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Chapter 13. O. Mochida, Tatang Suryana, Ayuk Wahyu. 1977. Recent outbreaks of the brown planthopper in Southeast Asia (with special reference to Indonesia). Pages 170-191. In: Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC). The Rice Brown Planthopper. FFTC sponsored a seminar “The Rice Brown Planthopper” from October 5-9, 1976, published in August 1977, Taipei, Taiwan, 256 pages.

Keywords: rice Oryza sativa, Nilaparvata lugens, damage and yield loss, outbreaks in Indonesia, Philippines, India, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Japan, also records of grassy stunt virus, total area attacked by year from 1969-1976, more outbreaks in the wet seasons, surveillance, visual counting, sweeping, yield by rice variety, hopperburn
