

27) ·····················











ndling ·····




w of the Regu·············

rtial Operat·············



















ulatory ············

tion of a ············





·········· ············









·········· ············











159 162









167 169





K. P















Planned AK.1 Measure


K.2 TechnolManage

K.3 Prepara

K.4 Spent F

K.5 Enhance

K.6 Integrat

NEXES Annex A Li

Annex B Li

Annex C Li

Annex D Nu

Annex E Nu

Annex F No


Annex G No


Annex H Re

Activities es Taken to


logy Improvement ·····

ation of Dec

Fuel Manage

ement of Sa

ted Regulato

···········st of Spent

st of Radioa

st of Nuclea

uclear Safet

uclear Safet

otices of the


otices of the


eferences ·

to Improo Challenges


vement of t··············


ement Polic

afety of a LI

ory Review

············Fuel Manag

active Wast

ar Facilities

ty Charter

y Policy Sta

e NSSC App






ove Safetys Identified


the Regulato·············

ing of NPPs

cy ·········

ILW Dispo

w Service M

············gement Fac

te Managem

s under Dec


atement ··

plicable to R


Applicable to



e of Con

y ··········at the Prev


ory Systems··············

s ············


sal Facility

ission ·····

············cilities ·····

ment Faciliti






o Radioactiv




············ious Review


s for the Ra·············






ies ·········

ing ········



e Waste Man


ve Waste M



·········· w Meeting


adioactive W············





·········· ············












Waste 177





183 185






















le D.1-1 I

le D.1-2 I

le D.2-1 I

le D.2-2 I

le D.2-3 I

le D.2-4 I

le D.2-5 I

le D.3-1 ID

le E.2-1 L

le E.2-2 C

le F.4-1 D

le F.4-2 AR

le F.4-3 AR

Inventory of

Inventory of··············

Inventory of

Inventory of

Inventory of

Inventory of

Inventory of

Inventory ofDecommiss

Laws Conce

Contents of

Dose Limits

Annual RadiReleased fro


Annual RadiReleased fro


f Spent Fue

f Spent Fue··············

f Radioactiv

f Radioactiv

f Radioactiv

f RI Waste

f the LILW

f Radioactivioning Site

erning Nucl

Nuclear Sa

s ···········

ioactivity inom Nuclear


ioactivity inom Non-Nu



els Stored at

els in Storag·············

ve Waste St

ve Waste St

ve Waste St

Stored by th

Disposal F

ve Waste St ············

lear Safety R

afety Act ·


n Liquid andPower Site


n Liquid anduclear Power


st of Tab

t NPP Sites

ge Pools of R··············

tored at NPP

tored at the

tored by the


Facility ····

tored at the ··············




d Gaseous Res and Calcu


d Gaseous Rr Site and C




Research Re·············

P Sites ···



D ···········


KRR-1 and·············




Radioactiveulated Off-s


RadioactiveCalculated O



Reactor Facil·············



NF ·········



d 2 ·············




e Effluents site Dose


e Effluents Off-site Dos


· 26

lities · 27

· 28

· 29

· 30

· 30

· 31

· 32

· 39

· 42

· 82

·· 90


·· 90




















ure A.1-1 LG

ure B.2-1 S

ure E.2-1 L

ure E.2-2 L

ure E.2-3

ure E.3-1 O

ure E.3-2 O

ure F.2-1 O

ure F.2-2 O

ure F.2-3 R

ure F.2-4 O

ure F.2-5 O

ure F.5-1 N

ure F.5-2 AE

ure F.5-3 N

ure H.4-1 B

ure H.4-2 C

ure H.6-1 R

ure J.2-1 R

Locations anGeneration

Spent Fuel M

Legal Frame

Legal Hiera








National Ra

Atomic ComEmergency

National En

Bird’s Eye V

Cross Sectio


RI Waste M

nd OperatioSources and


ework for N

rchy of the


n Chart of t

n Chart of K

n Chart of t

n Chart of a

Waste rela

n Chart of K

n Chart of K

adiological E

mputerized T(AtomCAR


View of the

on View of

waste carri



onal Status od Managem

nt Practices

Nuclear Safe



the NSSC ·

KINS ·····

the KHNP H

a Nuclear P

ated Organiz




Technical ARE) ········

al Radioacti

e Wolsong L


ier ········

t System ··

t of Figu

of Major Rament Facilitie


ety Regulati

e Waste Ma




Head Office

ower Site

zation Chart

F ···········


Response S

Advisory Sy··············

vity Monito

LILW Dispo

nd Facilitie




adioactive Wes ·········


ion ········

anagement A




e ···········


t of KAERI



Scheme ···

ystem for th·············

oring Netwo

osal Center

s ··········



Waste ·············



Act ·······






I ···········




he Radiologi·············

ork ······





· 5

· 12

· 41

· 45

· 47

· 54

· 60

· 68

· 69

·· 70

· 73

· 74


ical · 96


· 143

· 143

· 163

· 171

AA. Int

- 1 -


- 2 -

The gfosteCurregene

Sincethe lnucleaccorunitsconst In OComKoreCorp2009for tWastin Juradioconstcomp In thgoveinterimanaand perspComManaon S2013

governmentering nucleaently, nuclration in Ko

e the commlatest commear power rdance with

s of NPPs intruction are

October 201mmission (Nean governporation (KR9 pursuant tthe safe andte Managem

uly 2013. Cuoactive wastruction andpleted at the

e 253th meeernment decim-storage agement aftto implemepective. In t

mmission in agement Plpent Nucle

3 to carry

t of the Repar power tolear power orea.

mencement omercial opeplants (NPh the 6th Bancluding five planned to

1, the KoreNSSC) to ennment also RMC), whito the provid efficient

ment was reurrently, thete (LILW) d operatione end of 201

eting of Atocided to confacility. It w

fter due conent the polithis line, the

Novemberan which car Fuel Ma

out publi

public of Koo overcome


of the commeration of SPs) are opeasic Plan fove units und be construc

ean governnhance the

establisheich is a radisions of thmanageme

enamed intoe KORAD hdisposal fa, and the ph14.

omic Energynstruct a LILwas also decnsideration icy based oe Korean gor 2012 andalled for es

anagement aic engagem

A. In

- 3 -

orea has mathe insuffi

for approx

mercial opeShin-Wolsoerating comor Long-termder construccted by 202

nment estabregulatory

ed the Kordioactive w

he Radioactient of radioo the Korea has been coacility sincehase 1 cons

y CommissiLW disposacided to detof technolo

on public covernment h

d decided ostablishmentas an indepement activi


aintained a cicient energximately 31

eration of Kong Unit 1 mmercially m Electriciction and fo24.

blished the y independerea Radioa

waste managive Waste M

oactive wasRadioactivnstructing a

e the governstruction of

ion held in Dal facility, stermine a nogy developconsensus fheld the 2nd

on the Exect of a Publiendent adviities. When


consistent ngy resources1% of the

Kori Unit 1 in July 20as of Marty Supply aour units be

Nuclear Saence of nucactive Wasgement ageManagemente. The Koe Waste Aga low and innment granthe disposa

December 2separately fational polipment at ho

from the mid meeting ofcution Planc Engagemisory body n the Publ

national polis in the coutotal elect

in April 19012, 23 unrch 31, 201and Demaneing prepare

afety & Secclear safetyste Manageency, in Jannt Act (RWorea Radioagency (KORntermediatented a permal facility w

2004, the Kfrom a spenicy for spenome and ab

mid- to longf Atomic En

n for Spent ment Commi

in the 1st hlic Engage

icy of untry. tricity

978 to its of

14. In nd, 11 ed for

curity . The ement nuary

WMA) active RAD) level

mit for will be

Korean nt fuel nt fuel broad

g-term nergy Fuel

ission alf of ement

- 4 -

Commission’s recommendation report based on the results of public engagement activities that the commission is currently carrying out, the Korean government will decide on a national policy for spent fuel management and develop a basic plan for radioactive waste management by the end of 2014 according to this national policy for spent fuel. Spent fuel generated from operating NPPs has been stored in spent fuel storage pools or dry storage facilities (only applies to PHWRs) on site and LILW generated from NPPs has been stored at on-site radioactive waste storage facilities. Currently only one research reactor is in operation: High-flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor (HANARO) at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) located in Daejeon. Operation of HANARO commenced in 1995 and HANARO has the thermal power of 30MW. Spent fuel as well as radioactive waste generated from HANARO has been stored in an on-site storage facility. Two research reactors, Korea Research Reactor 1 and 2 (KRR-1 and 2), located at the former the KAERI site in Seoul, were permanently shut down, and the decommissioning of the reactors and the auxiliary facilities are currently underway. Fuel for NPPs is fabricated by Korea Electric Power Corporation Nuclear Fuel (KEPCO NF) in Daejeon. Radioactive waste generated from fabrication process is stored in the on-site radioactive waste storage facility. In addition, as of late December 2013, the number of radioactive material users in medicine, research and industry has increased steadily to nearly 6,100. They are located throughout the country and generate various types of radioactive waste. The radioactive isotope (RI) waste generated from these facilities is stored in the RI waste management facility of the KORAD in Daejeon. The locations and operational status of major radioactive waste generation sources and management facilities in Korea are shown in Figure A.1-1.

Figure A.1-1. Lo

Socations andSources and

d Operationd Managem

- 5 -

nal Status oment Faciliti

of Major Rades (As of M

dioactive WMarch 31, 20

Waste Gener014)


In shPathesh

B.1.1 The the “Atomnatio 1) Di

- u

2) Sa

- Rat




accordancall submit

arties. Thise obligatioall also ad

spent fu spent fu radioact radioact criteria u

1 Basic Pol

current bas“Radioactivmic Energy onal policy i

irect managRadioactiveunder the re

afety on TopRadioactiveand environthe harmfulRadioactive


E 32. REPO

ce with thet a nations report shaons of the dress its:

uel manageuel managetive waste tive waste used to de


sic policy foe Waste MaCommittee

is as follow

gement by the waste, whesponsibility

p Priority e waste shonmental impl effects frome waste ma


e provisionnal report all address Conventio

ement policement prac managem managem

efine and ca

or radioactivanagement e (AEC) hes:

he governmhich needs y of the gov

uld be safelpact so as tom radioactivnagement s

- 9 -

ns of ARTto each

s the meason. For ea

cy; ctices;

ment policy;ment practic

ategorize r

ve waste anPlan” whic

eld on Sept

ment long-term


ly managedo protect huve waste, should be o

ICLE 30, eReview M

sures takeach Contra

; ces; radioactive

nd spent fuch was adoptember 30,

safe manag

d in due conuman health

observed int

each ContMeeting ofn to impleacting Par

e waste.

el managempted in the 21998. The

gement, sho

nsideration h and the en


tracting Paf Contractment eachrty the rep

ment is base249th meetisummary o

ould be man

of the biolonvironment

standards o

arty ting h of port

ed on ing of of the


ogical from

on the

- 10 -

safety. 3) Minimization of radioactive waste generation

- The generation of radioactive waste which accompanies the use of nuclear power and RI should be minimized.

4) “Polluter pays” principle

- The cost incurred in managing radioactive waste should be borne by the generator at the point of generation, without imposing undue burdens on future generations.

5) Execution under the public trust

- Radioactive waste should be managed transparently and openly so as to improve the understanding and trust of the general public

- Radioactive waste management project should be executed in such a way to contribute to harmony and development of local communities.

B.1.2 Strategy and Management Plan B.1.2.1 LILW The disposal of LILW was adopted as a management plan in 1986. In particular, the AEC decided on construction of a LILW disposal facility with the capacity of 800,000 drums (100,000 drums in the 1st stage) in the 253th meeting held in December 2004. Accordingly the construction of 1st stage facility (Rock Cavern Disposal Type) commenced in 2007 with the completion target of late 2014. B.1.2.2 Spent Fuel Discussion on a strategy and management plan for spent fuel started in the AEC in 1988. Afterward, the construction and operation of a spent fuel interim storage facility (either wet- or dry-type) was decided several times as a strategy and management plan for spent fuel by the AEC. In the 253th meeting held in December 17, 2004, however, the committee changed its position to increase the capacity of temporary storage facilities of NPPs to manage spent fuel on site by 2016 and to establish spent fuel management plan after consideration of a national policy direction, technology development at home and abroad, and based on public consensus reached through the discussion from a mid- to long-term perspective. Afterward, the Atomic Energy Commission decided on the “Execution Plan for Spent Fuel Management Policy” in the 2nd meeting held on November 20, 2012 and setting a direction for developing a spent fuel management plan as follows: (1) put safety first (2) develop short-, mid- and long-term management plans (3) prepare supporting measures

- 11 -

which can be accepted by the general public to ease the burden borne by future generations and local residents. At the same time, it was decided to form and run a Public Engagement Commission on Spent Nuclear Fuel Management so as to develop a management plan while securing the highest possible level of acceptance. On October 30, 2013, the Public Engagement Commission on Spent Nuclear Fuel Management was lunched and embarked on public engagement activities with an aim of presenting recommendations on the method for managing spent fuel to the government by late 2014. Therefore, a national policy, strategy and management plan for spent fuel will be presented in detail in the Basic Plan for Radioactive Waste Management where the results of above-mentioned public engagement activities will be incorporated.

Spenand rsumm



Spenfuel pto ad


nt fuels in Kresearch reamarized as s

1 Nuclear

nt fuels gen been implet of on-site

nt fuels genpool for eacddress the


B.2 Sp

Korea are gactor, HANshown in Fi


r Power Re

erated fromemented to storage faci

nerated in thch unit. To lack of sto

ed Water R

pent Fue

generated frNARO. The igure B.2-1.

re B.2-1. Spe

eactor Fac

m NPPs are increase onilities.

he Pressurizdate, almos

orage capac

Reactor (PW

l Manage

- 12 -

rom 23 NPPKorea’s fra.

ent Fuel Man


stored and n-site storag

zed Water Rst all PWR pity such as


ement Pra

Ps located amework fo

nagement Pra

managed oe capacity o

Reactors (Pplants contis installing


in four nucor spent fue


on site and or to postpo

PWRs) are sinue to implstorage rac

clear powerel managem

diverse meone the satur

stored in a lement meacks addition

r sites ment is

ethods ration


asures nally,


SpenWolsthen constand cplace400) Febru B.2.

All o1998


Someexam(PIEFin thein ro

alling high-dr neighborin

nt fuels gensong Units transferred tructed in Wcurrently a e. Additiona

with the cuary 2011 a

2 Nuclear

of the 299 s8 when the d

nt fuels fromed in the spe

e spent fumination areF) which ise PIEF hot d-cut conta


KRR-1 an



density storng units.

nerated in 1, 2, 3 and to the dry s

Wolsong sitetotal of 300ally, seven capacity of and are curr

r Research

spent fuel rdecommissi

m operationent fuel poo

fuels genere stored in currently rcells, and thiners and st

ed Heavy W

d 2

diation Exam

age racks o

Pressurize4, are storestorage facie in 1992 an0 canisters (modules of

f 168,000 brently in ope

h Facility

rods from Kioning proje

n of HANAl connected

rated and the storage

run by the Khe remainintored in the

Water Reac

mination Fa

- 13 -

or transferrin

d Heavy Wed in spent fility on site.nd expande(with the tof MACSTObundles wereration.

KRR-1 and ect of the re

ARO and irrd to the reac

transshippee pool of thKAERI. Posng part of thspent fuel p

ctor (PHWR

acility (PIEF

ng spent fu

Water Reacfuel pools fo Initially, 6d three time

otal capacityR-400 (More construct

2 were sensearch reac

radiated tesctor pool of

ed from Phe post-irradst-irradiationhe fuel rodspool.



els to the sp

ctors (PHWfor longer th0 dry storages (in 1998,y of 162,000dular Air-Cted in the W

nt back to ttors was un

t fuels fromHANARO.

PWRs for diation examn examinatiafter exami

pent fuel po

WRs) whichhan six yearge canisters, 2002 and 20 bundles) a

Cooled STOWolsong s

the USA inndertaken.


post-irradimination faion is carrieination is pa

ool of

h are rs and were 2005) are in

ORage ite in

n June

O are

iation acility ed out acked


Gasedurintreateinto Gasehigh-undewithidefinand r

Liquof thwith efflualso liquidcalcu

Solidpapefilterdrumusingwastewastetime compstabithe c


1 Nuclear

eous radioacng the opered using a gthe atmosp

eous waste f-efficiency

er continuouin the Excluned in the Nreport the re

uid radioactihe reactor co

evaporatoruent is releas

under contd effluent dulate off-site

d radioactivrs, clothes,

rs. The DAWms. For Hang a “LILW Ve from Hane and spentin the past

pletely drieilization waconcentrated

B.3 Ra

Gaseous R

Liquid Rad

Solid Rad

r Power Re

ctive waste ration of NPgas decay taphere after from the veparticulate

us monitorinusion Area

Notice of theesults regula

ive waste isoolant and rrs, deminerased to the setinuous modischarged e dose estim

ve waste co gloves, shWs are comnul Units 5Vitrification

nul Units 5 at resin had (~ 1995); a

ed in a dryis discontinud waste, wh



dioactive W

ioactive Wa

eactor Fac

is mainly gPPs. Gaseoank or charcconfirming

entilation syfilters and cng. The gasBoundary (e NSSC. Tharly to the r

s mainly gerelated systealizers, filteea when me

onitoring. Tinto the en

mates and re

onsists moshoes, etc.) ampressed by5 and 6, con Facility.” and 6 has bbeen solidiafterward, ting facility ued considehich is gene

ve Waste

e Waste Ma

Waste Mana

aste Manag

- 14 -


generated inous waste gcoal delay bg radioactivystems is dicharcoal filtseous efflue(EAB) shouhe licensee sregulatory b

enerated froems. In geners and/or reasured rad

The Notice nvironment eport the res

stly of Dryand concen

y a conventiombustible

Thanks to teen reducedfied mainly

the concentry and stabilering the staerated newl





n the deaerenerated in

bed to reducvity levels scharged inters, and its ent being re

uld satisfy Eshould calcu


om the cleanneral, liquid reverse osmioactivity leof the NSSwithin the

sults regular

y Active Wntrated wasional compamiscellaneothat, the vold by approxy with cemerated waste ized with p

ability of perly in the NP

ment Pra


ration or venn the deaerace radioactivthrough sam

nto the envirradioactivit

eleased intoEffluent Conulate off-sit

nup or mainradioactive

mosis (RO) evel is belowSC prescribEAB. The

rly to the re

Wastes (DAtes, spent ractor (capacous solid wlume of mis

ximately 90%ent during agenerated f

paraffin. Hormanent disPPs, is pack


entilation pration procesvity and relmpling anaronment thrty levels are

o the atmosntrol Limit te dose estim

ntenance pre waste is tr

equipmentw ECL, whbes ECL fo

operator shegulatory bo

AWs, used resins and city: 30 tonwaste is vitscellaneous%. Concenta fixed perifrom NPPs owever, pasposal as of ked in the H

rocess ss are eased

alysis. rough e also phere (ECL) mates

rocess reated t. The hich is or the hould


parts, spent

n) into trified solid trated iod of were

raffin f 2011, High-

Integspent B.3.

The vreleasysteventi

Liqufacilinaturthe e

Solidtreatmwith concdose Comurani B.3.

Any filterstackexceethe li

grity Contait resin dryin

2 Nuclear

ventilation ase into theem. When tilation is sto

uid radioactiities and derally evapor


d radioactivment and sta high rad

rete monoliis compres

mbustible waium conver

3 Nuclear

radioactiver in the ventk. Gaseous reds the reguimits.

Gaseous R

Liquid Rad

Solid Rad

Gaseous R

iner (HIC). ng system. S

r Research

system of ee atmospherthe radioacopped to kee

ive waste geelivered to arated and tht.

ve waste, extorage facilidiation doseith with adessed and paaste generatsion facility

r Fuel Fab

e material frtilation systradioactive ulatory limi


dioactive W

ioactive Wa


Spent resin Spent filters

h Facility

each facilityre. The stactivity conceep off-site e

enerated froan evaporatihe residue i

xcluding spities. Accorde are packeequate shielcked in 200ted in the dy (UCF) is i

rication Fa

rom gaseoutem before effluent is

its ventilatio

e Waste Ma

Waste Mana

aste Manag

e Waste Ma

- 15 -

is kept in as are stored

y is equippedcks of eachentration oexposure do

om researchion plant fois bituminiz

pent fuel, iding to inted in 50-lite

lding. Solid 0-liter steel



us radioactivits release tcontinuous

on is stoppe





an HIC or eqin a shieldi

d with filterh facility hf off-gas ex

ose below th

h facility is or concentrazed, no liqu

s transporteernal guidelier stainless radioactivedrums, and

oning proce

ve effluent to the outsidsly monitoreed to keep o



quivalent afing containe

rs to treat ofhave continuxceeds effluhe limits.

collected ination. Becauuid waste is

ed to the raines, solid rsteel drum

e waste withd kept in a sess of KRR-

should be tde environmed. If the raoff-site expo

fter drying ier.

ff-gas prior uous monitluent limita

n the tanks ouse condenss discharged

adioactive wradioactive w

ms, and kepth a low radistorage buil

R-1 and 2 an

treated throument througadioactivity osure dose b

in the

to its toring


of the sate is d into

waste waste t in a iation lding. nd the

ugh a gh the

level below

LiquPHWlime charaby thdisch

Solidclothdurinsynthare tsurfa B.3.4

RI uwasteRI wusersfacili B.3.

The LILWusers

The will b

uid waste is WR fuel fab

precipitatiacteristics. The Notice harged is rec

d waste fromhes, gloves,ng liquid whetics, limethen stored ace contami

4 RI Waste

users utilize e is classifie

waste generas or transpoity.

5 LILW Dis

LILW dispW generateds, etc.

total capacibe disposed

Liquid Rad

Solid Rad


Disposal C

classified ibrication proon, polymeTreated liquof the NSScorded and

m fuel fabri, metals ge

waste treatm deposits, win a waste

nation level

e Manage

two kinds ed into comated by RI ort agents. T

sposal Fa

posal facilid from NPP

ity of the Ld in the first

dioactive W

ioactive Wa

ve Waste fo


nto two typocess. Theyer coagulatiuid waste isSC and datmaintained

cation facilienerated durment. They wood, glasse storage fal, and radiat

ment Faci

of RI: sealmbustibles, i

users, are cThe KORAD


ity, which Ps, research

LILW dispot phase of th

Waste Mana

aste Manag

or Disposal

- 16 -

pes: waste fy are treatedion and ces dischargeta such as


ities consistring facilityare classif

s, etc., and pfacility aftertion dose ra


led source incombustibcollected anD manages

is currentlyfacilities, n

osal facility he disposal f




from PWR fd by severalentrifugationed after com

volume an

ts mostly ofy repair, anfied into mpacked in 2r measuringate for each

and unsealebles, non-cond delivered RI waste i

y under conuclear fuel

is 800,000facility.

fuel fabrical treatment n in accord

mpared withnd amount

f protective nd lime depiscellaneou

200-liter steg the radiopackage.

ed source. Uompactable,d to the KOn its RI wa

nstruction, fabrication

0 drums and

ation processystems su

dance with h ECLs spec

of liquid w

supplies sueposits geneus waste, meel drums, woactivity, w

Unsealed s, spent filterORAD by thaste manage

will dispon facilities an

d 100,000 d

ss and uch as

their cified waste

uch as erated

metals, which eight,

ource rs, etc. he RI ement

ose of nd RI



W will be de. For loadick (3×3) died inside thas a crane.

Disposal M

disposed ining efficiencisposal cone disposal c


n six silos dcy, 16-pack

ntainers for containers, w

- 17 -

depending k (4×4) disp

320-liter dwhich are h

on the sizeposal containdrums are uhandled with

e and charaners for 200used. The wh remote co

acteristics o0-liter drumwaste drumontrol equip

of the

ms and ms are pment


The NotherwhicradioconcLow than in the


- LILWNSANoticdispovery intermradiowasteClass Exemself-dIAEAyear


Nuclear Sar materials cch is all subjoactive waentration anand intermthe HLW. e NSSC No

- radioact

- heat gen

W is definedA and the d

ce No. 2014osal). Acco

low level mediate lev

oactivity lime managemsification).

mpt waste adisposal in A Safety Sefor individu

B.4 De Sco

afety Act (Ncontaminateject to disp

aste (HLWnd the heat

mediate levelThe limit v

otice No. 20

tivity: ≥ 4l

neration rate

d to be catedetails regar4-003 (Radrding to thradioactive

vel radioactimit are dev

ment in Kore

according tthe NSA

eries No. 1ual dose and

efinition ope

NSA) defineed by such rosal. The E

W) as the release rat

l radioactivevalues on ra013-49 (Stan

4,000 Bq/glonger thane: ≥ 2 kW

egorized by rding LILW

dioactive Wae Notice, Le waste (Vive waste (I

veloped by ea and the I

o the IAEAand subord15 (1996) ad less than 1

and Clas

- 18 -

es “Radioacradioactive


te are highee waste (LILadioactivityndards for R

g for α-emi20 years


its radioactW sub-categ

aste ClassifLILW is cla

VLLW), lowILW). Thisconsidering

IAEA Safet

A radioactivdinate statutare applied 1 person-Sv

ssification of

ctive Wastematerial (in

t Decree of e waste, oer than leveLW) means

y and heat gRadiation Pr

itting radio

tivity in thegorizations fication andassified intow level rad classificatig the curreny Standard

ve waste clte. The samto self-disp

v for collect

n of Radi

” as radioacncluding spthe NSA d

of which ls prescribes the radioacgeneration rrotection, et

onuclide ha

Enforcemeare describ

d the Standao three subioactive waion system nt status ofGSG-1 (Ra

lassificationme criteria posal: less ttive dose.

ioactive W Applic

active materpent nucleardefines high

the radioaed by the Nctive waste rate are spectc.) as follow

aving a hal

ent Decree obed in the Nards for the b-categorizaaste (LLW)of LILW anf the radioaadioactive W

n corresponfor dose rathan 0.01 m



rial or r fuel)

level active

NSSC. other cified ws:


of the NSSC

Self-tions: ) and nd its active Waste

nds to ate in

mSv a

C. Sccope

of A Appliccationn






This Convthe spentSpent fueis not covParty decl

This Conmanagemapplicationcontains ooriginate sealed sothis Conve

This Convor radioadeclared Conventioapply to tfrom milittransferreprogramm

This Conv4, 7, 11, 1


vention shat fuel resul held at revered in thlares repro

nvention sment whe

ns. Howevonly naturafrom the

ource or it ention by t

vention shaactive was

as spent on by the the safety ary or defd perman


vention sha4, 24 and

C. Sco


all apply toults from teprocessinhe scope ocessing to

shall also n the raver, this Cally occurrnuclear fuis declarehe Contrac

all not applte within fuel or ra

Contractinof managfense prog

nently to

all also app 26.

ope of A

- 21 -


o the safetythe operat

ng facilitiesof this Co

o be part o

apply to adioactive Conventioning radioauel cycle, d as radiocting Party

ly to the samilitary o

adioactive ng Party. ement of grammes and man

ply to disc



y of spent ftion of civ as part of

onvention f spent fue

the safety waste n shall noctive mateunless it

oactive wasy.

afety of maor defense

waste forHowever,

spent fuel if and whaged with

harges as

ation (A

fuel managvilian nuclef a reproceunless the

el managem

y of radioresults f

ot apply toerials and t constituteste for the

anagemente programr the purp this Con and radioen such m

hin exclus

provided f


gement whear reacto

essing active Contractment.

oactive wafrom civilo waste tthat does es a disuse purposes

t of spent fmmes, unleposes of tnvention shoactive wamaterials sively civil

for in Artic

e 3)

hen ors. vity ting

aste lian hat not sed s of

fuel ess this hall

aste are ian


















are in





scope of th

nt Fuel Man

vention) is

ed Act and

s and nucle

cycle facili

sification of

nt fuel is pr

agement wi

e and abro

ocessing act

e activities h

uant to Arrally occurrities and the

uant to Art

nse program

vention. Bu



C.2 Re

C.3 Na


his national

nagement a

the radioac

d subordinat

ar research

ties and RI

f radioactive

resently in s

ill be later

oad. There

tivities of s

have not be

ticle 3.2 oring radioace industrial

ticle 3.3 of

ms are not

ut the RI wa

d in the inve


aturally O

l report acc

and on the

ctive waste

te statute. S

facilities as

users are c

e waste are

storage insi


efore, pursu

spent fuel a

en conducte

f the Jointctive materiusers of nuc

f the Joint C

t declared

aste transfer

entories men

sing of Sp


- 22 -

cording to t

Safety of R

e defined in

Spent fuel

s well as rad

covered in t

specified in

de the NPP

d taking int

uant to A

are not desc

ed in Korea

t Conventioials (NORMclear mater


as radioact

rred to RI m

ntioned in th

pent Fue

g Radioa

the Joint C


n accordanc

and radioac

dioactive w

this nationa

n Section B.

