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U.S. Department of Justice

Office of the Chieflnformation Officer

Washingron, D.C. 20530


Federal Bureau of Investigation Date:

Dear ,

The Department of Justice (DOJ), CJIS Systems Officer (CSO) is submitting a request on behalf of the

Housing Authority to be granted an Originating Agency Identifier (ORI) by FBI CJIS. I have reviewed the

below documentation and believe it is sufficient to grant the issuance of a full access ORI under the legal authority

of Public Law 104-330, 25 U.S.C. §4138.

To support this request, please find the attached documentation as submitted by the Nation Housing

Authority :

Attachment 1: Legal Authority

Attachment 2: Funding Source Letter

Upon issuance of the ORI, please provide the ORI number to me in an official communication. Should you have any

additional questions, please contact at tribalaccess@usdoj.gov.


Michael Roosa


U.S. Department of Justice

Office of the Chief Information Officer

Public HousingAgency - NCJA ORI Request Letter, v. 2 December 2016 Page 1



WHEREAS, the Indian Business Council - is the duly constituted governing body of the Indian Reservation b the authori of the Constitution and By-laws of the ribe of the ; and

WHEREAS, the - has the authority and responsibility to administer all Tribal property and assets pursuant to- Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. l(a); and

WHE~ the has the a~ and responsibility to provide for the well being ofthe--people pursuant to ~ onstitution, Art. I, Sec. 1(1); and

WHEREAS, the - has the authority and responsibility to schedule the date, time and place ofpublic hearings in accordance with Article IX ofthe - Constitution; and

WHEREAS the directed the Office of the Reservation Attorney to work with the llliiiiiiiiiiiiHousing Department and the Housing Commission revise ~ e 37!!!!!Authority Code) of thHousin Code of Laws to facilitate the transition of the Housing Division to a Tribally Designated Housing Entity (TDHE) in or er etter protect the health, safety and welfare of th~ eople; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to- Resolution #2006-096 the public hearing for August 24, 2006 at 5:00 pm in the to take testimony and receive written comments concerning proposed amendments to Title 37 of th~ Code ofLaws; and

WHEREAS, the ~ as received and reviewed the Hearing Examiner's Report of said Public Hearing, dated September 13, 2006; and

WHEREAS, the amendments ~ sing Authority Code) require the adoption ofBy-laws for the Board of th~ Housing Authority; and

WHEREAS, the Housing Commission has reviewed the proposed amendments to Title 3 7 and By-laws, and recommends that the - nact them as proposed; and

Resolution 2006-116 Page I of2

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WHEREAS, the ~ the proposed amendments to Title 37 (Housing Authority Code) oftlie- of Laws and the attached accompanying By-laws will facilitate the transition of the Housing Division to a TDHE and will protect the health, safety and welfare o eople; and

WHEREAS, transitioning the Housing Division from a division of the - to the Housing Authority, a TDHE, can be most efficiently accomplished at the beginning of a calendar year.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the - hereby approves the proposed amendments to Title 37 (Housing Authority Code) and the accompanying proposed By-laws; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in order to effect a smooth transition to a TDHE, the proposed amendments to Title 37 as well as the proposed By-laws shall not become effective until January I, 2007.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Chairwoman (or Vice Chairman in her absence) is hereby authorized and directed to execute this resolution and any documents connected therewith, and the Secretary (or the Recording Secretary in her absence) is authorized and directed to execute the following certification.


As Secretary of the , I hereby certify that the above Resolution #2006-116 was adopted at a Special Meeting of the Council held on the 18th day ofSeptember 2006, at which time a quorum of8 was present by a vote of7 For, 0 Against, and O Abstention(s).

Resolution 2006-l 16 Page 2 of2

r U.S. Department of HousingFunding Approval/Agreement and Urban Development

Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Office of Native American Programs Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-330) Title I - Indian Housing Block Grant Title VI - Federal Guarantees For Financin Tribal Housin t Name ot Aecipien1


6. Amount Approved ..._ Tille VI Loan Guaranlee

l11is Grant Agreement bct,,ccn thc Dcpanmcnl of Housing and Urban D.:,dopmcnt t HUD) and th.: :ibon: nam.:d R.:cipicm is mad.: pursuant to the authority of 1he Nmive Amcric::m I-lousing Assiswncc and Sdf-D.:termination Act of 1996 (NAl·IASDAl (25 U.S.C. � 101 cl seq.). 171c Recipicnt"s .~uhmi~sions for NAHASDA :issistJncc. 1he NAHASDA su11u11: { as now in effect and as may he amcnd.:d by Congress). the HUD r1:gulmions al 24 CFR Pan !000 (Js now in l!lfcct an<l as may be amended from timc to 1ime). Jnd this Funding Approval. including :my special conditions. constitulc 1he Agrc.:menl. Subj ect to th.: pro, isions of this Grant Agr.:ement. HUD \\ tll make the funding assistance spt:cilicd her.: al'ailablc to the Recipient upon execution of the Agreement by the panics. TI1c Indian Tribe has agn:cd to assume all of h.: rcsponsihilities for environmcntal rcvic:w. decision making. an<l ac1ions .is )pccilicd and requin:<l in regulations issuc<l by the Secretary consistent wi1h :ind pursuant 10 S1:c1ion 105 of NAHASDA. (lfthc: Indian Tribe did not agree 10 assume: lhcsc responsibilities. these responsibililics arc retained by I-IUD). l11e Recipient further acknowledges its res onsibilit , for adherence to the Acrcement bv entities 10 which ii mJkcs fundinc a)sistancc hereunder a\'ailablc.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Recipient

7. Special conditions (check applicable box)

a.0 Not applicab e

b.Osee attachment(s)

Sa. Dale HIJD Received Subm1ss1on (mm/dd/yyyy) 10/t 4/2016

8b. Dale Recipient Notified (mm/dd/yyyy)

ac. Date of Stan of Program Year (mmldd/yyyy) 01/01 /2017

9. (check one) a.[:] Orig. Funding aprvl.

b. � Amendment

c. Amendment Number c. eservat,on to e Cancelled (a minus bl

11. (This section Is to be completed only If a Tribally Designated Housing Entity (TDHE] Is the recipient of the loan guarantee but Is not the IHBG recipient) 11a. Name & Addre~s of T OH(;

Loan Guarantee Acceptance Provisions for Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHE) The Tribally Designated Hous,ng Entity hereby accepts the Grant Agreement executed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on the above dale with respect to the above program grant number(s) as Recipient designated to receive loan guarantee assistance, and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, applicable regulations, and other requirements of HUD now or hereafter in effect, pertaining lo the assistance provided lo it.

1tb. Authorized Representative Name Not Applicable



Date (mm/dd/

HUD Accounting Use Onty (show all dates as mm/dd/yyyy)

TAC Program

1 5 3

1 7 6 �urnrn Document No.

I 11 i'rHI 11

I rn l,.____A_m_o_u_n_t----'"-E-ff_e_ct-iv_e_O_a_te-

Date Entered n PAS Dale Entered LOCCS Batch Number Transaction Code Entered by Venfied by

form HUD-52734·8 (12198)