· Web viewApple Ballerina Polka This tree produces round, medium sized fruit with red blushed...


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This year we are again proud to have available to you a great selection of fruit trees that have proven over time to be top performers for the home garden. The varieties that we have listed below are under their classification, i.e Nut, Apple, Stonefruit etc.

We normally receive the fruit trees around mid-winter so we can expect them to start coming in around the beginning of July. Not all varieties come in at once so there is often a gap between the stonefruit, apples and pears.

The majority of the fruit trees come in bare rooted and we are happy to take orders now for them like that however if they are pre-ordered they must be collected within 2 weeks of their arrival. The remainder will be bagged and held for a few weeks to settle in the bag so we would anticipate them being available 4 weeks or so after their arrival. All those who have pre-ordered with us will be telephoned when their trees arrive.

This catalogue is correct at time of production. However, slight variations in availability can occur due to grower shortages, so please be aware that some variations may occur.

Peruse through the catalogue at your leisure and send us an e-mail to placeforplants@xtra.co.nz to place an order or if you have any queries. Please note, it is advisable to order early as many varieties are in limited supply. All deciduous fruit trees orders will be confirmed on a first in, first served basis.

OUR GUARANTEE – We want your gardening to be successful. That’s why, with every fruit tree purchased, you can have the security of our Place for Plants Performance Guarantee. If within 12 months you have a problem


with your fruit tree purchased from Place for Plants, let us know as soon as possible and we’ll happily remedy the problem, guaranteed.

Rootstocks – Fruit Trees

You will notice that occasionally there is a combination of letters and numbers alongside the fruit tree description. This indicates the type of rootstock the tree is grafted on to.

Rootstocks descriptions.


Dwarfing rootstock. Tree will grow to about 3m. Suits well drained, fertile soils. Not suitable for heavy clay soils. Requires tree support (eg. post & wires) due to the shallow and weak root system.


Trees on this rootstock produce a tree that can grow up to 4.5 in height. They start to fruit in their third or fourth year and require temporary staking. Trees on this rootstock are good on most soils except poorly drained sites. The tree is resistant to Wooly Apple Aphid.



Trifoliata is the standard rootstock for citrus trees. Trees on this rootstock will display excellent hardiness to difficult soils, to cold soil temperatures with good vigour and heavy crops. Trees on this rootstock will grow upwards of 3 to 4 metres.

Flying Dragon

Flying Dragon is a dwarfing rootstock for citrus trees. Trees on this rootstock are best planted in warmer areas of the garden as the rootstock is not very cold tolerant. Generally produces fruit at an earlier age than trees on Trifoliata rootstock. Trees on this rootstock generally grow no more than 2 metres.

It is likely that there will be rootstock growth (suckers) sprout from below the bud union. The growth is very different than the growth above the tree and will be heavily spiked. This growth can just be cleanly snipped off without any harm being caused to the tree or rootstock.

The citrus identified in the catalogue with the word Dwarf alongside it denotes the tree is grown on Flying Dragon rootstock. If there is nothing the citrus will be grown on Trifoliata rootstock.


When selecting your fruit trees consider the following points—

1. Have you got enough space? If space is limited select dwarf trees, or for very small spaces- dwarf trees grown in pots. This allows for a larger range of fruits ripening over a longer season.

2. A home orchard can be a lot of work with pruning and spraying. Work can be reduced and made easier by selecting dwarf trees (less pruning and ladder not required) and selecting varieties that are disease resistant – especially apples, minimising spraying.

3. Remember some fruit will require bird protection, especially, strawberries, gooseberries, currants, blueberries, raspberries, and cherries. Dwarf trees in a pot are easier to cover.

4. Consider selecting a range of trees that will provide fresh fruit to harvest every month.

5. You may choose two or three varieties of your favourite fruit, with ripening spread over three months.

6. We will happily assist you to make the best selection to meet your needs. Our top recommendations are indicated with a tick in the following catalogue


Recommended Selections to get you Started

Our recommended selections provide fruit to harvest each month of the year. From a small range in a limited space, easy to grow with minimum work, up to the enthusiast who would like a choice of fruit every month and has the space available. Where possible our selections also include varieties of fruit which have disease resistance to minimise spraying requirements, are tops for taste and reliable cropping.

