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Generic products are becoming popular in most of the Western world countries. However, in

other economies the concept of generic products is new and needs more awareness about the

usage and importance of these products. Considering the need of introducing more of generic

products, a detailed business plan has been presented to analyse the feasibility of introducing

generic grocery products in the markets of United Arab Emirates. In order to design the

business plan a detailed research study in the markets of UAE has been undertaken by

focusing on information related with industrial situation, analysis of competitors, consumer

behaviour, lifestyle, demographics and eating habits and patterns of consumption. The data

has been collected through secondary sources of study like magazine articles, market reports

and Internet sources to conduct an exploratory study. The results of the study has been

successful in achieving the objectives of the study and establishing the feasibility and

viability of generic grocery products business in the markets of UAE under present social,

economic and political situation of the region.


Table of Contents1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................5

1.1 Background to the research.......................................................................................................5

1.2 Research question and Research Objectives..............................................................................6

1.3 Justification for the research......................................................................................................6

1.4 Methodology.............................................................................................................................7

1.5 Outline of the chapters..............................................................................................................7

1.6 Definitions..................................................................................................................................9

1.7 Summary....................................................................................................................................9

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................10

2.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................10

2.2 Academic Theories relevant to research objectives related with market analysis and marketing strategies for generic grocery business in UAE................................................................................11

2.3 UAE’s business environment relevant to research objective of examining legal structure, funding and exit strategy suitable for UAE market..........................................................................18

2.4 Status and prospects of food retail industry in UAE associated with research objective of exploring management of product development, supply and customer service.............................19

2.5 Summary....................................................................................................................................21

Chapter 3 Methodology.....................................................................................................................22

3.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................22

3.2 Philosophy of study and data required for analysis.................................................................23

3.3 Research Strategy to analyse collected data............................................................................24

3.4 Research design.......................................................................................................................28

3.5 Research procedures...............................................................................................................29

3.6 Ethical considerations..............................................................................................................30

3.7 Summary..................................................................................................................................31

Chapter 4: Findings..............................................................................................................................32

4.1 Global trade Position.................................................................................................................32

4.2 Food and Beverage Landscape in UAE.......................................................................................33

4.3 Demographics............................................................................................................................34

4.4 Supermarkets or hypermarkets retail markets of UAE..............................................................35

4.5 Supermarket/hypermarket retail sales......................................................................................36

4.6 Challenges in UAE’s Food and Beverage sector.........................................................................36

4.7 PEST Analysis.............................................................................................................................37


4.8 Porter’s Five Force Model for retail specifically the supermarkets of UAE................................40

4.9 Patterns of consumption and expenditure in UAE.....................................................................41

4.10 Food and Beverage (Eating Habits) in UAE..............................................................................42

4.11 Major characteristics of food and beverage industry of UAE..................................................45

4.12 Key drivers of industry.............................................................................................................46

Chapter 5: Analysis & Conclusions.......................................................................................................48

5.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................48

5.2 Analysis/conclusions about each research objective (aim)......................................................48

5.3 Analysis/conclusions about the research question..................................................................51

5.4 Overall conclusions..............................................................................................................52



1. INTRODUCTION1.1 Background to the research

The products that are packed plainly and are economy oriented in nature are known as

generic brand grocery products. These products were considered as low in level of quality in

comparison to their branded counterparts (Prendergast and Marr, 1997). As discussed by

Ober (2009) these generic products does not have any traditional brand names and the labels

of the products provides information about the packaging and ingredients of the products

(Findlay and Sparks, 2008). The primary salient appeal of generic brand grocery products has

remained the low price at which they are sold.

It was during recession when a significant degree of popularity was gained by the generic

grocery products because of offering high quality of low price in comparison to branded

products offered at high price (Boone and Kutz, 2013). However, the attraction of customers

have remained mainly due to high quality of these products even at a lower price. Retailers in

present day situations are making sincere efforts to improve the labelling and packaging of

generic products to improve the customer base and ensure long term loyalty by establishing a

strong brand image (Ober, 2009). As per the view of Lamb and Hair (2012) these activities

has assisted in generating a loyal customer base towards generic substitutes of grocery items

even when a key position has been acquired by labelled and branded products in developed as

well as developed countries.

In the Gulf region, UAE holds the position of having a mass sector of grocery retail which is

expected to rise to AED 27.7 billion by the year 2015. One these figures are attained the

region will comprise of 74% of overall food and drink market of Gulf (Government of Dubai,

2013). In largest emirates of Dubai there are most of the modern retail stores established as a

large number of population of the region is found in this emirate of UAE.


1.2 Research question and Research Objectives

The present study has been conducted to find answer to the following research question:

Is it strategically viable to start a generic grocery business in the present state of economic,

legal and social market conditions of UAE?

Objectives of the investigation

The present study was conducted to achieve the following research objectives:

To conduct the industry and market analysis for generic grocery business in UAE

To explore potential of success of generic grocery business in UAE

To explore expected consumer demand and scope pf accepting generic grocery

products in UAE’s markets.

To examine the sales and marketing strategies to be adopted for target market

To identify the legal structure, funding and exit strategy suitable to target market

1.3 Justification for the research

As discussed by Clifton (2010) the products of generic nature can be easily found on every

shelf of American supermarkets and other stores. A minimum degree of attractiveness can be

found in packaging of these products as these are sold with descriptive names. As reported by

Shippey (2011) the response from consumers has remained favourable, particularly for

products where the price differential is substantial and the product quality is comparable or

less important. The popularity of generic products in grocery section in markets of USA

makes it a viable option to study the business prospects of such products in a market like

UAE. The market offers huge population and a significant level of dependency on imports


from U.S. for food products. Further the study is justified in light of the current state of

grocery industry and its future prospects in UAE.

1.4 Methodology

The present study followed the philosophy of positivism for collecting data that is reliable

helping to attain objectives of the study through analysing the collected information focused

on getting clarity over real world scenario and understanding the business prospects in

generic grocery business in UAE markets.

Further, qualitative information was obtained through secondary sources of information. The

information collected was associated with the condition of market and industry as well as

behaviour and attitude of consumers towards grocery products. The information also relate to

the lifestyle and food demand among people of UAE and what different categories of food

products are in high demand in the region. This data can be best analysed with the help of

deductive approach to data analysis and therefore this particular approach has been used to

conduct the research work and achieve the objectives of the research study.

In order to analyse the collected information and get answer to research question the models

of PEST analysis and Porter’s five force have been used under the study. These methods have

helped in getting an insight into the industrial situation as well as general business

environment of UAE. The methodology under this particular research work followed the

route of secondary method of study where the data about current situation of UAE’s grocery

industry and macro environmental factors has been collected though government reports,

company reports, competitors reports, magazine articles, journal articles and latest news

articles along with Internet sources. However, relying only on secondary data may not prove

to be appropriate at postgraduate level and therefore, various frameworks have been used in a

unique way to analyse the available information about UAE’s market.


1.5 Outline of the chapters

The research report will be divided into following five chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter will provide a background to the research along with providing a justification for

the study, providing the research question and a brief about methodology of the study.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

This is the second chapter of research study where various theories associated with research

objectives will be discussed.

