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PAP Ecology PacketName:

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Grade: ___/ 100

Concept Map: Characteristics of Life

Composed of CHNOPS

____________ Made of ______

To Build Ex: Make cells

_____________ To Break Ex: Digestion

Asexual ___ DNA source

ReproductionSexual ____ DNA sources

Get _______/Add Cells

Growth and Development


_________ to Quick_________ Ex: Jump at NoiseStimuli

___________ InternalRegulation

Adjust to Environment

___________ Genetic and Helps Survive

Characteristics of life ReinforcementIdentify the feature of life that is illustrated by each of the following statements.





Word Bank:





1. ___________________ “That boy shot up five inches in only one year.”

2. ___________________ “Our cat had a litter of kittens yesterday.”

3. ___________________ “My dog has become much less clumsy now that he is a year old.”

4. ___________________ “Eat a good breakfast and you will be able to run longer.”

5. ___________________ “When that car pulled in the driveway, my cat ran to hide under the porch.”

6. ___________________ “Single-celled organisms live in the pond behind school.”

7. ___________________ “Your body normally maintains a temperature of 98.6OF.

8. ___________________ “is another name for “living thing.”

9. Determine if each of the following describes a stimulus or a response.

a) the recess bell ringing in an elementary school ___________________

b) your mouth watering at the sight of food on a plate ___________________

c) a sudden drop in air temperature ___________________

d) a flu virus entering your body ___________________

e) getting “butterflies” in your stomach before giving a speech. ___________________

Identify which characteristic of living things is being described in each of the statements below. Some may be used more than once!

A. All living things contain cells.B. All living things contain DNA.C. All living things obtain and use energy.D. All living things reproduce.E. All living things respond to stimuli.

F. All living things maintain an internal balance- homeostasis.G. All living things grow and develop.H. All living things evolve as a population.

________1. An amoeba is a unicellular organism.

_________2. When a human steps out into the cold air, the body begins to shiver in order to keep its temperature at

98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

_________3. Green plants produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis.

_________4. An adult hydra is producing its offspring through budding.

_________5. The roots of a plant grow towards a source of ground water.

_________6. Over three years, Tim's height has increased from 5'4" to 5'11".

_________7. A pill bug eats a carrot.

_________8. A baby songbird hatches from its egg with both parent songbirds watching.

_________9. A tulip opens up in the morning at sunrise and closes up in the evening at sunset.

_________10. Identical twins have 99.999% of the same genes

Levels of Organization


Put the following terms in order from the largest (#1) to smallest (#5).

_____ Community

_____ Biosphere

_____ Organism

_____ Population

_____ Ecosystem

Given the list of organisms in each set below, indicate which level of organization is being studied (look at the list above!).

A. Herd of deer: _______________

B. Rock, Bald Eagle, Crocodile, Palm Tree, Hot Weather: ___________________

C. Zebra: _______________

D. Blue Whale, Squid, Sponge, Blue Marlin, Orca, Dolphin_______________

E. Lion laying in the grass spying on a giraffe: __________________

Abiotic and Biotic Factors

What is a Biotic Factor? ________________________ What is an Abiotic Factor? ______________________

Label the following items and A for abiotic or B for Biotic.







_____ 1. Whale

_____ 2. Water

_____ 3. Kelp

_____ 4. Sand

_____ 5. Phytoplankton

_____ 6. Snail

_____ 7. Rain

_____ 8. Virus

_____ 9. Algae

_____ 10. Protein

_____ 10. Bacteria

_____ 11. Lightning

_____ 12. Fossil

_____ 13. Seed

_____ 14. Cyanobacteria

List the abiotic and the biotic factors in the image.


Abiotic Factors Biotic Factors


Answer the following questions

Write out 3 food chains found in the food web above. Be sure to use ARROWS!




2. List the organisms above in the following categories: (You may use an organism more than once!) Producer (Hint: 2 organisms) Primary consumers (Hint: 3 organisms)

Secondary consumers (Hint: 3 organisms) Tertiary consumers (Hint: 3 organisms)

3.According to the food web above, who would receive a higher percentage of the energy than the crab?a. Lobster b. prawn c. fish d. limpet

4. Zebra Mussels first came to the U. S. from Eurasia in ship ballast water released into the great lakes. Since 1988, they have spread dramatically, out competing native species for food and habitat. Explain the major impacts of the invasive zebra mussels if it if it is introduced to the above ecosystem. __________________________________________________________________________________________




Using the food web above to answer the following questions5. How would other organisms be affected if the garter snake were removed from this ecosystem?

6. How would other organisms in this ecosystem be affected if the number of grasshoppers doubled?

7. What is the mouse’s food source? What type of consumer is the mouse?

8. How many food chains can you find that start with grass as the producer and have a hawk as the final consumer?

The diagram below shows an energy pyramid. Fill in the correct amount of available energy at each level.

Fill in the following energy pyramids to show how much energy would be available at each trophic level.


10,000 kcal



kcal The energy lost at each level is lost due to?