The following are all suitable for small spaces or for growing in pots.

Starter Selection— 3 Citrus, 2 Apples. Only 6—8 sq.m required if growing in pots

Beginner Selection—8 trees. Only 12-15 sq.m required if growing in pots

Standard Selection—10- trees plus 6 raspberries and 2 blueberries. 40 sq.m required if growing in pots.


Almond - Garden PrincePerfect small tree, 2.5m x 3m, for the home garden. Medium sized sweet nuts, soft shell. March – April harvesting.Price $49.90

Almond - All In OneProduces heavy crops of soft-shell nuts with sweet, flavourful kernels. This variety can be grown in Northern areas as it needs less winter chilling than other selections but needs a hot summer to ripen. Frost hardy. Semi dwarf - 4.5m. Self fertile. March – April harvesting.Price $43.90

Almond - MonovaleProduces hard-shell nuts with good flavour. Due to their strong flavour this variety can be used for Marzipan. A heavy cropper and good pollinator. Disease hardy variety. Vigorous grower. Self fertile. March – April harvesting.Price $43.90

Apple Ballerina BoleroAttractive white tinged pink spring blossom, followed by shiny green eating apples with a golden blush. This spur bearing variety ripens mid season. Columnar tree habit, growing to 3-4m tall by 30cm wide. Price $49.90

Apple Ballerina PolkaThis tree produces round, medium sized fruit with red blushed skin. The flesh is crisp and juicy with a very good flavour. This spur bearing variety ripens mid season. Columnar tree habit, growing to 3-4m tall by 30cm wide. Price $49.90

Apple Ballerina WaltzMedium to large round-conical fruit with a solid red skin on areas exposed to the sun. Crisp and juicy with a slight tang, similar in flavour to ‘Jonathan’.

Recommended Selections to get you Started

Our recommended selections provide fruit to harvest each month of the year. From a small range in a limited space, easy to grow with minimum work, up to the enthusiast who would like a choice of fruit every month and has the space available. Where possible our selections also include varieties of fruit which have disease resistance to minimise spraying requirements, are tops for taste and reliable cropping.

The following are all suitable for small spaces or for growing in pots.

Starter Selection— 3 Citrus, 2 Apples. Only 6—8 sq.m required if growing in pots

Beginner Selection—8 trees. Only 12-15 sq.m required if growing in pots

Standard Selection—10- trees plus 6 raspberries and 2 blueberries. 40 sq.m required if growing in pots.


Suitable for fresh fruit, drying and cooking. Mid season. Spur bearing. Columnar tree habit, growing to 3-4m tall by 30cm wide. Price $49.90

Apple - Adore - MM106 RootstockSelf-fertile. Ripens April Black spot resistant. Tasty, crisp and juicy. Requires space.Price $49.90

Apple - Ariane – M9 Rootstock

Self-fertile. Ripens Mar – April. Modern variety bred from a long list of heritage varieties to which disease resistance has been added is a great home garden variety. Also suited to growing in pots. Price $49.90

Apple - Braeburn – M9 RootstockSelf-fertile. Late season. Spur bearing. Well known popular apple but requires spray programme for black spot.Price $43.90

Apple - Bramleys Seedling – MM106 RootstockRipens May. England’s most popular cooking apple. Good keeper. Tip and spur bearing.Price $43.90

Apple - Coxs Orange Pippin – M9 RootstockRipens March. Older variety. Many of the new improved varieties contain genes from this variety. Spur bearing.Price $43.90

Recommended variety to get you started


Apple – Divine M9 RootstockDivine fruit has a mild sweetness with moderate acidity and light cottony crisp flesh - very similar to Royal Gala. Late summer picking. Best flavoured when refrigerated for up to 3 months. Black spot resistant - so great for organic growing. Self fertile.Price $49.90

Apple - Fuji – M9 - Rootstock Fuji is a large, sweet, crisp, fine textured, and complexly flavoured apple. This vigorous tree produces excellent eating fruit that store very well. A late season apple, Fuji has eating qualities that are similar to Red Delicious. Self-Fertile. Ripens May. Tip Bearing.Price $43.90

