Ware, Su - 2015 - Progressive Time Optimal Control of Reactive Systems


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  • 8/17/2019 Ware, Su - 2015 - Progressive Time Optimal Control of Reactive Systems


    Progressive Time Optimal Control of Reactive Systems

    Simon Ware and Rong Su;

     Abstract— In many practical applications, we need to com-pute a nonblocking supervisor that not only complies with pre-specified safety requirements but also achieves a certain timeoptimal performance such as maximum throughput. Previoustime optimal synthesis methods have had the significant draw-back of only being able to deal with acyclic behavior. In thispaper we propose a time optimal synthesis method which candeal with potentially infinite behavior. This is accomplishedby dividing a system into progressive behaviors with whichthe system must be capable of finishing it task within a finiteamount of time, and nonprogressive behaviors which can leadto the system having more tasks to complete, and potentiallyinfinite behavior. We also proposed an algorithm with pseudopolynomial time complexity for computing such a supervisor.


    Since the Ramadge-Wonham supervisory control paradigm

    [1], [2] was invented, a large volume of research has

    been done on how to synthesize a nonblocking supervisor

    that complies with safety and liveness requirements. But

    in practical applications we are also frequently asked to

    achieve a certain optimal performance, in particular, the time

    optimal performance such as throughput [3]. In this paper

    we discuss progressive time optimal supervisory control.

    The system under our consideration consists of a finite-

    state automaton, whose events are associated with weights,

    representing their firing durations, and a set of resources

    which are used by certain events. Since events have du-rations, events which make use of different resources may

    overlap. By initiating event firings at appropriate moments

    in different components, a supervisor may drive the system

    from the initial state to a desirable state within the minimum

    duration which takes into account the possible elongation

    caused by the firings of uncontrollable events. Previous work 

    on time optimal supervisory control necessarily resulted in

    acyclic supervisors. Many systems however, can be given an

    arbitrary number of tasks for completion, potentially being

    given new tasks before it has finished all of its current

    ones. In order to achieve time optimal control for such a

    system we divide system behaviour into either progressive

    behaviour and non progressive behaviour where progressivebehaviour represents behaviour used by the system to achieve

    its assigned tasks, and non progressive behaviour represents

    behaviour which is used to give the system either additional

    tasks to carry out or to change the tasks which it currently

    needs to do. The task of time optimal supervisory control

    then becomes to ensure that the system will always complete

    its assigned tasks in minimal time assuming that only pro-

    gressive behaviour is used, while allowing non progressive

    behaviour to occur except in instances where to do so would

    cause either controllabity or blocking issues.

    To solve the aforementioned control problem, we maketwo contributions in this paper. First, we introduce the

    concept of a progressive time optimal controllable sublan-

    guage and provide a precise formulation of the supremal

    progressive time optimal nonblocking supervisory control

    problem. Finally, we present an algorithm that computes the

    supremal progressive time optimal controllable sublanguage.

    The algorithm utilized determines the execution time of each

    string based upon the method developed in [4]. For our

    approach we first assume that the system we are seeking a

    time optimal supervisor for is already the result of a standard

    nonblocking supervisory control problem, which results in a

    supermal controllable sublanguage satisfying the prescribed


    The use of progressive events in supervisory control is

    discussed in [5], [6].

    A similar setting to timed discrete-event systems has been

    discussed in the literature about performance evaluation. For

    example, in [3], [7], [8], [9], time information is described

    by durations of events, and in [7], [9] the theory of heaps-of-

    pieces is used to analyze execution time of specific sched-

    ules. In comparison with our work, the above mentioned

    references are about analysis and not about synthesis. More

    explicitly, these references do not tell how to modify a

    systems behavior by using control in order to achieve certainperformance. In our case, we need to find a supervisor

    that can achieve time optimal performance by simply using

    appropriate event disabling. Furthermore, in their settings no

    uncontrollable events are considered.

    [10] also allows time optimal control with a cyclic super-

    visor. It requires that all cyclic behaviour must go through

    a marked state however. Thus in [10] new tasks must be

    assigned after the system has completed all of its current

    tasks, whereas for progressive time optimal control new tasks

    can be given while the system is still in the process of 

    completing its current task.