Chapter 3: Methodology

In this third chapter the details about data to be collected for analysing the market situation in

UAE, industrial condition in grocery industry of UAE, information required about consumer

behaviour and attitude, demographics and lifestyle of people in UAE and political, legal,

social and economic conditions of the region will be provided. The details about the way of

collecting required data and models used to analyse the collected information will also be


Chapter 4: Findings

This chapter provides secondary data collected through various sources of information.

Chapter 5: Analysis and Conclusion


This is the final chapter that presents a detailed analysis of secondary data on the basis of

literature review presented in second chapter of the study. The focus will be on providing

conclusions in relation to each research objective and that with research question.

1.6 Definitions

Generic Brand: It is a product lacking widely recognised name as it is not advertised and sold

at a comparatively lesser price as to branded products.

Viability: It refers to the capacity of operating or being sustained.

Grocery: Non-perishable food stuff sold by retail stores

UAE: United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a country that is the federation of seven emirates and is

located in the southeast end of the Arabian peninsula on the Persian Gulf.

1.7 Summary

The report presents the detailed study conducted to understand various strategic, managerial,

and legal, market related and economic factors that can affect the viability of a generic

grocery business in UAE. A method of secondary study has been followed to collect the

required data and results have been analysed by benchmarking with the detailed literature

review provided in relation to overall objectives of the study.



There are several ways to classify brands and can be categorised as private, manufacturers or

national, family and individual (Clifton, 2010). Whiel taking any decision associated with

brands and branding there is a need for the firms to understand the merits and demerits

associated with each brand (Lamb and Hair, 2012). However, some companies are selling

their products without putting much effort on branding and these products are known as

generic products. Key categories of generic grocery include food and household staples.

These products were introduced originally in Europe and were priced as much as 30 per cent

less in comparison to the branded products in same category. Originally the strategy of these

products was introduced in the United States around 3 decades back and there has been a

considerable rise in market share of these products even after improvements in economy. As

argued by Clifton (2010) there is a wide range and variety of consumers demanding for

generic products and prefer these in comparison to branded substitutes whenever available.

As discussed by Martha and Hawes (1984) the high rate of inflation during 1970s in USA

posed new challenges that made manufacturers to think of new opportunities. These

opportunities and challenges resulted in a major development on strategic level where the

generic products were developed and introduced in markets of USA. These products were

terms as being no frills consumer products. Several practitioners and scholars can be found

debating on long term success of these products in a market. However, there are success

reports from American markets where the one-third of supermarkets can be found offering

these products since the inception of the products in 1979. The distribution of generics


continued to expand, and, by 1980, 51 percent of the supermarkets of the United States were

selling generic groceries (Denis, 1984).

In modern grocery retailing, private labels are playing a key role and includes the products

developed and marketed by retailers running various retail formats (Findlay and Sparks,

2008). There are certain specific occasions when these products are sold as premium products

but the modern grocery have started leveraging on these private labels for generating huge

revenues as these products can offer better margins to the retailers (Boone and Kutz, 2013).

The Modern Grocery Retailing market of USA reported that the demand for convenience

foods is growing in the category of generic products (PR Newswire, 2014). Foods that can be

prepared easily or are ready to eat in nature are considered as convenience foods. As pointed

out by Ober (2009) with people’s life becoming busier and they require ample time for

leisure there is a growing demand for food that is conveniently available and healthy in

nature. Apart from such a need the requirement of keeping a control over budget of

household and with more women coming in working sphere along with changing nature and

demographics of the countries, the demand for generic products is bound to rise (PR

Newswire, 2014).

2.2 Academic Theories relevant to research objectives related with market analysis and marketing strategies for generic grocery business in UAE

Some important academic theories associated with the aims and objectives of the present

study can be considered here. These theories have relevance to the research objective where

the industry and market analysis of generic grocery business of UAE has to be conducted.

These theories are also relevant to third research objective where the sales and marketing

strategies to be adopted for target market are required to be examined.


The theory of product differentiation applies to the generic category of products as retailers

can achieve a competitive advantage through providing products that are new and unique but

available at low price in comparison to branded products and also act as a major source of

fighting the competition posed by foreign food products.

2.2.1 Product Differentiation

Product differentiation is represented in a number of different ways. In particular, economic

models distinguish between vertical product differentiation and horizontal product

differentiation. With vertical differentiation, all consumers have the same preferences and

thus agree that some products are better than others and this can be referred to as product

quality. With horizontal differentiation, consumers can have differing preferences and thus

some may like one product while others prefer another and this can be called as product

variety. The generic products lies in this category of vertical as well as horizontal

differentiation where consumers get a choice of selecting between branded and generic

products that are being offered at a price lower but having high quality characteristics than

the branded products.

Through product differentiation, market power is gained by firms enabling them to transcend

the Bertrand Paradox for pricing of homogenous products whereby some identical products

are sold by two or more firms and these products are perfect substitutes of each other

(Bazdresch, 2011). Therefore, it is not possible for one product to carry a premium price and

retain positive sales. Here it is assumed that marginal costs of both products are common and

are kept constant while market demand has a finite price intercept. This paradox is naturally

resolved by product differentiation. Here products become imperfect substitutes and firms


have some market power because of special features of the products and are able to set prices

without a completely elastic response by consumers (Tirole, 2012).

However there are some models of product differentiation where choice if not treated

explicitly and is assumed as a framework generating a demand system (Tirole, 2012). One

such model is discrete choice model where structure of product differentiation is considered

critical for predicting results. As per this particular model the idea that product differentiation

softens price competition fits well with the observation that firms often search for market

niches when positioning their products (Dirisu, Iyiola and Ibidunni, 2013). However, there

are limits to differentiation. Fixed prices, discrete concentration of demand in the product

space, and cost of demand gains from the agglomeration of firms all may foster product

homogeneity. It is also important to understand that actual differentiation is multidimensional

and not limited to any single dimension, i.e. vertical or horizontal. There is a limited research

available explaining the issue of demand complementarity and substitutability of various

product characteristics and of the optimal strategic mix of these characteristics (Tirole, 2012).

This multidimensional nature of product differentiation is clearly visible in case of generic

grocery products that are produced ensuing high quality but sold at relatively lesser price by

avoiding the cost of advertising these products in general market.

This differentiation theory is linked to the business plan as the focus is on identifying the

scope of introducing a generic category of food products through large retail chains in a new

market of UAE. The business plan is directed to introduce generic grocery products that are

new for market of UAE and are required to be sold at a price lesser than the branded products

of same category.


2.2.2 Theory of Comparative Advantage

The theory of comparative advantage is also a key theoretical foundation that can be applied

to a situation where the opportunity lies in ability of a party to offer particular product or

service at a lower marginal and opportunity cost over another (Tayeb, 2009).

Theory of comparative advantage focused on the major foundation of trade that is found in

differences in comparative cost. The theory of comparative cost suggest that one party or

country may be more efficient than another, as measured by factor inputs required to produce

one unit of each commodity (Mukherjee, 2011). But so long as it is not equally more efficient

in the production each there will always exist a basis of trade between them from the supply

side. It will pay the country of the produce to produce more of those goods in which it is

relatively more efficient and export those in return for goods in which it is relatively

inefficient Comparative cost advantage refers to differences in relative efficiency between

two countries in the production of two commodities (Warf and Harrington, 2010).

