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Edexcel ScienceiGCSE Physics

S. Generating Electricity


Name:________________Physics Teacher:______________

House CG

Year 11

Specification Checklist

4.18  describe the energy transfers involved in generating electricity using: • wind • water • geothermal resources • solar heating systems • solar cells • fossil fuels • nuclear power 

4.19  describe the advantages and disadvantages of methods of large-scale electricity production from various renewable and non-renewable resources 

7.17 know that nuclear reactions, including fission, fusion and radioactive decay, can be a source of energy

7.18 understand how a nucleus of U-235 can be split (the process of fission) by collision with a neutron, and that this process releases energy as kinetic energy of the fission products

7.19 know that the fission of U-235 produces two radioactive daughter nuclei and a small number of neutrons

7.20 describe how a chain reaction can be set up if the neutrons produced by one fission strike other U-235 nuclei

7.21 describe the role played by the control rods and moderator in the fission process

7.22 understand the role of shielding around a nuclear reactor

7.23 explain the difference between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission

2Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Key Definitions

Key Word Image Definition

Chain Reaction

A reaction which continues unaided until all of it’s fuel is gone.

Control Rods Boron or cadmium rods that can be lowered into a reactor to control the rate of fission. They absorb neutrons to prevent them causing more fissions.

Daughter Nuclei

A product of nuclear fission. Each daughter nucleus contains some of the protons and neutrons from the original parent nucleus. It is still radioactive.

Fission “Heavy atoms are split into smaller lighter atoms, releasing kinetic energy.” Fission is started by colliding a slow moving neutron with a nucleus.

Fossil Fuels Oil, Coal, Natural gas and other fuels that are made from the remains of buried dead organisms. Created over millions of years by intense pressure.

Fuel Rods Rods of Radioactive Uranium or Plutonium pellets inside a nuclear reactor. This is where fission takes place.

Geothermal Power

Thermal energy generated by the earth. Normally hot water heated by volcanic activity.

Hydroelectric Power

Electricity provided by the energy of flowing water. This is often in dams created for this purpose.

Kinetic Energy Energy that is expressed through the movement of particles.

Moderator Water or graphite. The part of a nuclear reactor that slows down high speed neutrons without absorbing them. Reducing their kinetic energy.

Reactor The housing for nuclear fission. Surrounded by concrete. Inside are all the components of a Nuclear Reactor.

Renewable Resource

An energy resource that will not run out for many human lifetimes. It is essentially infinite. The sun is a good example of this.

Shielding Thick layers of concrete that protect the operator from ionising radiation (α, β, γ) or neutrons.

Tidal Power A form of hydroelectric power that uses the flow of the tides for electricity. Not necessarily waves.

3Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Daughter Nucleus

1: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources Research Project

You will be learning the first part of this topic through a research group.

Your teacher will split you into groups and each groups will be given a different type of energy resource from the options below:

wind tidal wave hydroelectric geothermal solar heating systems solar cells fossil fuels [coal, oil, natural gas]

You will then be required to research the following information about your given resource:

1. Description of what it is and how it generates electricity. 2. A description of the energy transfers involved in generating electricity with

your resource3. Advantages of using your resource4. Disadvantages of using your resource5. STRETCH: How technology has improved and developed for your given

resource over time.

The research you collect should be displayed in a PowerPoint (maximum 5 slides) and shared with your Teacher (instructions will be provided in Teams). Your group will also be required to present your findings to the rest of the students in your class via Teams. Your teacher may also ask you to produce and interactive digital activity to test the knowledge of your peers. Please see the instructions given by your Teacher.

Below are a selection of locations you may wish to use to get started.

Your physics textbook [blue and orange cover] The spec notes at the back of this booklet GCSE Bitesize [] YouTube [great channels include: ‘Physics Online’, ‘Cognito’,

‘FreeScienceLessons’, ‘DoodleScience’, ‘FiveMinutePhysics’, ‘Chris Gozzard’] Google Search Engine []

You should use the next few pages to take notes while watching other group presentations.

4Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)










5Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)












Renweable, no pollution. Only works when sunny. Location specific. Thermal to radiation.





