Web Development with Cascading Style Sheets Syntax Activity


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Web Development with Cascading Style Sheets



Lesson 1: Benefits: Why CSS

Separate formatting from structure Standards compliant for a variety of

platforms and devices and accessibility

Maintain websites efficiently Easy to change

CSS - basics Types

Inline Embedded Linked Imported

Rules (or components) Selector

Any valid html tag Declaration with one of more properties Value for each property

p { color: navy; }






Grouping selectors td{color: #000000} tr{color:#000000}

Could also be td, tr {color: #000000}

Comments /* code here */

Embedded Style Sheet

<html><head><title>Sample Page</title><style type="text/css"><!--body { background-color: #eee;font-size: 12px; }h1 { color: navy; }p { color: #333; }--></style></head><body><h1>Welcome!</h1><p>This is a sample paragraph for demonstration.</p></body></html>

Hides from old browsers

Create an embedded style sheet

CSS Resources W3Schools

http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp Colors on the web color wizard


Adobe’s Kuler http://kuler.adobe.com/?


Robin Williams Non Designers Design Book Firefox web developers add-on


Evaluate websites:With or without CSS?



CSS properties

Color Use Hexadecimal

Inheritance CSS elements inherit properties from

the parent elements. A paragraph <p> would inherit properties

from its parent <div>

Text Styles Styles

text-align vertical-align text-indent letter-spacing word-spacing line-height text-decoration text-transform

Font Style

font-family font-style font-weight font-size font

Units of Measurement Absolute

pixels – px inches – in centimeters – cm milimeters – mm points – pt picas – pc

Relative ems – em x-height – ex percent - %

Modifying Text – Design Advice

Robin Williams Non-designers Design Books

Format text on home page of our cupcake website Align copyright Justify paragraphs Indent and line height parpagraphs(if

desired) kerning – (line spacing of title)

Linked Style Sheet

All styles reside in an external document

The document is linked to one OR all pages in a website

Benefits Create look in one style sheet – appear

on all linked pages Make changes to that page – change

appears on all pages

Linked Style Sheet

To create the .css page, there should be no html tags – only the css instructions:

h1 {font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;font-weight: 900;letter-spacing:5px;color:#562500;font-size:36px;}

Save it as a .css On the webpage

<link href=“mystyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Create a linked style sheet Rename the template and link a .css we will

create from our embedded style sheet.


Name some benefits to css: Separate formatting from structure Standards compliant for a variety of

platforms and devices and accessibility Maintain websites efficiently

Easy to change

What is the most common type of style sheet? Linked


Name the rules or components of a css declaration

p { color: navy; }






Name some text styles text-align vertical-align text-indent letter-spacing word-spacing line-height text-decoration text-transform

Name some font styles font-family font-style font-weight font-size font

Lesson 2: Designing with Cascade Class allows you to distinguish one element from the other

The paragraphs for “seasonal specials” on our cupcake website should probably differ from the paragraphs for regular main content

Classes: are selectors that target styles more specifically than type selectors. Element.ClassName{declare style}Classes

Naming Classes Name you classes logically according to their function

div.header{styles to format headers} div.content{styles to format content}

Element Classes associated with a specific html element. Allows you to

distinguish one element from another of the same type <div class=“header”>

Classes Independent classes

Are not associated with any html element and can be shared. .importanttext{color:#ff0000; font-weight:500;}

Specificity Weight (or level of importance) of a given class – the

greater the weight the greater the importance http://www.htmldog.com/guides/cssadvanced/specificity/

Remember Classes can be used more than once on a page – they can

be repeated Create a class styles in our cupcake index page in

an embedded style sheet. You’ll have to put some basic formatting in as well. differentiate the main paragraph from the seasonal

paragraph Bonus: Add another “special” paragraph on your


ID Styles ID styles also allow you to give elements unique

names ID styles applied to only ONE element on a page.

wrapper main_content nav footer

Element IDs div#logo {assigned styles}

Independent IDs #myID {assigned styles}

Use # in the .css and id=“idname” in html

Browser Window

Planning your styles with IDTake Tutorial: http://ouray.cudenver.edu/~melynn/Templates/messageDesign.html



Navigation } CSS “Wrapper”

Banner image


Add a primary wrapper div to give our content some nice margins We can also add some background

color to make the wrapper standout Extra credit: add a wrapper div to

our first practice file to create margins.