Ps, and a na

to account

Article 3.1

cribed in th


on, this NaMs) generatial.

n, radioactiv

tive waste


his Nationa


active Ma

onvention o

Waste Ma

ce with the

ctive waste

waste genera

al report. Th


ational polic


of the Jo

he National

ational Repted from nu

ve waste w

for purpos

t facilities fr

al Report.


on the Safe

anagement (

e Nuclear S

e generated

ated from nu

he definition

cy for spen

y developme

oint Conven

Report, be

port includeuclear fuel

within milita

ses of the

from militar

ety of





n and

nt fuel

ent at



es the cycle

ary or


ry use

DD. Inv


ories and Listss






This repor

(i) a lisConv

(ii) an inis beiinvengive i

(iii) a list Conv

(iv) an inthat: (a) is

nu(b) ha(c) ha


(v) a listand t

1 Nuclear

nt fuels witain period,

D. Inv

D.1 Sp

E 32. REPO

rt shall also

st of the vention, theventory ofing held in

ntory shall information of the rad

vention, thenventory of

being heuclear fuel as been dias resultedis inventorpropriate tivity and st of nucleathe status o

r Power Re

hdrawn froand efforts


pent Fue


o include:

spent fueeir location spent fue storage acontain a n on its madioactive weir locationf radioactiv

ld in stora cycle facilsposed of;

d from pastry shall coninformatio

specific radar facilitiesof decomm

eactor Fac

om NPPs ars to avoid

es and L

l Manage

- 25 -

el managn, main purel that is suand of that

descriptionass and its waste mann, main purve waste t

age at radlities; ; or t practicesntain a des

on availabdionuclidess in the prmissioning


re stored insaturation

Lists (Ar


ement facrpose and ubject to thwhich has n of the m total activ

nagement rpose and that is sub

ioactive w

. scription of

ble, such s; rocess of activities a

n a spent fuof the poo

rticle 32,

cilities subessential f

his Conven been dispaterial andity; facilities sessential f

bject to this

waste mana

f the mateas volum

being decoat those fac

uel pool at l have been

, Paragr

bject to tfeatures; ntion and tposed of. Td, if availab

subject to tfeatures; s Convent

agement a

rial and otme or ma


t each unit n made su

raph 2)


hat This ble,




her ass,


for a ch as

expaneighfuel sof sp



The stainstoredurinspentfrom





ansion of onhboring unistorage faci

pent fuel in s


2 Nuclear

NARO is a erial irradiatently in use

spent fuel p

nless steel pe temporarilng normal ot fuel pool o


PIEF was cs. It consist

Site R




Wolsong P



n-site storagts. Annex Ailities at eacstorage are

Table D.1-1.

r Research

multi-purption testing,for various

pool of HAplate. The vly fuels loaoperation ofof HANAR


constructed ts of three p

Reactor Typ





e capacity aA-1 shows thch plant. Thgiven in Ta

. Inventory o

h Facilities

pose researc RI productresearch an

ANARO is vault contaiaded into tf HANARO

RO. Table D

for performpools (for re

pe Type

WR w

- 26 -

and transferthe locationhe inventorieable D.1-1.

of Spent Fu


ch reactor dtion, and band developm

a heavy coins three stthe reactor O for 20 yeaD.1-2 shows

mance testineception, un

of Storage




wet / dry

r of spent fu, characterises, initial en

uels Stored

designed foasic science ment activit

ncrete structorage latticcore as we

ars. Annex s the invento

ng and evalnloading and







uels to the spstics, and innrichment o

at NPP Site

(As of

or fuel perfoand applicaies.

cture with ices and hasell as spenA-2 provid

ory of spent

uation of fud testing), f








3 4.5 /

spent fuel ponventory of of fuel, and


March 31, 2

formance teations study

interior linis the capacnt fuel genedes details ont fuels gene

uels irradiatfour concret

tial Enrichm

(w/o of 235U)

4.1 ~ 4.5



/ natural uran

ool of spent types


sting, y. It is

ng of ity to erated of the erated

ted in te hot




- 27 -

cells, two lead hot cells, and supporting installations. Annex Table A-2 shows the details of the spent fuel storage pool in the PIEF.

As of the end of March 2014, spent fuels transshipped from NPPs are stored in the PIEF in the form of assemblies, spent fuel rods, and specimens to carry out post-irradiation examinations. Table D.1-2 shows the inventory of spent fuels stored in the PIEF.

Table D.1-2. Inventory of Spent Fuels in Storage Pools of Research Reactor Facilities

(As of March 31, 2014)

Facility Inventory (MTU)


PIEF 3.3


NPPwasteradiosystetreatmosmodryinsyste The separwith facili Sinceand (Genbeenradiolate Mon-si



1 Nuclear

s, which are treatment

oactive wasem consistsment systemosis (RO) eng system, pem and wast

on-site radrate storageradiation m

ities are list

e 2010, a to2,536 drum

neral Accepn transferreoactive wastMarch, 201ite storage f








D.2 Ra

r Power Re

re currentlyfacilities ante generate

s of gas dem is equippquipment. Tpolymer sote compacto

dioactive we spaces for monitoring ted in Annex

otal of 3,53ms from Wtance Criterd to the Kte generated

14. Table Dfacilities as

e D.2-1. Inv









eactor Fac

y in operatind storage f

ed in the precay tanks

ped with a lThe solid w

olidification or.

waste storagsolid wastesystems. T

x B-1 and B

6 drums of Wolsong sitria for LowKORAD fd from NPP

D.2-1 showsof the end o

ventory of R


L drum]






ve Waste

- 28 -


ion, are equfacilities onrocess of op

and/or chliquid waste

waste treatmn system, sp

ge facility ies accordingThe locatioB-2.

f radioactivete) suitable

w and Intermfor permanPs are stores the inventof March 20




60Co, 1

60Co, 1

60Co, 1

60Co, 1


uipped withn-site to ensperation. Th

harcoal delae evaporato

ment facilitypent filter tr

is a concreg to radioacon and char

e wastes (1,e for the Nmediate Levnent disposed at the ontory of radi014.

Waste Stor



37Cs, Etc.

37Cs, Etc.

37Cs, Etc.

37Cs, Etc.


ment Fac

h gaseous, lure the safehe gaseous ay beds. Tor, ion exch

is composereatment sy

ete slab-typtivity level,racteristics

,000 drums NSSC Noticvel Radioactal. The 91

n-site storagioactive wa

red at NPP

(As of




liquid, and e managemewaste treat

The liquid whanger or reed of spent

ystem, pack

pe building , and is equof these o

from Hanuce No. 20tive Waste)1,493 drumge facilities aste stored a


March 31, 2

tal activity

mated [TBq]






solid ent of tment waste

everse resin


with ipped n-site

ul site 13-29 have

ms of as of

at the



- 29 -

D.2.2 Nuclear Research Facility

The KAERI operates radioactive waste treatment as well as storage facilities for the safe management of liquid and solid radioactive waste generated from research facilities. Annex B-3 and B-4 show the KAERI’s radioactive waste storage and treatment facilities. Liquid radioactive waste generated from the KAERI is treated with an evaporation process. The resulting concentrate is solidified by a bituminization process, whereas the condensate is treated by a solar evaporation process. Solid waste is treated for volume reduction with a compactor and stored on-site. Radioactive waste generated from KRR-1 and 2 at Nowon-gu in Seoul, where is former site of KAERI, was solidified in cement and packaged in 200-liter drums. It was transferred to the KAERI facility in Daejeon in 1985. Since then, they have been stored at the radioactive waste storage facility there. Table D.2-2 shows the inventory of the KAERI’s radioactive waste storage facility with major radionuclides as of late March 2014. Beginning in 2011, the KAERI operates a combustible waste treatment facility to reduce the volume of combustible waste generated in the UCF, KRR 1 and 2 decommissioning process. Table D.2-2 shows the inventory of combustible waste stored in the storage building of the combustible waste storage facility with major radionuclides and Annex B-5 lists the location and capacity of this facility.

Table D.2-2. Inventory of Radioactive Waste Stored at the KAERI

(As of March 31, 2014)

Facility Inventory

[200L drum]



Total Activity

Estimated [TBq]

Radioactive waste

storage facility 10,957

54Mn, 60Co, 238U, 137Cs, 131I, Etc.


Combustible waste

treatment facility 9,075

60Co, 137Cs, Natural

Uranium 7.5E-1

D.2.3 Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facility

Two nuclear fuel fabrication plants are operated by the KEPCO NF. The 1st plant started to produce PWR fuels in 1989 and the 2nd plant for PHWR/PWR fuels started its commercial operation in 1998. The solid waste treatment and storage concept of the two fabrication plants are almost identical, and details of the storage facilities are listed in

- 30 -

Annex B-6. However, the liquid waste treatment process for the PWR fuel fabrication plant is different from that of the PHWR fuel fabrication plant as shown in Annex B-7. As of the end of March 2014, the amount of solid waste generated from the nuclear fuel fabrication facility is up to 7,041 drums. All of them are stored and managed at the on-site waste storage facility. Table D.2-3 shows the inventory of radioactive waste stored at the on-site storage facility.

Table D.2-3. Inventory of Radioactive Waste Stored at the KEPCO NF

(As of March 31, 2014)

Facility Inventory

[200L drum]



Total Activity

Estimated [TBq]

Radioactive waste

storage facility 7,041 234U, 235U, 238U 4.2E-1

D.2.4 RI Waste Management Facility

The RI waste generated from domestic RI users is collected and stored at the RI waste management facility operated by the KORAD. There are 3,192 drums of RI waste managed in the facility as of the end of March 2014. Annex B-8 lists the location and main characteristics of the RI waste management facility. Table D.2-4 shows the inventory of RI waste stored in the RI waste management facility, as of the end of March 2014.

Table D.2-4. Inventory of RI Waste Stored at the KORAD

(As of March 31, 2014)

Facility Inventory

[200L drum]



Total Activity

Estimated [TBq]

RI waste storage



(disused unsealed sources) 125I, 99mTc, Etc. <1.00


(disused sealed sources)

60Co, 137Cs, 241Am,

Etc. 2.8E+2

D.2.5 LILW Disposal Facility

For the management of LILW, the 1st stage of a LILW disposal facility is under construction with the completion target of late December 2014. First of all, a radwaste receipt/storage building of the disposal facility has already been constructed and is now

- 31 -

in operation to receive radioactive waste from some NPPs whose storage capacity has been almost saturated. Annex B-9 lists the location and major characteristics of the radwaste receipt/ storage building.

As of the end of March 2014, 4,243 drums of LILW are stored in the receipt/storage building. Table D.2-5 shows the inventory, major radionuclide and total activity of LILW.

Table D.2-5. Inventory of the LILW Disposal Facility

(As of March 31, 2014)

Facility Name Inventory

[200L drum] Major Radionuclide

Total Activity

Estimated [TBq]

LILW disposal facility

(Radwaste receipt /

storage building)

4,243 60Co, 137Cs, Etc. 4.3E+1

D.2.6 Others

Taekwang Industrial Co., Ltd. in Ulsan generated radiologically contaminated byproducts in the process of producing synthetic fiber using licensed nuclear material, depleted uranium, as a catalyst. Nuclear materials have not been used since they were replaced by a non-radioactive catalyst in 2004. The total inventory of radioactive waste stored in this facility is 7,131 drums, as of March 31, 2014. Taegutec Co. in Daegu generated radiologically contaminated byproducts in the process of producing wire. Since the closure of their production facilities in 2004, contaminated byproducts have not been generated from the facility (decontamination and decommissioning of the facility were carried out from October 2004 to May 2005). The total inventory of radioactive waste stored in this facility is 52 drums, as of March 31, 2014.


Radito thcontainvengiven152Eu Annewaste



The fromcombnatur


1 KRR-1 a

oactive washeir characteainers, and ntory of radn in Table Du.

ex C showse from the d



storage area


decommissm the decom

bustible waral uranium

D.3 De

and 2

ste from theeristics andtemporarily

dioactive waD.3-1. The

s the list of decommissi

Table D.3at th


sioning of thmmissioningste treatmen



e decommisd radioactivy stored in taste generatmajor radio

f nuclear facioning of KR

3-1. Inventohe KRR-1 an


200L drum]


he UCF comg process hnt facility. T


- 32 -

ssioning of Kvity levels, pthe reactor ted from theonuclides in

cilities decoKRR-1 and 2

ory of Radiond 2 Decom


mmenced inhas been sThe radioac

KRR-1 and packed intohall of KRR

e KRR-1 ann radioactive


oactive Wasmmissioning



Co, 137Cs, 152E

n 2001 andstored in thctive wastes

2 were claso 200-liter dR-2. As of Md 2 decomme waste are

ed and estim

ste Stored g Site

(As of

ide E

Eu, Etc.

d completedhe storage were conta

ssified accodrums and March 2014

missioning s 60Co, 137Cs

mated amou

March 31, 2

Total Activ

Estimated [T


d in 2012. Wbuilding o

aminated on

ording 4 m3

4, the site is s, and

unt of




Waste of the nly by

The nrecorArticReguNuclmontfrom


nuclear licerd managemcle 98 of tulation of tlear Safety (th after the

m the license

D.4 Re

ensee has bement systemthe NSA anthe NSA, t(KINS) info end of eve

ee, and conf

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een maintaim. In accordnd Articlethe nuclear ormation onery quarter.firmed infor

eeping an

- 33 -

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. Legulato

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and eworkk


The Conv






Each Contthe legislanecessary

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regul(ii) a sy

mana(iii) a sys

waste(iv) a sys

and d(v) the e

licens(vi) a cle

E. Le

E.1 Im

E.2 Le

E 18. IMPL

tracting Paative, reguy for implem

regulatorydiscussed in

E 19. LEGI

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arty shall talatory and

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Party shalork to govet. regulatoryent of apradiation s

licensing ctivities;

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ting Meas

e and Reg

- 37 -


ake, within d administrs obligation

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safety; of spen

f the operaty without a institutioneporting; icable reg


d Regul

sures (Ar



the framerative means under th

to fulfill ththis report.


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rticle 18)


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, regulato

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or radioact

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aw, eps


and tive







- 38 -

different steps of spent fuel and of radioactive waste management. 3. When considering whether to regulate radioactive materials as

radioactive waste, Contracting Parties shall take due account of the objectives of this Convention.

E.2.1 Legislative Framework of Nuclear Regulation

E.2.1.1 Nuclear Safety Related Act and Subordinate Statute National laws related to the safety of spent fuel and radioactive waste management are the NSA, RWMA, Environmental Impact Assessment Act and others as shown in Table E.2-1. Matters on nuclear safety regulation and radiation protection are stipulated in the NSA. The NSA was enacted as a main law concerning the safety regulations for spent fuel and radioactive waste management. Laws concerning nuclear regulation (Figure E.2-1) consist of four levels: NSA, its Enforcement Decree (a Presidential Decree), its Enforcement Regulation (an ordinance of the Prime Minister), the Regulation of the NSSC (Regulations on Technical Standards for Nuclear Reactor Facilities, Etc. and Regulations on Technical Standards for Radiation Safety Management, Etc.), and the Notices of the NSSC. The NSA is composed of a total of 11 chapters including General Provision, Establishment and Execution of Comprehensive Nuclear Safety Plan, Construction Permit (CP) and Operation License (OL) and inspection of disposal facilities, Etc. The Enforcement Decree of the NSA provides the particulars entrusted in the NSA and administrative particulars, including the detailed procedures and methods necessary for enforcement of the NSA. The Enforcement Regulation of the NSA and the Regulation of the NSSC provide the particulars, including detailed procedures, format of documents and technical standards, as entrusted by the same Act and the same Decree. The Notices of the NSSC prescribe the regulatory requirements, technical standards and guidelines, as entrusted by the NSA, its Decree and Regulation.

- 39 -

Table E.2-1. Laws Concerning Nuclear Safety Regulation

Title Major Contents Competent Authorities Remarks

Nuclear Safety Act Basic law on the nuclear safety regulations NSSC -

Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Act

Provides the establishment and operation of the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety NSSC -

Act on Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency

Establishes more effective system for physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear facilities, and provides legal and institutional basis for preventing radiological disaster and preparing countermeasures against radiological emergency


Nuclear Liability Act

Provides the procedures and the extent of compensation for any damages which an individual has suffered from a nuclear accident


Act on Protective Action Guidelines

Against Radiation in the Natural


Provides the matters concerning safety management of radiation encountered in environments


Act on Indemnification Agreement for

Nuclear Liability

Provides the particulars on a contract between the government and the operator to make up any compensation not covered by insurance


Act on Establishment and Operation of the


Provides the particulars on establishment and operation of the NSSC NSSC

Atomic Energy Promotion Act Basic law on the nuclear utilizations MSIP

Radioactive Waste Management Act

Provides procedures related to radioactive waste management MOTIE

Refers to the NSA for the safety regulations of radioactive waste management facilities

Electricity Business Act

Provides the basic system of electricity business MOTIE

Specifies the basic system of the Electricity Business Act including nuclear power plants

Electric Source Development

Promotion Act

Provides special cases relevant to the development of electric sources MOTIE Prior designation notice of nuclear site

Basic Act of Environmental


Mother law of the environmental preservation policy MOE

The NSA is entrusted with the particulars on measures to prevent radiological contamination

Act on Assessment of Impacts of Works

on Environment, Traffic, Disasters,


Provides the extent and procedures to assess environmental impact according to the Basic Act of Environmental Policy

MOE Assessment of environmental impacts excluding radiological impacts

Framework Act on Fire Services

Provides for general matters on the prevention, precaution and the extinguishment of fires

NEMA The requirements for safety management of inflammables

Basic Act on Civil Defense

Provides for general matters on the civil defense system MOSPA

Preparedness against disasters due to nuclear accidents is included in the basic civil defense plan

Basic Act on Management of

Disasters and Safety

Provides for general matters on the control of man-made disasters MOSPA

It prescribes corrective or complementary measures for violations in the implementation of the basic civil defense plan

Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act

Provides insurance to compensate workers in case of an industrial disaster MOEL

Nuclear workers are to be compensated in accordance with the compensation standards in the NSA.

- 40 -

Industrial Safety and Health Act

Provides for the preservation and enhancement of workers' health and safety MOEL The NSA is entrusted with the

particulars on radiological safety

Building Act Provides for general matters on construction MOLIT

When the sites of disposal facilities have obtained prior approval, they are to be seen as having obtained construction permission in accordance with Building Act

FFigure E.2-1. Legal Fram

- 41 -

mework for NNuclear Safetty Regulationn

- 42 -

Table E.2-2. Contents of Nuclear Safety Act

Contents Main Description

Chapter 1 General Provisions Purpose of Nuclear Safety Act and Definitions of Terms

Article 1 (purpose) Purpose of Nuclear Safety Act

Article 2 (definitions) Definition of radioactive waste

Chapter 2 Establishment and Execution of Comprehensive Nuclear Safety Plan

Establishment and enforcement of Comprehensive Nuclear Safety Plan and the implementation of nuclear safety research and development projects

Chapter 3 Construction and Operation of Nuclear Reactor and Related Facilities

Describes overall matters related with the construction and operation of nuclear power reactors and related facilities Section 1 Construction of Nuclear Power Reactor and

Related Facilities

Section 2 Operation of Nuclear Power Reactor and Related Facilities

Article 28 (Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactor and Related Facilities)

Specifies the contents that must be included in the decommissioning plan

Section 3 Construction and Operation of Nuclear Research Reactor, etc.

Describes overall matters related to the construction and operation of research reactors

Chapter 4 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Business and Use of Nuclear Material, Etc. Permission procedure and criteria for nuclear fuel cycle

enterprise Section 1 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Business

Article 42 (Decommissioning of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facility)

Specifies the contents that must be included in the decommissioning plan

Section 2 Use of Nuclear Material Permission procedure and criteria for the use of nuclear material

Chapter 5 Radioisotope and Radiation Generating Device Permission procedure and standard, inspection procedure and method

Article 54 (Registration of Business Agent) Specifies that those who wish to collect, treat, and transport radioactive isotopes, Etc. and radioactive waste must register with the NSSC

Chapter 6 Disposal and Transport Construction and operation permit and inspection of disposal facilities, Etc.

Article 63 (Permit for Construction and operation of Disposal Facilities, Etc.)

Specifies that those who wish to construct and operate a radioactive waste disposal facility, Etc. must obtain the permission from the NSSC

Article 70 (Restrictions on Disposal of Radioactive Wastes) Prohibition of sea dumping of radioactive waste

Chapter 7 Dosimeter Reading, Etc. Registration and inspection of dosimeter reading service provider

Chapter 8 License and Examination Examination of license and issue of license, Etc.

Chapter 9 Regulation and Supervision Set up of a restricted area and radiation hazard protection measures, Etc.

Chapter 10 Supplementary Provisions Conditions for permit or designation, approval of topical report, etc.

Article 103 (Gathering Residents’ Opinion) Specifies that those who wish to obtain a construction and operation permit for a radioactive waste disposal facility or spent fuel storage facility must gather residents’ opinions

Article 104 (Preservation of Environment) Specifies that the constructor and operator of a radioactive waste disposal facility must conduct an environmental radiation survey and a radiological environmental impact assessment

Chapter 11 Penal Provisions Penal provisions, fine for negligence, and joint penal provisions

Addenda Enforcement date, relationship to other acts, etc.

The Nfacili

The requi

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1 Di

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Nuclear S



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ent Decree ecessary for

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nt of Regulof the NSSand Regu

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matters on s

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- 43 -

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n and




c. and


h as uality


r) and eactor Safety


The NmanaRegumana

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Mattersnecessacontrol transpor

Matterstreatmennuclear Reactor

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Notices of agement spulation andagement of

Sitting C




Notices of

tc.) specify

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and manart of radioac

s concerningnt and storfuel cycle

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g structure, rage facilitie

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g radioactives, and nucllear Reactor

ng facilitiesisposal facechnical St

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Regulations. e waste.


a for LILW

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- 44 -


A and its Ethe Act andf radioactivials, etc. (En

equipment es for nucl(Regulation

ve waste malear fuel cycr Facilities,

s, equipmencilities, spetandards for

of radioacty Managem

detailed tecand its EAnnex F

ve Waste Di


teria for L

Level of Rad

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Long-term S

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during opers (Regulatio

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Safety Ma


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The implewaste

1.2 Radioac

ters concernagement Acls: RWMA,TIE, and proRAD, and es

gure E.2-2.

Notices ofementation,e are listed

Regulatfuel ma



ctive Waste

ning radioacct (RWMA its Enforceovides partistablishmen

Legal Hiera

f the MOT, matters enin Annex G

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e Managem

ctive waste mA). As showement Decreiculars regant of radioac

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TIE prescribntrusted by tG.

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- 45 -

ment Relate

managemenwn Figure E

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e Radioactiv

be the stanthe higher l

teria of exp

f Radioactiv

ioactive wa

ed Act

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ve Waste M

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ve Waste M

ste acceptan

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adioactive Womposed ofnd Notices oablishment o

nt Act (RWM

es necessarrding radioa

waste and


Waste f four of the of the


y for active


- 46 -

E.2.1.3 Laws related to Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency of Nuclear Facilities, etc.

The Act on Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency (APPRE) was enacted in May 2003 to strengthen the physical protection system for nuclear materials and facilities and the radiological emergency management system. This Act inherits the articles related to physical protection and radiological disaster prevention as previously specified in NSA as well as specifies various requirements for strengthening physical protection and radiological disaster prevention measures. The APPRE was revised in May 2014 to divide the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) into the Precautionary Action Zone (PAZ) and the Urgent Protective Action Planning Zone (UPZ). This was to incorporate IAEA standards which recommends designating the PAZ up to 3~5 km from the plant and the UPZ within 20~30 km radius of a damaged NPPs to ensure effective emergency response in case of radiological emergency.

E.2.1.4 Laws related to Nuclear Damage Compensation

For the civil liabilities of the license or permit holder due to a nuclear accident, the Nuclear Liability Act (1969) and the Act on Indemnification Agreement for Nuclear Liability (1975) were enacted to prescribe the general principles for civil liabilities concerning internationally accepted nuclear damage. The Nuclear Liability Act was revised in January 2001 to reflect on domestic laws the contents of the Vienna Convention revised in 1997. The revision of the Act concretized the concept of nuclear damage, set the limit of liability of the business operator to 300 million Special Drawing Rights2 (SDRs) and set the upper limit of the compensation amount also to 300 million SDR. Actual amounts of compensation are specified in the Enforcement Decree of the Nuclear Liability Act, and the amount of compensation of NPPs is 50 billion KRW as of the end of March 2014. E.2.2 Nuclear Regulatory Framework

In the Korean framework for nuclear safety regulation, the NSSC has absolute authority with regard to overall nuclear safety regulations. The Korean government gave the NSSC the authority in relation to nuclear safety regulations such as establishment of a nuclear safety policy and licensing under the provision of nuclear safety related laws such as the NSA. Likewise, Ministries of the government deal with nuclear safety management related operations in fulfilling their own duties by forming an organic system with the NSSC. For example, the Ministry of Environment (MOE) has absolute authority with regard to the environment protection policy; it is also in charge of environmental protection and management concerning natural background radiation.

2 It is the Special Drawing Rights of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and a type of international

reserve currency exercised since 1970.

The MAgenin chthe gpowe The absolomissectoManaeach Koreauthorevieor om For noperaand Kregarconcreviesafet


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Korean golute author

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nuclear safeating the KIKorea Instirding nucleerning nucl

ews, inspectty regulation

gure E.2-3. G

f Security anh implemen

safety of cosectors thaand activiti

overnment rity over gety regulatitablished o

Presidential ugh overall es that bills ween admine Cabinet Msafety regula

ety regulatioINS as a pritute of Nucear safety lear safety tions, trainins and accu


nd Public Ats national ombustible

at are relatedies.

separately governmentons when laor amendeDecree) alslegislative for the esta

nistrative bMeeting presation requir

on requiringrofessional rclear Safetyregulation. entrusted bng and R&

umulated exp

nt Organizat

- 47 -

Administratidisaster prematerials ind with the s

operates tt legislationaws relateded. The Rso stipulatesactivities. A

ablishment obranches ansided by th


g professionregulatory ay Act, in or

The KINby the NSS

&D based onperiences.

tions related

ion (Nationevention ann nuclear fasafety mana

the Office n to ensur

d to the operRegulation s that relateArticle 89 oor amendme

nd major pohe President

nal expertiseagency underder to streS is engag

SC which inn expert kno

d to Radioa

nal Emergennd managemacilities. Figagement con

of Legislae neither orations of thon Legisla

ed sectors mof the Constent of laws,olicy adjust to prevent

e, the Koreaer the provingthen expged in regnclude areaowledge con

active Waste

ncy Management measugure E.2-3 sncerning nu

ation whichoverlappinghese governative Oper

must consulttitutional La, confirmatistments mut the overlap

an governmision of the

pertise in mgulatory seras such as sncerning nu

e Managem

ement ures is shows uclear

h has g nor nment ration t with aw of ion of ust be pping

ment is NSA

matters rvices safety uclear



An ashouEnvisafetKINS

An ato thcontr(QAPNSSC The condconfoincluregulthe cthosea conresid

Any can aNSSC

3 Licensin

applicant, wuld submit t

ronmental ty review wS, the NSSC

applicant, whe NSSC arol, specificP) with resC may gran

safety reviducted to coformity witudes safety latory criterconstructione impacts. Tnstruction s

dents of the

change of paffect the sC.

Prior App

CP and O

Change P

ng System

who wishesto the NSSCReport (RE

with respect C may grant

who wishes tan applicatications of dspect to its nt CP and O

iew of apponfirm thatth the rele

reviews ofria in due cn and operaThe RER, tosite or applarea surrou

permitted msafety of a

roval for Co

OL of Dispos


and Safet

s to construC an applicER) and oto RER andt a prior app

to obtain CPon which adesign and constructio

OL to the app

plication fort the site avant regulaf the princicourse, asseation of a dio be submittlication fornding the si

matters such disposal fa


sal Facility,

- 48 -

ty Evaluat

uct a dispocation for p

on-site inved on-site inproval for a

P and OL ofattached w

d work procon and operplicant.

r the CP aand the desatory requiples and cessment of isposal facited at the timr CP and Oite.

h as design oacility, etc.

n Site



sal facility,prior approvstigation re

nvestigation a constructio

f a disposalith RER, Scess, and Qration. Afte

and OL of sign of a direments aoncepts of environmen

ility, etc., ame of applic

OL, should

or technicalis required

, etc. prior val togethereport. The report. Aft

on site to the

facility, etcSAR, regulaQuality Asser review by

a disposaldisposal facnd technicdesign, im

ntal impactand proposacation for pcontain the

specificatiod a change

to CP andr with RadiKINS con

ter review be applicant.

c., should suations on ssurance Proy the KINS

l facility, ecility, etc. acal standardmplementatiots resulting al on minimprior approve opinion o

ons that affpermit from

d OL, iation

nducts by the .

ubmit safety ogram S, the

etc. is are in ds. It on of from

mizing val for of the

fect or m the



The pbeenequiptechnand p

The dis in Act adispo

The faciliNSAwith dispothe p

The disporegul

4 Regulato

ulatory inspperational odic inspect

preoperation progressedpment and nical standaperformance

disposal insconformityand subordose of radio

periodic inity, etc. is m

A, whether sthe techni

osal facilitypreoperation

QA inspecosal facilitylatory body


Disposal I

Periodic I

QA Inspe

ory Inspec

pections for inspection

tion, QA ins

onal inspectid according

performanard. The Pree.

spection is cy to all relatedinate statutoactive wast

nspection ismaintained storage, treical level ry, etc. is manal inspectio

ction is cony, etc. carriey.

tional Inspe





a disposal ffor const

spection, an

ion is condug to the connce of a deoperational

conducted ted technicale when the


s conductedproperly acatment andeferred to aintained inon.

nducted to es out QA


- 49 -

facility, etctruction annd daily insp

ucted to verntent of CP

disposal facl Inspection

to verify whl standards

e operator o

d to verifyccording to d disposal oin the NSA

n a state wh

check whetactivities a

. under connd performpection by r

rify whetheP and to chcility, etc. n consists of

hether the dstipulated in

of the dispo

whether ththe technic

of radioactivA and whehich a dispo

ther an conaccording to

struction orance, dispo

resident insp

er the constrheck whethis in confof inspection

isposal of rn the Nucle

osal facility

he operatiocal standardve waste arether the peosal facility

nstructor ano the QAP

r in operatioosal inspepector.

ruction worher the struformity withn for constru

radioactive wear Safety rey, etc., inten

on of a disds referred tre in confoerformance

y, etc. has p

nd operatorsubmitted t

on are ction,

rk has cture, h the uction

waste elated nds to

sposal to the

ormity of a


r of a to the

The constinspeabno E.2.5

Afterpermnecemay meas If it nuclesubmthe dto takresul The speciof a dcauseimpo

The Nrelev

daily inspetruction or ections, invormal state,

5 Enforce

r a safety remit to the ap

ssary for saorder the l

sures in acc

is deemed ear enterpri

mitted documdocuments ake correctivlts.

