Walking With The



Walking With The. Dinosaurs. Walking With The. Dinosaurs. Why The Need For This Lesson?. From Adults to Children all are fascinated with Dinosaurs. Survey given to children in Christian homes, says that 70% believe Dinosaurs lived 235 million years ago. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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• From Adults to Children all are fascinated with Dinosaurs.

• Survey given to children in Christian homes, says that 70% believe Dinosaurs lived 235 million years ago.

• Dinosaurs lived according to Evolutionists some 235 million years ago and were extinct 65 million years ago.

• Dinosaurs are used to teach the theory of evolution and also an Old Earth (4.56 billion years old) position.

Genesis 1:24-26 – Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind"; and it was so. 25. And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 26. Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

Genesis 1:31-2:1 – Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. 2:1. Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished.

Exodus 20:11 – For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

• Symbolic of the hippopotamus? (Look at the text and compare the “Dinosaur” and “Hippopotamus”):– Verse 15 – “He eats grass like an ox.” (D, H)– Verse 16 – “His strength is in his hips, …

and stomach muscles.” (D, H)– Verse 17 – “He moves his tail like a cedar.”

(D)– Verse 18 – “Bones like beams of bronze, ... ribs like bars of iron.” (D, H)

– Verse 19 – “The first in the ways of God.” – In the Hebrew this could be taken to mean size. (D)• Answer: (The “Dinosaur” fits as well or better

than a “Hippopotamus”, especially with the tail observation!)

• Symbolic of the Crocodile? (Look at the text and compare the “Dinosaur” and “Crocodile”):– Verse 1 – “Can you draw out Leviathan with

a hook, ... or snare his tongue.” (fearsome) (D, C)– Verse 3 – “Will he speak softly?” (roar) (D, C)

– Verse 9 – “Overwhelmed at the sight.” (D, C)

– Verses 5, 9 – “Will you play with him ... or leash him ... any hope of overcoming him is false.” (D, C)

– Verses 18-21 – “Out of his mouth go burning lights ... Smoke out of his nostrils ... breath kindles coals, flame goes out of his mouth.” (firefly - light, ell - electricity, & bombardier – explosive gas). (D)

• Symbolic of the Crocodile? (Look at the text and compare the “Dinosaur” and “Crocodile”):– Verse 22 – “Strength dwells in his neck.” (D,

C)– Verses 25, 34 – “When he raises himself ... mighty are afraid ... He beholds every high thing.” (D)– Verse 30 – “Underside like sharp potsherds.” (D) • Answer: (The “Dinosaur” fits, because a

“Crocodile” cannot stand up and behold high things, also his belly is very soft).

• Cave Drawings:– Ancient civilizations drew dinosaur like


Found in Blanding, Utah. – The picture was drawn by “North American Indians” that lived in the area.

Found in Blanding, Utah. – The picture was drawn by “North American Indians” that lived in the area.

Noted anti-creationists agree the brownish film, which has hardened over the picture attests to its age.

Noted anti-creationists agree the brownish film, which has hardened over the picture attests to its age.


Found in Havasupai Canyon, Arizona. – Again, the picture was drawn by “North American Indians” that lived in the area.

Found in Havasupai Canyon, Arizona. – Again, the picture was drawn by “North American Indians” that lived in the area.There are some have compared this ancient drawing to the “Edmontosaurus.”There are some have compared this ancient drawing to the “Edmontosaurus.”

Discovered on the Agawa Rock at Misshepezhieu, Lake Superior – It is thought to be Cree Indian art.

Discovered on the Agawa Rock at Misshepezhieu, Lake Superior – It is thought to be Cree Indian art.

– Discovered in the 1930’s, some 11,000 stones with accurate pictures of dinosaurs. – (500-1500 AD).

• Cave Drawings:

• Inca Burial Stones:– Ancient civilizations drew dinosaur like


“Man” Riding On The Back Of A “Triceratops Dinosaur” apparently smoking a pipe.“Man” Riding On The Back Of A “Triceratops Dinosaur” apparently smoking a pipe.

“Carnivore Type Of Dinosaur” Lifting A “Man” Off The Ground.“Carnivore Type Of Dinosaur” Lifting A “Man” Off The Ground.