Contextual Style Allow you to target your styles to

elements within a specified parent-child structure In other words: they are nested within

other styles so they will inherit some properties from the parent.

Activity Create a contextual style for our

“Seasonal Special” paragraph. Make the $3.00 different from the rest of the paragraph BUT make sure to keep some of the formatting from the parent.

More about styles Target elements with specific attribute

element[attribute] {style here} td [width=“100”] {background-color:#??}

The “cascade” in style sheets Refers to the hierarchical order in which

different style sheet types interact and take precedence when styles conflict

1. inline styles2. embedded style sheets3. linked style sheets4. imported style sheets

Import style sheets External style sheets that are imported from within

another style sheet. @import “news.css” A note about the differences between link and @import

I don't really see the difference between these two elements......

There is lots. For example, link is html and @import is CSS.

> why would you use one and not the other?

If you want to import CSS from CSS, you use @import, if you want to linkstylesheet to html page, you use link.

You should also not that they are supported differently in browsers, butthat is usually not problem, unless your stylesheet breaks when externalstyle is not applied.

Inline styles

You can place styles directly in a html tag <span style=“font-size: 14px;”>

Least powerful in terms of controlling your documents from a central location.

May be needed in some instances testing styles to override the style sheet your style doesn’t require a new ID


Update the flavors page with our linked style sheet

Add your structure divs Place an inline style (or more) on the

“flavors” page

Review What is the primary purpose of the

“class” element? Allows you to distinguish one html element

from another What is the syntax for writing a class in a

style sheet? .myclass {format style here}

What is the primary purpose for the ID element? Also distinguishes one element from another

BUT can only be used once on the page

Review What is the syntax for writing an ID

element? #idname {format id style here}

What is an inline style A style placed directly in the html tag using

the attribute style= Name the hierarchical order in the

cascade of style sheets (which takes precedence if styles conflict):

1. inline styles2. embedded style sheets3. linked style sheets4. imported style sheets

Lesson 3: Designing Content Sections Margins and padding are a part of

each element on an html page. By controlling them, you can control

the spacing of elements and the overall layout and appearance of the page.

The box model defines how margins and padding interact with the html elements: html element



Margin The box model component that

defines the space between an element’s box and its parent element. Use any measurement that deals with

length. You can use the margins of the body tag

to set page margins but we will use the id “wrapper” we created for organization margin-top, margin-bottom, margin-left,

margin-right, margin


Collapsible margins: Two adjacent vertical margins take on

the property of the greater (they are not added)Horizontally, they are added together


Box model component that defines the space between an element’s content and its box padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-

right, padding-left, padding

Activity We will now organize our style sheet,

insert a header banner, set margins and padding to layout our page. margin auto in wrapper centers our content

– sets the margins are equal left and right width 748px in wrapper sets content equal

to banner and border – without a table! We don’t want to set padding for the

wrapper – we would then have space between any page background and a banner image. We’ll need to create more divs to set padding there.

Activity cont

Insert image in both main and flavors page

Add main-content and footer divs with margins and center footer

Color the page background blue Yikes! How do fix it so the content

background color is white??

Negative Margins

You can set negative margins for elements for interesting appearance Does not display in IE 6 which is still

widely used. http://ouray.cudenver.edu/~melynn/


Borders Borders can also help define a clean

layout Distinguish content sections Create and define white space Can control style color and width

Syntax for top,right,bottom,left border-width border-style border-color


Let’s set borders for our seasonal special, footer, and all images Watch the white space in ie when

setting your margins, paddings and borders

Floating Elements

Allows you to easily layout a page without the use of tables

float-left: forces the floated element to the left of adjacent elements

float-right: forces the floated element to the right of adjacent elements


We will float the seasonal special announcement on the home page. We will also need to set a width for this element.

Bonus: float the “Flavor of the month” paragraph on specials page to the right.