2.2.3 Theory of Competitive Advantage

The concept of competitive advantage was provided by Michael E. Porter through his five

force model and generic competitive strategies. Porter has argued that in present business

environment, it is possible to gain a competitive advantage through the use of different

models and methods.

The three approaches to competitive advantage has been defined by Porter (1998) comprising

of cost leadership product differentiation and focus. He has also advocated the application of

both the strategies in a simultaneous manner so as to attain a competitive advantage in a short

duration of time. There are some key approaches to achieve competitive advantage that are

discussed as follows:


2.2.4 Porter’s five force model

Under this particular model, Porter focused on five major forces operating in every market.

These forces include bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of consumers, threat of

new entrants, threat of substitutes and the rivalry among existing competitors (Mukherjee,

2011). A focus on these market conditions help in making decisions in relation to viability of

a business opportunity in a particular market as under each heading of the model it is possible

to develop complex analysis of competitive position for creation of strategy, designing plans

or making investment decisions (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Porter’s five force model

Porter’s generic strategies

The second most important determinant is the position of any firm within industry. Even is

the industry is operating at a low profit, a firm can create superior returns is it is well

positioned in the market. It has been argued by Porter (1998) that the strength of any


organization depends upon its cost advantage and differentiation. With the help of these

strengths the firm can follow three generic strategies namely cost leadership, differentiation

and focus. These strategies can be applied at business unit level and are known as generic as

they are not dependent on any industry.

Unlike Porter’s five forces model, which is often used for situational analysis, his Generic

Competitive Matrix, which consists of three strategies, is mainly used for describing that the

business can achieve and maintain competitive advantage, based on its market scope and

competency (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Porter’s Competitive Strategy Matrix

The three different kinds of generic strategies are:

Segmentation Strategy (when the market scope of narrow)

Differentiation Strategy (when the market scope is broad and the company is able to

produce unique products); and

Cost leadership Strategy (when the market scope is broad, and the company is good at

low-cost or production).


While these strategies are not mutually exclusive, it is not common to see successful

companies utilizing these strategies in a combined manner within a specific timeframe.

Ansoff product matrix

A major marketing tool as developed by Igor Ansoff is the product or market matrix offering

strategic choices for achieving the goals and objectives. There are four major categories of

selection namely market penetration, market development, product development and


Diamond Model of Porter

Michael E. Porter provided a Diamond Model that explains the advantage offered by nation

helping us to understand the comparative position of a nation in global competition (Tihanyi

and Pedersen, 2012). Porter argued that the competitive environment of a country determines

the success of any industry in the country. Therefore the focus should be on studying the

general business environment and general environment of the nation. This is determined by

some key factors that take the form of condition of factors, industries supporting and related

with each other, demand conditions, and firm strategy, structure and rivalry. Additionally,

there are some key factors that shape the nation’s competitive environment and there are two

factors as emphasized by Porter (Reinert and Davis, 2011). The first factors refers to the role

played by chance events such as an invention, shortage of key inputs, a sudden rise in the

costs of inputs, or the political decision of government. The second is government policy’s

role having the power of influencing the organizations of any industry in a positive or

negative manner. The extent to which government intervention has contributed to the


emergence of a national competitive advantage in particular countries is hotly debated

(Reinert and Davis, 2011).

An important aspect of the phenomenon of national competitive advantage is that it is an

evolving process, in which all the factors interact, with each determinant influencing the

others (Pitts and Traill, 1998). This process of interaction is as important as the presence or

absence of each of the factors viewed separately.

This model provided by Porter is also associated with the need of sustaining a competitive

advantage. The firms operating in international destination are required to gain a competitive

advantage, but also needs to sustain such an advantage through processing of widening and

upgrading. As discussed by Tallman (2010) factors giving rise to competitive advantage are

necessary for ensuring sustainability too. Such factors comprise of investing in institutions

undertaking the work of research and generating ideas, the composition of demand and the

intensity of domestic rivalry, and the extent to which the different factors in the diamond

interact (Pitts and Traill, 1998).

This particular model will help in studying the international business scenario to identify the

reasons of attractiveness of UAE on a global level in comparison to other foreign


2.3 UAE’s business environment relevant to research objective of examining legal structure, funding and exit strategy suitable for UAE market

A healthy environment for foreign business is provided in UAE through its friendly political,

economic and technological environment. As discussed by Geeta (2012) in UAE there is an

easy accessibility to markets, ownership and a strong legal framework influencing the

dealings in a free and protected manner. In UAE the strategy of economics says that financial


resources and legislative powers are deployed in a manner that it creates first world

infrastructures, thoughtful legal, thoughtful legal underpinnings, and living conditions to

attract business flow. This has resulted in a strong position within the region as well as on

global level in various industries including the retail and mass grocery industry of UAE

(Geeta, 2012). Similarly a conducive environment is available for small and medium business

sectors as well as least restrictions to market accessibility for foreign players in the region.

The rising interest in UAE as a business destination is justified by the stable political and

positive economic outlook of the region. Also, the early recovery of the region from global

recession is a major factor attracting foreign investors in the region. It has been reported that

the region will grow at a rate of approximately 4 per cent every year. The initiatives and

support provided by the government of the region attract strong investments in UAE acting as

a regular source of diversification of the economy that will be continued over a long duration

in future (Davidov, 2013).

2.4 Status and prospects of food retail industry in UAE associated with research objective of exploring management of product development, supply and customer service

The retail sector of the region is on rise and a continuous growth is reported by the sector

supported by the regular up-gradation of retail stores and the state of the art mega stores

upcoming in the region. A diverse base of consumers is found in UAE and a majority of

consumers coming from high income group (Aruvian’s Research, 2013). An aggressive

growth is being reported by the food retail sector of the region where more of large scale

stores are being introduced for and several local and multinational operators like Carrefour

have entered the retail industry with a focus on food products at several locations across the

UAE (ibid.). The consumer ready products are generally imported in UAE and the major

source of U.S. food and agriculture industry. The high quality image of these products from


U.S. is a major source of popularity of the food products and the inability of UAE to fulfil its

food demand due to unfriendly weather conditions have resulted in dependency over

imported goods for food (Kamle, 2013).

A touch competition is still being faced by the foreign brands as the government of UAE

promotes local retail sector and they are into an expansion mode presently. The supermarkets

and hypermarkets of the region are motivated to fulfil the changing demands of a diverse

population of the region by making an effort to fill particular market niche of premium food


Despite of the economic downturn of 2008-2009, the economy of UAE has reported a strong

performance in recent years (Food Export Association, 2013). The increasing disposable

income of people in the region is another attraction to start a grocery business in the region as

this will have an impact on demand side of grocery products in UAE.

The reason for these characteristics lies in the rising population of the region demanding

more of grocery products. The fulfilment of this growing demand is dependent upon imports

resulting in high priced grocery products being offered to general public of UAE. The

government of the region along with local manufacturers is making sincere efforts to improve

the ability of local markets to fulfil the growing demand (Food Export Association, 2013).

Such conditions presents an opportunity for UAE markets to introduce products in the

generic grocery section that have the ability of meeting the demand locally through high

quality low priced products.