“Man” With A Knife Being Attacked By Two “T-Rex Type Dinosaurs.”“Man” With A Knife Being Attacked By Two “T-Rex Type Dinosaurs.”

“Man” apparently fighting or feeding a “Sauropod Dinosaur.”“Man” apparently fighting or feeding a “Sauropod Dinosaur.”

Four Dinosaurian Creatures, A “Sauropod”, A “Two Horned Triceratops”, A “Stegosaurus”, And A “Carnivore Type Dinosaur” Eating A Fish.

Four Dinosaurian Creatures, A “Sauropod”, A “Two Horned Triceratops”, A “Stegosaurus”, And A “Carnivore Type Dinosaur” Eating A Fish.

Apparently A “Man” Is Attacking A “Sauropod Dinosaur” With An Axe.Apparently A “Man” Is Attacking A “Sauropod Dinosaur” With An Axe.

– Discovered in the 1930’s, some 11,000 stones with accurate pictures of dinosaurs. – (500-1500 AD).

• Cave Drawings:

• Inca Burial Stones:– Ancient civilizations drew dinosaur like


• Acambaro Figurines:– Discovered in 1944 in Acambaro, Mexico.

Identified with the Chupicuaro Culture. – (800 BC – 200 AD).

– Discovered in the 1930’s, some 11,000 stones with accurate pictures of dinosaurs. – (500-1500 AD).

• Cave Drawings:

• Inca Burial Stones:– Ancient civilizations drew dinosaur like


• Acambaro Figurines:– Discovered in 1944 in Acambaro, Mexico.

Identified with the Chupicuaro Culture. – (800 BC – 200 AD).• Human Footprints & Dinosaur Tracks

Together:– Discovered together all over the world.

“Taylor Trail” – Glen Rose, Texas – 1999“Taylor Trail” – Glen Rose, Texas – 1999A series of 14 sequential human footprints on the same platform with at least 134 dinosaur tracks.

A series of 14 sequential human footprints on the same platform with at least 134 dinosaur tracks.

“McFall Trail” – The Paluxy River bed, near Glen Rose, Texas.“McFall Trail” – The Paluxy River bed, near Glen Rose, Texas.

“Ryals Track” – This is one of three tracks featured at the “Dayton Creation Conference” on August 12, 1989. “Dr. Don Patton” spoke at the conference and presented compelling evidence that both human and dinosaur tracks were present at the Taylor Trail. The footprint on the right was destroyed the following day by two suspected evolutionists.

“Ryals Track” – This is one of three tracks featured at the “Dayton Creation Conference” on August 12, 1989. “Dr. Don Patton” spoke at the conference and presented compelling evidence that both human and dinosaur tracks were present at the Taylor Trail. The footprint on the right was destroyed the following day by two suspected evolutionists.

In 1987 Jerry MacDonald discovered a wide variety of fossil footprints in the Robledos Mountains of New Mexico.

In 1987 Jerry MacDonald discovered a wide variety of fossil footprints in the Robledos Mountains of New Mexico.

– Discovered in the 1930’s, some 11,000 stones with accurate pictures of dinosaurs. – (500-1500 AD).

• Cave Drawings:

• Inca Burial Stones:– Ancient civilizations drew dinosaur like


• Acambaro Figurines:– Discovered in 1944 in Acambaro, Mexico.

Identified with the Chupicuaro Culture. – (800 BC – 200 AD).• Human Footprints & Dinosaur Tracks

Together:– Discovered together all over the world.• Rapid Formation Of Fossils:

– Evolutionist argue that it takes millions of years.

The London Artifact: Discovered in June, 1934 by Frank and Emma Hahn near London, Texas. The chlorine composition along with the metallic iron renders this artifact un-reproducable by modern scientific methods.

The London Artifact: Discovered in June, 1934 by Frank and Emma Hahn near London, Texas. The chlorine composition along with the metallic iron renders this artifact un-reproducable by modern scientific methods.

“The Petrified Cowboy” – The boot with petrified (human) leg bones, was found in a dry creek bed near the West Texas town of Iraan, about 1980 by Mr. Jerry Stone. The boot was made by the M. L. Leddy boot company of San Angelo, Texas which began 1936.