Apple - Golden Delicious – M9 RootstockGolden Delicious produces very sweet honey flavoured fruit, especially when tree ripened. This self fertile variety crops regularly and heavily late in the season April - May. Apples ripen yellow. It produces on both tips and spurs.Price $43.90

Apple - Granny Smith – M9 RootstockLate-season, ripens May. Strong growing tree. Large green fruit, tart, crisp and juicy flesh. Popular for cooking but is also eaten raw. Tip bearing.Price $43.90

Apple - Hetlina - MM106 RootstockEuropean heritage type. Ripens Feb-Mar. on a disease hardy tree. Medium sized firm and crisp red skinned fruit. Spur bearing. Space required.Price $43.90

Apple - Lady in Red - M26 RootstockRipens April. Very similar to ‘Pink Lady’, popular for it’s flavour. Beautiful apple.Price $49.90


Apple - Liberty – M9 Rootstock

Self fertile. Ripens April-May. Excellent flavour. Disease resistant. Great garden variety also suited to pots.Price $43.90

Apple - Monty’s Surprise – MM106 RootstockThis versatile apple is hardy variety which cooks well. This apple ripens late in the season in May. The skin has a shiny red stripe over a light green background. This disease hardy tree produces very large fruit that is high in health-boosting antioxidants.Price $43.90

Apple - Pacific Rose – M9 RootstockRipens April, A Gala/Splendour cross. This pink -red apple is crisp and juicy with a sweet taste. Likely to require a disease spray programme.Price

Apple Peasgood Nonsuch M9Peasgood Nonsuch is a juicy fresh eating apple with a large, handsome and regular shape. This versatile apple cooks to a sweet and delicately flavoured puree, bakes well and makes a great addition to salads. A good, regular cropper and a reasonably disease resistant tree. Self fertile variety. Spur bearing in the mid-late season. Price $43.90

Apple Peasgood Nonsuch MM106Peasgood Nonsuch is a juicy fresh eating apple with a large, handsome and regular shape. This versatile apple cooks to a sweet and delicately flavoured puree, bakes well and makes a great addition to salads. A good, regular cropper and a reasonably disease resistant tree. Self fertile variety. Spur bearing in the mid-late season. Price $43.90

Recommended variety to get you started


Apple - Royal Gala - M9 RootstockRipens March. Creamy flesh, crisp sweet and juicy. Tip bearing. Very popular apple, but maybe suitable for pots.Price $43.90

Apple - Splendour – M9 RootstockRipens May. A late season apple which keeps well into winter. Tip and spur bearing. Likely to require a disease spray programme.Price $43.90

Apple Blush Babe – Dwarf Tree

Growing to just two metres tall with a mop head habit, this dwarf apple variety produces delicious full-sized crispy red fruit. Good natural disease resistance means little spraying is required, and little or no pruning is needed. Early ripening variety.Price $52.90

Apricot - Aprigold

Self-Fertile. Ripens January. Grows to only 1.8m. Suited to growing in pots. Low chill required so suited to warmer areas. Price $45.90

Apricot CluthalateCluthalate is a self-fertile, late season variety that ripens 30 days after Sundrop and 14 days after Moorpark. Its orange fruit is of medium size, with melting flesh that is sweet and juicy. Best grown in areas with cold winters and hot, dry summers.Price $43.90

Apricot - Garden Annie

Recommended variety to get you started

Recommended variety to get you started

Recommended variety to get you started


Self-fertile. Early season – ripens late Dec. Semi dwarf. Golden fruit, semi-freestone. Good home garden variety also suited to pots. Price $43.90

Apricot - MoorparkMoorpark is a freestone variety that has superbly flavoured fruit that are medium to large in size. Skin is deep yellow with orange blush that’s fuzz free. The soft and juicy flesh of Moorpark allows the fruit to be suitable for fresh eating, bottling or drying. A mid-season variety best suited for cooler climates. Self-fertile. Freestone variety.Price $43.90

Apricot - Royal RosaSelf-fertile. Freestone selection with firm tasty gold flesh, yellow skin with a red blush. Disease hardy, low chill selection recommended for home gardens throughout New Zealand. November December harvesting.Price $43.90