2.5 Summary

The above literature review suggests that UAE markets presents an attractive opportunity for

marketing of generic grocery products in through supermarkets. Generic products may have


east acceptability in UAE’s markets because of the low price and high quality of generic food

products to be sold through super markets. The food products to be offered through

supermarkets will prove to a good source of income as the markets of UAE are presenting

strong business opportunities through positive economic prospects and rising income of

middle class of the region. There are several different theories that can help in analysing the

current industry and market situations and explore marketing and sales strategies to ensure

success in the target market among various groups of consumers.

Chapter 3 Methodology3.1 Introduction

Before going into an in-depth discussion over research methods and methodology there is a

need to understand the difference between the two terms. Research methods refers to various

methods or techniques used in order to conduct the research. In other words, it refers to

methods used by the researcher used during the course of studying his research problem

(Bjerke, 2010).

On the other hand, methodology of a research work represents the systematic way through

which the issue under study can be solved. As per Bjerke (2010) we can understand

methodology of research as a science to study the way research is conducted in a scientific

manner. Here the focus of study is on all steps required to conduct the study and understand


the issues under study. As per the view of Bjerke (2010) the researcher is required to

understand the way of developing the methods or techniques to be adopted for study and also

the methodology to be followed for answering the research question.

It is also necessary to understand that research methodology is somewhat different from

preparing a business plan. The present study has followed a business plan method to collect

the information related with present situation of grocery industry of UAE, the state of

competition in the industry and policies of government that can have an impact on business

of the firm. Further the information related with attitude of consumers towards grocery

products, the present and expected demand for these product in future and expected consumer

behaviour towards generic grocery products has been collected and analysed under the

research methodology of the study.

Saunders. Lewis and Thornhill (2009) has provided a research model termed as research

‘onion’ that helps in explaining the methodology of the research study. The model comprise o

six different layers explaining the major philosophies of the study explained under layer one.

The second layer explains the research approaches and third layer talks about the research

strategy. Further there is fourth layer that discuss the methods and choice of methods

followed by the next layer explaining time horizons. Then the final layer represents the

techniques and procedures (figure 3).


Figure 3: The research Onion

3.2 Philosophy of study and data required for analysis

In the present research study the research has followed the philosophy of positivism for

collecting the data that is reliable in nature and achieve the objectives of research based on

data analysis so as to have an understanding about real world experiences about prospects of

business in UAE especially in the area of generic grocery products.

The objective of applying the positivism approach has been to discover the external reality

and not limiting only to creation of the object of study. The approach of interpretivism was

rejected here as we need a rational and consistent approach to reach the objectives (Gilmore

and Carson, 2010). Additionally, the research under this study was required to take the

position of an external observer to understand the viability of a new business in a new

location while in case of interpretivism there is a need of full involvement of the researcher to


experience what is being studied (Gilmore and Carson, 2010). Additionally, the route of

positivism has helped in maintaining a clear distinction between facts and value judgements.

The data to be collected for analysis of UAE’s grocery sector and understand the feasibility

of generic grocery products in the region, will take the form of economic, political, legal and

technological conditions in the region. Further, the details about social classes, lifestyle of

people, income patterns consumption and expenditure patterns and attitudes and consumer

behaviour towards food and beverages and various brands available in this product category

in UAE.

Further the information about demographics of the region along with changing lifestyle of

people and expected change in consumption and eating patterns of food products has also

been collected for analysis.

3.3 Research Strategy to analyse collected data

The present study has followed the route of secondary method of study and no data has been

collected through primary methods of interviews, and questionnaires. Here the data about

current situation of UAE’s grocery industry and macro environmental factors has been

collected though government reports, company reports, competitors’ reports, magazine

articles, journal articles and latest news articles along with Internet sources. A wide variety of

sources chosen to collect the required data helped in considering various factors from

different perspectives before moving on to the analysis part of the research work. This

ensured validity of results obtained from the study at the final stage of the research work.

Therefore, the focus of the present study has remained on collection of details about

marketing, political, economic, social, technological, legal, sales, operations customer service


and quality standards in relation to grocery markets of UAE and the qualitative data has been

collected through secondary mode of data collection.

In order to conduct the analysis of the food and beverage sector if UAE a detailed analysis of

the industry and markets of the region will be undertaken. Such an analysis will be conducted

through Porter’s fiver force model and PEST analysis. The study of PEST analysis will help

in analysing the political situation, economic factors, social conditions and technological

developments in the region. Further Porter’s five force model will help in identifying the

current situation of industry in terms of threat of new entrants, rivalry among competitors,

bargaining power of suppliers and that of buyers along with threat of substitutes available in

the industry.

3.3.1 Justification for the selected paradigm and methodology

The present study has selected the secondary method of research due to three major reasons.

First, it is practically not possible to collect the primary data from customers in UAE about

the concept of generic groceries as the product is very new for the markets. People may not

have reached the maturity of using the generic grocery products and thus may be unable to

provide a real picture of the scenarios in relation to these products. Secondly, it is practically

not possible to gain information about market and industrial situation, government policies

and legal formalities from primary sources like government officials, big industrial house

owners and existing generic grocery products manufacturers in UAE markets.

Secondly, secondary research allows the researcher to explore existing data using a different

form of analysis than previously conducted. Third, as a youth practitioner it is not possible to

engage in a study to cover a big region like UAE through primary mode of study which calls


for great amount of money and time. Furthermore, the secondary research will contribute to

the research process as it will help in illustrating the context for primary research, providing a

description of the people, places, events or trends that can further be explored through

primary research in future studies (Punch, 2010). It can also help in justifying primary

research and makes comparisons possible.

Further, the present research has selected and followed the operative paradigm focusing on

qualitative study which is based on the philosophy of interpretive paradigm supporting the

view that there are several truths and multiple realities (Trainor and Grauge, 2011). The focus

of such a paradigm is on following a holistic approach about the issue or the environment

(Trainor an Grauge, 2011) and suits the present research work as it allows us to consider a

holistic view of whole grocery industry as well as the region of UAE before making a

decision to avail a business opportunity.

It is to be noted that the present study is entrepreneurial in nature where qualitative paradigm

is appropriate for its framework that can be used to discover new unknown dimensions

associated with the entrepreneurial world (Johnson, 2009). The study of success factors in

entrepreneurial world is new to the field of scientific study, and therefore has much potential

of latest discoveries and opportunities making qualitative phenomenology appropriate

(Punch, 2010). Thus, this particular approach or paradigm will prove to be more productive

as compared to quantitative or triangulation paradigm to research work.

3.3.2 Rejected methods

The method of primary research has been rejected under the present research because it was

not practically possible to collect the data required to study government policies, market


conditions, industrial attractiveness, consumers’ perception and economic and legal factors

present in UAE’s markets through primary sources of information. As large volumes of

information with several different perspectives and areas was required to analyse the market

opportunity for generic grocery business in UAE, it was decided to reject the primary mode

of research work.

Further, the method of descriptive research has been selected and exploratory research was

rejected as the present study is concerned with questions of ‘who’ and ‘how’. The present

research does not have a focus on exploring new issues or explaining why something

happened. However, the focus is on identifying what is the situation in UAE’s markets, how

people may react to new generic grocery products and who should be the target of these food

items. Therefore, no exploration of new methods or issues was required and thus the method

was rejected under the study.