    This paper is divided into six sections. In sect. II we firstprovide all relevant necessary concepts about languages and

    time-weighted automata. Sect. III introduces the concept of 

    a progressive finite makespan language, as well as defining

    progressive time optimal control for time weighted systems.

    Sect. IV describes how to synthesize a progressive finite

    makespan closed language which is used in the synthesis

    of progressive time optimal supervisors. Sect. V describes

    how to synthesize a progressive time optimal supervisor for

    a time weighted system. Sect. VI goes through an example

    of the use of progressive time optimal control.

    2015 IEEE 54th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)December 15-18, 2015. Osaka, Japan

    978-1-4799-7886-1/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 3542

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     A. Events, Strings and Languages

    Event sequences and languages are a simple means to

    describe discrete system behaviours. Their basic building

    blocks are   events, which are taken from a finite  alphabet  Σ .The alphabet   Σ   is simultaneously divided into a set of controllable/uncontrollable events such that   Σc   ∪  Σuc   =

    Σ, as well as progressive/non progressive events such thatΣ p ∪ Σnp = Σ.Σ∗ denotes the set of all finite   strings  of events from  Σ,

    including the   empty string   ε. A set of traces   L   ⊆   Σ∗ iscalled a language. The concatenation of two strings s, t ∈  Σ∗

    is written as   st. The prefix closure of a language   L   isL   =   {s   ∈   Σ∗|   There exists a trace   t   ∈   Σ∗ such thatst  ∈  L}. A language  K   ⊆  Σ∗ is controllable with respectto a language   L   ⊆   Σ∗ if   K Σuc ∩  L   ⊆   K [1]. The set of controllable languages of a language  L ⊆  Σ∗, written  C (L)is equal to {K  ⊆ L|K   is controllable with respect to  L}. Alanguage L ⊆ Σ∗ is Σ p-nonblocking if for every trace  s  ∈  Lthere exists a trace   t ∈  Σ∗ p   such that  st ∈  L   [5], [6]i.e. for

    every partial trace in  L   it is possible to complete that traceusing only progressive events.

     B. Finite State Automata

    System behaviours are modeled using   finite state au-


     Definition 1:   A   finite-state automaton   is a 5-tuple   G   =(X, Σ, δ , x0, X m)  where  Σ   is a finite alphabet of   events,  X is a finite set of  states, δ  :  X ×Σ → X  is the  state transitionrelation,   x0   ∈  X   is the   initial state, and  X m   is the set of marked states.

    The transition relation is extended to strings in  Σ∗ by let-ting δ (x, ǫ) =  x  for all x  ∈  X , and δ (x,sσ) =  δ (δ (x, σ), s).

    For a state  x  ∈  X , the set of   active   or   eligible events  isdefined as   E (x) =   { σ   ∈   Σ   |   δ (x, σ)!}. Further the con-tinuation language of  x   is defined as  L(x) = {δ (x, s)!|s  ∈Σ∗}   whereas the marked language is defined as  Lm(x) ={δ (x, s)   ∈   X m|s   ∈   Σ

    ∗}. The continuation and markedlanguages of the automaton   G   is   L(G) =   L(x0)   andLm(G) =  Lm(x0)  respectively.

    The restriction of an automaton   G   with respect to aset of states   X ′ ⊆   X   is written   G|X′   where   G|X′   ={X ′, Σ, δ |X′ , x0, X m∩ X 

    ′}  such that for all  (x, σ) ∈  X × Σit holds that  δ |X′(x, σ) =  δ (x, σ)  if and only if  x  ∈  X 

    ′ and

    δ (x, σ) ∈  X ′.