Non-renewable, coal, oil and gas. From dead animals and plants. Abundant and accessible, large amount of energy, easy to transport. No 1 contribution to global warming with the release of carbon dioxide and monoxide. Unsustainable. Sent into a combuster where the chemical energy is burned to create kinetic steam and that kinetic energy from the steam spins a turbine so the turbine has kinetic energy which is transferred mechanically, driving a generator by electricity

6Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

2: Nuclear Fission

Knowledge and Understanding Check – Nuclear FusionHow much can you remember from the Remove topic on Fusion? Complete the summary sheet below.

A. Label on the key components of nuclear fusion in stars on the diagram below:

B. Complete the blanks in the sentences on Nuclear Fusion.

Fusion is the creation of a (large) __nucleus____________ from smaller ______nuclei______.When the smaller _____nuclei______ fuse together, their total mass ___decreases___________. This process also releases a large amount of _____kinetic________ _____energy_________.

C. Answer the following questions about the difficulties with Nuclear Fusion.

1. Why is it difficult to fuse two nuclei together? Because they have a positive charge and

therefore repel.

2. What two conditions are required for nuclear fusion to occur? Extremely high T and P.

Which of these conditions causes the nuclei to move at high speeds? The high


3. Which of these conditions allows the nuclei to get close together?The high pressure.

7Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

What is Nuclear Fission?

Working with your teacher – add labels and descriptions to each part of the Fission Process.

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9Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Key Ideas

1. A slow moving neutron is absorbed by a large (parent) nucleus – usually Uranium-235

2. This causes the large nucleus to become unstable.3. The nucleus splits apart forming two daughter nuclei and 1 to 3 fast moving

neutrons.4. This produces a huge amount of energy (in the form of kinetic energy in the

daughter nuclei and electrons).

Learning Outcomes:

1. State that fission can be used as a source of energy.2. Describe the process of fission including the key terms; neutron, parent nucleus,

daughter nuclei3. Explain how the process of fission can cause a chain reaction resulting in more

incidences of fission

Chain Reactions and the Critical MassAdd on to the diagram below to show what will happen next:

10Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Key Ideas

1. Neutrons released during the splitting of the larger nucleus are absorbed by other nuclei.

2. This causes the other nuclei to undergo fission.3. This produces a chain reaction. 4. For a chain reaction to happen there must be a minimum amount of Uranium-235 –

this is called the critical mass.

Worksheet – Nuclear Fission

Use the knowledge you have gained this lesson to answer the following questions.

1. Name and label the process shown below:

……Nuclear fission……………………………………………………………[7]

11Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

2. Describe the process above.

A slow moving neutron collides with and is absorbed by a uranium nucleus which then fissions/splits into 2 daughter nuclei and 2 or 3 neutrons. These products have enormous KE.……………………………………………………………………………………………





……………………………………………………………………………………………………… [5]

3. Explain how the above process could lead to a chain reaction.

…………………The neutrons produced go on to be absorbed by further uranium nuclei.…………………………………………………………………………………………



……………………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]

Score [ /15]

3: Inside the Nuclear Reactor

Fission Recap

Label the main parts of the diagram below.

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13Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the process for generating electricity using Nuclear Fission.2. Explain the role of the control rods inside the Nuclear Reactor3. Explain the role of the moderator in encouraging the process of Nuclear Fission.

Generating Nuclear Energy

Can you add identify the key parts of the Nuclear Power Station?

B Control Rods G Generator

F Pump J Cooling Tower

E Steam Line A Containment Structure

C Reactor H Turbine

I Cooling Water Condenser D Steam Generator

What Energy Transfers are taking place?

14Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Inside the Nuclear Reactor

Work with your teacher to label the different parts of the Nuclear Reactor Vessel.

What are the roles of the following parts of the Nuclear Reactor Vessel?

Concrete Chamber/Shielding

To prevent escapation of radiation.

Moderator (Graphite Core)

Slows down neutrons so more fission can occur.

Control Rods (Cadmium or Boron)

Absorb neutrons and therefore control the rate of reaction.

Fuel Rods (Enriched Uranium-235)

Where fission occurs.

15Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Coolant is the liquid that transfers heat energy to the water in the boiler.

Worksheet – Nuclear Fission Energy

Use the knowledge you have gained this lesson to answer the following questions.

