Wearables in Healthcare



This is a free presentation, video for this presentation can also be found here -http://kivatinos.com/2015/03/16/wearable-conference-medical-and-health-records/Daniel Kivatinos give a talk at the Wearable Tech Conference. It was great fun talking about where medical records will be in in the future. He goes into a deep dive of session into some of the methodology around how we create what we create at drchrono and why we create what we create.Asking the audiance about who had a smart phone, just about everyone at the conference raised their hand. He also asked how many people can access medical records on their phone, only one raised their hand.Our goal at drchrono is to enable everyone in the world be able to access medical data when they need it, we are making that a reality with the physicians who are using drchrono.In this presentation Daniel goes into a bit about the history of drchrono, wearables, how the cloud, iPhone and iPad are changing healthcare. I go into our we look for simple design, how we are always looking to optimize medical workflows and how disruptive being a freemium platform is within healthcare.In the talk below he goes into Apple HealthKit, ResearchKit, HIPAA Platforms and the Connected Home.