Apricot - SundropAn excellent cropper of large yellow oval freestone fruit that are sweet and juicy, with firm flesh. The fruit can be harvested over a long season, and is delicious eaten fresh or can be used for preserving. Partially self fertile. Best in cooler regions. Partner with Trevatt. . Price $43.90

Apricot TomcotA very large, almost peach-sized fruit with a strong red blush over orange skin. High quality freestone fruit with an intense apricot flavour. Forms a compact tree, with masses of blossom in spring.Price $43.90

Apricot - TrevattLarge, sweet, and juicy, this golden yellow fruit ripens mid to late in season. Perfect for eating as well as bottling, this variety is recommended for most


areas. Considered Self-fertile but best partnered with Sundrop. Mid to late season. Sweet juicy golden yellow fruit.Price $43.90

Apricot Double Sundrop and TrevattFor smaller gardens, this tree with Sundrop and it's pollinator Trevatt grafted onto the same tree is a great option. Sundrop: An excellent cropper of large yellow oval freestone fruit that are sweet and juicy, with firm flesh. The fruit can be harvested over a long season, and is delicious eaten fresh or can be used for preserving. Partially self fertile. Best in cooler regions. Trevatt: Fruit is large, sweet, juicy golden yellow, ripening mid to late season. The fruit is great for eating fresh or bottling. Price $69.90

Cherry DawsonDelicious eating cherry with firm red flesh encased in rich black skin. Fruit is of medium size, ripening Mid December. Pollinate with Stella or Lapins.Price $43.90

Cherry - LapinsSelf fertile. Mid to late season. Large dark red fruit, firm juicy fruit. Price $43.90

Cherry RainierLarge, super sweet, white/yellow fruit with red blush and white flesh. Ripening early to mid season in December.Price $43.90

Cherry - Stella


Self-fertile. Ripens mid–December to mid-January. Around 3m tall. Large dark red fruit/firm light red flesh. This variety is deservingly the most popular with home gardeners. Great pollinator.Price $43.90

Cherry - Compact StellaSelf-fertile. Ripens mid–December to mid-January. Around 3m tall. Large dark red fruit/firm light red flesh. This variety is deservingly the most popular with home gardeners. Great pollinator.Price $47.90

Nashi – HosuiExcellent eating, sweet, juicy with good acid balance and fine texture. Large russeted golden brown fruit. Partially self fertile. Mid season, fruit will ripen slightly earlier than Nijiseiki. Partially self-fertile. Price $43.90

Nashi - NijiseikiPollinator for Hosui. Mid-season. Golden skin. Sweet, juicy, crisp creamy white flesh.Price $43.90

Nectarine - Early Red IISelf-fertile. Early season. Freestone. Yellow flesh.Price $43.90

Nectarine – FantasiaSelf fertile. Late season. Freestone. Yellow flesh.Price $43.90

Nectarine - GoldmineSelf fertile. Mid season. Freestone. White flesh. Price $43.90

Nectarine - Queen Giant


Self fertile. Mid season. Freestone. White flesh.Price $43.90

Nectarine - Snow QueenSelf fertile. Early season. Freestone. White flesh.Price $43.90

Nectarine - Theo ChingSelf fertile. Mid to late season. Good disease resistance. White flesh.Price $43.90

Nectarine - Flavourzee 60cm STDSelf fertile but does better with another nectarine or peach nearby. Mid season.Price $48.90

Nectarine - Garden Delight 60cm STDSelf fertile. Mid to late season. Yellow flesh.Price $48.90

Nectarine - Nectar Babe 60cm STDSelf fertile but does better with another nectarine or peach nearby. Mid season. Good for warmer areas. Freestone. Yellow flesh.Price $48.90

Peach - April White

Self-fertile. Ripens Feb - Mar. Good cropper. High resistance to leaf curl. White flesh.Price $43.90

Peach – Blackboy

Recommended variety to get you started


Port wine skinned, medium sized fruit with wine red melting flesh. A popular variety for eating fresh and bottling. Good home garden tree. Late season. Self fertile. Price $43.90

Peach - Coconut IceSelf fertile. Mid season. White flesh.Price $43.90

Peach DixiredGood sized red skinned, freestone fruit with yellow flesh. Early season. Strong resistance to Leaf Curl. Best suited to cooler, temperate regions. A strong growing tree. Price $43.90