1. Why are the control rods moveable?

To change the rate of reaction, if they are moved down more neutrons are absorbed

which slows the reaction. If they are moved up less neutrons are absorbed which speeds

up the rate of reaction.[2]

2. Does the moderator speed up or slow down the rate of reaction? Explain your answer.

It slows down the rate of reaction. If the neutrons are moving slowly there are less

collisions, these collisions spark the reaction. So if there are less collisions the rate of

reaction will decrease. [3]

3. How does the reactor core generate electricity?

Inside the reactor there are lots of neutrons colliding together and reacting. This reaction

creates energy and immense amounts of heat. Water is ran through pipes in the reactor

and is heated up from the reaction. As the water gets this hot it transforms into steam

which travels through steam pipes and into a double turbine system, the steam spins the

turbines which runs magnets surrounded by a copper coil in a generator which creates


16Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

4. Why are two separate sources of water used in a Nuclear power station?

One will become radioactive and therefore unusable. [2]

5. Why would it be a mistake to use Graphite as the material for the Control Rods?

Graphite reacts with the neutrons and doesn’t absorb them this will cause a catastrophic

meltdown like the one in Chernobyl. The Chernobyl control rods were graphite tipped.[2]

Score [ /13]

4: Comparing Fission and Fusion

Fission or FusionFor each of the statements below identify whether it is related to Fission, Fusion or both.


A slow moving neutron collides with a U-235 nucleus.


Energy is given off. both

Two Isotopes of Hydrogen collide to produce a Helium Nucleus.


At least one neutron is a product of the process. both

Used as an energy resource in 2018. Fission

It is the Energy Source of our Sun. fusion

Can become a chain reaction. fusion

Requires High Temperatures to occur. both

Can be controlled using Control Rods and a Moderator.


Requires High Pressures to occur. both

[Score /10]

17Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

18Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify the Differences between Fission and Fusion2. Describe the respective advantages of Fission and Fusion3. Compare the respective advantage and disadvantages of Fission and Fusion

Worksheet – Comparing Fission and FusionUse the Understanding you have gained over the last 3 lessons to answer the following questions.

1. Can you identify 2 differences between the processes of Fission and Fusion?



2. Can you identify 1 difference in the products of Fission and Fusion?



3. Can you identify 2 similarities of Fission and Fusion?



4. Give 2 advantages to using Fission as an Energy Resource.




5. Give 2 advantages to using Fusion as an Energy Resource.




6. Give 2 disadvantages to using Fission as an Energy Resource.




Score [ /11]

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Worksheet – Fission and Fusion QuestionsUse everything you have learnt in this topic to answer the following questions.

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Score [ /30]

24Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Critical Thinking Task – Fission vs. Fusion

In this activity you are going to create a newspaper article. In this article you are going to argue which is better: Fission or Fusion Energy.

Refer to the Success Criteria below:

Success Criteria Self-Check

Peer Mark

It is clear that the article is in favour of Fission or Fusion

Process of Fission clearly described and/or illustrated

Process of Fusion clearly described and/or illustrated

Advantages of Fission/Fusion discussed

Disadvantages of Fission/Fusion discussed

Conclusion weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of both resources

Use of key words and Scientific language throughout

Planning Space:










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26Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Stretch Activity: The Dangers of Nuclear Power

Use your MacBook’s and/or Textbooks to research the possible dangers of nuclear power and the waste it produces. Record your findings below.

[Stuck? Try visiting the websites below to get you started!]






















27Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Stretch Activity: The Advantages of using Fusion

Use your MacBook and/or Textbooks to research the possible advantages to using Fusion as an Energy Resource.

[Stuck: Try visiting the websites below to get you started!]





















28Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Generating Electricity

Past Paper Questions


An energy company plans to build a new power station.

The company must decide between two renewable energy projects, a geothermal power station or a solar power station.

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Explain how the location and the climate might affect the type of power station that the company chooses.
















(Total for question = 4 marks)

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Q2. Some energy sources are renewable and other energy sources are non-renewable.

(a) (i) Explain what is meant by the term non-renewable.



(ii) Give an example of a non-renewable energy source.



(b) The photograph shows a wind farm that generates electricity for the National Grid.

Some people think that wind farms are a good idea.

Others disagree.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of building more wind farms.










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(Total for question = 8 marks)

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Q3. The diagram shows some of the parts of a nuclear power station.