As we need to discuss the present market situation and identify the business opportunity for

generic grocery products in UAE’s markets in detail, it was required to study and analyse the

qualitative form of information related with research objectives. It was not possible to study

these situations through figures and numbers and thus the quantitative form of study was

altogether rejected under the study. Rejecting the quantitative method of study and focusing

only on qualitative method rejects the triangulation method automatically.

3.4 Research design

The research has been designed by following the qualitative route to study where descriptive

data has been collected to conduct an analysis of available information in relation to generic

grocery business opportunity in UAE. The qualitative design of research work is based on

detailed information and lacks a focus on figures and statistics. The design provides the


benefits of credibility, transferability, conformability and dependability along with the

features of validity, reliability, objectivity and generalizability.

The research follows a descriptive design of study where the major purpose is to paint a

picture using words and to present a profile, a classification of types or an outline of steps to

answer questions as who, when, where and how (Punch, 2010). Such a research work

presents a picture of the specific details of a situation, social setting, or relationship (Johnson,


3.4.1 Design of Instrument(s)

Documentary data is the major research instrument used to collect the required data under the

present study. Documentary data both historical and contemporary is a rich source of

information for social and entrepreneurial research (Karami and Rowley, 2006). Indeed, a

distinguishing feature of market and society may well be the vast array of documentary

evidence that is compiled routinely and retained for further research work (Karami and

Rowley, 2006). Further the other sources of information available in the form of company

reports, government records and other internet sources along with previously conducted

research work on similar topics have been considered as the instruments to collect the

required data under present study.

3.5 Research procedures

Saunders et al. (2009) has provided inductive and deductive method of research approach.

The deductive approach is based on the data collection along with the theoretical foundations

as theory helps in data collection and a new theory is developed by the researcher after

consideration of collected theories. This approach to research work generally suits the

quantitative form of research (Saunders et al. 2009).


On the other hand, the approach of inductive method focus on qualitative method of study as

data here is collected and analysed much before finding theories. Here the results may be

similar or different in relation to theories that are considered for study and analysis after the

data has been collected (Saunders et al., 2009).

The present study followed the route of secondary method to focus on industrial and market

situation in UAE for understanding the feasibility of introducing generic grocery products in

the region. A descriptive nature of data has been collected associated with situation in market,

prospects of growth in the region, acceptability of generic grocery products in the region to

decide upon the appropriate sales and marketing strategy for tapping the markets of UAE.

The study follows this approach as information required was of descriptive nature and

depends upon current industrial conditions in UAE acting as a basis of determining future

trends in demand for grocery products.

The inductive method of analysing data has been implemented for getting results and

reaching research objectives. This is so as inductive approach is considered the best suited

method for analysing qualitative data.

3.6 Ethical considerations

Most discussions of ethical principles focus upon primary data collection involving human

participants (Gilmore and Carson, 2010). There has been far less discussion about the ethical

use of documents and secondary data. However, that does not mean there are no ethical

issues arising from conducting secondary research (Bryman and Bell, 2007). As secondary

sources may include data that may have been collected by someone else or data not

specifically generated for research purposes, we may want to be reassured that we are re-

analysing data that have been collected ethically and that participants have consented to

others viewing and analysing the responses (Gimore and Carson, 2010).


The present research has considered the ethics of the study so as ensure ethical conduct and

avoidance of any ethical issues while conducting the research. The focus of current business

plan has been in using secondary sources of information, care has been taken to ensure no

changes are made to the original data collected for avoiding any bias in the information

provided under the research work. Additionally, the no source of study has been used without

prior permission wherever required and proper credit has been given to original authors of the


Proper acceptance of terms and conditions of various sources used was done to ensure ethical

conduct of the study. The researcher has also taken care not to be critical about facts

presented in any of the source targeted to collect the required information. Further any data

related with key players of grocery industry of UAE has been presented without revealing

any confidential information about the company and without naming the views of any

executives or managers as available from company reports. These steps helped in ensuing an

ethical conduct while the study is being undertaken in the present research work.

3.7 Summary

The present research has been conducted through qualitative research design where the

descriptive method to of research has been followed. The data has been collected through

secondary sources of information like journal articles, government reports, company reports,

articles, magazines and internet sources. As the qualitative design of research has been

followed, the collected data has been analysed through inductive method of analysis and

followed the operative paradigm while conducting the research work. The reasons of

selecting specific methods and rejecting others has been discussed in detail and have ensured

the validity and reliability of results of the research work. It was also important to follow the

ethical principles while conducting the present qualitative research and therefore proper care


has been taken to avoid any major ethical concerns while presenting the data or results of the


Chapter 4: Findings The focus of this chapter is on presenting the consumer behaviour, attitudes and perception of

consumers towards food products in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A study of the

attitudes of people and their behaviour towards various categories of food products will

present a picture about feasibility of selling generic grocery products in the region and scope

of their popularity and acceptance in the markets of UAE. The analysis will present details

about global trade position, demographics, health and lifestyle, consumption and expenditure

and trends in relation to consumer behaviour towards food products in UAE.

4.1 Global trade Position

In order to foster its continued expansion, UAE is dependent on international trade. The

growth in imports of food products in response to the growing demand of the economy is

depicted in Figure 4. The graph also shows the growth in exports due to initiatives of the

government to diversify the products. The demand presents a continues opportunity for


exporters as well an opportunity to introduce more products that are differentiated in the

manner that the growing demand for food products is fulfilled through high quality less

priced food products (Datamonitor, 2010).

Figure 4: UAE Import and Export of Food Items from World 1970-2009

Source: Datamonitor, 2010

4.2 Food and Beverage Landscape in UAE

The Food and beverage industry of UAE comprise of two major players including the

National Industries and the MNCs.

National Industries: These are the local players where the company has been established

through local investments made in the region of UAE and includes the companies established

within or outside the free zone. These players have been in place since 1980s in the region

but have not reported any significant level of growth during the last decade. Additionally,


new companies in this context have remained significantly low in the last few years (Dubai

SME, 2011).

These local players generally serve local markets especially in Dubai and have a limited

impetus on exports. The established players in this sector are Oasis, Al Islami, Emirates

Macaroni, Dubai Refreshments, etc. The industry of manufacturing is considered as

characterised with high level of employment (Dubai SME, 2011). However, in Emirates the

participation in industry is limited to owners, partners and export managers and HR roles.

MNCs: The Food and beverage industry of UAE has reported growth mainly through

international players in the industry that have set-up in the Free Zones and cater to the needs

of local markets as well as export markets of Africa and Europe. The free zones have been

used by large foreign players to leverage in the systems of transportation and storage and

avail the benefits of a conducive business and legal environment (Dubai, 2011).

Additionally, there are indigenously manufacturers in the region due to availability of

advanced Wholesale and Retail trade network that is supported by a strong system of

transportation and storage that is highly efficient in nature. The region imports most of the

products for F&B requirements from across the world and therefore the prices of grocery

products is on a higher side in UAE (Datamonitor, 2010).

4.3 Demographics

In order to understand the feasibility of introducing generic grocery products in the UAE, it is

necessary to understand the demographics of the region. This is so as the demographics will

help in presenting a clear picture about expected consumer behaviour and perception towards

a new category of food products that are rarely available in the region at present.