Peach - Golden QueenSelf fertile. Clingstone. Late season. Orange flesh.Price $43.90

Peach - Healys PeacharineSelf fertile. Peach/Nectarine cross. Clingstone. Late season. Yellow flesh.Price $43.90

Peach - ParagonSelf fertile. Mid season. Clingstone. Yellow flesh. Price $43.90

Peach PeachcotReputed to be a peach/apricot cross. Golden late season fruit that are very sweet and tasty with a firm, meaty texture. An attractive red blush on the skin develops on the sun-exposed side of the fruit. Late season variety. Dec – January harvesting.Price $43.90

Peach – Sweet Perefection


A tasty freestone peach with red-pink skin and yellow flesh. The tree shows good resistance to leaf curl so can be grown without spraying.Price $45.90

Peach - WigginsSelf fertile. Mid season. Clingstone. Low acid. White flesh.Price $43.90

Peach - Bonanza 60cm STDSelf fertile. Mid season. Dwarf. Yellow flesh.Price $48.90

Peach - Garden Lady 60cm STDPartially self fertile. Juicy yellow flesh marked red. Freestone.Price $48.90

Peach - Honey Babe 60cm STDSelf-fertile but fruits best near other peaches or nectarines. Ripens Feb. Orange flesh. Reliable heavy cropper. Price $48.90

Peach - Honey Babe 70cm STD

Self-fertile but fruits best near other peaches or nectarines. Ripens Feb. Orange flesh. Reliable heavy cropper. Price $48.90

Peach - Pixzee 60cm STD

Self fertile. Ripens Jan. Yellow flesh. Freestone. Very reliable cropper.Price $48.90Peach - Rose Chiffon 60cm STD

Recommended variety to get you started

Recommended variety to get you started


Self fertile. Late season. White flesh.Price $48.90

Peachcot Self fertile. Reputed to be a peach/apricot cross. Golden late season fruit that are very sweet and tasty with a firm, meaty texture. An attractive red blush on the skin develops on the sun-exposed side of the fruit. December – January harvesting.Price $43.90

Pear - Beurre BoscBrown pear. Large juicy fruit. Mid season. High chilling requirements to set fruit.Price $43.90

Pear - Beurre Bosc – Dwarf RootstockBrown pear. Large juicy fruit. Mid season. High chilling requirements to set fruit.Price $54.90 Pear – ConferenceSelf fertile. Mid season. Green juicy fruit with some russeting. Great for home garden. Price $43.90

Pear – Conference – Dwarf RootstockSelf fertile. Mid season. Green juicy fruit with some russeting. Great for home garden. Price $54.90

Pear - Doyenne du ComiceRipens April-May. The classic pear, with great texture and taste. Green skin flushed red, white flesh. Price $43.90

Pear - Doyenne du Comice - Dwarf Rootstock

Recommended variety to get you started


Ripens April-May. The classic pear, with great texture and taste. Green skin flushed red, white flesh. Nelson has sufficient chilling hours to set fruit. Easy to grow in pots and espalier.Price $54.90

Pear - Packhams TriumphAll purpose variety. Mid season. Green skin. High chilling hours needed to set fruit. Price $43.90

Pear - Seckel Small gourmet pear. Exceptional flavour with creamy white, sweet juicy flesh. Ideal for home gardens. Partially self fertile. Fireblight resistant.Price $43.90

Pear - Taylors GoldYellow Comice pear with russeted skin. Late season.Price $43.90

Pear - William bon ChretienBest early season pear ripening in March. Good pollinator. Green yellow fruit. Also known as Bartlett pear. Price $43.90

Pear - William bon Chretien – Dwarf RootstockRipens in March. Good pollinator. Green yellow fruit. Also known as Bartlett pear. Price $54.90

Pear - Winter Cole Late season. Brown skin. Keeps well for winter eating.Price $43.90


Pear - Winter Cole – Dwarf RootstockLate season. Brown skin. Keeps well for winter eating.Price $54.90

Pear - Winter NelisRipens in May. Keeps well for winter eating. Green fruit with reddish russeting. Buttery rich flesh.Price $43.90

Pear - Winter Nelis – Dwarf RootstockRipens in May. Keeps well for winter eating. Green fruit with reddish russeting. Buttery rich flesh.Price $54.90