Describe the process of controlled fission of U-235 in the nuclear reactor.



















(Total for question = 6 marks)

33Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Q4. The diagram shows the main parts of a nuclear reactor.

In the nuclear reactor uranium-235 nuclei undergo fission in a controlled chain reaction.

(a) Describe nuclear fission and how the chain reaction is controlled.

Use terms from the diagram to help you.















34Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

(b) State the form of energy that is released during fission.



(c) How does the shielding improve safety?





(Total for question = 7 marks)


In a nuclear reactor, a uranium-235 nucleus absorbs a neutron and fission occurs.

(a)  Complete the equation below that shows a typical fission reaction.


(b)  Explain how nuclear fission can lead to a chain reaction.








35Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

(c)  The diagram shows a nuclear reactor.

(i)  On the diagram, label the control rods and the shielding.


(ii)  Explain why the shielding is needed.









(Total for question = 9 marks)

36Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Generating Electricity

Spec Point Notes

37Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Generating Electricity Specification Notes

4.18  describe the energy transfers involved in generating electricity using: 

WindKinetic store in wind à Transfer by mechanical means à Kinetic store in turbine

Kinetic store in turbine à Transfer by electricity à Chemical store in battery

WaterKinetic store in water à Transfer by mechanical means à Kinetic store in turbine

Kinetic store in turbine à Transfer by electricity à Chemical store in battery

Geothermal ResourcesThermal Store in groundà Transfer by heating à Thermal Store in water

Kinetic store in steam à Transfer by mechanical means à Kinetic store in turbine

Kinetic store in turbine à Transfer by electricity à Chemical store in battery

Solar Heating SystemsNuclear store in sunà Transfer by heating à Thermal store in water

Kinetic store in Steam à Transfer by mechanical means à Kinetic store in turbine

Kinetic store in turbine à Transfer by electricity à Chemical store in battery

38Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

Fossil FuelsChemical store in fossil fuel à Transfer by heating à Thermal Store in water

Kinetic store in steam à Transfer by mechanical means à Kinetic store in turbine

Kinetic store in turbine à Transfer by electricity à Chemical store in battery

Nuclear PowerNuclear store in fuel à Transfer by heating à Thermal Store in water

Kinetic store in steam à Transfer by mechanical means à Kinetic store in turbine

Kinetic store in turbine à Transfer by electricity à Chemical store in battery

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40Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)

4.19  describe the advantages and disadvantages of methods of large-scale electricity production from various renewable and non-renewable resources 

Resource Advantages Disadvantages

Wind Produces no greenhouse gases or pollution while in use.

Land can still be used for farming


Only produces energy when it is windy

Can be an eyesore

Can only be used in certain places.

Water (Hydroelectric

or tidal)

Continuously available

Produces no greenhouse gases or pollution while in use.


Destruction of habitats.

Can only be used in certain places.

Geothermal Resources

Produces no greenhouse gases.


Continuously available

Can only be used in certain places.

Drilling can produce harmful gases.

Solar Heating Systems

Produces no greenhouse gases or pollution while in use.


Only works when it is sunny.

Best used in locations with less cloud cover, e.g. deserts.

Solar Cells Produces no greenhouse gases or pollution while in use.


Only works when it is sunny.

Best used in locations with less cloud cover, e.g. deserts

Location must have large areas of open space.

Nuclear Power

Continuous energy production.

Produces no greenhouse gases.

Produces a large amount of energy from a small amount of fuel.

Produces dangerous radioactive waste.

Can be a target for terrorists.

Non renewable

Fossil Fuels Easy to obtain fuel.

Produces large amount of energy quickly.


Produces greenhouse gases and pollution

41Generating Electricity – Science (Physics)


know that nuclear reactions, including fission, fusion and radioactive decay, can be a source of energy


understand how a nucleus of U-235 can be split (the process of fission) by collision

with a neutron, and that this process releases energy as kinetic energy of the fission

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know that alpha (α) particles, beta (β−) particles, and gamma (γ) rays are ionising radiations emitted from unstable nuclei in a random process

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describe how a chain reaction can be set up if the neutrons produced by one fission strike other U-235 nuclei

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describe the role played by the control rods and moderator in the fission process

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7.2 2

understand the role of shielding around a nuclear reactor


explain the difference between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission

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