    C. Timed Automata

    Let   N   the set of natural numbers. A   finite-state time-

    weighted automaton   is a 3-tuple   (G,f,R), where   G   =(X, Σ, δ , x0, X m)   is a finite-state automaton with   X   beingthe state set, Σ  the alphabet, x0  the initial state, X m ⊆  X   themarker state set, and  δ  :  X × Σ → X   the (partial) transitionfunction, which is extended to  X  × Σ∗. The total functionf   : X ×Σ →  N∪{+∞} is called the  weight  function, whichassigns to each transition of  G  a finite natural number, and+∞   to other undefined pairs, i.e.,   f (x, σ)   <   +∞   if andonly if the transition   δ (x, σ)   is defined, which is denoted

    as   δ (x, σ)!. The weight denotes the duration required forthe corresponding transition to be completed.  R  ⊆  2Σ is aset of resources. For every pair of events   σ, σ′ ∈   Σ   thereexists a resource   r   ∈   R   such that   σ, σ′ ∈   r   if and onlyif the firings of   σ   and   σ′ are mutually exclusive, i.e., if one event is under execution, the other cannot be fired. Let

    L(G) :=   {s   ∈   Σ∗|δ (x0, s)!}   be the   closed   behavior of   Gand   Lm(G) :=   {s   ∈   L(G)|δ (x0, s)   ∈   X m}   the   marked 

    behavior of  G. Let  φ(Σ)   and  ϕ(Σ)   denote respectively theset of finite-state automata, and the set of finite-state time-

    weighted automata, whose alphabets are  Σ. We bring in theconcept of  makespan.

     Definition 2:   [4] Given a time-weighted automaton

    (G,f,R)   ∈   ϕ(Σ), let   s   ∈   L(G). Suppose   s   =   σ1 · · · σnfor some   n   ∈   N. Let   sq   :=   σ1 · · · σq   ≤   s. If   q   = 0   thensq   := ǫ.

    1) A   time-stamp   of   s   with respect to   (G,f,R)   is anondecreasing list of natural numbers ρ = (tsk  ∈  N|k  =1, · · ·  , n), where for all   q, v   ∈ {1, · · ·  , n},   q < v   if there exists a resource   r   ∈   R   such that   σq, σv   ∈   rthen   tsq  +  f (δ (x0, sq−1), σq) ≤  t

    sv.  Each   t



      denotes a

    starting moment of firing  σk   in  s.2) Let   ΘG,f,R(s)   be the set of all time-stamps of 

    s, and   υG,f,R(s) := minρ∈ΘG,f,R(s) max{ts1   +

    f (x0, σ1), · · ·  , tsn +  f (δ (x0, sn−1), σn)}   is called   ex-ecution time   of   s   with respect to   (G,f,R). A s aconvention,  υG,f,R(ǫ) := 0.

    To calculate the string execution time  υG,f,R(s), whichallows us to evaluate the makespan of a language, we present

    the following approach. Let   I   be the collection of integers.

     Definition 3:   The (max,+) semiring   Imax   is the set   I ∪{−∞}, equipped with the operation max, written additively(i.e.   a  ⊕   b   = max{a, b}), and the usual sum, writtenmultiplicatively (i.e.   a

     ⊗ b   =   a +  b). In this semiring, the

    zero element is  −∞, and the unit element is 0.   The matrix operations are induced by the semiring struc-

    ture as follows. For matrices   A   and   B   of appropriate di-mensions, (A ⊕ B)qv   := Aqv ⊕ Bqv  = max{Aqv , Bqv}  and(A ⊗ B)qv   := ⊕k(Aqk ⊗ Bkv) = maxk(Aqk +  Bkv). For ascalar   a  ∈   Imax,   (a ⊗  A)ij   :=   a ⊗ Aij   =  a +  Aij . Fromnow on we omit the  ⊗  sign, and directly use  AB  to denoteA ⊗ B. By the definition of semiring we get that the matrixmultiplication is associative, i.e.  (AB)C  =  A(BC ).

