WASTE... By Amanda Buckley. What is Waste Management? Waste management is the collection,...


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By Amanda Buckley

What is Waste Management?

Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal and monitoring of waste materials.

Where it all goes...

The Problems

There’s too much waste because of our large population

There is nowhere to put all of our garbage

Our increased standard materials of living

Packaging for food and other products


Our Population

Even if the world’s population maintains a steady rate of waste creation, its continued growth will generate a 2% increase in waste each year

Busy families believe that they have no time to reuse products, therefore they buy large amounts of disposable products


Canadians generate about 1.7 kg of domestic solid waste per person each day

Solid waste: non-liquid waste discharged from households and industries

Packaged Products

Packaging Products alone accounts for 30 to 35 percent of what we throw out

It is made out of plastics that supposedly keeps your product clean

Plastic foam (usual packaging for products such as meat, eggs, etc.) may never break down

Packaging Industries in the U.S. has sales of $30 billion (US) per year

Incineration Disadvantages People believe that incineration makes waste disappear

when really, its creating toxic waste in the air that is a major threat to public health and the environment

We use this as an alternative to landfills but, we do not realize that the ashes from the incinerator are contaminated with heavy metals, unburned chemicals, and new chemicals formed during the burning process

These chemicals are usually dumped in the environment or buried in the landfill

It is rather expensive and not many places can afford it It contributes to the CO2 increasing in the atmosphere

Incineration Advantages

It gets rid of up to 90% of the bulk that would otherwise occupy landfill sites

Steam or electricity may be generated from the incineration process

The incinerator also screens the waste to remove most of the glass and plastic that may be left over

Cost effective Has the ability to reclaim metals, such as


How long does litter take to decompose?


If we recycled materials such as, metal, organic materials, and paper, we could reduce the pressure on the world’s limited resources

Minimize family sizes so there isn’t so much consumption

Compost fruit and vegetable waste so there is more space in landfills for things that have no other option but, to be there

Don’t buy a lot of non-reusable products; such as paper plates, cups, cutlery, etc.

Only throw out things that have absolutely no use Instead of buying something that you’re going to use

once, you can borrow or rent it and it won’t be lying around your house when you’re done with it


If we recycle products that can be reused we can save landfill space and live a more efficient life

Dispose of your waste properly in the right places

Buy reusable products rather than products that have a short life span

The 3 R’s; Reuse, Recycle, Reduce And minimize family sizes so that there is less




Understanding Our Environment – Second Edition, Copyright (1997), January12th 2010

Newspaper Article – “Incineration is not the safest option for Metro’s trash”, October 7th 2009