Content overflow Allows you to control content flow

that is too big for its elements content

overflow property behaviors: scroll (allows you to create scrollbars to

view all content) hidden visible auto inherit

Review Name the 3 components of the Box

element: Margin Padding Border

What elements can you assign margins and padding to? anything on a webpage

Why do you need to be cautious with a negative margin? It does not work in all browsers

Review Name the properties of borders you can

control size, style, color and which side of the box

What is float? Allows you to place elements to the right or

left of the adjacent elements What does clear:right do to the float

element? Does not allow anything to display to the right

of the floated element

Lesson 4

Positioning: family of css properties that specifically

addresses the position of elements on a page. Set the coordinates using the top and left properties

Absolute, relative and fixed

Absolute vs Relative Positioning

Absolute removes elements from their html flow.

The top leftmost edge of an element’s parent is the reference point on which the coordinates are based top:0px; left:0px sets elements to

upper left corner if body is the parent

Absolute vs Relative Positioning

Relative positioning with the above code would position the selected element 0px from the top of its NORMAL location in the document and 0px from the left

Activity: Create a navigation div with bullets and use absolute and positioning to create a page layout By setting the width of our divs, we will create

a fixed multi-column layout Then we’ll save the css as another name.

Fluid Layouts Fluid layouts is one that accommodates to

the size of the user’s browser. The layout will reflow so that’s its dimension

will increase or decrease to fill the space 3 methods

Set the element width using a relative unit of measurement

Use the left and right margins to control the displayed width of the element (vs width=Xpx)

Position the element, and use the right property instead of the left to establish its relationship to the browser window


We’ll now create layouts based on this tutorial: http://css.maxdesign.com.au/


Fixed Positioning **Does not work in IE** A layer is just a

div with a z-index (this allows you to layer above other items on the page)

We’ll use code from: http://hem.fyristorg.com/g-force/test/

fixedlayer.htm Why use?

Could place “Take survey here” link or a link to website help so that it is always visible.

Annoyance factor to decide upon.

Review What two positioning tools did we use to

position elements on the page? Absolute and relative

Explain absolute vs relative positioning Absolute removes elements from their html

flow Relative position the selected element in the

NORMAL flow or location in the document What is a fluid layout?

Decreases or increases with a change in browser window size.

Enhancing an existing design-the cursor You may want to change the

appearance of the cursor to further add to the usability of your website. We’ll add a help cursor to an “email for

questions” link.

Link Styles

Links can be modified by styles to such a degree that you may not need images for the links

Link States a:link a:visited a:hover a:active

List Styles

You can also customize lists to further enhance your navigation area

We will combine link and list styles (Topic E) to enhance the design or our navigation area.

Enhancing Forms

Styles can also improve the usability of your forms by highlighting the input fields and adding whitespace to bring attention to the areas a user needs to complete.

Fieldset and Legend html tags are used Here is quick reference http://www.quirksmode.org/oddsandends/


Background Image

background-repeat repeat, no-repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y Sets a background image that does not

repeat and is centered: Body{background-image:


Let’s put a background image into our webpage


How did we change the cursor for our question email? We used an inline style

style="cursor:help“ What did we use to structure our

navigation? A <ul> list


What types of modifications did we use to format the navigation? We removed the bullets, changed the

padding for the <li> and margins for the <ul>, customized the links. It no longer looked like a standard html list

What types of properties can you apply for background image tiling? repeat, no-repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y

Alternate Style Sheets

By providing links to alternate styles, you can make your page more accessible to all users.

The most common example of a link to alternate style sheet is link to a printable document.

Types of Style Sheets Persistent

Always enabled. Generally for layout. Preferred

The default style sheet that is disabled when a user selects an alternate style sheet.

Alternate An optional alternative to your site’s preferred style

sheet that the user can select. When a user selects an alternate style sheet, the

preferred style sheet is disabled but the persistent style sheet remains linked to the document. All layout in the persistent All font and color in the preferred which can be disabled

for an alternative (more accessible) font and color style sheet.

Resource for alternate style sheet


Create a Print Style Sheet

Optimizes a page for printing. Limit images if any Well-formed text media=“print” in the link tag

Use the display property remove elements not useful in print #navigation {display:none}


Remove the navigation, image header and footer from the print style sheet and link it to the main page. Copy and paste flavors page and call it

printflavors.html with the print style sheet linked.


Name the types of style sheet Persistent, preferred, alternate

Why would you use a print style sheet? To make the document more print

friendly. Few graphics, no links, clean text.