NSSC mayifying a perdisposal face a grave inose a penalty

When twhich r

When th

When tconductinspecti

When ththe regu

NSA descrivant provisio

Daily Insp

ection by rein operati

estigation oand adequa


eview of apppplicant. Theafety. If violicensee of ordance wit

necessary fser to submments. The are in confove or compl

y order theriod not exccility, etc. fanconveniency surcharge

the construcrequires app

he construc

the construt a correction;

he construculations on s

ibes details ons.

pection by

esident inspion on a dof the measuacy verificat

plication foe NSSC ma

olation has ta disposal th the NSA.

for enforcemmit necessary

NSSC mayormity to aclementary m

e revocatioeeding one alls under ace or to be

e in lieu of th

ctor and opeproval witho

tor and ope

uctor and otive or co

ctor and opesafety meas

of penalty

Resident In

- 50 -

pectors is todaily basis.ures taken wtion of radia

or CP and Oay impose mturned out afacility, etc.

ment of nuy document

y also conductual condit

measures, if

on of licenyear, in a c

any of the bedetrimenta

the suspensi

erator has cout obtainin

erator has fa

operator hasomplementa

erator has vsures during

and/or fine


o check a d. It includewhen the diation safety

OL, the NSSminimum coas a result oc. to take co

uclear safetyts on its busuct regulatotions, and o

f any, in acc

se or the case where telow items.l to the pubion of busin

changed theng approval;

ailed to mee

s violated ry action

iolated the g operation

to be impo

disposal faces observatisposal facicontrol acti

SC may granonditions thof the inspeorrective or

y, the NSSCsiness and try inspectio

order the nucordance wi

suspension the construcIf such me

blic interestness.

e matters, a

t the standa

the order oas a resul

conditions fof a disposa

osed for any

cility, etc. ution of perility, etc. is ivities.

nt a certificherein, if deection, the Nr compleme

C may ordeto supplemeons to verifyuclear enterpith the inspe

of businesctor and opeeasure is likt, the NSSC

any of chan

ards for licen

of the NSSlt of regul

for the permal facility, e

y violation o

under riodic in an

ate of eemed NSSC entary

er the ent all fy that priser ection

ss by erator ely to

C may

nge of


SC to latory

mit or etc.

of the

- 51 -

E.2.6 Allocation of Responsibility

The NSA and the RWMA prescribe definitely where the responsibility lies for each stage of radioactive waste management. Under the NSA, the NSSC is responsible for CP an OL, and safety-related regulations of a disposal facility, etc. As a professional regulatory agency for the NSSC, the KINS perform safety-related regulatory activities as entrusted by the NSSC. According to the RWMA, MOTIE has the responsibility of formulating basic policies regarding radioactive waste management including estimated amount of radioactive waste generation and construction plan of disposal facilities. The KORAD is responsible for radioactive waste management business. E.2.7 Clearance

The clearance of radioactive waste, as shown in Section B.4, is incorporated into the concept “self-disposal” in the NSA. The same criteria for dose rate in IAEA Safety Series No. 115 (1996) are applied to self-disposal.




The Orgaautho

The NstandNSSC(site



Each Coentrustedframeworauthority,assigned Each Conframeworindependorganizatmanagem

1 Authorit

authority oanization anority is as fo

to issueutilizatimeasure

to concbodies,

to obtaorganiz

to mainorganiz

to accereview.

NSSC assumdards for saC also has sselection, d

E.3 Re

E 20. REGU

ntracting Pd with therk referred competen responsibntracting Prk, shall t

dence of ttions are ment and in

ty and Res

of the NSSnd Enforceollows:

e, suspend ion facilitieses;

clude agreemand to entru

ain documations, or p

ntain contacations; and

ss to any n

mes responafety measursafety reguldesign, cons



Party shale implemed to in ARnce and f

bilities. Party, in acake the ahe regulatinvolved

n their regu


C as the reement Regu

and revoks, and to m

ments withust tasks to

ments and ersons that

ct with fore

nuclear pow

nsibility for res in respelation respostruction, op

y Body (A

- 52 -


l establishentation ofRTICLE 1financial a

ccordance appropriatetory functiin both s


y of the Re

egulatory bulations of

ke a licensmake an orde

h other domother organ

opinions may be nec

eign regula

wer utilizati

developmenect to operaonsibility regperation, clo

Article 20

h or designf the legi9, and prnd human

with its lege steps toons from

spent fuel


body is spethe NSSC

se or CP aer to take co

mestic govenizations if n

from pubcessary;

atory bodies

ion facilitie

nt of criterition of a digarding radosure, and d


nate a regslative anrovided w

n resource

gislative ao ensure other func

or radioa


cified in th. Main con

and OL ofomplementa

rnment or necessary;

blic organiz

s and releva

es that is li

a for CP / Osposal facil

dioactive wadecommissio

gulatory bond regulat

with adeques to fulfill

nd regulatthe effectctions whactive wa

he NSA anntents of N

f nuclear pary or corre


zations, pr

vant internat

icensed or u

OL and techlity, etc. Anaste manageoning).

ody ory ate its

ory tive ere


nd the NSSC

power ective





hnical nd the ement

- 53 -

E.3.2 Structure and Resources of the Regulatory Body and Supporting Organizations

E.3.2.1 NSSC

The Korean government grants the NSSC to take full responsibility for safety regulation administration for nuclear power utilization facilities according to the Act on the Establishment and Operation of Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (Statute No. 11715). The members of the NSSC are appointed among those who have in-depth expertise and experience in nuclear safety. Members from various fields that can contribute to nuclear safety such as nuclear energy, the environment, public health, science and technology, public security, law, and social & human sciences are to be evenly appointed to the NSSC. The Chairman is appointed by the President among the nominees referred by the Prime Minister. Four members including the standing member are appointed by the President with the referral of the Chairman of the NSSC, while the rest four members are appointed by the President with the referral of the National Assembly. It is prescribed that those who are working or worked as the head or employee of the nuclear operator, or the nuclear operator groups within the recent three years; or who are being involved or were involved in the projects performed by the nuclear operator or the nuclear operator groups within recent three years including research and development projects entrusted by the nuclear operator or the nuclear operator groups should not be appointed as a member of the NSSC. The term of office of the NSSC members should be three years, and they may be reappointed once. AS of March, 2014, the NSSC is composed of nine members including the Chairman. The Chairman and one member are standing members. The standing member holds an additional position of the Secretary General. The Secretariat, which deals with the general affairs of the NSSC, consists of two bureaus, one office, four officers, nine divisions and four site offices, staffed with 141 persons as shown in Figure E.3-1.

The Nsafetsafetutiliznucle(DeleInstitsafegInstit7 (Du The NBure


NSSC entruty reviews ity inspectionzation faciliear power egation of tutions) of guard and ptute of Nucluties of KIN

NSSC are meau, Plannin

e E.3-1. Org

usts professin relation ns in relatioities and R&

utilization Authority)

f its Enforchysical protlear Non-prNAC) of the

mainly comng and Coo

ganization C

ional and teto license a

on to fabrica&D for tech

facilities of the NS

cement Dectection of nroliferation e NSA.

mposed of Nrdination O

- 54 -

Chart of the

echnical tasand permit ation, consthnical standto the KIN

SA and Artcree. Mean

nuclear relatAnd Contro

Nuclear RegOffice and f


ks for nucleof nuclear ruction and

dards in relaNS in accticle 153 (nwhile, theted facilitiesol (KINAC)

gulatory Bufour site off

of June 30,

ear safety repower utili

d operation oation to safecordance wClassificati

e NSSC ens and mater) in accorda

ureau, Radiafices under

, 2014)

egulation suization faciof nuclear p

fety regulatiwith Articleion of Entrntrusts taskrials to the Kance with A

ation Emergwhich divi

uch as lities,

power ion of e 111 rusted ks for Korea


gency isions

are cassesregulradiotasksas fo

charged wissment, inslations on oactive wass of the NSollows;


Develoand the





Mattersnuclearfuel cyc





Mattersand rela


Nuclear S

Nuclear S

License R

ith nuclear spection an

the use otes, and preSC related

ishes the obj

ops the Come detailed pr

ops and coor

ees, coordin

ains and imp

cts the reser safety.

s concerninr power, rescle facility.

s concerning

s concerninnts & failur

and related

s concerninr power, res

s concerninh or educa


s concerninated faciliti

s concerning

Safety Policy

Safety Divis

Review Divis

safety regund enforcemof radiationeparation anto radioacti

jectives and

mprehensiveromotion pl

rdinates the

ates and ma

proves laws

arch, analy

g safety inssearch or ed

g periodic s

ng investigares in the opd facilities a

ng safety research or ed

ng QA inspeation reacto

ng license fes.

g permit for

y Division



- 55 -

ulatory actment, develn, radiationnd managemive waste a

d direction o

e Nuclear Salan of Comp

e basic polic

anages polic

s and system

ysis, plannin

spections anducation rea

safety asses

ation, scaleperation of

and nuclear

egulations oducation rea

ections andor and rela

for nuclear

r nuclear fu

tivities suchlopment ofn protectioment of em

and nuclear

of a nationa

afety Plan, tprehensive N

cy on nuclea

cy research

ms concernin

ng and prom

nd follow-upactor and re

sments of N

evaluationf nuclear pofuel cycle f

on shutdowctor and rel

d follow-up ated faciliti

power, res

uel cycle pro

h as licensif regulatoryon, safety mergency pr

spent fuel

al nuclear sa

the executioNuclear Saf

ar safety.

projects on

ng nuclear s

motion of R

p actions inelated facili

NPP and rela

n and followower, researfacility.

wn and decoated faciliti

actions fories and nuc

search or e


ing, reviewy policy, smanagemen


afety policy

on plan by sfety Plan.

n nuclear saf


R&D projec

n the operatiities, and nu

ated faciliti

w-up actionrch or educ


r nuclear puclear fuel

education re

w and safety nt of

s. The nt are




cts on

ion of uclear


ns on cation

ng of

ower, cycle


Mattersprocessand nuc


Mattersand rela














Safety Sta



s concernins for nucleaclear fuel cy

s concerninand related

s concerninated faciliti

s concerninss.

s concernination of use

s concerniny of radioact

s concerninal.

ops and coor

ains and imp

s, analyzes,

s concernin

shes and ortation of ra

shes and exnmental rad

es R&D p

s concerninmissioning

s concernin

andard Div

Safety Div

mental Radia

ng investigaar power, reycle facility

ng standardsd facilities.

ng standardses.

ng standards

ng standardof nuclear s

ng standardstive waste a

g technical

rdinates bas

proves laws

plans and e

g complian

operates adioactive m

xecutes polidiation, radio

projects reg

ng safety reof nuclear r

ng safety r



ation Safety

- 56 -

ation of incesearch or e


s for CP of

s for OL o

s for permi

ds for permsource mate

s for permiand accessor

standards f

sic policy re

and system

executes R&

nce of intern

a monitomaterial.

icies and syoactive was

garding env

egulations freactor and


y Division

idents·failueducation r

f nuclear po

f NPPs, res

it or design

mit of nucerial.

it for storagry facility.

for package

egarding rad

ms regarding

&D projects

national con

ring syste

ystems regarste and spen


for wastes related faci

for transpo

ures during reactor and

ower, resear

search or e

nation of nu

lear fuel m

ge, processi

and transpo

diation safet

g radiation s

regarding r

nventions on

em for th

rding safetynt fuel.

l radiation

generated lities.

ort, storage

the construrelated fac

rch or educ

education re

uclear fuel

material an

ing and dis

ort of radioa



radiation sa

n radiation s

he transnat

y manageme

and radioa

from closu

e, treatment

uction ilities




d for






ent of


ure or

t and


Mattersand dis


Mattersfor radi












Nuclear E

Nuclear S

Site Office

al of radioac

s concerninsposal facilit

s concerninal facility of

s concerninioactive wa

s concerniement of sp

ops, compigical emerg

es radiologi

ains and mal Emergen

s regarding es, and mony.

shes and oporing count

ops and exec

ops and execr safeguard.

sh and exres

s regardingies.

istrative aff


Safeguard &


ctive waste.

g permit anty of radioa

g safety regf spent fuels

g design apste.

ng complient fuel and

iles and cgency prepa

ical emerge

manages emcy Managem

environmennitoring and

perates a syry.

cutes plans

cutes plans

ecutes poli


ffairs conce


& Export Co

- 57 -


nd supervisioactive waste

gulations fors.

pproval and

iance of id radioactiv


ency situatio

mergency rment Comm

ntal impact d assessmen

ystem to re

for nuclear

and operate

icies regar

and analysi

erning on-si

ontrol Divis

on of storage and related

r storage fa


internationave waste.

s plans fo


response ormittee (NEM

assessmentnt of environ

espond to a


es laws and

ding IAEA

is of nuclea

ite safety re


ge facility, td facility.

cility, treatm

of transport

al convent

or national


t of surrounnmental rad

a radiologic

feration Reg

d systems re

A and tran

ar activities


treatment fa

ment facilit

rtation conta

tions on s

l and reg

s including

ndings of nudiation acros

cal accident


egarding nat

nsnational s

s of surroun

for reactor


ty and




g the

uclear ss the

t in a




s and

- 58 -

related facilities, nuclear fuel cycle facilities as well as facilities for storage, treatment and disposal facilities of radioactive waste and auxiliary facilities.

Administrative affairs concerning protection of nuclear material and facilities as well as on-site regulations of radiological emergency preparedness.

E.3.2.2 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS)

The KINS was established in February 1990 as a professional regulatory agency, under the Act on the Establishment of the KINS. The KINS performs tasks on nuclear safety regulation as entrusted by the NSSC in accordance with the NSA and subordinate statute. Its major functions in relation to nuclear safety regulation are as follows:

Nuclear facility safety regulation - Review and inspection of NPPs - Review and inspection of nuclear fuel cycle facility and research reactor,


Radiation safety regulation - Confirmation of safety in the use of RI - Review and inspection of disposal facility, etc.

Radiation emergency response - Emergency response and preparedness for radiological accident and

terrorism - Monitoring of environmental radioactivity throughout the territory and area

near NPPs - Detection of nuclear tests and nuclear accidents in neighboring countries

Nuclear safety regulation research and development and professionalization - Development of safety regulation criteria and techniques - Development of safety regulation policy and system, cultivation of

professional human resources

National technical qualification examination

- License examinations related to operation of nuclear power utilization facilities and handling of nuclear materials

- National technical qualification examinations related to nuclear power

Enhancement of global leadership and national trust - Enhancement of contribution and support of regulatory techniques to the

international community - Programs to spread safety culture as well as enhance public trust

The KINS is comprised of 442 staff members as of the end of July 2014 and Figure E.3-2 shows the organization of the KINS

- 59 -

To share its safety regulatory techniques and experience with the international community, the KINS opened the International Nuclear Safety School in January 2008, which has also functioned as the IAEA’s Asian training center since conclusion of a Nuclear Safety Cooperation Agreement with the IAEA. The safety regulation of radioactive waste management facilities is under the responsibility on the Radiation and Waste Safety Division, Department of Radiation Protection and Radioactive waste Safety Evaluation and Department of Radiation Application Safety Evaluation in the KINS. The budget of the KINS comes from the government.

Figure E.3-2. OOrganizatio

- 60 -

on Chart of KKINS (As off June 30, 22014)

- 61 -

E.3.3 Regulatory Independence

The NSA, APPRE, Nuclear Liability Act specify that the NSSC takes legal responsibility for nuclear regulation. On the other hand, MOTIE shoulders responsibility for nuclear power industry and for radioactive waste management in accordance with the Electric Business Act and the RWMA, respectively. In other words, the functions of the NSSC which is responsible for nuclear regulation and the MOTIE which is responsible for promotion of nuclear power generation are legally divided under the provisions of the Government Organization Act and its subordinate provisions. In the NSA and related laws, the authority for nuclear safety regulation is given to the NSSC, and the NSSC is also in charge of making decisions for nuclear safety. The KINS conducts regulatory operations concerning nuclear safety and control as entrusted by the NSSC based on the NSA and related laws. The KINS was established and is operating as an independent professional regulatory agency.

FSF. OthSafety

her Gy Pro


ral ons




Pursuthis Ndurinviolacompfacili The manaaccordisporespospent



Each Cosafety of holder ofensure th

If there responsibthe spent

1 MechaniPermit

uant to the National Rng the conations occuplementary ity.

licence holdagement ofrdance withosal facilityonsibility act fuel).


F.1 Re

E 21. RESP

ontracting spent fuef the relevhat each su

is no sucbility rests t fuel or ov

ism for thHolder wi

NSA, the NReport to ennstruction aur, the NSS


der of a nuf spent fuh related lay. The opecceptance,

. Other



Party shael or radiovant licencuch licence

ch licencewith the Cer the radi

e Regulatll Meet its

NSSC carriensure that thand lifetimSC immediso as to se

clear poweruel and radaws before erator of a treat, storag

r Gene

bility of th

- 65 -


ll ensure oactive wace and shae holder me

e holder oContracting

oactive wa

ory Body ts Primary

es out regulhe operator

me of the niately orderecure the sa

r utilizationdioactive wthey are trradioactive

ge and disp

ral Saf

he Licens


that primeaste manaall take theets its res

or other Party whi


to Ensure Responsib

latory inspecomply w

nuclear pors the operafety of the

n facility hawaste generansferred te waste maposal of rad

fety Pr

se Holde


e responsagement ree appropr


responsiblch has jur

that the Lbility for S

ctions descrith regulatower utilizarator to take nuclear po

as the responrated durinto a storaganagement dioactive w


r (Article


ibility for ests with riate stepsy.

le party, risdiction o

License orSafety

cribed in E.2ory requiremation facilitke correctivower unitiz

onsibility forng operatio

ge, processinfacility ha

waste (excep


e 21)

the the

s to

the ver


2.4 of ments ty. If ve or zation

r safe on in ng or

as the pt for

- 66 -

F.1.2 Ultimate Responsibility

“Nuclear Safety Policy Statement”(Annex E) declared in 1994 specifies that “The ultimate responsibility for the safety of a nuclear facilities rests with the licensee and this is in no way diluted by the separate activities and responsibilities of designers, suppliers, constructors and regulators. The Government has an overall responsibility for ensuring the protection of the public health and the environment from radiation hazards that may occur in the development of nuclear energy”. According to the 249th meeting of the AEC, the Korean government adopted the State’s ultimate responsibility of radioactive waste management in light of the fact that these wastes are needed and that they require long-term safe management. The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy should establish the basic plan for radioactive waste management to manage radioactive wastes safely and effectively which are deliberated and decided on at the meeting of the Atomic Energy Commission.



As thfour Humshow

In thEnvirespodurinappropreparespo At amemmana



ach Contra

(i) qualifieduringmanag

(ii) adequfacilitieoperat

(iii) financinstitutthe pefacility

1 Nuclear

he sole NPPnuclear po

man Resourcwn in Figure

he head offironment Donsibilities ng operationoximately aredness foonsible for m

a power plambers engagagement, a

F.2 Hu


E 22. HUM

cting Party

ed staff ag the operagement fac

uate finances for spenting lifetimeial provistional conteriod deemy.

r Power Re

P operator ower sites, ce Develope F.2-1.

ice, the KHDepartment

for radiation of NPPs. five staff

or NPPs. Smanagemen

ant level, tges in hea

and among

uman an

tion and Hu


y shall take

are availabating lifetimcility; cial resourcnt fuel and e and for dion is mrols and mmed neces

eactor Fac

in Korea, thand special

pment Instit

HNP operatewhich con

on safety mThe Radiomembers

Spent Fuel nt of Spent F

the Radiatioalth physic

them, five

d Financ

uman Reso

- 67 -


e the appro

ble as neeme of a sp

ces are a radioactiv

decommissmade whicmonitoring ssary follo


the KHNP hl institutes tute and R

es the Radiansists of ap

managementological Em

also takes Team whFuel.

on Safety cs, radiatioe members

cial Reso



opriate ste

eded for spent fuel a

vailable toe waste m

sioning; ch will enarrangemeowing the

has seven dincluding C

Radiation H

ation Safetypproximatel and manag

mergency Res charge ohich consis

Team staffn protectio

s are in ch

urces (Ar


ps to ensu

safety-relaand a radio

o support anagemen

nable the ents to be

closure o

divisions in Central Resealth Resea

y Team undly 10 staffgement of Lesponse Teaof radiologts of 4 st

fed with apon, and raharge of ra

rticle 22)

ure that:

ated activitoactive wa

the safetynt during th


of a dispo

the head osearch Instiarch Institu

der the Safef members LILW geneam consistigical emergtaff membe

pproximateladioactive wadioactive w

ties aste

y of heir

ate for


office, itutes, ute as

ety & with

erated ng of gency ers is

ly 20 waste waste

manaalso pthe drelies

At eaundeemeremer

agement suplanning to

disposal facs on contrac


ach power er the Genergency preprgency staff

ch as radioo establish aility. For mctors such a

Figure F.2-1

site, the Emeral Adminparedness sf. The NPP

active wasta team in eacmaintenance as KEPCO P

. Organizat(As of D

mergency Prnistrator Desuch as radoperating o

- 68 -

te treatmentch power si of radioactPlant Servic

tion Chart oDecember 3

reparednessepartment tdiological


t and tempoite to take chtive waste rce & Engine

of the KHNP31, 2013)

s & Environto take respemergency

n is shown in

orary storagharge of delrelated facileering Co., L

P Head Offic

nment Teamponsibility

exercises n Figure F.2

ge. The KHNelivering walities, the KLTD (KPS)


m is put in for radioloand trainin


NP is aste to KHNP ).

place ogical ng of


Sincefuel has aElect As thhousto thmanacost spentand tfuel effec

ure F.2-2. O

e 1983, the generated iaccumulatetricity Busin

he Radioacte liability w

he RWMA, aging radioato the Fundt fuel shoulthen transfesmoothly.

ctuation of



KHNP hasin the operad this cost ness Act (E

tive Waste was convertthose who active wasted. As for spld be imposerred to the

Meanwhilthe RWMA


n Chart of a

s deposited ation and d

as in-housBA).

Managemeed into the have genere to the KOpent fuel gesed on the KFund to im

le, the conA should be

- 69 -

a Nuclear P

the cost reqdecommissiose liability

ent Act camRadioactive

rated radioaORAD whicenerated byKHNP as "S

mplement prntribution fe paid by t

ower Site (A

quired for doning procein accorda

me into effece Waste Maactive wasteh should, in

y the KHNPSpent Fuel rojects relatfor spent the KHNP

As of Decem

disposal of Lesses on a ynce with th

ct in 2009, hanagement Fe should tran turn, pay tP, the cost oManageme

ted to manafuel generafor 15 year

mber 31, 20

LILW and yearly basihe provisio

however, thFund. Acco

ansfer the cothis manageof managin

ent Contribuagement of ated beforers from the


spent s and

ons of

he in-ording ost of ement ng the ution" spent e the e date

when The accum F.2.2

The wastefaciliorgan

n five years

KHNP alsomulated thi

2 Nuclear

KAERI hase, includingities. Figurenization.


has passed

o deposits ts cost as in-

r Research

s several fag HANARe F.2-3 pres

F.2-3. Rad

since the e

he cost of p-house liabi

h Facilities

acilities relaO, the PIEsents KAER

ioactive Wa

(As o

- 70 -


plant decomility.


ated to manEF, and radRI’s spent fu

aste related

of June 30,

of RWMA.


nagement ofdioactive wfuel and rad




g on a year

f spent fuelwaste treatm

ioactive wa

on Chart of

rly basis an

l and radioament and staste manage


nd has

active orage ement


Withfor Hreactradiothe H


The Techmainare arespomanaincluare irelevmoniPIEF


12 stnucletreatmbitumdecomanawith


Begiundecombcomb2 andmana


h 40 staff mHANARO Utor. Radioaoactive wastHANARO M


Material Phnology Devntained by nassigned acconsible for agement anuding nucleain charge ovant examinitoring, wat

F are perform

adioactive W

taff membeear Materiament and minization, ntaminationagement, enrelated dep


nning in 2er CTO forbustible wabustible wad the UCF.agement, an

Human R

members, theUtilization iactive wastte storage f


IE & Rad-velopment onine operaticording to th

operation nd ventilatinar material

of post-irradnation faciliter supply cmed in coop

Waste Trea

rs in The Mals Technolstorage facsolar evapo

n, radioactivnvironmentapartments of

e Waste Tre

2011, the Dr Converge

aste treatmeaste generate. In additionnd QA are


e HANAROis responsibte generatefacility. Spent Division.

Waste Dispof the KAEing and testheir expertiof supportng equipmeaccounting

diation examities. Radiatcontrol, andperation wit

atment and

Material PIEogy Develocilities, whoration, andve waste foal radiation f the KAER

eatment Fa

Decontaminaence Technent facility wed in the con, radiationprovided th

- 71 -

O Operationble for opered from Hent fuel gen

posal DivisERI operates

t/maintenanise and backting equipment as welland licensi

mination foation safety d nuclear mth related de

d Storage F

E & Rad-Wopment of hich includd compactioorm examinmonitoring



ation & Denology Devwith five stourse of decn safety manhrough the

n & Mainteration and m

HANARO inerated from

sion under s the PIEF. Tnce staff mekgrounds. O

ment such al as internaing, whereaor spent fue

managemematerial accepartments


Waste Disposthe KAERI

de equipmeon (for soli

nation and vg, and QA ar

ecommissiovelopment taff membecommissionnagement, support and

enance Divimaintenances stored a

m the reacto

CTO for nThis facilityembers who

Operating stas electricaal and extes examiningels and mannt, environ

counting wiof the KAE

sal DivisionI operate rant related

id waste), cventilation. re performe

oning Technof the KA

ers to reducning researcenvironmend cooperatio

ision under e of the resat the KAEor is manag

nuclear Maty is operateose work sctaff membeal, water quernal inspecg/managingnagement o

nmental radiith regard t


n under CTadioactive wto evapor

cementationRadiation s

ed in cooper

hnology DivAERI operace the volumch reactors ntal radioacon of relate

CTO search ERI’s ed by

terials d and copes rs are uality ctions g staff of the iation to the

O for waste ation,

n, and safety ration

vision ates a me of 1 and

ctivity ed the


All fwastegove F.2.3

The KProdnucleRadiMana


AS pto threser

ERI departm

facilities of e storage a

ernment bud

3 Nuclear

KEPCO NFduction Diviear materiaation & Enagement Se

ation & Enth physics, erial and mion consistsical protect

blished on nology for

m consists oe as well as

ation safety cation facipment is pe

per the RWMhe KORAD rving the ma


Human R



the KAERIare in operadget.

r Fuel Fabr

F has the Raision to ovel. The Rad

nvironment ection (Figu

nvironment exposure

managements of seven stion. In addMarch 28treatment a

of nine pers developm

and safe trlity. The orformed wi

MA, the radat the deli





I for spent fuation with t

rication Fa

adiation & Eersee managiation & EnSafety Sec

ure F.2-4).

Safety Secmanageme

t of envirostaff membedition, Rad, 2011 to and disposasons with rent of decoreatment anoperation ath the suppo

dioactive wivery point expense eve

- 72 -

fuel managethe organiz


Environmengement of rnvironment

ction, Safeg

ction staffeent, transpoonmental raers charged

dioactive Wmanage nu

al of radioacresponsibili

ontaminationnd storage oand maintenort from a r

waste generaof radioact

ery quarter

ement, radiozational proj

nt Managemradiation sat Managem

guards Secti

ed with 18 ort and madiation/radd with nucle

Waste Managuclear wasctive wasteities for man technologof waste genance of raradiation saf

ator should tive waste. for the disp

oactive wastject fund c

ment Departafety, radioaent Departmion, and Ra

persons ismeasurementdioactivity. ear materialgement Secte and to

e effectivelyanagement

gy to ensureenerated in adioactive fety manage

pay a manaThe KEPC

posal of was

te treatmencoming from

tment underactive wastment consisadioactive W

s responsiblt of radioaThe Safegl accountingction was ndevelop re

y. Presentlyand dispos

e managemethe nuclearwaste treatement contr

agement expCO NF has stes generat

t, and m the

r Fuel e and sts of Waste

le for active

guards g and newly elated y, this sal of ent of r fuel tment ractor.

pense been



The Devethe aFigur

The Kcompoperafacilihave


4 LILW Dis

KORAD elopment Inannexed agere F.2-5.

KORAD is pletion targating a radity to store been alread

F.2-4. Orga

sposal Fac

is composenstitute), LILency for ma

currently cget of late Ddwaste rece and managdy saturated

anization Ch


ed of the LW Disposanaging the

onstructingDecember 2eipt/storage ge radioactd.