    Given   (G   = (X, Σ, δ , x0, X m), f , R)   ∈   ϕ(Σ), let   T    :={(x, σ)   ∈   X  × Σ|δ (x, σ)!}. For each   x   ∈   X   let   Lx :={s ∈  Σ∗|δ (x, s)!}  be the set of strings defined at  x, and let

    πx   :  Lx

    → T  ∗

    be a map, which maps each string  s  ∈  Lx

    into the path in  G, whose event labels form  s. By [4] there

    exists a morphism MG,f,R  :  T  ∗ →  I|R|,|R|max   , where I

    |R|,|R|max   is

    the collection of all matrices whose dimensions are  |R|×|R|such that  MG,f,R(ǫ)   is defined as the unit matrix   I|R|×|R|,i.e., all diagonal entries are 0 and all other entries are  −∞.We call MG,f,R   a   morphism induced   by (G,f,R). By [4],

    υG,f,R(s) =  1t|R|MG,f,R(πx0(s))1|R|,   (1)

    where   1|R|   ∈   I|R|max   is the   |R|-dimensional column vector,

    whose entries are all equal to  0, and  1t|R|  is the transpose of 


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    1|R|. Let 0|R| ∈  I|R|max  be the |R|-dimensional column vector,

    whose entries are all equal to −∞. When the context is clear,we use  M  to denote  MG,f,R.

    As an illustration, the left picture in Figure 1 depicts a sim-

    ple time-weighted automaton (G,f,R), where Σ = {a,b,c},and each edge has an event label followed by its time weight,

    e.g., the transition from  z0   to  z1   is labeled by  a   and has atime weight of 2. The resource set is   R   =   {{a, b}, {c}},

     z 0

      z 1

      z 2

     z 0

      z 1

      z 2


    a/2   c/5

    Fig. 1. Example 1: (G , f , R)   (left) and its morphismM (right)

    i.e., events a  and  b  are mutually exclusive. Based on [4], thecorresponding morphism  M   is depicted in the right pictureof Figure 1. We can think of having 2 resources (or machines)

    - one is used by a  and  b, and the other one is used by  c. It ispossible that some event may use more than one resource

    simultaneously. We can check that the execution time of 

    s   =   ac   is 5, which is equal to   1t|R|M(z0, a)M(z1, c)1|R|,

    and the execution time of  s′ =  ab   is 3, which is equal to1t|R|M(z0, a)M(z1, b)1|R|.

    For the purposes of deciding on an optimal control strategy

    it is often only neccessary to consider the relative time until

    each resource becomes free, after executing a particular trace,

    not the absolute time at which resources become free. For

    this reason we define the function  gr   such that for a givenvector  |R|  column vector c  it holds that  gr(c) =  c − min(c).This has the effect of translating all the values of  c  such thatthe minimum value equals zero. For confenience we use the

    property that  max(c) =  c1|R|.


    A language has progressive finite makespan if under allcircumstances, assuming no new non progressive events

    occur, then the system is guaranteed to complete all of its

    task after a finite number of progressive events.

     Definition 4:   Given a language   L   ∈   Σ∗, and a set of progressive events   Σ p   ⊆   Σ,   L   is finite   Σ p   make-spanlanguage if and only if  L  is  Σ p  nonblocking and there existsa natural number  n  ∈ N   such that for all  s  ∈  L  and t ∈ Σ∗ psuch that  st ∈ L   it holds that  |t| ≤  n.

    For any given language   L   we define the functionPF (L, Σ p), as the set of all languages  K   such that  K  ⊆ L,K   is controllable with respect to   L, and   K   has   Σ p   finitemakespan.

     Definition 5:  Given an automaton L  = (X, Σ, δ , x0, X m),and a set of progressive events   Σ p   ⊆   Σ p   we definePF (L, Σ p) =   {K    ∈ C (L)|   such that   K   is finite   Σ pmakespan  }.

    We additionally define  PF  with respect to automata andstates.

    •   PF (G, Σ p) =  {K  ∈ C (Lm(G))|  such that  K   is finiteΣ p   makespan  }.

    •   PF (x, Σ p) =  {K   ∈ C (Lm(x))|   such that   K   is finiteΣ p   makespan  }.

    x0   x1












    Fig. 2. Example of an automaton which is not Σp  finite makespan closed

    We now introduce progressive time optimal control. Pro-

    gressive time optimal control for a time weighted system

    (G,f,R)  and set of progressive events  Σ p  is is achieved bysynthesizing a sublanguage   K   ⊆   Lm(G)   such that; firstlyK   is controllable with respect to  L(G)  and K  has finite Σ pmakespan; and secondly for every trace  s ∈  K ,  K   ensuresthat, assuming only progressive event occurs, that the system

    G  will be guided towards the marked state in the minimumamount of time possible while still ensuring controllability.

