Web 3.0 presentation


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  • 1. Presented by:
    Kevin McHugh
    Mike McDowell
    Brett McCaffrey
    Web 3.0

2. Introduction to WEB 1.0
Web 1.0 was all about basics- a one-way process dubbed read-only.
The most interactive user activities involved chat and instant messaging.
3. Introduction to WEB 2.0
Web 2.0introduced the world to blogs, social-networking sites, and a host of self-publishing tools.
Articles are now accompanied with comments tools, and anyone with a computer can create a blog.
Content exploded on the web, and a considerable portion of it is created by average users.
4. Definitions of Web 3.0
The creation of high-quality content and services produced by gifted individuals using Web 2.0 technology as an enabling platform.
Highly specialized information silos, moderated by a cult of personality, validated by the community, and put into context with the inclusion of meta-data through widgets.
Connective intelligence; connecting data, concepts, applications and ultimately people.
The location-aware and moment-sensitive internet.
Web 3.0 will be "applications that are pieced together" - with the characteristics that the apps are relatively small, the data is in the cloud, the apps can run on any device (PC or mobile), the apps are very fast and very customizable, and are distributed virally (social networks, email, etc). Eric Schmidt
5. Characteristics of web 3.0
Validated by the community
Use of widgets
Personalized interaction
Intelligent search
Behavioral advertising
Understanding of semantics
6. Characteristic Change
Web 3.0 will transform the Internet into a massive, universally searchable database and our place in it will be to organize this wealth of information into slices that are understandable to us.
One of the main organizational tools that we will use are widgets and a host of data management technologies.
7. Seeking Information

  • RSS- real simple syndication

8. Allows a user to create a live feed of information from any website utilizing this technology. 9. Specialized searches 10. The way the engines would order items would be a combination of the old and the new. The strong algorithms that are currently used would be kept, but in addition some weight would be given to items that the community has flagged as interesting or voted on.