- 73 -

hart of KEP

head officsal Center, ae Radioactiv

g the phase I2014. Since

building thtive waste f


ce (three dand Fund Mve Waste M

I of the LILthe end of

hat it consfrom some

s of May 31

divisions anManagementManagement

LW disposalf 2010, the atructed insiNPP storag

1, 2014)

and Researct Center wht Fund as s

l facility witagency haside the dis

age facilities

ch & hich is hown

th the been

sposal s that

The Dispapprorespodispo

The dispothe dtreatmrespoprepacentecomm

The to the

KORAD hosal Centeoximately onsible for osal facility

LILW Disposal facilitydisposal faciment and tronsibility foaredness exers are engmunity coop





has a total oer and nine50 personsoverseeing

y and 30 or m

posal Centey. The Consility. The Rransport of or radiationxercise in thaged in maperation, QA

ipulates thaat the delive

re F.2-5 Or

tion and Hu


of 270 staffe in the Fs work in g and suppmore person

er is in chastruction Ma

Receipt & Oradioactive

n safety manhe disposal anagement A, spent fue

t the radioaery point of


uman Reso

- 74 -

ff members;Fund Mana

the Radioporting consns work in t

arge of conanagement

Operation Ofe waste andnagement, efacility. Otand adminiel managem

active wastef radioactive

Chart of KO


; 189 in theagement Ceoactive Wastruction anthe Research

nstruction aOffice is chffice is resp

d the Radiatenvironmenther workfoistrative sup

ment program

e generator e waste.

ORAD (As o

e head offienter. In tste Managend operatioh & Develo

and operatioharged with

ponsible for tion Safety ntal surveysorces in the pport, publm preparatio

pay manag

of May 31, 2

ice, 72 in Lthe head oement Div

on of the Lopment Insti

on of the Lh constructir receipt, stoOffice take

s and emerg head offic

lic relationson.

gement exp


LILW office, vision, LILW itute.

LILW ion of orage, es the gency e and

s, and



The whic

The KOR F.2.6

The permgeneradioassur

5 RI Waste

RI waste mch consists o

RWMA stRAD at the d

6 Securinga Radioa

radioactivemanent clos

rator. Accooactive wasred.



e Managem

managementof 8 staff me

ipulates thadelivery poi

g of Finanactive Was

e waste disure, thus iordingly, theste managem

tion and Hu


ment Faci

t facility is embers, of L

at a RI waint of RI wa

cial Resouste Dispos

sposal faciincurring ce RWMA inment projec

uman Reso

- 75 -


operated anLILW Disp

aste generataste.

urces for Msal Facility

ility requircost shouldncludes posct and base


nd managedposal Center

tor pays ma


res institutid be coverest-closure med on which

d by RI Manr.


ent after t

onal controed by a ramanagementh mandates

nagement O

expenses t

the Closur

ol even afadioactive w

nt in the scos that cost


to the

re of

fter a waste

ope of to be



The faciliQA closu The ManafaciliOperFacilopera AccosubmThe const In caoperashou The constauditcontr



ach Contrappropriate qd radioact


NSA stipulity should eactivities a

ure, and pos

NSSC Notagement Faity. Anotheration and lities) also ator for ope

ording to thmit a QAP

applicant truction and

ase that the ator should

uld obtain pr

licensee htruction andt the status ractors acco

F.3 Q

E 23. QUA

acting Parquality assive waste m

lates that thestablish anat the stagest-closure m

tice No. 20acilities) shoer Notice oControl of specifies o

eration and m

his provisiofor construhas the ultd operation

QAP is toreport the a

rior approva

as the respd operationand effecti

ording to the

uality As


rty shall tsurance prmanageme

he constructnd implemees of site c


13-54 (Quaould be appf the NSSC

f Low and overall requmanagemen

n, an applicction and otimate respof a facility

be amendeamendmental from the N

ponsibility of nuclear

veness of Qe NSA.


- 76 -


take the nrograms coent are est

tor and opeent QAP, socharacteriza

ality Assuraplied to estaC No. 2013Intermedia

uirements tont of a LILW

cant for CPoperation ofponsibility y.

ed after grat to the NSSNSSC if rel

to abide binstallation

QAP implem

(Article 2

necessary oncerning tablished a

erator of a o as to ensuation, desig

ance Standaablish a QA 3-35 (Technte Level Ro be observW disposal f

P and OL of a radioactof comply

ant of CP aSC, except tlated with c

by the apprns, and the mentation b


steps to the safety

and implem

nuclear waure plannedgn, construc

ards for Rasystem of anical Requi

Radioactive ved by the facility.

of a disposative waste ding with th

nd OL, the the construcchanges in Q

roved QAPregulatory

by the licen

ensure t of spent f


aste managed and systection, oper

adioactive Wa LILW dis

uirements foWaste Disconstructo

al facility shdisposal facthe QAP d

e constructoctor and opeQA organiza

P in the deauthority sh

nsee and its

hat fuel

ement matic ation,

Waste sposal or the sposal r and

hould cility.


or and erator ation.

esign, hould main

- 77 -

F.3.2 Framework of QAP

As for the framework of the QAP applicable to a LILW disposal facility, the NSSC Notice No. 2012-54 (Quality Assurance Standards for Radioactive Waste Management Facilities) stipulates 18 criteria as follows: 1) Organization, 2) QAP, 3) Design control, 4) Procurement document control, 5) Instructions, procedures, and drawings, 6) Document control, 7) Control of purchased items and services, 8) Identification and control of items, 9) Control of special process, 10) Inspection, 11) Test control, 12) Control of measuring and test equipment, 13) Handling, storage, and shipping, 14) Inspection, test, and operating status, 15) Control of nonconforming items, 16) corrective action, 17) QA records, and 18) audit, supervision and business management F.3.3 Implementation and Assessment of QAP

The licensee of a LILW disposal facility, and all contractors participating in site characterization, design, manufacture, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance, closure, and post-closure monitoring are required to prepare and implement a QAP pursuant to the NSA. The licensee is responsible for establishing an integrated system so that all participants implement the QAP. All contractors participating in the LILW disposal project have conducted QA activities in the applicable areas of site characterization, design, fabrication, construction, commissioning, management and maintenance in operation, closure and post closure monitoring in accordance with detailed procedures based on the QAP. The QAP should be established and implemented for each contractor. Evaluation for implementation and effectiveness of this QAP is periodically conducted by the licensee itself, as well as by the contractors. The method of assessing implementation of the QAP includes quality control inspection, QA audit, QA trend analysis, and effectiveness evaluation of the QAP.

Quality control inspection is conducted by a qualified inspector on the basis of the pre-established inspection plan. Before starting the quality control inspection, the inspector selects inspection points (witness point and hold point) in the inspection plan and then executes the inspection.

QA audits for the licensee and contractors are periodically performed by an auditor independent from the tasks to be audited.

Quality trend analysis is conducted to analyze the trends and causes of conditions adverse to quality such as failures, malfunctions, deficiencies,

- 78 -

deviations, defective material and equipment, non-conformances. Based on the results of trend analysis, measures to prevent recurrence and to incorporate them into the QAP are developed so as to improve QA activities.

Assessment of QAP effectiveness is periodically conducted by the QA organization to maintain the QAP suitable for the characteristics of facilities within the scope of the QAP. Major considerations for assessment of QAP effectiveness are given to incorporate legislation and revision of related laws and regulations, corrective actions or recommendations made by the regulatory body, modifications to the QAP, and revision of applicable technical standards into QAP documents.

The responsible person of the QA organization ensures that important issues resulting from the evaluation of implementation and effectiveness of the QAP are reported to the top management so that proper actions are taken in a timely manner, and if needed, the QAP and related procedures are revised based on the results of assessment of QAP effectiveness to maintain the QAP in the best possible condition. F.3.4 Regulatory Activities

Regulatory control on QA of radioactive waste disposal is conducted through reviews and inspections by the KINS, as entrusted by the NSSC. Reviews of the QAP of the licensee of a disposal facility and inspections of the appropriateness of implementation the QAP are performed. The purpose of regulatory activities for radioactive waste disposal is to ensure that the licensee performs quality related activities in accordance with the approved QAP and each contractor participating in design, construction and/or operation of a radioactive waste disposal facility establishes and implements the QAP properly suitable for the NSA. These regulatory activities are conducted as per provisions of the NSA and subordinate statute, guidance for safety review of the radioactive waste disposal facilities, and the technical standards for QA. The safety review is conducted to verify whether the QAP of the licensee and main contractors complies with the NSA and subordinate statue as well as the safety review guidelines. It also verifies whether the QA procedures for implementation of the QAP are properly established and are practicable. The KINS performs a periodic inspection to confirm the appropriateness of implementation of the QAP with regard to a treatment, storage facility of radioactive waste in the NPPs, and a radioactive waste management facility in the research reactor facility and, QAP of the fuel fabrication facility. In the same manner, same regulations are applied to a LILW disposal facility.

In ovolunOperactivimpleUndethe Kcours

As pregulplan Systequaliqualiqualigove

order to enntarily, the rator’s QAPvities of theemented a ger the “QA KINS, qualises, conduc

part of efforlatory activin accordan

em for Facity managemity are perfoity system,ernment’s nu

Quality M

ncourage thKINS has

P. Accordine operator isgraded apprAuditor Qufied auditor

cts the QA in

rts to improities, the KInce with IAilities and ment systemormed such managemuclear safet


he operators developedg to the guis quantifiedroach to regualification rs who havenspections.

ove reliabiliINS has dev

AEA SafetyActivities).

m to ensure as policy, o

ment, assessy regulatory

t System w

- 79 -

r to condud and utilizideline, the d and gradegulatory insp

Program” fe completed

ity and fairnveloped and

y Standards The qualitthat standa

objectives, sment and y policy.

within the R

uct performzed the Insresults of r

ed, and basepection of Qfor regulatod the specifi

ness as an d implemenSeries No.

ty managemardized tasksresponsibiliimproveme


mance-basedspection Guregulatory ined on whichQA activitieory personnefied educatio

organizatioted the qualGS-R-3 (T

ment plan ds regarding ities, qualityent, thereby


d QA actiuidelines fonspection oh, the KIN

es of the opeel establishonal and tra

on entrustedlity manage

The Managedescribes ovregulatory

y plan withiy achieving

ivities or the of QA S has erator. ed by


d with ement ement verall work in the g the






Each Coduring thmanagem

(i) the rafacilitsocia

(ii) no indoseshave prote

(iii) measof rad

Each Codischarge

(i) to keecon

(ii) so thradialimitastand

Each Conthe operaunplanneenvironmto control

F.4 O

E 24. OPER

ntracting Phe operatiment facility

adiation exty shall be al factors bndividual ss which ex due rega

ection; and sures are tdioactive m

ontracting es shall be

eep exposomic and shat no indtion dose

ation whicdards on ra

ntracting Pating lifetimed or unc

ment occursl the releas



Party shalling lifetimy:

xposure of kept as loeing taken

shall be exceed natird to inter taken to prmaterials in

Party sha limited:

sure to radsocial actodividual shes which ch have adiation pro

Party shall tme of a regontrolled s, approprse and miti

al Radiat

- 80 -


l take the me of a s

f the workeow as reason into accoexposed, inonal prescnationally

revent unpnto the env

all take ap

diation asors being tahall be ex

exceed ndue regaotection.

take approgulated nurelease oriate correcigate its ef

tion Prote


appropriatspent fuel

ers and thonably achunt; n normal criptions foendorsed

lanned anvironment.


s low as raken into axposed, innational p

ard to int

opriate stepuclear facilif radioactctive measfects.

ection (A


te steps to or radioa

e public cahievable, e

situations,or dose limstandards

d uncontro

steps to

reasonablyaccount; ann normal sprescriptionternational

ps to ensuity, in the eive matersures are

Article 24)

o ensure tactive wa

aused by economic a

, to radiatmitation whs on radiat

olled releas

ensure t

y achievabnd situations, ns for dolly endors

re that durevent that rials into implemen


hat aste

the and

tion hich tion




to ose sed

ring an the ted



The powe

The Ematte

1 Regulati

ulations andzation facili

A, its Enforcse regulationws:

NSA prescer utilization

matters quantitireasona

matters materiaoperatio

matters materiautilizati

matters person frequen


Enforcemeners necessar


matters the pubpower u

matters radiatioaccess t

matters in nucl

Nuclear S

ions and R

d requiremenities that gecement Decns and requ

cribes matten facilities,

concerninies of releaably achieva

concerninls and theon of nuclea

concerningls, and the pion facilities

concerningwho is em

nt access to r


nt Decree ory to implem


concerningblic from radutilization fa

concerninon workers ito radiation

concerninglear power

Safety Act (


nts related tenerate spencree, its Enfuirements m

ers concernas follows:

g protectivased radioacable (ALAR

ng safety me public froar power uti

g establishmpublic froms,

g registratimployed by radiation co

g training an

f the NSA pment the de

g dose limits

g measures diation hazaacilities;

g measuresin nuclear pcontrol area

g medical chutilization


- 81 -


to radiationnt fuel and forcement R

meet IAEA

ning radiatio

ve measurective mater


measures nom radiatioilization fac

ment of excm radiation h

on of dosinuclear po

ontrol area;

nd education

prescribes mlegated mat

s in related

necessary tard that ma

s necessarypower utiliza and reside

heckup and facilities

protection radioactive

Regulation,standards a

on protectio

es against ial, etc. and

necessary ton hazard


clusion areahazards, wh

meter readower utilizaand

n of worker

matters deletters as follo

to radiation

to protect hay accompa

y to minimation facilitents in adjoi

exposure cand person

applicable te waste are and Notice

and they are

on to be ap

radiation hd exposure

to protect that may

a to protecthen installin

ding serviceation facilit

rs exposed t

gated by theows:

n exposure (

uman bodieany the oper

mize radiatities, personsining areas

ontrol for rans who fre

to nuclear p specified ies of the Ne summariz

pplied to nu

hazards to dose as lo

human boaccompany

t human bong nuclear p

e provider ties or who

to radiation.

he NSA and

(see Table F

es, materialration of nu

ion exposus who frequof the facili

radiation woequent acce

power in the

NSSC. zed as


keep ow as

odies, y the

odies, power

for a o has




ls and uclear

ure to uently ities;

orkers ess to

- 82 -

radiation control area;

matters concerning measurement of radiation dose and contamination levels for radiation hazard areas of nuclear power utilization facilities, and concerning about performance inspection of dosimeter reading service providers;

matters concerning implementation of protective measures against radiation hazards, such as action or report with regard to a person who are over exposed; and,

matters concerning education and training of a radiation worker and a person with access to radiation control area.

Table F.4-1. Dose Limits

Item Radiation Worker

Person with

frequent access and

engaged in



Effective dose limit

100 mSv for five

consecutive years1)


not exceeding 50 mSv/y

12 mSv/y 1 mSv/y

Equivalent dose limit – lens of the eye – skin, feet, and hands

150 mSv/y

500 mSv/y

15 mSv/y

50 mSv/y

15 mSv/y

50 mSv/y

1) “Five consecutive years” means the 5-year period from any given year (for example,

1998∼2002). This calculation is not applicable to any period before 1998. 2) As for the general public, the value of over 1 mSv in a single year is acceptable within the

limit of not exceeding 1 mSv per year for the average of values for five consecutive years.

The EReguReguregulnecestand

Enforcemenulations onulations onlations of thssary for imdards thereo





details othe NSA


detailedcontrol TechnicTechnic

detailedwith freFacilitie

detailedand relaStandar


nt Regulation Technicaln Technicalhe NSSC. Tmplementingof:

d provisionss or persons

d provisionsination leve

d provisionstion of the N

d provisionson workers,cement Regu

of medical A).

d provisionson exposurees (Regulati

d provisionsarea with

cal Standarcal Standard

d provisionsequent accees, etc.); and

d provisionsated facilitierds for Nucl

es of the Pr

on of the NSl Standardsl Standard

These Regulg the NSA a

s on assesss with frequ

s on place el (Enforcem

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s on measures, and nucllear Reactor

rime Minist

- 83 -

SA is the ors for Nucl

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and personment Regula

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education to radiatio


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The limitleveldose dose ordercorre F.4.2

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TechnicShips, e

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limits of slimitation

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2 RadiatioNuclear

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ntaining theicable limits



Notices of


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on Radiationh regard to

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Radiation W

- 84 -

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exceed 16 m


on worker inlower than


- 85 -

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ends to haveain approvalseparately i

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November 2er operates ch is an intupational extions of KIS

- to prodanalysis

- to feedb- to devel

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of the NSSCng, monthlyonal notific

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goes a perfe internationng.

Workers IRadiation W

radiation wn facilities a

veloped the medical ope facilitiey Foundatienter for R

2002 to manthe Korea

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on use; and blish an infs InternatioNations S

EAR), and NEA.

xposure doduring wh

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workers contand the dive Radiation checkups,

es compreheon (KORSAadiation Wnage exposua Informatiod expert sysnd lifetime follows:

necessary fodual exposuinformation

ative indica

formation nonal Commcientific CInformatio

- 86 -

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to secure o

and Natio

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Information& education

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ent Decree can moni

drainage ycle facilitids establisheuntermeasuractivity con

ECL and rad

the Design

stage for ontrolled retem, non-ras radiation ffluent radiase path, if

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e Measures

of the NSitor the coand air venies. When ed set poines possible

ncentration dioactive wa

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implemenelease, theradioactive monitor fo

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gn that enabher than inte

tion Stage

ation of a nagement plailed proceduclear poweg to the pre-

of the NSSCed conditioneport the e

ulatory bodyfacility congulatory bo

s for Unpla

- 87 -

SA stipulatoncentrationnts of the the conce

nts, an alarm. Regardingat the EAB

aste must no

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or checking or and sam

the envirohould be cose automatie is a need tbles the preended, durin

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tes that dirn of radioanuclear reantration ofm sets off g radioactivB must be ot be releas

legal requssary to c

potential rthe radioac

pling equiponmental rontrolled thically in cato check eveevention of ng the opera

ower utilizaconsideratioeffluent moon facilities lan.

dioactive mquipment me NSSC witdays. When

ceeds ECL, eight hours

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to preventch system

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hours and suvity releasedor likewise

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nd to ge by led in whose of an gered. th and ase in ty.

erator s of a ment, d and

under error, ubmit d into must

to the

- 88 -

regulatory body within 60 days. Information on such unplanned/uncontrolled release must also be included in regular and the quarterly reports submitted to the regulatory body.

F.4.3 Restriction on Release from a Nuclear Power Utilization Facility

The NSA prescribes that CP and OL of a nuclear power utilization facility should be given on the condition that the prevention of radioactive hazards to the public health and the environment is ensured. Accordingly, the Enforcement Decree of the NSA stipulates that the concentration of radioactive materials released from a facility should meet the limits defined by the NSSC. In the Regulation of the NSSC, it is stipulated that the volume of radioactive material released should be minimized with the formulation of the radioactive waste control plan, and that environmental impacts should be controlled to maintain ALARA. The Enforcement Decree of the NSA and the NSSC Notice No. 2013-49 (Standards for Radiation Protection, etc.) prescribe the discharge limits of gaseous and liquid radioactive to be released from nuclear power utilization facilities into the environment, along with annual off-site dose constraints per unit or site. Annual dose limits for gaseous effluents per unit of nuclear power utilization facilities at the EAB are as follows:

– air absorbed dose by gamma rays: 0.1 mGy/y – air absorbed dose by beta rays: 0.2 mGy/y – effective dose from external exposure: 0.05 mSv/y – skin equivalent dose from external exposure: 0.15 mSv/y – organ equivalent dose from internal exposure to particulate radioactive substances, etc.: 0.15 mSv/y

Annual dose limits for liquid effluents per unit of nuclear power utilization facilities at the EAB are as follows:

– effective dose: 0.03 mSv/y – organ equivalent dose from internal exposure: 0.1 mSv/y

Annual dose limits at the EAB of a multi-unit site as follows:

– effective dose: 0.25 mSv/y – thyroid equivalent dose: 0.75 mSv/y

In practice, nuclear power utilization facilities operate with operators’ limits which are stricter than the legal limits. In addition, some facilities also apply the derived limit

- 89 -

based on a small fraction of the dose limits in consideration of convenience in a field application. The compliance of the legal limits is verified with periodic inspection or the examination of regular reports submitted to the regulatory body. Tables F.4-2 and F.4-3 represent the annual release of gaseous and liquid effluents recently generated from NPPs and a fuel fabrication facility, and their off-site dose estimations, respectively. The radiation dose and its effect on the individual around nuclear power utilization facilities are assessed monthly using the Off-site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). The assessments are based on the radioactivity of the released liquid and gaseous effluents, atmospheric conditions, metabolism, and social data including agricultural and marine products of the local community within an 80 km radius.

- 90 -

Table F.4-2. Annual Radioactivity in Liquid and Gaseous Radioactive Effluents Released from Nuclear Power Sites and Calculated Off-site Dose


Site / Type of Effluent

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


Liquid (TBq) 3.4E-05 4.5E-04 1.8E-04 8.2E-04 4.8E-04

Gaseous (TBq) 2.0E+00 1.7E+00 1.7E+00 1.9E+00 2.8E+00

Annual dose (mSv/y) 2.3E-03 1.5E-03 1.7E-03 4.2E-03 4.6E-03


Liquid (TBq) 8.0E-04 3.3E-05 2.3E-04 4.5E-04 3.5E-04

Gaseous (TBq) 3.5E+00 4.3E-02 1.7E-01 2.1E-01 3.2E-02

Annual dose (mSv/y) 4.3E-03 2.7E-03 2.7E-03 1.6E-02 5.8E-03


Liquid (TBq) 1.8E-04 1.1E-04 7.4E-05 2.5E-05 4.7E-05

Gaseous (TBq) 7.1E-02 6.5E-01 8.2E-01 7.1E-01 1.8E-01

Annual dose (mSv/y) 2.1E-03 3.3E-03 3.3E-03 1.6E-02 1.2E-02


Liquid (TBq) 1.5E-03 1.8E-03 1.8E-03 1.6E-03 9.6E-04

Gaseous (TBq) 1.4E+01 9.4E+00 4.5E+00 1.3E+01 5.8E+00

Annual dose (mSv/y) 7.1E-03 7.0E-03 4.9E-03 2.2E-02 2.9E-02 * Annual released radioactivity data do not include tritium release * Off-site dose calculation includes tritium effect

Table F.4-3. Annual Radioactivity in Liquid and Gaseous Radioactive Effluents Released from Non-Nuclear Power Site and Calculated Off-site Dose


Site / Type of effluent

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


Liquid (MBq) 2.4E-05 3.7E-05 2.6E-05 2.7E-05 1.7E-05

Gaseous (MBq) 2.4E+00 3.1E+00 3.8E+00 5.8E+00 5.8E+00

Annual dose (mSv/y) 1.2E-03 1.1E-03 9.79E-04 1.79E-03 1.09E-03

* The gaseous radioactivity in this table is the sum of radioactivity in the gaseous effluents

released from KAERI’s HANARO, PIEF, and radioactive waste treatment facility, and

conversion facility, KEPCO NF’s fuel fabrication facility, and KORAD’s RI waste

management facility, all of which are located at Daedeok site.


Radiby ththe Nthrourelea

The rfurniradiomeasreporunplasuppnecerelearadiascenapath

4 ImplemUnplannFacility

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radioactive ished with oactive matesures in thert should anned/uncoort of the ssary action

ased amountation monitoario. The exand cause o


Action Pla

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luents underment Decreethe NSSC ng, sample

waste treata proper raerial, is subje event that

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of Complentrolled R

rgo monitore of the NSA(concerninganalysis, a

tment facilitadiation moject to formt an uncontde under lease occurand the embe taken af

ctive effluenenvironmenon procedurntrolled/unp

- 91 -

ementary Release fr

ring to keepA (concernig the preveand environ

ty of a nuclonitoring sy

mulate and imtrolled relea

the evenrs, and propmergency fter assessmnts accordinnt radiation res must be planned radi

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utilization fhe expectedprograms to oactive matng schem

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RadiDisalevelof nu PursuEmerManaand SPrepagoveimpletwo Plan It is be inproviPrepamaintypes



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1 Regulati

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F.5 Em

E 25. EMER

ntracting Pfuel or

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ontracting on and tesbe affecteddioactive w

ions and R

mergency pSafety whic

Act on Civdents and rad

APPRE, theparedness Phich is prepy five yearsxecution Pl

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approval of

n the Enforthe detaile

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Party shall radioactive and, if nhould be te

Party shsting of emd in the evwaste man


reparednessch addressesvil Defensediological d

e NSSC is rPlan in assopared accords. To implemlan is develsdiction of

gical Emerge licensee pthe NSSC.

cement Deced criteria fNotice No. Licensee).

of emergencergency exe

y Prepar

- 92 -


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s is based s disasters , and the A


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gency Prepprepares an

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on the Basand safety

APPRE whic

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APPRE thadiological E(Notice one was legisg zones, emtime to sub

(Article 2

and duringment facilit

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he vicinity o

sic Act on manageme

ch consider

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on Managemnal Radiologmplement evng zone (EPlan in accoa Radiolog

at the aboveEmergency n Radiologslated in 19

mergency resbmit the ex


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teps for nsofar as icy at a spof its territo

Managemeent at a natrs the uniqu

onal RadioloNational S

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ent of tional


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ps and th the gency

hould ch are gency evised lities, s and

- 93 -

results in August 1998, August 2003, June 2004, April 2008 and September 2009, November 2011, and January 2012.

Emergency planning zone

Duties and organization for emergency preparedness

Emergency response facilities and equipment

Detailed criteria for radiological emergency

Initial response of the accident

Activities to respond to radiological emergency

Recovery from radiological emergency

Emergency preparedness training and education

The APPRE defines a electricity generating reactors, a research reactors, nuclear fuel cycle facilities and a storage, processing and disposal facilities of radioactive waste, facilities using nuclear materials as ‘nuclear facilities’, and those who obtain CP and OL for those facilities as a ‘nuclear business operator’. Accordingly, the operator of facilities related to spent fuel and radioactive waste conducts emergency response activities in the event of emergency according to the Radiological Emergency Plan prepared under requirement in the above Acts. The APPRE was revised in May 2014 to classify the emergency planning zone (EPZ) as the Precautionary Action Zone (PAZ) and the Urgent Protective Action Planning Zone (UPZ). This was to incorporate IAEA standards which recommend designating the PAZ up to 3~5 km from NPP and the UPZ within a 20~30 km radius of a damaged NPP. Accordingly, subordinate statute will be revised to allow the nuclear operator to designate the PAZ and UPZ taking into account characteristics of the site such as road and topography within the framework of the APPRE.

F.5.2 National Radiological Emergency Response

The radiological emergency response scheme involves the Central Safety Control Committee chaired by the Prime Minister, NEMC, Off-site Emergency Management Center (OEMC), the Local Emergency Management Center (LEMC), the KINS-Radiological Emergency Technical Advisory Center, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Science (KIRAMS)-Radiological Emergency Medical Center, and KHNP-Emergency Operation Center as shown Figure F.5-1. The central government has the responsibility of controlling and coordinating countermeasures against a radiological disaster. In particular, the OEMC, which

- 94 -

consists of experts dispatched from the central government, local governments and designated administrative organizations, has responsibility of performing coordination of the management of radiological disaster and decision-making on urgent protective actions (sheltering, evacuation and food restriction, etc.). The OEMC consists of six working groups plus a joint consultative committee on emergency response as a decision making advisory body for the head of OEMC. Separately, the joint information center is in operation to provide accurate and unified information about radiological disasters. Established by the local governments concerned, the LEMC implements the OEMC’s decisions concerning public protective actions. When an accident occurs, nuclear enterprisers are responsible for organizing an Emergency Operation Center and taking measures to mitigate the consequences of the accident, restore the affected installations, and protect on-site personnel. If requested, the nuclear enterpriser is also obliged to dispatch emergency response officers, provide technical consultancy and lend radiation monitoring equipment to local governments, necessary for protecting local residents. In addition, the central government establishes and operates the national radiological emergency medical system for coordination and control of radiological medical services. It consists of the National Radiological Emergency Medical Service Center, which is operated by KIRAMS, and the primary and secondary radiological emergency medical hospitals designated by the region. In the event of a radiological accident, the KINS launches a Radiological Emergency Technical Advisory Center provide technical support necessary for coping with a radiological accident. In addition, the KINS runs an Atomic Computerized Technical Advisory System for a Radiological Emergency (AtomCARE) to perform technical support activities effectively so as to protect the residents and the environment when a radiological emergency occurs in the NPP. The diagram of the home grown system is shown as Figure F.5-2.

Figuree F.5-1. Naational Radio

- 95 -

ological Emmergency Reesponse Sccheme



afety Inform: Integrated

AS: RadiologAutomatic In

ource Term Following ographic Infmergency R

Korea Meteoobal TelecoLocal EmerNational Em

mergency OpNuclear Safe

ure F.5-2 Afor the

mation DisplEnvironme

gical Emergnformation N

m EvaluationAccident D

formation SResponse Inorological Aommunicatiorgency Manmergency Mperations Faety and Secu

Atomic Come Radiologic

- 96 -

lay Systemental Radiatgency ManaNotificationn System Dose AssessSystem nformation EAdministration System

nagement CeManagementacility urity Comm

puterized Tcal Emerge

tion Networagement Dan System

sment Syste

Exchange syion

enter t Committe


Technical Adency (AtomC

rk ata Acquisiti




dvisory SysCARE)

ion System


- 97 -

F.5.3 Training and Exercises

Training and exercises for radiological emergency preparedness should be conducted by emergency preparedness personnel such as nuclear enterprisers, emergency response officers of concerned local governments, radiological emergency medical staff of radiological emergency medical institutes, and the KINS. The training should be delivered by training institutes designated by the NSSC after due consideration of the specialties of the tasks involved in emergency response such as firefighting, emergency rescue, radiological accident management, radiological emergency medical service and resident protection. Currently, the KINS and the KHNP have opened radiological emergency training courses. In accordance with the APPRE that came into effect in February 2004, the radiological emergency training is managed at a central government level. To ensure that the radiological emergency training is delivered in a comprehensive and systematical manner, particulars of the emergency trainings including designation and notification of emergency preparedness personnel, development of training plans, delivery methods of trainings are defined in the NSSC Notice No. 2013-43 (Regulations on Education for Radiological Emergency Preparedness). Emergency exercises that must be participated in by on-site or off-site emergency preparedness organizations must participate, are conducted as follows:

The drill with attendance of each emergency organization should be conducted for a two unit plant at least once every quarter in nuclear reactor facilities.