     Definition 6:   Given a time weighted system   (G,f,R),and a set of progressive events  Σ p, we derive the followingdefinitions.

    Given a language  K   ∈ PF (G, Σ p), and a trace   s  ∈   K we define   ωK,f,R,Σp(s) =   υG,f,R(x0, st)|t  ∈  Σ

    ∗ p   such that

    st ∈ K }.Given a language   K   ∈ PF (G, Σ p), it holds that   K   ∈

    OPF (G,f, Σ p)   if and only if for all  K ′ ∈ P F (G, Σ p)  ands ∈  K   it is the case that either  s /∈  K ′ or  ωK,f,R,Σp(s)  ≤ωK ′,f,R,Σp(s)

    Later in this paper we will show how to calculate thesupermal optimal progressive finite makespan supervisor for

    a given time weighted system  (G,f,R).



    We define a   Σ p   finite makespan closed language to beany language  L  such that for every trace  s  ∈  L, there existssome language   K   ∈ PF (L, Σ p)   such that   s  ∈  K   i.e., forany given trace  s   in the prefix closure of  L   it is possible tosynthesize a language  K  which has  Σ p   finite make-span, iscontrollable with respect to  L, and contains  s   in its prefixclosure.

     Definition 7:   Let  L ⊆  Σ∗

    be a language, and  Σ p ⊆  Σ   bea set of progressive events.  L   is  Σ p   finite makespan closedif for every trace   s   ∈   L   there exists some language  K   ∈PF (L, Σ p)  such that  s  ∈  K 

     Example 1:   Consider the language represented by the

    automaton in figure 2, where   Σc   =   { p1, p2, nc},   Σuc   ={ pu, nu},  Σ p  =  { p1, p2, pu}, and Σnp = {nc, nu}. The lan-guage represented is not Σ p finite closed as for the trace  p2nuas well as every other trace which enters the state  x3; thereexists no language  K   ∈ PF (G, Σ p)   such that   p2nu   ∈  K .This is because   pu   is both progressive, uncontrollable, and


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    self-looped; therefore all languages which are controllable

    with respect to the automaton, allow the event  pu  to be firedan arbitrary number of times after the  p2nu; this means thatit is not possible to synthesize a language which contains

    the trace   p2nu   and is both controllable and has   Σ p   finitemakespan at the same time.

    It is significantly easier to synthesize a progressive time

    optimal supervisor for a  Σ p  finite makespan closed language

    than otherwise. To illustrate consider the state   x0   in theautomaton from figure 2; in order to ensure progressive time

    optimal control it would make sense for a time optimal

    supervisor to ensure that the system takes the path   p2 p2which takes two time units rather than the path  p1 p1  whichtakes four time units, this would be incorrect however as

    there exists no controllable and  Σ p  finite makespan languageof  L(G)  which can enter the state  x1, this is because  x1  canenter the state   x3, uncontrollably via the non progressiveevent  nu. If an automaton represents an  Σ p  finite makespanclosed language however we can be certain that no such state

    exists in the automaton however; this is because for every

    trace s in the prefix closure of a language L which is Σ p finitemakespan closed language there exists a sub language  K   inPF (L, Σ p) such that s in the prefix closure of  K . Because of this it is possible to focus solely on the progressive behaviour

    of a state when determining progressive time optimal control

    for a  Σ p   finite makespan closed language.For this reason we introduce a method for synthesizing a

    Σ p   finite makespan closed controllable sublanguage for anygiven language  L.

     Definition 8:   Let G = (X, Σ, δ , x0, X m) be an automaton,Σ∗ p be a set of progressive events, and  k, l ∈ N  be two naturalnumbers.

    ζ k,l(G) =

    •   {x ∈  X m ∩ θl(G)|E (x) ∩ Σ p,uc  = ∅}, if  k  = 0•   {x   ∈   θl(G)|   There exists   σ   ∈ E (x) ∩  Σ p   such that

    δ (x, σ)   ∈   ζ k−1,l(G)   and for every event   σ   ∈ E (x) ∩Σ p,ucit holds that   δ (x, σ)  ∈   ζ k−1,l(G)} ∪  ζ k−1,l(G)   ,otherwise.