The population of UAE is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.0% between 2010 and 2015. The

60% of total population of the region is concentrated in major cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi

while expatriates account for 80% of the country’s population in UAE (Alpen Capital, 2011).

UAE is among the most populated countries of GCC. A majority of people in the region’s

population are under 25 years of age and a young population is expected to account for a

large portion of the population of region in future (Euromonitor, 2014). The demand for food

products that are unique and differentiated is expected to rise among largely urbanized

consumer class with a profile of young age group (Alpen Capital, 2011).

Further a large population of expatriates from around the world are residing in UAE. In GCC

there are more than 16 million expatriates of which 14.4 million are residing in Saudi Arabia

and the UAE. The factors of strong economic growth and dearth of skilled manpower has

resulted in a large number of expatriates than natives in the workforce of the region

(Euromonitor, 2014).

4.4 Supermarkets or hypermarkets retail markets of UAE

A major chunk of organized grocery retail is represented by the supermarkets and

hypermarkets in UAE. There is a substantial expansion in these sectors in last few years in

the region with the entering of international retail chains and changing preferences and

lifestyles of consumers (Alpen Capital, 2011). The organized retail is presented to consumers

in large forms through these stores and therefore have remained successful in attracting a

large number of people due to availability of a wide range of products available under various

different brands and labels (Datamonitor, 2009).


A significant portion of overall sales in supermarkets is reported by grocery products. Despite

of a gradual rise of the market share of these modern retail segments in the UAE, the market

still remains under-penetrated with modern grocery sales penetration exceeding only 50% in

the UAE (Alpen Capital, 2011).

4.5 Supermarket/hypermarket retail sales

The retail sales in supermarkets and hypermarkets of the UAE are estimated to expand at a

CAGR of 10.7% between 2010 and 2015 which will reach to US$ 51.2 billion by the end of

the forecast period (United Arab Emirates, 2010). This segment is expected to perform better

than other sectors in the region (Figure 5).

Saudi Arabia UAE Qatar Kuwait Oman Bahrain0.00%













Country wise supermarket sales growth

Figure 5: Country wise Supermarket Sales Growth

Source: Alpen Capital


4.6 Challenges in UAE’s Food and Beverage sector

Increasing competition

A large number of foreign supermarkets and hypermarkets offering a wide range of food

products is a major challenge in the markets of UAE. Further the concept of generic grocery

is new to the people in UAE and it will be a challenge to position the new differentiated

product among the wide variety offered by foreign competitors (Dubai SME, 2011). The

competition among players has been intensified due to increasing number of supermarkets

across the region. The markets of UAE are highly fragmented in nature and the presence of

highly competitive players poses the challenge of maintaining market share and keeping

customers attracted towards generic brands (Alpen Capital, 2011).

Concerns over food security

As discussed UAE is highly dependent on imported food products to meet the demand of the

region. Such a high dependency is expected to continue in future and poses a major issue or

concern of food security critical for the region. The high dependence on food imports makes

the region vulnerable to international supply and price dynamics. The region has remained

unable to be self-sufficient in production of food due to unfavourable climatic conditions and

topography. These conditions has resulted in increase in prices of food in past grew years

putting an increased pressure of inflation on the economy of the region with consumer prices

reaching double digits during 2008-2009 (Datamonitor, 2010). Government has taken steps to

regulate prices of end-products during high inflation period posing a challenge for different

players in the value chain. The shortage of food products may affect operations of

supermarkets affecting their margins due to rise in international food prices (Datamonitor,



4.7 PEST Analysis

A detailed analysis of political factors, economic conditions, social factors and technological


of UAE have been presented through following sub headings:

Political factors

The Unites Arab Emirates has a long history of being a major economic hub in the Middle

East. The political system of the region is stable in nature where the Supreme Council is the

highest federal authority possessing the power of electing the President, Vice President and

the Council of Ministers (Alpen Capital, 2011). The Government of the region is dedicated to

improve the position of food and beverage industry of the region by promoting more of local

brands so as to reduce the dependency on highly priced foreign products.

Economic factors

As per the report of CIA (2009) the UAE holds the position of important oil and gas producer

ranking 7th in the world for proven oil as well as proven natural gas reserves (Agriculture and

Agri-Food Canada, 2010). A significant level of development has been allowed in the region

through revenues generated by gas reserves and various areas of housing, education

transportation, housing and health have been financed well by the government of the region.

A series of ‘free zones’ established in the region along with various other economic

incentives in the form of exemptions from corporate taxes act as a major motivation of

commercial development and investments in the region. These developments have improved

the purchasing power of people in the region with per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

of US$38,900 in the year 2010 (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2010). The second

highest GDP of GCC is reported in UAE and it is expected to gain momentum in future.


Social factors

People in UAE have high disposable income due to absence of federal income tax. The

country has the highest private per head consumption in the GCC region. A majority of

expatriates from various countries along with a large local population, the region holds a

mixed culture and therefore demands a mix of products in food and beverages category

(Alpen Capital, 2011). A diverse population has created an environment focused on

entertainment which also includes eating out. However, the significant level of investment

made by government towards the development of health care sector has resulted in progress

in several health care areas in the region (Datamonitor, 2010). People have become more

health cautious and therefore the demand for grocery products in rising with the rise in trend

of homemade food among professionals an expatriates along with the local population.

Technological Factors

In UAE, online shopping is gaining momentum and a large number of customers can be seen

taking advantage of online shopping (ALpen Capital, 2011). However there is still a lack of

proper options of payments and lesser number of online retailers in the region. There are also

other factors such as unreliable delivery and poor designing of websites that is affecting the

growth of online retail in the region. There are around 6% of the Internet users regularly

using online shopping to buy products (Dubai SME, 2011). Mobile phones are also

increasingly becoming popular to make purchases after finding the best prices available for

various products including the food products in UAE’s markets. Consumers prefer making

use of mobile phones for purchasing retail products because of availability of better deals and

a wide range of products that can be compared for price before making actual purchase.


Further, social media platforms are also being used as a key medium of attracting new

customers and strengthening relationship with existing customers. Social media is growing in

the region at a robust pace with most of the companies using the platform to promote their

product offerings even in food products category (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2010).

4.8 Porter’s Five Force Model for retail specifically the supermarkets of UAE

The retail industry of the region has been analysed by applying Porter’s fiver force model.

Threat of New Entrants

There lies a high threat of new entrants in the supermarket or hypermarket sub-category of

retail sector in UAE. This is so as government holds lenient policies and entrants require a

low capital and low product differentiation to enter the markets. There is limited brand

identity with easy accessibility to capital as a well-established and structured banking sector

is available to offer finance at competitive rates.

Bargaining power of suppliers

Supplies in the food industry have moderate bargaining power as there is low supplier

concentration in the market. There is a less degree of threat of forward integration by

suppliers and low cost of switching suppliers.

Threat of Substitutes

There is a high degree of threat of substitutes in grocery section of supermarkets category.

This is so as consumers have a low cost of switching between brands, high price elasticity

and diversified products offered by various competitors in the market (Alpen Capital, 2011).


This is so as every competitor is offering imported food products and therefore are able to

offer differentiated products with price elasticity.