The on-site emergency exercise with attendance of all emergency organizations should be conducted for a two unit plant at least once a year in nuclear reactor facilities.

The initial emergency exercise should be conducted as an on-site emergency exercise or integrated emergency exercise to verify emergency preparedness before nuclear reactor facilities are used (before an initial rated thermal power of 5%). The integrated emergency exercise is conducted when constructing nuclear reactor facilities on the new site.

The integrated exercise should be conducted at each power site every four years with attendance of all emergency organizations in nuclear reactor facilities, the NSSC, and al1 radioactive disaster prevention-related response organizations.

The unified exercise should be conducted every five years with attendance of all domestic radioactive disaster prevention-related response organizations including central administrative organizations.

- 98 -

Radiological emergency exercises are conducted for a disposal facility with internal or external emergency management organizations

The drill is conducted with internal emergency organization teams participating partially semiannually.

The on-site exercise is conducted with full internal emergency organization at least once every 2 years.

The initial exercise is conducted before a disposal facility is put to use During exercises, the adequacy of radiological emergency plan and their procedure, emergency communication equipment and network, emergency personnel’s expertise in the tasks and emergency response capability, practicability of emergency plan, and cooperative system among related organizations are reviewed. During on-site, joint, and combined exercises, exercise scenarios that address accidents requiring evacuation and sheltering of residents in the EPZ are established and exercised. F.5.4 Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring

The monitoring of environmental radioactivity around nuclear power utilization facilities is to ensure the health and safety of the residents in adjoining areas of the facilities by making sure exposure dose due to radioactive materials discharged from the concerned facility is under the dose limit specified in the NSA. For this, the constructor and operator of nuclear power utilization facilities must take primary responsibility for preserving the environment around the corresponding facilities and evaluate the environmental impact of radiation due to environmental exposure and the operation of the facilities and report to the NSSC. In such case, the NSSC and KINS conduct the verification and monitoring of environmental radioactivity around the facilities to manage and supervise the environmental radioactivity monitoring activities of the constructor and operator of the facilities. Such government-level independent verification and monitoring make for a QA measure to check whether the monitoring activities of the nuclear power utilization facility constructor and operator are implemented appropriately and also to enhance the reliability of environmental monitoring through technical guidance on the radiation measurement and radiation analysis and evaluation. Moreover, periodic inspections on the environment management facilities of the facility constructor and operator and their management are performed to ensure the efficiency of environment management of the nuclear utilization facility constructor and operator. The legal basis for the environmental radioactivity monitoring of the adjoining areas of

- 99 -

nuclear utilization facilities is Article 104 (Preservation of the Environment) of the NSA. The constructor and operator of the corresponding facilities must establish an environmental monitoring plan in accordance with the Regulation on the NSSC Notice No. 2013-4 (Regulation on Reporting and Public Announcement of Accidents and Incidents for Nuclear Power Utilization Facilities) and report the plan implementation result to the NSSC. As entrusted by the NSSC, the KINS conducts environmental monitoring independently from the constructor and operator of nuclear utilization facilities and checks the appropriateness of the monitoring activities through the comparison and evaluation of the monitoring data of the corresponding facility constructor and operator and also objectively confirms and evaluates the radioactive contamination of the environment around the facilities through regulatory review. Apart from the above, the KINS monitors the environmental radioactivity and space gamma-ray rate level variation in real time according to Article 105 (Monitoring of Nationwide Radioactive Environment) of the NSA and also continuously measures the radioactive contamination of airborne dust, fallout, rainwater, agricultural products, soil, service water and milk to detect abnormal circumstances or signs due to radioactive impact in the early stages and respond appropriately. The KINS has run a national environmental radiation monitoring network since 1997. On the occasion of the Fukushima accident in 2011, the KINS strived to expand the national network and as a result, the network is established with manned monitoring stations and unmanned monitoring posts which totals 128 locations combined across the country. The KINS also trains monitoring personnel from local monitoring stations every year and routinely conducts a cross analysis of domestic and foreign environmental radioactivity to manage the quality of environmental radioactivity monitoring results.

The KINS also developed and is operating the System for Identifying Radiation in Environments Nationwide (SIREN) which integrates the monitoring networks operated to monitor environmental radioactivity and radiation to combine monitoring results by each monitoring network and enhances domestic and foreign radiological emergency early detection capacity. SIREN which combines the monitoring results of various radiation and radioactivity monitoring networks is effectively used as the system capable of continuously monitoring environmental radioactivity in the entire territory before and after an emergency situation and detects abnormal conditions in its early stages.


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5 Internat

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F.5-3. Natio

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- 100 -

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- 101 -

The KINS signed the MOC (Memorandum of Cooperation) with the National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) of China to maintain cooperation for emergency measures in preparation to prepare for nuclear accidents and set up the emergency cooperation system with the China Institute for Radiation Protection in accordance with the Agreement on Technological Cooperation for Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection. Korea, China and Japan also signed an MOC on Top Regulators Meeting (TRM) in August 2009 to enhance nuclear safety capacity in Northeast Asia. Based on that, the three nations have been continuously discussing ways for mutual cooperation such as tri-party system for nuclear accident information exchange and joint exercise for radiological emergency preparedness. The 7th meeting has been recently held in Japan in September 2014.


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- 102 -


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- 103 -

The KAERI is in charge of decommissioning of KRR-1, 2. The KAERI also strives to develop decommissioning technology for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. In addition, the KHNP conducts a preliminary review related R&D for decomissioning of NPP. The UCF, which is located at the KAERI site in Daejeon, was constructed in 1982 for development of fuel fabrication technologies for PHWR. Its decommissioning plan was approved in July 2004 and the decommissioning of the UCF has been completed in 2012 and its site and building are currently used as a research facility. F.6.1 Regulations and Requirements

The licensee of NPP, the nuclear fuel cycle enterpriser or the licensee of a research reactor, when intending to decommission their facility, should submit a decommissioning plan and obtain decommissioning approval from the NSSC. The decommissioning plan should include the following;

methods and schedule of decommissioning,

methods of removing radioactive materials and decontamination,

radioactive waste treatment and disposal methods,

necessary measures against radioactive hazards,

assessment of environmental impact and measures for its minimization,

QAP with regard to decommissioning,

others, as specified by the NSSC

During the IAEA IRRS mission conducted in July 2011, the following recommendation was identified with regard to decommissioning. Based on the recommendation, the NSA is currently under revision for incorporation of definition of “Decommissioning”, submittal time and periodic renewal of decommissioning plans, and decommissioning inspections.

Recommendation: The regulatory framework should require decommissioning plans for nuclear installations to be constructed and operated. These plans should be updated periodically.



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3 Radiatio

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- 104 -


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on the nsport

- 105 -

of Radioactive Materials, etc., the Regulations on the Preparation, etc. of RER of Nuclear Utilization Facilities, and the Regulations on the Environmental Radiation Survey and Impact Analysis in the Vicinity of Nuclear Facilities.

F.6.4 Emergency Response

In the decommissioning of the KRR-1 and 2, the exposure rate for workers was estimated for several scenarios of plausible accidents, and the highest exposure rate was expected in the event of a fall of equipment which was highly radioactive because of activation by neutrons during reactor operation. Even in this event, however, it was assessed that the exposure rate could be minimized because there would be sufficient time for workers to seek shelter. The guideline for coping with such radiation accidents stipulates that all work be suspended and all workers be evacuated from the working area without a delay. Furthermore, radiation safety control personnel must control access to the working area and take the necessary measures for preventing radioactive materials from spreading.

All decommissioning works are performed within the building, and indoor air is released through a filter installed as part of the building ventilation system even in the case of radiation accident, to eliminate the spread of radioactive materials outside the reactor building. In other words, it is concluded that the need for evacuation of residents around the KRR-1 and 2 doesn’t have to be considered when a radiological accident occurs. Most of decommissioning works have been finished, and the assessment of residual radioactivity is currently being performed.

- 106 -

F.6.5 Record Keeping

Under the Enforcement Regulation of the NSA, records with regard to operation of nuclear power utilization facilities are to be kept until the decommissioning of the facilities so as to utilize the records for decommissioning. Such records include documents related to reactor design and construction, data on radiation protection, events and corrective actions. Information related to decommissioning of the KRR-1, 2 has been collected by the Decontamination & Decommissioning Technology Division at the KAERI. Such information includes data concerning facility status, radiographic conditions, work hours, input of workforce and equipment for each work, exposure dose of each worker, inventory of radioactive waste generated, major radionuclides, types of radioactive waste, volume of liquid waste treated, and other related information. This information is to be preserved for a period as specified in the decommissioning plan. The database system, named DECOMMIS, was developed and has been operated to collect information on management of decommissioning waste, especially for solid waste, including generation, decontamination, packing, and storage. Thanks to the system, it is possible to identify the amount of radioactive waste accurately which then is transmitted to WACID, a DB system developed and operated by the KINS for managing nationwide safety information on radioactive waste management.

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- 109 -


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- 110 -

G.1.1 Nuclear Criticality, Residual Heat Removal and Harmful Material

Criticality, residual heat removal and other safety factors to be considered are stipulated in Article 33 (Fuel Handling and Storage Facilities) of Regulations on Technical Standards for Nuclear Reactor Facilities, etc. for on-site spent fuel storage facilities of the NPPs, and in Article 90 (Fuel Storage Facilities) and Article 91 (Fuel, etc. Handling, Equipment) of the same regulation for the PIEF. Criticality, residual heat removal and other safety factors to be considered for spent nuclear fuel interim storage facility are stipulated in Article 73 (Structure and Installation of Spent Nuclear Fuel Interim Storage Facilities) of Regulations on Technical Standards for Radiation Safety Management, etc. According to the regulations, major safety factors to be considered in spent fuel management include the following: (1) criticality prevention, (2) residual heat removal, (3) radioactive material block, and (4) radiation shield and protection. There is no regulatory provision on chemically or biologically hazardous materials other than radiological risks with regard to a spent fuel management facility in the NSA and subordinate statue. Therefore, the MOE controls the NPPs, in case that NPPs discharge chemically or biologically hazardous materials. G.1.2 Minimization of Radioactive Waste Generation

Current spent fuel management practices, under which all spent fuels have been stored in the spent fuel storage pool or dry storage facility without separate treatment except for allowing post-irradiation examination of spent fuel for limited test and research purpose, are in compliance with the general safety requirement that the generation of radioactive waste associated with spent fuel management should be kept to the minimum practicable in accordance with the fuel cycle policy adopted. G.1.3 Inter Dependence among the Different Steps in Spent Fuel Management

As described in G.1.2, all spent fuels have been stored in the spent fuel pool or dry storage facility without separate treatment except for allowing post-irradiation examination of small amount of spent fuels for limited test and research purpose. The retrievability of all spent fuels to be stored has been maintained. G.1.4 Protective Actions within the Legal Framework

Regulatory provisions to ensure the safety of spent fuel management facilities and to take necessary safety measures are stipulated in the NSA and subordinate statue. Section G.4.1 provides in detail the structure of the NSA, its subordinate statue and

- 111 -

technical standards in relation to the control of possible radiological impact caused by spent fuel management facilities. G.1.5 Impacts and Burdens on Future Generations

The potential risk of radiation exposure that spent fuel management facilities pose to future generations should be limited to the level equivalent to the radiation protection of current generations. In relation to this, Article 4 (Protection of the Public Health and the Environment) of the NSSC Notice (Generic Criteria for Deep Geological Disposal Facility of High level Radioactive Waste) which was proposed to the National Assembly in 2012, stipulates that “the hazard to the public health caused by a deep geological disposal facility should be sufficiently below an acceptable level and its possible radiological impact on future generations should not be greater than current acceptable level”. In addition, the expenses required for spent fuel management is collected from spent fuel generators, and deposited and managed in the spent fuel management fund to prevent future generations from bearing the cost of managing spent fuel generated by current generations. The MOTIE imposes and collects spent fuel management fee from operation of NPPs, and the collected fee is deposited into the spent fuel management fund to conduct spent fuel management properly in accordance with Article 15 (Contribution to Spent Fuel Management) of the RWMA.

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Currethe sresidaccorin coinspecondNSA On thhistoNPPmade G.2.




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- 112 -


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- 113 -


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- 114 -

G.3.2 Spent Fuel Interim Storage Facility

Since effectuation of the Joint Convention, no site has been selected for spent fuel interim storage and no permit for a spent fuel interim storage facility has been granted. However, the technical standards for location and site of a spent fuel interim storage facility are already stipulated in Article 67 (Location of Interim Storage Facilities of Spent Nuclear Fuels) of Regulations on Technical Standards for Radiation Safety Management, etc., the NSSC Notice No. 2012-51 (Siting Criteria for Interim Storage Facilities of Spent Nuclear Fuel) and No. 2013-31 (Guidelines for Preparation of Site Characteristics Report for Interim Storage Facilities for Spent Nuclear Fuel). G.3.3 Consideration of Neighboring Countries

The notification of an accident and the request for assistance from international organizations and nations concerned, are made in accordance with the procedures specified in the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident (CENNA) and the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency (CANARE) of the IAEA. More details are provided in F.5.5 titled International Arrangements.



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- 115 -


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reatment inSafety Manact caused b

g Planning

nt facility le standardstion of strucontaminatetaminated e


facility shogies incorpoby domestic

bill of legie 12 ParagStandards fo

Storage Fac

Storage Fac

- 116 -

r the concenlet of ventil0 (InstrumeReactor Fa

monitoringrom radiatiing and Disal Standards

ility) of Reapplicable t

n Disposal nagement, by a spent fu


should bes. The faciuctures anded equipm

equipment d

ould be desorated into tc and foreign

islation wasgraph 4 (Tor Radiation

cility of NPP


ntration of rlation hood ntation andcilities, etc

g equipmenion exposuscharge) ans for Radiati

egulations oto a PIEF.

Facility) ofetc. stipula

fuel interim

e designedility should

d equipmentment, and during decom

igned and cthe design on experienc

s proposed The Use ofn Safety Ma


radioactive or drainage

d Control) oc. In additnt, and radire should d Article 3ion Safety M

on Technic

f Regulatioates mattersstorage faci

d for decod be designt, minimizefacilitate tmmissionin

constructedof a spent fe and tests.

to apply Rf Proven Tanagement,

materials de hole shou

of Regulatiotion, ventiliation protebe installe

34 (ConservManagemen

cal Standard

ons on Techs related toility.

ommissioninned in a we the amouthe remova


d under the fuel manage

RequirementTechnologie, etc. In add

during uld be ons on lation ection ed in vation nt, etc.

ds for

hnical o the

ng in ay to

unt of al of

basic ement

t 9 of es) of dition,

- 117 -

the provision of new revised bill of legislation (Technical Standards for Structure and Equipment of Spent Fuel Interim Storage Facilities) is included that the interim storage facility should be designed and constructed based on proven engineering practice. If new design and construction methods are applied, these methods should be proven.



SafetPreliReguof Edescrof Nin a s




ach Contra

(i) beforsafetythe hlifetim

(ii) beforand envirneces(i).

1 Safety A

ty assessmeiminary Safulation of N

Enforcementribed in RESA. The saseparate saf

R should be uments that cle 44 of En

G.5 As

On-site Sp



cting Party

re construcy assessmhazard preme shall bere the opedetailed

onmental ssary to co


ent of an ofety Analys

NSA) and Ft Regulation

ER in accordafety assessmfety analysis

submitted include the

nforcement R


pent Fuel S


y shall take

ction of a sment and aesented b

e carried oueration of a

versions assessm


nt and Env

on-site spensis Report inal Safety n of NSA)dance with ment of an s report (SA

in accordane contents Regulation

ent of Saf

Storage Fac

- 118 -


e the appro

spent fuel mn environm

by the facut; a spent fuof the sent shall

nt the asse


nt fuel wet(PSAR) (AAnalysis R

). RadiationArticle 4 Pon-site spen

AR) and FSA

nce with Arof SAR shof the NSA

fety of Fa

cility of NPP


opriate ste

managememental asscility and

uel managsafety ass be prep

essments r

tal Impact

t storage faArticle 4 PaReport (FSAn environmParagraph 2 nt fuel dry AR of relev

rticle 35 Paould be sub


acilities (A



ps to ensu

ent facility, essment acovering

ement facsessment pared wheferred to


facility is inaragraph 3

AR) (Articleental impacof Enforcemstorage faci

vant NPP.

aragraph 3 obmitted in

Article 8)

ure that:

a systemaappropriateits operat

cility, updaand of

hen deem in paragra


ncorporatedof Enforce

e 16 Paragrct assessmement Regulility is desc

of the NSAaccordance


atic e to ting

ted the

med aph

d into ement aph 3 ent is lation cribed

A, and e with

SafetRERof En G.5.

A spaccorNSAmatteregul

ty assessmeR and a SARnforcement

2 Supplem

pent fuel rdance with

A, and duriners already latory body

Spent Fue

ent of a speR in accordaRegulation


managemeh Article 27

ng the periodpermitted o

y or reported

el Interim S

ent fuel inteance with A

n of the NSA

of Safety A

ent facility 7 of the NSd of construor designated to the regu

Storage Fac

- 119 -

erim storageArticle 87 PA.


should uSA and Artuction or pred should bulatory body


e facility is Paragraph 2


undergo preticle 63 of reoperationabe made wity.

required toand Article

eoperationaEnforcemenal inspectionth a change

o be describe 87 Paragr

al inspectiont Decree on, any chan permit from

bed in aph 3

on in of the nge of m the



The CP aoperaafter



ach Contra

(i) the liuponconddemodesig

(ii) operaexpedefin

(iii) operaspentestab

(iv) enginavailamana

(v) incideholde

(vi) progrestab

(vii) decoprepadurinregul

1 Operatin

constructionand OL of ation of a sissuance of

G.6 O

On-site Sp


cting Party

icense to appropriaitional on onstrating gn and safeational limrience anded and revation, mait fuel manblished proneering anable throagement faents signifier of the licrams to coblished andmmissioninared and g the operatory body

ng License

n and operaNPP (Refespent fuel df an OL for


pent Fuel S


y shall take

operate aate assess the comthat the f

ety requiremits and cd the assevised as nentenance, nagement ocedures; nd technicughout thacility; icant to sa

cense to thollect and ad that the rng plans updated, rating lifetiy.


ation of a sper to Articledry storageNPP requir

of Facilit

Storage Fac

- 120 -


e the appro

a spent fusments as

mpletion ofacility, as

ements; conditions essments, ecessary; monitorinfacility are

cal supporhe operat

afety are ree regulatoanalyses rresults are for a speas necessme of that

pent fuel we 10 and 2

e facility, adres a permit

ties (Artic

cility of NPP


opriate ste

el manage specified

of a comms construc

derived fas specifi

ng, inspece conduct

rt in all sating lifetim

eported in ry body;

relevant op acted upo

ent fuel msary, usingt facility, a

wet storage f20 of the Ndditionally t change (A

cle 9)


ps to ensu

ement fac in ARTICmissioning ted, is co

rom testsied in ART

ction and ed in acco

afety-relateme of a

a timely m

perating exon, where aanagemeng informatnd are rev

facility of NNSA). The c

introduced Article 20 Pa

ure that:

ility is basCLE 8 and program

onsistent w

s, operatioTICLE 8,

testing ofordance w

ed fields spent f

manner by

xperience appropriatent facility tion obtainviewed by

NPP are parconstruction

d at a powearagraph 1 o

sed d is me


onal are

f a with

are fuel


are e; are ned the

rt of a n and er site of the


The the NaccorPIEFand Decr



For operaCondFacilTech

For aSectiSpenParag

A). Safety rducted to coity of NPP a

PIEF, run bNSA. Safetrdance with

F can be usperformanc

ree of the N

cle 63 of thulate the reqim storage f

2 Operatin

NPP, operated in accditions for Olities, etc. ahnical Speci

a PIEF, opion 3 (Mannt Fuel Magraph 2 and


Spent Fue

On-site Sp


review andonfirm wheare in comp

by the KAEty review oh Article 6sed only aftce of the fSA.

he NSA andquirements ffacility.

ng Limit a

ating limit cordance wOperation) and the NSifications fo

perating limnipulation oanagement Fd Paragraph

el Interim S

pent Fuel S

d preoperatether the copliance with

ERI is a deson the cons1 Paragraph

fter completfacility in a

d Article 10for safety re

nd Operat

and operaith Article of Regulati

SSC Noticeor Operation

mits and limof Safety-reFacility) of3 of Enforc

Storage Fac

Storage Fac

- 121 -

tional inspeonstruction h safety requ

signated facstruction anh 2 of Enfotion of preoaccordance

01 of the Eneview and p

ting Limit

ating limit48 (Establ

ions on Tece No. 2013n).

miting condelated Facilif Safety Mcement Dec


cility of NPP

ection (Artand operat


cility in accnd operationorcement Doperational with the A

nforcement preoperation


conditionlishment anchnical Stan3-2 (Standa

ditions for oity) and Se

Manual in acree of the N


ticle 27 ofion of a sp

cordance win of PIEF

Decree of thinspection

Article 63

Decree of nal inspectio

should be nd Adjustmndards for

ard Format

operation aection 4 (Saaccordance NSA.

f the NSApent fuel st

with Article is conduct

he NSA, anon construof Enforce

the NSA clon of a spen

establishedment of Lim

Nuclear Reand Conte

are prescribafe Operatiwith Artic

A) are orage

35 of ted in nd the uction ement

learly nt fuel

d and miting eactor ent of

bed in on of le 44

For aoperaSAREnfo G.6.3

Techstipuof Re54 Pengindurinthat operacomm ArticStandworkand d

As pcriter(TechQA r

The sto a s

a spent fueation for sa

R that is reqorcement De

3 Technicamonitor

hnical standulated in Artegulations o

Paragraph 4neering andng operationoperating pation, test mencement

cle 72 (Insdards for Nks that havedrawings.

per Article 3ria to be dhnical Caparequirement

same requirspent fuel in

Spent Fue

On-site Sp


Spent Fue

el interim safe operatioquired in aecree of the

al Supporring, inspe

dards for tticle 41 (Teon Technic of the samd professionn. The Articprocedures

and mainof operatio

structions, Nuclear Reae an impact

36 Subparadesignated aability) of Ets applicabl

rements for nterim stora

el Interim S

pent Fuel S

el Interim S

storage facion are presaccordance


t for Operection and

test, monitoestability, Mal Standard

me regulational supportcle 56 (Oper

necessary ntenance son.

Proceduresctor Facilitit on quality

agraph 1 of as a PIEF, Enforcemene to NPP ar

technical cage facility.

Storage Fac

Storage Fac

Storage Fac

- 122 -

lity, operatscribed in Swith Articl

rating Procd test) and

oring, inspMonitorabilids for Nucleon requires t o review rating Procfor operati

should be

s and Drawies, etc. stipy should be

f the NSA, and specif

nt Regulatire applied to

capability an


cility of NPP


ting limits aSection 8 (Tle 87 Parag

cedure (opd Safety

ection and ity, Inspectaear Reactor

the establisafety-rela

edures) of tion of NPPprepared

wings) of pulates thate described

securing tecfic details aon of the No a PIEF.

nd QA appl


and limitingTechnical Sgraph 3 Sub

peration, m

maintenanability, and

Facilities, ishment of ated issues the same regP includingand provid

Regulationt methods fo

in instructi

chnical capare stipulateNSA. In ad

icable to a P

ng conditionSpecificatiobparagraph


nce of NPPMaintainabetc., and Aorganizatiothat may

gulation reqg administrded before

ns on Techfor implemetions, proce

pability is oed in Artic

ddition, the

PIEF are ap

ns for on) of 8 of


P are bility)

Article on for occur quires ation, e the

hnical enting edures

one of cle 34



- 123 -

G.6.4 Reporting of Events Significant to Safety

All nuclear power utilization facilities including a spent fuel management facility should report and disclose incidents and failures in accordance with Article 97 of the NSA and the NSSC Notice No. 2013-50 (Regulation on Reporting and Public Announcement of Accidents and Incidents for Nuclear Power Utilization Facilities).

G.6.5 Incorporation of Operating Experience

As for on-site spent fuel storage facilities of NPP and PIEF, the requirements for systematic incorporation of operating experience of NPP and nuclear fuel cycle facilities include the following: (1) collection, analysis and management of operating experience data, and (2) incorporation of operating experience analysis results into standards and operating procedures and training on equipment and safety. For a spent fuel interim storage facility, the legislative proposal for the NSSC Notice (Technical Standards for Structure and Equipment of Spent Fuel Interim Storage Facilities) proposes the incorporation of operating experience of spent fuel interim facilities as a stipulated provision.

G.6.6 Decommissioning Plan

The operators of nuclear power facilities including a spent fuel management facility, before permanently terminating their business, are required to take necessary measures for protection against radiation hazards including transfer, safe-keeping, discharge, storage, treatment and decontamination and to make a report to the NSSC. For its part, the NSSC has an authority to order necessary measures including collection of radioactive materials and decommissioning of any and all contaminated facilities (refer to Article 94 of the NSA) to be taken. The operators are required to submit a decommissioning plan to the NSSC at the time of intended decommissioning.

If, Pashdis

All sspentNucl6 ParInstaManaThe Spen



pursuant arty has deall be in

sposal of ra

spent fuels gt fuel has nolear Fuel Mragraph 2 o

allation andagement), acurrent stat

nt Nuclear F

G.7 Di

E 10. DISP

to its ownesignated saccordancadioactive

generated inot been impanagement

of the RWMd Support oand public dtus and specFuel Manage

isposal o


n legislativespent fuel fce with the waste.

n Korea havplemented ywas launch

MA and the Mof Public Ediscussion ocific informement are d

of Spent F

- 124 -


e and regfor disposae obligatio

ve been storyet. The Pubhed in OctobMOTIE No

Engagementon ways to mmation on thdescribed in

Fuel (Art


ulatory fraal, the dispons of Cha

red in a safeblic Engageber 30, 2013otice No. 20t Commissimanage spehe Public E K.4.

icle 10)

mework, aposal of suapter 3 re

e manner anment Comm3 in accorda013-163 (Noion on Spent fuel is acngagement

a Contractuch spent felating to

nd the dispomission on ance with Aotice Conceent Nuclear ctively unde


ting fuel the

sal of Spent

Article erning

Fuel erway. on on

RadiioactH. S

ive W


ty of e Ma






Each Conall stagesenvironmhazards.

so doing, e

(i) ensureradioa

(ii) ensureminim

(iii) take iradioa

(iv) providenviromethonationcriteria

(v) take inbe ass

(vi) strive future genera

(vii) aim to

H.1 Ge

E 11. GENE

ntracting Ps of radioa

ment are a

each Cont

e that criticactive waste that theum practicnto accou

active waste for effnment, by

ods as appal legislatia and standnto accounsociated wto avoid a generatioation; avoid imp

eneral Sa


Party shall active wastadequately

racting Pa

cality and e manageme generatcable; unt interdee managemective proy applyingproved by ton which dards;

nt the bioloith radioacctions thatons greate

posing und

afety Req

- 127 -


take the ate manage

y protected

arty shall ta

removal oment are aion of rad

ependenciement; otection og at the nthe regulathas due re

ogical, chemctive wastet impose reer than t

ue burden



ppropriateement indivd against

ake the app

of residual adequatelydioactive

es among

of individunational letory body, egard to in

mical and e managemeasonably hose perm

s on future

nts (Artic


steps to eviduals, soradiologica

propriate st

heat geney addressewaste is

the differ

uals, socieevel suitab in the framnternationa

other hazament; predictablmitted for

e generatio

le 11)

ensure thaociety and al and ot

teps to:

erated dured;

kept to

rent steps

ety and ble protectmework ofally endors

ards that m

le impacts the curr


t at the her



s in

the tive f its sed


on rent

- 128 -

H.1.1 Standards for Permit of Construction and Operation

The standards for permit of a disposal facility, etc. designed to provide reasonable assurance that the public health and the environment are protected against radiation hazards during the construction, operation, closure, and institutional control periods of a radioactive waste disposal facility are specified in Nuclear Safety related Act and subordinate statute as follows:

Technical capability necessary for construction and operation of a disposal facility, etc. as provided for in the Enforcement Regulation of the NSA should be available;

The location, structure, equipment, and performance of a disposal facility, etc. should conform to the technical standards as prescribed by the Regulation of the NSSC in such a way that they do not present any impediment to the protection of disasters caused by the radioactive materials, etc. to human bodies, materials and the public ;

The construction and operation of a disposal facility, etc. should conform to the standards prescribed by the Presidential Decree in order to prevent any harm to public health and the environment caused by radioactive materials, etc.; and

It is required to secure equipment and manpower prescribed by the Presidential Decree.

To ensure that the foregoing standards are satisfied, the permit applicant should perform a comprehensive and systematic safety analysis. The analysis results should then be reported to the NSSC in the form of SAR and RER. Specific regulatory requirements are provided in the Notices of the NSSC. H.1.2 Safety Analysis

The licensee of a LILW disposal facility should prepare a SAR in accordance with the provisions of the NSA, and submit the report to the NSSC to secure safety in the overall construction and operation processes of a radioactive waste disposal facility. The Enforcement Regulation of the NSA specifies the items to be included in the SAR, which covers safety-related matters, particularly the outline and description of facility, site characteristics, design, construction, operation and maintenance of facility, site closure and institutional control, safety evaluation and accident analysis, radiation protection, technical guidelines, etc.