    ζ l(G) = ll∈N  ζ k,l(G)

    θ(G) =

    •   X , if  l  = 0•   {x   ∈   ζ l−1(G)|   for all   s   ∈   L(x) ∩  Σ∗uc   it holds that

    δ (x, s) ∈  ζ l−1(G)}, otherwise

    θ(G) = ll∈N  θl(G).

    The function ζ l(G)  finds the set of all states  x   in G|θl(G)

    for which there exists a finite makespan controllable sub-language of   Lm(x) ∩  Σ∗ p   i.e. it finds the set of all stateswhich have a controllable sublanguage when considering

    only progressive behaviour. It is calculated iteratively such

    that   ζ k,l(G)   contains all states which have a controllablefinite makespan language   K   such that for every trace   t   inK   it holds that   |t| ≤  k. The set  θl(G)  then restricts the setζ l−1(G)   to only those states which cannot uncontrollablyreach a state outside the set  ζ l−1(G). Once a number  l  ∈ N is found such that  θl(G) =  ζ l−1(G)   the automaton  G|θl(G)is guaranteed to either be  Σ p  finite makespan closed, or be

    empty, as for each state in  θl(G)   there exists a controllableΣ p   finite makespan sublanguage, and there exists no traces ∈  Σuc  which leads to a state without such a language. Inaddition it is assured for all   l ∈ N   that  PF (Gθl(G), Σ p) =PF (G|θl+1(G), Σ p) as at each step only states which have nocontrollable, Σ p   finite make span sublanguage are removed;therefore both automata have the same time optimal  Σ p  finitemakespan time optimal sublanguage.

    Theorem 1:   Let G  = (X, Σ, δ , x0, X m)  be an automaton,Σ p ⊆  Σ  be a set of progressive events.

    Then G|θ(G) is  Σ p  finite makespan closed and PF (G, Σ p)= P F (G|θ(G), Σ p).

    As each iteration of  θ  decrease in size  θ  will reach a fixpoint within  |X |   iterations. Furthermore as each iteration of ζ l  increases in size ζ l  reachs a fix point within |X | iterations.Each iteration of   ζ k,l   can be calculated by looking at most|X | × |Σ|   transitions, thus calculating  ζ l   is  O(|X |2 × |Σ|).Each iteration θl  requires the calculation of  ζ l−1  and findingall states which can reach a removed state uncontrollably, this

    can be calculated by looking at at most |X |×|Σ| transitions.Thus calculating  θ  has O(|X |3 × |Σ|)  time complexity.



    In order to ensure optimal behaviour after a given trace  sfor a time weighted system it is not enough to consider only

    the state reached in  G  after  s. For a time weighted systemhowever the vector   1|R|M(s)   is also important, and willdetermine which events should be enabled/disabled in order

    to ensure time optimal control. For this reason we construct

    the automaton φQ(G,f,R, Σ p)  such that each state is of theform   (x, xf )  where   x   is a state in the original automaton,and xf  is a contour. The transition relation  δ Q  is constructed

    such that for any trace s ∈  L(G) it holds that δ Q(x0,opt, s) =(δ (x0, s), gr(1|R|M(s))). As the contour  gr(1|R|M(s)) hasbeen normalized we can restrict the state set  X opt   to onlycontain a finite number of states, yet at the same time the

    normalized contour contains enough information to be able

    to calculate time optimal control. On this automaton we use

    a Brave-Heyman style algorithm [11] to calculate for each

    state the minimum amount of time required to reach a marked

    state, while both ensuring controllability but assuming that

    no new non progressive events occur. Once this is calculated

    for each state, the automaton  φ(G,f,R, Σ p)   is constructedby disabling any event which does not ensure that optimal

    time is achieved assuming that the event is both progressive

    and controllable. Definition 9:   Let   (G,f,R)   be a time weighted system

    such that L(G) is  Σ p  finite closed, Σ p  be a set of progressiveevents, it holds for all σ  ∈  Σ p   that  f (  , σ) >  0  and  R  ∈  2

    Σ p )

    be a set of resources  R. Let  c  = max({f (x, σ)|x ∈  X   andσ ∈  Σ}).