Pear - Garden Belle – Dwarf Rootstock

Ripens Feb – Mar. First true natural dwarf pear An early bon Chretian type. Best planted near another pear for pollination. Sweet fruit with soft flesh texture. Grows to 3m. Has quickly been recognized as the best early pear.Price $49.90

Pear Double Budded - Conference/Doyenne du ComiceConference. Self fertile. Mid season. Green juicy fruit with some russeting. Great for home garden. Doyenne du Comice. Ripens April-May. The classic pear, with great texture and taste. Green skin flushed red, white flesh. Nelson has sufficient chilling hours to set fruit. Price $64.90

Pear Double Budded – Winter Nelis/William bon ChretienWinter Nelis. Ripens in May. Keeps well for winter eating. Green fruit with reddish russeting. Buttery rich flesh.

Recommended variety to get you started


William bon Chretien. Ripens in March. Good pollinator. Green yellow fruit. Also known as Bartlett pear. Price $64.90

Plum - BillingtonSelf fertile. Early season around Christmas. Red skin, red flesh. Price $43.90

Plum - Black DorisMid season. Purple/black skin. Dark red juicy flesh. Price $43.90

Plum – BurbankLarge, round, dark red fruit and sweet, juicy, aromatic, yellow flesh. In Japan, plums used for Japanese wine. Crops regularly and heavily. Japanese variety. Mid season. Hardier selection. Expect fruit once tree is 2-4 years old. Partially self-fertile.Price $43.90

Plum - Coes Golden DropSuper mid to late season plum. Large oval, yellow fruit both rich in taste and with juicy flesh. European variety. Best planted with a Greengage. Price $43.90

Plum DamsonA highly productive variety of small tart oval fruit with blue skin and yellow flesh. Best eaten when fully ripe or used for bottling. A compact grower that is best in colder areas. European variety. Expect fruit once tree is 3-4 years old. Self fertile.Price $43.90

Plum - Elephant HeartGood pollinator. Mid to late season. Freestone. Dark red flesh.Price $43.90


Plum - English GreengageBest planted with Coes Golden drop for pollination. Mid to late season. Sweet smaller fruit. Price $43.90

Plum - HaweraSelf-fertile. Ripens Feb. Freestone. Large plum, dark red skin and red flesh. Excellent multipurpose and reliable cropper.Price $43.90

Plum - Luisa

Self-fertile. Red/yellow skinned plum. Sweet aromatic tropical flavours and juicy fruit. This chance cross has become very popular. Good reliable cropper.Price $43.90

Plum - Omega

Partially self-fertile. Ripens in March. Freestone. Red speckled skin and red juicy fruit. Good multipurpose.Price $45.90

Plum – Reine Claude de BavaySelf-fertile European greengage, which crops heavily. Richly flavoured fruit. Culinary plum par excellence. Late season.Price $43.90

Plum - Santa RosaSelf fertile. Early to mid season. Purple skin. Yellow tinged pink flesh.

Recommended variety to get you started

Recommended variety to get you started


Price $43.90

Plum - SatsumaPartially self fertile. Blood red plum with juicy sweet red flesh. Medium size. Ideal eating, bottling, jams, jellies etc. Japanese variety. February harvest.Price $43.90

Plumcot Spring SatinA plum-apricot cross, which combines the spritely plum flavour with the sweetness of apricot. The large reddish-black skinned fruit has golden flesh that is very sweet and flavoursome. An early season variety. Cross pollinates with any Japanese plum flowering at the same time, including Santa Rosa. A productive, semi-dwarf tree growing to 3m. Price $49.50

Prune - ItalianSelf fertile. Freestone. Most popular prune plum. Dark purple skin. Light amber flesh turns red when cooked.Price $43.90

Prune - StanleySelf fertile, useful pollinator. Late season. Dark blue skin. Golden flesh.Price $43.90

Quince - SmyrnaSelf fertile. Oblong pear shaped fruit that is very aromatic. Light yellow flesh. Fruit keeps very well. Price $43.90

Quince - Van DemanSelf fertile. Early ripening. Oblong pear shaped, pale yellow spicy flavoured fruit.Price $43.90