A radurinTo thLow in rafunctdecay

The utilizwasteshou


One facilithe eradiosuboradioliquidfacilisufficshoufacili

3 Safety R

adioactive wng operationhis end, in aand Interm

adioactive tions shouldy heat.

amount ozation facilie treatment

uld be consid

oactive wae of radioacs in radioact

of standardity should nenvironmenoactive wasrdinate stat

oactive mated and gaseity; and (3)ciently belo

uld be no prity resulting






waste disposn and to witaccordance

mediate Levwaste shoud be secure

of radioactiities should t systems dered.

ste should bctive waste tive waste m

ds for perminot be impent. The staste disposaltute are: (1erials releaseous effluen) public heow an acceredicted futg from the p

Safety and

tion of Gene

endencies a

n of Enviro

ents to be

sal facility thstand decawith the NS

vel Radioactuld be limd when the

ive waste be minimizalong with

be managedgeneration


it of a radioediment to tandards for l facility as) limits reg

sed from a fnts at normealth risks eptable levture impact permanent d

d Thermal S

eration of R

among the

onmental H

- 129 -

e considere

should be ay heat andSSC Noticetive Waste)

mited to maere is a poss

generated zed. Accord

h the introd

d considerinn based on int.

oactive wastthe preventi

preventings determinegarding thefacility; (2)

mal operatiocaused by

vel at the pon the env

disposal of r



Different S



designed tod heat genere No. 2013-), the conceaintain critisibility of o

during opdingly, the iduction of

ng the feasinterdepend

te disposal fion of hazag environmed by Nucle concentraradiation do

on that are radioactive

post-closurevironment iradioactive

e Waste

Steps in Ra

o prevent nated by radi-29 (Acceptentration of icality safeverheating

peration of improvemennew treatm

ibility of ddencies amo

facility is thrds to the p

mental hazaear Safety

ation of liquose constraiapplied to

e waste dise stage. Furn the viciniwaste. Futu

dioactive W

nuclear critidiation irraditance Criterf fissile matety, and cothe waste d

f nuclear pent of radioament techno

disposal fromong the diff

he clause thpublic healthards regardi

related Acuid and gaints pertainithe design

sposal shouurthermore, nity of a disure use of na


cality iation. ria for terials ooling due to

power active ology

m the ferent

at the h and ing a

ct and seous ing to

n of a uld be

there sposal atural


In acInterpyroprisksto prchemperfo Withshoucorroproceexcludispo

In acinstamoniarea dispoexistisola Withgaseooperalocatto mfaciliFurthmatemana

urces should

ccordance wrmediate Lephoric mate by them ar

revent from mical reactiormance of

h regard to uld be mitigosion; wastessed so as uded or theiosal facility

ccordance walled, and ditor the radiradiation m

osal facilityt in a disposate the releas

h regard to ous or liquations, andtions other t

monitor operity, approprhermore, therials shoulagement fac



d not be imp

with the NSevel Radioaerials to bere eliminategenerating

ion which a disposal f

waste to bgated and thte that inclto exclude

ir contents sy.

with the Nodistinction iation levels

monitoring sy. When rasal facility,se automati

a radioactiuid radioac

d such effluthan air venrating condriate samplhe possibilild be fundcilities from

, Chemical

ve Effluentlled Releas

peded by ei

SSC Noticective Waste

e disposed oed. In additigas, vapor,may under

facility or th

be disposed he materialludes toxic,such hazardshould be re

otice of theshould be s of radioacsystems to mdiation levethe system


ve waste trctive efflueuents shou

nts or drainaditions of aning devicesity of cont

damentally m those desig

and Other

t Control anses

- 130 -

ither radioac

e No. 2013-e), waste coof should bion, the wa, or liquid armine the

he safety of

of, includils should b, perishableds. Chelatinestricted ac

e NSSC, ramade betw

ctive materimonitor theels exceed

ms should h

reatment faent appropr

uld not be ages installend radioacts and monitamination minimized

gned to han

r Hazards

nd Conside

ctive or non

-29 (Accepontaining exbe adequateaste should bas a result of

integrity of workers.

ing corrosivbe packed ine, or contang agents coccording to t

adiation moween radiatials in liquide radiation lthe set po

ave functio

cility, it shriately durreleased in

ed pursuanttivity releasitoring equidue to thby separa

ndle non- rad

rations for


tance Critexplosive, flaely treated be controllef radiolysis,of the was

ve materialsn such a wagious mateontained in the acceptan

nitoring syion monitod and gaseolevels of spints or whens to activa

ould be poing normalnto the ent to CP and sed from a ipment shoue backflowation of radioactive m


e contamina

eria for Lowammable, aso that poted in such a, or biologic

ste package

s, corrosionway to witherials shouwaste shou

ance criteria

ystems shouoring systemous effluentpecific areasen abnormaate an alarm

ossible to col and abno

nvironment OL. In addwaste treatuld be inst

w of radioaadioactive w




w and and/or ential a way cal or e, the

n rate hstand ld be

uld be a for a

uld be ms to ts and s in a alities m and

ontrol ormal from

dition, tment talled. active waste

In acInternonfljudgeintegpress

In acLonga posat anconfi

ccordance wrmediate Leflammable ced by visua

grity under sure increas

ccordance wg-term Safest-closure pn acceptablfirming that

Stability o


with the NSevel Radioacontainer, aal inspectiocircumstan

ses due to ge

with the NSty on Low eriod, the ple level notan undue b

of Waste Pa

n of Effects

SSC Noticective Wasteand the pa

on. Furthermces expecteeneration of

SC Notice Nand Interme

performancet only for urden impo


s on Future

- 131 -

e No. 2013-e), waste to

acking contmore, the ped in disposf gas within

No. 2012-5ediate Leve

e objective ocurrent but

osed on futu

e Generatio

-29 (Accepo be disposeainer shoulackage shosal conditio

n the packag

55 (Radioloel Radioactiof keeping tt also for

ure generatio


tance Criteed of shouldld be free

ould be ableons, even wge.

gical Protecive Waste Dthe risk of rfuture geneons is limite

eria for Lowd be packedfrom defec

e to maintawhen the int

ction CriterDisposal), dradioactive werations, thed.

w and d in a cts as ain its ternal

ria for during waste ereby


NuclfacililicenmainthroucondNuclor rep On tmajofacilirevie In adenvirlow lperfosafet



ach Contraview:

(i) the sthe tiand impro

(ii) the rintervmind dose the s

lear power ity are cons

nse/permit pntenance of ugh periodiditions at a lear Safety rporting of m

the occasioor accident ities and mewed and no

ddition, pasronment frolevel radioaormed in a ty standards

H.2 Ex

E 12. EXIS

acting Part

safety of aime the Coto ensur

ovements aresults of vention is that the r should beocial costs

utilization structed andpursuant to these facili

ic and non-specific fac

related Act minor chang

n of the Joand maint

major radioao significant

st practicesom existingactive wastemanner app


xisting Fa


ty shall in

ny radioaconvention re that, iare made tpast prac

needed foreduction ie sufficient s, of the int

facilities id operated athe Nucleaties accordi-periodic incility requirand subord

ge, should b

oint Convetenance recactive wastet finding wa

s such as cg facilities ae were reviepropriate to

acilities a

- 132 -


due cours

ctive wasteenters intof necessato upgradectices in oor reasons in detrimen to justify ttervention.

in Korea inafter adequaar Safety reing to the conspections. re revision,

dinate statutebe adhered t

ention, currecords of exe-generatingas identified

control of rand recordsewed. It wao domestic

and Past


se take th

e managemo force forary, all re the safetyorder to dof radiatio

nt resultingthe harm a

ncluding a ate safety evlated Act aonditions liIn addition

, permit proe, such as pto.

ent conditioxisting radiog facilities id.

radioactive s on the cleas verified tlaws in com



he appropr

ment facilir that Contreasonablyy of such adetermine on protectiog from theand the co

radioactivevaluations and subordincensed/permn, when peocedures inermit for si

ons, operatoactive wasin operation

effluents rearance appthat past prampliance w

es (Article


riate steps

ity existingtracting Pay practicaa facility; whether aon bearing

e reductionosts, includ

e waste disand issuancenate statutemitted is veermitted/licen pursuant tignificant ch

tion historyste managen in Korea

released intplication ofractices hadwith internat

e 12)

s to

g at arty able

any g in n in ding

sposal e of a

e. The erified ensed to the hange

y, and ement


to the f very d been tional

The Nof Locase earthshourevisfaciliexpeassesto vinforrelevof, aimpa

The compthe Nestabinspe

NSSC Notiow and Inte

of an evehquake, floould be re-evsed based onity should brience and ssment. Theerify the srmation andvant performand recordsacts on the p

safety anprehensivelyNSSC, and blished procections.

Safety As

Safety Im

ice No. 201ermediate Lent which aoding and otvaluated, ann the latest dbe constantl

data obtaine NSSC Nosafety of ad data on themance evalus of accidepublic and th

nd performy evaluatedproper act

cedures if th



3-35 (TechnLevel Radioaaffects the ther naturalnd related data. In addly re-evaluaned from o

otice also stia radioactive facility, siuation concents, safety he surround

mance of ad through rtions shouldhere is any


- 133 -

hnical Requiactive Wastintegrity o

l disasters, olicensing d

dition, condated, and suoperating a ipulates thave waste dite and surroerns, total inincluding

ding environ

a radioactiregulatory id be taken finding in s

irements forte Disposal of a LILWor an accidedocuments itions relate

upplementeddisposal fa

at the followdisposal facounding arenventory ofthe radiolo


ive waste inspectionswithin a s

safety or pe

r the OperaFacilities)

W disposal ent, the safeand proced

ed to the safd, if necessaacility and wings shoulcility prior eas for the pf radioactiveogical and


specified timrformance a

ation and Costipulates thfacility suc

ety of the fadures shoufety of a disary, based oresults of s

ld be reevalto closure

period that oe waste dispnon-radiolo

ent facilityly conducteme accordias a result o

ontrol hat in ch as acility ld be

sposal on the safety luated e: (1) of the posed ogical

y are ed by ng to of the




The The ReguNoticLeve(GuidLevebe in



Each Coprocedurewaste ma

(i) to evof sudispo

(ii) to evsocieof the

(iii) to mmem

(iv) to coas thuponthemterrito

In so doiensure thContractirequireme

1 Regulat

site selectiostandards f

ulations on ce No. 201el Radioactdelines for

el Radioactincluded in si

H.3 Si


ntracting Pes are estaanagement

valuate all uch a facilosal facilityvaluate theety and thee site condake informbers of thensult Cont

hey are like their requ to evaluaory.

ng, each Chat such fang Partiesents of AR

ory Requi

on for a LILfor permit fTechnical S

12-50 (Techtive Wastethe Prepara

ive Waste Dite characte

iting of P


Party shallablished at facility:

relevant sity during

y after closue likely safee environmditions of dimation on e public; tracting Paely to be a

uest, with gate the like

Contractingacilities sh by being


rements a

LW disposalfor site seleStandards fhnical Stande Disposal ation of SiteDisposal Faeristics repor


- 134 -


l take the and implem

site-related its operature; ety impact

ment, takinisposal fac the safet

arties in theaffected b

general dately safety

g Party shhall not hav

sited in ac.

and Perm

l facility is ection of a for Radiatiodards for th

Facilities)e Character

acilities) stiprt.



appropriatmented for

factors likting lifetim

t of such ag into acc

cilities aftery of such

e vicinity oy that facita relating impact of

hall take thve unacceccordance

it Procedu

described idisposal fa

on Safety Mhe Location). The NSristic Reporpulates that

s (Article


te steps toa propose

kely to affee as well

a facility oount possir closure; a facility

of such a faility, and p to the facif the facilit

he appropreptable effe

with the g


n section Eacility, etc.

Managementn of Low aSSC Noticert for Low a

the followi

e 13)

o ensure ted radioact

ect the saf as that o

n individuaible evolut

y available

acility, insoprovide theility to enaty upon th

riate stepsects on ot

general saf

E.2.3 of the Nare stipulat

t, etc. and Nand Intermee No. 20and Intermeing items sh

hat tive

fety of a

als, tion


ofar em, able heir

s to her fety

NSA. ted in NSSC ediate 13-30 ediate hould



Undeevaluradiofunda The predienvirconstaccid


Enviand aoperaanalyEnvienvirsubmMOE

data onfacilitie

data of induced

site mooperatio

ty assessmeronmental issment. Sucelopment Ps, as well as


er the NSA,uate the imoactive wasamental req

RER contaicted radiolronmental rtruction andents and in

eneral Env

ronmental assessing nation of a dysis in accronment, Tronment, liv

mitted shoulE.

Factors of

n the currenes, major env

site safety d external ev

onitoring aon, and post

ents for theimpact assech safety an

Project Plans for CP and


, a radiologimpact of raste disposalquisites to o

ains facilityogical imparadiation m

nd operationncidents dur


impact assenon-radiologdisposal faccordance wraffic, Disaving envirold be appro

f Safety An

nt status of vironmenta

analysis suvents, and d

nd surveillt-closure.

e site of a dessment, sanalyses shouns and apprd OL of a L

mental Impa

ical environadiation or l facility obtain CP an

y informatioact on the s

monitoring pn, radiologring a facilit

l Impact A

essment shogical impactcility, separwith the Aasters, etc. Tonment and ved by Min


- 135 -

the site sual conditions

uch as the edesign input

lance progr

disposal facafety analysuld be perfroval of Ra

LILW Dispo

act Assessm

nmental impradioactive

on the surrnd OL of rad

on, environurrounding

program to gical impacty operation


ould be cont on the en

rately from Act on AsThe assessm

social and nister of M

uch as geogs, natural re

effect of nat data,

rams in th

cility are disis and genformed for aadioactive Wosal Facility


pact assessme materials rounding endioactive w

nmental stats thereof dube implemt on the e

n, and collec


nducted fornvironment

the radiolossessment o

ment is condeconomic

OTIE in co

graphy, popesources, an

atural disast

he phase o

ivided into neral enviroapproval ofWaste Many.

ment shouldcaused by

nvironment,waste disposa

tus of neighue to operat

mented durinnvironmentcted opinion


the purposcaused by cgical enviroof Impactsucted in theenvironmen

onsultation w

pulation, mind ecosystem

ters and hu

of pre-oper

the radioloonmental imf Electric S

nagement Pr

d be conducty operation , as one oal facility.

hboring regtion of a facng the perit resulting ns of the pu

se of identiconstructiononmental ims of Worke areas of nant and the rwith Minis

ilitary m,



ogical mpact ource roject

ted to of a

of the

gions, cility, od of from


ifying n and mpact ks on atural report ter of

The the e The the ddesigPlan.the Mheari The Facilas thsame In aresiddispo

The neighagreeprepa


A pecondsurveand tan apNSSCthrouapprofacili

Korean goventire stage o

Act on Spedetails of thgnation of t. The NSA

MOE also spings before

Special Ality prescribhe results oe time holdi

addition, thdents and Nosal facility

Korean pehboring couements witharedness. Th

2 Site Sele

erson who duct a safeteys and detthe Site Surpplication foC may granugh an applioval procedity.



vernment coof the site s

ecial Cases he project the final sitand the Envpecify that preparation

Act on Supbes that MOf site surveing explanat

he Civil ENGO represey as part of e

eninsula is untries. Theh foreign che contents

ection for

intends to ty analysisailed surveyrvey Report

for a prior apnt a prior aication for Cdure depend

e of Inform

tion with Ne

onsistently mselection pro

Concerningto local reste and apprvironment Tthe opinion

n of the envi

pporting thOTIE make eys and the tory meetin

Environmententatives areefforts to en

surrounde Korean gocountries o of the agre

the Propo

construct a under theys on candit should be pproval for approval toCP and OLding on the



- 136 -

maintains aocess of a L

g Electric Ssidents for roval of theTransportatins of the pubironmental

he Local Cpublic theLILW disp

ngs or forum

t Monitorine operated

nsure the tra

d by sea overnment hon site seleeement are d

osed Facil

and operatee provisionidate sites. Bprepared aa construct

o the applicof a dispos

e decision o


a principle fLILW dispo

ource Devea certain p

e Electric Sion Disasterblic should reports.

County arsite selectioposal facili

ms for the lo

ng Organizduring an o

ansparency o

on three shas not concction, but described in


e of a LILns of the NBased on th

and submittetion site. Afcant. Site sasal facility wof the oper

for securingsal facility.

elopment prperiod befoource Dever Impact Asbe collecte

ound the on plan andty construccal resident

zation consoperation peof informati

sides and icluded specon radiolog

n section F.5

W disposalNSA includhe analysis ed to the NSfter review bafety can alwithout underator of the

g transparen

rescribes to ore the notielopment Prssessment A

ed through p

LILW Disd process asction plan, ats.

sisting of eriod of a Lion disclosu

is isolated cific internatgical emerg5.

l facility shding prelimresults, the SSC when by the KINlso be evalergoing the

e LILW dis

ncy in

open ice of roject

Act of public

sposal s well at the

local LILW ure.

from tional gency

hould minary

RER filing S, the luated prior


- 137 -

As for the LILW disposal facility currently under construction, On August 2005, Gunsan-Shi, Gyeongju-Shi, Pohang-Shi, and Yeongdeok-Gun applied for the hosting of a LILW disposal facility through public subscription, and all of these sites were evaluated for hosting a disposal facility. Referendums were held by these four local governments. As a result, Gyeongju was finally selected as the site for a LILW disposal facility on November 2005 among counties with the highest number of favorable responses from residents (89.5%).



DesigNoticInterNoticInter A LIfunctconstadditsuch be us



ach Contra

(i) the dfacilitimpacfrom

(ii) at theprovismanaaccou

(iii) at thefacilit

(iv) the teradiotestin

1 Regulat

gn factors tce No. 20rmediate Lece No. 2013rmediate Le

ILW dispostional integtruction of tion, equipmthat they c

sed safely.

H.4 De

E 14. DESI

cting Party

design andty provide cts on indidischargese design ssions for agement funt; e design stty are prepechnologieactive was

ng or analy

ory Requi

to be consid013-28 (Staevel Radioa3-36 (Guidevel Radioac

sal facility sgrity during

a disposal ment and coan be regul

esign and


y shall take

d construc for suitabividuals, sos or unconstage, conc the decacility oth

tage, technpared; es incorposte managysis.


dered for a Landards fo

active Wastelines for Prctive Waste

should be dnormal andfacility sho

omponents arly tested a

d Constr

- 138 -


e the appro

ction of a ble measuociety and ntrolled releceptual placommissioer than a

nical provis

orated in thement fac

LILW dispoor the Strute Near-Surreparation o

e Disposal F

designed sucd abnormal

ould be baseinstalled at and inspect

ruction of


opriate ste

radioactivures to lim the enviroeases; ans and, aoning of a disposal

sions for th

he design ility are su

osal facilityucture and rface Dispoof Safety A


ch that it ml operationsed on provea disposal

ted to confir

f Facilitie


ps to ensu

ve waste mit possibleonment, inc

as necessaa radioafacility ar

he closure

and conspported by

y are stipulaEquipmen

sal FacilityAnalysis Rep

maintains thes. Thereforeen engineerfacility sho

rm that they

es (Article


ure that:

manageme radiologicluding tho

ary, techniactive ware taken i

of a dispo

struction oy experien

ated in the Nnt of Lowy) and the Nport for Low

eir structurae, the designring practicould be desy can contin

e 14)

ent ical ose

ical aste nto


of a ce,

NSSC w and NSSC w and

al and n and es. In igned

nue to


The stipuof sit The from

In acminimopera



2 Criteria

radiation exulated by thete selection,

design goalm radiation e

In-opera– effecti– effecti

Post-clo– dose b– hazardacciden

– radiolo

ccordance wmize the raation or in c


– The desigclosure anpost-closu

– A disposaobjectivesProtectionCriteria foDisposal)

tability of S

– A disposasupplemen

Design Go

Design Cr

of Design

xposure of e NSSC No, design, op

ls for a dispeffects both

ation designive dose of eive dose by

osure designby normal nad by unexpnts: 10-6/y ogical effec

with the NSadiological case of acci


gn and opernd stabilizature period shal facility ss presented n, etc.) andor Long-term.

Site and Str

al facility snt and impr



n and Cons

local resideotices. Theseperation, clo

posal facilitduring oper

n goals external expliquid relea

n goals atural pheno

pected phen

t by inadver

SSC Noticeeffects on dents

ation of a dtion plans; thould be meshould be d

in the NSSd the NSSCm Safety on


should be drove site cha

- 139 -


ents and rade requireme

osure, and p

ty to protecration and p

posure by gase: 0.03 mS

omena: 0.1 nomena tha

rtent intrud

es, major deradiation w

disposal facthus, the peet.

designed in SC Notice C Notice Nn Low and

designed coaracteristics

diation worents should ost-closure

ct local residpost-closure

gas release: 0Sv/y

mSv/y at is come

ers: 1.0 mS

esign criterworkers and

cility shoulderformance

such a waNo. 2013-4

No. 2013-5Intermediat

onsidering ss.

rkers shouldbe considerinstitutiona

dents and rae period are

0.05 mSv/y

from natur


ria should bd the public

d be complobjectives

ay to meet t49 (Standard5 (Radiolote Level Ra

site charact

d meet the lred at each

al control.

adiation woas follows:


ral or man

be establishc during no

lied with thestablished

the performrds for Radiogical Proteadioactive W

teristics so

limits stage

orkers :


hed to ormal

he site for a

mance iation ection Waste

as to

The Nfacilienginbe pdispoand Disp




A LIamoureachlongefor cisola

In tedispo

– A disposaas geologdisasters.

– A disposaminimal mcontrol pe

Notices of tity in detaineering praproven withosal facilityEquipmentosal Faciliti- The constr- A disposa

natural ba- Regarding

validity shobtained d

- When thecarried oudisposal fa

ILW disposunt considehed the alloer possible

closure and ate radioacti

erms of decosal facility– Regarding




al facility shy, earthqua

al facility shmaintenanceriod.

the NSSC pil. The conctices. Wheh valid ev

y are specifit of Low ies) as folloruction of aal facility srriers is min

g the charachould be cduring conste constructiut in such a acility.

sal facility ered in its dowable limidue to unexstabilizationve waste on

commissiony should takeg liquid ra

ations for C

ations for C

ations for D

hould be deakes, meteor

hould be dee and repa

provides thenstruction oen new conidence. Deed in NSSCand Interm

ows: a disposal fahould be cnimized. cteristics of confirmed ttruction. ion and opway to hav

should be ddesign or thts or when

xpected accin of a dispon a long term

ning, a radie into accoudioactive w




- 140 -

esigned consrology, and

esigned to mair activities

e constructif a disposa

nstruction metailed consC Notice Nomediate Lev

acility shoulconstructed

natural barthrough com

peration stave no adver

designed tohe total radi

maintaininidents. Accoosal facilitym basis.

ioactive waunt as followwaste pipin



sidering sited hydrology

maintain ths during th

ion-related fal facility s

methods are struction-reo. 2013-28 vel Radioa

ld adhere tosuch that d

rriers assummparisons w

ages overlarse effect on

o enable itsioactivity ofg their normordingly, a

y as well as

aste managws: ng, their le

e characteriy as well as

heir structurhe post-clos

factors for ashould be bapplied, thelated facto(Standards

active Wast

o QA requiredamage to

med at the dewith on-sit

ap, construcn the operat

closure whf the waste mal functionSAR shouldattendant d

gement faci

ength shoul

istic factorss other man

ral integritysure institut

a LILW disbased on preir safety sh

ors for a Lfor the Stru

ste Near-Su

ements. the functio

esign stage,te measurem

ction shoultional safety

hen the dis disposed o

ons is deemed describe a

design featu

ility exclud

ld be mini

s such nmade

y with tional

sposal roven hould LILW ucture urface

ons of

, their ments

ld be y of a

sposal of has ed no a plan res to

ding a


- 141 -

possible, and care should be taken to prevent contamination of surrounding areas due to leakage of liquid radioactive waste from the connection areas of the piping;

– Care should be taken to prevent accumulation of radioactive materials in relatively inaccessible areas such as curves and turns in pipes and ducts;

– A mechanism by which piping systems containing actually or potentially liquid radioactive materials can be easily flushed and cleaned should be prepared;

– Adequate space should be secured to accommodate remote handling components and safety monitoring components as necessary for future decontamination and decommissioning;

– For large tanks and components, a hoist should be installed for easy decommissioning; and

– Regarding piping systems to transport radioactive liquid waste or potentially contaminated liquid waste, it should be possible to use gravity for drainage.

H.4.3. Implementation of Regulatory Requirements

The KHNP conducted site surveys and environment surveys on the finally selected site and submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology (at present, NSSC) an application for CP and OL of a LILW disposal facility based on the survey results in January 2007. At the request of the Ministry of Science and Technology (at present, NSSC), the KINS conducted a safety review of the application attached with documents including RER, SAR, and QAP. As a result of the review, it was concluded that the application was in compliance with the standards for permit specified in the NSA, as technical standards for location, structure, component and performance were complied with as well as the radiological impact resulting from operation and closure of a disposal facility was in conformity with the standards for protection of public health and the environment as specified by Enforcement Decree of the NSA. After deliberation and resolution, the NSSC granted the permit to the KHNP on July 31, 2008. The responsibilities of construction and operation of the disposal facility were transferred to the Korea Radioactive Waste Management Corporation (KRMC, renamed as the KORAD) when it was established in January 2009 in accordance with the RWMA. The construction of the disposal facility started in August 2008 and as of late June, 2014, most of the construction works including excavation for construction tunnel, operation tunnel, access shaft, unloading tunnel and disposal storage (silo) and concrete lining have been completed and the final inspection for operation of the disposal facility is currently underway. The LILW disposal facility is divided into surface and underground facilities (see

- 142 -

Figure H.4-1). Surface facilities consist of a receipt and storage building, radioactive waste processing buildings, service buildings and other supporting buildings. Here, radioactive waste is received from waste generators such as NPPs and verified to be consistent with the waste acceptance criteria. On-site treatment or conditioning is done, if necessary.

Underground facilities include construction tunnel, operation tunnel, access shaft, unloading tunnel, and disposal silos. At first, six silos will be constructed approximately 80-130 meters below sea level to dispose of approximately 100,000 waste packages (see Figure H.4-2 Cross section view of the underground facilities). All disposal silos are reinforced with shotcrete and concrete lining. Most waste packages are packed using disposal concrete containers and subsequently disposed of in the disposal silos.



e H.4-1. Bird

igure H.4-2

d’s Eye View

. Cross Sec

- 143 -

w of the Wo

ction View o

olsong LILW

of Undergro

W Disposal C

ound Faciliti



- 144 -

The operator of a LILW disposal facility should undergo preoperational inspection in accordance with the NSA. The purpose of the preoperational inspection is to check prior to operation whether the construction of a disposal facility satisfies the related design and safety requirements. The disposal facility, etc. should be deemed to have passed the inspection when the construction work has been progressed according to the content of a permit given under the NSA and when the structure, equipment and performance of the disposal facility, etc. is in conformity with the technical standard set by the NSA. The preoperational inspection by the KINS started in September 2008. The preoperational inspection of the LILW disposal facility is conducted for the purpose of confirming the appropriateness of construction and performance and operational readiness, which is composed of four steps: (1) inspection on structure, (2) inspection on system installation, (3) inspection on system performance and (4) inspection before operation. As of late June, 2014, step (1), (2), and (3) are in the final stage and the disposal facility is expected to operate after the step (4) is completed and the success of preoperational inspection is notified by the NSSC.



Accowishthe Nentitlsafetbeforregul

A SAassesoperaaccesas fo



ach Contra

(i) beforsysteapproopera

(ii) in adsafetyfollowagain

(iii) beforupdaenvirneces(i).