    We define   φQ(G, f, R,   Σ p) = (X opt,   Σ, δ Q, x0,opt,X m,opt)  where  X opt  =  {(x, xf )  ∈  X   ×  (R → N )|  Wheremax(xf )   ≤   c},   δ Q   :   X opt × Σ   →   X opt   is defined suchthat   δ Q((x, xf ), σ) = (δ (x, σ), gr(xf M(x, σ))),   x0,opt   =(x0, 1|R|)  and X m,opt   = {(x,   ) ∈  X opt|x ∈  X m}.


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    Q0(x, xf ) =

    •   max(xf ), if  x  ∈  X m   and E (x) ∩ Σ p,uc  = ∅.•   +∞, otherwise.

    For all  k ∈ N − {0}  it holds that  Qk(x, xf ) =

    •   max{min(xf M(x, σ)) +   Qk−1(δ (x, σ), gr(xf M(x,σ))|σ  ∈ E (x) ∩ Σ p,uc}, if  E (x) ∩ Σ p,uc = ∅.

    •   min{min(xf M(x, σ)) +   Qk−1(δ (x, σ, gr(xf M(x,

    σ)))|σ  ∈ E (x) ∩ Σ p} ∪ {Qk−1(x, xf )}, otherwise.We define   φ(G, f, R,   Σ p) = (X opt,   Σ, δ opt, x0,opt,

    X m,opt)   where   δ opt   :   X opt × Σ   →   X opt   is defined suchthat   δ opt((x, xf ), σ) =   δ opt((x, xf ), σ)   if   Q|X |(x, xf )   ≥Q|X |(δ Q((x, xf ) +   min(xf M(x, σ))   or   σ /∈   Σ p,   x0,opt= (x0, 1|R|)  and  X m,opt  = {(x,   ) ∈  X opt|x ∈  X m}.

    It can be shown that   Lm(φ(G,f,R, Σ p))   is inOPF (G,f,R, Σ p)   and that every other language inOPF (G,f,R, Σ p)   is either equal to or a subset of  Lm(φ(G,f,R, Σ p)).

    Theorem 2:   Let (G,f,R) be a time weighted system suchthat   L(G)   is   Σ p   finite closed,   Σ p   be a set of progressiveevents, and  R  ∈  2Σ be a set of resources  R.

    Then it holds that   Lm(φ(G,f,R, Σ p))   ∈OPF (G,f,R, Σ p)  and that for all  K  ∈ OPF (G,f,R, Σ p)it holds that  K  ⊆ Lm(φ(G,f,R, Σ p)).

    Complexity 1:   Let   Σ p   be a set of progressive events,(G,f,R)  be a time weighted system such that  L(G)   is  Σ pfinite closed and f (x, σ) ≥ 0 for all (x, σ) ∈  X ×Σ p, and c =max{f (x, σ)|(x, σ) ∈  X ×Σ}. There are at most |X |×(c+1)|R| states in X opt as for all (x, xf ) ∈  X opt it holds that x ∈X   and max(xf ) ≤  c. For any  k  ∈ N , assuming Qk(w, wf )has been calculated for every state   (w, wf )   ∈   X opt, inorder to calculate   Qk+1(x, xf )   it neccessary to calculatemin(xf M(x, σ)) +   Qk−1(δ (x,σ,gr(xf M(x, σ)))   for ei-ther all σ  ∈  Σ p∩E (x) or all σ  ∈  Σ p,uc∩E (x), in order to findeither the minimum or the maximum value. In either case this

    calculation must be done at most   |Σ|   times for each state(x, xf )   ∈   X opt, for each iteration. Therefore to calculateQk+1(x, xf )   for every state   (x, xf )  ∈  X opt   will require atmost |X |×|X |×(c+ 1)|R|×|Σ|  operations. Finally in orderto calculate δ opt it is necessary to calculate min(xf M(x, σ))+ Q|X|(δ (x,σ,gr(xf M(x, σ))) for all σ  ∈  Σ p∩E (x). Thusrequiring |X |×(c+1)|R|×|Σ| operations. Therefore the timecomplexity to calculate  φ2   is  |X | × |X | × (c + 1)|R| × |Σ|.