Bargaining power of buyers

Buyers have a high power of bargaining in the market as they have a low switching cost and

there exist a low product differentiation. People are highly sensitive to price as prices are very

high in food products category due to dependency on foreign products and there exists a large

number of incumbents within each price segment.

Rivalry between competitors

There exists a moderate degree of rivalry among competitors in the industry as there are low

exit barriers. There is a limited diversity of competitors with ample scope for expansion and

robust market growth in the region.

4.9 Patterns of consumption and expenditure in UAE

Demand for consumer goods and services is a key source of economic growth in the UAE

(UAE National Bureau of Statistics, 2010). The pace of spending was slowed down by the

global economic crisis but there has been a steady rise in population ensuring its continued

growth in the region and the demand for consumer goods and services is expected to rise by

58% by the year 2015 (Euromonitor, 2014). This overall increase will be contributed mostly

by the rise in spending made on food and non-alcoholic beverages. It is expected that the

growth in expenditure made on food and non-alcoholic beverages will go to 9.9 per cent

during the period 2010-2015 (Euromonitor, 2014).

The presence of a diverse population reflects a mix in employment, nationalities and cultures

among people in UAE. Workers that are less affluent are required to support their families at


home and therefore the focus is on minimizing the living expenditures as much as possible.

They may choose to live with fellow workers and spend as less as possible on food products

acting as a major target for generic grocery products in the region (Datamonitor, 2010).

Further, expatriates that are professionally oriented are more affluent and have a high level of

purchasing power. This section can divert the savings made from purchase of generic grocery

products towards shopping of other luxury products that are U.S. and European based. The

families of such expatriates are generally living with them and therefore the demand is more

for recreation and education and upscale housing, lifestyle products, clothing and restaurants

(United Arab Emirates, 2010). These demands can be fulfilled by using high quality lowly

priced generic grocery products and making significant savings on food products.

4.10 Food and Beverage (Eating Habits) in UAE

During last few years there has been a significant change in lifestyle and eating habits of

people in the region. The growing purchasing power and wealth have changed the eating

patterns of people and the expenditure of households on food and beverages is steadily

increasing every year. The following table shows the historic and forecasted per capital

consumer expenditure on food in UAE. The changing patterns and expected patterns clarifies

a considerable rise in demand for food products especially that of bread and cereals, milk,

cheese and eggs and oils and fats (Figure 6).

Figure 6: U.A.E. Historic and Forecasted Per Capita Consumer

Expenditure on Food

Categories 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Bread and Cereals 129.6 120. 187.4 243.7 284.8 333.8



Meat 214.2 205 312 391.9 449.2 516.1

Fish and Seafood 76.9 80.2 113.9 123.5 125.4 128.7

Milk, Cheese and Eggs 136.1 132.


204.8 260.1 298.5 344.6

Oils and Fats 34.9 28.6 50.3 67.1 80.2 97.4

Fruit 87.9 85.0 134.8 166.0 186.2 211.2

Vegetables 114.3 103.


162.8 202.1 224.4 252.4

Sugar and Confectionery 58.5 50.5 73.6 87.9 93.8 100.7

Other Food 140 146.


218.7 263.5 288.5 318.2

Total Food 992.3 951.


1458.3 1805.9 2031 2303.2

Coffee, Tea and Cocoa 22.5 23.8 37.1 48.1 55.1 64.4

Mineral Waters, Soft Drinks, Juices 64.2 55.7 81.4 97 105.4 115

Total Non-Alcoholic Beverages 86.6 79.5 118.4 145 160.5 179.4

Spirits 0.6 0.7 3.2 7.5 11.8 16.8

Wine 0.2 0.4 2.7 6.3 9.8 13.9

Beer 1 1.4 4.6 9.1 13.5 18.8

Total Alcoholic Drinks 1.8 2.5 10.5 23 35.1 49.5


Source: Euromonitor 2014

The recent reports have confirmed that in terms of shopping for grocery products the

attributes such as quality and freshness, location of store and service for customers determine

the preference of customers. The increasing attention towards healthy lifestyle has made

freshness a key deciding factor to make a choice among various imported food products

offered by retailers.

The presence of a diverse population represents the need of an offering a diverse range of

food products in the markets of UAE. A large number of food products are demanded based

on different taste, choice and culture of various ethnic groups present in the country. A

number of food categories and projected growth at retail in most areas are depicted in the

following table. The highest rise in demand is expected in bakery and cereal products,

savoury, snacks and pasta/noodles and chilled foods (Figure 7).

Figure 7: U.A.E. Market Value Forecast ($US millions)

Category 2008

(US millions)

2013 Projections

(US milllions)

CAGR (%)

Baby Food 7.7 10.4 6.1

Bakery/Cereal 1027.6 1544 8.5

Canned 13.6 16 3.2


Chilled 111.5 171.4 9

Dairy 546.9 709.6 5.3

Dried 143.6 180.7 4.7

Frozen 183.5 237.8 5.3

Hot Drinks 225.6 259.3 2.8

Ice Cream 48.4 61 4.7

Meat, Fish and


251.1 351.4 6.9

Oils and Fats 39.9 45.3 2.5

Pasta/Noodles 59.6 83.8 7

Savoury Snacks 85.4 124.4 7.8

Source: Datamonitor Market Forecast Reports, 2010

4.11 Major characteristics of food and beverage industry of UAE

In the food and beverage industry of UAE, there is a lack of research and development efforts

due to lack of funds and dedicated resources for R&D firms. Further national organizations

are concerned with utilization of capacity rather than having a focus on research and

development. Also the focus is on product renovation and not on product innovation (Alpen

Capital, 2011).


Another characteristic of this industry of UAE is the lack of productization and branding

capabilities in national products (Dubai SME, 2011). This is so as a majority of SMEs lack

orientation towards exports due to lacking research and perception of increased competition

from KSA.

Then there is a lack of industry-level interactions specifically for Local standards of quality

and certifications as these standards are not marketed and there is a lack of awareness among

players of the industry (Alpen Capital, 2011).

Finally, the players in food and beverage industry of UAE compete on cost instead on

product differentiation and innovation. This is due to the relative smaller size of domestic

market and high dependence on imports responsible for limited opportunities for producers of

value-added products (Alpen Capital, 2011).

4.12 Key drivers of industry

The demand for F&B products depends highly on the popularity and lifestyle of people in the

region. A population that is highly demanding in nature act as a major incentive to introduce

innovative products. In UAE the key drivers for F&B manufacturing are discussed as


Favourable demographics of the region were a high percentage of children and youth

are available

High growth of GDP in UAE

High rate of per capita GDP in UAE

Growth of population at the rate of 3% every year

Large expatriate base where more than 70% of UAE’s population comprise of



Increased flow of tourists

Increased growth in industries such as retail and hospitality

Increased demand for health, lifestyle and F&B products

High competition in local markets calling for a diversification in regional markets.

These drivers clarifies the immediate need of making the food industry much more efficient

in nature for sustaining and innovating to grow. The Food and beverage sector of the region

in terms of brands is relatively over crowded where a large number of imported products or

brands are available in the grocery stores. Retail outlets sell food products consisting of

around 80% of imported consumer ready products and 20% of food products that are locally


This situation presents the potential of markets of UAE for increasing the share of locally

made generic grocery products. There are entrepreneurial opportunities available in Emirates

while working with a theme of domestic production.

