We are truly glad you chose us to worship with today!


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We are truly glad you chose us to worship with today!

Mon               6:00 pm  The Word-Tech Bible study, Jeff Wilkins

Wed               6:00 pm   MUSIC TEAM

Wed               6:00 pm   TEACHERS MEETING

Thurs             6:00 pm    Men’s Home Bible Study, David Martin           

Sat                 9:00 am     Elders retreat meeting 9-12

Next Sunday: Small group leaders meet at 5:00 pm

Small Groups leader meeting 5PM at Denise Martins house.

July 12 we’ll be serving Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Potato Salad, Beans, whatever (cook-out type stuff).  They have gas grills on hand.  A donation– sign -up sheet is available today. See Mike Robinson if you have questions.

Please keep these two important events in your summer plans!Jay Pinney, EFCA missionary in Montreal will join us July 24 for worship, lunch, and more!            July 31st will be the next quarterly business meeting.  It will start at 11:45, right after a potluck lunch at 11:00 Please plan now to attend.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!        Justin Kennedy  June 12Jared Moore June 14        Bree Martin June 18

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!             Joe and Donna Hall

June 15  Jared and Sarah Moore

June 16 
