Warm-up 1.List three words that describe the conditions in the trenches during World War I. 2.In...


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Warm-upList three words that describe the conditions in the trenches during World War I.

In your opinion, what was the most significanttechnological advancement during WWI, and why?

What do you believe pushes the US into the War?The United States & World War I

Up until 1917, the U.S. remained neutral in the war.Woodrow Wilson was the President of the U.S. during WWI and would serve until 1920.

American NeutralityWhy did Wilson want the US to remain neutral? Why did this prove to be so difficult?

IsolationistsUS should remain isolated andshould not join the warInterventionistsUS should intervene andjoin the AlliesInternationalistsUS should play an active role for peace but should NOT send troops (middle ground)

4Neutrality Rights Violations - President Wilson warned Germany to respect our neutrality rights on the open seas, but they continued to attack and sink our ships. Sussex Pledge (1916)- After a German U-Boat sank a French passenger ship, the Sussex, in the English Channel injuring several Americans, Wilson threatened to break Neutrality.

Germany pledged not to attack merchant vessels without warning, but they would not honor this pledge.American InvolvementU-Boat Attacks

Describe the major actions of Germanys submarines against Allied ships.

Destroying all ships, battleships & passenger shipsGermany pledged not to attack merchant vessels without warning after this, but they would break the Sussex PledgeGermany breaks the Sussex Pledge

6American InvolvementInvasion of Belgium

What were the German actions against Belgium and how did the US respond?

Germany invaded NEUTRAL Belgium, took supplies, killed unarmed citizens, destroyed towns; US opinion turns against Germany

7Germanys Unrestricted Submarine WarfareGermany did so to bring England to her knees before the United States entered war and because the Russians had recently dropped out of wartime to act was NOW

Warnings issued to Travelers

Sinking of the Lusitania - A British passenger ship was sunk by a German U-Boat killing 1,200 people, including 128 Americans.

American InvolvementThe Zimmermann Telegram

Who wrote it and to whom was it written? What did it say? How did the US respond?

Arthur Zimmermann (Germany Foreign Minister), to MexicoProposed alliance between Mexico and Germany against the US promises a return of former lands to MexicoUS declares war on Germany (1917)

11The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 - Czar Nicholas II of Russia is overthrown by the Bolshevik (Communist) Party led by Vladimir Lenin. Lenin will soon make peace with Germany and pull out of the war.

Wilsonian IdealismWilsonian Idealism Enthroned Many people still didnt want to enter into war, Six senators and 50 representatives, including the first Congresswoman, Jeanette Ranking, voted against war. To gain enthusiasm for the war, Wilson came up with the idea of America entering the war to make the world safe for democracy.

A Declaration of WarOn April 2, 1917, President Wilson asked for Congress to declare war, which it did four days later President Wilson did not keep US out of war.

---Who are the figures?

---How is each portrayed?

---What is the cartoonistsmessage?15What were the reasons for US involvement in the war?1. German attacks on Belgium (neutrality rights violations)2. U-boat attacks on merchant ships3. Zimmerman Telegram4. Wilsonian idealism5. Russian Revolution