    As an illustration, we apply the aforementioned technique

    we apply them to a linear cluster tool example derivedfrom the one used in [12]. The 2 cluster system is de-

    picted in figure 3. The system consists of one entering

    load lock (Lin) and one exit load lock (Lout),  5  chambers(C 11, C 12, C 21, C 22, C 23) a one-slot buffers   (B),   2   trans-portation robots (R1, R2). In the entering load lock a requestcan be made to process an additional waver, this is the

    only nonprogressive event in this system. If a request has

    been made to process a new waver then a waver can be

    transported into the system from the entering load lock by

    the robot R1. Once R1  picks up a waver it is moved through

    Fig. 3. A linear cluster tool with 2 clusters

    designated chambers for processing based on pre-specified

    routing sequences by relevant robots located in different

    clusters. Routing information is represented by specification

    automata  H 11, H 12, H 13, H 14, H 21, H 22, H 23, H 24, these au-tomata enforce the order in which the robots  R1   and   R2should move wafers between the components in the model.

    Finally, processed wafers are transported out of the system

    through the exit load lock by R1. Each robotic action requires

    one time unit to complete, and the processing operation ineach chamber takes four time units to complete, requesting

    that a new waver be processed requires no time. Wafers are

    routed through the cluster tool thus:   Lin   →   C 11   →   B   →C 21 →  C 22 →  C 23 →  B  →  C 12 →  Lout.

    We consider the the synchronous product of   LIn ,  LOut,B,  C 11,  C 12,   C 21,  C 22,  C 23,  R1,   R2   to be the centralizedplant automaton G  whereas the synchronous product of  H 11,H 12,  H 13,  H 14,  H 21,  H 22,  H 23,  H 24   is the specification K .

    Processed   φ supCN Wavers Time Time

    100 830 2808

    200 1630 5608

    300 2430 8408400 3230 11208

    500 4030 14008

    600 4830 16808

    700 5630 19608

    800 6430 22408

    900 7230 25208

    1000 8030 28008



    Our progressive time optimal supervisor is constructed

    first by creating a standard controllable nonblocking su-

    pervisor for the system   supCN (G, K ), we further re-strict  supCN (G, K )  to  θ(supCN (G, K )). We then constructthe automaton φQ(θ(supCN (G, K )),f,R, Σ p) and calculateQ|X|   for every state in that automaton. Finally we con-struct   φ(θ(supCN (G, K )),f,R, Σ p). The original supervi-sor   supCN (G, K )   has   3810   states and   12430   transitions,while φQ(θ(supCN (G, K )),f,R, Σ p) has  115268 states and354199   transitions, and   φ(θ(supCN (G, K )), f , R , Σ p)   has21008   states and  48960   transitions. On a  3.02Ghz   PC theentire process took 39.43 seconds.

    We compare the time performance of  


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    φ(θ(supCN (G, K )),f,R, Σ p)   against   supCN (G, K )by simulating waver processing with both supervisors. For

    our simulation we make the assumption that whenever the

    supervisor allows a request to process a new waver that the

    request is made. Otherwise at each step in the simulation the

    respective supervisor will be asked what events are enabled.

    Of those events the event which can be fired the earliest will

    be chosen. If there is more than one such event, an event

    will be chosen randomly from amongst those events. TableI show the amount of time units each supervisor required in

    order to process up to 1000  wavers. As can be seen it takesthe standard supervisor roughly   3.5   times longer than thetime optimal supervisor to process an equivalent number of 



    In this paper we introduce the concept of progressive

    time optimal control as a means of ensuring time optimal

    behaviour in cyclic systems. In addittion we show how a

    progressive finite makespan time optimal supervisor can be

    calculated for time weighted systems. The algorithm has

    been implemented and shown to work for a small clustertoolmodel.


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