1 Safety A

ording to thhes to constNSSC an apled “Safety ty evaluatiore construclatory body

AR for a rassment and ation, closussory facilit


H.5 Sa

Analysis t

E 15. ASSE

cting Party

re construcematic safeopriate to ating lifetimddition, befy assessm

wing closunst the critere the opeted and deonmental ssary to co

Analysis an

he Nuclear truct and oppplication fo

Assessmenon of a radiction of thy may grant

adioactive waccident an

ure and poty. The mai

afety Ass

through a S


y shall take

ction of a ety assessthe hazard

me shall before const

ment and aure shall beria establieration of etailed ver


nd Environ

Safety relperate a rador permit tognt and Accioactive wase facility, a permit to

waste disponalysis of aost-closure in contents



- 145 -


e the appro

radioactivsment andd presentee carried outruction of an environmbe carriedished by tha radioac

rsions of thent shall

nt the asse

nmental Im

ated Act adioactive wgether with dent Analyste disposaand after the applica

osal facilityanticipated

institutionaof the safet

t of Facil


opriate ste

ve waste md an envied by the fut; a disposamental assd out and he regulatoctive wastehe safety be prep

essments r

mpact Ass

nd subordinaste disposa SAR that

ysis” as welll facility is review of


y mainly inissues durinal control ty assessme

lities (Art


ps to ensu

managemeronmental facility and

al facility, sessment f the resulory body; e manageassessmepared wheferred to


nate statuteal facility st includes a l as a RER.conducted the safety

cludes the ng the desigof a dispont and accid

ticle 15)

ure that:

ent facility assessmd covering

a systemafor the perlts evalua

ement facilnt and of

hen deem in paragra

e, a personshould submseparate ch

. In other wd by an app


results of sgn, construosal facilitydent analys

y, a ent its

atic riod ted

lity, the

med aph

n who mit to hapter words, licant

n, the

safety ction,

y and sis are

Radidurinfaciliof hapubli Radiare sThe aconstnatur The Wheverifwill nacute For mas a rbe coand collecomp

A REof a shoucan l





impact a

ographic dng operatioity, as with azards to puic are to be

ological perset in terms annual dosetraint. In aral or artific

timeframe n the predic

fication thatnot increasee radiation r

major scenaresult of theonducted. Trelated deta

ection and prehensive e

ER should radioactive

uld describeleak from a

Analysis t

cation of thed during o

ion water: control, and

uclide leakants;

ys through w


dose standarn and afterother nucle

ublic healthapplied.

rformance oof the radi

e due to noraddition, thcial factors s

of post-clocted risk dot the leakage drasticallyrisk should

arios that are safety ass

To increase ailed proceapplicationevaluation s

address thee waste dise an analysi

disposal fac

through a R

he form, typperation an

analysis dd thereafter

age: under n

which radio

and its com

rds for a rr post-closuear power fh and the en

objectives dological ris

rmal naturale annual rishould be re

sure safety oes not reachge of radioay after this be duly pre

re deemed tsessment of the reliabilidures for a

n of input should be p

e effects of sposal faciliis of the prcility, an as


- 146 -

pes, and amnd closure ac

during desir;

normal and

onuclides ev

mpliance wit

radioactive ure respectifacilities in nvironment

during the psks for indivl phenomenisk due to estricted to

assessmenh its maxim

active materperiod, and


to affect thef a disposal ity of the saall stages o

variables, prepared and

constructioity. In part

redicted migssessment of

mount of wctivities;

ign, safety

d abnormal

ventually re

th the regul

waste dispively. Durinoperation, t

t as well as

post-closure viduals of cna should no

unpredicta10-6 or less

nt is expectemum value wrials into thd that indivi

e dose assesfacility, an

afety assessof the safety

modeling, d applied.

on, operationticular, the gration pathf predicted

waste: inform



ach the hum

atory standa

posal facilitng operatiothe standarddose limits

period of acritical grouot exceed 0.able phenom

as a risk co

ed to be abwithin this phe surroundiduals will n

ssment resuuncertaintyment resulty assessmedetailed c

n, closure, closure im

hways of radoses for lo

mation on w


s and in ca

man body; a


ty are preson of a disds for preves for the ge

a disposal faups in the fu.1 mSv as amena causeonstraint.

bout 1,000 yperiod, how

ding environnot be subj

ults considery analysis shts, QA princent includincalculations

and post-clmpact assessadionuclideocal residen



ase of


sented sposal ention eneral

acility future. a dose ed by

years. wever, nment ect to

rably, hould ciples

ng the , and

losure sment s that

nts per

exporelevgroun H.5.

The Nof Locase such facilion thshouexpesafet

The Nof Lothat dispo

osure pathwvant site, andwater rel

2 Renewa

NSSC Notiow and Inteof an eventas earthqu

ity should bhe latest da

uld be contrience and

ty evaluation

NSSC Notiow and Intthe followi

osal facility


total amoccurreradiologsurroun

Renewal o


ays due to pand an asease points

al of Safety

ice No. 201ermediate Lt that can afuake and flbe re-evaluaata. In additinuously redata obtain


ice No. 201termediate Ling should

y prior to clo

ation and damance evalu

mount of rad during ogical and n

nding enviro

of Safety A

ment of Sa

potential radsessment olocated dow

y Analysis

3-35 (TechnLevel Radioaffect the intelood, or huated and relition, condie-evaluated ned from o

3-35 (TechnLevel Radiobe reevalu


ata on facilation.

adioactive woperation anon-radiologonment, etc.



- 147 -

dionuclide lof the prewnstream o

and Reas

hnical Requiactive Wastegrity of a d

uman-inducelated licensiitions relate

and supploperation of

hnical Requioactive Wa

uated to ver

lity, site, an

waste dispoand with pgical impac.

leakage in adicted radif the site.


irements forte Disposal disposal faced incidenting documeed to the slemented, if a disposal

irements foraste Disposarify the saf

nd surround

sed of, recopossible effcts of dispo

areas withinionuclide c

t of Safety

r the OperaFacilities)

cility due to ts, the safetents should bafety of a if necessaryl facility an

r the Operaal Facilitiesfety of a ra

ding areas f

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- 148 -

H.5.3 Implementation of Safety Assessment and Radiological Environmental Assessment of the LILW Disposal Facility

In January 2007, the KHNP filed an application for CP and OL of a LILW disposal facility, attached with SAR, RER, QAP, etc., to the Minister of MEST (Currently the NSSC) in accordance with the Nuclear Safety related Act and subordinate statute. The applicant developed scenarios and conducted a safety assessment based on the safety assessment methodology recommended by the IAEA’s Co-ordinated Research Project (CRP) on the Improvement of Safety Assessment Methodologies for Near Surface Disposal Facilities (ISAM). The safety review of the LILW disposal facility was conducted by the KINS to confirm the suitability of the facility site and the environment, appropriateness of the disposal system design and construction methods, and appropriateness of the safety assessment after closure of the facility so as to determine technically whether the legal requirements have been met. Based on the review results, it was recommended that the applicant, after issuance of CP and OL, implement follow-up actions to address issues that require safety demonstration or further confirmation to reduce uncertainty to be identified during the period of construction and operation, and the KINS conduct a review of the results of implementation. The implementation and review of follow-up actions is to reduce uncertainty over safety in the long-term and to secure the objectiveness and transparency of safety of the disposal facility based on the safety review reflecting site characteristics obtained in the process of construction and operation of the disposal facility. By doing so, it is ultimately possible to develop the Safety Case for the construction stage of the disposal facility which is in line with international requirements including the IAEA SSR-5 (Disposal of Radioactive Waste, 2011), that stipulate establishment of Safety Case for each development stage of a disposal facility.




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- 149 -


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- 151 -

records and keeping. H.6.3 Limiting Conditions of Operation of a Disposal Facility

The limiting conditions of operation of a radioactive waste disposal facility should be documented in the technical specifications or safety management regulations in accordance with the Nuclear Safety related Act and subordinate statute. The limiting conditions of operation of a disposal facility are as follows:

limiting conditions of disposal: type and amount of waste disposed of, total amount of radioactivity, and concentration limit per radionuclide;

limiting conditions of operation: waste handling operation, waste treatment operation, waste disposal operation, ventilation system, fire and explosion prevention, power supply system, and effluent monitoring;

waste acceptance criteria;

radiation control and monitoring;

control in management;

periodic safety review (PSR); and

physical protection. H.6.4 Operating Procedures

The NSSC Notice No. 2013-35 (Technical Requirements for the Operation and Control of Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities) stipulates the detailed technical standards described below regarding operation of a disposal facility to ensure safe operation of the facility, prevention of disasters due to the facility, and environmental conservation. In addition, it requires the licensee of the facility to present the relevant content in permit application documents such as SAR, RER, safety management regulations, and QAP:

organization and functions;

zoning and access control;

in-operation disposal facility management standards;

waste management standards;

disposal facility closure standards; and

institutional control standards. For operation and management of a disposal facility, the licensee should establish operating procedures regarding receiving inspection, handling, storage, disposal,

- 152 -

radiation monitoring, and emergency measures for the waste, documented pursuant to QAP. The appropriateness of these procedures is to be confirmed through diverse regulatory inspections. H.6.5 Engineering and Technical Support

The Technology Development Center of the KORAD provides technical support for implementing regulatory follow-up actions and technology developments with an aim to prevent radiological hazards to the public health and the environment during the construction, operation, closure and institutional control period after closure, if necessary, by collaborating with external institutions. H.6.6 Procedure for Characterization and Categorization of Radioactive


To deliver radioactive waste packages to the licensee of a disposal facility, the generator should submit to the licensee an “Application Form to Request for Receipt of Radioactive Waste” with information on characterization of the waste to be delivered. The information on characterization of waste necessary for application for receipt is as follows:

physical, chemical, biological characteristics, and evaluation methods of the characteristics;

total radioactivity and radionuclide-specific concentrations;

maximum surface dose; and

safety characteristics of waste package and evaluation method.

The NSSC Notice No. 2013-29 (Acceptance Criteria for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste) limits radioactivity concentrations in each waste disposal package for the following radionuclides: 3H, 14C, 60Co, 59Ni, 63Ni, 90Sr, 94Nb, 99Tc, 129I, 137Cs, and gross alpha. H.6.7 Event Reporting and Record Management

The NSA prescribes that the nuclear enterpriser should immediately take all the necessary safety measures and report to the NSSC under the following cases:

if radiological hazards occur;

if a failure occurs in the nuclear power utilization facility; and

if there is any danger or possibility of danger to the nuclear power facility or radioactive materials due to earthquake, fire or other disaster.

- 153 -

The NSSC Notice No. 2013-50 (Regulation on Reporting and Public Announcement of Accidents and Incidents for Nuclear Power Utilization Facilities) stipulates in detail the event reporting system. It includes the objects and means of and procedures for reporting, and rating of incidents and failures. In particular, the reportable events at a radioactive waste disposal facility are as follows:

fire or leakage of radioactive materials during transport and packing;

surface contamination of areas other than radiation areas of the facility exceeding the limiting values due to the leakage of radioactive materials;

abnormal increase in the local radiation level;

unplanned and uncontrolled release of radioactive materials into the environment; and

release of radioactive materials exceeding the ECLs. The rating of accidents and failures is based on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) of the IAEA. Information on storage, treatment, or disposal of radioactive waste should be documented and kept in a disposal facility in accordance with Article 145 of the Enforcement Regulation of the NSA. The main contents are as follows:

radioactive waste records;

radiation safety control records;

disposal facility inspection records;

operation, maintenance, and management records;

disposal facility accident records;

environmental monitoring; and

meteorological records.

H.6.8 Analysis and Incorporation of Operating Experience

The operator of a radioactive waste disposal facility should re-evaluate and complement, if necessary, safety conditions of a disposal facility based on experience and data obtained from operation of a disposal facility and results of safety assessment.

- 154 -

H.6. 9 Establishment of a Decommissioning Plan and Review of the Regulatory Authority

The operators of nuclear power facilities, before permanently terminating their business, should take necessary measures for protection against radiation hazards including transfer, safe-keeping, discharge, storage, treatment, disposal, decontamination and make a report to the NSSC. For its part, the NSSC may take necessary measures including collection of radioactive materials, decommissioning of any and all contaminated facilities, and other necessary measures. H.6.10 Establishment of a Closure Plan and Review of the Regulatory


The NSSC Notice No. 2013-35 (Technical Requirements for the Operation and Control of Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities) stipulates the requirements regarding closure of a radioactive waste disposal facility. The closure of a radioactive waste disposal facility should be carried out according to a pre-approved closure plan and in a manner that facilitates follow-up institutional control, minimizes the need for continued maintenance, and facilitates follow-up environmental monitoring and surveillance. Prior to closure of a disposal facility, various licensing documents including the safety analysis of the facility should reflect the latest revisions. In addition, the total amount of waste disposed of, records of abnormal events that have occurred during operation and with possible effect on the safety of the disposal, and the radiological and non-radiological impact of disposal on the public and the surrounding environment should be reevaluated to prove the safety of a disposal facility. In addition, the operator should finally confirm the predicted performance throughout the period stipulated in SAR upon at the completion of closure. H.6.11 Implementation of Safety Regulations on Partial Operation of a

Disposal Facility

As part of efforts to resolve the shortage of capacity of on-site radioactive waste storage facilities of NPPs, the KORAD established a plan for partial operation of a disposal facility to store LILW from NPPs before completion of the whole facility including underground disposal silo. Based on the plan, the KORAD obtained a change permit from the regulatory body and completed the construction of some ground facilities like radioactive waste receipt/storage building first. Even though the disposal facility is still under construction, the receipt/storage building has already been put to use where 3,536 drums of radioactive waste from NPPs and 707.2 drums of radioactive wastes from

- 155 -

other places are stored as of late June, 2014. Once the construction of the disposal facility is completed, the radioactive waste stored in the receipt/storage building during the partial operation period is planned to be disposed of after confirmation of appropriateness of disposal. After the Fukushima nuclear accident occurred in Japan, a special safety check of the disposal facility was conducted in areas of construction, operation and disaster prevention focusing on the impact of natural disasters such as earthquake exceeding the design basis of 0.2g, typhoon, heavy rain, fire and radiological impact resulting from loss of all power systems, and it was confirmed that the facility was installed, constructed and operated in accordance with applicable standards. The KORAD transported LILW generated from the Hanul site (by using a ship (named HJ Cheongjeong Nuri)) and the Wolsong Site (by using vehicles) to the receipt/storage building of its disposal facility. For LILW transporting, the KORAD owns containers vehicles for transport containers and disposal containers, etc.

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- 156 -


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- 157 -

environmental monitoring: sampling location and time/date, analytical method and results; and

meteorological records: direction and velocity of the wind, atmospheric stability, precipitation, and atmospheric temperature.

With regard to a radioactive waste disposal facility, the following records should be maintained on an annual basis: 1) site characteristics investigation documents; 2) facility design and construction-related data; 3) waste receipt requirements and procedures; 4) SAR; 5) radiological environmental impact assessment; 6) data on the characteristics of the waste disposed of; 7) disposal facility and waste locations; 8) other data on the characteristics of a disposal facility; 9) environmental monitoring records; 10) records of unintentional accidents during operation and after closure; 11) closure-related documents; 12) QA documents, and 13) institutional control plan and its results. To preserve the records above, the licensee of a disposal facility should establish an organization, responsibility, and location for maintenance of records and should maintain and store records in a manner that provides a complete and objective description of activities in all stages of disposal. In addition, to ensure the use and maintenance of appropriate information at a post-closure stage, records should be updated and maintained such that they are easily accessible and usable. H.7.2 Institutional Control

In accordance with the NSSC Notice No. 2013-35 (Technical Requirements for the Operation and Control of Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities), the operator of a disposal facility should establish and submit an institutional control plan to the NSSC by one year before the commencement of institutional control. In case they wish to revise the control plan, the operator should submit to the NSSC a statement of the reasons for revision and revised the control plan by June of the corresponding year before that when the revision is to take place. The institutional control plan should include the following:

control period;

control organization and responsibility;

characteristics of the waste disposed of, disposal facilities, and relevant site;

control methods (control items, control method per item); and

QAP regarding institutional control.

The institutional control period should be established considering of the characteristics of the waste, engineering design, site characteristics, predicted social activities related to

- 158 -

a disposal facility, records, and historical experience regarding maintenance. After the control period, further control activities should be unnecessary and the risk or dose calculated according to appropriate methods should satisfy the performance objectives for a disposal facility. Institutional control methods should be able to prove that radiation protection requirements are met by reasonably verifying the closure performance of a disposal facility. Institutional control consists of radiological environment investigation, non-radiological environment investigation, maintenance, site monitoring, access restriction, safety evaluation, and record-keeping. However, that detailed control methods may be adjusted according to the results of systematic safety evaluation of a disposal facility or the characteristics of a disposal facility and site. Site monitoring should meet the post-closure site monitoring plan presented in the site characteristics report or SAR for a disposal facility.

H.7.3 Intervention in Case of Unplanned Release

With regard to a radioactive waste disposal facility, the concentration of radioactive materials during ventilation and drainage should be monitored so that the concentration of radioactive materials released from the exclusion zone of the site does not exceed the ECLs. As for ventilation and drainage monitoring system, an alarm and automatic isolation of relief valves should be triggered when the set points have been exceeded. F.4.2 describes in detail actions to be taken in case of unplanned or uncontrolled release of radioactive waste to the environment from sources other than drainage and air vents. During the institutional control of a radioactive waste disposal facility, the unplanned release of radioactive materials into the environment should be prevented or monitored through radiation environment investigation, maintenance, and site monitoring activities.

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- 162 -

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- 163 -

of its Enforcement Regulation, and Articles 89 through 128 of the Regulations on Technical Standards for Radiation Safety Management, etc. stipulate the registration of transporting radioactive materials, criteria of both transporting and packaging for radioactive materials, radiation exposure management of transport workers, action for the accident during transporting, inspection for transporting, and design approval and inspecting of transporting cask. The detailed technical regulations on the safe transport of radioactive materials are described in the NSSC Notice No. 201309-27 (Regulation on the Packaging and Transport of Radioactive Materials) and No. 2013-51 (Regulations for Manufactures and Periodical Inspection of Transport Containers for Radioactive Materials), respectively. In addition, Korea joined the Antarctic Treaty in 1986 and the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty in 1996, it has been observing the obligations stipulated in the treaty and protocol (radioactive waste and radioactive material related articles, etc.) in accordance with the Act on Antarctic Activities and the Protection of Antarctic Environment and its Enforcement Decree.


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- 164 -

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- 165 -

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led Sourcces



The estabthe Kfaciliwas respoaccor

RI wfromthe alicenEntru

RI wdirec



Each Conthe approdisposal o

A Contrasealed sothat they the disus

RI waste mblished in OKAERI, RI ity was opetransferred

onsible for rding to the

waste managm the use fac

administratinsing, safetyusted by the

waste has to ctly, or a tra

J. D

J.1 Le

E 28. DISU

ntracting Popriate steof disused

acting Partources if, be returneed sealed

managementOctober 198

waste was erated until d from the

manageme NSA and t

gement is pcilities specive superviy review, ane NSSC.

be collectedansport agen


egal Syst


Party shallps to ensu sealed so

ty shall allin the framed to a masources.

t business fo9. After concollected bthe end of NSSC to Ment and opthe EBA.

part of storacified in Arision of mand regulato

d and delivent.

d Seale


- 169 -


, in the fraure that theources take

low for reemework of anufacturer

for the safe nstruction o

beginning A1996. The rMOTIE in peration of

age and trerticle 9 of tanagement

ory inspectio

ered to the w

ed Sour


amework oe possesses place in

entry into its nationr qualified

treatment aof the RI w

August 1990responsibili

1996, andf the RI w

atment of rhe RWMAof RI was

ons for the

waste mana

rces (A

of its natioion, reman a safe ma

its territoral law, it hto receive

and storage aste manag, the RI waty of RI wa

d currently waste mana

radioactive . MOTIE is

ste. The KIwaste man

gement faci

Article 2

onal law, tanufacturinganner.

ry of disushas accep and posse

of RI wastegement facilaste manageaste manage

the KORAagement fa

waste genes responsibINS implem

nagement fa

ility by a R


ake g or

sed ted ess

e was lity at ement ement AD is acility

erated le for ments acility

I user


DisuusersNSAradiawith the Kin ac J.2.2

In acGeneuse Rprovifrom GenepermgeneobserThe cKOR

The ArticDecr(Regand


1 Requirem

used sealed s in the sto

A. Specifyination safety

regard to tKORAD safccordance w

2 Managem

ccordance werating DevRI should oisions of K

m the NSSC.

erally, disumitted stora

rating RI wrved by Racollected R

RAD, after m

KORAD tacle 4 (Radiree of the gulation on Spent Fuel

J.2 M


ProcedureFacility by

ments for

sources gerage facility

ng matters oy report is the storage fely stores a

with the NSA


with Article vices) of theobtain a per


sed sealed ge facility,

waste, as spdioisotopes

RI waste shomanagemen

akes over diioactive W

RWMA. the Calculal Managem


es for Wast

es for Opery KORAD


enerated froy which paon safety scompulsorycapacity of

and manageA. The facil

53 (License NSA, RI urmit for use

The use of d

sources ar, and then ecified in th

s Seller), maould be transnt cost is pai

isused souraste DeliveIn accord

ation Standament Fee), th

ent of Dis

te Managem

ration & Ma

- 170 -

and Hand

om RI userassed a facisuch as shiey includingf the facilityes RI wastelity is annua

e for the Ususe facilitiee of RI fromdomestic R

re stored tedelivered

the NSSC Nay entrust thsferred to thid as provid

rces of decaery Procedudance with ard for Radhe KORAD

sused Se

ment by RI



s are tempility inspectelding, was

g their safety, and to k

e in its manaally inspecte

se, etc. of Rs who wishm the NSSC

RI requires o

emporarily to the KO

Notice No. he collectiohe RI wasteded in the R

ayed radioaure and Me

the MOTdioactive WD operates

ealed Sou

I User

t of the RI

orarily mantion in accote managemty managemeep them sagement faced by the re

Radioisotopeh to import fC and meetonly a perm

in a sourceORAD. Dom2013-33 (R

on of RI wae manageme


ctivity fromethod) of t

TIE Notice aste Managthe RI wa


Waste Man

naged by thordance witment, etc. iment regulaafely. Currcility in Da

egulatory bo

es and Radifrom abroat the import

mit for use

e containermestic RI

Regulations aste to RI seent facility o

m RI users uthe Enforce No. 2013

gement Expaste manage


he RI th the in the ations ently,

aejeon ody.

iation d and tation of RI

r at a users to be

ellers. of the

under ement 3-128

penses ement

faciliThe n


CurreBasemanuOn th60Coreturof diimpothen

ity and safenational RI

3 Return

ently, the seed on a saufacturer, sohe other han, when they

rn the disuseisused seal

ort requiremdelivered to

ely stores awaste mana


ealed sourcales contracome of the nd, in case oy are expored sealed soled sources

ments set foo the KORA

nd manageagement sy

e J.2-1. RI W

es used in Kct betweendisused seaof the sealerted to foreources, they requires arth in the N

AD RI wast

- 171 -

s RI waste ystem is show

Waste Man

Korea are mn a domestaled sourcesed sources meign countriy can be retuappropriate NSA. The dte managem

that has bewn in Figur

nagement S

mostly impotic licenseds are returnemanufactureies and if aurned to theprocedures

disused sealment facility

een receivedre J.2-1.


rted from fod RI sellered to a foreied in Korea a foreign RIe seller in Ks that inclued sources .

d from RI u

foreign counr and a foign manufacsuch as 192I

RI user wishKorea. The rude meetinfrom abroa


ntries. oreign cturer. Ir and hes to return g the

ad are

KK. Saafety


proveementt Acttivitiees

In thand gove - Th


- EnhNP

- Com- Sol Diveare decofaciliwill LILWstorapowe The nucleas a teamcyclebasisaccidindicearththis shortwors


he 4th reviewon the Saf

ernment con

he national nagement keholders; hancement Ps; mmissioninlutions for p

erse activitiedescribed mmissioninity is in the commence

W disposal age capacityer site or sp

governmenear facilitiefollow-up

m was organe facilities. s of extremedents and emcated that thhquake and country so t-term imprst natural dis


K.1 MPr

w meeting ofety of Rad

ntinues to ad

policy on options, re

of the regu

ng Wolsong providing en

es and efforin K.4 an

ng of NPPsfinal stage its operatifacility are

y for spent ent fuels ar

nt decided ts in Korea to the Fuku

nized to conThe inspec

e natural dimergency rehe NPPs in tsunami prefar. Howe

rovements fsasters in vi

K. Safe

easures revious R

of Joint Condioactive Wddress with

SF managesults of R

ulatory fram

LILW Dispnlarged stor

rts to formund the im

s is describas of Auguon in late 2e describedfuel, high e transferre

o conduct aat the Nuclushima Dainduct inspection team isasters, preesponse. ThKorea wer

edicted basever, the gofor guarantiew of the a

ty Imp

Taken toReview M

- 175 -

nvention onWaste Manhigh interes

gement to bR&D proje

mework and

posal Centerage of SF

ulate a natiomprovemented in F.6.

ust 2014 and2014. Deta

d in Chaptedensity sto

ed to the nei

a comprehelear Safety Ciichi NPP aections of Nconducted

evention of he results ofre safely deed on seismovernment hteeing a colaccident at t


o ChallenMeeting

n the Safety nagement, cst were iden

be developects and c

d technologi

er in 2014

onal policy t of the rThe constru

d it is expecails of constr H. As parage racks ghboring un

ensive specCommittee accident. ThNPPs, HAN27 inspecti

f severe accf the speciaesigned and

mological inhas identifild shutdowthe Fukushim

ment Ac

ges Iden

of Spent Fuchallenges tntified as fo

ed consideronsensus a

ies for deco

for spent fregulatory uction of a

cted that thetruction and

art of effortare installenits.

ial safety in(NSC) on M

he special sNARO and ion items didents, mitil safety insp

d operated avestigationsed a total n of the Nma Daiichi


tified at t

uel Managethat the K


ering variouamong inv


fuel manageframework

a LILW dise disposal fad operationts to expaned in the nu

nspection oMarch, 21, safety inspethe nuclear

derived fromigation of spection for against the s and researof 50 long

NPPs even iNPP. The s





us SF olved

ing of

ement k for sposal acility n of a nd the uclear

on the 2011

ection r fuel m the severe those worst rch in - and in the safety

- 176 -

of the temporary storage facilities of spent fuel at NPP has also been checked in terms of the cooling ability and a loss of the spent fuel pool cooling function at the emergency situation. In order to enhance the safety of the temporary storage pool at NPP, the ‘Ensuring Countermeasures against Loss of the Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Function’ has been identified among the 50 long- and short-term improvements. As a result of this item, an external emergency cooling water injection path to the storage pool of spent fuel has been installed at all NPPs. The 50 improvements have been consistently revised in order to adopt the various kinds of the countermeasures and the recommendations from the stress test by IAEA and other countries. Additionally, the MOTIE and the KORAD conducted the special safety check of the disposal facility in areas of construction, operation and disaster prevention focusing on the impact of natural disasters such as earthquake exceeding the design basis of 0.2g, typhoon, heavy rain, fire and radiological impact resulting from loss of all power systems. The result of the safety check of the disposal facility confirmed that the facility was installed, constructed and operated in accordance with applicable standards. Pursuant to the Guidelines regarding the Form and Structure of National Reports (INFCIRC/604/Rev.3), the Korean government has made public the results of internal peer review mission and implementation of the Joint Convention. The results of IAEA IRRS mission to the republic of Korea is described in K.6. For greater openness and transparency of information about the results of implementation of the Joint Convention, the national report and the results of the Review Meeting are made public through the website of the KINS.

The wasteparticIAEAresearegulincorinto lare u - IAE- IAE- IAE Thansyste


Korean rege and spencular, the reA safety starch findinglations. Buirporated intlaws, after d

under analys


nks to thoseems for radi

K.2 Tefo

gulatory bodnt fuel andegulatory botandards reggs into the ilt upon reto NSA, andue considesis for incor

art 5 PredispDisposal of Storage of

e efforts, it ioactive was

echnologor the Rad

dy strives tod to advancody conductgarding the

regulatorysearch find

nd legislateseration of Krporation int

posal ManagRadioactive

f Spent Nucl

is expectedste and spen

gy Improvdioactive

- 177 -

o improve tce the relats policy re

e safety of y frameworkdings, the rs regulatory

Korean situanto Korean r

gement of Re Waste lear Fuel

d that the snt fuel will b

vement oe Waste M

the safety mted systemsearches to radioactive

k and lawsregulatory by requiremeation. The beregulatory re


safety manabe improve

of the RegManagem

managemens for safetyanalyze the

e waste ands of Koreanbody identients and tecelow IAEA equirements


agement and significan

gulatory ment

nt for radioaty regulatioe recent trend to incorpn nuclear sifies items chnical stan

A safety stans.

nd the regulntly.


active on. In nds of porate safety to be

ndards ndards



As Nforesin va The Ndecoperiosubo The decoinstitdecoformdecotechnBesidRadirecal The decobasedresuldecowaste As dinstitregulimpr


NPPs exceeseeable futuarious ways

NSSC and mmissionin

odic revisiordinate statu

KHNP hmmissionintute in 20mmissionin

mulated andmmissioninnology will des, the KHoactive Walculated eve

KAERI isntaminationd on its explts of the ntaminatione with uran

described abtutes are platory framroving the e


eding its dure, the Kor.

the KINS ang, submittaon of the ute and rela

has establing policy an013 and wng organizad implemenng since 201

be availabHNP has raste Manageery two year

s currentlyn technologperience ofresearch, t

n system, reium.

bove, the Kopreparing f

mework and fficiency an

design life rean govern

are workingal of a decodecommiss

ated technic

ished a tnd technolowhen decoation will bnted a tec13 and it is le in 2027 weserved a fement Act ers by decom

y conductingy and intef decommisthe KAERemote contr

orean regulafor decomm

to developnd safety of

- 178 -

is expectednment is pr

g on to revisommissioninsioning placal standards

team chargogy both in ommissioninbe launchedchnology dexpected thwhen the 3fund for fuevery year


ng a decomegrated assssioning res

RI will devrol of high l

atory body,missioning, p decommisf decommiss

d to be shueparing for

se the NSAng plan at t

an. When ts will be rev

ged with the head ofng commed on site. Fdevelopmenhat a comme3rd stage of ull decommand the res

g cost calcul

mmissioninessment of

search reactvelop technload materia

the NPP opand curre

ssioning tecsioning in th

ut down pedecommiss

A to specify he time of the revisionvised or dev

developmeffice and itsnces in e

Furthermorent road mercialized dthe road ma

missioning aerved fund lation comm

g research f decommistor 1 and 2nologies sual and dispo

perator and ent effort chnology whe future.

ermanentlysioning of N

the definitiCP and OLn is compveloped.

ent of nus central researnest, a e the KHNP

map for nudecommissio

map is compaccording tis reviewe

mittee memb

h on high ssioning pr

2. Built upouch as cheosal of com

nuclear resto improve

will contribu

in a NPPs

ion of L, and leted,

uclear search

local P has uclear oning leted.

to the d and bers.

level rocess on the mical bined

search e the ute to

In thLILWfaciliconsipubli Accoreviesubm It waspentfor pthe b Thus2009a connext projeverifat hofuel m In thdecidwhicManapubli AccoManapubliKoreaccor


he 253th meW disposal ity and to pideration ofic consensu

ordingly, thew and discmitted a Pub

as recommet fuel mana

public discubest proven

s, the gover9 to carry ounsulting pro

21 monthsect, the satfied and theome and abrmanagemen

he 2nd meetded on the ch was outliagement, asic engagem

ording to thagement wiic engagemean governmrding to wh

K.4 Sp

eeting of Afacility in

push forwarf domestic aus.

he governmcuss public

blic Engagem

ended in thagement, hossion in themethod for

rnment revut public enoject attendes to reviewturation time status of sroad was annt in Korea

ting of Nuc“Executionined to forms an indepe

ment process

he Plan, thill continue

ment recommment will d

hich, prepare

pent Fue

AEC held inthe first pld with a naand internat

ent ran a P engagemement Repor

e public enowever, to pe first place,

final spent

ised the Rangagement ed by exper

w methods me of spentspent fuel mnalyzed andwere review

clear Promon Plan for Em a Public endent advis.

he Public Eto carry ou

mendation develop a ed the Basic

l Manage

- 179 -

n Decembeace, separa

ational polictional techn

Public Engaent in spentrt to the gov

ngagement rput a metho, given that fuel manag

adioactive Wactivities efrts in nuclefor spent

t fuel tempmanagementd short-, miwed.

otion CommEstablishme

Engagemensory body i

Engagementut activities report. Basnational poc Plan for R

ement Po

r 2004, it wately from acy for spentology devel

agement Tat fuel manavernment in

report to deod for interit would ta


Waste Manffectively, aar power anfuel manag

porary storat policies and- and long

mittee held nt of Spentnt Commissin the 1st ha

t Commissito collect p

sed on the olicy for sp



was decidea spent fuelt fuel managlopment as

ask Force oagement andApril 2008

etermine a mrim storage ake significa

nagement Aand subseqund radioactigement inteage facilitiend technolog-term altern

in Novembt Fuel Manasion on Spealf of 2013

ion on Speublic opiniooutcome ofpent fuel mWaste Man

ed to constrl interim stgement aftewell as bas

on Spent Fund the task 8.

method formanageme

ant time to s

Act in Deceuently condive waste foensively. Ines of NPPsogy developnatives for

ber 2012, iagement Poent Nuclear to speed u

ent Nuclear ons and subf the repor


ruct a orage

er due ed on

uel to force

r final ent up select

ember ducted or the n this s was pment spent

t was olicy” r Fuel up the

Fuel bmit a rt, the t and

The undethe pnear- SincedispoSafetprojeprogrverif As pprincfaciliadditto adwhic Currethe sthe dasses


KORAD perground silplan to cons-surface dis

e the undeosal facilityty Case proect to ensureram consist

fication in a

part of efforciples of thity by assigtion, variouddress uncech will be, in

ently, the Kafety assessdisposal fassment and

K.5 En

plans to oplo type dispstruct the 2posal metho

erground siy exist togeogram devele the safetyts of strategccordance w

rts to increhe Safety Cgning safety

us events anrtainties imn turn, incor

Korean regusment of the

acility whicways for ap


erate the 1posal metho2nd stage of od.

ilo type diether in the loped in conof the so-c

y, outline, bwith the saf

ease the safCase will bey functions

nd process wmportant to

rporated int

latory bodye combined

ch includes pplication o

ment of Sa

- 180 -

st stage of od after thef LILW disp

sposal faci same site,nsideration

called combbasis for assfety principl

fety of the e applied fs to each cwhich affecsafety, therto the desig

y is workingd disposal sy the basic f safety stan

afety of a

LILW dispe safety reviposal facili

ility and th the Koreaof IAEA stined dispossessment, sales of comb

combined from the deomponent o

ct the disposreby quantifn of the disp

g on to deveystem suitab

direction ndards.


posal faciliiew. The Kty based on

he engineeran governmtandards to al facility. Tafety assessined dispos

disposal facesign stage of the disposal facility wfying and oposal facilit

elop the reguble for the cand metho

isposal F

ity based oKORAD alsn the engin

red near-sument will ap

the construThis Safetysment, and ssal facility.

cility, the se of the disosal systemwill be ana

optimizing sty.

ulatory guidcharacterist

od of the s


on the o has


urface pply a uction y Case safety

safety sposal ms. In alyzed safety

de for tics of safety

The Koreframstand The moduThe Matestand The technKoreComcoord AmoregulKorenatiohas icompcodeinforcertaguidereact The implemadecarryprote


IAEA's Intea was con

mework for dards.