“The Petrified Cowboy” – The boot with petrified (human) leg bones, was found in a dry creek bed near the West Texas town of Iraan, about 1980 by Mr. Jerry Stone. The boot was made by the M. L. Leddy boot company of San Angelo, Texas which began 1936.


“Petrified Tree” – This is a “30 Foot Vertical Fossil Tree” that is supposedly extending through millions of years of strata. It is one of hundreds found near Cookville, Tennessee.

“Petrified Tree” – This is a “30 Foot Vertical Fossil Tree” that is supposedly extending through millions of years of strata. It is one of hundreds found near Cookville, Tennessee.Think about it? Did it really take millions and millions of years as the evolutionist say?

Think about it? Did it really take millions and millions of years as the evolutionist say?


What happened to the “DINOSAURS?” Many theories, but all seem to center around “ONE” major catastrophe ... Consider the “FLOOD.”• What was the climate like before the


Genesis 1:6-8 – Then God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." 7. Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. 8. And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day.Genesis 2:4-6 – This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, 5. before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground; 6. but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.

• What was the climate like before the flood?– ANSWER: (With the water in the

atmosphere and a daily misting (as opposed to rain), it would have given a greenhouse and tropical environment).• What was the climate like after the flood?

What happened to the “DINOSAURS?” Many theories, but all seem to center around “ONE” major catastrophe ... Consider the “FLOOD.”

Genesis 7:4 – For after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will destroy from the face of the earth all living things that I have made."Genesis 8:22 – "While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease."

• What was the climate like before the flood?– ANSWER: (With the water in the

atmosphere and a daily misting (as opposed to rain), it would have given a greenhouse and tropical environment).• What was the climate like after the flood?

What happened to the “DINOSAURS?” Many theories, but all seem to center around “ONE” major catastrophe ... Consider the “FLOOD.”

– ANSWER: (Rain and seasons - much like we have today in most of the world).

• How long did men live before the flood?

Genesis 5:1-5 – This is the book of the genealogy of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. 2. He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created. 3. And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years, and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth. 4. After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years; and he had sons and daughters. 5. So all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died.

• What was the climate like before the flood?– ANSWER: (With the water in the

atmosphere and a daily misting (as opposed to rain), it would have given a greenhouse and tropical environment).• What was the climate like after the flood?

– ANSWER: (Rain and seasons - much like we have today in most of the world).

• How long did men live before the flood?– ANSWER: (Not counting Enoch, the average

926).• How long did men live after the flood?

What happened to the “DINOSAURS?” Many theories, but all seem to center around “ONE” major catastrophe ... Consider the “FLOOD.”

Psalms 90:10 – The days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are eighty years, Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

• What was the climate like before the flood?– ANSWER: (With the water in the

atmosphere and a daily misting (as opposed to rain), it would have given a greenhouse and tropical environment).• What was the climate like after the flood?

– ANSWER: (Rain and seasons - much like we have today in most of the world).

• How long did men live before the flood?– ANSWER: (Not counting Enoch, the average

926).• How long did men live after the flood?– ANSWER: (On the average people live 70-

80).• What verses state that the flood changed the earth?

What happened to the “DINOSAURS?” Many theories, but all seem to center around “ONE” major catastrophe ... Consider the “FLOOD.”

II Peter 3:3-7 – knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4. and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." 5. For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, 6. by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. 7. But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

• What was the climate like before the flood?– ANSWER: (With the water in the

atmosphere and a daily misting (as opposed to rain), it would have given a greenhouse and tropical environment).• What was the climate like after the flood?

– ANSWER: (Rain and seasons - much like we have today in most of the world).

• How long did men live before the flood?– ANSWER: (Not counting Enoch, the average

926).• How long did men live after the flood?

• What verses state that the flood changed the earth?– ANSWER: (II Peter 3-7 – Learn form history


What happened to the “DINOSAURS?” Many theories, but all seem to center around “ONE” major catastrophe ... Consider the “FLOOD.”

– ANSWER: (On the average people live 70-80).