The region of UAE lacks a strong primary sector and therefore the reliance is on imports for

almost 90% of the raw materials required to manufacture processed food (Dubai SME, 2011).

This highlights the need of secure, readily accessible supply of food products in a region

where commodity prices are soaring and global stocks are reducing with the increasing cost

of agricultural inputs. These factors widely affect the UAE region and therefore needs a focus

on domestic food products that are sold through grocery stores, offered at low prices that the

imported products as these are generic in nature and thus are able to offer high standards of

quality even at a reasonable price (Dubai SME, 2011).

The development of this particular industry has become a major aim of the recent strategic

development play of the Emirate. From the perspective of economics as well as strategy the


manufacturing of food and beverages contributed towards security of food as well as

diversification of the activity of manufacturing. The availability of free zones and conducive

government policies are attractive enough to make UAE an attractive destination for

development of food and beverage sector of the region.

Chapter 5: Analysis & Conclusions5.1 Introduction

This chapter presents a detailed analysis of the results discussed in last chapter. The focus is

on linking the results with the objectives of the plan so as to identify whether the study has

been successful in achieving all the objectives of study and whether the research question has

been answered appropriately and in a justified manner.

5.2 Analysis/conclusions about each research objective (aim)

The results of the study presents details about situation of food and beverage industry by

explaining the high dependency of market on imported food products. There are large number

of foreign players posing competition in the industry. However the lack of differentiated

products and innovative offerings in grocery products offers an opportunity for generic

grocery business in the region. There is a lack of transparency and high cost structure for

product listing in supermarkets. However, competitors compete on the basis of cost and not

on product differentiation presenting an opportunity for generic grocery products to become

innovative products offered at a low price offering high quality.


The analysis of present conditions of UAE’s markets clarifies that there is high potential of

increasing demand for grocery products that are low in cost but high on quality. This is so as

the region holds a large population with large number of expatriates looking for a variety of

low cost high quality grocery products. The increasing disposable income of people is also a

major attractive factor in markets of UAE. Further, the increasing rate of life expectancy due

to better health conditions, government initiatives to promote grocery products and youth

driven society of UAE makes the region an attractive destination for generic grocery


Therefore the first objective of the study has been achieved by getting a clear picture of

industrial conditions as well as market conditions explaining the level of success that can be

expected from a generic grocery business in UAE. The awareness of people about usage of

social networking and mobile applications for exploring price of products and making online

shopping presents a strong technological structure of the region. This along with a strong

economy with a well-structured banking system offering funding at low rate of interest will

act as major force driving business in the region.

The results presented in last chapter clarifies that that there are some key opportunities as

well as some major challenges posed by the grocery industry of UAE. The information

collected clarifies that the market of UAE is relatively sophisticated in nature with the high

demand for chilled products, health and diet food products, and ready-to-eat products. The

health cautious population of the region is demanding more of packaged grocery products

acting as a major opportunity to offer differentiated products in the form of generic grocery

products in the region. Further, the diverse population of UAE is a major source of various

different types of grocery products coming from expatriates that are affluent as well as those

that are less-affluent. The demand for confectionery, chocolate and other youth driven


products also offers a key opportunity to introduce generic brands of various grocery

products in UAE’s supermarkets. The locally manufactured products of the region lack

appropriate labelling and branding making them less attractive for consumers. Further,

foreign brands are offered at high prices due to increasing price of food and food products in

foreign markets.

These factors presents the opportunity of a successful generic grocery business in UAE and

therefore has achieved the second objective of the present research study or business plan.

Here the third objective of the present study is also achieved as the statistics presented in last

chapter clarifies the expectancy of a growing population and growing demand for food

products in UAE.

It has also been discussed that a majority of low-affluent as well as affluent expatriates will

be attracted towards low cost generic grocery products as they can save on expenditure

incurred on daily needs and use the saved money on luxury products. This establishes the

scope of accepting generic grocery products in markets of UAE if the quality of products is

maintained and the prices are kept competitive in comparison to foreign brands available in

the supermarkets.

Further the present study aimed to examine the sales and marketing strategies to be adopted

for target market. The results of secondary study reveals that major brands pay huge amounts

to secure place in supermarkets or hypermarkets. The behaviour and attitudes of customers

towards grocery products also indicates that people will surely buy products where a

differentiation is available along with low price. The results also indicate that even with a low

level of differentiation in actual product, it will still be attractive for consumers looking for

high quality at competitive prices. Therefore, it is required that generic products are marketed


on the basis of attractive brand packaging and making it more attractive along with having an

emphasis on the quality of brand in indoor advertising.

There is not much need of focusing on outdoor advertising of generic grocery products.

However, the sales and marketing strategies should be focused on attractive indoor

advertising and developing a strong image of the generic brand among customers through

promoting the essential differences among generic and foreign brands.

Finally, the study was focusing on an objective of identifying legal issues an exit strategies to

be followed while conducting generic grocery business in UAE. To this objective the results

of the secondary study revealed that it is difficult to exit from the retail sector of UAE due to

several barriers in the industry. However, generic products can easily exit as they will be

launched in collaboration with a local manufacturer who will be functioning in the markets

even if the generic brand exists. Therefore, the markets should be entered through the route of

a joint venture with a leading local manufacturer and the venture can come to an end when

there is a need arise to exit the market. The government of UAE has lenient policies of

entering the industry and has a well-structured and well-defined legal structure to guide the

foreign business ventures in the region.

5.3 Analysis/conclusions about the research question

Considering the present state of demand and expected growth in demand for grocery products

in UAE, it can be said that the region can prove to be an attractive source of generic grocery

business. The industrial structure of the food and beverage sector and the high price of

imported food products of the region also highlights this attractiveness of the region. The

high dependency of the region on imported food products since long and the inability of UAE

to improve its food growing capacity is another factor making generic grocery products

attractive for the consumers in local markets of the region.


Further, the opportunities presented by current industrial factors, the rivalry among firms

based on cost and the need of differentiated and innovated products clarifies that it is viable

to consider a generic grocery business in UAE.

The research question has been answered by establishing the fact that the economic, legal as

well as social market conditions of UAE and the expected growth in demand for food

products that are of high quality but competitive in price makes it strategically viable to start

generic grocery business in the region.

5.4 Overall conclusions

From the above analysis and discussion it can be concluded that UAE is an attractive

destination to enter with generic grocery products that will be easily accepted by the diverse

population of the region. However, there is a need to consider the threats or challenges posed

by the markets of UAE as well as the opportunities present in the region. Such a

consideration is necessary to conduct a cost benefit analysis before actually entering the

market and design appropriate sales and marketing strategies for developing and maintaining

a strong brand image for the generic grocery business. The generic grocery products will be a

new and innovative for the population of UAE as there is a strong presence of foreign brands

in category of grocery food products in the region. The findings of the study demonstrated

that marketers of generic brands should segment the generic brand customers in a

differentiated manner. Such differentiation along with a focus on appropriate marketing

strategies focused on strong indoor advertising and attractive packaging will help in

achieving success over a long period of time ensuring stability of the business in markets of




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