Circle the correct answers:

1.Any change in plant communities over time is called a(n) ______. A. Pioneer Species B. Climax Community C. Ecological Succession

2.The final stable state of a succession is called the ____ community. A. Climax Community B. Revolutionary C. Organized

3.The first organism in a succession is called the ____? A. Climax Community B. Ancestor Species C. Pioneer Species

4.Several years after some ground was cleared, grasses began to grow in an area. After 10 years, small bushes replaced the grasses. This pattern of plant growth is known as ____? A. Primary succession B. Ecological Succession C. Evolution

5. Which organisms would most likely be found on a newly formed volcanic island? A. Lichen and Mosses B. Shrubs and Deciduous Trees C. Conifers and Pine Trees


_______ units

In the figure below, label the following by placing the correct letter IN the picture. *some letters may be used more than once*

A. Pioneer Organism B. Most BiodiversityC. Least BiodiversityD. Most likely to find top predators

E. Most likely to find only autotrophsF. Climax CommunityG. Most likely to have only herbivoresH. Homeostasis

Circle the correct answer: The image above shows (PRIMARY / SECONDARY) succession.


Directions: Complete a Venn diagram that compares and contrasts Primary Succession to Secondary Succession using the following bulleted phrases **ONLY WRITE THE LETTER

A. No previously existing life.B. Plants and Animals adapt.C. Low biodiversityD. Comes after a natural disaster.E. Climax Community.F. Starts because of a forest fire or flood.G. Starts because of a volcano or receding glacier.H. Previously existing life.

I. Pioneer Species.J. Starts with previously existing soil.K. Starts on bare rock.L. Lichens break down rock.M. Happens relatively slow.N. Happens relatively fast.O. Gradual growth.P. High biodiversity

Toxoplasmosis: A Cause for Concern?

Toxoplasmosis is aq disease caused by the microscopic parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The parasite usually infects mice affecting their nervous system and causing them to take unusual risks (such as running out in the open, and coming unusually close to animals which may eat them). Scientist believe this is actually a way for the parasite to reach its primary host – cats. When a cat catches and eats an infected mouse, the Toxoplasma gondii enters its digestive system and steals nutrients from the cat. Humans can become infected by Toxoplasma gondii through contact with cat feces. Scientists now believe that Toxoplasmosis in humans can cause substantial changes in mood and behavior, and may even be linked to certain types of depression. It is estimated that 30-65% of people worldwide may be infected with Toxoplasma gondii.

Based on the story above, discuss how the organisms interact with each other. In your response, be sure to:

Identify at least TWO different symbiotic relationships involved in Toxoplasma gondii transmission and explain each.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Identify a predatory relationship _______________________________________________________________________

Example Name the Relationship: 12

Commensalism, Mutualism, Parasitism, Predator/Prey, or Competition

1. Some shrimp and crab live and capture food from within the tentacles of giant anemones.

2. A pearlfish spends the day inside the alimentary tract, or intestines, of a sea cucumber. The fish emerges from the sea cucumber at night to feed on small crustaceans. The pearlfish gets a safe place to live. The sea cucumber does not gain anything from the relationship, nor is it harmed.

3. A cymothoid isopod lives inside the mouth of a snapper fish. The isopod severs blood vessels in the fish’s tongue, causing the tongue to atrophy and degenerate. The isopod then hooks its pereopods, or legs, to the base of the fish’s tongue, essentially replacing the tongue. The isopod stays there for the rest of its life, feeding on blood, mucus, and stray pieces of food from the fish.

4. A bear captures salmon swimming in a river during the salmon spawning season.

5. Mistletoe plant extracts water and nutrients from the spruce to the spruce tree’s detriment.

6. A caterpillar feeds on the leaves of a milkweed plant.

7. Hermit crabs live in shells made and then abandoned by snails.

8. Two male rams use their horns in a fight over who will be the lead alpha and mate with the surrounding females.

9. Corals feed off the byproducts of a microscopic algae living within their own tissue, called zooxanthellae. The photosynthetic activity of the algae is vital to the survival of the coral animals, which use the energy to extract calcium from the seawater and build their calcareous skeletons. The zooxanthellae are protected by the hard coral and obtain plant nutrients from the coral.

10. A tapeworm needs to eat food that is already digested, so it lives in the intestines of a dogfish shark and derives nourishment from the shark. As a result of the tapeworm infestation, the shark is weakened and more vulnerable to disease and predation.

11. Cheetahs and lions both species feed on similar prey such as antelope

12. Cyanobacteria (algae) live among filaments of a fungus. The fungus benefits from the cyanobacteria because they produce food by photosynthesis.

Examine the diagram over each cycle. Answer the following questions:


Carbon Cycle 1-5

1. What process removes carbon from the atmosphere?

2. When an animal or plant dies, where does carbon go?

3. How is extra carbon getting into the atmosphere? *Name 3

4. After we consume carbon in the food we eat, how does it get back into the atmosphere?

5. What would happen if deforestation occurred in this carbon cycle?

Nitrogen Cycle 6-8

6. What are 2 ways that atmospheric nitrogen gets in to the ground?

7. Nitrogen fixation for plants occurs in what organisms? What type of symbiotic relationship is this?

8. What would happen without any decomposers in this nitrogen cycle?