IRRS Missules concernKorean go

erial (ARMdard questio

IRRS revinically capea's respon

mmunicationdination wit

ong the goolatory bodyea strongly onal and inteimplementeprehensive s and me

rmation andain issues wes to addretors.

follow-up ementation e by the IRy out the reection, radio

K.6 Int

egrated Regnducted in

nuclear s

ion team toning NPPs,

overnment pM) and docuons and the

ew team cable and ese to the

ns with theth internatio

d practices y of Korea h

supports ternational l

ed an effectisafety asses

ethods; thed data mana

warranting atess decomm

mission status of

RRS Revieweview in thoactive wast


gulatory ReJuly 2011

safety regu

o Korea cona research

provided thumentation results of se

oncluded theffective nu

accident ae public, donal stakeho

identified bhas a clear athe global level; the Kive human ssment usine KINS hagement systtention or i


will be caction plan

w Team. Duhe areas thate managem


- 181 -

eview Servi1 to evaluulation obj

nsisting of 2reactor, andhe IRRS re

including elf-assessm

that the Kouclear safetat Fukushimdevelopmenolders was o

by the IRRand structurnuclear sa

KINS has a hcapital prog

ng a broad rhas a comstem. Howein need of iand QA p

conducted ns to addreuring that peat were not ment and nu

ory Revie

ice (IRRS) ate the effectively ag

21 experts fd radiologiceview teamanswers toent report.

orean goverty regulatorma has bent of actioof high qua

RS Review Ted national fety regimehigh level ogram; the Krange of det

mprehensiveever the IRRimprovemenlan for lice

in Decemess recommeriod, the focovered p

uclear cycle

ew Servic

Mission to fectiveness gainst inter

from 14 coucal emergenm with Advo as many

rnment has ry programeen promptons for imlity

Team are thapproach fo

e and provof technical KINS perforterministic ae integratedRS Review nt includingensing of re

ber 2014 mendations follow-up mreviously sfacility.

ce Missio

the Repubof the K

ernational s

untries revincy preparedvance Refeas 1,250 I

s implemenm and espe

t and effemprovement

he followingfor nuclear svides trainicompetenc

rms detailedand probabd computeTeam iden

g regulationesearch and

to reviewand sugges

mission teamsuch as radi


lic of Korean


iewed dness. erence IAEA

nted a cially ctive. t and

g: the safety; ng at e and d and ilistic erized ntified ns and d test

w the stions

m will iation


















* : exc


ex A-1. Spe


Kori Unit 1

Kori Unit 2

Kori Unit 3

Kori Unit 4

hin-Kori Uni

hin-Kori Uni

Hanbit Unit

Hanbit Unit

Hanbit Unit

Hanbit Unit

Hanbit Unit

Hanbit Unit

Hanul Unit

Hanul Unit 2

Hanul Unit 3

Hanul Unit 4

Hanul Unit 5

Hanul Unit 6

Wolsong Unit

Wolsong Unit

Wolsong Unit

Wolsong Unit

n-Wolsong U

lsong Dry Sto

cept for emerge

nnex A

ent Fuel Sto






it 1

it 2















t 1


t 2

t 3

t 4

Unit 1


ency cores

List of S(As of M

rage Facilit


ijang-gun, Busan




Gyeongju, ongsangbuk-


Spent FuMarch 31

- 185 -

ties for NPP




- Wet



uel Manag, 2014)



























gement F

Total Capa[MTU


























acity (*) U]
























9 P


eactor Type







- 186 -

Annex A-2. Spent Fuel Storage Facilities for Research Facilities

Facility Location Storage

Type Fuel Type







spent fuel









fuel assembly

1.3 0.6


18 element

fuel assembly

0.6 0.2


spent fuel



Yuseong -



Wet PWR spent

fuel assembly10.5 3.3


















ex B-1. LILW


ori storage lding No. 1

ori storage lding No. 2

ori storage lding No. 3

ori storage lding No. 4

-Kori storage lding NO. 1

A and other facilities

song storage lding No. 1

A and other facilities

nbit storage lding No. 1

nbit storage lding No. 2

A and other facilities

nul storage lding No. 1

nul storage lding No. 2

A and other facilities

nnex B

W Storage f



Gyeongju, Gyeongsang






List of R(As of M

facilities for


from K

Temporadioactivfrom Shin

Kori T







from Ha


from Ha




from Ha


from Ha



RadioactMarch 31

- 187 -



orary storage ve wastes geneKori Units 1 to

orary storage ve wastes genen-Kori Units 1



orary storage ve wastes geneom WolsongUnits 1 to 4


ng Total

orary storage ve wastes geneanbit Units 1 &

orary storage ve wastes geneanbit Units 1 t


t Total

orary storage ve wastes geneanul Units 1 &

orary storage ve wastes geneanul Units 1 t




tive Wast, 2014)


of erated o 4





of erated 1 & 2


of erated 19

of erated & 2


of erated to 6


of erated & 2


of erated to 6


te Manag

ration ear

Capa[200 L


978 10,0

979 6,0

987 11,2

993 23,0

011 10,0

- -

983 900

- -

986 133

002 100

- -

989 740

997 100

- -

gement Fa

acity Liter um]

Inven[200 L


000 9,31

00 5,99

200 10,1

000 15,2

000 27

- 1,14


00 9,65

- 18


300 11,4

000 8,72

- 2,29


00 5,770

000 5,770

- 5,47




toryLiter m]




















- 188 -

Annex B-2. Radioactive Waste Treatment Facilities for NPPs



Characterist ics

Gaseous Liquid Solid


Treatment by gas

decay tank or charcoal

delay bed for effluent


Treatment by filtering,

evaporation or ion

exchange method

Treatment by sorting,

compacting, drying or

solidification method


Treatment by charcoal

delay bed for effluent


Treatment by filtering,

or ion exchange method

Treatment by sorting,

compacting, or drying


* Radioactive effluent from buildings is treated through HEPA and/or charcoal filter.

Annex B-3. Radioactive Waste Storage Facility for Research Facilities

Facility Location Purpose Organization









Yuseong -gu,


LILW generated in

research facility KAERI 25,618 20,033

Annex B-4. Radioactive waste Treatment Facility for Research Facilities

Facility Location Purpose Operation


Facility Feature

Process Throughput






Yuseong -gu,


Treatment of



generated from




Bituminization 0.03 m3/h

Evaporation 1 m3/h

Compaction 60 ton


evaporation 0.6 m


- 189 -

Annex B-5. Combustible Waste Treatment Facility

Facility Location /

Organization Purpose










Daejeon /


Incineration of

Combustible waste

generated from the


2011 Combustible

waste 20 kg/h

Annex B-6. Radioactive Waste Storage Facilities for Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facilities

Facility Location Purpose OperatorOperation








2nd floor

of storage


No. 1




Storage of



generated in




1993 3,000

3,872 1st floor

of storage


No. 1

2004 1,900



No. 2

1998 4000 3,169

Total 7,041

- 190 -

Annex B-7. Radioactive Waste Treatment Systems at KEPCO NF

Facility Location Purpose OperatorOperation



Throughput Main Process

PWR liquid waste

treatment system

in Plant 1









1988 18 m3/d




centrifuge PWR liquid waste

treatment system

in Plant 2

PHWR liquid

waste treatment

system in Plant 2


Solid waste

treatment system

in Plant 1 Solid



1988 -




Solid waste

treatment system

in Plant 2

1998 -




Annex B-8. RI Waste Management Facility

Facility Location Purpose OperatorOperation








RI waste




gu, Daejeon

RI waste



KORAD 1993 9,750 3,192.3

- 191 -

Annex B-9. LILW Disposal Facility (Radwaste Receipt/Storage Building)

Facility Location Purpose Operator Operation













receipt /







waste receipt

/ storage

KORAD 2010 7,000 4,243.2





cility Loca






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- 192 -












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- 195 -

2. Safety Culture The Korean government reaffirms that nuclear safety takes top priority in the development of nuclear energy and that it should be of foremost concern to organizations and individuals engaged in nuclear activities. The Government also develops safety culture, which was presented by the IAEA, recognizing that nuclear safety issues are more closely related to human factors rather than to technical ones, as demonstrated by two nuclear accidents of TMI and Chernobyl. The safety of nuclear facilities can be secured through dedication to common goals for nuclear safety by organizations and individuals at all levels by giving a high priority to safety through sound thought, full knowledge and a proper sense of safety responsibility. The Government recognizes that nuclear safety is achieved not only by safety systems and strict regulations throughout the stages of design, construction, operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants, but also by the spread of safety culture. In meeting this commitment, the Government strives for strict regulations through the development of clear safety goals and regulatory policies. It will actively encourage safety-related research and technical developments to achieve technical expertise in regulatory activities and will ensure regulatory independence and fairness by minimizing any undue pressure and interference. Nuclear utilities establish management policies, giving high priority to nuclear safety, and foster a working climate in which attention to safety is a matter of everyday concern. Managers encourage, praise and provide tangible rewards to employees for commendable attitudes and good practices concerning safety matters. On the contrary, when errors are committed, individuals are encouraged to report them without concealment and to correct them to avert future problems. For repeated deficiencies in or negligent attitudes toward nuclear safety, managers take firm measures in such a way to prevent the same errors from occurring again. In this way, safety culture can be achieved through sound safety policies and full understanding of safety culture by senior management and through proper practices and implementation by individuals engaged in the nuclear industry. 3. Regulatory Principles The ultimate responsibility for safety of nuclear facilities rests with the licensee. This is in no way diluted by the separate activities and responsibilities of designers, suppliers, constructors and regulators.

- 196 -

The Government has an overall responsibility for ensuring the protection of the public health and the environment from radiation hazards that may occur in the development of nuclear energy. It inspects and ensures the appropriateness of the licensee's safety practices through nuclear regulations and establishes a high level of safety assurance in order to achieve safety goals on a government level. To effectively regulate, the Government sets forth the following five principles to encourage high-safety performance.

A. Independence

The Government establishes the legal framework for the independent regulatory organization responsible for nuclear regulatory activities. It takes proper measures to ensure the independence of the regulatory organization, which is functionally separated from other organizations and systems involved in the development of nuclear energy. It also ensures that the regulatory organization acts on its own objectives and technical judgment without any political interference and influence from external sources. The regulatory organization should maintain an extensive program of research and sufficient staff resources to review and audit licensee’s submittals so that it can independently verify the validity of a licensee’s assertions, which are critical to regulatory decisions. The regulators do their work seeking to achieve the highest standards of ethical performance and professionalism. Regulators’ decisions and judgments must be based on objective, unbiased assessments, considering possible conflicting interests of those involved, and their work must be documented. Based on safety culture, the regulatory organization should support and guide the licensee in solving its problems, but only to the extent that the regulatory organization's independence is not impeded.

B. Openness

The purpose of nuclear regulations is to protect public safety and to ensure that all activities are legal and public. The Government maintains an open channel with the public for regulatory information so that the public can understand and rely on the regulatory process. The Government is also devoted to establishing a sound social stand on nuclear safety by making an effort to inform the public properly and openly of nuclear activities, including safety matters. The Government also develops nuclear policies based on public consensus, paying attention to the public's right to know about the regulatory process. To accomplish this, the Government extends an opportunity to the public to participate in regulatory processes and publicizes related information under the principle titled, “Openness and Democratization of Nuclear Administration”.

- 197 -

However, restricted information from industries or concerned individuals is protected and kept in confidence, and treated according to the provisions concerned. The Government objectively informs the public of its activities so that it may collect public opinions more soundly and properly, and it strives to get public consensus through constant communication and interaction with regulators, licensees and the public.

C. Clarity

Nuclear regulations should be enforced through clear regulatory policies, which are based on safety goals on a national level. There should be a coherent nexus between regulations and agency goals and objectives. Agency position should be documented to be readily understood and easily applied. The Government endeavors to ensure that the licensee is fully informed about regulators’ policies so that the licensee can prepare for new policies in advance in order to achieve nuclear safety effectively upon implementation. In a case where new or revised regulations are expected, the Government informs the licensee of the regulatory policies and provides guidance in advance and establishes regulatory practices to minimize the licensee’s process of trial and error caused by the revision of regulatory requirements. The licensee should thoroughly observe the NSA, technical standards and regulatory guidance, and if there is a need to revise them or there are any unreasonable acts or technical standards, the licensee should communicate its view with the regulatory organization in order to initiate revisions.

D. Efficiency

The regulatory organization has the responsibility to provide the licensee and the public with the best possible management and administration of regulatory activities. To accomplish this, it must make constant efforts to evaluate and upgrade its regulatory capabilities. The regulatory organization should possess a sufficient number of staff that is capable in performing regulatory activities, which are closely connected with many technical areas, and regulatory activities must be performed efficiently to contribute to the achievement of the goal of “Nuclear risk reduction”. Regulatory decisions must be made with the best use of all resources invested in the regulatory process to minimize undue impediments. Before regulatory decisions related to the improvement in nuclear safety are made, the nuclear risk reduction scale and economic benefits that can be gained from the improvement should be reviewed first. To efficiently perform regulatory activities with limited capabilities and time,

- 198 -

appropriate prioritization of regulatory activities must be made based on risks, costs, and other factors. Regulatory alternatives, which minimize cost, are adopted unless they increase the degree of risk, and in all cases resources should be used effectively for the improvement of nuclear safety.

E. Reliability

The regulatory organization endeavors to eliminate public distrust and fear of nuclear activities and to obtain the public’s trust and support through fair regulations based on technical and professional judgments. Regulatory decisions must be made promptly and fairly, and reliably based on the best available knowledge from research and operational experiences. The Government obtains up-to-date technical information on nuclear safety and applies this information to regulatory activities. When regulatory requirements need to be either newly established or changed, the most suitable option is adopted after the effectiveness of its implementation and technological difficulties resulting from any changes are sufficiently reviewed. The Government does its best to run its regulatory system efficiently and systematically, and to thoroughly enforce the regulations in order to secure the public's trust on nuclear safety systems.

4. Directions of Nuclear Safety Policy To quickly realize the establishment of safety culture and a safety assurance system, each organization prepares its “Implementation Program of Safety Culture” and the regulatory body provides a systematic basis to evaluate the results of its implementation. Nuclear power plants in operation or under construction are supplemented with regulatory requirements consistently and systematically to achieve an international level of nuclear safety, taking into account the possibility of severe accidents. For newly constructed nuclear power plants, factors which may increase the total risk caused by the construction of an additional nuclear power plant at the same site of existing plants are to be mitigated by improving the safety level at each grade as compared with that of existing nuclear power plants. For nuclear power plants in operation, maintenance, repair, inspection, and monitoring of components are to be strengthened. “Periodic Safety Reevaluation” is established and implemented to reassess and supplement safety deficiencies which may be caused by the aging of facilities and application of old technical standards.

- 199 -

In accordance with regulatory requirement changes in and out of the country, the existing atomic energy law system is to be revised and supplemented, and related technical standards and regulatory guidance are to be maintained in order to efficiently perform regulatory activities. In consideration of the technical expertise required for nuclear regulatory activities, safety research should be continuously strengthened to meet the growing demand of regulatory requirements due to technical advancements in the nuclear field. Solutions for unresolved safety issues, including generic safety issues of nuclear power plants, are promptly found and reflected in policy. Operating records and accident and failure data are analyzed to determine factors that affect the safety of nuclear power plants, and efficient safety supplementary measures are also established. The regulatory organization reviews the introduction of “Optimum Assessment & Probabilistic Assessment” for safety analyses, and encourages the licensee to introduce new technologies when and if they are considered to be reasonable safety assurance measures, as proven by their application. An “Overall Safety Assessment” is performed using probabilistic safety assessment and “Nuclear Regulation based on Risk” is done through sound safety regulations in consideration of cost-benefit factors. Quantitative safety goals and regulatory guidelines for the examination, prevention and mitigation of severe accidents are established and improved to be gradually applied to advanced nuclear power plants as well as to existing facilities. In addition, design and operational safety of nuclear power plants are achieved through these measures in order to minimize human error. Radiation protection is achieved by the concept, “Radiation exposure should be kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)”, taking into account economic and social circumstances, and for individual exposure dose, the introduction of radiation protection standards based on the new ICRP 60 recommendations are being favorably reviewed. In response to growing public concern about nuclear safety, nuclear safety-related information and regulatory activities are open to the public through the publication of the “white paper on nuclear safety” and through the periodic release of information about accidents and failures at nuclear power plants.

- 200 -

5. Conclusion The nuclear community strives for the public’s proper understanding of nuclear energy and the establishment of safety culture by hearing and addressing the public’s concerns with understanding and by using the collected wisdom of those involved to solve any problem together. Nuclear safety cannot be achieved in a day, but rather it is secured through the licensee’s constant efforts to improve nuclear safety and through the regulator’s thorough enforcement activities. The basic concept of nuclear regulations is to protect the public from radiation hazards and to pursue a “better safety performance” as allowed by circumstances. To this end, the Government is devoted to developing a higher level of nuclear safety technology and regulatory system, and to achieving an international level of nuclear safety through participation in the “Nuclear Safety Convention”. In conclusion, the Government reaffirms that the assurance of nuclear safety is the highest duty of the regulatory organization and ensures that such an important role is performed faithfully to secure nuclear safety on behalf of the public.

September 10, 1994

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- 202 -

Quality Assurance Standards for Radioactive Waste Management Facilities (No. 2012-54, NSSC.waste.010)

This criteria purpose to define the necessary details on QAPs for the LILW disposal facilities and spent fuel interim storage facility. The criteria applies to the site characteristics investigation, design, operation, closure and institutional control of the LILW disposal facilities and site characteristics investigation, design, construction and operation for spent fuel interim storage facility, respectively.

Radiological Protection Criteria for Long-term Safety on Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal (No. 2012-55, NSSC.waste.011)

The criteria purpose to define the necessary details for preventing radiological risks to human health or the environment in relation to the disposal facilities of the LILW and to establish performance objectives to secure the long-term safety in the case of the permanent disposal of radioactive waste. The performance objectives will indicate that after the closure of a disposal facility, risks caused by radioactive waste disposal which should be within the acceptable level both in the present generation and in future generations, and it will also be applied to review and evaluation of radiological safety.

Guidelines for the Preparation of Site Characteristic Report for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities (No. 2013-20, NSSC.waste.013)

The regulation defines the matters regarding site characteristics report for the LILW disposal facilities. This regulation will be applied to near-surface disposal and rock-cavity disposal for the LILW in the regions of land, seashore, or islands. As these regulations include only minimal technological matters pertaining to each disposal form or method, technological details might be added or excluded in part.

Guidelines for Preparion of Site Characteristics Report for Interim Storage Facilities for Spent Nuclear Fuel (No. 2013-31, NSSC.waste.014)

The regulation aims to define the matters regarding site characteristics report for spent fuel interim storage. This regulation will be applied to wet-type of spent fuel interim storage on surface of ground.

Acceptance Criteria for Spent Nuclear Fuel (No. 2013-32, NSSC.waste.015)

The criteria aim to provide the general requirements for delivering spent fuel as generated from the NPPs to operator of the Away From Reactor (AFR) spent fuel interim storage facility. This criteria purpose to define delivery methods, plan and procedures and other necessary details needed upon consignment of the delivery of

- 203 -

spent fuel to operator of the AFR spent fuel interim storage facility.

Regulations on the Clearance of Radioactive Waste (No. 2013-33, NSSC.waste.016)

The regulation purposes to define clearance level for deregulation of very low level radioactive waste and procedures, methods, and other necessary details for deregulation application of very low level radioactive waste below the clearance level in the Enforcement Decree of the NSA.

Incineration Criteria for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Wastes (No. 2012-60, NSSC.waste.018)

This criteria purpose is to provide technical details for incinerator facilities of the LILW in order to secure the operational safety at the time of incineration treatment of radioactive waste.

Regulations for Manufactures and Periodical Inspection of Packaging for Radioactive Materials (No. 2013-51, NSSC.waste.019)

The regulation purposes to provide technical details for inspection of manufacture/use of radioactive material transport containers, especially standards in respect of the items, methods for inspection by type of transport containers.

Technical Standards for the Structure and Equipment of Radioactive Waste Treatment Facilities (No. 2013-62, NSSC.waste.020)

The criteria stipulate the detailed technical requirements on structure and equipment that must be considered in relation to the design and operation of various treatment facilities of the LILW.

Technical Standards for the Operation, Etc. of Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities (No. 2013-35, NSSC.waste.021)

The regulation purposes to manage disposal facilities safely, prevent disasters due to disposal facilities, and protect the environment by defining detailed technical standards regarding the management of disposal facilities for the LILW. This regulation will be applied to the management, closure, and institutional control of disposal facilities of the LILW and their safety assessment on normal and abnormal events which are likely occurred during the operation, closure, and institutional control of disposal facilities.

- 204 -

Guidelines for Preparation of Safety Analysis Report for Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities (No. 2013-36, NSSC.waste.022)

This guide purposes to define the matters related to the composition of the safety analysis report for the LILW disposal facilities. This guide will be applied to the safety evaluation and accident analysis for the design, construction, and management of the disposal facilities for the LILW and of their accompanying facilities, and for problems anticipated during the institutional control period.

Regulations for the Inspection on Disposal of Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste (No. 2012-65, NSSC.waste.023)

The Regulation aims to establish requirements needed to inspect the disposal of the LILW at waste disposal facilities. Operators who wish to undergo disposal inspection must submit inspection application form for each batch of waste to the NSSC up to one month before in which disposal is to be implemented.

Technical Standards for the Radiation Safety Management, etc. of the Transport Vessel for Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste (No. 2012-66, NSSC.waste.024)

The regulation purposes to provide technical details for radiation safety management of the LILW transport ships.


Standards for Radiation Protection, Etc. (No. 2013-49, NSSC.radiation.001)

The purpose of the standards lies in establishing standards related to radiation protection according to the regulations for radiation protection in the NSA. Especially included is classification of radioactive waste, definition of effluent control limits, and radiological design limits to prevent human and environments from radiation hazards, which applies to the design of the radioactive waste management facilities.

Reactor Facilities

Standard Format and Content of Radiation Environmental Report for Nuclear Power Utilization Facilities (No.2013-03, NSSC.reactor.006)

The regulation purposes to describe the necessary matters regarding items of report, its preparation method and others related to the composition of the radiological environmental report for assessment of the radiological impacts that may occur in the environment due to construction and operation of the nuclear facilities as well as of the draft radiological environmental report for public consultation/hearing of residents

- 205 -

nearby. This regulation will be applied to the draft radiological environmental report for the NPPs, the LILW disposal facility and spent fuel interim storage facility, and to the radiological environmental report for research reactor with 100kW thermal, and other waste management facilities and Etc.

Regulation on Survey of Radiation Environment and Assessment of Radiological Impact on Environment in Vicinity of Nuclear Power Utilization Facilities (No. 2013-04, NSSC.reactor.007)

The regulation purposes to describe the necessary details regarding the implementation of a survey of radiation environment and assessment of the radiological impacts on the surrounding environment of nuclear facilities which should be carried out by their installers and/or operators.

Regulation on Reporting and Public Announcement of Accidents and Incidents for Nuclear Power Utilization Facilities (No. 2013-50, NSSC.reactor.019)

The regulation purposes to describe the necessary details regarding reporting items, their procedures and impacts assessment on events and accidents of reactor facilities. Especially this regulation will be applied for items of events and/or accidents which should be reported to the NSSC and release the related information to the general public during operation of nuclear facilities.

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- 206 -

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) Atomic En

) Nuclear S

) 2012 Nucl


) Classificat

) Internationfor the Sa

) The Mana

) Safety of N

) Disposal o

) Predisposa

) Storage of

) RegulationIAEA

nnex H

nergy Comm

afety Policy

lear Safety

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agement Sys

Nuclear Pow

of Radioacti

al Managem

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yearbook, 2

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afety Standiation Sourc

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- 207 -

ational Radi

t, Septembe

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dards for Proces (Safety

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Design (No

(No. SSR-5)

dioactive W

No. SSG-15

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ioactive Wa

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SG-1), 2009

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Activities (

o. SSR-2/1)

), 2011, IAE

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5), 2012, IA

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ainst Ionizin115), 1996,

(No. GS-R-3

, 2012, IAE


GSR Part 5),


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ng Radiation, IAEA

3), 2006, IA


2009, IAEA

TS-R-1), 200

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, Sejongdae-ro246 http://ww

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Safety Convenment, Nationa

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y Commissi

ro, Jongno-gu,ww.nssc.go.kr


aejeon, 305-3www.kins.re.kr

ower Co., Lt

am-gu, Seoul, www.khnp.co.k



earch Institu

Yuseong-gu, Dwww.kaeri.re.k

-gu, Daejeon,www.knfc.co.k

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, Seoul, 110-7r/

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Daejeon, 305-kr/

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orea Atomic Eneesearch Institute



on Waste


eral KIM,

rector KIM,

ment SEOL

n & gy


afety JUNG

rotection y






., Ltd


e Waste SEON

Fuel KAN

ergy LEE,

K, Min

, KiTae

Byung Soo

, Kyung-Deok

, Hyung-Joon

L, Jeung Gun

ON, Jei-Kwon

G, Hwanjong

G, Haiyong

, Jungjoon

, Ho Jin

NG, Jae-Hak

G, Hyosook

G, Soo-Il

NG, Ki-Yeoul

NG, Hyun Gyu

, Ki-Won

Date of issue 2014.10.

Issuer LEE, Unchul

Editor Nuclear Safety and Security Commission

Published by Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety

62, Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea 305-338,

Tel: +82-42-868-0296


ISBN Korean National Report 978-89-93507-26-3 (printed)

Korean National Report 978-89-93507-29-4 (e-book)

English National Report 978-89-93507-28-7 (printed)

English National Report 978-89-93507-27-0 (e-book)
